December 1 2020 Club Cubase Google Hangout

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all right welcome to the december 1st 2020 club cubase google hangout uh i'm going to do a quick audio test and make sure everything is coming through just fine on my end and we'll get started here in just a moment all right okay sounds like everything is coming through just fine my name is greg undo i work for yamaha corporation of america as a steinberg product specialist and other related items and i'll be the host for today's hangout i'll be presenting from the united states just outside washington dc in alexandria virginia for those that are watching live you can ask questions in the chat field and you could submit questions in advance to club cubase at steinberg dot d e uh if you're watching this on the replay not live you may want to skip ahead eight or ten minutes as we let people get logged in so um but if the people that are watching live if you want to tell us uh who you are and where you're from that's always interesting see where people are from and also if you if it is your first uh google hangout club cubase google hangout if you could let us know that as well so we will let some people start to get logged in and we'll get started here in just a couple minutes we hope if you're in the united states that you had a nice uh thanksgiving break so that's why we didn't have our usual friday hangout but we should have both hangouts this week so we will go ahead and get started here in just a few minutes a couple of uh little ground rules so if we could try to we have a lot of questions that will be asked um if we could you know the ability of the questions to be asked uh will will far exceed uh my ability to answer them in real time so if you know that we will try to catch up and get through all the questions in the uh chat field but we could just ask if you ask your questions in the live chat so if we could try to avoid asking the same question repeatedly that would be helpful also if you have the ability to indicate like you know in your question sometimes it may be dependent on which version of cubase you can say i'm running cubase pro 11 on windows or cubase 10 artist on mac os so that information sometimes could be helpful as well like many of you during our covet era pandemic my family is home so i may be interrupted throughout the hangouts i may have to get a show on for my son or as he kind of finishes up his school so i'll apologize in advance for any uh interruptions we'll try to keep them as minimal as possible and we'll try to go for about four hours today later this evening we will try to have a index of all the topics covered in the hangout today uh so with timestamps you could click just to those particular areas and if you wanted to search topics based on previous hangouts uh jan who's usually on the index who's usually on the hangout has started a website called that you could search so that's a great resource if you have a question and you think we may have covered it in a hangout you don't feel like streaming through 256 hours of hangouts or whatever it is this year uh you could just do a search there so it is a great resource for uh looking through so let's go ahead and see who is on the hangout so far all right so we see ace from texas okay and all right so all right so there's some questions on squasher spectral layers question um okay so we see sir robert from atlanta we see jay from new haven connecticut okay my phone is kind of going crazy just gonna check to make sure i'm not doing something incredibly wrong all right so just some messages okay so we see walter from st louis all right so we have stan from liverpool okay so we have tim from mission viejo okay so we have vinnie from orlando good to see you we have jazz dude from germany i believe heidelberg we have finland all right so we have john koskinen from chile kenosha wisconsin all right so we have uh stefan from sweden with taylor from pine grove we have millard brown from pennsylvania all right so we see jazz stan from sunny la first time welcome feel free to ask any questions we see robbie from dallas texas good to see you robbie loyal attendee all right so we have walter from st louis who's in the club cubase group there we have amsterdam india all right okay just go and read through here all right so someone else from india okay so just seeing a question on scale system from paul c um yeah so if you want to he's just asking if he could do like a youtube or if you want to just send a your if it's kind of a bit complex if you want to send your question in via you know a link or a private youtube link that's fine all right so we see yan from stockholm okay so we have beirut we have albuquerque sacramento sweden toronto reading uk brooklyn new york all right so some more people still kind of logging in all right so we have bosnia herzegovina all right london canada all right so durham uk okay okay seeing some questions on your 22cc from taylor all right so in norway we have bushwick in brooklyn we have moonchin munich i believe it says americans say all right so let's go ahead and get kind of an early start so we have some people logged in so um okay so i'm just seeing kind of maybe references to a question before from maybe from oren on licensing uh did someone reply to you but i don't see oren's original message so maybe if warren's on the hangout you could ask your question um so first question hi greg do we have a way in cubase to view visually meter or graph and final mix frequencies use between 20 hertz and 20 kilohertz so you know there's a couple of different ways that we could do this one is if you go to [Music] the control room you know one of the new plugins that you could have is just a plugin called supervision so or you could put this on your master bus as well so this is in version 11 so if you have a supervision you could just switch this to be a spectrum bar so as you play back uh the project and i'll just kind of that was okay so that's one of the frequencies you could also have a spectrum curve so different kind of frequency response graphs there's more spectral based [Music] but if you don't have uh that particular version if you did let's say a mix down you know one of the things that you could do also um in previous versions as you're working with this is on the master buss so let's say i'll just kind of [Music] jump right over here and if you go under tools [Music] it may have been removed with version 11. but there is a kind of a little scope [Music] yeah so in the previous versions there was a scope plug-in um that you could use as well i think that's been replaced by supervision in version 11 but you could also if you go to your audio menu and if we wanted to come right over here there's uh let's see if this is still in but you could see your spectrum analyzer and here you could see from you know 15 to you know 20 hertz kind of 20k uh just just laid out so up to 20k so you have 15 to 20k that you can see kind of in your spectrum graph directly there so that's how you could do it in previous versions but the new one it's a also kind of ideal for uh working with um you know the new versions it's kind of with the supervision plug-in gives you a lot of flexibility uh let's see greg uh so second question uh could you please recommend an affordable yamaha studio headphones that could play frequencies between 20 and 20k so the headphones that i'm currently using um or yamaha i think it's hph mt8 so [Music] take a quick look so so when so these are the ones that i'm currently using i think these go 15 to 21k or something like that so 15 hertz to 28k is what they'll do so your dogs could appreciate the ultra high frequencies but you know those are uh the headphones that i kind of use for all the hangouts there's gonna be other models so say if we go to the yamaha website um so generally probably the lower the model number the lower the price if you want something a little more budget conscious um you know we could do and let's see if they have so this is uh 20 to 20k the hph mt5 and i think ace is based in the us but let's say if i just copy this we see what the msrp is but if you go to um different sites you know and you could check with kind of your retailer so i'll just kind of punch this in so and it's 99 bucks uh so but i have to say you know not just because i'm a yamaha employee but i really do uh like these headphones and often like on hangout days i wear them for seven or eight hours without any issues or discomfort so and they sound great okay okay so question hello greg when i put a squasher on a group or effects channel i get white noise constantly um so let's take a look i think i have another project open where we could just throw group on quickly so let's give it a shot so let's say if i want to take all of my drums and route these to [Music] a group so select my drums let's add a group channel to the selected channels and we'll just call this our drum buss okay so i'm just gonna make all these slightly louder in my drums [Music] okay so let's say if i wanted to put squasher on my group here so let's say if i'll just put it on like a mix let's say a master bust glue preset [Music] so it doesn't seem to be adding any white noise you know you may want to just check you know sometimes depending on the settings of the plug-in just to make sure that you know it's going to you know not be like pushing so much gain on the kind of an upward compression but as i just kind of drop it in my group here doesn't seem to be any issues with that let's go ahead and try adding it as a send effect and see if we get similar results so you know you probably wouldn't run squashers ascend but we'll go ahead and give it a try as well so let's say i'll just come right over here so we'll add the track and now we have the effects end here and no noise or white noise that's being generated on my end maybe if someone else kind of you know is run into that they could let us know that'd be great but it seems to be kind of functioning as expected here on my end all right good to see agent k in a hangout and he wants people to not forget to hit the thumbs up so i won't disagree with agent k on that and he's always gracious enough to moderate for us when needed on during the hangouts so i appreciate that okay so question when i open up spectral layers with an audio file chosen the bottom editor window does not display correctly i get a small menu box and it does not open it will not open to a full window help i just recently upgraded to spectral layers four could this be the problem uh in spectral layers pro so i'm not sure if it's spectral you know so if i wanted to do some quick spectral editing let's say on you know this particular track i would go to you know in the current version of spectral layers is seven uh and when it started integrating with cubase it was version six i'm not sure if you know spectral errors pro if version four was maybe a typo uh but you know as soon as i come here i go to my audio to extensions and let's say i go to spectral layers i could see it uh that track just popped up directly here i could go to my full screen mixer so if it is in fact version seven i think it might be a typo because i don't think that there was a specular i'm not sure if there's spectral layers pro in version four or just it was labeled as spectral layers in that iteration so but uh but you know it's gonna i think when it's when steinberg is kind of taking over uh you know distribution of it and marketing that you know it started at version six so you may need version six and that you know the latest version is seven but you know i don't have any problem kind of going full screen with this uh and going back down but also make sure that you know sometimes you know people may try to launch it just as a plug-in so if you're doing that so say so you know you may see that you know the older versions may kind of work as a plug-in but you know you'd probably want to have you know version six and seven and working that with version i think it was 10 you know 10.1 or or higher that added the ar82 so if you could let us know rob which particular version it is that would be helpful okay so a question hi greg i mixed lots of long sermons is there a way of speeding up the play speed without altering the tone too much please show how i can make uh shortcuts as well um all right so okay so you know if you're just importing stuff you could let's say i'll just import a quick i'll just do a new project here and wavelab actually has kind of a very specific feature for this i'll show to you after so let's say if i want to go to let's do a new project and i will just import a quick audio file i think i have some just dialogue recordings that my friends at espn gave me a while back that we could use okay so if you're you know if you have editing on it you know you could uh it's not so it's like this is our dialogue you know be able to do this in their lifetime and and uh you know for me i think the achievements um you know so you know if you place this into musical mode you know on the team you know the team is just a fantastic team this was there and let's say i just changed the tempo here to 160. that i think is is fantastic but yeah you know i i feel very privileged to be on a shortlist uh with with uh the greats of of of the sport um and it's the same on you know most races one but uh yeah so you know if you wanted to just change the tempo and while it's in musical mode that you look back on and and uh you know hopefully you're happy with but uh right now i feel very so there's a lot of times where people may want to be on just well as a sports writer nerd i'll just i'll be covered i'll let you i'll let you do that you know and be able to kind of change you know the different functionality here and you could actually kind of have it based you know different algorithms but in wavelab one of the cool things that you could do so let's say if i have this particular function this file playing back in wave lab you can i think if we just kind of click here on this icon you could just say you know playback um victor lane for sportscenter just moments after you've won the race in the championship and i asked you to say playback 150 speed so as we play but you could just kind of change the particular i'll turn off the loop here but at this point you could change kind of just the playback speed so as we just kind of take that off and you could you could do that but you could you know just come over there and you know placed a particular track in musical mode and just you know double the tempo so if you're doing edits that at that point you could choose to you know kind of go through it and just kind of find your particular areas uh just within the edit okay um so you see hi greg question uh how do i scroll forward and backward without clicking the scroll bar arrows is there a shortcut shortcut keys like for zoom in and out so if you just on the numeric keypad you know you have kind of like your fast forwards as you're playing and you could just the only person above you unbelievable into that group of four time champions more i'm just going to above you on that you said uh it's you know hit the plus sign on your uh numeric keypad and your minus sign and that's just rewind fast forward a chance to think you know it's about the history sebastian so that's really kind of all you have to do is you could just use rewind so it's going to play believable and until you let go tough one right like you know it's it's play as soon as you let go of rewind fast forward and you said it's a little too yeah you know it's above you and you could also just from the transport bar you know it's it's a driver um uh you know for me to be able to kind of you know navigate quickly that way so give that a try so the plus and minus key on the numeric keypad so you could use those all right so sir robert checking in from atlanta hi greg uh jay from new haven hope this finds your family uh well and healthy we're doing great thank you um it's a question if theoretically nuendo and cubase went on sale in december um any chance cubase theoretical any chance theoretical sale would run until january 2021 so that we're not all forced to choose between steinberg vsts waited on throughout the year versus daw upgrades and updates um so if it's already been announced kind of during the nuendo launch event that there will be a promotion going on upon nuendo's launch i'm not sure exactly how long the launch will be it may be a month which may kind of extend into uh 2021 so i know it's kind of in connection with you know