How to Create Volume and Movement in Fine Hair

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[Music] all right so we've trimmed up that edge now let's get into the layers with fine here remember what we talked about if we blend it we make it finer so here's a great technique in terms of how to layer hair let's talk about the silhouette the look that we want to achieve what we want to achieve we want to achieve a look that gives me a little bit more roundness back into this area it gives her the illusion of a little bit more volume now the problem with layering belong here like this is you can see those cutting lines so watch how I understand my tools and how to use the tools as I'm walking through the haircut now let's get into the section of the haircut remember the silhouette there is that silhouette that we want to create don't want to layer into this area so how do we determine what we take start with a middle part so once again you create your graduation on top you keep created evenly once we have that now watch what I'm gonna do with a comb and I'm gonna work with a black comb Inc why once again the contrast of that to see the extensions of the line that I'm cutting so black on Blondes and white on levels one and those darker levels of color taking the comb where her hair line is we're gonna take the comb and take the spine of the comb and a rocket on the hairline when the spine of the comb comes off at the hairline this is where the head is starting to transition place your finger there and now just draw like an umbrella right there okay once we have that umbrella now watch what I do I see my visual line now I wanted things AG section so rather than coming in and drawing this exact section I want it a little bit more erratic I don't want it too a little so perfect so I'm going to go through what are you doing Sam I'm dropping a little bit more weight down why I just saw a little transparency right over that I didn't want that once we have this now watch what I'm gonna do take the white teeth of the comb comb over what you did capturing some of the hair underneath and placing it into your hand I have a visual to line i comb back I take the white teeth up and down up and down out up and up and down up and down up and down up and down once I'm there I take and sliced my finger where that section was and now I've been able to create the zigzag section so once again eliminating time behind the chair drawing that now this takes practice I'm the messenger giving you the messenger style zap or the messengers take the information and make it work for your own but it requires practice let's go the opposite side I can come back and adjust anything that I want what do you mean Sam well I think I might want to adjust that but let's get the entire section first okay let's come to the opposite side I have my beginning point based upon where that comb came off the head and now I'm not going so deep because she has fine hair gets your solid line first feel the density feel that make sure you've got some hair there we're gonna layer this out now once I've got that now once again watch this takes practice because it's the opposite side easy on my right side I'm right-handed watch how I'll comb this back picking up some of that hair underneath now take the comb I know that's the line now move up and down evenly on that line come back to where you physically saw that line slice your finger and release and just separate now once again you have your zigzag section and now let's a zigzag this backyard I find a lot of times I have to zigzag this back area so let's just use the section part of the comb that we made for you the Y to Sarah let's just use that now draw it in so I don't know about you I like to challenge myself to do things in a number of different ways it keeps me a little bit more sense to a little bit more enthused it challenges me and creates that sense of enthusiasm I don't want to get bored and mechanical now once I have this we're going to take some clips and what I want to do is I want to go through let's just capture this hair that I sectioned off we're going to take another clip okay and we're going to take two more clips after that and we're going to come through and just isolate so it's so important that we ice like this that's what's going to be cut what are we gonna do with underneath I need to isolate this so I'm going to take another two clips and I'm gonna comb everything back over here this is the hair we're not going to touch remember fine here we need to be detaching that so I'm just coming through this back area and now I'm gonna take a clip I'm going to place a clip going up to capture the hair and now I'm going to take a clip I'm going to place it going down ensuring I'm not going to release that so Sam why do you go in and why do you suction it like that with the clips the reason isolate that underneath because when I cut this this is gonna fall I want to make sure I can recapture it again if I need to recut any sections now let's talk about how we're going to cut this umbrella and that's what I like to call it you see me maybe cut this in the past where I've taken horizontal sections I want two more roundness so I'm actually going to work with the round of the head and I'm gonna go actually through and I'm going to point cut this so let's come to this first section get the clips out and then watch how I control this working with a vertical section starting as if it was a middle part and watch I can release this now because I have everything isolated so let's go with that middle part and let's take the first section cutting it dry visual exercise now let's give you a back view of this section you can see that section disregard the fact don't let that play games with your eyes that's a zigzag section let's go through take a look at profile and now let's start to think about how we where do we want to take this layered effect so that I have more control all I'm gonna do is take a half of this section just dropping that down I'm gonna start here and I want to create more of a round line to this so once again a great little tip to do to determine how short you want to take this if a client works with a round brush ask them what size round brush that work with if they work with a large round brush place it here take a section wrap it around that large round brush and then that's how short you would take the top reason being is because that guarantees the client she's able to get her favorite brush around this top section now this is the first time that she has had her hair layered so I want to be fragile with us I want to take this too short I just want to focus on building a silhouette so let's work with the head shape okay let's read it make sure I see I want some bevel and some Bend so yes I'm going to go about right here okay now watch what