Meet the NEW Canva | Canva Create 2024 Updates✨

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have you tried a new canva yet looks pretty different to me but hey don't worry on this channel we've got your back and I'm here to keep you in the loop of all the latest updates in this video I'm going to recap all the major changes that have been announced at canva create and if you don't want to miss any of it make sure you stick around until the end hey what's up everyone Ronnie here your go to canva Guru welcome back to our Channel which is your place for learning anything about canva today we are talking about canvas's major facelift aka the canva glow up along with some other cool stuff they announced at canva create I'll talk about the new homepage the new editor plus around 15 new features I think you're going to love we have a lot to cover so let's go the first thing I would like to cover is the elephant in the room it's the canva redesign or basically the fresh new interface that you will discover the next time you open canva so let's start with the homepage so this is what the new homepage looks like and from the first look I can see that it's been kind of like streamlined decluttered they got rid of the menus that were here on top there were a bunch of menus with links they also took away the different document types from the header before these little icons were inside this heading section now they have been kind of isolated so they have more visual impact and I like that but the big change in the canva homepage is probably the sidebar that you see here so let's have a closer look at this sidebar the first thing I see is that canva wants me to invite people basically they want canva for teams to grow and therefore they are kind of like prompting you to invite more people to your team okay with this invite people button right here then right underneath that we see something new we see some sort of a sequence right here it says see what's changed and this is something created by canvas so you will probably see that as well when you log into the homepage and we'll come back to this later and then you see your start and two different object right here and it seems like there is a little arrow and you see more stuff when I open the menu right here okay so these are called sections okay see what's hot is a section that I have created and inside the section I have four different documents right here that I have starred and then organized into my section here is another item in this menu it's not a section this time it's a folder so basically what you can do here is to create a customized experience on the sidebar and for that you can use different elements in canva you can use folders that you can pin there once they start and you can use documents that you can also pin there on the side bar once they are starred so let's try to add a new thing here a new document so for example I would like to add this document right here pin it to my sidebar because it's something I believe I will be working on very regularly so I can just start it and you see it appears right here and I can move that to this folder right here or this folder right here it's really up to you so let's drop it here now you see it's here I can reorganize it as I want or I can drop it in a sub folder so this is going to be very useful for people who are working on projects so you can pin your projects there with all its subfolders and have all the designs that you need right there at your fingertips on the sidebar so these are the two main things about the homepage one decluttered kind of like streamlined homepage looks cleaner and two you can customize your sidebar for you and your team because you can also let's see let me show you something else that is new when you have a design that you want to share with your team or you want to even pin it to the homepage of your team let's assume you are an account owner on your team or you are a brand designer so if you click on the three little dots you see a new item here that says star for team so this allows us to create similar sequences similar sidebar items or menus but this time the entire team is going to see that so I wish I could show you how this works but I don't yet have access access to the new canva experience in my team accounts so we are doing this I am shooting this tutorial from a special account that canva created for us Cana experts so as soon as I have access to that I'll show you how it works now let's move on to the editor so this is what the new editor looks like after the canva glow up and from the get-go I can see that it has also being decluttered okay it's been streamlined it looks cleaner there's less visual clutter on that screen especially that sidebar right here this is called the object panel and before this object panel was kind of by default kept open it had a black background and now it's a lighter background it's a white background and it doesn't stay open all the time so when we're not using it it just snaps back collapsed to have this clean menu of icons like a very small size menu that I can tap open anytime I need to so I like that I like that canva kind of took away the noise from the editor so that we can focus on the design area right here and on purpose I made the design area smaller but you can go as far as this size so this gives me more space for my creativity more space for designing or like canvas say more space to play all right so that's the first thing I noticed right here and I realized that some of you may be annoyed by this menu just kind of like all always collapsing so there is an easy trick to keep it open just click on any of the tabs so if you are