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hi guys so this is the next video of my ask ali series and i'm gonna leave the link on the form that you can fill in and you can ask me a question and if i choose it i might make a video about this barbara is asking best advice for people with thin hair and no volume romantic type rakshanda is asking how to style fine hair having round face thank you for the questions so these two ladies are basically asking about one is romantic another one has rounded face so basically they're talking about that they are already have some width in their body and they're not probably tall and they have some softness already and thin hair is actually grabbing away that elongation of that length that they might want sometimes first of all i would not use hair to correct this or that feature we need just to make hair look not as thin so i have several tips probably already know many of them because it's pretty obvious first tip is of course nothing is better as a blunt cut don't thin out the ends know all those layers so the ends of your hair would not fly on the wind like that we don't need transparent ants as far as your hair is already thin what we need to do is we need very blunt cut and i'm not talking about super symmetrical sometimes you can make it slightly elongated here on the front or you can have asymmetrical but elongated at the front and actually it's making that triangle here but this triangle is not normally very thin unless you're doing huge elongation but this is not stylish it doesn't look okay how haircuts work they need to like one hair should hold another hair in place in a certain place and this is what creates those beautiful rich shapes for our for our hair and several years ago when everybody started doing this elongated bob they started exaggerating that feature so at the back was super short and and the front it was super long and when it got so long at the front then it would hang on the wind like that and it's just it didn't keep its shape anymore so those hair were not supported by the rest of the hair we always have to think about how it's gonna act when we're going out in the wind or when it's dried naturally on the air without any additional hair sprays or stiff products just to make it too stiff right so we when like by making this or that haircut we have to think about the movement the air the wind how it's going to act how it's going to interact with our hair we need to give it life right so when the hair is cut very blunt and straight or slightly elongated at the front so that triangle at the front it's still not very thin it's pretty thick so that here on the back is normally supporting it pretty well when it's wind from this or that side or you're walking it's still holding here and it gives that very thick front so that already gives us a huge bonus when we have thin hair because those thick ends it's already it already looks amazing basically why we think that the hair is thin because of the ends not because of the top normally sometimes because of the top some people they have flat head so they have that hair area hair areas when you're looking straight and you see that this is a hairline and then between the hairline and the top of your head which we can observe from the front this is our hair area so some people have just more flat head so smaller hair area in this case even if she has very thick hair sometimes it can look like she has thinner hair but that's not the most important thing the most important thing is still the bottom so that was the first tip cut it blunt or cut it slightly elongated or it can be blunt bulb or if you want slightly longer hair then slightly elongated of course shorter hair any shorter hair like starting from lob long bob from here somewhere and then going up up up this is where you can create that very blunt cut or slightly elongated cut now if you're going up up here of course that can also give that fullness of the hair but sometimes it's lying down to the sides it has no support for example if the hair is my length this is the area between my neck and the hair right you look at me and you're perceiving the outline of my look so for you all that is my hair all that is my hair which in fact my hair is pretty thin it's actually that is emptiness in there right so when the hair is slightly below the chin this is that area that the hair kind of occupies and it looks fuller and thicker and when you're cutting that shorter then it's basically lying on your face and sometimes it can slightly make it look thin again sometimes hair can also look thinner if the length is right there where your neck goes into your shoulder because because of the gravitation the hair is lying down on our neck like that and it starts curling upwards like that so it's sometimes this is the stage of growing out hair many women probably who is growing out their hair from shorter to longer they can notice this this is very hard stage when many of them just go back to their shorter hair again just because it's super hard to style them in a certain way because it's super hard to make volume or make them straight they're just curling outwards and they're just making the whole appearance again they become thinner so you rather survive this moment if you want longer hair just you know just survive it i also encounter it pretty often my hair is now short i want them slightly longer now but as soon as it's growing longer and it starts growing maybe a couple of centimeters below this length it starts curling upwards when i want them shorter slightly i cut maybe one centimeter not two which is grown but maybe one just slightly just to freshen it up a little bit and then for some time i have my hair is curling upwards like that so this is what's happening with thin straight hair mostly with straight hair and they're curling like that but i made my hair cut a couple of days ago so after i wash my hair several times in 10 days this is gonna change and they're not gonna curl like that like they're curling right now they're gonna light differently i will have thicker bottom here because now they remember that shape still so i need some washes and i need some gravitation with new ends so one hair depends on another hair how they are lying in between each other and especially i have bleached blonde hair so sometimes i'm still growing up my like sick hair actually that was very unhealthy period so i'm growing them up you actually can check this video i'm talking about my personal hair and my hair colors and stuff you see so when i'm growing them down they slightly start breaking in the ends when they're breaking in the ends my hair length is different now at this stage right it's different so one hair normally depends on another hair how one hair is lying on another hair that is determining the shape how it's gonna lie basically how it's gonna style itself when you're drying it naturally and so this is what's happening