I'm gonna do I'm gonna come through I'm gonna lay that down so it lays down with gravity it's gonna just make it a little bit easier for me to point cut notice how on the shear is on a diagonal that's giving me a much softer edge let's work to the shape of the head so see that corner there I'm going to take that corner off now because it's a little minute here I didn't need to turn that down towards gravity watch this section I'm going to take this section now let's release take some of our guide because my hand travels to the shape of the head now look how I use the comb to determine the position and her finger the finger angle or the finger rotation of what I'm cutting it's to the shape of the head so notice the comb that's exactly that angle then I'm gonna cut right there now I need to give my room self room to point cut now look at the length let the length fall with gravity and now as you let it fall with gravity come back into the diagonal of the shear and point cut once I get all this top point off all this top cut watch how I'll come back in and I may go back in and change my tool and just start to soften up those lines just picked up some hair that I might have missed let's continue with vertical sections working vertical to your path II I it might look a horizontal curve line sometimes it's just on the perspective of where you're standing from me to my eye that's a vertical line I'm looking this way that's a curved horizontal line watch how easy it is to find the hair I need to cut stand behind disregard its zigzag come through elevate the hair why so you slice through the elevation don't lay it down and try to slice it on the scale you're gonna start picking up some of that zigzag elevate come through slice now died there's my guide and continue to cut to the shape of the head let's go [Music] last section on her right side of center now everything is elevated to the center point so look how I've taken everything to that center point so I'm bringing everything so I'm not cutting everything out to the shape of the head I'm looking at the profile shape of the head and focusing and cutting to that making sure I've got all my hair and relax my friends in terms if I pick up some of the hair underneath as long as it's not a huge chunk I'm fine let's continue [Music] [Music] once again elevate the hair slice through the elevation don't lay it flat and try to guide it down on the scalp slice to the elevation okay let's give you a front view I'm elevating vertically but I'm cutting to the shape of the head so I'll stay on this side so you can see the sections take a slice guide just I just slightly guided that comb across let's look for the guide look how I fold the hair to see where that guide starts and remember point cut to the shape of the head taking more of the guide back towards the crown notice how I keep the whole section in my hand rather than dropping it why dropping it you have to pick up the whole thing up again you're there keep it in your hand shape of the head all right look you're dry cutting difficult at times to see the guide relax your mindset remember your texturizing the more you think about precise the stiffer this is it's not going to move remember we're looking for movement and volume a lot of times to create that we need soft edges last section let's talk about my hands my arms watch when I go to cut this I'm not coming in this way and holding my wrists like this I want you to take think of a moon and just a Halfmoon come around and now look how straight my wrist of my arm off take care of yourselves behind a chair my friends what happens is we want to come up and we want to cut it like this what I want you to do is I want you to swing so that the palm of your hand is facing up towards the ceiling it's I know it's not comfortable at first but a brand new pair of shoes it's not comfortable at first it's called wear it out break it in so you got to break your hand in in terms of doing it this way coming back around once again for the aergon ah mcc's at Sambia we want you to have a longevity in this industry why we are concerned with a ergonomics now I'm going to gather everything that I just cut so I'm gathering it all together why Sam I want to just check the density I'm gonna fan it all at once and then it any links that I might have missed are going to stick out so now take a look at that okay you can see there's some long hair that I might've missed or I might have captured okay now make sure your hand is deep into this look how far down my hand isn't that way over here today I'm working with my seven inch or 7 inch dry cutting and now I'm going to slow motion now go in and look look how I close and as I close I just pull out so all I'm doing is just softening more and I just released just slightly it's not a lot now we're gonna take a look we're gonna comb it down I don't know about you but when I layer blonde hair we start to see the cutting edges the lines so now understanding tools is important I am now going to pick up and invisablend ship which is our soft thinning shear if you want to call it creates a more of a scalloped edge for you so with a blend with this invisablend please close your eyes if this is gonna hurt you this is dull this blade is over polished so therefore when a blade is dull it pushes the hair and you know as well as I do when a day a blade is dull it gives you a curved effect so imagine that's what's going to happen instead of these being sharp teeth that close this is going to push the hair into it and I'm gonna get scallops instead so now let's comb through this and let's see if we see any lines look at that it almost looks like she didn't have a haircut but watch when I start to touch this well just look at the silhouette that she starts to get she starts to do this look at the movement she starts to have remember these fine hair people they're very fragile type clients so now let's just go in and let's just soften a little bit what we cut but get a little bit of visual blending watch what I'm gonna do don't panic I'm going to take vertical sections pick up a little bit of what I left underneath I can start to see it and now watch I'll just take just gonna reverse sent I'm just gonna come in and just slide now I'm not getting so much down deep into it you know I just want to get just a little bit of that so I get a little bit of a blend their same thing here see this is why it's really advantageous for you to dry cut because you can really start to see these sections in terms of what you need to take its just soften soften here's that length that I left let me just soften some of that don't get carried away you guys just start to see the silhouette of that now what's so cool about this she can pull this back into her ponytail because she likes to wear ponytail so she can pull this back into her ponytail and