I Asked My Editor What He REALLY Thinks About Me

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His cat is lovely❤️

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Besteklade 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

How funny, its hilarious

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nurse-Inpatient-kind 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

definitely the best YouTube channel!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/suele-33 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I like the Two Point Hospital video 🤷🏻‍♀️ hahahaha And Kicking Cancer’s butt it’s def one my favorite till now ❤️

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Camilaapaixaoo24 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
- What is the worst video you've ever made together? (groaning) - What?! That was the best video. - So um... - 600 million views, almost 6 million subscribers. You think that I may have done it by myself? I haven't, it's been with the help of this guy, Daniel Owens. He's almost Dr. Daniel Owens, with all the medical information he's had to listen to. Today we're gonna be playing a really fun game for you to get to know Dan. It's called the Newlymed Game. - Newlymed Game, that's so clever dude, who came up with that? - Not me, Sam. - I know it wasn't you. - Kaching! - Sam (laughing). It's gonna get competitive, let's get started? (whooping) - [Sam] Where was your first meeting? (calm music) (laughing) - First of all, his is wrong. - Oh, all right, so, downstairs at the old apartment. - Yeah, come on and destroy the set buddy. - We just lost video, it's still rolling, right? - (laughing) Oh God. - Bear, lay down. Hold on, wait, I don't have my eraser. Is it underneath you? (laughing) Is that his foot? - It was in Bear. - He pulled out an eraser out of Bear. - [Sam] What is one thing you would change about Mike? - I dunno why I'm blanking on this. - Oh, come on, this is easy, Dan. - [Sam] One thing you wanna change about Mike, he's perfect? - Bear, is your dad perfect? Bear is breathing heavy. - Oh, wait, can you read that? - Agro? - You can be agro. - Oh okay, well, that's my Russian side. - Mike's like, "We should get a new camera", right? And I'll look up cameras for weeks. And then he's like, "I thought you'd been, "I thought we were going to get a camera." - I'm impatient. Well, I want a bigger head. - You serious? - Yeah, you ever watch Entourage? - The bigger the head, the biggest star. - John Travolta, big head. Bruce Willis, big head. Vincent Chase, big head. Dr. Mike, little-to-average size head. - What makes the head look small, the thighs? - Like when I do my Instagram pictures, I have to make my head a little bigger. Yeah but everything's relative, like, so are you like, 'cause of the muscular upper body, you think the head is-- - Oh, I appreciate you saying muscular. - Well, I'm saying it has to be small in relation to something else. - What does Dan think about me? Agro, muscular, he thinks I'm on the juice. - Yeah. - My head's half the size of yours. - You're right, you're atrocious. - [Sam] What is one thing you would change about Dan? (giggling) - He needs a dog? - Bro, Bear needs a friend. Who has a cat, and you're a dog person? - I have a good cat. Like you've never met her. People that meet my cat say, "You know what? "I don't like cats, I like your cat." - You need a dog. - I've been thinking about it honestly. - Well, that's why I guess, but tardiness? Yeah, Dan is like, whatever time you set to meet, Dan's like, "Okay, I'm gonna add half an hour "And I'm gonna be there." And he doesn't have hair, so I don't know what he's doing that he's coming late. - Yeah, yeah. - [Sam] What's one word you would use to describe your first impression of each other? - Can I be mean? (laughing) - Yeah. - You thought I was nervous?! - You know what I did? I went first impression on our filming day. No, on the meeting day, I thought, "No, this guy "really knows what he wants, he's driven. "He's gotten attention for being a pretty face. "And I could tell that he wants to be more than that. "And he is more than that." And that was really enticing for me. - By the way, talking about pretty faces, sexiest videographer alive? Nick Jonas look alike. (pinging sounds) (laughing) - [Sam] What is the most diva thing Mike does? (laughing) - I think you only say hair checks 'cause you don't have to do them. - Yeah, exactly. Don't you wanna just like show up like this? - Yeah, what did you do right before we filmed this video? - I blow drew-- - He blow drew. What'd you do? - I wanted to sweat out of solidarity for Mike, 'cause he always sweats and people comment about it. So I wanted to sweat in this