working with text just click on the text Tab and if you move away from it you see it remains open in order to collapse it again two ways you can hover over the menu and use a little x button right here that's the first way let me open it again or the other way is simply to click on the tab of the specific icon again so here I click again on text when I move my mouse away from it it will collapse again now let's continue to explore this fresion up editor this glowed up editor I like to call it like this because it feels fresher I don't know something something more Spacey more Airy is going on here all right so I have a few elements on my canvas right here I have a photo I have some text and I have a logo which I believe is a photo as well so I want to show you something else that's different like canva tried to streamline the different menu from this editor where we spend a lot of time working what we can see from the get-go is that the menu that used to be pinned to the top of the screen is now floating okay the menu is floating and it seems like it has less item in it but it has this double arrow here that I can click and then a menu will open on the right side this time everything used to open on the left side but this time canva kind of pushed back the secondary menus to the right side of your screen which makes sense in my opinion okay so let's close that I want to show you how these menus work so let's start with the photo right here so photo of me when I click on it you would see that the floating sidebar changes with I would say some of the next predictable actions I might take so edit to edit my photo background remover this photo doesn't have a background but yeah border style Corner rounding etc etc and if I click on the double arrow right here I will open the entire photo menu right here on the right side so I will see first my magic Studio apps I will see the filters the effects up until now there's nothing really new here and then I will see apps so this is new this section right here is going to be a series of apps dedicated to photo editing which is very useful in my opinion that canva placed these apps right here in the photo menu and then if I keep scrolling down in this photo menu I will see my basic commands and features for photo editing I also have my animate button remember how animate used to be on top animate is now right here so if I click I have access to all of my animations which is pretty cool can come back to the menu and then at the very bottom of the menu I have the copy style and the info button so the info button for me to get more information about any specific image all right so first impression I like these new menus I like that it's seems that everything is where it needs to be like it's a more intuitive way to bring on the different actions I can take for this specific element now let's try with text okay let's select this text box right here again the floating menu will adapt to whatever I am selecting right here in this case a text box so the first option is going to be magic right and I like that canva is trying to Showcase their Pro features right here as a prominent way to like the first action the most logical action so that's a subtle way to kind of prompt users to upgrade to Pro because they will want to try these magic features that are showing up first here okay so let's deploy the entire menu to see how text looks like I have my text color my fonts I love that I can choose my fonts all the way from here I don't need to go back to the up menu or the side menu everything is here I have text stes which is also convenient so these are the preset style formatting options okay they are all here my document Styles and then all the conventional I would say text options I have magic right improve short turn I can see all the different things I can do with magic right canvas AI for improving your text your copy and yeah position more copy style translate is also right here all right so that is in a nutshell what canva did to the editor that is the canva glow up the redesign they have decluttered stream lined and let us focus on the design experience they try to make it more intuitive for us to create faster and to create better there's one more thing that canva improved in the editor it's the commenting experience they also streamlined how we use comments in canva when we work with our team for example and in order to show you the difference between the new and the old commenting experience let me quickly switch back to the old canva and there we go this is the older version of canva with the dark object panel and the dark menus here that open so now in terms of commenting let me reduce this this is just a slide deck that I created for preparing the canva create update so you see a lot of work behind this tutorial and you see all of the comments are open and you can see all of these comments and when you're working in the editor you always have these comments right here they are open and if you want to make them go away you kind of have to resolve them but when you do then you cannot come back to them now let me switch back to the new Editor to show you what the commenting experience looks like this is the exact same document and when I scroll down I don't see any of the comments what I see is some flashing little bubbles right here to indicate there is a comment okay so when I click it the comment section opens and I can start to read it but I have the option to close that comment section and then continue designing without being bothered by all of the comments they don't stay open all the time also new is this this button right here when I hover over it I can see there is a 9 