How To Use AI To Make and Sell Professional Logos ($4829/month)

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imagine if you could create professional looking logos within minutes using AI tools and then sell each of them for anywhere from 20 to 150 dollars each here are some logos I just generated using AI 10 incredible designs in just 10 minutes of work now in this video I'll show you how to make these logos in mid-journey what prompts to use and then how to optimize and further improve these designs and logos to end up with a super high quality final product and then I'll show you how to sell it including a technique that I guarantee you haven't heard talked about before in similar videos okay let's start with how to sell now there are two proven ways to sell this kind of digital product the best part about selling logos is that you can package and sell them in multiple ways option number one someone online needs a specific logo design and you'll create that design specifically for that client most people start on Fiverr and Etsy and actually offer their logo making Services there doing that can make you anywhere from twenty dollars to maybe a hundred and fifty dollars plus per logo depending on the client of course and how you Market your services but more on that a little bit later the second option is passive income via logo templates you can create these templates once publish them and then sell them an unlimited amount of times for example here's an Etsy shop selling logo templates people pay 17 and they get a link to edit these logos on canva they can then change the text colors and font to match their business or brand now this logo template has been sold over one thousand times which means someone like you or me has actually created this template and has sold it and has made about seventeen thousand dollars and don't forget there's almost zero costs and a really high profit margin associated with that Revenue now here is a beginner store that's eight months old it has only two logo templates and this store already has over 1900 sales that means this new store has generated over fifteen thousand dollars and I'll show you exactly how to set up a store like this and generate logo templates later in this video now before we get into actually generating these logos I want to show you just how much money is in the logo designing business now you're not going to be making this much money straight away but it just goes to show that there is a lot of demand for these products here's one seller charging 130 for just one professional looking logo you can see that he has over 4 000 reviews which means he has made potentially around five hundred thousand dollars here's another seller this time from Etsy fifteen thousand sales with an average order value of about fifteen dollars this store has made over two hundred thousand dollars just selling logos now like I said before I mean these are just real people who just decided one day to try it out and give it a shot the best part A lot of them probably aren't using AI tools or at least aren't using them yet which means there's room for you to take some of the market share so let's jump into mid journey and start generating some logos now if you don't know what mid-journey is it's a text to image generator that converts Simple Text descriptions or prompts into extremely detailed images it can create pretty much anything you want and we're going to use it to create hundreds of logos for your clients quickly and efficiently now mid Journey does cost ten dollars a month but considering you'll ideally be at least a few logos per week each worth about thirty dollars this will quickly pay for itself if you don't want to pay for mid-journey you can use a free alternative called leonardo.payer but personally I would just use mid Journey it's pretty much the best tool out there you can use for this particular process now all you need to do to get mid-journey up and running is obviously download Discord and create a free account if you don't already have an account then head over to the mid Journey website and join the beta now just type forward slash imagine and describe what kind of logo you want the AI to generate so for example let's say you have an ice cream business approach you for a logo on Fiverr I'm gonna ask mid-journey to create a logo for an ice cream shop after a short while you'll get some results back from mid Journey now there are a lot of ways you can play with this to get the style of logo you want most of the time your client in this case your pump ice cream business might even give you an idea of what they want for example if you want your logos to have a vintage look just use the word vintage or maybe you want a 3D style logo then just add 3D to The Prompt now you'll get even better results if you describe your logo with as much detail as possible spend some time trying different descriptions and Trigger words like you know things like minimal retro or bright for example now if you want to supercharge your mid-journey prompts check out this neat little hack go to forward slash app forward slash search and here you can actually search different prompts to find what other people aren't doing now if I search ice cream shop logo for example I see a number of previously generated relevant logos and if I hover over them I can see the exact text prompt used to generate it so this is a really quick and easy way to just kind of find out what other people have already done you can also mix and match different prompts within their prompts to sort of create your own custom one also don't forget that within mid Journey you can also click the variation button of a logo design you like the look of to generate four more logos in a similar style now after you spend some time and find a logo you really like or matches what the business wants the best click the useful upscale button underneath it I like this particular logo so I'll click the corresponding U button to upscale that image now when you upscale an image on Mid journey and download it by clicking on it clicking open in browser and then right click and save image as you'll see that the resolution of the logo is actually fairly low there's a few more steps we have to do before sending this logo to The Client First you need to upscale these images to be as sharp as possible you can use any of these AI image upscalers they're both free and just compare how sharp the logo is before and after upscaling upscaling is really important because you want to have the highest quality logo file possible to make edits and color changes in the next step now speaking of The Next Step this step is essential because you want to be able to compete at the same level as these sellers making thousands of dollars a month on Fiverr and Etsy to give you an idea of what I mean open up your newly upscaled logo zoom in again into the image and you can see that it's still kind of blurry and low quality even though you just upscale it also we need to edit a few things on the logo including removing the background this is where Adobe Illustrator comes in it's only 21 a month and if you're a student you can probably get it cheaper than that but it will take your logos to the next level and make them indistinguishable from the highest quality logo