How to Create Realistic Tiny Apartment INTERIOR render in Blender EEVEE

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hello guys this is noel 3d today i'm going to show you how i created this introducing using blender eevee and i'm going through the way centimeters in the materials in the resources that i use in order to achieve such results in blender so before everything we need to install an add-on called uh sketchup importer what this item will do is it's going to help us in order to import sketchup materials from a website called 3d warehouse which have thousands and thousands of 3d sketchup materials that will be really helpful for creating activities materials or i mean arc these interiors so this add-on will help us to import those items in blender easily so i have placed the link in the description below for the add-on it's a free add-on you don't have to pay anything for it so just uh go to the link that i have placed and you can find this sketchup button and click it and download this add-on and then i have already downloaded this one so i'm not going to download it again and after i've done that go to edit preferences and in the add-ons bar just click this install right here and just find the material or the i mean find the folder that you have chosen to download in my case it's right here and then i'm going to click them on the zip file and i am going to hit install addon so after i do that if i search sketchup arrow name sketchup this one will be uh will appear in your screen and then all you have to do is take this one activate this one and go to save and then save preferences so after that if i if you go to file and then import you can see this import sketchup scene uh import button appearing but in the default blender that you won't find this one so make sure that you have installed it correctly so after that in the description below you will find the link of this materials that we are going to use in our sketchup in our i mean in our interior c so make sure you download this materials uh this material so that you can follow along so after you have downloaded this one as you can see you can see the preview of this material so in order to see this preview of materials you need to have sketchup installed on your computer so make sure that you also have the sketchup downloader so that you can see the items clearly but sometimes if you don't want to install sketchup or all you have to do is just just uh just make sure that you have cached the name correctly when you download it if you have the name correctly you don't need to have sketchup but sometimes catching the name of this materials it's it's really difficult so if you have a sketchup installed in your computer you can see this materials clearly so after this what we need to do is first we need to model our house right so in order to do that go to add mesh and then cube and press in your keyboard to slide out this this transform bar right here and if i i'm going to change the x to 3.9 meters and i'm going to change the y to 4. i mean the y 0.2 meters let me make it point to i want the y to be the thickness of my my with my wall of my room so after that uh i'm going to make a point so after that press ctrl a and then press escape so that select this one press ctrl and press skip as you can see what this will do it will apply the scale correctly which is one in every axises go to the edit mode by using target your keyboard activate this x-ray mode select this one and press e press point two what will lose it will extrude 0.2 meters let's change this one to each selector mode select this one again press e press 4.5 it will extrude it 4.5 meters press e 0.2 and you can select this one press e five press e point two select this one this h press e uh just let me extrude this one like this press g x again after you've extruded this one just i'm going to make it as you can see if you can see this one i'm going to make this one a little bit to the left i don't want it to align with this one press e again press point 2. and i'm going to select this one again press e again and press point five press e point two e again after as you can see i want this one to align with this edge so in order to do that let's activate the snap button and change the increment the value i mean the snap 2 to h so it will snap to the h if i press g x in hover around this edge as you can see you can see this uh orange circuit it's telling you where it's a snapdragon so it has aligned it to this one press e 0.2 again extrude it this time i'm not going to use dimension and just if i just hover it around right here it will snap it to this edge press e again and it will snap to this edge now i have the dimension of my room right here but i want to uh change the z to divider i'm going to make it 3 meters and i'm going to change the location to 1.5 so that will be on the origin so after that i'm going to deactivate this x-ray mode and go to the edit mode again i activate this one again i'm going to extrude this one just right around here i have this kind of wall in my scene and after that we need to create an opening for our scene right so just the activities extreme mode press ctrl r in order to add edge loops as you can see and i'm going to snap it to this h press g x and i'm going to have minus 0.2 meters the reason i use minus is if you can see this axis the points where the letters are written are are positive directions and the points where there are there are numerators are the negative directions so since i move this one to the left to this direction to the negative x direction i have entered minus 0.2 meter so make sure to keep