plus red bubble here indicating there's new messages there's new comments right here when I click I have access to this menu right here so let's use the little scroll down arrow and I can filter my comments can filter by the current page I can see all the comments to open them all I can see the comments that have been tagged for me okay so I can see my name has been tagged three times By Di or I can see the unread messages I could see the resolved messages or I could sort by the most recent comments that have been placed on this document so I love this new commenting experience again in that same logic of giving us more space to focus on our design and that's it for the first part of this tutorial guys I hope you are enjoying it so far you're learning a thing or two about the canva glow app if you do leave us a like this is always useful for us YouTubers it helps us show this video to more people and if for any reason you haven't yet subscribed to our Channel I suggest you do so now we have a ton of new tutorials about canva and we publish two new videos every week that's the best way to not miss these updates by subscribing to the Channel all right let's move on to the second part of this video and let me introduce you to the latest features that were announced at KAC creates and in this section we are going to talk about featur feates that are completely new some new stuff that canva launched but also some features that have been kind of like reworked or improved or upgraded for canva create the first one is mockups so mockups is not a new feature but they have done a wonderful job at kind of like improving the mockup experience so let's use a couple of examples okay so these two photos these are just two photos from the canva library I'm going to use the first one to show you how to access mockups and what you can do with mockups nowadays okay so I need to have my first image my first photo selected then click on that double arrow and if I scroll to the design apps you see the first one is mockups so when I'm here I have access on the right side menu to all of my different mockups okay so I can see a bunch of new and cool stuff right here so let's have a look so the popular ones I have my SE all videos okay I'll come to that later I'm looking for a frame something for my house so cannot search this new mockup menu but I can definitely have a look for frames I can see directly a bunch of cool frames here let's go for this one right here so I just clicked on it and pretty quickly the mockup has been placed into that wooden frame now I have a few different options here there is fill to kind of fill up the entire space which is nice you see there's a little bit of white here here around my image I have Smart crop so that is canva using the AI to crop the image rotate the image to kind of find a better Framing and you see the result here not convinced about this one so I'm not going to apply the changes I'm going to go for fill basically and apply the changes so now my full frame should be filled and I can come and make this bigger you see the subtle Shadow right here underneath the frame this is pretty cool I like this I like how clean they look so that's the first thing so not revolutionary nothing particularly new here just that it's been kind of like a smoother workflow for me to work with all right let's quickly do the second one click on the image that's the first step very important don't forget to click on your image then the Double Arrow right here find mockups and for this one I'm going to use a smartphone let's go for the first one right here there we go and again the mockup is not completely filling up the phone case here so I could use fill or I could just bring my mockup right here exactly where I need it on the design don't forget to apply the changes a few other options you have your alignments and your flipping options okay I'm just going to apply these changes and see if they look good yeah maybe I could move that slightly to this side apply changes like the flower to kind of go up here that I'm pretty happy with this so I'm going to stick with this one now let me show you something brand new with mockups canva announced video mockups which are really cool and on top of it free for all users so that's really good news for all of us let me show you how they work I have a screenshot of our YouTube channel right here to which anyone is of course subscribed so let me show you how you would add this into a video mockup so the first step always to select your image then click on the double arrow right here and find the mockups all right once you're here in this menu locate the video section okay you can see all and now if I hover my mouse over each of these mockups you see there are video mockups some stuff are moving there like this candle being lit this computer being open I like that so let's try this one so I click there it's going to take a couple of seconds I'm not going to speed up the video so you can see real time how long it takes for your video mockup to be created so yep I see something moving here so it shouldn't be long now and there you go the video mockup is now loaded here so let me first adjust this because I can see the left side of my mockup is kind of touching the edge of the computer which is not great so I will apply the change first and applying changes to video mockups will take slightly longer to your regular mockups you see the progress bar loading up right there all right the mockup is ready let me make it bigger all right let's play it from the beginning and discover this video mockup I think this is really cool because yeah everything is moving properly and it really adds professionalism