Creating VIDEOS with Canva | The Ultimate Guide [2023]

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canva has been adding some solid video features recently making it a serious option for all of you out there looking for free video editing platform in this video we will cover the basics of making videos with canva and my goal is to give you a tour of all the major video features in canva so that you feel confident enough to create your first video with canva let's go what is up everyone Ronnie here welcome back to our Channel this is the best place for you to learn about canva we have over 350 tutorials on this channel so make sure to check them out subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so yet and let's talk about making videos this tutorial is the basics of creating videos with canva we are going to cover all of the fundamentals and show you step by step how to get started with creating videos and I have divided this tutorial into four main sections the first one will be how to start your video project then I'm going to show you where to find free video assets to start editing the material the raw material that you need to create your videos then I will be covering one by one all the major video editing features in canva and we will wrap up the tutorial by showing you how to download or how to share your video with whoever you want to share it with so that's basically the timeline of the tutorial let's check jump into the first part which is starting your video project [Music] so this is the canva homepage and I will be using this icon right here that says video you see here all of the different document types these are called doctypes or document types we want to work with a video DOT type so click on that little video icon and you should be seeing different types of video alright so the first step I would say before starting your project is to understand where are you going to share this video you are creating so you have the first one right here which is the classic 1920x1080 pixel video that's the classic horizontal video like this video right here that you're watching you also have Facebook videos that are squared and you have video messages that is a nice little feature that canva has for you I'll let you discover it you have mobile video so that's basically the inverted dimensions of the normal video YouTube video is the same as the first one video collage YouTube ads Etc etc etc you have a bunch of different video formats so the first step would be to select one of these okay let's say I know what I want I want to create a video for tick tock and once you know the type of format that you want all you have to do is to find it right here under this video tab so you could do so by using the little arrows right here on the side to navigate so let's say I want a tick tock video all right so this is the tile for tick tock videos once you're there you can either click on the tile to start a blank project or you could use the magnifier glass right here to browse for the template and that would be step number two to select the right template for your video project so let's go ahead and do this I'm going to click on the magnifier glass so we should now see a bunch of templates over 8 000 templates for creating Tick Tock videos which is great I have plenty of choice right here to work with so from here very simple you can scroll and see the templates but you will have a lot of scrolling to do or you could start using the filters that you have right here in the left side menu so filters are very useful for selecting a particular style that you want for your video so you have a bunch of keywords right here you can expand them by clicking on view more so very large selection I would say of stars let's say I want something related to Fitness and you see that applying these filters drastically reduces the amount of templates that will be available and presented to you but these will be very Niche they will be Fitness Tick Tock video so if you are into that Niche that could be a great way of starting a video project by simply applying the right filter you can also filter not only by style but if you scroll to the next category you can filter by theme okay so on top of Fitness you could go more granular and go for example yoga okay I want some yoga templates and there you go you have all of your yoga templates and then the last filter that you have is a filter by color so that is if you know already you want to use a certain dominant color let's say you want a dominant white color if you click on this canva will show you some templates with a lot of white in them because I selected the white color if you click on yellow for example well if they have any here they don't really have many I will untick yoga to show you there you go Fitness with a lot of yellow in them so that's how you use the filters now let's come back let's untick my yellow color there you go and let's select one of these video templates okay so let me see them first I like this one right here I'm going to click on it when you click on that template it will be loading in the canva editor and now that we have found the perfect template for our video project it is time to customize it to make it our own and for that obviously we are going to be swapping some of the information Edition on this template for our very own information so our own text maybe change the color of that text and also adding our own video footage or maybe swap the footage that we see in this template for other ones and for that of course we are going to be needing some material some new video assets to include in that project and that is exactly what the next section of this tutorial is all about finding free video resources so let's jump into that foreign the first method to get some video assets is to create your own to shoot your own videos and to import them into canvas so that is uploading your own videos into canva let me show you how to do this obviously you will need a video file that is ready that you have shut or that