How To Draw A Zombie Pizza

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we're going to draw a pizza monster or a zombie pizza we hope you're going to follow along with us it's going to be gross but super fun you need something to draw with marker pepper and so much color with yeah now we're gonna use markers but you don't have to you can use whatever you have at home we're also using marker paper you ready to start yeah first we're gonna draw the top of our pizza the crust we're gonna draw a curve like that for the crust yes and we're drawing it towards the top of our paper so that we have room for all of the melted cheese down here okay now let's draw the top of our crust and we're going to start right above this line and we're going to draw the same line again but not all the way across so we're going to try to match like that but then we're going to stop about halfway that way we can draw it we're going to make it look like a bite has been taken out of the out of the crust and you can see the stuffed crust this stuff on the inside but it's not going to be cheese we're going to make it gross slime yeah grill slime let's skip over here we're going to pretend like we're drawing that line all the way over and then we're going to draw just a little line so imagine that line coming over and then just adding yeah now let's draw the bite we're going to draw bumpy lines like this coming across doesn't that look like teeth chomping yeah or a lot of teeth i like how many teeth you drew okay now let's draw the slime of the stuffed crust we're going to draw a bumpy line going this way inside of the bite yeah all the way across and then we can also let's draw a curve connecting the bite down into the slime we're going to draw more slime later let's leave it just like that and we'll finish the end of the crust we'll draw a curve to connect the top down to the bottom okay we're going to draw that same curve over here on the right we're also trying to make our pizza look 3d next we're going to draw the melted cheese we're going to start by coming we're going to split our crust right in the middle and we're going to draw an imaginary line that comes down and we're going to put a point down here at the bottom you know how cheese or pizza slices are cut so they look like triangle you could go down even further go down a little further so your pizza is even bigger and that's okay about that dot we'll turn it into something else yeah let's start over here we're gonna draw our first drip we're gonna come down melted cheese we're going to come down like this and then we're going to draw a line or a curve that loops back up so it's got some melted cheese drip okay now we're going to make our cheese we're going to come down to this point so we're going to make a couple more drips but we want to come and finish down here at the point watch this i'm going to add another maybe this drip isn't as big but another one and then connect into the point yeah you could add any more add a couple more one more drip and then connect it to the point yeah little drip yeah good job now we're gonna do the same thing but we're going to do it on the right side and we're going to make the drips go the other direction so we'll draw come down like this maybe this drip is really big yes then we're going to loop back around add maybe another one another one and then into the point good job and then connect it all right we got our melted cheese let's add more details we're going to add the rest of our crust but first let's draw slime coming out of the stuffed crust area so first let's draw a smaller curve that kind of matches our crust line but it's smaller now we're going to draw the slime coming out so let's draw one drip on top and then maybe we could draw another drip coming out further whoa it's like it's squishing out it's gonna be gross and then we're gonna do one more drip coming down further and then connect it in let's do that same thing over here and maybe this one's coming out on the other side so i'm going to just draw maybe a small drip and then a big drip and a small one and then connect it back in so i did that quick you don't have to draw it exactly like that you could add more yes or that looks really cool okay now let's connect the top of the crust down to the slime then we're going to imagine that crust coming behind the slime and coming down like this let's add a worm coming out of our crust i'm going to do the same thing we did with the slime just add a little curve this time and we're going to draw the top of our worm we're going to curve out and down then right at the end let's curve the other way okay let's draw the other side of our worm we'll start at the bottom of the curve and we're going to draw a matching curve that comes out just like the top one [Music] and then right here at the end let's draw the end of the worm oh it's cool let's add another worm over here i'm gonna add more worms this time i'm just gonna draw a little loop that comes out and then back in it's a big one yeah that one's really thick now to finish our worms we need to make them look more 3d let's add little curves going down our worm this gives our worm texture and makes it look more round and three-dimensional let's do the same thing over here this time i'm going to draw the curves going this way let's finish our crust we're going to imagine it coming