to your still mockups so very well done canva thank you for giving all users access to the video mockups one last thing I wanted to show you in mockups let me reduce that is that from today mockups also work from elements not just photos but elements Graphics so let me show you I'm going to go to my elements right here and use I don't know Graphics so I'm going to search for let's see Graphics right here let's find a nice one like one of these flowers here okay let's say this one right here so I'm going to add this flower to my document next I'm going to select it tap the Double Arrow right here go to mockups and show you that I can place that design onto a white mug and I can reframe apply the changes and there we go I have created a nice little mockup of a mug from an element from a graphic and not just a photo so go have fun with mockups this is available to all users the next feature I'd like to review is the new version of magic grab or magic grab V2 or the upgraded magic grab so this one is going to be a pro feature but I believe canva gives you a premium so you can try the feature a couple of times for free so magic grab basically allows you to grab an element from from a photo and move that element on that same photo so that's what I knew magic grab was all about but the new version the upgraded version gives us more flexibility so this is how it works let me show you with this little demo I have a puppy jumping right here and I have a photo of Paris the sky of Paris which looks nice all right so let's select the first one the one with the puppy Double Arrow let's find magic grab okay so that's going to be this app right here magic grab you see the little crown indicat see it's a pro feature so the novelty is that you can now brush over the part that you want to grab or you can select the object that you want to grab by clicking on it if I had different objects on this photo I would have the choice between the different elements so right here I can see when I hover my cursor over the puppy it becomes a different color so I'm going to click on it to grab you see I will have to confirm by clicking on grab it's going to take a few seconds so the AI is doing its thing but then once it's done you see now I can take the puppy and move it away from the first picture to add it to the second picture or to add it wherever I want actually so I can reduce its size once it's done like so I could place it right here underneath the eel Tower if I wanted to okay so let me show you how I would do this if I want the puppy to be passing like on the other side of the eel Tower I would simply do it like that I will select the Paris photo and do the same thing magic grab Okay click to select the E Tower there we go I'm going to grab it all right so now what I can do is to select that FL Tower you see I can select the FL Tower I can select the puppy let's select the FL Tower and push it forward so that the puppy is actually flying behind it so this is pretty cool in my opinion we can now grab whatever we want from a photo and bring it to another photo or bring it to whatever part of our design design so this is Magic grab V2 improved upgraded you should try it next on our list of AI power design feature is the new blend feature all right so canva introduced blend which is a way to blend two different images into one in a realistic way so this one is also going to be for pro users only and let me show you how it works so in order to use blend you will need two different photos kind of like already pretty much resized to the right size and placed more or less where you want them placed on your photo okay so me I have a shark right here that I found in the canva library I want to add to my photo right here of me just walking in the sea all right so how can I make this look realistic let's say the shark is right here and I am right there okay next you will need to select both photos Okay so select them both by clicking away from them and just dragging your click then again tap on the double arrow and you should see Bland right here it's a new feature and it's for pro users only so I'm going to try that a little visual aid by canvas start by selecting two images Place one on top of another in the size and position you want them merged okay let's see let's try to blend these two images so I see that what's going on here is very similar to the magic edit that canva is is using AI to kind of generate this Shark in the Water kind of remove the background all right so let's see what we have here I have four different options to choose from I have the shark right there okay different types of sharks actually okay interesting I will go for option number four it seems like canva recreated my Shark like it recognized there's a shark in the picture it didn't use the exact same shark it recreated another shark without the background and kind of like move moved it slightly so it fits my current image in this case it's pretty decent job so yeah this is the final result once it's merged you cannot just use the different elements separately now can I go back to it I would have to find it under my apps let's see what happens okay so blend start by selecting reset tool so can I reset what happens when I reset well I think that's it I just deleted my shark right here I kind of like that shark in the photo makes me look like a bad boy now let's talk about the new features that canva rolled out that have to do with video and something tells me some of you guys are going to want to upgrade to canva Pro after canva create because they announce a lot of things that will only be available to Pro users like these three updates in videos that I'm going to talk