you have collected somewhere and once you do just simply head over the uploads button okay I'm going to click on uploads I'm going to click on upload files and simply locate the file on my computer so I do have this awesome video clip right here six megabytes I'm gonna open that and it's going to be loading into canva you see it's loading right here it's a video we shot with Diana in our previous studio in Sydney that we miss a little bit but it's right here so you see it took a couple of seconds only to upload this video clip if I click on it it will show right here in my work area Okay so that's a CD video of us I can't do a couple of things with this video right here you see there is already a video right there on the original template okay so if you click on it if you click on the background and click on the delete key on your keyboard that's how you delete the video from the background and now if I come back to my video that I just uploaded which is right here it's not black but it's the end of the video so it looked black if I right click on this video and set this video as background it will be replacing the video that used to be in the background right there okay so you have this shape right here it's a black shape with some transparency you see 24 percent you could delete this shape if I don't need it and I could move this text as well okay so from here let's change that let's get silly okay you can change the color of that text simply by using the text color right here and you see this button change all of the orange for white on this specific template so I'm going to do this and it's going to change this text to white as well I could do the same with the elements to maintain that consistency change all and there you go and now you have very easily replace the content of your template with your own video footage but what's important is that in order to upload your own video footage simply go to the uploads button and you can upload not only video clips you can upload your audio clips or you could upload photos or Graphics the same way once you get to the uploads tab right here you will have three different tabs right here by default most of the time you will be on images okay if you want to browse the videos you have uploaded just simply click on the video Tab and if you have uploaded any audio files they will be stored right right here under audio one last thing I want to mention at this stage about uploading your own content into canva to work on your video project is that you can connect canva to a Cloud solution you might be using already like Google drive or Dropbox or Google photos so there are different types of cloud storage that exist out there and you might be using one of them already so if you have for example a Dropbox account you could click on that icon right here to connect your Dropbox account with canva so that if you have video stored on Dropbox you could fetch them directly after connecting the two platforms together all right I think this is good enough for showing you how to upload your very own content now let's move on to another way to find some free video assets in canva and that is to Simply find videos in the canva video library okay the first thing I need to show you is where to find the video library in canva okay so I just did a little bit of cleaning up here my object panel I had a bunch of different tabs open but I just closed them so you see I would say the base configuration of the canva UI yours probably looks something similar to this you might have more tabs open but by default these are the tabs that will always be on screen okay so finding the video tab is relatively simple if you don't see it here if you don't see a tab saying videos just go to your apps button right here the last one at the bottom click on it and you should see photos ties audio videos that's the one we are interested in so if I click on videos that's what I'm going to be seeing so this is a collection of video clips that you can use in canva for your video projects so straight from the get-go I see that this is searchable you can search for any footage I want and also that you have some Pro results for canva pro users and those of the clips that don't see anything are available for all users so free users included so you see there are a good balance of free versus paid Pro footage right here so let's go ahead and try something I'm gonna search for a drone so if I type in drone canva will start suggesting some categories of footage okay so Drone footage why not let's go for that and let's see you see when you hover over the clips you see a little bit of a preview of these clips which is nice let's go with this mountain right here which is quite inspirational I'm going to click on another page right here I'm going to create another page click on it and simply click on that video footage and it will be loading right here on page two of my video project so from here I can do different things with this clip I can can resize it by simply stretching it from one of the handles right here you see this is very easy to do and then it will be playing right here in the editor when you look at the Timeline right here you see that this clip is 29.3 seconds kind of like the same information you have here when you browse for your Clips right here so I would highly recommend you start searching for your videos you have a bunch of tags as well right here that you can be browsing for you have categories recently use iron shots nature business Beach etc etc so you can browse you can find footage in different ways okay if you also have some little filters right here to filter what is for free or what is pro and I believe only Pro users I'm using a canva pro account I believe only Pro users will see this filter right here that is to show you the clip you're using is a pro clip basically I'm not sure free users are going to have this same filter let me know in the comments if you're a canva free user let me know if you see this filter when you search for video clips alright so that was