behind our worm right here and we're going to come down and stop right next to the point of the cheese the end of our slice of pizza good job and then we're gonna connect it to the cheese at the very bottom all right let's add sauce to our pizza we're gonna start here and let's draw a wavy line over to the other side now we could also add sauce on the side of our pizza in between the cheese and the crust i'm gonna draw even more sauce down here and maybe even a little more down here all the way down to the point oh we could draw sauce yeah keep going we could draw sauce coming out of the cheese right here let's draw more little like a splash fire coming out it yeah kind of does it looks like the slime drips of slime i'm gonna add even more right here right here at the end oh and we could even add some coming out over here now i know we're going really fast i'm going fast you don't have to do it exactly like mine you could pause the video if you need extra time and you could add even more details what should we draw next on our pizza funny face is that your zombie mouth let's first draw an oval over here for the left eye i'm going to draw a big oval like this it's really tall and i'm going to draw we'll draw the same oval over here on the right let's make it look like the cheese is melting away from the eyeballs we're going to draw a line that curves down like this and then back into the eye it looks like the letter j then we're going to do that same curve on the right side except going the other direction we could also draw little drips of cheese underneath that wrinkle and we could do the same over here right here next let's draw a smaller oval inside of the eye we can color it in this is for the pupil inside of the eyes well it's really starting to look gross yeah it is next we should draw the mouth let's try tongue sticking out let's draw a u right here at the bottom of our pizza in the middle look at that you connected to that little dot now we're going to draw the top of our tongue we're going to draw a curve like that looks like a little hook and then right here in the middle we're going to curve up like this over and then outside of the tongue okay now let's draw the outside of our mouth we'll start here and we'll draw a line that comes out and connects to the outside of the tongue let's also draw that same line on the other side now we're going to kind of run into your eyes but that's okay we're going to curve around like this up over and if you want to you could also add i'm going to draw drips of cheese right here and then we're going to connect back down on the other side you could leave the drips of cheese off if you want and just draw a big upside down u to make it a little easier yeah i think there you go just connect it back in that was easy good job what are we missing pepperonis yeah let's add toppings to our pizza i'm gonna draw a pepperoni right here and uh maybe another one over i don't know maybe half of a pepperoni and this one's gonna go behind the tongue this pepperoni looks like his nose it does look like his nose i'm gonna add uh maybe some oh green peppers look at this i'm gonna draw two curves kind of looks like a piece of macaroni yeah you draw two curves together because it's not colored in yeah we need to color it in but it could be macaroni that could be that would make it even grosser well actually probably be good with macaroni and cheese yeah because it's cheese yeah one cheese so i add more little curves and then so two curves together and then connect the outside edges i don't add one more pepperoni slice but i don't know where to add it um let's put it in right here i'm going to draw it right here on the end and then it will we'll just connect it to the end of the cheese i'm going to add one more green pepper right here in the middle oh let's add one more worm i'm going to draw an s curve coming out and another one right below it and then connect the top down to the bottom that's a really thick one i like that and then we could draw those curves to give the worm more texture and make it look 3d spikier it is a spiky worm i like it also we did it we finished drawing our zombie pizza it looks really disgusting yeah we still need to do one more thing though color it this part we're gonna fast forward but at the end you can pause the video if you want to match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yeah [Music] awesome we did it we finished coloring our zombie pizzas they look so disgusting man yes good job i love how it turned out we added a lot of extra worms and also more splats and gooey drips it looks really gross we also added more details to the eyes now you guys can add as much gross stuff you could add more eyeballs or bugs that would be way cool lots of bugs even spiders oh and webs oh wait lots of webs we hope you had fun drawing your zombie pizza we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we hope you have fun making it really gross adding more things you can even add a background maybe there's more zombie pizzas little ones baby ones in the background yeah and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 481,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, pizza, monster, gross, zombie, Halloween, scary, spooky
Id: IVaEhHXh0bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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