they're thinning themselves thinning out themselves just because they're breaking right here at the bottom at the ends and they are lying differently and they start thinning here and they start curling up slightly here so i cut them just slightly just to make it thicker and this gives them a new shape now one hair is not lying like that on another hair but they're already lying one on each other and it it needs some time to get used to each other that part of my hair is already more or less healthy so i won't need to cut them as often as i do now now i do like once every three months i cut off approximately one centimeter just to make them all same length just to make them straight and all same length just to give that very graphic very geometric bob if we talk about curly thin hair that's a different situation you see because here you're just basically taking care of the outline of your hair and what looks better on you you might want to cut some top hair slightly shorter and it will create some volume on top and your hair will be much more voluminous but just in general curly hair even if it's thin it does look more voluminous right you agree with me so in this case you just uh you just see where you should cut where you should add a little bit and which length you prefer but preferably blunt cut again it will make your curly hair even thicker than it looked before because sometimes some curly hair even curls they can lose their definition just because their ends are thinned out just by itself especially if you color your hair and it starts breaking on the ends this is when they're thinning going on and then as i said one hair depends on another hair and they get used to each other in time because of the gravitation and because of the length of each individual hair lying next to another hair which is longer and shorter so they get used to each other and then sometimes your curls can be like super crazy looking like straight part curly part straight pot curly part sometimes it's happening because your hair is thin in themselves and they just start getting used to each other differently so in this case what you should do just cut your hair it doesn't have to be too much but every couple months every three months you can cut maybe one centimeter one and a half some of you might want to do more because maybe your hair is growing too super much but you will see how in time your curls will be changing maybe even not one time because still inside they can be different length but if you do it regularly you will see how in several months your hair your hair shape overall when shade will change itself today probably i'm talking more about thin and straight hair because as i said for curly hair it's not that visible that it's super thin just because curls themselves they create that volume so today we're more talking about like very thin and straight hair because when the hair is straight that thinness is just you can't hide it you just and you can't just spend hours creating that volume and back calming your hair it's not a solution right for every day at least so that was tip number one number two brown hair looks the thickest if the hair is light ash brown it looks thinner if the hair is honey blonde it looks thicker approximately like brown hair as thick as brown hair if the hair is super platinum blonde like mine it can look very thin on some women if they have very thin ends if they don't maintain that haircut regularly they can look very thin and very transparent especially the hair is slightly frizzy sometimes that looks not very nice and then black hair you might think that it looks the thickest in nature women with black hair normally they have very thick hair and we kind of kind of predict when we look at that black-haired woman that she has that thick black hair but in fact if a woman is with very thin hair ashy brown color or ashy blonde color something like that somewhere in the middle or even more to a blonder side so if the woman like that is making her hair super black you can see in front of people in in life not on pictures probably because in pictures you can cheat a little bit you can become them just you can make them look fuller than they are but in real life when it's thin other people can see the texture of the hair combined with the color so sometimes when people like see you and they can see how thin your hair is and how black they are made so in this case that black hair can look even thinner especially again when the when the ends are thin now if you love long hair again cut your ends it's very important otherwise we all know that long hair especially when the woman is making them blonde over and over again if it's if it's growing up to here already some women even have the ants that are 10 centimeters or 15 centimeters that are very thinned out already they're so thin if she cuts it like one centimeter it sometimes doesn't make any difference because in a couple in in a month more hairs are starting breaking in in the ends and then it looks very thin again so sometimes the solution would be just to cut more maybe take care of your hair more and then i don't know in three months it can grow pretty good right some women have three centimeters in three months you can always grow three centimeters and cut off one grow another three cut off one in some time you will see how thicker your hair will actually be not only feel and not only look but be so if women with the longer hair you probably should cut even more if you feel like you have very much thinned ends number four many people say do bangs because if you have something on the front that is hanging here or especially if it's blunt cut here not thinned and not wispy bangs then it's gonna make it richer sometimes yes because if we look at audrey hebron for example she hardly ever wore her hair on the sides here she always had an updo you could always see her ears so this is the hair that she used to wear and she was very pretty in it so she found her look and she always almost always had that fringe that bangs at the front which was very short so it looked very rich right so she always looks like she has a lot of hair but we don't know she might have very thin hair but it just looked thick so on one hand bangs can create that thicker look for your hair on the other hand what is happening is you're already grabbing some hair from the front so it'll already be like that even less hair on the front then it will look thinner so if we don't have anything else hanging in here by our face it just it just looks thinner another thing that thin hair bangs it gets oily all the time because if a woman has thin hair she can't afford normally just to grab a lot of hair here on the front right so she cuts just a part of it still a small part of it just to have something left in here right so it gets oily and it's just looks even thinner again it looks small so to me you can do layers on the sides for example and it's actually the