about so if you do want to upgrade to Pro remove remember that we have a 30-day free trial for you to try canva Pro for free and I will have a link in the description of this video for you to try if you use our link we will get a small commission by canvas so that's another way for supporting our Channel now let me show you what's new in videos the first one of these features is called enhanced voice and it's going to help you clean up your voice recording in canva so let's say you have a video right here I'm going to play the video and you will hear that the audio of this video is not super clean it's been recorded without a proper mic I believe not everyone has the chance to have a mic and a studio which is quiet so Dianna shot this video and it was not perfect let me play the clip it's called canva create and this year canva is hosting the biggest event so far okay so I'm going to play it again like focus on the humming noise at the beginning see and also so the voice is like we can hear that she's kind of far from the microphone so with a clip like this one pro users will now be able to use AI to clean up that audio okay so select your clip that's the first step then locate the little audio button click on it and you should see here enhance voice okay right here it's a pro feature going to turn that on there you go and now it's turned on I'm going to play the clip again it's called canva create in this year come so this is pretty bluffing kind of gives me the same feeling as when I used the background remover for the first time you know I was like wow that's nice well I kind of had the same reaction here like the difference between the two clips are really impressive like the humming sound completely gone I have both Clips here side by side so this one is the original clip this one is the cleaned up clip so I'm going to bump my audio here so you can hear that better it's called canva create okay it's called canva create and this yeah this is pretty impressive again this is going to help a lot of creators maybe you're shooting on the go with your smartphone the front-facing camera in the street so this will help you reduce noise and clean up your voice audio which is really important when you create videos so check it out it's called enhance voice it's a pro feature which is going to make a lot of creators quite happy the next new video feature is called highlights and is also only available for pro users so this one the promise is to help you use AI to kind of identify the key moments in a video clip that you upload to canva so it's not about creating shorts or vertical videos from a horizontal long form videos it's not that it's just helping you to identify y interesting moments key moments in your video clip so I do have a clip here which is about 24 seconds yeah 24 seconds of me pointing at the Opera House in Sydney this is a clip that we shot with canva to use as a B rooll in the intro of one of our courses so let me quickly play the clip to you so then I says let's go pointing at the opera house just walking [Music] then it's like okay come back she said ah make a funny face so at the end she says make a funny face and then I do make a funny face and I point at the opera house again all right so not everything here is interesting I believe there is a few key moments so let's see if Cana can identify them so first step will be obviously to select the video clip then I will use the the little scissor button right here and I will need to locate the highlights button you see highlights with the little Crown so I'm going to click on that canva is going to work a little bit with the help of the AI hang tight we organize and label the key moments all right so I see that three highlights have been created here we have Scenic walk begins we have funny face request and we have smiling at the camera let's uh have a look at the first one that is indeed one of the money shot where I'm walking and pointing at the Opera House second [Music] one how interesting the second one funny face request is the AI understanding what Danna asked me to Asaka divera which in Spanish means make a funny face so the funny face request I'm pretty impressed that the AI understood the Spanish and highlighted that as an important moment of the video that's pretty impressive and then the last one is me smiling at the camera yeah that's also a shot I could definitely use in a larger sequence of Boll so yeah this is highlights it's a pretty cool feature now it's not always going to be spot on it will highly depend on what kind of clip you feed the AI to start with but it's an interesting feature and I can see how this could speed up our workflow especially when working on b-roll sequences and then there is one more new features in videos this one is called Auto Trim this one is quite similar to Highlights but it has another purpose and in order to demonstrate what Auto Trim does I'm going to use this other clip right here it's just a clip of me having fun with our YouTube trophy filming some b rolls for one of our skillshare classes about the nobs chat GPT course so you can see this one is about 35 seconds long and I'm just doing some different pauses with the trophy in my hand okay so what I want here is for canva to Auto Trim that clip and find the best footage the best passage of the clip so the steps selected first click on the scissors and then Auto Trim right here canva is going to do its thing and find what to it is the best moment so there we [Music] go so here it has selected a 10sec clip out of the 35 and indeed if I go back to the beginning of this clip so right here the beginning where I do this hand gesture it's pretty good this I could use