nuendo's 20 20th anniversary in the market and with uh nuendo 11 just announced i think they're doing a promotion for that so so but you could check in i think you know nuendo 7 is supposed to be released uh december 9th of next week so we'll be able to uh you know i think they should have the full time period for that okay so um so a question i got the spectral layers pro 7 on sale just some mixed stems from a song off cd amazing wow just a great tool to learn from uh half off too uh thanks to mike from steinberg all right okay so we see vinnie sabatino hello greg and all the base heads from orlando i'm loving eleven that's great thanks for letting us know okay okay so question is there any advantage to not using linear phase eq with a dynamic eq like frequency two so you know if we have the uh i think it might have to do you know perhaps with some latency issues so i have it kind of on my uh it was a question i had you know if that was an intentional design decision so when we go to just kind of show you so let's say if we're you know on a particular project so scott dixon and [Music] and when we go to let's say our mix console and we go to the dynamic eq that so say if we open up frequency and as soon as we have linear phase enabled and we enable kind of dynamic modes that the linear phase is disabled so i'm not sure if there's a technical reason for that or if it was a design decision uh particularly you know you know or how most people would anticipate dynamic eqs working so i don't know if there's an advantage but i know that's kind of how the frequency plug-in operates currently okay all right so question can you scale audio to melodic scale in very audio so you know if you have you know it's not going to automatically do it like the quantize scale functions that are found directly inside of the midi editor but if we're in very audio one of the things that you have the ability to do and i'll switch back to different projects so like let's say this project i have chord tracks that are being utilized in the project itself so as we go to our very audio so i will just kind of come right over here to the very audio and as soon as that is enabled we could choose to colorize by the chord track so once we colorize by the chord track we could see that you know green notes are within the chord these kind of aqua bluish are kind of within the scale and red notes are out of scale and not within a chord so while there isn't a way to just say you know make all these notes fit within the chord um you know for doing audio that's often maybe not as practical because you may have it fit within the chord or you know within the scale but you know you're going to have different notes but most of the time what you're doing in very audio is not necessarily fixing like a bad note that's out of key often but what you're doing is you know taking your different notes so you know if you wanted to come here let's say we select all of these phrases uh all these notes you know you can just do a quantized pitch uh and as we do this that will move it so most of the time it's not that someone is singing you know perfectly in tune and they're just hitting the wrong note but most of the time they're going to be tried to they're trying to get to the note but maybe they're not in tune and then being out of tune is different versus being out of key and we often hear the terms like oh they can't you know you're not singing in key and often is they're singing and key they're just singing out of tune uh but it's kind of a common expression you know you you know you're at a key and it's like they're inky but they're just not in tune so for most vocal edits you know just kind of quantizing and refining the pitch will give you better results so there isn't an automatic uh quantize to scale but you know most of the times it's not going to be as effective for doing uh like tuning type of functions all right so we see uh garov chopra from mumbai india first time on the hangout welcome feel free to ask any questions in chat field all right so and again from policy just asking um i'm having trouble with scale assistant it is more complex than we can look at here how can i get a youtube video of my issue to you to look at so if you want to send me a link you can you know send me a link to a video a download link and you could email that to me at club cubase at steinberg dot d e so once again email to club cubase at steinberg dot d e okay okay so question after setting a preset for the floating transport each time i open up cubase 10.5 it reverts to the long transport too long for my screen can i make my own my preset the default so let's say we'll come over here let's have our uh transport so let's go to the settings here and go to the setup so this is kind of the floating transport okay so let's say i just wanted to have just okay so say i just wanted to have only this for my transport i'll just go ahead and make it really obvious okay so let's say this is what i want as my default setting so i will save a preset and i'm just going to call it default we'll try that all right okay so now when i go to f2 let's say i do a new project and i open up the small transport that if i looks like if i saved it as default that those settings are preserved in different projects so give that a try taylor um and see uh see if that makes sense on your end okay uh so let's see you have a question uh hey greg i know i just made a suggestion but i'm sure it is possible i just don't know about this but is there a way to monitor mix bus compression gain reduction in the control room so if we have so let's just jump back to this project you know so if we have it in the control room you know we could all right i'll just revert this it doesn't sound so silly okay so if we come here let's say you know if you have it in the control room you know you could have your inserts on your control room so let's say if i just put in my dynamics so let's say if i have this or i see kind of the gain reduction meter so while we hear that that's not necessarily applied to the file on the master file so if we exported this mix those settings aren't going to take so we could kind of you know just run the insert into control room and we hear it but if we exported this file that's not going to export through the control room the control room is really set up for just kind of playback in of itself so and it's not going to necessarily show because it could depend upon the plug-in so you would need to see the plug-in here um and i know that sometimes people quickly want to see the gain reduction uh that's going on but if we just you know go to let's say our channel strip and let's activate our standard compressor you know we could just you know say we're squashing it heavily you know you could save this as a workspace so says add a workspace we can make it to the project and we'll just say gain reduction and then with one mouse click or you could save uh keyboard shortcuts you could just see you know kind of the gain reduction kind of just laid out for you uh directly there so but again if we have it in a control room while the you know the control room's not going to necessarily uh process the audio so you could do it there and kind of see the plug in there but it you know it may not be what you actually want where in the signal flow you want to employ that because when you do an export audio mix down it's not going to be processed through the control room the control rooms really for monitoring purposes okay so a question from taylor in 10.51 i'm unable to access my hardware settings for my ur 44 it's not even in the rack list any idea why seem to have lost that when i started using the ur 22c which no longer passes audio so make sure when you do this you go to the yamaha steinberg driver so i think when you're running on windows so say if you go to and if you have multiple interfaces connected that you could you know so this same driver architecture uh you know when you select like on the windows platform you'll see like the giant the yamaha steinberg um you know it'll be listed as a yamaha steinberg usb driver so that could be working with both interfaces at the same time so you may want to just you know if you go into the control panel you may see and it's going to be different on windows versus the mac platform but you may see two different tabs here where you could toggle back and forth between a ur 22c and a ur-44 so make sure that you you know have the ur that you have the correct tab selected so uh so i just see is ur 22c compatible with windows 7 it may not be because it was actually released after windows 7. let me just take a quick look and see if i could see it in the system requirements and because that interface is released after the end of support of windows 7. but i'll just see if i could take a quick look so it looks like it's for windows 7 service pack 1 windows 8.1 and and windows 10 so you should be okay taylor with that all right so i see jazz dudes giving a shout out to yon of cubase i always hope i'm saying yan's name correctly instead of doing the american jan so um so i just see from jazz stand uh after 18 years with another doll i switched to cubase during lockdown wish i would have done it sooner it's great to have you on the hangout and thanks for glad you're liking your cubase excuse me okay so uh just see hi everybody a question is updating to 11 worth it really so i think it's worth it for the improvements in sampler track for you know midi key editor improvements the scale editor different folding options uh the squasher plug-in the supervision metering plug-in as well as spectral layers one where you could remove like vocals from particular recordings going into like the job cues for exports uh dynamic mode and frequency so you know there's lots of great things with version 11 so i think it's definitely worth opening you're worth updating to and seems like a lot of people have been really happy with the update or it's a question hi greg how to transpose chord symbols if i create a chord symbol of a pad sound and want uh to transpose one semitone up or down okay so let's take a look so here i have some cord pads my cord track so really all you have to do is i'll just select all these so let's say i just select these particular chords and we want to do a modulation you could actually see the root key here and just use your mouse scroll wheel to go up and down and that'll be all you have to do so just go to rootkey from the info line and then you can transpose okay so let's move on all right so we have brazil and belgium okay so a question from millard brown in pennsylvania in cubase 11 pro i turned off return to start position on stop in 10.5 it stops in place for the first press of stop and returns to where i start with the second 11 does not behave the same so i think it depends on where you're hitting uh the start and stop from so let's go ahead and just try i'm going to check what status of the preference is so if you're not familiar with this we go to your preferences to transport and there's going to be a return to start position on stop so i'm going to go ahead and check that and i'll hit apply so as i hit ok um i'm going to hit just the so say i hit stop now all right and it goes right back to where we started [Music] kind of as expected uh and if i disable that preference we'll give this a shot so [Music] it stops right where it should be so that's using the stop and i believe that if you hit the space bar that switch my computer keyboard to the right one so now if we hit the space bar that this behavior will be the same [Music] so it's going to start and stop directly from there and if we want it to i'll activate the preference here so now hitting the space bar it should go back to where we started but if we hit um let's say the stop on the zero key so it looks like that's [Music] so that all seems to be kind of working as expected but i think in let's just try deactivating that and then if i hit the zero key on a numeric keypad [Music] and then if i hit that twice the zero key um so if i if i start here says i start with my [Music] mind so i hit my stop on the zero key in the numeric keypad and then hit it again twice then that will go back so the first will stop [Music] and then hitting it again will go back to the start position so you could kind of have that behavior mimicked a couple different ways so the behavior may change the zero key may behave differently than the space bar and actually hitting stop so check to see where you're actually hitting stop from because there's three different places so let me know if that makes sense millard okay all right so we have someone from congo [Music] that's great all right and my periodically my chat line may jump all right i'm going to call weasel zappa back later so i'll call him right after the hangout all right so my chat line is going to jump periodically so i may lose questions once in a while i'll apologize in advance for that okay okay so i think we have four continents let's see if we have anyone from australia in all right so we have spain sri lanka austin iraq all right so a question from jvi what version of spectral layers do i get if i update to cubase 11 pro so you get spectral layers 1 7 version 7. so that's kind of a scaled down version of the full spectral layers but it will still allow you to you know unmix a vocal from like a two-track recording and other spectral editing all right good to see jay again from amsterdam all right see aging k says we all need supervision with the big thumbs up so it's probably because we're all musicians alright so we see looks like pablo is on the hangout good to see you uh so question minor question if i start a project in cubase 11 have issues with it can i move it back to another version that is stable so yes you can definitely kind of go back and forth you know sometimes if you're using a lot of the functionality that's in a particular version some of the stuff may not go backwards if it didn't exist in that version but you could you know i just saw someone online that took their cubase 11 project and opened it in cubase 6.5 on a different computer and they didn't have any problems so yeah okay okay just so you comment mac big sur update rune my roland uh 800 a pro midi keyboard um so sorry about that okay so good to see capped energy music on hope i'm saying your username correctly okay so a question from jvi in cubase 10.5 pro imported video mp4 h.264 got frame rate error set project to video frame rate now plays in the video player but not in project window how do i fix this please um so if you have if you're if we have the video um so let's say if i come here to import uh let's say video file all right let me just find one here quickly okay so let's say if we have this it sounds like maybe um as we're doing this we could i'm not sure if like this video isn't working um so if you know if it's matching the frame rates and for those who don't know this if you go to if you have a video file you could actually extract the frame rate from the video file which is super helpful so that way you kind of know what the frame rate is but after doing that you may have to if you go to the pool window uh and you may actually just do it from uh or be just a quick thing in let me just see if it's in here but i think but so if what you could do i think if you go to let's say you know we come over here to the video window that you could right click and uh generate the thumbnail cache again on the video and see if that kind of does the trick so it could be maybe that since the frame rate was changed that the thumbnail cache is maybe generated for the wrong frame rate and i think that there might be a way of doing this uh automatically but you know from but definitely from the pool window try selecting just the video folder select a file right click and try to generate the thumbnail cache again and see if that will you know allow you to automatically see the video uh thumbnail information just like that okay so uh hi greg i set a key command of a semicolon followed by locator number in order to go to locator x it works most of the time it gives me 99 and gives me 99 locators it doesn't always work version 10.5.2 um okay so let's see if we can mimic that behavior all right so let me just go ahead so i have some uh like my arrangement markers laid out for me here so let's go to my key commands okay so okay so i just have this set to my numeric keypad i just have to respond to a message really quickly bear with me just for a second okay so um all right so let's take a quick look at okay so i'm just going to