tip number five do the layers or side swept bangs yeah that's another a good solution for that because side swept uh everything that is hanging on a hair and it's actually grown up to here for example in the middle of your cheek starting with the middle of your chicken down then it can create some like curtains around your face here and the more hair is at the front the more we perceive it as heavy hair important thing here is you cut it also you don't thin it out too much we don't need that light and wispy ends like that that also creates more hair more hair or you can just do it more vertical slide like this so you always would have some hair by your face and sometimes if you want to make an updo you are making that updo and you always have something hanging in here especially for women with round faces right with softer faces but i do recommend not to thin it out because your hair will thin it out itself in the ends tip number six darker roots lighter ends what you can do is you can color your hair overall let's say you're blonding your hair you can make it blonde overall everywhere and make your roots darker on top of it so how i do it i bleach everything i bleach the roots i'm taking a damn permanent hair color and i'm darkening my roots after that three or four tones darker and i just apply it one or two centimeters on my roots i don't blend it pretty stupid on one hand but on the other hand it looks pretty cool and i like it and i like growing my hair with this i don't do any specific things with it the only thing i care so that darker thing would not make dirty spots on my lighter hair so i'm trying to separate things but it creates that white hair here and darker hair here so that creates a lot of volume visual volume that's true but in this case that should be maybe up to one inch not more than because if you have more darker roots then it creates slightly flat top it might not make your thin hair looking thicker look thicker balayage is an amazing thing too because normally balayage techniques they are making pretty big pieces of hair and they are drawing pretty big pieces of hair of blonde on top which is great what doesn't fit is small stripes small stripes will make your hair look thin and sometimes dirty and greasy this is what's happening in the 90s we have those stripes now it's not very modern thing to do the balayage is much more modern and much more trendy and beautiful just and because it looks more natural it looks like kind of sunkissed of course we use now more contrasted colors for that sun can't do this to your hair to such a degree with such dark roots and such light ends but just in general this is what's happening so that's what you can do tip number seven of course dry shampoo if you hate the feeling of dry shampoo you can probably try sea salt there's like different sea salt sprays on here and maybe you can try to find something that has no scent because i noticed like when you have a lot like a lot of scent on your hair all the time every day you always feel like you have tons of stuff on your hair but if it doesn't have any smell and if it's nice for your scalp and it's nice for you just to feel because sometimes i i just don't like when something is on my hair tip number eight is cutting your top hair shorter and i show it in this video volume on top you can also do this i'm just taking small pieces of my hair not much especially on the more on the back at the front all the hair is same length all the hair assembling in the middle it's slightly shorter it starts being shorter and i take some hair and i just do the scissors and i just slide slide slide slide slide and uh in this case you don't feel like you cut a lot and you're not left with a mullet here right but you still have some of that top hair is slightly lighter that does give you some more volume especially in the morning i wake up and this hair is slightly standing up so it already like more hair it just feels more held not as flat if you take my previous tip and you get some dry shampoo or sea salt spray and spray just on this top lighter here and then what you have to do is slightly tousle it with your fingers and sometimes it's enough it's just standing up there like that and have just more volume and then just in general gives a thicker hair effect automatically and tip number nine you probably will be surprised but brows well-shaped brows and maybe slightly darker brow color if you're let's say blonde that can also create thicker hair effect just because it's very connected different people have different types of their bodies it depends on where they were born who are their parents it depends on ethnicity a lot so how much hair by nature you have so women who have darker hair normally they have they are very hairy some women can be really hairy they can have a lot of hair in their brows so normally that's what we're used to right so if a woman has very hairy brows she has more hair in general it's kind of an illusion that you're creating so let's say you're blonde if you're making your brows just slightly darker not super light and thin because the size of the brows also creates some heaviness gives it more visual weight right so if you are making your brows slightly more brown let's say or darker brown color and not as super thin just maybe slightly thicker but not over the top i'm not talking about black brows over the top or super precise like as if they are drawn by marker or tattooed brows i'm not talking about this we still are talking about pretty natural hairy brows but let's say you are blonde everything is light in here try to do a taupe brown color for your brows and just see how it goes and make your brows maybe slightly thicker or if you have normal thickness of your brows maybe it's not needed but you will see how actually that can create illusion of more hair overall especially if you take all the rest of the tips from this video you will see how much your hair situation will change all right thank you so much for watching guys and i'll see you very soon bye-bye subscribe on my pinterest for 13 boards as an inspiration for the body types also you can subscribe on my instagram all the links i'm gonna leave down below also you can become my sponsor or subscribe on my patreon for some exclusive videos some early access to this videos and just if you want to support me and my channel thank you so much guys and i'll see you very soon bye [Music] you
Channel: Aly Art
Views: 334,248
Rating: 4.8968792 out of 5
Keywords: Aly art, alyart, 9 BEST TIPS for THIN Hair, thin ends, thin hair, volume, no volume, on top, flat hair, thin, little hair, thinning hair, wide face, round face, hairstyle, makeup, tips, long nose, curvy, big, fat, cheeks, double chin, big cheeks, hair length, bob, bangs, button up, wide, uneven, bulbous, face shapes, make THIN Hair LOOK THICK
Id: CcFbOwajOuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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