video too. - No legitimately in the plandemic video, if you guys watch it, periodically the sweat marks change 'cause I have to periodically go in and blow dry my armpits, it's a problem. - [Sam] What was the first video you ever made together? - I'm gonna guess Dan's getting this wrong. - I got it wrong. - [Mike] What do you mean? - [Man] Three, two, one, go! - No, that's right. When you said you got it wrong, what was in your head? - I don't know. - We also had a producer who helped us sort of frame the conversation who had some YouTube experience. Him and Dan were trying to motivate me to come out of my shell, and they were like, "Well okay, this is the welcome video, "so just with a lot of excitement, "tell people what you do for a living." And it was the most embarrassing thing watching two individuals look at me as an educated person and struggle getting words out. - Hey everybody, I'm Dr. Mike Varshavski, welcome to my brand new YouTube channel. Here, we're going to talk about everything from colds, to drugs in rap. Hi, my name is Mike! - [Sam] Within the context of the operation, what is Mike's best quality? (hemming) (laughing) - I was gonna say the fact that we've shot like 300 plus videos and I don't really remember taking any time off to do that. - As I've become part of the channel, Mike has been open about the financials and how much money tends to be on the table on some of the bigger deals. And I know what he's turned down because it would've compromised his ethics. And I always appreciated that. - I'm sure he didn't appreciate it all the time, especially now that he's a partner of the channel and he's probably like, "(groaning) Be a little unethical Mike." - [Sam] Within the context of the operation, what is Dan's best quality? - (laughing) I was gonna write something so dirty - Do it, man. - No, I can't. Why can't I spell? I need spell check. Dan, I'm running out of room for everything positive I wanna say about you. - Oh, that's so sweet. (laughing) Dude, what'd you write? Attention to detail, care about quality. Yeah, kind of one and the same. - [Sam] How many subscribers can Doctor Mike get before the channel plateaus? - Is a plateau permanent? - Is 'million' two Ls or one? Wow, that's really close. - [Sam] What is the best video you've ever made together? - Ah. - Dude, there's like 400 videos. - Oh, well you said that sarcastically. - A little bit. This is my plea, a little bit, to drive views to this video. - No 'cause then they're gonna leave this video. - No, no. - Add it to queue, add it to queue. - We gotta get this video over 100k, all right. This is the only video that's still in five digits and it's a good video, man. - It's a really good video. - Like, it's sad. - (laughing) It's one of our earliest videos, but one of our best videos, I'm not gonna lie. I put Monaco TED Talk. Every time I watch this video, I tear up, it's so weird. Dan and I flew out to Monaco. Jack, hold me Jack. 'Cause I got invited to do a TED Talk. Don't tell anybody, especially the people who organized this TED Talk, I'm gonna get in a lot of trouble. I wrote my TED Talk on the airplane (laughing) going to the TED conference. - [Sam] What is worst video you've ever made together? (groaning) - If you write Tony Fauci interview, I'm gonna be mad. What?! You did, that was the best video! - So this video, so it was a funny video, but like, can I swear? The thing is bat (beeping) crazy, man, - Is this moderate intensity exercise? - Like the video's insane. I don't know what got into Mike that day. We came in-- - Excuse me, I was trying to be creative. - We had a producer at the time. He wrote a script for this video and then we come to set that day, and Mike's like, "Yeah, nah." And instead we just, we just, we just lose our minds. There was a talking tennis ball. - The tennis ball talked to a bottle of wine. - Dennis Ball. - Dennis Ball. - That you gave it a name. - And then Ted Wine. - That was a good video. - Yeah. (laughing) - This is my worst video. - Which one was that? - The one that was really laggy. For some reason the game recorded in a super like choppy, weird frame rate where you can't enjoy the video. - [Sam] What's one word to describe your professional relationship? - I wanted to write moist. Just 'cause (laughing) we don't like that word. Why am I like, forgetting words now? This marker smells good. (laughing) - [Sam] Dan, it's easy? - We're most of the time on the same page. Mike will say a line, he'll look at me and I'm kind of like, and he's like, "It didn't come off that good, right?" And (hawing), we can do it better. And then the same thing with edits, sometimes an edit isn't flowing well, and he's like, "Yeah, we should probably fix that part." I