CANVA TUTORIAL: Create custom Canva templates that match your brand!

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have you ever wished that when you're in Canberra all the designs you created were actually sitting there as a template for you to use for future designs like say you've got a social media posting like oh Studio I created that really cool social media post I wish I could just access it now instead of having to like go through everything and try to find it and then just recreate it from scratch anyway or having to like duplicate past designs and try to like refine them and not get it all too messy I found a solution to this and I'm actually really excited to show you this because I'm going to be implementing it for the first time in my business with you right now um and so it's going to be so so fun this is going to be such a game changer I've recently gone through this process with some of my students inside the co-creation club and their minds were blown because they were just so excited for the potential of what this means for their business it now means that when they're creating a social media post they don't need to have some like file of all these Graphics to try to find in the past and try to apply them to their new graphics they don't need to try and like duplicate past slides they don't need it like it just is it's so not messy and I'm so excited to show you this so let's get into it foreign [Music] designer who loves teaching business owners how they can create their own incredible branding graphics and as you can tell I get very passionate about it because I find it so so fun and I know how powerful design is for business owners and I want to make sure that you're utilizing it for yourself as well plus this one is all about saving you time and Sanity and actually working smarter and not harder which I think is so important as a business owner especially if you're doing your own Graphics you want to make sure that you're making that process as smooth as possible let us get into it so if you have a look at my screen here I'm just opening up canva the first thing I want to do is open up what I'm going to have with my slide base but what I want to show you is actually just how it all looks I'm going to open up the slide base and then I'm going to show you what it looks like and then I'm going to show you how to do it so first we're open to credit design I always recommend creating posts for Instagram at the portrait size I'm going to search Instagram and then portrait size I've got a whole other video I'll link here that kind of shows you how to actually set these designs up and how to actually create a good social media post I'm not going to go into that now but if you want to watch that feel free because I show you a lot of tips around designing well I'm going to click on this one and now what I'm going to do is show you where you can actually find these templates so if you go into design here you'll see there's normal templates that canvas suggests but you can actually store your own brand templates in here so if I go to Brand Hub this I think is just a canva pro feature if you don't have canva Pro you're not going to be able to do this one just yet but when you ever do upgrade which there is a link in my bio should you desire to do that then just know that this feature is here ready for you when you do that but you can see here there's a brand template section if you don't have anything in here it'll just be empty but for me I've just done a little test and I've saved one in here and pretty much there is a whole stack of designs here I've done in the past and I've saved them all to one file in canva or one like designing canber and if I open up this design I can actually press click and it's going to apply that design to my canva this is now fully editable ready for me to edit use and use as in my own template so what we're going to do today is make one of these for ourselves so this one's just test one it looks so so messy so I'm going to show you how you can make a really clean one and how you can do that really really quickly based on stuff you've already worked on not starting from scratch again so I'm going to delete that page for now so what I've done for myself just now is I've gone through my canva and I've just searched like social media and I've just grabbed lots of different past social media posts that I've done before so I've opened up this one and this one and this one because in the past my technique has been to pretty much create a canva design and then just duplicate it so you can see here this is October 22 then I duplicated it for February March April then I duplicated it for Quarter Two And so I've kind of just kept duplicating my designs over and over which was working okay for me because it just meant that I could scroll through here and think I want to create a design like this one today and then I would just edit it as needed and save it and upload it to my Instagram but I want to show you a better way for that and I'm so excited so what I'm going to do and what I want you to do is go through any past designs you've worked on and think which one of these designs is going to be useful for me in the future is there a testimonial template that I've done before that I can reuse is there a post or a layout that I use quite regularly in my designs for my social media that I can just to duplicate over and over again so for me I'm just going to scroll through all of my different designs and see which ones I'm going to need in the future so if you're not seeing this view in your canva where it's got the scroll if you down the bottom then you can actually just click this little up and down arrow see if I press this up and down arrow you'll see that it either switches from the page view down the bottom here or down to the view that you might be normally used to which is just the scrolly page version here so I'm going to click this up here so I can see all of them really quickly and easily so for me for example I'm going to click on this one this one here is really really great I'm showing as a bit of a preview of one of my students works and how her social media posts are looking and how it used to look so I might actually just copy this page so once you're in this view you can click on a page then press Ctrl C or command C if you're on Mac and then open up this new design that we opened up over here for my template because I kind of like my base template design and I'm going to press paste so command or control V and when you wait a second be patient here sometimes it takes up to 30 seconds or so to paste in and you'll see that it's pasted that design right into my canva I'm going to go through and edit these a little bit later but for now I'm just going to dump a heap of designs into my canvas so I'm just going to go through again and find anything that I think might be repeatable here is a testimonial I've got from a student I've got a picture of her some of her Designs Plus a testimonial from her so I'm going to use that again in the future so we're actually really grateful because I kind of lost that template and I wanted to use it again again I just pasted it in and it's right there ready