this in mind and i'm going to snap it to this one press gx 0.2 meters ctrl r so if i hover it around the vertically it's going to give me a horizontal edge loop click it and drag it to the top plus g z minus 0.2 meters so this is my opening for my my living room and i need also another opening right here this will be my kitchen my open kitchen so i'm going to press ctrl r again i'm going to snap it to this h press gx i'm going to take minus 0.6 meters since i will have a kitchen cabinet with a with the thickness or with the wheels of six i will leave 0.6 meters right here and i'm going to press g x again point two meters in the negative direction as you can see so i have 0.8 right here so after that i need my opening of my kitchen to be uh on one meter so in order to do that i'm going to press ctrl r right here and i'm going to snap to the bottom press g z i'm going to hit r when i'm in one and press enter so now this is on one meters so in order to create an opening select good face selection or select this face but we need another 0.2 meters right here so press ctrl r and snap it to this edge press g x point zero two meters now we have this select this face in this face the parallel faces by holding on shift press f3 in your keyboard and type bridge bridge eight loops bridge as you can see this will output up here and select this one when you do that uh these two pieces are connected by creating an opening and again i'm going to select this one i want this one this opting to have a full height press f3 bridge loops always already typed in and selected so just select this one now you have an opening right here so after this uh we need a window right so in order to do that we need an add-on called uh archimesh so just go to edit preferences go to add-on and type our key mesh as you can see this add-ons are already installed in blender all you have to do is just activate this one archimesh and then go to set preferences and close it so if i go to create and you can see this archimesh what happening so we have this manipulation bar for the archimesh so first we need an opening right here right for this for this opening select this one go to edit mode and select this face and go to uh mesh and then snap the cursor to selected now our cursor is right here and get out of the 80 more by pressing tab if i press this panel window as you can see it would import this window in this cursor that we have placed in the middle right now so after that you can see if i scroll downward you can see the the width the height of this uh this window so i'm going to make i'm going to make let me make this one 90 and pause the wings and if i make it this one 150 let me make it one just calculate the width of this this one i think that which is 4.1 meters so 1.8 almost 3.6 plus 50 i think this one is 2 to 20. to one zero yeah i think one zero is correct right and i'm going to make the height i think the height is 2.8 right i mean 280 since this one is in centimeters i'm in centimeters i don't know i don't think it's two point eight two point two seventy i think the frames are taking some space as you can see this is the dimension of my my window so by using method that's made just just import and again another material to this window so type to edit mode select this face go to mesh then snap cursor to select it get out of daily mode by pressing tab again and just in this case i'm going to select real windows so i will have a window like this and as you can see the dimension is right here it's not on the bottom on the in this case it was on the bottom so if i just as you can see if i change this one it's the width and so the width of this one is i don't know the width of this one so i'm just going to increase this until it fits my scene i think i think right here is good right and i'm going to make the height where's the height this one so just increase it until uh it becomes accurate i think this one is good so we have one now our door and our window right i mean our window and our uh panel right here so next we are going to select everything right here and and go to the top view i'm going to press g but before that ctrl deactivate this now button so that it won't disturb us i'm going to move it right here just make sure that this one is aligned correctly after that i'm going to press ctrl s then what we need to do is nexus uh our rough dimension of our rom is done so we need to populate our scene right we need to populate it so in order to populate it i have placed this materials in the description below you can just go download them and we'll import them so in order to import this one file go to file and then go to import and then import skpc and sketchups just go to the the folder that you have downloaded your your schedule files in my case it's on the downloads so first i need to import my sofa so i need to search myself this one right here so go to view and then just activate this file extension filename extensions so that you can see this one so press right click press rename and select everything right here press ctrl c then in the sketchup press ctrl v the reason that we are doing is this one is it's it's a little bit hard to search the name of the material right since you're going to have a lot of materials if you're dealing with archivis or if you do interiors there are going to be a lot of material so searching the name is going to be a little bit difficult so what i do is just select the name from right here and i'm going to paste it right here and i'm going to deactivate this scene as a camera i don't need the camera from the sketchup i only need the existing material so after that i'm