set this to okay so see john has it set to semicolon okay so i will now come over here hit the semicolon let's say marker one so it looks like that's kind of um so let me just see if i have this set up so you know sometimes it may take a little more space i'm just going to activate that and say 2 and then it will navigate so sometimes you know some of the when it fires up you could just have it immediately go to you know that particular key command but you may have to give it just a little bit of space to work with so um but it seems like it's um you know kind of functioning as expected here okay so hello question hello there maybe not related chat but anyone experiencing any issues with new mac m1 cpus so you know generally at this point steinberg isn't uh you know there are people that are running it you know in kind of emulation mode but you know it will take a little while for different parts of the program to be compatible uh with the m1 cpus so steinberg has kind of released a statement on that so we're compatible with big sur but there will be some architectural changes that will need to be employed for uh total compatibility with m1 cpu so okay so with a question from pablo is there any way uh to trick for my controller or fader to follow the visibility agents of a fader to follow uh of a fader to follow the visibility agents in the mix console always to the first fader for example all right so let's set up um a couple of tracks here as just invisibility agents so i will take this let's go to our [Music] configurations and so i'll just say let's show selected tracks all right and i will show all tracks and let's select some other ones okay so let's say now um is there let's say for your controller of a fader to follow the visibility agents in the mix console uh always to the first fader for example so you know it could depend on you know you don't mention which controller um that you are using but let's say if i'm here and i have this channel selected so let's say i have this track selected and we can see that indicated here and then i go to track one so it's really going to be what is actually selected so you know if this track is selected you go to another configuration you know that track is still selected until it sees another selection so um so let's say if i come here and i just hit the arrow down arrow keys that you could you know if if you switch to no selected track and just hit the down arrow key that will select the first track so you could probably make a macro of you know switch to that and then just hit the down arrow key if you always want the first track selected so give that a try and see if that makes sense but just try hitting the arrow key upon switching the uh you know upon switching to a different visibility configuration uh hi there i have a problem with cube a sometimes when i bounce a recording or a project it will speed up the tempo of it uh there is any solution to fix this thanks so generally when you know 99.9 percent of times when people export an audio file and it plays back faster it means that the project may be at 44.1 k and the exported audio file may be at 48k so and maybe you're inserting it into the same project so it's generally you know i would bet that it's going to be a sample rate mismatch on your exported file that's causing it okay okay so i just see someone saying your setup is uh cubase 11 with a yamaha a3000 keyboard so i'm not sure if that was maybe more information from the previous comments i'm just going to circle back i don't really see it nearby all right so giuliano wants someone to please say hi to him so hi giuliano thanks for being on a hangout uh so our question from jvi was a midi bus added in cubase 11 so there wasn't really any midi buses that were act that were added in version 11. so i will pass that on that request again so all right so see brian sawyer logging in from crystal coast north carolina great to see you okay uh so we see um hello uh hope you're doing [Music] um or hop iv you're doing maybe it's just typo uh how could we program a quarter of note for one or two notes in scale in cubase 11 thanks a lot so you know if we come here let's say my scale is g major i will just add a track so let's add an instrument track just put a quick organ in okay so okay i'll turn this up a little bit okay so if i just wanted to input notes as quarter notes um [Music] okay so at this point i'll just kind of create a blank part uh i will activate um the snap live input and now i'm just gonna play a c major scale i'll just put this into i'll set this to quarter notes and i can put step entry so let's say we have it set to um let's say d major scale and i'm going to say snap live input and now as i play notes in um i'll hit a c natural so i'll just play c major scale but habit snap too and then at that point it's going to automatically snap directly to d major as opposed to c major once we have the snap la snap live input enabled so that's an easy way of doing it in version 11. if you have it with previous versions what you could do is from the let's say from at the track level you could go to the input transformer and you could say [Music] i want to filter events that are unequal to notes and we can say value one pitch is let's come here so let's say value one is set to fix scale and then you could just say to or so but you could do kind of scale correction uh directly from within here too so let's say type is equal to note value one and i think we could just kind of just see if we could and our action target we want to [Music] transform value to and then we could set it to different scales in there but with you know version 11 it's super easy just to have that automatically uh using the scale correction so once you come here just to set the snap live input all right good to see ambient dave on the hangout so my family and i are doing great thanks for asking all right and he's the countdown for christmas has started so yeah we're only 24 days away i think my son's very excited so great to see you back on the hangouts all right do we have gareth on a hangout good to see you all right you could see mark rabin on a hangout as well okay so we have uh all right bruno from bristol england you don't have to worry about being late uh so question if i upgraded to nuendo can i open any cubase project with it and have full functionality yes the only thing that's slightly different is a very minor thing would be vst transit is not innuendo but all the same plugins the same functionality so obviously uh nuendo 10.3 had all the was at kind of the parody level of cubase 10.5 we have cubase 11 was just released into windows 11 was announced um and nuendo 11 will have all the cubase 11 feature set so and you could open cubase projects in nuendo new endo projects in cubase as well all right so question from andy price high greg right zone browser preview is pretty slow as track presets with contact loads to buffer each time you select a new preset can turn it off in media bay but not in the right zone uh could i pass it on to the team so yeah i could definitely do that but you know you could also i think you know i know it's a vst2 instrument unfortunately still um and hasn't been updated but you know you may be able to i'm just seeing if let me just see i'll just come over here to media bay but let's say if we're kind of doing uh your vs so say if we come over here to our vst3 preset so um so but i'll i will pass that along so i'll make a note and pass that along to see if we could bypass that uh question can you remove the clapper board uh from an audio track and messes a bit using speculators one thanks greg um so if the clapper board is you know so if it's kind of like the little like what you see in the movie set where they kind of synchronize the film to the visual um you know so with spectral layers one you know for different types of edits i'll just come to kind of new project and let me just see if i have all right let me just see if i can find uh so let's say maybe something like this and i wanted to remove some of the individual components so let's say i'll just listen to this file so i'll take this and go to uh my extensions let's get spectral layers and go ahead i'll just make this full screen just so you can kind of see what activity is going on and then you know at this point you could choose to you know if you wanted to remove you know particular sections you could just kind of select you know grab the rectangular or elliptical selection and then you could just you know hit delete a couple times and just kind of be able to get rid of and delete you know particular functions and and parts like that so okay so you see comment thanks for doing these hangouts greg so glad that people are watching them and hope that people are learning okay so question is there a way to resync delay compensation for all external effects at once so we don't have to search the project for all instances and open click open click etc so you know currently if you're using like an external effect if you're not familiar with this and i think i saw this post on facebook earlier so let's say if i go to my inserts and i have this set for uh an internal or an external effect so let's say i have an external plug-in uh so let's say i have my la2a and then you could you know minimize the delay or you know measure the delay of that particular signal path so but i'm trying to see if there's a way to so but there isn't a way to kind of do that for every single one that's kind of very easy to do um i'll just see if on the off chance if you know there's a way of going to [Music] um yeah i was just seeing if there is a way of doing like a media type as a plugin and maybe if it's a plugin contains a particular name or is an external through the project logical editor but i don't see that as a criteria so there there currently isn't a way to be able to do that that i know of but um i get i i could pass that along so okay okay so uh so question will cubase ever make more legacy style plugins like studio one where they have pull tech ssl bus comp need eq style plugins etc so you know there's you know sometimes people you know a lot of the plugins aren't necessarily um you know leveraging their capabilities off kind of classic plug-ins um so i'm not sure if we'll see like you know specific ssl style you know ssl branded or such derivative type plug-ins we know that they're kind of common in uh you know people's perceptions and workflows so but we do have neve eqs that are probably i believe are the only ones are actually authorized so if you get the knee portico eq that's the only one that's actually uh authorized by rupert neve it's kind of interesting when you talk to you know rupert neve and neve design so you know they don't think any of the plugins that you know look like a neve graphically sound like a neve so they're a little ups you know they haven't been so thrilled with people leveraging the name and reputation so we kind of tend to respect a lot of that so i'm not sure if we'll see that but you know obviously when we have our vintage vintage compressor our you know tube compressor that a lot of those will you know be very much in vain but not so incredibly derivative all right good to see grant nicholas on the hangout let's see i think uh gareth is finishing up a project that i think i may play bass on so anxious to hear it you'll have to actually share the project with me so i could use it in club cubase google hangouts okay okay so i just see a question what exactly are we seeing so i'm not sure what we're showing when that question was asked but um so you know we're just going over any cubase questions or steinberg questions that people have um so you see a question are there any news about the high dpi settings in cubase 11 i use a wqhd display and 125 scaling but want cubase to scale to 100 it was possible in cubase 10.5 but sadly isn't anymore so you know when you do the high dpi scaling you know so i i can't really show it so much on a mac because it's kind of all high dpi high dpi and there's not really the scaling settings like you see um you could try you know if you don't like you know having it scaled you know having cubase scaled i think if we go to uh you know if you could just deactivate the high dpi mode in cubase and see if that helps for you so may you may feel it's going backwards but you know it's set up to scale to the scaling resolution that you have and you know many people had complaints it was only limited to 100 and 100 or 200 and now we did you know 125 15 175 to accommodate that okay okay so um so you see from ace and i think we covered this a little earlier but uh about the yamaha studio headphones that could play 20 to 20k uh they're affordable you know check out the i think it's hph dash mt5 so okay hi greg new to cubase coming from ableton live i use a lot of audio and warping is essential can you have a bit of info about the different warp algorithms uh thanks cheers from italy so let's say if i was going through you know we could select a file we'll have kind of different uh warping algorithms so you'll see kind of standard and these are kind of legacy so going back to you know version two sx3 when we're kind of doing audio warping uh and then we started using the elastic algorithms and you'll have three different families of them so if you have a slower so the standard will be elastic pro time and then you also have pitch and tape and then you have formant time formant pitch and tape and then you have kind of efficient so if you have kind of a slower processor and you wanted it to you know like an older processor and you have lots of tracks in a big project you'd probably want to use the efficient if you have very complex harmonic materials such as vocals you may want to preserve the formants and then we have the normal elastic pros so those are when we would use kind of the three different families and when i would tend to use time is going to be for rhythmic stuff pitch is going to be more for vocals and maybe you know guitars pianos and tape will actually mimic the the sound of analog tape when you do vary speed so if you you know slow down a tempo and you want to pitch to lower like an analog tape recorder um you could use the you know the tape mode for that so if you wanted to play something in octave lower and at half tempo then speed it up and have it be a pitch or if you want to do like a type of effect you could do that directly with tape and so that will change the pitch based on the tempo and then so time more rhythmic more pitch oriented and for more uh analog recorder very speed effects tape so and again you get the standard the efficient and more formant preservation so that's kind of a quick overview of some of the different warping algorithms all right reading through all right just see a comment uh loving this series on hangout learning so much without getting lost in user manuals thanks for your time greg so glad to help okay glad it's been useful all right all right question in 10.5 you could hover over your mouse within the graphics section of the channel settings eq and watch the example frequency note change in real time and 11 this is gone why so i'll just open up 10.5 here really quick just to confirm bear with me just a second so i see where we could see the frequencies there okay and let's go to eq so we don't see that until you actually engage the band so i'll pass that along i'll just make a quick note of that as well sorry and okay so i i don't think it was anything just you know sometimes as new versions come out so we see that behavior kind of as we move the frequency band but not uh when we just kind of move within that within the eq but i'll pass that on all right just see comment hi greg uh thanks for the sessions you brightened up the lockdown times i hope so it gives me something to do as well okay so i just see uh jazz dude says i just opened cubase in wind 10 at 125 and cubase works as expected so okay so from isaac uh hi good hi guys off topic question can you quickly show where the surround output options are so i can start to mix and export tracks in five one nine one atmos etc if it's not okay thank you so you know cubase will do up to 5.1 and really all you have to do to do that is you know we go to uh your audio connections uh go go to your outputs and you want to have an output that's defined as a 5 1 bus so we could do that and now as we add an audio track we could route this to our 5.1 output and now as we start to work with this we could double click into panner and we have a full surround panner so cubase won't do dolby atmos and dolby