to edit okay I'm going to go along here um might find this one here is a bit of a Four Points step thing which I think is really really great and helpful because I want to do more of those into the future paste that in then go along more all right I'm gonna fast forward now so that you can kind of just watch me doing all of these but not have to sit through me doing all of these all right I just wanted to say too you can actually copy more than one design at a time so for me I'm like oh I like this one this one and I like this one and I like uh this one and this one I'm actually holding down command on my keyboard it might be Ctrl or shift on PC I'd say Ctrl shift would make you collect all of the ones in between not just a particular one or two then I'm going to press Ctrl C again and go over to my design and press Ctrl V and it's going to paste in all of the ones I had selected so if you want to do one at a time use that little tip foreign [Music] so now I've popped all of those designs into this one canva document so I'm going to now label this social media template I'm going to call it something that's going to remind me that I don't really want to touch this unless it's I want to touch the template file you could say do not touch or something like that to kind of make yourself realize that this is this is the real one and so what I would do now is kind of go into this template and edit anything that needs editing so say this one here I might say actually I really prefer if this photo was more in the center for my template and so moving that across like so and so just go through and make any final tweaks you want to make to these templates if there's something you know that's not quite right or something you know is going to be more useful for future needed or for me for example I might change some of these to have different color backgrounds because I noticed there's not enough purple in here and so kind of go through and edit the templates to be whatever you kind of need them to be for me here I'm like I think I like doing larger text these days I'm going to make all of this a little bit larger um it's not quite readable at the moment but I would edit that later and I would go go and kind of do that you can continue editing this so don't feel like it's a Once and done um but it's good to kind of get it good and then kind of go from there all right so once you're happy with your template at least for its foundation what you need to go to is press share at the top right hand corner here and press brand template you want to save this as a brand template if this option isn't here for you then you might have to click on more and then it'll show you a whole heap of other options for saving but for me you'll see it's down here for a brand template and that's going to say where do you want to save this for me I want to save it to Brand templates or if you want to save it to somewhere else you might be able to do that this might actually be a workaround if you don't have canva Pro I'm quite sure that you might be able to save this to another spot I'm going to go to Brand templates because that's what I wanted to go I'm going to press add and then publish and that's soon going to be accessible for me to access my brand template section now a little caveat here I've noticed for myself it actually takes a few minutes to populate here so if you just go straight away and check like if I went to design here and went to my brand Hub and press my brand plates you'll see that it's not there yet so I might need to wait a couple of moments for that to populate if you don't have canva Pro what you can actually do so say if I just go down to my home and I go to my projects here this is all of your different folders what you could actually do is like all of your designs are actually saved here and so you could just click on say this one I wanted to make as my social media templates I could actually press these three dots here and press move to folder and make my own folder that says brand templates it doesn't have to be in canvas brand Hub so I hope you enjoy that little feature a little kind of work around but hopefully that works for you if it doesn't let me know in the comments and I can hopefully find a different way to make it work for you but in essence I'm just going to see if it's going to be here now I'm going to try refreshing but usually it takes me a moment all right here it is so say for example I'm creating so I still think I'll create like say for example for May I might go to new design I'll go to Instagram post portrait size and then I might create a set that I'm going to do for my social media posts for May I'm also going to do this my for my real covers as well it may Instagram in the year because there's plenty of Maze and I'm going to go to my brand Hub find out my brand templates here and when I click on this it's going to open up all of the different pages you'll see it hasn't quite finished populating yet so I'm just going to go to the other one that was my example one here and I might say I want to use this for my next social media post click that in edit it away change the text to what I needed it to be maybe go to my brand elements and change the background color or maybe change the clouds around and that design is up and ready for me to go I don't have to do anything else but that so I hope this template and this is a tutorial has been helpful for you thank you for watching along let me know in the comments if this works for you and what you're going to be using it for whether it's social media posts whether it's real covers whether it's anything else at all and if you're looking for some more help with your canva and with your design I would love to have you along to my seriously in business challenge this is a three day series or you can binge it all it's not you don't have to do whatever three days where I teach you how you can create your own standout brand and Graphics going through the foundations of the stuff that you need to think about so the designs actually do your business Justice your designs are actually faster for you to make actually communicate to your audience and help your business to look professional to make it look seriously in business which is why I named it that it's 100 free you can start it instantly and all you need to do is head to the link in the description and pop in your name and email and I will send that through to you you can either binge it straight away or you can watch it over three days so thank you for joining me I hope you love the challenge and if you haven't already met my name is Jackie I head over to my Instagram if you want to hang out my handle is white dear GD and I look forward to seeing you there and I'll see you next week for another tutorial bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Jacqui Naunton // White Deer
Views: 13,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva, canva tips, bulk create, branding, graphic design, jacqui naunton, diy design, graphic design basics, canva tutorial, instagram, pinned post, instagram hack, AI, Canva AI
Id: TssLJUv6SGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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