How to get the perfect wispy bangs - Harmonize_Beauty

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hi okay so I'm gonna do a quick video to teach you actually not to teach you because I'm in no way shape or form condoning cutting your own mix okay now that we got that out there I'm but I'm gonna show you cuz I've had lots of questions on how I cut my things so I cut him a couple weeks ago on a whim and I pretty much have had so many messages to show how I cut them cuz the kind of things they are is they're not they're not things that you're stuck with forever cuz you can pretty much wear them as bangs or um you can move them over to the side and get a mask for your face as well so which is the best thing to me because we've all well I mean maybe a lot of us have had those situations where we've cut our bangs and we've been like loved them the first day and then two days later we're like what the H did I do so goal here is to give us some things that we're not thinking what the heck did we do so first things first wherever you part your hair you're gonna kind of establish that so I want mine I kinda wanted mine to be down the middle so I have blow-dried my hair using a paddle brush let me grab it technique I have another video that you can watch that's on YouTube and I basically use the paddle brush blow drying it in the hot in opposite directions so I'll go this way and blow-dry right my roots and then I'll go this way and blood drive my roots and then I kind of take it all forward like this and blow-dry it all forward like this with the paddle brush so I have just blow-dried my hair blow-drying it all forward so you're basically blow-drying your hair with zero part which you can see that and the reason for that is because then when you do go to part your hair you have all this extra volume whether it be on the side whether it be down the middle you just have so much marvel if you blow dragon that way and like I said I do have another video on blow drink so feel free to check that out so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take a very small section even smaller than that around my hairline so right here around the hairline and then you're gonna clip that off and then you're gonna take your flat iron so I'm gonna pull that hair all forward so you can see how small and thin that is I'm going to take my flat iron right here and clip it just barely the roots clamp it and blowed your area and flat iron it forward so you can see I'm not really spending much I'm not putting a lot of heat on there and I'm not spending a lot of time I'm just basically one of two all come forward so then you're gonna take your next section and you're gonna do the same thing just another small section here now I often get asked what kind of flat iron this depends on your hair so I feel like people who have really thick coarse hair so you can see I even hold on I'll come back to that in a sec I want to tell you what I did here so instead of combining this section into this section and flat ironing them together I'm actually taking that section that I pulled down and I'm flattening it all on its own so I'm holding that hair out starting at the root clamp and pull it forward ok so back to flat irons um everybody if you have coarser hair then you're gonna need and curl your hair you're gonna need a flat iron that probably gets SuperDuper hot so that it's strong enough and hot enough to smooth your hair if you have finer hair you know you don't need one that gets that hot in fact you don't want one that gets super hot and if it does you definitely want it to have like a temperature control so this right here I'm not partial to any one brand but this is called this is the dura key this has a temperature control which I like so that way you can enjoy the temperature because if you're less experienced - and you feel like you have a harder time flat ironing your hair I do recommend turning the temperature down so that you don't fry your hair until you get good and comfortable with it so I'm continuing taking sections back and I'm just flat ironing the ribs you can see that and the reason that I do that is because depending on if you're gonna curl your hair or if you're gonna wear it straight you don't want to go through and flatiron the whole piece of hair and then go back and curl it so if you're gonna wear your curly that day you don't want to go back and Bri curl over something you've already flat ironed so again taking sections I'm not combining them all into this section I'm taking all the sections one by one and doing each one of them till I get and this however far back you go kind of depends on your hair and your hairline so I'm gonna go back to about the middle of my head now some of you I don't have very much hair some of you may have loads of hair right here and that's okay so then I'm going to part it wherever you want to part it for me I'm gonna do it down the middle cuz that's commonly where I wear my bangs most of the time it's down the middle okay so now if your hair is already you don't have bangs yet then this part you'll have to kind of establish where you want your bangs let's see if I can get lower here slip you can see it so you'll have to kind of establish where this is hard to make sure you can see with this so that I can see what I'm doing oh and then look I have like a little tiny kink right there so I'm just gonna flat iron that out so you're gonna have to establish right where you want your bangs so if you're holding your hair out I don't like my two shirt I'd rather keep mine a little bit longer so that I have room to push them to the side which is kind of what I was telling you is like the key thing and having things that are not stuck as bangs so you're gonna kind of take the section and like I said if you have more hair this Bank might be a lot thicker because you have more hair but that's okay you can if you don't want it is thick then you're just going to move some of that hair to the side and you're gonna kind of establish where you want the banks now if you part your hair on the side it's kind of the same concept right so you'd part your hair on the side you pull all the hair forward and you would establish where you want those bangs so see like for me all these are long right here so if I wanted the bangs here then that's where I would cut but like I said I'm gonna cut mine right down the middle so we part that off and okay now here's where the cutting comes in I wanna see if I can place this sorry okay so you're gonna the