Deliver multiple files and links in one Etsy Listing || Canva Templates, PDFs, PNGs, JPGs + more

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[Music] hello welcome to another video i am cheryl at the made on sunday studio and we talk all about branding design and creative entrepreneurship here so if those are of any interest to you then remember to subscribe to follow along now last week i filmed a video all about how to set up and sell canva templates on etsy now today i just wanted to go a little bit deeper into how you can actually provide multiple products multiple digital downloads within one listing now right now on etsy they only allow five digital downloads within one listing so if you wanted to you know provide more pdfs or jpegs or pngs or you just wanted to provide different types of media into you know one digital download then you're kind of restricted so in this tutorial i'm going to be showing you how you can you know provide an unlimited amount of products digital downloads or any kind of digital file into one product listing let's get started all right welcome to my laptop i am at my etsy shop right now so this is my made on sunday studio etsy shop and i wanted to give you an example of what i mean by having multiple listings or multiple digital downloads within one listing so for example i have this product called the business starter pack bundle and it's basically a collection of all of my previously designed templates into one bundle pack so essentially i think there are five uh products more actually there's like i don't know there's a lot so i think there's like seven products within one listing and in this example everything is going to be linkable canva template right so in my first example i'm going to show you what to do if all of your products are links just like for these canva templates so let me actually go back into the back end of etsy and just show you why you might need to use this tutorial so as you can see here when you are uploading your files in a new listing on etsy you can only upload up to five files or it might be six files in total maybe this file and then five more files on top but sometimes you want to have seven or more and so um and it's also kind of annoying for someone to kind of download each one separately off of etsy um as as opposed to just having one place where they can just download everything um so in my opinion i feel like even if you're under five files i would just recommend doing it this method um so what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna go into creating that pdf um that they're going to be downloading so this is the pdf design that i have for my shop you can copy it you can do something similar it honestly doesn't really matter what this pdf looks like design wise it just needs to have the places where they can download all of the links so i would recommend creating a pdf of some sort for me i put a little thank you note and i give them a little instruction and then these are all of the different um products that are part of this one listing so once they purchase they can get access to the feminine workbook design template the serene workbook template and then i just make sure to add the the correct link to each of these sections so you're going to go back to your listing let's just pretend that this is one of the listings i showed this in last week's tutorial but all you have to do is go to share and then go to template link and copy so you're going to do this to every one of your canva templates that you're selling and then you're going to link it into this section right here so you're going to paste that link right here so make sure that each of these are linked to the right places um and triple and double check them after you export it so in my case i also added um like a tutorial video that i filmed on youtube so that was also linkable and it's all there so once this is all linked to the right places you want to go to export and just export this as i like to do it as a pdf standard and then i download that document and so now once i upload that into my listing they will get that one beautiful pdf where i can link them to all of these multiple places it can be even to your website or to an external youtube video or wherever you want to link them as long as they are urls you can do that easily all within one pdf document so that's option number one and that only works if all of your links are or all of your products are links what if you are selling multiple pdfs like completed pdfs or pngs or jpegs or some kind of file format that's not there's no link to it right they're just different digital files how do you provide multiple digital files within one listing on etsy and how you can do that is through google docs so i personally use google like g suite it's free so it's very easy to use i do do the paid account because i store all of my photos on the cloud on gmail but if you don't do that then you can just do this for free just create a folder uh within your google docs um and then you can create a subfolder for the listing and then you can just add all of your files into this one um one folder so once you add all of your files into this section um you just want to make sure that you get the share link now so you're gonna get the link and you're going to make sure to change this restriction to anyone with the link and this will allow anyone with a link to click on it and access the folder and you want to make sure that this is a viewer so not an editor not a commenter but a viewer a viewer will allow them to download the documents but not remove the documents or add documents in any way so make sure to add them as a viewer and then you can copy the link and then you're going to copy that link and add you're going to create another document like this now you only need one link so you can delete all of them just do like one like click button and then link that button to that google drive document that i just we just copied so you're gonna pretend that this is that one link that you have on this page it's just gonna link the google drive link right here you're gonna export this pdf and then you're ready to upload it into etsy so right here that is what you're going to you're going to upload that exported file that you just exported from canva into etsy and once they download that pdf they're going to get access to that google drive and all of the files that i need access to will be now available in this google drive document or folder that they have access to now all right and that's it now those are two different methods of being able to upload multiple digital downloads within one product listing on etsy i hope that was really helpful and if it was remember to give this video a like and subscribe to see more videos like this and if you haven't seen last week's video yet be sure to watch my step-by-step process of how i actually set up and sell my canva templates all the way from the template design itself all the way into a final etsy listing i'll see you there [Music] you
Channel: Made on Sundays
Views: 27,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deliver multiple files on etsy, Deliver multiple digital downloads on etsy, Deliver multiples links on one etsy listing, How to deliver digital files on Etsy, How to sell Canva templates on Etsy, How to group multiple products into one etsy listing
Id: o3Jdr33odtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2022
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