all all of this until there before Dianna interrupts me and gives me more guidance is pretty usable so I think Auto Trim did a good job here with this video clip again it will depend on your video clip on how the AI performs on that particular project but for me it worked pretty well all right guys this wraps up the part about what's new in video now let's move on to canva ducks and see what's new there all right I have a canva dock open right here and I added a little bit of text from one of my chat GPT courses just to have some material to work with the first feature I would like to show you is the oneclick formatting all right so oneclick formatting is basically the ability for me to form format my text into different styles of text so H1 H2 Etc by simply selecting a piece of text so okay you see here section one getting started I could make that a H1 header for example and then I have the content right here of this section and then section two I could also make that H1 by simply selecting it and clicking on the H1 right here another way I could have done that is to select it and instead of using H1 H2 here I could click on the double arrow find the text Styles and here I would have all of my text hierarchy my text presets not just H1 H2 but I would have them all right here so that's another way to do that the second Improvement to docs is the new magic right or the improved magic right so little bit of background magic right is canvas text generator kind of like the chat GPT of canva okay and it's a pro feature that works on the premium model so you would be able to try this a couple of times before you ran out of credit okay so let's say I want to upgrade this section title right here getting started with chat GPT so similarly I will highlight my text select my text and then click on the Magic Ride button right here so from here canva will suggest a few different options for magic right so you could continue writing so that would expand on your text shorten which is the opposite it improve change voice is an interesting one because it kind of leans on the tone of voice you have set previously in your brand kit so let me show you if you head over Brands right here you should see brand voice right here and you can add your brand voice to your brand kit it's not set up here because it's a canva account that I am not controlling that's not our regular account but you can set up your brand voice if you are a pro user and then you will be able to use that right here to change whatever piece of text to your tone of voice in a single click which is pretty cool can fix the spelling add more fun more formal etc etc or you could use a custom prompt okay so I'm going to make this title more fun by clicking on more fun magic right is going to do its thing or you could use a custom prompt so I'm going to do that click here it's going to open a box here so I'm going to say write this in a Wier manner generate so it's going to generate a few different alternatives to to this section title embarking on your chat gbt Journey a beginner's guide if you're happy with this you can insert or you can ask the model to retry the AI to retry diving into the world of chat GPT a beginner's guide again retry I'm not happy embarking on the Chad GPT Journey a beginner's guide okay let's go with this one so it's going to insert it not replace my current title but insert it right underneath which is quite useful because I can still compare the two if I wanted to so here I'm just going to copy and paste it here all right so I have this it's a little bit long you see it's spreading over three lines right here so I could select it magic right shorten okay let's shorten a second time it got rid of my section one here so I will have to add it back in okay guide for starting with okay so I'm going to type in section one guide for starting with chat GPT okay so that's how magic right actually works in Google Docs this next new feature is kind of borrowed from the Google Docs it's a feature that works really well in Google Docs that's the different editing modes okay the different writing modes so by default you will be in the canva do in the editing mode okay but if you click on that little drop- down arrow you will see a new Mode called suggesting so this is very useful if you work in your dock with different people and you need kind of like that other person to approve whatever you're right writing okay so yeah let's do that instead of section one guide for starting with chat GPT you could select that and write getting started with chat GPT okay so you make that suggestion to the rest of your team and you see it will display in a different way and you will see a comment on the sidebar right here on the right side indicating that you are suggesting this to the rest of the team so from there they can come and approve this so if I use this as accept the little check mark if I accept it then I will come back this will just switch back to editing and be approved right here so that's suggestions next Improvement in docs is Page breaks so the first thing I'm going to do is to close this comment section I'm going to go back to editing and I'm going to locate a place in my document that would naturally be a good place to break my document into a different page so here I think that the natural way to split this would be between section one and section two so I'm going to click right here in between the two and then in order to add your break locate the little plus button right here click on it and start searching for page break so page break there you go so it created a page break that we can see here I love the little Shadows right there nice little design hack