method number two for finding free video assets just simply using the video tab which is canvas video footage library now let me show you yet another type of resources that you can find in canva for your video project and that next type of resource is the audio library can that not only has a large library of video clips they also have a bunch of audio clips okay most of them come from the epidemic Sound audio library so let me show you first where to find these audio tab just similarly to the first one to the video tab go to your apps and locate your audio tab right here if you click on audio this is what you will be seeing so you will have similar tags you will have similar categories this time related to your music so happy music pop music epic music piano and just like for the videos you will see when when your audio clip is for pro users or available for free okay those who don't have any mention are available to all users and those with the little Crown will only be available for pro users and we will have a link in the description of this video for all of you who want to try canva Pro for free for 45 days this is our affiliate link indeed some of you might not be sure you want to invest in canva Pro so this link will give you a nice extended trial you'll get 15 more days than what you will get on the regular canva website with our link so go ahead and try it if this is something you are considering buying canva Pro this is by far the longest trial you will find on the internet so link will be in the description now back to the tutorial and back to our audio clips right here something else I didn't mention is that these audio clips are of two different types really you will have on one side your audio tracks your music right your songs so that would be one type of asset you are likely to come across when searching for audio music the second one is sound effects so sound effects is a new addition to the canva library most of the time you will see the length of these audio clips will be much shorter like this one like a cash register opening you can play them cash register most of the sound effects would have a little speaker icon versus the songs which will have a little thumbnail a little square thumbnail all right so let's search for Cricket okay I want to find a cricket sound a cricket sound so you see sound effects cricket chirp cricket chirp single a bunch of different cricket sound effects will be right here for you similar to the video clips you'll have some filters so the filters are great if you want to filter your sound Clips by types so you will have vocals instrumentals or the sound effects and then Pro users will have this extra filter right here to filter free versus pro audio clips as well so yeah this is pretty much what there is to it if you select a song let me show you like happy happy let's go and include that into our video project if you click on it you see like my time indicator was located right here let me go back let me undo this and show you you see the time indicator was here I'm going to drag that back to the beginning of my video and click on that again and now the song the track will be applied from where this time indicator was located in this case the beginning if I play this [Music] my song is nicely applied on my timeline and throughout the entire video project it will stop where my footage stops right here at 35 seconds approximately so this is how you find and use audio clips on your video projects in canva moving on to the next type of free resources this one is if you didn't find what you were looking for in terms of video clips in the canva library there are some free stock video footage websites out there that will give you permission to download and use video clips and I happen to have created an entire tutorial about finding this free stock video websites and I also rank them so the video is about my top six stock video websites that are completely free to use I highly recommend you watch this video if you are on the hunt for more video footage this could be very interesting for all of you canva free users that there that don't yet have unlocked the entire canva library in terms of videos so discovering these websites will give you more options will give you possibility to search for videos download them and use these Assets in your next video project so make sure you check out this video after this one not right now after this one I would also have a link in the video description for you to watch this next alright moving on to the next category of resources you can find for your video project into canva I'm talking about the animated stickers stickers are very cute they're very flexible these are little Graphics that are animated okay so I would consider that a video asset let me show you where to find the canvas stickers first so for that you will need to head over you elements tab right here and to find stickers there are a couple of ways you can find these stickers the first one is simply not typing anything in the search bar when you are on the element Tab and simply scroll down a bit until you see stickers okay so here you have a bunch of stickers you can use it to the arrow to see more or you can click on see all right here to see all of the sticker categories so these will be sorted organized in categories confetti stickers festive stickers social media stickers trending etc etc and then you will have the more you scroll the more stickers will be presented to you and the algorithm will try to serve you some I would say appropriate or time sensitively relevant stickers depending on what period of the year we are and also where you are located the canva algorithm is quite smart alright so that's one way to search for stickers simply scroll down a little bit and find the sticker section right here click on see all another way to find stickers is simply to type in whatever you need okay let's search for arrow for example I type in Arrow being in the element category and canva will show me a bunch of different results for arrows okay