How To Cut Perfect Face Framing Layers for Longer Hair - V-Shaped Layers

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[Music] hi everyone I'm Andrew Carruthers education director for Sambia today what we'd love to share with you is a fresh technique on how to add face framing so we've shown you a couple other techniques and what you can do is you can go to our YouTube page do some searching around and you're gonna find other techniques for this as well but what we want to do as a company is we want to offer you as much value as possible and the way that we do that is giving you options because not every technique is gonna be the right thing for every client so this is just a fresh idea and we'll talk a little bit about who it's gonna fit best let's get into the sectioning so - section Shana's hair here we're gonna find that high point of the head it's that upper surface of the mountain easy way to do that take your comb just horizontal with the floor bring it down where it touches the head first is going to be the highest point make sure your clients in natural head position when you do this we're gonna find that high point and we're going to connect our point where the hair becomes weak behind the ear so if I go to just the top of the ear what happens is this is the area where density actually changes so if they come to the top of the area I actually have this area of the hair that isn't going to be cut inside of that area so coming from just behind the ear here and following this hairline is going to make sure that we get everything that we want into the side of the haircut so to isolate this I'm gonna drive grab one of our dry cutting clips what's cool about these clips is they have a little rubber piece in there that you can see that helps to just hold the hair nicely between and it holds the hair flat together so it's not gonna add a crease to the dry hair and it holds a lot of hair and all holds it extremely well so we're gonna mirror that same parting on this other side now I'm gonna find that point just behind the ear place a finger there place another finger here on the tooth and my comb and just connect the dots and that gives me a nice clean parting grab one more dry cutting clip and pull that out of the way so that I have isolated our front to start this we're going to now part off the upper surface of the head and what that is is anything that lives above the round of the curvature of the head I'm her parts almost right on it but I'm just actually going to slice a little bit off of there I'm gonna have you tilt your head down just a little bit and that's gonna be our first parting there from that partying what we're gonna do so we're gonna grab the seven-inch dry cutting shear from our Signature Series because we have a lot of dry hair to handle here and these shears have the strength in the blade to be able to hold on to this hair and not push it actually I'm gonna have you come back to natural head position my over direction is everything forward to a square line in the front so I'm over directing to this almost imaginary wall in front of her face my elevation is 90 degrees horizontal which means horizontal and flat with the floor now as far as length goes I just need to kind of determine where my shortest point is gonna fall I'd actually like it's a fall kind of around jawline so I just need to kind of picture okay if I cut that length where is it going to fall to and if you need to go ahead and pull a little piece out and measure it there for yourself I feel pretty comfortable with that length so what we're gonna do is we're gonna cut a v-shape into this we want our longest points on the outside and our shortest point on the inside there and you can see with that seven-inch dry cutting shear it makes pretty quick work of all that hair it's a lot of hair cuz she has fairly thick hair it's on the medium side but definitely is shine towards the thick side and when it's dry like this it tends to push out of the shear so the seven-inch dry cutting shears excellent for this so what you can see will happen from that point is even that I start to get my my shape built in now how do I tie that in besides I'm going to take my parting down the center and by the way I am coming from the center because she does move her part it doesn't always come off this side part if it was always based off that side part I would shift my center point to that to that place so that it started more evenly so with this side now we're gonna do is I'm going to bring the side in the elevation is staying the same 90 degrees horizontal and again the over direction is straight forward I'm gonna find my shortest point from my previously cut section and then I'm gonna find my longest point on the perimeter here so I know if I save this piece right here I'm not gonna cut away the perimeter and I'm gonna come in and just connect the two the other nice thing too is she does have a little heat damage around the front and this is gonna get rid of all that and it's gonna feel really fresh and really healthy so let's step to this side so we can work our section on this side again elevation is 90 degrees horizontal and that / direction is straight forward towards the mirror my finger angle is straight vertical as well and then once I find my section I stop my pink or the tip of my fingers at the length that I want and I rotate that knuckle out until I find the length at the perimeter and just cut that off as long as my perimeter lengths were balanced now I will have balance on either side because I had a guide from the perimeter and the center that I set in that first section so let's take these clips out we'll just give it a little shake see how this all came out ooh I like this this is fresh for you love and it just happens to be your birthday today so this is a great birthday haircut and like I said the the other benefit of that is it really cut away a lot of that damaged hair that she had around the front from excessive tulle heat which I already gave her a talking to she knows now to turn her iron down we don't need to be baking our hair with 450 degree irons so again just to recap the technique we're gonna start here at the high point draw our line to just behind the ear where the hair becomes weaker and the hairline drops do that on both sides our next section is at the top of the round of the head above that parietal Ridge area and making sure that we're just getting that upper surface that section is all over directives straight forward to a wall and elevation is horizontal 90 degrees horizontal flat with the floor we're cutting that v-shape in make sure you give yourself a visual cue of where that first length is gonna sit on the face and it's something that you where you want it to hit we cut that v-shape in then we bring the sides down elevation again is 90 degrees horizontal and straight forward is our over our over direction and we connect the short that longest point of our v-shape and the top out to the lengths and the perimeter it's actually a pretty simple technique and I think if you watch this a few times it'll be something that you can have ownership over what this is great for is these medium to even thicker heads of hair because you do have a lot of layer and a lot of lightness through this so this is gonna be great for those girls that need that movement we hope you enjoyed the technique and if you have any questions please add your comments in the box just below the screen and we'll do our best to get back to you thanks so much for watching I'm Andrew Carothers [Music]
Channel: Sam Villa Hair Tutorials
Views: 7,932,739
Rating: 4.7535043 out of 5
Keywords: sam villa, hair, hair stylist, salon, hair salon, Face, Haircut, faceframe, Andrew Carruthers, Hairdresser (Profession), how to cut hair around the face, cutting hair around the face, frame hair around the face, cut an angle into hair, angled haircut, hair shears, hair scissors, how to cut hare around your face, Beauty, Hair (Award-Winning Work), v-shaped, long hair layers, layering long hair, face framing, face fram hair
Id: j176GUXEjU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2015
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