canva if you click on it you see that you can select that page break and show it as a divider instead so there you go it looks like this maybe you prefer this but I personally prefer the page break like so so yeah that's easily done and now I can adjust my second page right here I could even add a page break here so again page page break and yeah there you go I adjust this I created different sections different pages in my conva doc the next Improvement in docs is columns okay so very useful too columns just like the name indicates will allow you to create columns in your canva dock so let's find a place first let's say right here so I could go with the quick action and search for columns okay so I have these quick buttons right here that allow me to create columns let's show you an example that's one two three columns okay that's not bad going to click on this and delete or you could go to your elements right here I'm going to click to kind of like freeze the panel so it doesn't disappear and you see the second section here let me click on see all you have three types of columns new columns available here you have your basic columns with a plain background you have your pre-designed columns with some frames and placeholders and you have some styled columns which are my favorite because they are funky they are like colored okay so try this let's try this double column with the green gradient as a frame so this looks pretty cool I'm going to paste this sentence right here don't mind the content too much here just pasting this so another cool thing I could do in a column is to add an emoji for example so I could add this Emoji or I could even add an animated sticker If I go back to my elements right here get out of columns and search for a sticker all right so Graphics it's filter by Graphics I could find a sticker that looks great let's find one that is part of a collection Yep this one is so let's view the collection the reason I'm doing this is that I want to have a visual consistency in my document so yeah let's use this one right here make it smaller and the smallest size I could go then select this one and justify to the middle and so I could continue this like reopen this element right here and find another one let's say I want to use the triangle not here but here and I'm going to delete this one space make that the smallest possible actually I'm going to align it so my text aligns right here so there we go I have created my column with some custom I see that I need to justify this as well at the center and now I have created all of this and it looks great I can also click on the columns to change the color of that gradient see I have the color button right here it looks like a gradient so I can click on that plus button and I can modify this gradient okay so again like the first color right here I'm going to pick this yellow and the second one I'm going to pick the orange you guessed it so there we go I can create that gradient and have that as part of my column so these are really cool I can add another column right here if I click on the plus button I can go up to four I believe yes after four the button disappears so that's columns guys try it and last but not least we have highlight blocks that are a great way to add some visual impact to your canva Ducks I'll show you with section two right here you see I have a little table of content of section two well let's imagine I want to give this more weight in my document I want to bring the attention of people to this table of content so I'm going to go to my elements locate the section called highlight blocks see all and select one of these 15 presets that are a way to draw the attention so I like the little one here with the fire so I'm going to go for this one and I like the little fire icon animated sticker it looks great so I'm going to keep it here I'm going to replace the title and say this is section to contents all right and add enter and then I'm going to copy this text right here right there in my body text all right just need to make sure this one first line is also numbered so yeah that was relatively easy to do okay to create this I can probably delete the extra space in there so I have my highlighted section it looks great it definitely drives my attention here I can delete the previous one right here and yeah I can customize this section as well so like Pro tip if you try to change the color and you click on it and it doesn't work it's because you're clicking on the text box so the way to change that color is to shoot for the line here try to click underline until you see these little handles once you see it just drag it slightly and you see now you have your text box in the middle and then you have your actual background here you see the color button now appears because I was able to click on that part of the image so now I can use that and I can switch back to my other color right here that I set previously or create a completely different section color if I want to so there you go highlight blocks in canva DOS this one is one of my favorite I have one more to go for canva ducks the last feature that canva added to ducks to make them more impacting and more useful is outlines so outlines is another feature that has been borrowed to Google Docs so basically if you've used some H2 and H1 formatting in your docs start by locating the outl button right here should be at the bottom of your page so click on it in canva will automatically generate your table of content based on your text formatting all right so I have section one and section two then here again section two but this one you know what I would change the formatting by selecting it going to