I will have line and shapes I will have Graphics I'd have photos videos all sorts of things under elements so the first thing you can do is to use the tabs right here on top to filter only the graphics when you do that you will have only graphics and you will have a couple of these Graphics moving animated like this one like this one this one these are the stickers okay so from here once you have typed your keyword sorted by graphics with the tab you can use the filters so the filter right here gives you the ability to only filter the animated graphics so if I click on this apply the filter and now I only have stickers in my result page right here so all of these are stickers if I want to use this sticker right here that says next if you want p people to swipe for example you use this one right here and there you go you can position that anywhere on your video clip you can position it on page two also if you want the one with the cloud right here let me delete this audio track for now yeah you can add any sticker to your video very easily like if you want to pinpoint a specific tree right here like I want this tree for Christmas yeah so you can do this by using a sticker this is a great way to drive people's attention to a specific part of your video so these are the stickers and talking about stickers canva recently introduced a new generation of stickers to the platform these are called Lottie stickers like this sticker right here cannot change the color like it is one color I cannot change it and also if I zoom in a lot the quality of the sticker will tend to decrease they are not super sharp they're not stretchable infinitely stretchable in terms of quality so the benefits of the Lotte sticker is that you can change the color of your elements of your graphic but also you can stretch them they will not lose in quality so that's pretty good new generation of stickers the only thing is that it is still quite difficult to find these new Lottie stickers into canva indeed they have a specific keyword that you need to type and before typing it you need to know about it and it's very difficult to come across these keywords so a little bit difficult but the good news is that Diana has created two separate videos to help you find sets of these new generation stickers so I will be linking these videos in the video description as well and as you can see I'm keeping you busy today I can giving you a bunch of homework with the links in the description that's already a third video I would like you to watch next so that you keep learning about these things like if you want to be great at canva one tutorial isn't going to make it you need to really invest more time in your canva education and trust me the more you learn the better you would be at designing with canva now this is all I wanted to say about stickers let's move on to the next category of assets there is one more way to generate free video assets using canva and that is to record yourself using canva itself so that is a pretty powerful feature it is an unknown feature as well a lot of people don't know about this so first let me grab a fresh canvas right here this is a video document type the one with the traditional HD video format and in order to start recording yourself using canva you need to go to the uploads button okay from right here uploads button you should see under the upload files you should see record yourself okay so click on that and once you click on that button you will land on the recording studio which should look something similar to this with a little bubble right here with your face in it this is a recording from the webcam of my laptop which is right here in front of me and I have another screen right here so I'm looking this way and the interface is quite straightforward you have a big record button right here at the bottom of your screen and on top you have this icon right here so this icon says camera okay so if you click on this camera icon you will be able to select the source of your video recording so that is the camera which is going to record your face so in my case I have only one choice the webcam of my computer right here I could choose no camera if you choose no camera a little profile picture will be showing like so okay so again I'm going to turn on my camera there you go and similarly you can also choose your microphone okay so Ronnie's iPhone microphone no a MacBook Pro microphone yes and now you see the little sound Spectrum right here is recording all right so this is how you can record yourself if we come back to this menu right here you can choose to record only your camera your camera plus screen so canva also allows you to record your screen you'll have to choose between an entire screen a window or a Chrome tab and which screen I do have two screens in front of me so Aesthetics screen one and share I'll be recording my screen as well so let me show you there you go so my screen is right here behind me or you can choose to record your screen only with no webcam okay so screen only camera and screen like so and only the camera let's try only camera and let's see what other options we have we have a bunch of other options we can change the shape of this bubble okay if I click here I have the original I would say rectangle shape of my webcam can can swap I can swap the image mirror the image and I can turn off the camera and now last but not least showing you the filters and effects you will have a bunch of different effects right here so that is great if you want to have a specific look and feel to your video some of those are pretty funky like this one right here if you want to create a disco video and you have your reset button you have the intensity of that filter so yeah you can play around and there is also one effect to smoothen your skin so that is if your skin is not perfected my skin is already perfect so I'm not going to use that alright let's go ahead and try like I'm gonna reset this I don't want any filters so it's already reseted I'm going to record myself a little bit to show