atmos is obviously uh pretty involved so if you're interested in going beyond 5.1 you know nuendo 11 will actually allow you it's kind of a very unique and thing where nuendo 11 will allow you to do at most mixing without any additional hardware so you know it used to be that you would have to do it and you know send it out to like an 80 000 dolby rmu unit and then you could buy like dolby production kit i think for like a thousand dollars to be able to deliver your atmos mixes and now nuendo 11 so if it atmos is kind of something you're looking to get into nuendo 11 is you know by far the easiest way to get into that so but that's how you can kind of get get it started okay so it says from mark raven i got a quick question i know someone here knows the answer i did it in 10. can't remember how when i select a track in a project window it auto-arms for recording how to stop this so if you don't want that function you can go to preferences and i think it's under editing project and mix console and there's enable record on selected audio track or selected midi track so now when i have that unchecked i could click and the selected track does not become record enabled so again we could come right over here uh editing project and mixed console and you'll see the preference enable record on selected audio track so you can turn that on and off and disable if you need to all right so we see from neurotic nexus hi greg and happy to have another hangout greetings from germany all right glad to be helping everyone out here okay so question is there a way to bounce my tracks to a new folder every time i bounce new song to make them easily identifiable without having multiple files for different songs in the same folder so as we do this in cubase 11 this there's kind of a new functionality that was introduced with the job queue export so when you get your audio mix down you could choose whatever folder you want for the audio files to go into so you could select a path here and you could choose whatever folder you want so and if it's a i'm just going to re-read it to make sure um so okay so and if so and also now you could come over here and just set um you could also have a you could use the project's audio folder or a project mix down folder so if you're doing kind of the export audio you could do that i think if you just select this and want to bounce the file so let's say i come here and i'm just doing an audio bounce selection type of function so let's say i do this and i think if we right click and let's set the record folder to and we'll just make a new folder here call it december 1st okay so i'm just gonna set that as my new record folder and then maybe i'll come here let's do a bounce selection okay so let's say we replace the events i will go and see if it's going to be actually placed in that particular folder so we'll come here documents projects i think is under hangouts and there's the wav file so you could you know just quickly right click uh in the project and set if it's just for the bounce selection set a new record folder and then all the bounces can go directly to that separate independent folder okay so seeing more discussion of different scaling options for high dpi so jazz dude seems to have it under control so okay question hi greg can you go over setting up an external effects i'm having trouble setting it up with my apogee symphony so uh what you want to do is just kind of to um i've just got a text from donnie osmond so i'll call him after the hangout too so all my rockstar friends want to call during hangouts all right so uh so set up a external effect so using this we can go to your audio connections and we'll see our external effects so let's say uh here let's say i have an la2a and what i want to do is to connect it directly in to like my output you know so we're gonna have our send and this is going you know out of output three it's going and then i want it to return to input one of my audio interface so at this point you know we are going to send my we have the la2a it's going to be going out of this output to the input of that external effects processor the output of the external effects processor to the return bus the input then at that point we would come over here to your external plug-ins and you'll see just a measure delay and that will compensate for the latency now something that could throw this off periodically you know if you're if it seems like it's not working as expected you may have to disable direct monitoring because that may be sending the signal directly from the input to the output so and you may have to do that within the control panel or mix console software of your audio interface so maybe within the apogee mixer for the symphony but you know but give that a try and you know if it seems like everything is kind of configured correctly you have that you pinged it for the latency at that point you could you know you should be able to have that but just check to make sure that there's no other routing going on as well okay all right good to see michael teams on the hangout all right good to see ted springman has been able to join okay um it's given how you can translate audio from a real kick drum to a midi note that triggers a kick sample but how can i also apply the exact volume dynamics to the sample too so you know it could really depend upon you know what sample is you know so you could retain the dynamics through the velocities so let's say if i wanted to come to this project and i wanted to replace my kick or snare yeah i just thought how weird it was in one hangout you know this this is like a day for me where you know i have donny osmond calling after dweezil zappa so it's kind of interesting at times different combinations so so let's say i want to take this track here and i want to do replacement on the kick and i'll go ahead and i'll just kill some of my [Music] so let's say i'll just kill the my compressor there so once we have our settings here so i go to my hit points and let's say i have this set to like a maple kit um i'll come here let's have it calculate the hit points and as we do a create midi notes um you'll see uh velocity mode so if we wanted to retain the dynamics of the actual parts as velocity into the existing information we could you know you could have it set to fixed velocity and that will just output you know the one you know just probably like a velocity value of 100 but if you have dynamic velocity that will uh as we look at the the midi note that's created here we could see that these midi notes will have the velocities vary depending upon the actual performance so you know but you may have all these different velocity curves but if your kit only has two velocity levels that may not translate so you may want to have a kit that has a lot more different velocity levels to kind of match that but you know it will automatically be kind of translated directly out as soon as you do the um you know right within the create midi notes you could choose to retain the dynamic velocity right there all right so i have helsinki finland checking in it's great all right just all right so you see ambient dave's getting up to speed on um on his cubase 11. alright so more discussion i'm reading about scaling for high dpis i think jazz dude and berlin stole [Music] uh kind of getting it figured out okay so we have a question how do i get other warping algorithms uh so there isn't a way to add more warping algorithms into cubase so you know depending on your version so you know these are the different uh warping algorithms that are available for cubase to use so under you know most a lot of the other programs kind of elastic is used in many different programs so these same algorithms but there isn't a way for a user to add different algorithms okay my chat field just jumped on me so let me scroll back thanks for all the wonderful questions if you've learned something new uh make sure that you have hit the like button and if you haven't subscribed to the channel we'll uh please feel free to do that okay all right so i may have lost some questions uh let me see so i think i may have lost a couple questions so sorry for that um okay i see mark edwards is on hangout great to see you mark i'm missing you in new york at our club cubase okay so you just see a comment just adds up just drawing the stream the cubase trial link in the description is broken so i think that currently when there's a new version they generally wait six to eight weeks before a trial version uh is available for the new version so we're probably still within that time frame okay so uh we have question tips on how to use wavelab elements in conjunction with cubase as a producer uh not mastering engineer what features am i missing to use so you know one of the things that you could do is you know i like kind of taking my projects in wave lab and treating kind of the single entity where you you know it's really tempting often to go back and you know want to constantly tweak things you know so you know and the reason that so many people were able to get such great work done before is because they had a deadline and they had to you know get the album turned in and that's a really good thing for a lot of people otherwise you know i see so many people that you know are working on their first album forever because they don't really have something so i like kind of being able to you know one of the things that you can do with wavelab elements that's really good is being able to you know when you do your export audio mix down you're gonna have the ability to automatically launch in uh you know cubase elements pro if you wanted to and be able to do some mastering and get kind of a different perspective on it where you're not necessarily tempted to go back and you know make the hi-hat a little darker or change this one hi-hat down by you know .0134 db so some of those different aspects you know are are nice you know but you know wavelab will be in you know a basic editor so let me see i think i may have the elements version so we would excuse me so um [Music] so and once we have the almonds version i like to i may not have it updated let me just see so i'll just come over here so at this point you know we could you know take our you know we could treat this as our audio editor so if we wanted to you know edit particular files this will have some de-clicking denoising that are that's built in so if you do have um you know [Music] you know let's say something that has clicks and pops you could at this point go to like a little version of the restore rig you know so if you wanted to do you know restoration type functionality you could come here and just remove you know different clicks and buzzes so at this point you could just say okay i just want to go to my declicker and be able to you know remove a lot of those clicks [Music] and also you know once you're you know not necessarily for mastering but once you're done with this you could just you know do some other you know do your cd burning directly from wavelab and deliver it or make a ddp image directly from this so you know it's still a great way to you know generate revenue or pass on you know a cd to clients and to you know pass it on to family and friends so that's another thing that you do within wave lab but you know there's some really good batch processing so you say i need to take all these files converted to you know this file format this frame you know this sample rate this file format i need to do you know that too i needed to add metadata to you know to my different song so as i start working with my metadata we could say okay let's go and put in you know like all of our you know metadata that could be extracted from streaming services so stuff like that so that's some of the stuff that's good for wave lab to kind of to add to your arsenal tools okay uh so question and how can i convert audio track to midi track with multiple notes so currently the uh the extraction the pitch to midi is going to be for monophonic uh parts so you know and so you could you know for vocals or bass but it's not going to do necessarily you know take a piano part and be able to extract uh multiple notes at once playing chords all right so just see debating whether to get cubase pro or reaper but i suppose this is the wrong crowd to ask so i definitely go with cubase and you know if you're on the cubase hangout so that's uh you know i'm not sure if other companies do these hangouts twice a week that could really um that could really uh you know help you out like this as well so it's a great resource okay okay so see john coskin wrote a hill greg should he been using the word marker instead of the locator sorry thank you for the help no problem i think i figured it out so that was kind of with our question go setting up the semicolon key to go to marker x okay uh so you see a question hi greg uh will there be a future cubase ara to upgrade to enable the transfer of the chord track from melodyne to cubase also polyphonic very audio seems unlikely in light of melodyne integration so i'm sure that there's always working on stuff i'm not sure if the chord if ara2 is what's responsible from transferring the chord track from melodyne into cubase i don't think that's uh an ara2 thing uh but you know obviously melodyne's been doing kind of polyphonic pitch correction you know and some would argue maybe it doesn't sound so good and the results are a bit unnatural so but you know but it does you know it is a feature that's offered within that so okay so i see pablo's using the frontier alpha track as is control surface so yeah you know try just hitting the you know pablo c if you hit the down arrow on your computer keyboard that should automatically select the top track and see if that kind of helps all right so gareth is bragging he's having pizza so all right all right so i just see uh from grant hunt why aren't you hanging out on cubase 11 so i'm running cubase 11 you know some of my projects may say like cubase 10 project or something like that but i'm pretty sure i'm running 11 so we'll just just to show so so but some of my projects may be from created in cubase 10 or 8 or 10.5 something like that so uh so you see greg do you know when the first patch for cubase 11 is coming in need of fixes so i know it's in beta testing already so and um so it should be out i would if i were to speculate kind of timing wise i would say early next year um so okay all right so question uh greg just in case uh you know a quick workaround is there any way to force cubase 11 to scale 100 even though 125 is selected in windows my 10.5 method doesn't work anymore so i think you know i would try to see what happens if you disable high dpi i you know my monitors and display card aren't really set up in my personal studio for high dpi um but you know it i think you know if you wanted to run at 125 and have cubase run at 100 you know um so let's say you want cubase 11 to scale to 100 even though you know and it is going to be kind of a you know you know the scaling isn't necessarily gonna be set up you know application by application i don't think that's how it works through the operating system but you know you could definitely you know try setting off turning off high dpi scaling and in the settings and see if that makes a difference okay so question um does save preset work in preferences if i save my own custom preferences it does not seem to be used again when i reload a project so it will you know i kind of went through this with a composer in los angeles recently so when we went to preferences and then you know we saved the preferences it will stick until there's a new preference loaded it may not indicate the preference name here um so composer that i've you know helped out in los angeles area you know he would save and he says that the preferences weren't saving because it didn't indicate the name of the preference here so it was just that the preference was loaded and you could see other preference presets to load up but it may not indicate the currently active preference preset and what i found is that the preferences will stick until another preset is loaded so so you could try that all right so i see michael teams and pablo both wanting people to whack the like button so one wants to whack and pablo wants to smash the like button so okay so we have a question from tanmay mandal uh or mandel uh i i know it's not cubase related but greg i see that you have genelecs and yamahas and jbl's but can you say something about genelec 830c versus atom audio a7x and what model do you own anyone have any comments or opinions