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so you want to know how to share a canva template that you have created with your customers you are in the right place because today I will show you what to do after you have created your principle inside of canva if you want to share it as a template so your customer can make any changes that they want without making any changes to the original document that you created or let's say you want to sell your template which is what I do I create kind of a planner templates and that I sell to my customers and then they can create their own planners and journals based on those templates but let's say you want to just share the template you don't just want to sell the PDF well this is how you do it and whether you are on the paid version version or the or the free version I'm going to show you how to do it before we do that I'm going to create a really really quickly a Ohio was still this interest okay I'm going to create really really quickly am a printable right here I always do a point 5 by 11 inches which is us letter size but you can do whatever size you want of course and here it is I always put master in the beginning of the title of my file so master I'm going to put quick printable that's going to be the name quick printable and let me start the signing real quick it's just like a one-pager what I want to do so I'm going to put a background and I just added I'm gonna do this color and then I'm going to do 50% transparency now I'm going to lock it I need another there it is another square then I'm going to turn into a rectangle like that I'm going to position it in the center and then I want to change the color to white that looks wonderful now I'm going to duplicate it because I want to make let me see but a smaller mom like that and about 3.7 let me see the center would be right there I want a little bit smaller there we go and I'm going to duplicate that one I'm actually going to put it right here all right next to it there we go that looks wonderful I'm going to put some text and I want to make this size 14 I'm going to put it over here and I'm going to write the word text because whatever text you want you just put it there I don't like the positioning let me get a little bit closer 200 right here a little bit down there we go okay 100 yep that looks good okay so now I'm going to click the letter L on my keyboard and there's a line which I'm going to put a bar right there I'm going to pour from this little white circle to make this line a lot thinner than what it is about Lucy fit yeah that looks good right now I'm going to go back to 200 start moving this so I can find that again and I'm going to pull from the side to make that line extend all the way to right there I'm going to duplicate and I want it a like that let's go back to fit so we can see there are way too close I'm gonna put it down a little bit just using my keyboard how about it right there let me put this down a little bit both together now I'm going to duplicate let me see uh-oh see I know that would happen it always happens okay now we get a little bit closer okay I'm going to select those to duplicate and I'm trying there we go Oh keeps happening okay no I'm just gonna grab it here okay there we go duplicate and let me see just grab all these duplicate and right now all I'm doing is putting lines over there I probably need three more actually no well put two more because I want to put some decorations of the bottom so that would be good I'm going to click fit only so I can see the whole thing select all the lines position space even vertically and that looks pretty good now let's go back to elements recently used let me see okay so I'm going to use this and I'm going to pull so it's the size of all that I'm actually going to [Music] change the transparency a little bit that's too much that's 250 see what happens okay that's a little bit better I'm going to grab it and put it all the way down right there yeah I'm going to duplicate that design then pull it all the way up about right here and I'm going to send it backward because I want it I'm clicking backward until forward one time okay until it's behind these white boxes okay so that's looking good know how you share this if you are on the paid version you have canva Pro you're going to click share and right here you we will have three options share to edit share as a template or share to vo so on this for this particular purpose we're going to click on share a link to use as a template then you're going to copy the link and that is it let me show you what that looks like I just opened our like a random Google Doc and I'm going to paste the link here just so you can see what that link looks like it is huge now the way I like to share it and if you haven't received one of my emails you know you know what this looks like I usually put it piece of text that says click here and how do you embed that link on that text is you're going to select the text depending on what software you're using you will have this insert link will be in different places but right now that's where it is so I'm going to insert the link on there apply and now when you make this when someone opens write the document that you sent them with the link they can just click here and they will be taken directly to camera and you'll see what that looks like it's right here and that's how you share the template the person just clicks on use template and they're able to open a whole new document that they can use let me just click on the rest of to show you and they are able to make any edits to this without making changes to the original that you created see the original that I created is this one and then we have a copy and you can tell it's a copy because it says right here at the top this is a copy of that master that I have created so because that let me go back here now if you are on the free version you are not going to have the option to share us a template but you can share a link to edit so you will click that one copy the link and let me go back over here and show you what that looks like it's this one right here and this is what you would share with your customer now heads up when that person makes a change to that template it will make a change to the one to two your master copy basically and to everyone else everyone who has that link and has imported this into their account will be able to see those changes and some people what they do is they create a copy of the master so you would go here file make a copy and this creates a copy of your master and you can see CSS copy right here so you would just put you name it whatever you want name here you can name it whatever you want and then you add a page you put this page at the top see now you have the blank page and your printable and a lot of people what they do is they on here they put stop and they put let's make it red and they make a real big so whoever opens this document they it it catches their attention right and then they add a piece of text right here that says something like make sure to make a copy of this file otherwise your changes won't be saved or something like that like whatever piece of text you want to put here letting your customer know like hey don't edit this just make a copy of this one for yourself and that way you will share your master copy with someone else but if you're trying to sell canva templates just you know pay for the yearly it's really like ten dollars a month and it saves you a lot of headaches seriously but if you just needed to share real quick with someone that would be a good way especially if you are working with someone in one document so I hope this helped oh and with this one if you wanted to do you can share it with a click here or like any piece of text that way you're not sharing like the entire link so I hope this helped if you have any questions um do leave a comment down below I'm happy to help and to answer any questions and thank you for watching I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day
Channel: Online Template Shop
Views: 95,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva, canva tutorials, how to share canva files, how to share canva templates, how to share canva file as a template, share canva files, share canva template, canva templates, design canva templates, how to sell canva templates, design in canva, sell printables, sell canva designs, sell printables on etsy, sell editables printables, editable printables, sell planner templates, canva planner pages, canva planner templates, how to edit in canva, how to edit a canva template
Id: U9b78mEWWZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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