you how this works so click on record you have this timer calm down and there you go welcome guys to yet another video this is by far the best YouTube channel so why aren't you subscribed yet don't take this person this is just me showing you how to record yourself in canva you don't have to subscribe if you don't want to you can if you want but that's just practice all right so done when you're done with your recording click on done and then simply you can delete if you're not happy with your take or you can save and exit when you do this what's gonna happen is that canva is going to load your video into the editor welcome guys you see that was very quick the video is still loading here but you already have your preview right here with the sound with everything the image quality is good and though the recording seems pretty small if you stretch it the quality will be Top Notch okay so I can right click on this clip set as video background and there you go now I have and there you go welcome guys to yet another video this is by far the best YouTube channel so why aren't you subscribed yet yes so just showing you how you can generate some talking head videos some screen recording videos directly from canva then they will show right here on your video project and you can start working with it okay and talking about working with your files let's move on to the next section of this tutorial which is about discovering all of these video editing features I have a couple of them to introduce to you so let's get cranking with this [Music] the first feature you really need to understand when it comes to editing or making videos with canva is the video timeline okay any video editing software will have some sort of a timeline canva has made it simple like in good or canva fashion it needed to be simple because canva for graphic design was that simple so canva for videos needed to follow that tradition and what they've done with the timeline is that simple so let me show you what it looks like using this video template right here so this is just a template I haven't modified anything so let me show you if I can find a template yes this one right here it's about a minute 50 seconds and it's made out of different things in this template so let's play a little bit of it see it has a music and then some photos kind of with some effects some text and also some video clips so it's a nice little cozy video of this copper right here celebrating their seven years together so the timeline as you can see has a couple of different elements one thing you need to know is that as of today January of 2023 it is not possible to stack different layers of video clips okay you can have only one video track you can have several audio tracks and you can have several graphics on your timeline but only one video track so just keep that in mind when you're editing your video projects you will only have one video track but again different other tracks so the video track is basically cut into different pages you see page one two three if I click on the grid view right here I will see this project has 10 different video pages okay so I'm going to click on that again next if we look right here at the bottom I will have a couple more information I'll have the total length of this project 49 seconds I will also find this length right here if I click here I can preview kind of full screen that video let me close that I have some options right here I'll come back to these later and I do have this little icon right here it says Zoom page okay so if I click on it you see this thing moves right here so you have basically your big rectangle which represents this area this section of the page and so you can now zoom in on your page on your screen let me collapse this pattern for now so you're zooming out zooming in and zooming out on your main page but if you click on this little icon then you will be zooming in on your timeline you see now this timeline is selected and you can zoom in on your timeline in and out so this is just a little trick that you need to be aware of that's how you zoom in on your timeline alright so that's very simple understanding the timeline let's move on to the next feature you need to understand and that next feature is about cropping your video clips so for that let me first select a video clip I'm going to go with page three right here so this is a video clip you see the couple uh they're blinking and everything so it's not a photo it's it's a video clip if I click on it you see I'm selecting it I should see this little scissor icon right here with the length of that clip so page three is 4.8 seconds so with the clip selected I can click on this and really crop that clip as I wish okay you can either drag it from the beginning or from the end like so and you can move it also anywhere the total length of this clip if I wanted the entire clip is 8.2 seconds but I can use it as I wish like I can crop it as I wish and also select any passage of a certain length by simply moving the the selected area of the clip right here so this is how you crop your video clips very simple again let me show you with another clip like the last one right here so this one is 3.9 seconds again if I click on the scissors you should see this timeline right here and again I can move it to wherever I want and I can crop it from either either size all right so this is very simple this is cropping your video files similar to cropping your video clips you can also split a clip into two different videos two different video clips so for that let me show you I'm gonna duplicate page 10 okay so very easily duplicating this I can click on the three little dots and then duplicate the page there you go you can see that my audio adapts I don't want that so I just want to have an isolated clip right here which is an exact copy how do you split that clip very easy you position your time indicator let me zoom in on this timeline so I can see more clearly what I'm doing you see I zoomed in let me zoom in some more so I have a nice big area to