so i just have like some in my control room set up i just have you know sometimes depending where i'm at uh like you know when we used to do like in-person demos um you know i would go to my control room and if you know i would have you know jbl you know if i was running through jbl's already had genelecs on the walls or tones or whatever i would just kind of type in the name of the speaker or if i had a friend that would you know i had a friend that was the in the united states he was the uh the eve speaker wrap so just yeah i would throw an eve just to kind of you know throw them a bone uh and get them a little more exposure but these are just kind of random i don't own uh i do have a pair of yamaha hs7s which i like quite a bit in my other speakers i have i don't have an atom or genelec but i have uh my main studio speakers are still really old uh and event 2020 base i have yamaha hs7s i have a system of the nhts so like five moves in the zoo so i have a five one system of that and that's what i use i'm probably not the best person to maybe other people could offer um you know some of their opinions on uh between genelecs and atom monitors all right good to see the ambient dave is getting feeling better that's great okay so grant nicholas just saying great job in cubase 11th that's great i know grant is a long time user we hope you're doing well in baltimore dude back right before the pandemic so look forward to getting together with you when things are opening up and there's vaccines and stuff okay question um how can i determine which tracks are recorded at the same time so let's see if it's actually indicated in the pool window so if you're if you mean by like record it simultaneously um you probably could like in the pool window and then come over here and say i think he could do a you know maybe just look at it in the operating system you know look at it at the actual location so let me see if there's a quick that there was a reveal in finder or explorer and then you could see uh exactly you know the time that the audio file was recreated here so you kind of you know so if you're looking for i recorded these three files at the same time those should when you go to reveal in finder or reveal and explore like you know the date created and the date modified you know those should be probably pretty close to the same so that might give you a barometer to find out which files are recorded you know at least within a minute okay uh so you see a question from ambient dave uh hi greg on the piano roll editor there's a small button with a square and then letter e inside it what is the purpose of that thanks okay so let's go ahead and add just a quick instrument track okay so i think this is what um ambi and dave was kind of talking about all right so when it is lit up the previous behavior in 10.5 and earlier is when we double clicked on a particular note that we could launch kind of a note expression editor so i could just double click and draw in like pitch bend or um you know and if you had a vst 3.5 instrument you could have kind of independent midi controllers uh per you know per note with the appropriate instrument but now we there's a lot of people wanted to and we've gotten this question a lot on hangouts even throughout this summer and fall they just wanted the ability to when that's disabled we can now double click and so now when i double click we could just delete a note so when enabled i believe this is what you're talking about dave this is new so we could open up the note expression editor when disabled we could double click and just delete a note so i could with one single tool i could hold down my alt or option key and draw a note in i could split the note i could resize the note you know you could move the pitch of the note and now you could double click to erase the note so that's what that little e is doing okay um so question uh how big a jump is it from 6.5 to 11. so you know most of the functions that you have in 6.5 are still there some things some of the big things have changed like version 7 introduced and this is you know probably eight years ago at this point um it was about eight years ago because i remember my wife was pregnant when we were when that was out but that introduced like the new mix console eight introduced like new chord tracks and chord pads you know 10 had a huge kind of you know overall user interface for high dpi scaling but a lot of the same functionality but kind of redrawn and made prettier new plug-ins new content and lots of stuff in eleven as well all right i think i had to get a show on for my son so bear with me just for a minute and i'll get him started on for me because i'm just showing him have to get a hang that he got a package okay thank you ryan everyone say hi to ryan do you mind closing the door nevertheless all right my son made his first appearance all right so i think he can get a show on but i may have to stop out right so we'll we'll go on so but i think going from 6.5 to 11 you know a lot of the core functionality works the same but there's more options more availability and yet workflow has been kind of streamlined throughout the process as well okay reading through comments okay um so question is there a shortcut to make a selection of midi notes that are muted and then delete them in one key so let's go ahead and i think we could do this through maybe the logical editor but let's go ahead okay so let's try going to logical editor uh i'll just just make sure there isn't like kind of a preset condition all right so let's say we're going to uh delete notes um and we'll say property is set to event is muted so at this point i will move my logical i'll just kind of slide this over so we have these notes in white that are muted so i'll just come over here click apply and then you could save that as a preset so um and it may even be delete muted is a preset as well so you don't even have to so if i come here let's get to standard set one delete mute it and you could just go right there so and you could assign a key command to do that as well so if you go to key commands you could look under process project or process logical editor presets um and then you could just at that point uh assign a keyboard shortcut for that particular function all right reading through comments thanks for all the great discussions and all the great questions uh as you see my old mi4 sound card will work with c11 with azio for all how's that possible so that's great i i found my mi4 this is a first generation i think usb 1.2 audio interface with one in or four in two outs so it was kind of a fun interface we was the kind of a cool looking interface that may have been designed by axel hartman if memory serves okay reading through more comments okay um so i think i may have misunderstood um a previous question about quarter notes so hello greg my question was not so clear i was talking about programming a quarter of a tone like arabic or persian scales in cubase 11 thanks a lot so once you're kind of working with some midi stuff you know what you could do is set this up you know and especially in cubase 11 there's a new kind of pitch bend editor so you know if you wanted to you could do uh you know pitch bend stuff quite easily so and you could as we go to enter in pitch bend information so let's say if i go to i select this note we could set this to let's say show our semitone grid as you go to draw pitch bend in you could see exactly you know in the very right hand side as i move up vertically so where it says 0.63 0.82 you know point three three you could see kind of that that pitch bend data there so you could do that and kind of draw it in with pitch bend and if it's a vst 3.5 instrument you could actually do this you know on a note by note basis as well through so if we go back to what we're discussing just a bit earlier you could just come here and you know on this particular node just draw in pitch bend that's independent from you know another note that's playing underneath it so you could have different levels of pitch bend once you go to like your note expression now there is also if you go to like a midi insert so let's say if i go [Music] to this particular track and go to your midi inserts there's also a micro tuner plug-in so as soon as i wanted to come here you could have you know different you know scales set up here to to work with uh and depending upon the instrument itself sometimes the instruments themselves are like let's say if i go to i think if i go to hallion and some of the ethnic instruments in here will allow you to do see if i have some of them so let's say if i go to world instruments and then we go to the macro page you could go to um like your tuning scale so say if i come here so say if i wanted to make my e you know you could just kind of come over here and you know adjust kind of the tuning scale so you could say okay when i go to my e-flat um so let's say i want to make my g [Music] so you know you could just come over here so many instruments will have that kind of built in as well so that's just one of the uh the world instruments that come with uh haley and so you know but you know vst 3.5 instruments can have independent pitch bend per note uh on a compatible instrument like retrolog hallian hallie and sonic se halloween sonic pad shop so sorry for misunderstanding omar your question um all right so just seeing some more discussion on a different studio monitors i should see just comment zed uses genelec 8330as and still makes cool stuff so yeah so zed is a genelec guy so i've been in his studio a couple times nice guy okay um so i organized my vst list in 10.5 is there a way to import the vst list to 11 or do i have to rebuild my folders so many times if you saved it as a preset in the vst plugin manager so say if we just come right over here and you saved it as a preset that's automatically going to carry over so uh you know once you come over here and and create that if not um so you know presets that you save will be carried over so you don't have to do that again but if not you can go to your edit menu and go to your profile manager and export the profile and that will include your vst plug-in manager so once again uh edit menu to profile manager export your profile in version 10.5 import it into version 11 and you'll be all set but i'm pretty sure it will just kind of automatically carry over for you okay so we have um please explain question please explain these two transport preferences first one is stop playback while winding and second one is locate when clicked in empty space okay so let's say i'll just revert this project okay so let's go to our transport and okay stop playback while winding okay so let's say i'm playing here um and now i rewind playback stops okay uh if that preference is um enabled i could be playing it's still playing forward while i rewind and when i let go it'll just start to play directly from that spot okay and the second preference is locate when clicked in empty space um okay locate when clicked in empty space so now if i just come here we could just have the transport automatically you know when we're clicking in an empty spot it'll just automatically click and the playhead positions right there and if we bypass that preference it doesn't necessarily kind of follow along so okay so i just see uh from jvia uh there's a question about the video says hi greg i regenerated thumbnails i still can't see the video play in the project window it generated a few pictures but i need to see the video play with all the instruments in the project window if you want to you know share a link to the download of the video i'd be happy to kind of take a look at the particular video and see but you know what you want to do is make sure that the video you know you may have to re-encode it to a different you know container or you know different codec and if you just look you know do a google search uh you know and the easy way to do this and there's a number of freeware programs that will allow you to do this but just search for you know cubase video playback your cubase video play and go to um let's see i'm just gonna do video settings for cubase nuendo and then you'll see this video support nuendo cubase wave lab door codes they all kind of share the same video engine and make sure that it's one of these that you have kind of the kodak and the container you know is going to be kind of you know set up and you may have to convert it to a compatible excuse me one second you may just have to convert it to a compatible combination for that to work but if you wanted to send me a link i'd be happy to do that but you could probably find a free video encoder to to get it to work um okay all right just saying comment from gareth maybe i missed kind of some uh but seeing if i missed anything but i just see can somebody please explain greg question mark so okay okay so i see grant nicholas uh need some bass too yeah semi-tracks it would be kind of um yeah it's fun to play bass you know you know i played in a band i didn't tell them that i would i did all this fancy computer music stuff because i didn't want to set up the pa system so but they found out stupid google all right okay so we have a question how do you change the quantization of the nudge palette all right so let's go make sure our nudge palette is visible so i'll go to my settings let's get to the nudge mount it just works kind of on your setting here so let's say if i have this set to bar and as i nudge so i'll go ahead and just kind of let me just crop this all right so now i have this set up and now i have it set to bar so when i nudge it's gonna move it by one bar at a time so let's say i'll start this right at a bar and i'll just enable my snap okay so now if i wanted to since my main time is set to bar and as i nudge it's going to move it by bar so we nudge it earlier or later if i have this set to beat i can nudge it where we have you know one quarter note set up in our 4 4 bar uh if i say let's use quantize and i wanted this to be half newt or let's say quarter note triplets as my grid so now it's going to nudge it as quarter note triplets if i wanted to switch my main timeline to seconds i could say let's move it to one tenth of a second or by one second so and if we go to say simply time code i could say let's move it by frame subframe so now i could just nudge by frame so really you know you see kind of the grid setting here what division of the grid based upon the currently active time that you have directly here so that's how you could determine the value and you know if you wanted to go down to one sample you're able to do that as well so and you know again if you have this set to use quantize you just change the quantization value there okay so a question i play an organ with a rotary speaker how do i get the speed to change with the pedal uh now i have to use my other hand to adjust the modulation wheel so that the speed of the rotary speaker changes so let's say i have um uh i will come over here and you could just do this you know so if you wanted to remap a lot of organ instruments you could just kind of you know click on the you know the pedal and move that but let's say if you have an expression pedal um so i'm gonna come here and i'm just gonna grab this uh i'll go to just add a midi track okay so we could do an input transformer so if you have a a petal uh and a lot of times let's say your petal is spitting out ex expression so i'm gonna go over here and i'm just gonna go to my midi inserts and i just want to go to midi monitor and so right now this is spitting out controller 40. okay so i'm just moving a slider on my nectar controller so that's spitting out controller 40. so what i want to do is to come over here whatever value your pedal is spitting out we go to the top setting on your inspector and i will set this to local and i'm going to activate the module so what i want to do is take controller 40 that's coming from my slider or pedal and turn that into know into uh modulation data so i'll come here let me just put this always on top over here so controller 40 as we do this all right so i now select this let's go to our input transformer so what i want to do is i'll just do this locally or you could do a global either way you want to make sure that a that this module is active we want to take we want to transform midi controllers so we're going to say type is equal to controller and what we want to do to that is we're going to say value 1 and i'm going to subtract let's say 39 because i'm right now spitting controller 39 or i'm spitting controller 40 out and what