How to Cut a V Shape Into Long Hair

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[Music] hi my friends Sam here listen this season you're seeing a lot of girls walk in your salons and they're asking for that angle that works its way the back welcome back Farrah Fawcett so hair is pretending to move back and away from the face also I want you to think about those young girls that are coming in the salons are asking for a V in the back so we really want to go through and get that V in the back and make it really simple never fear Sam's here going to share that with you today as a hot tip the ingredients that you're going to need or the tools and products that we're going to need to achieve this is I'm going to work with a white cutting comb longer length because I'm going to be taking long sections and a white one because I'm working on dark hair I've also chosen to work with the seven inch blade reason being longer sections longer length of blade get there and just cut it I'm going to work with my section Clips because we're going to stay in control with sectioning my products of choice satin wear and diamond oil that's right I'm and oil by Redken sad we're 0-2 so I get a little bit of tak with the lotion that's going to go in my hand first and then I did diamond oil diamond oil is going to give me a little bit more slip blend the two together which I've done and you've got your cutting motion now let's get ready to begin remember it the goal is we want to achieve a nice soft angle around the face frame area into a V in the back so let's begin with a center part regardless if they go left side part or right side part I want you begin this in the center next let's create our guideline establish the length so we're just going to take a small diagonal forward section right at the top in the beginning of the right front and then I'm going to do the exact same thing on the left side you're going to do this to create the guideline for both sides slightly diagonal forward taking the same amount of hair bring these two sections together and marry them as one what we're going to do is we're going to drop down and decide how long does a client or where does the client want the angle to begin in this particular case we're going to go right at the lip area or just above the lip area right at the nose I want you to come in and I want you to just notch this and the reason we're going to notch this is so that we keep just a softer edge right there if we cut it too blunt it's going to be too heavy and remember we want this to swing back once we've established that guideline for both sides now we're ready to graduate the hair so what I want you to do is I want you to think inside out immediately start to layer the hair don't go in and cut that perimeter angle first let the graduation create the angle for you watch what I'm going to do take your clip and section away from the back so I've actually taken the front to the back and I've actually separated that way and we did that on both sides okay now first section we're going to take is a diagonal forward section so we take our diagonal forward section right to the corner of the eye now we're going to take our comb and our comb is going to marry exactly that section so from here we're going to comb and square straight up to that folding the hair over my index finger and looking for my guide there's my guide now this angle that I'm about to cut that angle actually matches the same section the angle that section so the two are parallel to each other look at the white comb and you can see how they match up that's going to allow you to create consistency so I don't want you to just pick it up and cut it think about creating consistency for both sides one of the most difficult things is to get them to match when you're cutting an angle that works from short to long around the face frame area from here my elevation is diagonal so I'm elevating straight up okay right we're from where it's at staying square of that section elevation coming up my finger angle is parallel this section and I am just at inside of the nose so now the next però section is parallel to that so we keep our section parallel to that now you'll see how that section is going to be parallel and all I'm doing is working down the front right side area working down parallel okay so we come through square inside the nose up to the angle fold and cut it I don't want you to over comb this when you tend to over comb it you will tend to over direct the section too much when you over direct the section too much from the previous section you start to lose the flow now check the long blade get in there and just close keeping the sections parallel every section parallel going to give you a profile view of this now coming through there is my section watch the coma state square root of that so I comb a hair square straight up watch what I mean if the comb goes in vertical like this watch what you're going to do you're going to comb out now look how flattened that degree of elevation if I stay square there you can see the grain of the hair is elevated all the same grain the angle I'm cutting is parallel to that section so we elevate up fold it over your index finger and the reason I want you to fold over the index finger so you can see your guide instead of trying to see through the section to see the guy come through and close now let's take the rest of the hair straight up now watch this here's where the Incans inconsistency can happen I want you to keep your comb vertical there see the vertical line see a horizontal line now I want you to go halfway there is your diagonal line now watch all of the grain of the hair be combed that diagonal so now this is about being consistent hot little tip when you comb immediately bring your holding hand immediately underneath the comb and just allow the comb to lead your finger angle to that position and now simply come in and close and you're good to go and remember my over direction look where my hand is that my hand is right on the inside of our nose okay maintain that consistency on the opposite side so what I want you to do is your mindset is in that degree of elevation that finger angle and that point of over direction immediately come to the opposite side so that you can create the consistency in other words if I cut this and then move to the back now my mind sets moving into something different I want you to keep your mindset the same everything comes up again square the section kkoma square up there's my guide fold over that and now same angle now don't get caught up from the fact that on the right side I cut her from the bottom up and now on the left side I'm cutting her from the top down what I want you to worry about is keeping this consistent in terms of the placement of your comb and combing these angles if people say well sim if there was one thing that creates a lot of mistakes when you cut what would it be my friends you really want to know what it is it's not your scissor it's not your hands it's not your mindset it is this tool we call the comb it's the comb that gets us in trouble this comb this tool gets