work with so they're moving let's say I want to cut right here so I will start by positioning my time indicator in the right place and still with my mouse over the clip I will right click on that clip and simply select split page there is a keyboard shortcut which is simply the letter S on your keyboard but that's what splitting your clip will do it will basically cut your clip wherever your time indicator has been positioned generating two different clips so the first part second part it's not duplicated it's just split it into all right so again let's use a keyboard shortcut let's say I want to split here s there you go you create shorter slices shorter video clips with this feature so that is splitting your video clips it is a very important feature for making videos and now I want to show you a feature which is relatively recent in canva it's called element timing this will give you more granular control over everything that appears in your video so when do elements appear and disappear in your video so let me show you how that works so I'm gonna bring my time indicator back to the first clip right here where we see the couple and a zoom out effect on this video okay you see photo Zoom effect has been applied it's an animation but let's say this title box right here with three different lines I don't want that to be showing on screen since the very beginning I would like that to appear on screen slightly after the video starts so there is now a way to control that so in order to do this you first need to select your elements or the group of elements in this case it's a group of elements you can see this because this button says ungroup so if I click on ungroup now I can select each individual text boxes there are two text boxes let's say I want to group them again like so let's say I want this to appear slightly after so you will right click on it and find this icon that says show timing so click on this and now you see on the timeline I see this new element right here which represents my group of text boxes and this little arrow right here if I click here shows me the two different boxes you see the top one the lower one selected right here in purple so that's how you control each of these elements and now let me reduce that so I only see the group if I want them to start appearing let's say after one second I will position my time indicator at one second right here and then I can simply drag this like so and if I play the video from the beginning [Music] see my element started showing at exactly one second so this will show you a representation of each of the elements you decide to show the timing for on your timeline so you can go and do this for anything like this text box right here show timing it will show on your timeline and this is a really good feature to help us animate and make things move and disappear in our videos I highly recommend you get familiar with this feature it's called element timing and yeah it's going to make your life easier all right moving on to the next feature you need to understand and these are the video filters and adjustments you can modify the way your video clip would look like in canva by applying some filters but also playing with some adjustment settings so let me show you how that works first let me make this element on the timeline which is this text box right here disappear because you remember you could show timing but you could also hide timing by right clicking on it again and hide timing okay so I'm gonna use let's say this clip right here I don't really like the color aesthetic of this clip let's try to apply a filter or adjust this clip right here so first you will need to select it okay select the video clip then go to your edit video button and from here you will find some effects some filters so you can see all of the filters this will be similar to what we had in the recording studio remember so you can change that give it a special look a special grain to your video okay you can really play with this go black and white so you have a bunch of different things and for all of the effects you have the or filters you have the intensity slider as well or if you want to reset them just click on none okay so those are the filters but you also have the adjustments okay and once you click on that button you can go granular you can modify the Aesthetics by moving for example your brightness adding some brightness maybe some contrast you can play around really like your color correcting your videos in a more robust I would say video editing software you can also create some vignettes like so saturation X process so you have I would say you have the classic settings for adjusting your photos or video clips you can also reset everything by clicking on the reset button so that's what I wanted to show you your filters and adjustments and again to find it just select your video clip and find the edit video button right here you'll have two different tabs and that's where you can modify adjust the look and feel of your Clips all right let's move on to the next feature there are a bunch of features but I do believe they are easy to understand and creating videos with canva is simple once you know what you're doing and this is exactly my goal with this tutorial is to eliminate any doubt you might have any fear you might have and give you the confidence to start creating your first video project with canva if you find this useful give us a like this will really help us grow on YouTube and push this video in front of more people I try to make this tutorial as comprehensive as complete as possible so let me know what you think about it if you want more beginner friendly tutorials like this one maybe for other parts of canva I'd be curious to know your opinion about this like is this the right level for you let me know in the comment section and continuing with the video so I would like to talk now about adding transitions in your videos adding transition is very simple and in order to add a transition you will need to have several pages on your