bangs are gonna be forward down like this and you can already see the ones that I've cut right through here right this is where I've already cut my bangs but I am trimming them up a little so that's why I thought I'd show you this video because they've gotten a Titch long so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab them right where I want them to lay so like this one right here is where I want like my my very shortest piece so I'm gonna grab that little hair and I'm gonna pinch it together just like so I have my scissors these are haircutting scissors you want some nice sharp scissors um and again I'm not telling you to cut your own bangs so if you do it and you screw them up it is not my fault go to your hairdresser but at least you know kind of the it's not like a normal chop bang like this you're going across this is gonna give you a textured PC Bank okay so you're going to take that thing and now here is where it's important it's going to be natural to want to hold the bangs out here like to the side and cut down that is not what we're gonna do what we're gonna do is we're gonna hold the bangs as flush like as close to the head as we can because that's going to ensure that we cut them the right length if we hold the bang out they're gonna be shorter than what what you anticipate they're gonna be so you have to hold the bang straight down it's close to your head as you can and then your scissors are gonna come down like this at an angle so they're gonna come down and they're just gonna kind of take small movements open and close they're not even gonna close all the way they're just gonna open and close just a little can you see that so I'm not gonna even close them all the way just to live open and close small quick movements so take the bang and right where you want the length is where you want your blade so right where you want the length of the bang is where your blade is gonna go cuz that's what's gonna cut it and as you're cutting you're gonna slowly open and close you're gonna move the scissors down so open and close moving do you see that how the slight movement of my blade and I'm moving down so as I'm slightly opening him close I'm pointing my the tip of my scissors down to the ground okay and see that so that's what it does is it creates this soft kind of pointed edge here to where they're not gonna be too blunt so same thing holding him down open and close okay now I want these to be pretty I don't want them straight across I want them PC and not and and I want them textured holding it down open and close and I'm kind of as I'm getting towards the outside working my way these things on the outside you want those a little bit longer okay so just like that and that's the key here to having a bang that can be pushed back into your hair and they don't have to be worn as bangs is that they are a little bit longer they may be in your eyeballs but then they can go out of the face if needed right okay so that's pretty much so and you can see like those are not they are not straight across by any means they're very textured they're very piecey and that's what I want because I do not want I mean not that I have anything against that I think those things can look super great um if that's what you're going for but like I said for me my key here is I want them to be able to be pushed aside okay so now I'm just taking my flat iron here and I'm putting just a slight bevel in them so that they aren't like sticking straight up just like that yeah so when I say bevel all right that means that I'm taking it and instead of pulling the flat iron straight down I'm actually kind of coming in at an angle and rounding it out a little bit with my flat iron now with things I think it is very common if you're not super comfortable with the flat iron to do one of these numbers where you pull it down and then you round it like this and then we go up you know eighties things which it's cool if that's what you're going for but if you're not wanting the 80s bangs if you're kind of just finding a slight curtain bake you just want a little bent so and now I know you look I really do I take them piece by piece and sometimes I just work with them one at a time but you I you start at the root and you kind of mold the shape here through the mid-shaft and ends not so much the end so you're creating that roundness right through here and then more of a flat straight end and always think of that when you're flat ironing the hair is wherever you want to see that bevel or that round shape that's where you round it and it's the same with your hair too like when you're flat ironing your hair you know most people make the mistake of flat ironing straight down and that's okay if that's the look you're going for because that's gonna give you a straight down look but if you want a little bit of shape to it you're gonna have to you start at the top and see how I kind of round it out with my flat iron and then I almost don't even flatter in the end at all and that's gonna give you a round shape through here just like that but then a straight straight edge so the I always think of like Jennifer Aniston's hair because she has the perfect round shape through here but then those straight ends and like I said most people will take their flat iron and go straight down and then they try to round it here and that gives you not not the look we're going for so starting at the top kind of create think of wherever you're pulling that flat iron and that shape that's where you're creating it so okay so then from there you can hairspray style whatever you would like but that is how and if you still if you like to part your hair on the side you know you can and I love these bangs for when I pull my hair back or up because they add so much more to the hair style like if I were to pull my hair up in a messy bun I can leave these PC bangs out and it just gives it a lot more than you know when they're pinned back and don't get me wrong sometimes I still do that but see that's the glory right there is they're so little that they can be pulled black pulled back and not in your face so that's how it's done okay thank you thank you for watching I hope you all have a great day and we'll talk to you soon
Channel: Harmonize_ Beauty
Views: 1,731,794
Rating: 4.7573524 out of 5
Keywords: whispy bangs, fringe, how to cut your own bangs, textured bangs, textured hair, big hair, DIY bangs
Id: qaiA-jSD68g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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