How To Draw A Halloween Folding Surprise (Skeleton Grave)

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hey our friends here we're gonna be drawing a halloween folding surprise yeah when it's folded up it'll look like a tombstone and then when you open it it looks like the skeleton is popping out of the grave yes we hope you're gonna follow along it'll be a lot of fun you need your drawing supplies we're gonna use a marker you also need some paper it's something to color with yeah you're ready to start yes we have our marker paper we're going to start by folding that first now these are the same steps that we always do with our folding surprise drawings so if you know these steps you can go ahead and fast forward to where we start drawing so first fold it right in the middle and out to the edges then we'll take this top flap and line it up with the top edge and fold it down and out to the corners also then let's flip it over and repeat that same step we're going to take the top flap line it up with the top edge crease it down the middle and out to the corners nice now this last fold we're going to unfold it's just a guide for when we're drawing once you flatten it out you can flip it back over then we have some red scratch paper we're going to put underneath our drawing paper this is just to protect our table when we're drawing now we're ready to use our markers we're first going to draw the ground and let's start right here in the middle of our paper and we're going to draw a curve that comes over and then crosses over the fold and out to the edge of the paper this is kind of the mound that our tombstone will be on then we're going to start on this side and do the same thing we'll draw a curve that comes over the fold and out to the edge now let's draw the tombstone we're going to draw two lines coming out of the ground i'm going to draw a little taller and you could even change the shape of the tombstone if you want to we're going to draw two short lines coming in you could just draw it straight across you could draw a curve let's draw an upside down u to connect those two lines now let's add a border around our tombstone i'm just going to repeat the same shape to create this little border going around and you could add more things to your tombstone oh i'm going to add the word rip and rest in peace right yes we're gonna draw r i p oh let's add a little skull up here at the top i'm gonna draw two dots for the eyes then let's draw a circle that goes around but it doesn't connect at the bottom we're going to leave a little gap at the bottom and then we can draw the teeth we'll go down over and up there's our little skull that's awesome let's add cracks i'm going to draw a zigzag line coming across maybe the bottom and also the top we could add one more i'm going to draw another one coming down here and maybe there's a little crack coming off of this first one okay now let's add grass we're going to draw a long grass maybe or a weed sticking out on the side and maybe one on this side too a longer weed we could even draw some moss i'm gonna draw a little bumpy line going across the top or it could be slime let's add rocks i'm gonna add a little curve right here or a circle we could even add maybe there's a rock over here on this side and some little rocks down here in the grass on the ground you could add more rocks you could add spiders you could add spider webs or even bats you could add a lot of extra details that would be really cool yeah let's leave it just like this though and let's open up our paper or unfold it and flatten it out we have the tombstone up here at the top and some of the ground down here let's complete the grass up here at the top so the skeleton's exploding out of the grave let's add grass or the zigzag line from the left side over to the right side and some of the zigzags could be big and some small but we want to connect up to the other side now let's add that same zigzag down here at the bottom so we're going to start on this side and we'll add small zigzags and big ones this is where the grass kind of ripped apart now we're ready to add the skeleton coming out of the grave we're going to add the nose first let's draw an upside down v right in the middle but below the tombstone and then we can complete that by drawing a little curve at the bottom and we could even color in that triangle now let's draw the eyes we can draw a circle over here on the left and the same size circle over here on the right and let's color in those eyes too anytime we go too fast or if we speed up the video what can our friends do pause it yeah you guys can pause the video to take extra time to finish any of the steps okay now let's draw the outside shape of our skull we're going to draw a curve that comes down and underneath the eye we're going to curve under and let's do the same thing on the right side we'll come down curve around that's a big skull yeah now let's add the teeth this time instead of drawing it like this let's add u shapes connected together all the way over to the other side i'm going to make these eyes a little bigger we can also add a curve like this to make them look more 3d look at that that looks pretty cool yeah i'm going to make this one bigger too and on this side i'm going to draw the curve on the opposite side it kind of looks cross-eyed yeah [Laughter] and you could add eyelashes if you want let's add cracks hadley would