video project so right here again we have 10 pages and in between each of the pages you see this little plus button so if you click on it canva will give you two options option A with the plus button to add a page it's not really what we want but option b the lower option right here is to add a transition so if you click here you will open the transition menu and you can play around with them but you will have a bunch of different Transitions and each of them will have some specific settings that go with them so for example the stack one right here you can select the duration of the transition the direction and you can also ask canva to apply this between all of the pages of your document so adding a transition is very straightforward again it starts with the little Plus button add a transition select your transition play around with the settings and you're good to go now I would like to talk about something else you can do with your video projects and that is to work with grids and Frames to place your videos into so I'm going to show you the example of this specific page right here and simply play the video you see the video seems to have been added into these portions of my screen right here so these are actually grids and the grids are to be found under your elements tab if you scroll down you have your frames so all sorts of different frames that you can use and you also have grids right here splitting your screen in different parts I personally like to work let me position this in front of everything else I personally like to work with this unique like one grid that covers the entire screen because you can resize this to any size really and then drop anything inside this grid and the video the media could be a photo could be a video we'll be playing inside this grid so let me delete this it works similarly with frames but here I just want to show you that the videos have been added into grids so if you're not sure you can click on a specific video clip and detach image okay if you detach it now you can see the original grid and when you grab the photo or the video and hover over your grid it will snap into the grid like so boom and now if you play it the video will play inside the grid let me rewind there you go one more thing you can do with the clip selected if you double click on it you can slightly adjust the position of this clip then click on done so that is a neat little option if you don't want your video to play in the entire page but some sections of the page is to use grids or frames to place your videos into I have two more important features to talk about before we wrap up this tutorial so hang in there the next one is the animate button okay let's come back to our first page right here okay so I'm going to click on the first page and I'm Gonna See by playing this clip that there is a specific Zoom effect going on right here you see here it says photo Zoom so if I click on this I basically am opening the animation menu okay so if I remove all animations I can do so by using this button right here removing all animations this is what the button should say if you don't have any animation applied yet to your clip it will say animate okay and when I play the clip I noticed that there was an original kind of zoom out effect in the clip so natively recorded in my video clip but the creator of this template Amplified that zooming effect by adding an extra animation so how do you add animations simply select a page then click on your animate button and you will see all of your animations here simply be aware that there are two ways of applying these animations so if you click on your page right here from the timeline and click on animate you will see page animation so animations will be applied to all of the elements on that specific page now you can also apply an animation to an element okay if I click on this text box right here now I have this other tab that says Element Animation still have my page animation for animating the entire thing or specific element Element Animation so this is import to understand the difference between the two in this case I want to kind of replicate the zoom effect that was originally there that I deleted so for that selecting my page animate button and I'm going to look for the photo Zoom effect I think it's right here at the bottom yes it is right here photo Zoom all right photo zoom and now let's play this back and see [Music] yeah the zoom is much stronger than before all right so that is how you apply animations if you apply animation to elements like so let's say I want to do like a block animation for this piece of text some of these animations will give me some additional settings like in this case I can decide to animate on enter or on exit meaning when the text arrives or when it disappears so you will have this extra control and if you're a pro user you might have some even extra features like here I can decide to change the color of the block thing going on I could have this blue you see originally was this color so if you're not a pro user you won't have the choice to change the color you have the color of the text only so just be aware of that some animations will have some extra settings for you but once you kind of get into it you will quickly first understand which are your favorite animations and second like you will very easily understand like the different settings that you can apply to your animation it's not so many so it's very easy what's important to remember is that you can animate your entire Page by clicking on the page it says page animation or you can animate individual Elements by clicking on these elements events and that would be photo animation or text animation or anything really so you can really decide which element you want to apply the animation to and that's pretty much what there is to know about animation I love using them because they add this extra movement to my video project which look very professional and last but not least there is this one wow feature that everybody has been talking about it