i want to do is to take controller 40 subtract 39 values to controller 1 for modulation so now as i activate this um i'll just and i'll we'll just start this so i'll go to my midi inserts again i'll just kill the buffer and let's get to my midi monitor so now it's spitting out when i move the same thing it's spitting out controller one so if you have a expression pedal you can take that expression pedal and expression is um you know controller number 11. so you could say okay i have my expression pedal i want to take controller 11 and turn it into controller one so i would say transform type is equal to controller value 1 subtract up 10. so 11 minus 10 is 1. so that way you take your expression pedal and map it to modulation so that's how you could kind of take any controller that you want so most foot pedals like will be expression and that will work for you so okay just going through different uh discussions here thanks for all the great questions uh hi greg i hope you are well can you go over how to add mixed straight and triplet notes in the score editor i'm working in 10.5 so you can highlight any changes that would be fantastic yeah we had this question i'm not sure ed if you'd mailed this in uh but we'll go over this so let's say i want to i think the example someone had mailed in i think this will kind of cover two birds with one stone if it was different questions i will look at this in the score editor and i will just take this to page mode and i'm going to just hold down my control or command key and so the question we had mailed in let me just open that document up here quickly um so it says in a 4-4 project the bar in question should contain the following order beat 1 a quarter note rest beat two an eighth note triplet but the first note of the triplet is a rest uh example it's an an eighth note rest barred with two eighth note triplets uh b3 a quarter note and beat for the eighth breast and then an eighth note so to do this what you want to do is just kind of toggle back and forth between your you know the quantized values so if we start off you know we could say we want to do eighth note triplets and as we grab our note tool here um we could just kind of move it over and we see this overlay and this is the same in 10.5 so right now we see the darker lines here uh those indicate the beat so if we wanted to have a quarter note rest so that's one beat to start a b2 to start a beat three and start a beat four so we see we have our quantized values here set to eighth note triplets so that's what the grid changes to so once i click here you can see eighth note triplets if i switch this to the uh 16th note triplets we can see that grid change where we have six notes that could be entered in or if we have this set to uh you know quarter notes now i could see my four quarter notes so we see that kind of visual indication and it will kind of snap so let's say we want to do um i'll just say we're going to do our eighth note triplets so the first eighth note triplet we want as a rest so i'm gonna come here okay so beat two we want that as a rest so we'll come here put that note in let's put in uh our next triplet and let's say on b3 was a quarter note rest so i'm going to now switch from eighth note triplets to eighth notes and you can do this with keyboard shortcuts and as we come here we can see my grid has now changed to eighth notes and i could just put in the eighth note there so i have a quarter note rest a triplet with the first value actually just uh you know as a rest a quarter note rest and then followed by like an eighth note so you have to just kind of toggle back and forth between the tuplet and triplet values and if we do like you know quarter note dotted values and we go to click in with our particular notes you could kind of you know see those particular uh you know grid lines show up so i go to eighth note triplets i can see the grids here if i go to eighth notes i can now just see uh my eighth note grid etc so once you do that kind of switching between you know tuplets and uh you know triplets is is pretty easy and there's keyboard shortcuts that you could set up for that as well okay thanks for all the great questions let's go and move on okay uh so uh just see a question what's the quickest way to access individual parameters uh pro tools is as easy as holding down control uh windows key on pc clicking on a parameter can't seem to find an easy way like this i assume that maybe this is for like automation parameters um so you know if you're here and let's say we have a if we wanted to open up an automation parameter on a particular so let's say if i have an insert here and i want to go to let's say squasher and all right so let's say i have my kick drum preset everything is great and i want to uh find this particular so if we just right click you can just say show ratio up automation track and that will open up that particular automation track for the selected channel right there so that all you have to do is just kind of right click on parameters and then i guess show that the ratio down so just right click and then you will see the different parameters adjust and then you could show the automation lanes there but if i'm misunderstanding just let me know ricardo but i think that should kind of do that okay so i see uh in cubase 11 midi transforms velocity to cc 11 is gone how do we reconstruct it so let's take a look okay so um so we could probably do something like okay we want to transform let's probably value two to type and set to controller and value one is set to fixed value and let's say 11. so let's say at this point if i wanted to just record and let me just see all right hang on just one second my son just came in okay i'm back sorry about that all right so um so going back to that so i think you know if we just set it up to do this and i'll see if i could dig up the preset from previous versions but let's say so i think that that was kind of how it was set up but let me see if there's maybe in the logical editor if this is set up but it looks like you could probably just say type is equal to note um and just kind of do this uh something similar to that so but i can play around with if you want to email me okay uh so question is there any way to start a recording from a beat instead of on the downbeat of a measure i couldn't find the documentation on this for everywhere so i think that there is a preference so if you go to preferences under midi under recording midi to snap midi parts to bars so try unchecking that so once again uh preferences to midi to snap midi parts to bars and try unchecking that and that should allow you to kind of record from any specific point okay so just seeing question from doug a comment from douglas emerson thanks greg and uh don't often catch subscribe and often don't catch live isolated in spokane area and up and up to collaborate via vst connect i play keys at sun path uh do stay well and play hard version 11 upgrade was worth it that's great so if anyone's looking for a keyboard keyboardist to collaborate with all right good to see rafael gruber on all right john coskin wants everyone to hit the like button or they won't feed me he says so you just see atmos without expensive hardware with a big exclamation point yeah it's a big deal so okay reading through comments um okay so repeat it question so all right so i just see a comment about uh houston not being supported anymore so i'll see if i could find out some workaround you know maybe something like that but you know in all fairness to houston is about 20 years old so i think bill clinton was president when it came out and seeing some more comments from berlin stalled wanting them to consider you know doing customized scaling so it's a it's a pretty involved thing to you know to do it independently of the operating system because every window would have to be redone so but i would play around more through some of your video card settings okay so i just see comment or question when i export my work i set my parameters name locator location type but if i export it before the job remains in queue then i go off to remove it and click all settings are gone and i have to redo any tips um so let's go ahead and uh set up kind of a scenario to repeat this so see if we can do this quickly okay so i will set that up and let's create a couple of cues okay so let's say okay i set my parameters name location type but if i export it but if i'd exported before the job remains in queue then i go to remove it and click all the settings are gone and i have to redo any tips so i mean you could save each of these um so let's say if i wanted to set this up really quickly okay so um but if i export it before the job before the job remains in queue then if i go to remove it and click all settings are gone and i have to redo any tips so you know it could be you know if you do this and you know you may want to save each of these as a preset so if you you know so if you're in the middle of this and let's say you delete this one so you know you could delete the queue like that you could also choose to update the queue to change it um so you know maybe if you click on this redo button here or for the update job that you could change it so i would give that a try but i could be maybe not understanding the question entirely so but you know try just clicking on updating the the job queue and see if that does the trick for you um so see hi greg and all will spectral layers run on high sierra really want to take advantage of the price right now i have uh cubase 10.5 pro and wavelab 10 pro working on high sierra fine planning upgrade uh you know there is a trial version of spectral layers so i haven't i don't have a computer anymore with high sierra you know it's kind of hard to swap os's on macs as most people running a mac no uh so i don't really you know so i don't have a mac with high sierra on it and you know it's kind of a problematic process to do but there is a trial version available spectral layers seven so i would you know try the trial version and try it out so uh so question hey is there any way to get a trial version of cubase so currently as a new version is released the trial versions are kind of suspended for usually six to eight weeks so i think we may see a trial version around the end of the year maybe sometime in december that's usually kind of the process of that so um so i know it's kind of it could be problematic when people are like oh i just wanted to [Music] uh you know i just wanted to you know try it out and the new version came out and i don't want to you know so we understand kind of the frustration with that but so it should be up probably in a couple weeks so all right some more discussion on yeah so i see comment from jazz dude i'm usually 30 to 45 minutes behind the live chat i i've caught up a couple of times so but it's hard to catch up all right uh so at what sample rate and bit depth do professional producers like zed produce in cubase at um i'm trying to remember if i i don't think i've talked to zed about this you know a lot of them are still i'm not sure if they're you know a lot of them are working at 44.1 and 48k um and he realized that you know it's kind of like a running joke that i will tell people a lot you know if you know the if your project is not good it's not the sample rate's fault um but i i think i mean i could reach out to some of his staff and see if there's a particular sampler but i haven't had a particular discussion with zed on that you know we talked about lots of other things um but not particularly with sample rate but there's still a lot of people do 48k 44.1 all day long some people do 96k and realize that once you start doing 96 that you know it takes twice as much dsp processing so you know but obviously computers get faster you know every month so uh so one question when the new cubase was released there was a bug within the stem exports section when bouncing different stems to sidechain uh trigger was not included as a trigger is this fixed so it was you know it's not necessarily a bug it wasn't done in a first iteration of the export audio mixdown and it's a pretty involved process we know it's pretty typical uh so it's you know it's a big kind of undertaking you know they're aware of it and i think they wanted to get you know 98 of the functions with the job export upon an initial release and we'll see kind of other enhancements coming i know sidechain is in the discussion for that so okay uh so question is our way to bring the media tab at left zone and inspector tab to right zone so there really isn't a way to kind of swap those those are kind of fixed currently in a program uh so you know it's the first i i've heard of that request so you know this is kind of the inspector for long time cubase users has been here for a really long time so that's kind of like going home for a lot of people you know the inspector isn't necessarily as resizable as the right zone is that could present some issues as well but currently there isn't a way to swap those okay so from montreal bowers good to see you on the hangout uh hey greg is there a way to lock the edit window to the lower zone so the play cursor is in sync with the two so you know as we play i'll just switch projects here [Music] um so and with midi stuff we could kind of do this so let's say as we're playing you could choose to synchronize so you see where you could link the project cursor so as we're playing here i'll activate this project that would help okay i've got to choose so as soon as i now these can be [Music] independent of each other like for the midi or if i activate the link here these will be synced so as i zoom in between my different parts [Music] but one of the things that you could also do is choose to have uh like if i wanted this to be stationary cursor unless i have these unlinked [Music] um and we could also just have kind of uh set up says a stationary cursor here [Music] so say stationary cursor so i could have like my midi update and have the cursor be stationary here [Music] and have this the cursor just kind of play all the way until the end if you wanted to so as you just kind of navigate here or if you want those to be synced or again you want to get to the center here this will constantly scroll as stationary cursor [Music] so when it's not linked together and now if i want these to be linked you know you could just go exactly you know have those linked [Music] so this way the zooming is tied directly in but if that's turned off [Music] so this could be in page scroll and this could be in stationary cursor [Music] so that hopefully that makes sense okay just saying discussion of ice cream and pizza from gareth so i guess to share with the whole class okay just all right my chat jumped on me so just scroll back thanks again for all the wonderful questions all right so i may have lost a couple questions let me just see okay i think i'm okay all right so it's just seeing some uh you know discussion on um you know bit depths and sample rates so um um so you know some discussion on 32-bit 24-bit 64-bit and some confusion with that uh okay just all right so i just see why do i have cubase 10.5 version 11 is out so i am running version 11 but the project may uh maybe create it in 10.5 so all right so i think um okay so it says okay so some of the discussion with 64-bit internal processing and it's a story i've shared before it was uh a mastering engineer friend of mine he's sometimes on the hangouts kind of stalking it a bit but you know probably one of the smartest people in the audio industry in the world a guy named greg lukens who lives just up the street from me a couple miles away um so when we came out with 64-bit internal processing you know i i didn't know and at the time i think i was just kind of working uh at our house and not where my studio was and you know i was kind of listening with headphones and you know with a bunch of cars driving right outside we're kind of living on a busy city street at the point and so i did a so my friend greg lukens is an amazing mastering engineer and he's blind and has you know the most golden of golden ears um you know like bob clear mountain calls him up and asking what sounds good and what doesn't you know he's that guy so when there's always like some really weird problem greg can solve it and being blind it just kind of adds to his jedi mastery so you know so i did one project and i i exported it as a 32-bit uh floating point and a 64-bit floating point the same exact project and i emailed him two files and i was like greg tell me about these two files um and