going to hit import so where what this release is going to import my material so but as you can see the scale of this material is a little bit too big so this will happen once in a while when you are importing sk sharp points the the scale won't be uh correct but mostly it's accurate you don't have to worry about the sketch of the i mean the the scale of the material so by using by holding shift in your keyboard select this object so in order to check you have moved everything just press g when you move uh this and nothing is left behind so after that shift click again one of the materials so when you do that as you can see you can see this orange selection appearing or if i click this one you can see this orange selection right here but i'm going to activate this one so what blender is then use is telling you what the activated object is so i'm going to activate this one i'm going to use to hit ctrl p in your keyboard press object keep transfer what this will do is whenever i move this one is going to move everything along with this if i skip this one or if i eroded this one it's going to move everything along but if i move this one it's going to move it separately if i move this one separately so this object will act as a parent for everything else so this will have a great help in manipulating an object so i'm going to scale this one down scale it just scale it until it's uh it's uh it's appropriate or the scale looks appealing to you so as you can see i have placed the scale to be right here so this is the shortcut for scale is per s as i've said earlier and for rotation is r so i have placed it right here so by using this method uh we are going to import everything else in this row so just you can download them the files in the description and you can populate your sheet so i'm going to do that so as you can see i have imported some of the materials so we need to edit some things sometimes well that the motors that we import they may not be in a proper scale for rc as you can see this tv set or tv stand the background of the recording of the this tv stand does not match this wall right here so we need to match uh we need to able to match it to this wall so in order to just select this one press gy to move it to the right and select this one press g y to move it to the left since the the pivot point is right here if i scale by pressing so y as you can see it's scaling it right here and i'm going to select both of them by holding shift shift is uh rotate for selecting multiple objects in blender after i select this one press s as it just kill it in the z as you can see it's scaling it in the z i'm going to remove this one a little bit downward as you can see it's not matching the black one so i think this one is correct so so make sure you do this uh once in a while as you can see this the the this curtain also does not match the height of parsing the adult i'm died of our so select this one i've already parented this one i've already showed you how to parent an objective with this material right so by using this one parent this one using this one so if i scale z in the z direction it's going to move it scale it in the z i only need that one and i'm going to select this materials right here there are multiple just just hit g in your keyboard and move everything when you do that you will see if any material is left over and i'm going to move this one a little bit to gz a little bit downward just a little bit and i'm going to hit s z in order to scale in the z direction uh as you can see this one is correct so after i do that i'm press ctrl z already these ones are selected i'm going to hit shift d in order to duplicate this object after i have clicked i mean hit shift b i'm going to press x so it will move in the x direction and i'm going to move it right around here and i'm going to select this one i'm going to hit shift in order to duplicate it and press x so that it will move in the x direction so as you can see right around here so i'm going to uh duplicate uh just let me duplicate something around from here press shift d and then x and then right around here is good so now we have our window covered right here after that when i import this material in my when i import this one the curtain tool i have placed the link by naming it curtain too i have this material so you can just use any of this ones but in my case see sometimes ev needs a lot of lighting in order to cut to give us a realistic look i have chosen to use the shortest one so that a lot of light will come into my room in that case it will give me more realistic as uh more realistic ranges so after that i have already parented to this one so if i press s x it will scale it in the x direction so i'm going to move g x right here plus s x to scale it in the x direction so as you can see it has scaled it in the x direction i think g y so that will move to the wall and it will be accurate so this is just my uh so next i think we need a cabinet i mean account for our kitchen right so we are going to use this model for our for our counter so just download that one and then go to import and then go to uh sketchup scene however this one how to import the sketchup material so just import it copy from here paste it and then hit import and then depending on the model uh the speed will be uh faster or slower so in my case i don't think this model is that much high quality so it's not going to take that much time so i'm going to only need this one so just select everything by box select shift click again this counter press ctrl key then select object keep transform what this will lose as i have showed you earlier whenever i