feel like we're kind of just on the same page a lot. - Usually we're two guys in a room and it seems like we're just hanging out, but in reality, we're putting out really good info into the world, we're helping people make good decisions. We're battling misinformation. That's like not supposed to be fun and we've made it fun, so. - [Sam] What is one skill, talent, or trait of the other person you wish that you could have? - Dude, I don't, I honestly don't think I have a big head. And by the way, do you mean big head as in it should be smaller, or do you mean big head as in like it's a good-- - No, it's a good head, you have a good head. - All right, fine. When Mike has to polish up his knowledge base on a topic he'll burn through, you know, videos at two X speed and just get all the latest studies and all the latest research, he'll retain it. It doesn't just go in and out. That's crate. I just said crate, by the way. - Yeah, but you also have a big head. - [Sam] What has been the most surprising thing about the Doctor Mike YouTube channel? - I guess reach and growth are the same. - Those are the same, yeah. - Wouldn't you say positivity is crazy on the channel? - It all really ties in for me. So we'll publish a video, and then Mike will send me Instagram stories from a girl in Malaysia that is watching the video and has been impacted by it and she's crying or something, and it's just, the positive message and how far that message goes always blows my mind. - We've motivated people to enter the medical space. We've motivated them to make better health decisions. If you're one of those people, by the way, we love to hear from you. I love getting emails like that, I share them with the team and sometimes we invite people on the channel. We wanna do that more and more, so keep sharing those stories. - [Sam] What do you think the audience's biggest misconception about the Doctor Mike channel is? - Yeah (laughing). People think we have like research teams working on things, and that would be great. - I just see random comments where it's like, "Oh, I'm sure that he has a whole swath of people "editing stuff or writing for him", or it's just, I just know it's not true. Maybe one day-- - It could be you. - We'll put out about five videos a week. - We need editors! Dan is busy, he has a cat, he wants to get a dog. We need editors. - Yeah, girlfriend. - Submit your editors. Girlfriend. - Family. - Family, what kind of cute big head, this is a busy guy right here. - I got this big ass head, dude. - [Sam] What future project are you most excited about? - Oh, Dan, you got it! We officially have a Patreon and we want you to join it. You're going to become a part of our community. And guess what? Not only are there all like these really awesome benefits that I'm listing down below, but it costs 10 bucks a month to join. Guess where that money goes? Not in Dan's pocket, not in my pocket, not in anyone's pocket other than the one you choose. Every month, we're gonna have a live stream where we all mutually decide where this money gets donated. A charity, an organization, an individual that you all care for. Can you imagine if 20,000 of you sign up and every month we can donate $200,000 to the cause that we care for? That's gonna be powerful stuff. - Yeah yeah, man. - And guess what? This interview here went a lot longer than what you just saw. The entire interview is gonna be available for the Patreon members. - Literally the next morning, I had a voicemail when I woke up from Mike's agent. - Keef! Sign up for Patreon now, get your discord invite, let's chat, and one of the funnest part about this Patreon is gonna be that you get to join in, every so often I'm going to do this, like a little charity, to watch a medical drama with me or play a medical game or any game of your choice 'cause I'm a gamer now. If you want to battle misinformation, it's our battle. It's not our battle, like it's our battle, but it's not our battle. It's not an art basil. Sorry, it's like 11:00 PM. Since Dan brought it up, click here for the kicking cancer's butt video. That's it, that's how you're gonna promote it? - Bro. - A cheesy smile? - Watch it, dude, it's good. - Watch it. - It's sad. (laughing) - Dan, do not become a car salesman, Dan. Buy this car, it drives. - It'll make you upset, watch it.
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 1,333,478
Rating: 4.982831 out of 5
Keywords: dr. mike, doctor mike, dr mike, mike varshavski, mikhail varshavski, dr mike youtuber, dan owens, dr mike editor, doctor reacts, doctor mike roast, dr mike roast, editor roasts dr mike
Id: oYQfR61SRA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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