How To Create & Share Editable Canva Files | Canva Templates | Canva Tutorial

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megan here thank you all so much for watching today's video so i was recently asked by someone how to create and share editable canva files so if you have something like instagram quotes that you want to sell and have customers edit them to kind of how they want to edit them instead of selling them pre-made or if you've got like a planner that you want to sell some journal templates that you've created with canva and you want to sell them and list them as editable i'm going to show you guys exactly how to do that i'm actually on a free version of canva right now you can do that on the free version however if you are interested in trying out canva pro for free i do have a link in my description box to try that out 30 days absolutely free you don't have to do that but if you do want to create a lot of different types of designs using canva it is a great product to have so with all of that being said make sure to like today's video subscribe below and if you've got any questions or comments leave them for me in the comment section below as i will be here to answer any questions that y'all have about today's video or canva designs in general so like i said a few minutes ago i've actually got a free version of canva pulled up right here so just for the sake of this video i'm going to create a really quick design and i'm going to show you guys how to edit this so just going to do create a design i'm going to go to custom size and i'm going to make sure that the pixels are changed to inches and create a letter size document so i'm going to do create new design and i'm going to go over here to the text button i'm going to add this heading so that a text box will come up and i'm going to put notes so now i'm just going to move this notes text box up here to the top now i'm going to go over here to elements and i'm going to do line and i'm going to select this top line right here so let's see i'm going to go to weight and change it to the skinniest option so i'm going to change the line weight to 1 and i'm going to move it up here now i'm just going to duplicate this line and i'm going to continue duplicating this until i have a lot of lines set up how i want them to look okay so now i'm just going to tidy these lines up i'm going to make sure that they are spaced out evenly so i'm going to highlight just click in any empty space drag my cursor across all the lines then go to position tidy up and we are good to go so now i'm going to add i'm actually going to duplicate this page by clicking this duplicate page button and i'm going to just duplicate it a few times so if someone um wants to purchase this template obviously i'm not going to list this template as it is but if someone um wants to sell something like this and make it to where a customer can edit this so instead of it being pre-made and just being in this open sans extra font if they want to use some kind of fancy font or change this background color to light pink or add some watercolor flowers to it um yeah if they just want to add some kind of watercolor [Music] flowers let's see like this well basically if they just want to add anything to it or change anything around instead of keeping it just plain black and white then you need to be able to share this as an editable file so once you've got your end product right here you'll want to go up here and hit share so you can either type someone's email in but if you're selling this on etsy you don't have their direct email you will want to share a link to edit or share a link to use as a template now if you hit this little drop down arrow next to where it says share a link to edit and you hit share link to view then that just means that all the customer will be able to do is view it they won't actually be able to go into canva or go into the document and edit anything if you hit share link to edit then that means that the customer can edit the file but it doesn't automatically make a copy so that means that they would have access to this copy and they can go in and change it and you would lose this original file so you'll want to make sure that you share a link to use as a template so if you click this option that says share a link to use as a template that means that it automatically creates a copy for the customer to use that they can rename and change to whatever they want and it doesn't affect this original copy that you this original document that you created whatsoever so hit this little drop down button and hit share link to use as a template once you have this option selected hit copy link and you'll want to go into google docs or whatever document program you use just start a new blank document and you can paste it paste that link into here once you've got this link um posted then go back into your canva home page go back to create a design eight and a half by eleven inches create a new design and go over here to this text option so once you hit text click on one of these to add text to the page and [Music] we'll just keep it open stands extra just for me to show you guys how to do this so let's type thank you for your purchase [Music] click here to access your editable files i hope to see you again soon okay just type in something like this and we're gonna move it around right here you can make it smaller you can drag it out a little bit i think this looks good okay so click here to access your editable files you need to put a link on the word here so to do that click in the text box highlight the word here hit these three little buttons right here and you're gonna see a couple of options hit this link option right here and you can enter any link you want so since we still have the link for the editable files opened um like copied we can just paste it right into here and hit apply so now what we're going to do we're going to rename this and we're going to hit download so we don't want to save it as a png we'll go ahead and just save it as a standard pdf because there are no photos or anything it's just text so we're going to download this thank you test document and we're going to save it and just for this video i'm going to open it up and show you guys what this does so once you open up this document with the link in it for the editable file you're going to open up the pdf just to make sure that it works and we're going to click here so once you click here on that pdf it's going to bring you to this page um so now we're going to use this template and it's already made a copy of notes here's the original notes that we just created and shared as a template and then here is the copy of notes so now i can change this to test and i can change it to any kind of font i want as long as it's not canva pro because this is not a canva pro account so i can do notes and i can go to elements and finally add some watercolor flowers let's see i can add these flowers and i can move the position to the back and change that page i can change this page to some kind of funky font let's see i can change that to notes i can change this to [Music] this color and then add cats and do whatever to it so that's how you do it and then if you go back to the home page and refresh it you will see where there is a file that says notes and then there's a file that says test so all you would need to do at this point um in order to upload this into etsy i'm gonna actually go to this browser right here type in etsy and i'll show you guys my shop um so let me go to shop manager and i'll go to listings so specifically for these editable files that i have right here so like these motivational editable quotes and the positive edit positive editable quotes um all i have listed down here um is this pdf kind of like the one that we created right here so i basically have this listed in my digital files so that when someone purchases this file this editable file they get brought to something similar to this and all they have to do is click here and it takes them so that they can edit the quotes or whatever files they have and that's pretty much it so hopefully that answered any questions that y'all have about how to create and share editable canva files if you still have any questions or have any comments or concerns about this video then make sure to leave everything in the comment section below and i will get back with y'all as quickly as i can thank you all so much for watching this video and i hope to see you all again soon
Channel: DoingDigitalWithMegan
Views: 14,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tutorial, canva for beginners, how to share canva templates, share canva template, canva templates, design canva templates, how to sell canva templates, how to edit a canva template, canva tutorial for beginners, how to make canva templates, how to make canva templates to sell, digital product ideas, how to make a digital product, how to share canva file as a template, share canva files, canva design tutorial, how to create editable digital products to sell, canva tricks
Id: V0TdO_sopB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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