move this one everything will be moved or transformed or manipulated along with it so also select this one select everything right here shift select again the top part press ctrl p key transform select this one shift hold down shift and select this multiple objects shift click again the top part press ctrl b and keep transfer then do this one again to this counter so whenever i move this one as you can see the whole part will move along with it if i move this one everything else will move along with it press g right here press rz and then insert 19 your keyboard as you can see it has moved it in the direction that i don't want it to be so press rz again press 180 degree i think this is the direction that i want it to be and after that i think right around here is good i'm going to select these counters press gy i'm going to move them apart since i don't want this chair to be this tool to be placed in front of the sink i'm just going to move it upwards and lick this one first up and go to the edit mode activate this short release and select this one this h by box selecting make sure that you're on each selection mode select zone press gy and move it a little bit apart so that it will be a lot bigger than the previous one if i deactivate this uh through x remote and you can see our our our counter is longer than the previous one press ctrl is i think we have uh we have copied our scene uh good i think so next we need to add lights to our scene so just go to uh but first click this one right click snap cursor selected now our cursor your cursor will be placed right here go to add light and then arrow light press r x plus minus 90 so that it will rotate in this direction and i'm going to move it g which is a shortcut for movie press g z just place it in the middle of the scale x s z to scale it in the z direction press s x to scale it in the x direction so that will fit our window i think this has fitted our window press shift b to duplicate this object and then press sx to escape index as x again just just just make them approximately equal size with the opening i think this one is good and then after that go to the render view right here render pop let's change the render engine to ev since we're going to use eb for our rendering now i'm going to go to this uh this object properties i mean our objective properties this lamp button and i'm going to increase the intensity the port 150 and select this one again increase the port 150. so if i go to the render view as you can see nothing is coming through our window but you can see from this view that uh our lights are releasing or our lights are emitted from this object so what we need to do select this window go to this object data properties this one click this one and select this class material and change the shadow mode to when you do that as you can see nothing uh retailing this window that do not cast any shadows and again select this window right here go to data format here select this glass material and change the shadow mode to now but as you can see uh it's not not as much as light is emitted as much as it's been emitted right here the reason for that is we need to change the material properties of our curtain so just click this curtain you can you will see this material right here in order to see this one just click this one and change this to either editor start and shader editor and click this principle bsdf and go to add search transparent so let's search transparently drag it right here since we want this to be transparent we will need a transparent node and again search uh translucent we want the material of this curtain to have both properties of transparent and translucent shader and we need to mix both of them so in order to mix and go to add and search mix shader mix shader and i'm going to connect the top to the top the bottom to the bottom and the shader to the surface so as you can see when you do that we have now this uh this transparent and translucent somehow combined material but it's not letting any lighting so in order to change it once it's selected just go to this material properties change the shadow more to none as we have done to the window so our light is coming through our curtain so if i click this one and change the blend mode to uh alpha hashed as you can see it's a little bit more accurate than alpha blend so i'm just going to decrease it a little bit downward so that i can see so i can see through the uh so that i can see through this curve so whenever if i move it to one it will only consider the bottom part if i make it zero it will only consider that whole part so if any material is to be 100 transparent it's you're not going to see that material that's why if whenever i make it zero it's going to make it 100 transparent and i cannot see anything but if i move it a little bit right around here as you can see it's going to blend between 20 transparency and 80 translucency so make sure to keep this in mind so after that we need a background right you do we need a background for us it needs something to see through our windows so in order to do that uh i have placed a link for this image that's an image a city image from i've already downloaded this image so go to just go to blender again just slide this now go to edit go to preferences go to addons and search type image you will see these two ones just activate image import images as planes and activate this one and go to save and then go to save preferences and close this one and go to add and then image you will see this image explains appearing click this one and just select the image that you have downloaded that you have downloaded