us in trouble why because it's the way we comb if we're not consistent in terms of thinking about that every position you comb to could be a different position now you're creating consistency on one side as opposed to the opposite side maintaining all the way through continuing diagonal forward remembering that every section is parallel to the previous section keeping square we call a comb hand now angle and follow and fold and cut when you cut I want you to think about developing rhythm get rhythm when you cut my friends in the old days I always used to over comb everything and that's because things were a lot more precise then so what we want you to do is we want you to loosen up your mindset and think a little bit more loose now watch what happens let me give you a profile view of this when you release this look what we've automatically created we've automatically created a diagonal line that works itself from short to long and we did this on both sides so here's what we didn't do which is what I used to do in the old days is I'd come in and I would take a diagonal back angle comb it forward cut the line in and then layer up you can see this can be quite time-saving now let's go to the back when we go to the back now we're going to repeat the same procedure yet we're going to change our point of reference so watch what happens release your clips remember we can we section for control I want you to take a vertical section right down center back okay I want you to just isolate one section out of the way get this section out of the way and now take your clip and legs up it captures the hair once we're there let's talk about what we just did in the front look at this sectioning we took in the front we went diagonal down this way now I want you to imagine this section going to the back so watch rock your comb back now you can start to see the sectioning I'm going to take in the back the sectioning leads itself to the back so when I go in the back it's going to start to become more horizontal but the point of reference I'm going to take it to is the ear not too inside of the nose watch my first section let's go this left side okay so I'm going to come 3/4 give you a view of that go back and visualize your sections first now look at the section here so now I'm in the crown area diagonal forward I'm not going to over direct this to the nose I'm going to simply lift from where it's at right there here comes my guide and right here is where all this back section is going to go to this is going to be able to give me that V in the back area there okay now here we go same section see how that's parallel okay now it comes up and the point of reference once again is the ear so let me give you a square view of that look how my hand when it comes up my hand is over her ear so I'm not over combing past that ear so you can see the point of reference changes we come up there's my god now all you do is just follow that same God isn't this interesting look at the angle I'm cutting now that angle that we have is the exact same angle that you see in your section so this is what we're trying to do is give you a hot tip in terms of use your sectioning to follow these angles so you create the consistency you want to create let's continue to the back look at the sectioning just stay parallel to the previous section my friends do not make this difficult what I love about this is you don't need a section of horseshoe so this would be great something nice quick and simple to do for one of these girls that comes in says I want my hair to feather back I wanted to move back away from my face and I'm looking for a V now watch what happens everything here to the corner to the above the ear Sam how do I know when I'm at the ear use the spine of the comb when the spine of the comb is at the ear from here just comb straight up and you're in the cutting position you need to be that's a great little tip to establish your point of reference otherwise you overcome now watch the back when I release this back watch the angle that this created so it goes from short to long now I'm getting the point of length in the center so I didn't go through take a vertical section take a section that does this on both sides and carve that v-shape in I'm using my sense of graduation to create it my friends this is going to save you so much time in the salon and I really feel that we got to keep things simple especially in today's world let's go to the back right side once again visualize your suction diagonal forward diagonal forward diagonal forward diagonal forward rock it to the back that gives you that section right in the back now I go same diagonal forward that hooks up in to the front as if I was cutting into that front area my point of reference is the ear remember that is your point of reference now we come through we comb up making sure my hand is over the ear look at the angle let the white comb lead to that angle there is that angle right there that's exactly where we need to be come through and cut I'll give you a little bit of a three-quarter view on this so you can see the angle comes forward come through when we graduate I want you to work with the fine teeth of the comb I know a lot of people out there love one white one comb where all the teeth are the same width or a little bit wider all the way through that's a great comb to use for natural curly hair when you're going through and you're actually graduating the hair we recommend that you work with the fine teeth of the comb the reason you want to work with a fine tip of the comb is is because it compresses things more when you get a little bit more more compression you get a little bit more of a softer edge and that's the object in this okay anything that does not reach my friends don't cut it remember the point of reference we're taking to the over direction is to over the ear look at my degree of elevation how I'm elevating that hair now watch what happens when we're done you're going to go through and I want you to just comb it down and now you just start to see an outline and you've got graduation inside where the outline has that angle in the front and then it leads you into this V in the back now once I'm here this is where I would adjust this length and you simply come through and take off what it is that you want to take off my friends this is a great simple way to go in and create a V you'll love doing it keep it simple and remember that's what we're all about is bringing you things and ideas that you can use behind the chair have a great day and try this you're going to love it [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sam Villa Hair Tutorials
Views: 1,544,918
Rating: 4.8946958 out of 5
Keywords: long hair, v-shape hair, haircut, long hairstyle, cutting long hair, how to cut long hair, v shape hair, sam villa education, hair shears, hair scissors, how to cut hair, cutting hair, long haircut, beauty, salon, style, hair salon, beauty salon, hairdresser, hair stylist, hair, redken, hairstyle
Id: 5q1aGZqySHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2013
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