is a canva pro only feature I'm talking about the video background remover which allows you to erase the background of your video If there are people in it in just one click so let me show you how this works and where to find it just remember you need a canva pro account in order to access this feature otherwise it won't be available to you so I want to remove the background of this video right here with the couple kind of like shaking their hair and dancing so the first step is to select the video clip the second step is to go to your edit button edit video button and then you should see under your effects a tool called the background remover so once you click on this there you go canva will magically erase the background of your video leaving you with the two characters doing their thing but with a transparent background which is great because now I can if I move this clip slightly let me detach the video from the background first there you go I detached it from the video it was a part of the video background so if you try to click on the color the background you cannot reach it because basically there is the video clip in front of it so you first need to detach the video from The Background by right clicking on the video like so and now I can change the color of this background for any color you can change it to Blue anything or I could also replace it with a video so for example let me go back to my video tab right here and I'm going to search oh I'm gonna use this gradient right here like so this one right click replace background I have a problem with the colors right here because it's too light I can easily fix that by changing the color like so I also need to change the second line right here there you go now everything is going to look much better and there you go you have swapped the background of your video people are going to start dancing so there you go a nice Pro feature right here a powerful feature the video background remover phew that's it for the features now there is one last step to wrapping up our video project and that is to download your piece of art you have created a beautiful video you're proud of it now how do you share that with your friends or your audience well that's exactly what we are going to find out in this last section of the tutorial [Music] the first method for sharing your video project is very simple it's simply to share a link to your video so people can simply click on that link and enjoy your video in order to generate this link you have to go to your share button right here and find the button that says share a link to watch so I click here I can copy this URL right here and I'm gonna go and open a new tab paste that link enter and there you go this is what you will see you can play the video foreign [Music] will be there all of your transition your music your everything your color correction that is the first way very easy you just generate a link from right here the share button share a link to watch the video now what if you want to keep that video you want to download the video and have that on your computer well it is possible as well so in order to download your video again start with the share button but this time you pass this grow up icon right here and you find the download button okay so click on download by default your video will be set to MP4 videos you can select which of the pages of your video projects you want to include in that final video outcome in my case I want all of the pages click on done and that's it you can download your video Simply by hitting that download button the video will start downloading it's going to take a couple of seconds but eventually your download will be ready for you to watch and enjoy and the good thing is that you don't have to stare at this download progress the entire time you can simply click on that little download icon right here and just keep moving and keep working in canva this will be downloading in the background so don't worry about this in the meantime I'm gonna show you the third way to share this video project that is if you want to share it directly on one of the social media platforms so again start with the share button and this time you will find the option to share on social so you will have a list of all the different social media platform you can connect with canva you would first have to connect your account with your canva account but once they are connected you will be able to share the video directly to a Facebook page an Instagram business account Twitter Facebook group etc etc you have a list of all the different platforms that are compatible with canva given that you have linked them together start with and that's it guys I think I have covered all of the fundamental features and process to create your first video with canva now you have absolutely no excuse you have to create a video with canva and you have to start today alright I hope this video was useful and now that you know all of the theory all of the features it is time you start your own video and for that I'm Gonna Leave You in Diana's hands in this tutorial she is going to create a video project from scratch and guide you every step of the way and on this side we have our playlist of tutorials making videos with canva for you to learn more about the video
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 83,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva for beginners, canva video editing, canva tutorial for beginners, canva tutorial 2023, canva video tutorial, canva video editor, canva video editor mobile, canva video editor tutorial, canva video, video editor, canva video animation, canva video editing tutorial, canva video intro, canva video transitions, how to use canva video editing, canva pro, video editing canva, video editing software, how to edit video in canva, how to edit video with canva, how to use canva
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 53sec (3233 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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