like within so i sent him the link he downloaded it and within like five minutes he's like you know file a is better he's like i can't quite put my finger on it but it's better it's it's subtle but it's better and he has meyer x-10s uh like in his bedroom mastering room you know it's not a typical bedroom mastering but it is in his the master bedroom of his house so they're like you know 85 000 speakers each and you know i was like you know so he's like a is better you know i can't quite put my finger on it but there's something there and that was the file that had this 64-bit resolution so it was my kind of blind listening test as i like to call it is sending files to greg lukens um and you can see a video with him on a wavelab um i think we did we did a video interview with greg um but you know he's you know so he could hear the difference i'm not saying it's everyone is gonna hear the difference but for like really subtle things and you know that can make a big difference so greg could hear the difference so that's kind of the story all right yeah and stevie wonder i see ambien dave was also mentioning stevie wonder i saw stevie wonder tell the difference between two different brands of aes cables once that was pretty freakish all right okay uh is there a way i can randomize midi notes velocity by any shortcut instead of tweak each note manually so let's say i have all these notes one of the things you could do is just come over here to midi modifiers and you may have to just right click and make sure midi modifiers is on so when you have midi track selected and you could choose to randomize a different values so let's say okay i want to randomize the velocity between 80 and 120. and at this point that will kind of do it for you automatically so if i wanted to uh do it for this particular part i could embed that and we say freeze midi modifiers but you could also just select uh your tracks here and go to midi and do it in a logical editor so say i want to transform type is equal to notes um and we'll say i think we could just choose value 2 which is the velocity we want to set to set random values between 80 and 120 so let's just say 40 and hit apply and that will just automatically set the random velocity values within that particular range and a lot of times when you see composers like you know when you see like junkie xl or hand zimmer who are just you know have those huge screens of touch controls they're firing off a lot of logical editor shortcuts and you know so you could go to your logical editor process logical editor key command section and define key commands for those okay so we see uh mark raven is back session was canceled um okay how to stop record arm when selected track in project windows i think we talked about that a little earlier so he may missed if he stepped away but quickly if you go to your preferences and go to editing project and mix console you'll see enable record on selected audio track so turn that off um it says when tracking audio what is the highest value you peek at minus 18 db you know there's different schools i thought i know a lot of people you know for a while aimed for minus six a lot of people now i see aiming for minus 12 db but you know whatever works for you if it sounds good it works so i see gareth mentions that i get cubase 11 when he reaches 100 likes so yes i need my i need my cubase my free cubase update so thank you gareth for mentioning that so yeah they don't actually give me a salary i just get free software so see mandy lane saying wavelab is for professionals that she has wavelab six so wavelab is a great program for kind of you know giving your productions kind of that extra edge all right okay so a question from paul c uh when i have when i have several just reading garrosh comments he makes me laugh all right so when i have several takes the comment after this uh when i have several takes and complete my comping to get my finished take can i delete all the other lanes without losing the original takes so let's come over here so one way of kind of doing this is let me just open up a different project here so let's say i've done my comp and i'm quite happy with it so i see all my lanes here i grab my comp tool and let's say this is now my comp that i've created so [Music] all right so let's say that is my take and one of the things i think if we go to audio um let me just select all the events here this is good audio and i think if you go to advanced you could choose delete overlaps let me just so and at that point you could uh and let me just see there's also if you go to editing there's also delete overlaps here so now like as i would do a particular edit all those different events that aren't being used and i'll just turn off my snap so let's say if i wanted to come here if it's not being used that those parts will kind of get hidden but when i roll back that data is still there underneath but it's kind of just visually hidden so try going to your preferences and under editing just enable delete overlaps and i think that will get you where you want to go okay um all right so gareth says help greg get cubase 11 like now so all right okay so um [Music] all right so good to see mandy lane on hangout again all right so question have selected hit points for hi hats how could i replace or augment the sounds using groove agent samples so let me jump back to project red some live drums and i'll revert this back so usually i haven't done too much like hi-hat replacement but let's take a look okay so let's just kind of sound this out so this is my hi-hat i will to set my threshold okay let's create midi notes uh let me just find what pitch my hi-hat is on so come to my groove agent tract i have set up here okay so say f sharp one okay so now as we do this [Music] so we just replaced the hi-hats with the sample here if i want to put the real hi-hat in so it's not necessarily going to catch all the like if there's opened and closed hi hats but you can so especially for kind of like the beginning where you have a lot of hi hats so if i wanted to change the pitch [Music] okay so that's uh one easy way of being able to do that so okay so again i think from houston about how to access automation parameters so we've shown that a couple times we've shown that already so just right click on the parameter okay uh hello one question i have um when i try to make one track mp3 the mp3 is lower than the cubase track why is why is happening this um it's probably going to be a sample rate so when you go to your export audio mix down you know make sure that you have you know the the same kind of matching sample rate between the mp3 and like you know your wav file so it's probably going to be just a sample rate mismatch between the exported file and the file so if it's if it's lower in pitch that's probably what that is indicative of so but if it's lower in volume um it could be some of the aspects that you're losing through the mp3 conversion all right so we see uh jeff zavalski's looking to get a new amd ryzen but the gamers have bought them all up all right okay so you see policy will send it to me uh send a video to me regarding the scale assistant [Music] okay so i think we had this question before about the exporting queues then if you remove it and click all the settings are gone i have to redo any tips you know on the export cues so you know once you have everything kind of set up as you want you know just you know so say we go to our export audio mix down we could now at this point choose to export it you know it's you know once you have everything configured save it as a preset so you know like here i have a preset for mp3 boom then i could just add that to the queue so you know save multiple presets and you should be able just to load a preset and add that to the queue load a preset add that to q without having to reset it every single time are you reading through comments all right gareth is telling me i win a copy of cubase 11 pro i'm excited maybe i could learn it okay we have a question every time i add a group track or effects track it's it syncs to the bottom of the project window into effects folders and group folders can i turn this off okay so let's say i want to add an effects channel track right below this selection so when we go to add let's say effects channel track um so we'll say okay i want to add a reverb okay um and sorry i forgot to show you the answer to the question so let's add a an effects channel track but you'll see folder set up you want to choose create outside folder so it probably should try to get this changed label wise too it's a create outside folder below selected track so now when i add a track it's going to put the effects channel right there if i wanted to add a group to these three tracks i could right click let's add group channel to selected channels and instead of created inside the folder which will place it at the bottom in the effects or in the groups folder choose create outside folder and hit add track and then that newly created effects channel or group track will be added directly below the lowest selected track so just create outside a folder okay any discussion of multi-track warping for future cubase release at steinberg a lot of people in the forums really missing this for a long time for multi mic drums and guitar etc cheers yeah it's obviously you know they're very aware of it but sometimes as you know a feature is kind of brought into scope you know it's like you know and steinberg kind of does as well it's like oh you know what about the scale assistant you know should we just have it snap to skeleton oh no let's make it so that it does this and that you can create your own scales and you could derive the skeleton a chord track or you could make your own you know so they try to realize it as kind of a fairly complete uh thing as opposed to just kind of a too thing so i know it's in discussion i know like some of the resources have been kind of tied up you know like in any company there's a finite amount of resources and when you're doing you know there's you know dedicated teams for you know italian and dedicated teams for dorco but sometimes between nuendo and cubase they're sharing some of the same resources and these are you know incredibly talented you know developers that are very specialized so you know if they're working on one particular thing you know they may be tied up working on dolby atmos integration on nuendo and once that's done other other components are freed up so they're i you know the development and planning teams are very aware of the desire for that you know so we'll see i think you know it's a known uh priority okay um so i just see have you the project to make dorco connect with cubase so you know i think we'll see more cubase and dorco integration kind of as we start going in future we wanted to make sure that dorico could kind of get all of its kind of you know fundamental scoring features kind of uh configured and set up first you know obviously they're starting from scratch and they've done you know and a pretty astounding job of you know getting up to speed and four years to just a monster of a program so i think we'll now start to see more of the integration between the two programs you know we're seeing some small steps like you know utilizing the smoofle fonts in cubase 11 you know so we have access to the brevura and petaluma fonts from dorico so and i think we'll only see more integration as it moves forward all right so gareth is talking me into purchasing uh cubase 11 so okay so we have a question can you give a quick rundown on midi port settings so a lot of times midi ports are going to be you know defined uh you know by the operating system and you know contemporary max in pcs so if we go to our studio setup you could go to uh your midi port setup here and one of the things that comes up periodically especially when people have uh control surfaces is uh this little thing that says in all midi inputs so sometimes you may have a particular uh a particular function like a control surface and many of the control surfaces will just you know you press the start button and it's a midi note that sends the message through a protocol to you know start hit you know to do the start command function in the software so sometimes people will uh you know have their have a midi track selected and they hit play and it sounds a note so at this point this is where we could turn in the in all midi inputs or what ones are visible aren't visible you could just kind of turn directly on and off here so that's some stuff you can do with midi ports but it's largely kind of defined by what midi ports are available and accessible through the operating system all right so i see gareth i finally got him out of his revelation in hour three about the node expression button so uh so question media bay is there a way to go back one step in the folder hierarchy so i think you could do it in the main media bay but maybe not in so let's say if i come here to i wanted to go to this and let me just so i think if i that you could click here to navigate so let's see so you could just kind of hit the back button here and let me just check that key command so if you get a browse back you see there's probably let me just set one up here so if i'm here i could just hit that key command to browse back so let's say if i'm here and i want to go back to that folder you could just kind of do that and let's see if this works in i don't think it works in this right zone but in the big media bay you can set up a key command for that um so see jason williams asks would it be possible to ever use mixer faders as descends in a future cubase uh to edit option for sending levels using faders not just a sense panel i've kind of asked for a flip uh you know like a flip faders to sends function uh it's currently you could do it in the nuage controller allows you to do that um but i've asked for it in the past and i you know especially for doing headphone mixes it's really fast and easy as well but i'll i'll ask again and send a request gareth likes uh i love how your big life events are tied to cubase versions so just i remember just having you know showing cubase seven you know showing cubase seven in like at a preview in new york city uh it's like and then going on vacation the next day to barbados when my wife was pregnant so i remember that so it's not always tied to that so but that one kind of stuck in i have an annoyingly good memory for stuff like that all right good to see everyone saying hi to ryan so all right so uh tutors project i put one question earlier can you write to me please um so i'm not sure if that's a question that was mailed in okay so i see from mohamed salah you didn't answer my question even you didn't say my name if you don't like arabic people from bringing notes for that so sometimes i lose questions as my chat field disappears so muhammad if you want to ask me again i'll see if i could catch it towards the end of the hangout so but i try to go through them all pretty chronologically so but sometimes some of the questions uh like my chat field gets to a point where it resets and i can only go back so far so i apologize if i missed your question uh hi greg is it possible to set default inserts that are auto applied when importing audio to new tracks um so you could what i've seen some people do is kind of do this through not automatically applied but you if we go to your direct offline processes so let's say if we hit f7 um and let's say you always want to you know normalize a particular you know so if we're here you could have these set up as favorites so we could say okay i always want to normalize audio so i and then you know what you could do here let's see if i can remember how to do this um so i think if but you could save these to all right so let's say if i've dragged this out um [Music] okay so let's say i've applied that so i can say i always want to normalize and i always want to um remove dc offset so you could set these to you know your banks of favorites and just simply you know hit f7 and apply these particular processes but nothing that you know as the file is inserted that it automatically uh drags and drops it automatically processes you know and that could be a really confusing thing for people but you know but you could save these as kind of presets and like known you know banks of processing so once you have that saved as a preset then you could just drag and drop that you know select a file hit f7 drag and drop those parameters as you see fit okay um okay so let's see question what's the silvestri automation