this one is just landscape cd and just after that just i'm going to click import images planes as you can see this is my image i'm going to go to the solid view press gy to move it a little bit upward press rx press 90 so that it will mo it will rotate at 90 degrees i'm going to hit scale yes it's in our keyboard he uses s i'm going to skip a little bit downward press gy to move it away from the window a little bit in order to see to see the textures in the solid viewport just click right here change the material to that texture as you can see now we can see the texture of the material press g right here i'm going to just scale it just move it right here so if i just uh go to the render view as you can see this one is it's kind of black right we need this one to emit a light so in order to do that click this one the shaders properties is already uh right here but just go to the shader editor if you if you cannot see it just click this one and move it select this one i can delete this one go to add search emission click it and then move it just move it in the middle and connect the emission to the surface so as you can see this material has already become an emission shader it's emitting a light and if you change the color the color will also change but in this case i want i want blender to use this material to to cast the light or to emit the light so if i connect the color to the color as you can see it's going to use the properties or the the information for this color to cast a light and to create the light obtaining the light so if i increase the string as you can see it's increasing the strength of the emission in order to further see the effect of our light i'm going to activate blue so if i activate plume as you can see you can see some kind of flare that comes from our light source but if as you can see if i go to uh this i cannot see anything through the swing so i need to change the material of this window so i'm going to click this one go to the material properties and this is the class material it's already selected there are these complicated objects i'm going to delete everything right here press x everything is deleted so i'm going to click the skirting and i'm going to use the material from the skirting i'm going to select everything press ctrl c select this one press ctrl v now i have this one but it's not also uh showing what i need to see right it's not showing me what i need to see but if i change this one to alpha first let me change this to alpha it's more accurate as you can see i'm seeing a little bit right i'm seeing if i just make this one to be 100 transfer i'm seeing something but this one is not close to what i want so i'm going to go to add and then search glass shader i'm going to place this one right here just click some press g to move it now i'm going to select some press shift 3 number to duplicate it and place it in the middle and i'm going to connect the glass to the bottom so if i change the intensity as you can see now one means it's fully applying the glass shader but i don't want the glass to be on i want it to be right around here let me change the exchange this one to this one just leave mixing the shaders so whenever i increase it as you can see so just tweak this one just until you have anterior you end up with a good results vitamins for example to uh alpha blend you you can see things without any noise but alfaj is more accurate in my case in my opinion so just tweak this one until you uh until you find a proper value so as you can see i have made it some somehow like this and i have changed the blend mode to alpha blend so somehow this is my uh my window uh color and my my window and my window texture i'm going to click this background and i'm going to change the emission too let me make the emission to somehow like this and i'm going to uh after that i think we have placed our lights right i've done everything so just drop this down so now we are going to go to for some rather sticky things but before everything i'm going to add a camera so in order to go to the top view shift right click right around here so that i will have my camera right here go to add and then um camera press gzip but let me let me rotate this one so that i can see whether where i'm moving my camera move gz press rs8 press 90 press roi and then again 90 and we'll arrows it 180 degree and then go to the tool if you press r and rotate it with manually so in order to go to my camera you go to uh go to view and then go to camera and then active camera now you run an account or you can use zero in your namepad so i'm going to press 0 in my impact and i'm going to press p for my navigation i have showed you that earlier or just go to view navigation that work navigation now you can move with your mouse and then you can we use was d for navigation but i'm going to change the focal length to the 30 so that i can see more more angle of my room and i'm going to go to viewport display and change the pepper puzzle to one so that my currencies not anything outside of my camera and next what i'll do is if i select this light and then if i just activate this contact shadows as you can see if you see something around if i activate this contact shadows i'm i'm gaining some contact shadow in my scene as you can see you can see the change right and if i just change the thickness to point zero meters point zero three meters the it's accurate right something if i did something greater than 0.05 it won't look very sticky right so just activate contact shadows for both of our bytes press 2.03 and after that what we need to do is we need to adjust the settings so just drag down