texti this is is body text not important and now I have corrected my outline section one and section two if you want to add even more visual impact you can add a little Emoji right here section one and section two you can add different emojis if you want to but that's just a little Pro tip to make it even more visual all right guys how are we doing I know a lot of new features a lot of new stuff to talk about but I think this video will help help you navigate through all of these changes if you find it useful by all means share it with your friends like post it on your social media it's always a pleasure for us to share the knowledge and just make more people aware of what's going on in canva all right let's dive into the last section of the video and wrap it up I'm talking about a brand new product in this last section introducing courses in canva Cana introduced courses as a way for users to develop specific sequencies or specific workflows for training your team for example that's the most I would say common use case they have highlighted for courses so let me show you where to start you could create a course on canva from a few different places okay the first one is to click on the more button from the visual Suite on the homepage and locate courses okay create a blank course click here and it will bring you to this page right here where you can give your course a name so let's say nobs chat GPT all right you could add a description for your course as well if you wanted to so I'm just going to type description for now you can clear it with this button let's just save it for now and then you have your activities which is basically a fancy word for saying whatever canva design so you could add right here any type of canva project so it could be a presentation it could be a canva whiteboard it could be a video it could be a canva dock whatever document really you fancy you can add to this sequence so let me add some of the documents I already have so you can create a new one or you can create an existing design so I'm going to add a few different ones from my projects okay so the what's new in canva Doc right here let's add this one this one is a presentation you see it says here let's add another one choose a design from my project from the same folder seven update to Ducks let's create a last one so choose a design from my project it's a little bit annoying that it doesn't remember where I fetched my last duck from there you go so I have three Ducks right here so it says assign your course so now that I have created my little sequence and I can reorder them if I want to let's do like that this one comes first second and third all right so now that I have created my sequence my educational sequence I can assign it to some people in my team so here I'm using a canva glowup team so I here with all the other canva experts so I could assign this to the 55 members of that team not going to do that because they're going to think it's weird I'm weird but you could do that so that's how courses work I'm going to skip the tour here I could customize this Banner easily as well to make my course more on brand so in order to do this I would go to more and then Banner right here create in canva so if I do that it's going to open the bner in canva let's go with a nice one with cats right here cats GPT get it and there you go my course Banner has been updated right here so that's all I can tell you right now about courses what I can tell you is that there are not courses in the way I'm going to create a course and sell this on UD me or I'm going to create a master course and get paying customers to join my canva team and take my course that's not this kind of courses this kind of fores is more for like creating a specific workflow you want your team to follow in a specific order at a specific time all right guys I think I'm going to leave it here I gave you a lot of things to think about today with all of these updates let me know in the comments section if you'd like to see a dedicated video about courses or any of the other features that was introduced by canva at canva create we will be happy to create more for you and last announcement before before I go since canva changed everything with canva create I will start working on a full update of the canva master course that is my bestselling course my bestselling canva course on UD starting from today Di and I are going to see how we can update this course so that it looks like the new canva and if you've purchased the course you will of course benefit from this entire new content that is going to start rolling out starting from June I believe so bear with us as we create this There are 16 hours of content to update so it's quite a project anyways thank you guys for choosing us for your canva create updates I appreciate that you sticked around until the end you guys are Legend if you're still here you are a legend and I'm going to leave you with this other video right here that I believe you should check out next
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 94,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tutorial, canva news, canva 2024, canva create 2024, canva for beginners, design with canva, canva tutorial 2024, canva tips 2024, canva new features, what's new in canva, new in canva, canva glow up, how to use canva, video mockups, video mockups canva, canva magic grab, extract text from image, edit text on image in canva, canva video, video canva, blend in video canva, highlight video canva, trim video canva, canva docs, canva course, Canva courses
Id: Q2L1Y65VxBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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