designers out there once you have it open up illustrator click new file in the top layer corner and create a 1 000 by 1000 pixel project then drag and drop your image into this project within illustrator again zooming in you can see it's quite blurry and of course the background is still there which we don't want so click on the logo and click image trace this button converts the image with the logo into a vector file what that means is that the software basically creates a mathematical formula for that logo so your logo will remain super sharp no matter the resolution or how big or small you increase the logo size by next we'll use the threshold slider on the left to ensure the edges of the logo are properly selected also check ignore white if you want to remove the white background now you can see that no matter how much I zoom in the logo remains sharp then click expand now if your logo has a colored background there is an additional step here you need to click image trace and change the presets to three colors click expand now double click on the background and you should be able to now move it separately to the logo which means you can also just delete it now if you have a colored logo the steps are a little bit different first click image trace this time for preset choose 16 colors now click expand double click the logo and select and delete the background now if your logo has text we're obviously going to have to remove that so that the customer or you can type in whatever they want so double click on the logo click and drag over the text to select it and click delete using this method you can actually remove any part of the logo that you don't want it doesn't have to be text either you can delete anything really by double clicking on it and hitting the delete key on your keyboard and boom once you get the hang of this process you can clean up and vectorize pretty much any logo you can think of within seconds here are five different styles of logos I've done this complete process too and it only took me about 10 minutes now it's time to export our logo select the logo that you want to export go to file select export selection then set the format to SVG and click export assets okay so what's the best way of actually getting this final product to your customer well there are two main ways now if you're planning to give the customer a final PNG or even the SVG Vector file you should learn how to change colors and text and make minor variations to the logo within illustrator if you want a more detailed tutorial on this sign up to my email list using the link in the description below and I'll email you as soon as I upload that tutorial the final file can then simply be added to Fiverr or upwork where it will be sent to the customer as a draft if they like it they'll accept it and you get paid but just be prepared that they might want some corrections or variations made now if you don't know how to use illustrator that much yet or you're actually planning to sell this logo as a template you need some way to share the editable version with your customers for this we are going to use a free website called canva so head over to canva click create a design and choose logo drop your logo here change the color of the logo if necessary if the logo originally was generated with text and we've obviously removed it in illustrator in the previous step I'm going to add a text box instead and we'll try to find a font that matches this particular logo style I also found it helpful to also drop in the original upscaled logo from mid-journey and use it to position text correctly and also use it as a color board to match colors if you liked the previous combinations used in mid Journey now once you sell this logo template on Etsy or Fiverr your customer receives a link to this template where they can edit the text the logo or the background color to get this link Click Share click template link and copy this link bonus tip you can actually add 15 or 20 logos to this same canva file and sell it as an editable logo pack on Etsy okay now let's actually sell this template now if you're selling on Etsy your title and tags can play an essential role in the discoverability of your listing at least that's what I've found when I've used Etsy in the past one very effective way to get a working title is to search for similar products on the platform focus on the listings only on the first page because these are the most successful ones and the ones being currently recommended to Etsy customers find a similar listing to yours and read the keywords used in the title now you need to compose your own title based on those keywords this should help your listing get on top of the search results and hopefully generate you some sales it also doesn't hurt to study what the top Etsy sellers are doing and just do it better on your Etsy store now that could be anything from making a more competitive price putting more designs in the same Etsy file or also things like just making the preview of your logos just seem really professional now here's the real gold miner of information in this video let's be honest pretty much anyone can do what I just described it's really not that difficult I mean the barrier to entry is pretty much you need a subscription to Mid journey and access to a computer it's not very high right so if you want to stand out from the competition you need to take it a step further now I would start a proper design business for example the first step is to come up with a business name now you can try AI business name generators like Luca Dot I typed in the keywords design agency and Logo now some of the brand names sound a bit dumb but I actually really like this one brand wear clicking on it I can see that the domain is available next I'll create branding and a logo for my business using the skills I've just learned I'll then make a website using a theme template on either Wix or and boom I have my very own design agency now if you really spend some time here and make it look really good and legit you can actually charge more and potentially even attract more clients and I wouldn't stop at just logos either keep building your skills and expertise so that you can offer an online branding package or even subcontract your logo designs to other design agencies so basically another design agency might come to you and you do their work for them in exchange for payment also don't forget that you can Niche down into a particular industry for example doing logos and branding for SAS companies in particular for example but that's getting a little bit too off topic for this video so subscribe if you want to learn more about that process
Channel: Liam Lorin
Views: 1,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, ai tools, free ai tools, make money online, make money with ai, midjourney, how to make money with midjourney, make logos with midjourney, how to create logos ai, midjourney logos, etsy logos, how to make logos, passive income, how to make money on etsy, fiverr logos, sell fiverr logos, fiverr, side hustle, best ai tools, midjourney prompts, create logos in midjourney, chatgpt,, ai side hustle, ai logos, midjourney logo prompts
Id: H4_XthhCPhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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