this ambient occlusion and activate this one as you can see when i do our ambient occlusion right around here where we are getting ambient occlusion between uh two objects so i'm going to bring this down to 0.5 meters and change this to one and activate screen space uh reflections and activate the refraction and then again in the shadows i'm going to i'm going to change this one to 1024 and then i'm going to activate hybrid depth and make sure that you activate contact short shadows as you can see if i deactivate the contact shadows and short shadows everything in the scene every shadow in the scene is going to be hard but if activated it's going to make it a lot softer and change the cube map size to 124 it will maintain 24 it will in the diffuse occlusion to thickest report this will help us in the future when we are baking and direct lighting if i deactivate the short release and press b to not get to my scene i think everything is looking good right i think everything is looking good so next what we'll do is uh we're going to finish some parts we need to create a a rule for our sink so in order to do that just press shift a and then go to plane now we have a plane right here and then just change the location to three i will make it since my heart is three and then go to the edit mode or i i will not go to the air mode just press s to scale it just i don't need my roof to be accurate since i'm only rendering the interior scene go to edit mode everything is selected already press e i'm going to extrude some somewhere around here and i'm going to press shift d three meters in the negative direction and again i think it's not accurate i'm going to move it just below my floor material as you can see the reason i'm doing this this one is in order to uh in order to avoid any artifact i mean any light pleats that will occur in my scene so just i'm going to go to right here just select this one go to edit mode i'm going to select uh this edge and i'm going to hit activates h snap button press e and then i will extrude it right here so that i will have the space of my cabinet so as you can see i have everything set up i'm going to move this one gz i'm going to move it a little bit downward but i'm going to deactivate this now button just move it so that it will be on the top of my kitchen cabinet as you can see now we have our scene done perfectly right we have our scene done perfectly press ctrl s deactivate and then if i go to the render view now you can see everything's clearly right next what we need to do is we need to calculate indirect lighting in our scene by default ev since it's a really tiny and render engine it does not have any uh indirect lighting being calculated so we need to do it ourselves so in order to do that just go to the soil view go and navigate and get out of the the camera mode just select the top the top the top part press h to hide it and shift right click in order to snap our cursor in the middle and then go to add in the light probe select iridescence volume what this irradiance folding will do is it's going to help us to calculate indirect lighting press s x to scale it in the x direction make sure that it will uh it will encompass all your room sy as you can see i'm going to uh gui again i'm just make it right around here and i'm going to change the resolution of the y to b6 and i'm going to make also the x6 let me make the x kind of 7 since this the x language is a little bit longer and i'm going to keep the white as four after that just press gz press s8 and scale it so that it will fit the door gzip i think right around here is good press s is it i think right around is good and then again go to add we're going to add a reflection cube map which will help us to to make uh better reflections and then again i'm going to go to add and then light pop light probe and reflection plane i will place it in the ground so that it will give me more accurate reflection on the plane as scale it just gy sx so just scale it until it's it encompass all the room or until it covers all the room so just in order to see it clearly go to the render view as you can see just an activate the preview plane when you do that press gzip as you can see we are now seeing this this this uh this material i don't think i'm moving the correct object just i don't know select this one properly press g z now you can see this blue material or sometimes it's it's it will look like a glass looking material so just place it just a little bit upward and after that just select the show deactivate this show preview play now we have placed all the three iridescence volumes that we need in order to calculate our indirect lighting so after that just go to the solid view press alt h to unhide everything and go to render properties and hit in the indirect lighting tab hit back dirt lighting so depending on the speed of your pc this process will be the fast or slow but i don't think it will take that much time so after that just press 0 to go to your camera mode if you go to the render view as you can see we have in that lighting our scene is more brighter than the previous one but but if you have noticed it's a little bit too much bright for my opinion so we need to make things a little bit darker right so in order to do that just select this light i'm going to change the intensity let me make the intensity to 75 i'm going to insert this at the 75 and i'm going to make this one um 50 just since the if i just hide the top view since the size of this one in this one are is different you have to make the light to be proportional based on their size as you can see i've made this one to be 75 and