definitely add eyelashes we could also add maybe there's another crack going down this way and i'm going to add a crack on this side too oh we could also add dirt let's add a bumpy cloud line coming down from the grass and connecting to the skull let's do the same thing on the right side he's looking awesome okay now let's draw the body we're going to start here and draw a letter u underneath the mouth nice then we can draw the bottom of our skeleton and also the ribs let's draw a curve or rainbow line that goes across and then let's draw the sternum we're going to draw two lines right down the middle and more lines on the left side for the ribs and also on the right side [Laughter] this might be my new favorite halloween lesson let's color in this shape right here and also add two ovals on this bottom part this is for the hips yes let's color it in which we draw next arms yeah let's do it let's draw two lines coming out to the left this is for the top part of the arm let's draw two bumps at the end to connect those two lines together now let's draw two lines coming up we're gonna make our skeleton look like he's trying to scare somebody or he's trying to get someone let's repeat that same step we're gonna draw two bumps to end the bone and then let's draw the hand we'll draw an upside down u first that's for the palm then we can draw a short upside down u for the thumb and then let's draw three longer upside down u's for the fingers you could add an extra finger if you want well four fingers sometimes i like just adding three yeah then we can draw a line right in the middle to separate the bones in the fingers cool we got one arm let's repeat that same step for the right side we can draw two lines coming out for the first part of the arm and then two bumps for the end of the bone and this one i'm gonna aim a little bit different but it'll still go up so two lines and then we'll draw two bumps for the end of the bone then let's draw the palm our upside down u then we could draw the thumb short upside down you i'm gonna add another finger one more there we go now it has five fingers i think sometimes on cartoons they just draw three fingers and a thumb so four fingers but that's all right you can do whatever you want right yes the most important thing is have fun and two practice practice remember to have fun and practice okay i need to draw one more finger for four and then let's draw that extra line right in the middle to separate the bones awesome now let's try the legs i'm going to draw one leg coming up almost like he's stepping out of the grave so we're going to draw the knee up high let's draw two lines coming out then let's draw those two bumps just like we did for the arm and then let's draw the two lines coming down for the rest of the leg and then let's draw two bumps right there and we can also add maybe just two lines for the foot going into the grass now let's draw the other leg and we're going to draw it coming down it's further in the ground [Laughter] and then the two bumps for the end of the bone and then this one we're just going to draw two lines for the rest of the leg going into the ground what else should we add more dirt oh yeah we have dirt up here on the head let's add it down here on the ground i'm going to draw a bumpy line behind our skeleton legs well maybe there's a little dirt over here too and maybe we could draw some dirt flying out of the ground we're going to draw a cloud line right here let's add dirt over here too and we need more rocks maybe there's some rocks flying up in the air okay he's he's exploding out of the ground now you could add even more stuff you could add more bats maybe if you have a bat up here you could add bats inside of the folding surprise you could add candy what else could they add you could have pumpkins or even a black cat oh that would be really cool i think this looks awesome what should we do next color it yeah this part will fast forward but at the end you could pause the video if you want to match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yes [Music] jack we did it we finished drawing and coloring our halloween folding surprise turned out awesome yeah but let's show our friends the inside ready three two one boom i know i thought you were gonna say i should have said something [Laughter] i love how it looks all colored in now you could color it the same way we did we just used three colors well i have an extra brown a dark brown but if you have the same markers we used y529 for the dirt what's the green color or the grass g406 yeah and then our gray c cg cg03 yeah cg03 that's a light gray that we use for the tombstone and also the shading around the skeleton but you could color it any way you want yeah and you could also use different materials like colored pencils or even crayons we hope you had a lot of fun drawing your skeleton folding surprise video we hope you had a lot of fun following along with us and we hope you take extra time to add more things to your drawing and we'll see you later our friends goodbye you say something this time one three oh three two one [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 2,520,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, art lesson, 2021, drawing, Halloween, folding surprise, skeleton, tombstone, grave
Id: 3id_ky_Bh8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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