look how all of that goes into her ponytail what I love about this member this is all along so this is short when this pulls back can you see the long hair is capturing this so she can place it her ponytail just about everywhere anywhere she wants a lot of times when I do this I find that your clients will come back to you and they'll say you know what I love this now let's cut an angle around my face it's a great way to sell an angle around the face let's continue to work around now here let's take a look at this look at see how I see a little bit of a layered line in there place your hand there use the spine of the comb and come in and just lift when you lift turn the comb and now I'm going after I cut I'm not gonna get any of that down there so just just a little hot tip I'll show you again I wanted melting I don't know about you but this is cool guys come on do things in a different way create a sense of enthusiasm for yourself see a little bit right there let's go after it this is why it's once again haven't ages to cut dry notice with the invisablend close and slide it's meant to do that let's just get a little bit of the length and visual blend in here not technical so I'm looking for my shortness there it is there will come not getting into here now watch when I touch this watch how frothy she's gonna get a cuff frothy she's getting that to me is where it's at alright let's continue to work visually looking to see if I see anything and I just want to go back in and refreshing and just soften some of these edges now let's go into the long hair pick up some of that be aware you're over the year there's that length and now go after the length and just get a little bit of a blend all right so this is a great way to go in and take fine here give it some movement give it a silhouette so it has a silhouette to it and the client walks away happy so let's talk about this how did we create this let's recap the first thing we did was crosshatch in the back to take care of the length remember cross-hatching it gives you an effect like it looks like it was cut two weeks ago not so much of a fresh Buntline how did we do it rectangle sections diagonal with the shear notching into it and I worked with the 7 inch dry cutting swivel-chair then knotch the opposite way so creating points of link points the link points of lengths leave your hand there within that rectangle section reverse it where the palm faces the hair now tilt it and turn over and fan and look at my standing position all it is is just placing your thumb in the pocket of your index finger and make an assist you're in a sand position keep the hair parallel to the shear rotate the fan guarantees you keep you in keep the halo of length and extract way we did that to the back when we came to the front or the top we knew we did not want to layer this this is what happens with fine hair people they get to over layered she wants to be able to pull this back in a ponytail so she wanted something where she had something to it so it's got a shape to it so what we did was we took a section where we started the section was based upon when we took a comb a black comb off the hairline at that point we took a solid line or an umbrella shape then we came back through combed over that solid line picking up some of the underneath and then zigzagged with the white teeth of the comb keeping the comb attached to the scalp and zigzagging slice where you saw the line and you've got a zigzag section we did that on both sides our cutting give you a profile view of it we over directed everything into the center so everything is brought into the center we cut this and determined our length based upon size of brush I want to keep her quite long on the top not go short so we kept it longer but we cut to the shape of the head point cutting to the shape of the head everything over dry did once we were done we combed it down we started to see if there were any edges that looked like they were just really popping out and once we saw that we went through and just softened those edges out so yes her laying layering will be visible but you don't see hard lines now it's all about our after heat product member it doesn't stop after you're done with a haircut so just to give it a little bit more texture a little bit more kind of movement to it I've picked up triple dry 15 which is a finishing texturizing spray and I love this just because this a curator in terms of how it's miss it's just a really strong mist in terms of how it comes out so watch what I do I'm just gonna have her take her head down and I'm just gonna kind of shake that and now look at you'll see the disconnection you should see that okay now watch I'll just spray this in and watch how it's just gonna give it some texture to it just gonna waken it up a little bit you can start to see it already now I find that a lot of times clients sometimes they get carried away with product and it's because they're too close make sure they've got a distance sometimes I'll say spray your hand and just work it in and this would be a trick that I would recommend for clients that don't like hair space spray their hand and come through is it a hair spray Sam I like it's a texturizing finishing spray so now watch how you're really just going to see the haircut pop in terms of texture in terms of a scent soft sense of volume and in today's world it's all about working with your hands head back now and now look how I just simply shake hands hands hands all right now we just start to work it up you see how everything has a little bit more separation to it a little bit more texture to it and this length here and able to go from one side to the opposite side all right my friends I want to thank you so much for your time on behalf of style studio here in Miami Florida please make sure you download the apps and get Styles app tremendous full of content and remember you're gonna sign fine Sam via Andrew Carruthers inside of stylus app please it's all about education [Music] [Music] thank you so much for watching on behalf of Sam via @ Sam via we're all about moving the industry forward through the process of Education enjoy your game [Music]
Channel: Sam Villa Hair Tutorials
Views: 111,987
Rating: 4.8392186 out of 5
Keywords: Long bob haircut, LBOB haircut, Fine hair cut, fine hair cut layers, fine hair long bob haircut, sam villa, sam villa education, stylez app, redken, hair tutorial, hair education, fine haircut layers, haircut for fine hair, haircut for volume in fine hair, volume for fine hair, disconnected layering, disconnected layers for fine hair, haircuts for fine hair, layering for fine hair, Medium length haircut, hair video, hair, how to hair, hair tips, hair tricks, hair dresser
Id: m8IoECz9ZuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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