folder in macro someone has a good eye so yeah sometimes i'll get uh you know composers will call me so this is uh i think a macro i made for alan sivestry let me see what it is um you know and i get this a lot or a composer will call me up and it's like you know can you make a macro that does this uh so i've made a couple four ounces of estuary i got to meet him for the first time um when we did some of our cubase 11 we did a cubase 11 preview for him and was like such a wonderful man i mean just wow i was like such a huge fan and he wrote me just the kindest email saying you know he watches all my videos and stuff so it's just a thrill um so let me okay so sebastian automation um i don't know i think this may have been tied into something else uh but it was something with automation like he's very precise with you know coming in and just writing in you know lots of automation points uh so and doing and you know does i think he does all his own mixing uh and he's like very particular with automation and i think he wanted a way to reset the value i i could go through some emails and see if i could find out what the uh what that particular macro was for but i don't remember off top of my head it happens a lot all right so we have jan checking in from netherlands okay what's the best way to use an external synth uh with regular midi and integrated into cubase like a vintage synth so i think you know the best way to integrate like an old vintage synth and i have you know a whole rack full of old vintage not used synths now uh but go to your audio connections and define an external instrument so let's say okay i have a montage uh or you know let's say uh like i turned on my jd 800 so i have that and what i would do is i tell it what inputs this is connected to uh in my audio interface i i'm going to take my midi out like normal i'm going to take my audio outputs of the instrument and connect those directly to inputs on my audio interface i will now come over here let's add an instrument track i will choose for this instrument track to be external so i could just you know kind of come right over here so let's say i have my montage or whatever and at this point um you know my audio out is coming from my instrument it's coming directly into my cubase and i could run it through my effects and stuff like that as well all right so let's see greg how do you get step record in uh in midi tracks so let's come over here let's do new project so let's say i will just do a quick um retro log patch okay and now i wanted to do just a quick step input okay so i want to pretend that i could play keyboards well which i can't because i'm just a bass player so i will come over here and i'm going to make sure that uh from the setup menu that you see step midi input enabled and once you see that you'll see these little steps so if i wanted to put in eighth notes i could choose my rhythmic value here so let's say oh i put in eighth notes uh and you'll see kind of like a blue line up here and that's where the step entry will go so i'll just all right so now as i kind of look at this everything that i just played will and now gareth has a new little midi part that he could steal so and if you said that's all you had to do and then you could just put in different step entries so if i wanted to come here and i'll just hit my arrow keys to navigate back and forth and let's say i just wanted to change the velocities so if i hit really hard [Music] soft so i could keep the same pitches but you know if i wanted to you know you could choose to exclude and just have velocities um i have that set into record enable as well which i probably shouldn't do so now i could just you know put you know just velocities in uh so once you activate step so you know so some different things that you could do but just you know turn this on and if you wanted to put in let's say at this value okay i just want to put in like eighth note triplets so at this point as i put notes [Music] in i could say okay i want to now grab the pitch [Music] and i put in you know half notes [Music] and again you could have you know keyboard shortcuts too [Music] you know and just kind of so that's an easy way of kind of starting with step entry all right so i know we had some questions that were sent in so let's get to some of those okay so we got through one of the scoring okay so uh we had a question about uh external effects integration and using the fireface uh says i watched your video in this subject several times it all makes sense and sent the youtube link but it seems i need to route things properly in totalmix even after configuring my i o with cubase per your video to use external effects so kind of the long story short is you know he's using the army total mix software and he wants to have an effect i think it's an eventide h9000 uh with its inputs and outputs set up so you know and it's kind of a lengthy description um but you know you could set it up in total mix to kind of do something very similar and that's fine if you're not using a daw like cubase uh but you know cubase is gonna have its you know and the total mix software if you're not familiar with it from army and i haven't worked with it in a long time and it's you know i but i get calls on it constantly still where you know you could have you know the dsp to route you know this input to this output and you know it can be uh very convoluted very flexible very powerful but very easy to get mixed up and to have settings not set correctly so i you know if you're using it with the daw i wouldn't configure it in total mix you know and for the most part i found that you know whenever whenever anyone calls me and it's like you know you know and i get this call a lot you know it's like channel 15 is going out channel 23. why uh and i'm like oh you have total mix and you're like yeah how did you know you know and i was like reset total mix uh and you know and then it to its default values and then it kind of works as expected so you could do the routing inside the total mix or the routing inside of cubase so i would do all the settings inside of cubase because that's where you're wanting to use the even tide as your external effects and don't worry about the internal routing of you know within the event within within the rme total mix because you know that can affect what's going on in cubase but it's just an extra layer that's not going to compen not going to take into effect any of the delay compensation it doesn't really get you anywhere unless you're running it standalone without a daw so i would try to just do the settings within cubase and not worry about the settings inside of a total mix okay okay so it says i'm running nuendo question i'm running nuendo latest version on pc with the latest version of windows 10. i did overdubs for a client and exported the files 4824 with broadcast wave trunks uh i chose to export the files back into nuendo project and also to desktop because the desktop version was easy to find and send i sent the file saved to desktop to the client he imported the files into his daw and moved them to origin they didn't line up to the correct place they were a few seconds early i imported the files i sent him and i had the same problem uh i sent him files from the pool and they lined up as they were supposed to do there appears to be a bug files exported to the pool and to the desktop with broadcast wave trunks should line up the same now i'm aware of the problem i can work around it but other users will run into this problem i've i've seen you in nashville as often as i knew you would be here you're an amazing product specialist okay and this is from ronnie light so i let's take a quick look because i tried this earlier and i didn't have any problems or differences so i'll just grab a quick uh maybe just a quick loop here okay so i'm going to go ahead and i'll just remove my retro log track there i'll take this part here and we're going to start it let's say at 30 seconds exactly okay so i'm going to export this file so do my audio mix down all right and i'll just call this aaa december 1st 2020 okay i'm going to choose to mix it to my desktop and i will import this directly as an audio track um so it will just say create audio track so that we'll put it back into the project and we'll do this as a wav file and we'll let me see what sample rate our project is at okay so i'll just do the same sample rate so i could follow my own advice let's make it a 24 bit 44.1 interlead file i'll add this to the queue so we're going to take our stereo out export it okay so we'll just take this loop okay import the file all right so it's we put it right back and i have this kind of set for longer okay so i had my left and right locator set so let's say at this point i take this particular file and i will move to origin and those files line up kind of as expected let's import the file from our desktop so i'm going to import an audio file i will go ahead and just erase that file let's import an audio file go to desktop here's our aaa december we will use a new file come right over here and now when we do this it's going to be moved to origin and that lines up as expected so you know it could be like you know depending on what they're using like you know you may notice that when i imported it it would import the file directly at the cursor position by default uh until i moved it to the origin but that seems to work as expected on my end let me know if i'm doing something wrong ronnie and you could uh you know let me know but it seems like that's working okay uh question hi i would like to know step by step a correct way to finalize midi projects in an audio project a procedure for making professional mastering finalize a midi project with contact or vst instruments and convert it to audio correctly without timing problems due to effects inserted in a midi project or wrong levels that bring the track into clipping in the event that you'll do this online next i'd be very grateful for you informing me by email since these characteristics escape to create a professional product also for fee and possibly in italian i'm waiting for your information says from antonio conte so there's really nothing terribly special that you have to do so let's say if i wanted to take just a um you know i'll open up just a quick project here and i won't export the whole project for time's sake but you know i'll just open up this particular project this is a lot of different virtual instruments and some audio of piano in the old modular moog modular synth so let's say as we're [Music] so if i wanted to just you know export this i you know again you don't really have to do anything special i'll just do two bars here um so just do our export audio mix down and you know it's gonna kind of sound as it does so i'll just say okay let's take a single i'll take my stereo track we will save it as a you know as our wav file add it to the queue and we'll start our q export so that will just kind of bounce it down so as we do this we could now um and i didn't import it into the project so let me just do that one more time okay so i'll set up kind of the same conditions so just an export audio mix down so we'll import it into the project okay so we'll come here and it's really that's so you know if we play our project and if i wanted to now just play back the so a different sample rate but that's really nothing really special that you have to do but if you're you know having particular issues antonio let me know okay so i had a couple of questions one was related to ve pro so i don't have a license of eepro so i'm not that familiar with it but i'll kind of read through kind of three questions um i work with uh vienna ve pro connected to midi tracks in cubase each tracking vep out or connected to an audio track in cubase that way when i see my inspector the project when i select a track i see the midi routing and the audio routing but when i press s to solo a midi track it also turns turn some other tracks in solo mode it depends sometimes if it's other tracks sometimes it's two etc but the selected tracks are the same all the time like if they were linked it's frustrating because i always have to deselect the other tracks of course all these tracks are not linked do you know why so let's say if i have um a empty project here and i'm going to add an instrument so say retro log okay and let's send this to a group track okay so and now if i solo this you know it because this is being routed to the group the group will solo as well and let's say if i added some you know audio tracks to go along with that you know and now if i you know solo that um you know we can still see that the group is going to be soloed so it could also you know so i'm not sure if there's routing that's going on between the two that could be causing that to link um and then kind of a second part is when i select the track in solo mode it mutes my master track uh even if i held down command and clicked on the solo do you have an idea maybe it's linked to the first problem you know so you know if you hold down kind of command here that could do like a you know so with this you know if i have multiple tracks selected and i solo another track it could add it to the solo but if i hold down control or command it would isolate and only solo that particular track um so i'm not sure but my master track is not muted as i do this so i'm not sure if it's you know maybe it is you know because so when i come here you know because this particular track is going to the master the master is still soloed when i click on retro log and let's say i solo that you know the group is going to be soloed because that is part of the uh signal flow for that so i think that's kind of why it's so load but if you have a chance to do a video and maybe send me a link that would be helpful um and the third question i have the uad ssl 4000 e plug-in when i put on insert it works but when i close the project i open up this plug-in only this one overload to cpu and cubase and i have clicks did you hear something about this issue with this plug-in so i kind of googled this and it seems like this particular plug-in does that a lot with many other programs so i'm not sure if it's going to be so steinberg specific with that okay um so a quick question here so uh i have a project with file size of 504 kilobytes and it consists of a stereo files mix downs they are all an audio folder around 40 megabytes large each when i run spectral errors in one of the 43 megabytes stereo mix down files and unmixed stems to get vocals bass drums piano and other separated and then save as the project and the project size is roughly 346 megabytes large uh can the file size be made smaller for the project file after spectral layers have broken up the unmixed stems does every save after this have to be 346 megabytes or so large if i tend to save a lot of save as all numbered so that i can go back to earlier points in the mix and mastering process and that large file size is not really welcome if only one could unload the spectral layers work and keep the stems the stems themselves become 43 megabyte wave files only so what you could do if you run into this so let's say and i have kind of the full version of spectral layers pro so i will go to quick extensions here you know once you've done the unmix so let's go to my layer and i'll unmix stems so we'll just kind of take this whole different aspect so if you're running this with cubase you could in cubase 11 you can now just kind of drag the individual layers that have been unmixed directly back into your project so once we have this i can say let's take the vocals and drop that in let's take my piano and drop that in and so you know every time you do this you could just say okay i want you know just the base layer and drag and drop that into your project and then that's going to be just normal audio file so as we just solo you know just the base here [Music] so this way they're just normal files once you drag them back directly into your projects i would try doing that so that's a new thing in cubase 11. so i see that we're just about out of time we've gone about four hours we'll be having a next hangout on friday so i want to stop before we lose our free closed captioning so thanks everyone for all the questions and we'll go ahead and wrap up and see everyone on friday thank you so much and everyone have a great day take care
Channel: Cubase
Views: 19,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 0sec (14340 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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