this one to be 50 so make sure that you make your lights proportional to each other so after that i have decreased it and then select this errands volume and change the intensity to 0.7 so after that just press alt h to go to the solid queue so that it will calculate faster don't calculate it in the render view it won't be that much fast so after that just hit the back in there sliding and we'll see the change that this will give us and just hit zero to go to the camera mode and if i go to the render view now our scene is more darker than the previous one right so just select this one select this light again and then uh but before that as we cannot see if i press h twice everything we cannot see the background through this image so we need to adjust the material of this image also just select the top and press h to get out of the camera all you have to do is use your middle mouse navigation it will snap out of it just select this material right here this is our window right we have done this one select everything press ctrl c i'm going to click this one and go to material properties in the glass bar you can see this select this glass and select everything press x to delete it press ctrl v in order to paste our new material and after that change the blend mode to alpha hashed so that it will be more accurate as you can see we are now seeing through our window and after that select the skirting it's a little bit too much transparent right so i'm going to increase this one so that it will look more realistic if i press 0 as you can see it's more realistic done press out each now we can see clearly so if i just select this one and i can control how much can i see through my window now i think is everything is good press ctrl s so just select this one this light right here if i just increase it to 150 after i baked it no i think to 150 is a little bit too much let me make it 120 and select this one again i'm going to make it 100 so most of the time what i will do is after i have finished baking it i would change i'll increase the intensity between 50 and 80 watts this is the method that i use so so just get out of the camera mode or just you can just press v to navigate so as you can see our scene is looking a lot better than the previous one right just let me hide the stop view activate the show release to see everything hide it and select this one press g z in order to see things press alt h g z i'm going to just select this one g z so that's you know right around here i think this one is good right so interior is all about detail so in order to have a better realistic image you need to work on the details you need to place some items on the counter everything that you need to do everything that you can do it will give you more realistic results so after that uh i will click this one just click this one and i'm going to hit the duplicate right here and i'm going to change this to metallic and i'm going to change the color to white and i'm going to decrease the reflection so that i will have this metallic material on my refrigerator refrigerator and then it's already selected in press v and i'm going to drag this one and drop it right here so that the material will be duplicated easily and i'm going to select this one and decrease the roughness but i will have reflective handles and i'm going to just make it more black i'm going to select this one again i'm going to drag and drop it to this you know to this i don't know what that is but just drag and drop it and again drag and drop it right here and then after that press v and then go right here and i'm going to change this one to metallics i'm going to decrease the reflection so if i just deactivate show release now our material looks more metallic and i'm going to do the same process for this one again just decrease i just activate your release but as you can see you have some shading problems in order to fix that what we'll do is just go to this uh vertex object data property sign no this one and then go select auto smooth it will fix your shading problems after this is selected just select this one the charcoal part we have four materials we are going to change them out the roughness of these materials separately one by one again select this one make it metallic change the roughness i mean decrease the roughness select this one again make it metallic and then decrease the roughness now we have our on our counter i mean our sink and then again select this one i'm going to decrease the roughness since a material like this is a little bit more reflective and again just i think everything is looking good right and next we need to select this one and then just decrease the roughness i think i will make it a little bit more reflective and select this wood this material i mean and select this material this material will represent this one as you can see the color is closer to this one i'm going to drag and drop it to the to the leg so that you can as you can see this material is a little bit more realistic than this one it's a little bit too flat this one so just drag and drop it right here and then drag and drop it right here then after that select this one again just decrease the roughness i think this one and this one are similar so just i'm not going to do anything so i select this black one and then decrease the roughness so i think everything is looking good let's deactivate the shorter list to see clearly everything so after this what we need to do is i think everything is looking good right in my opinion i don't have any problems just select this camera and then change the millimeter the focus length to 25 so that again we'll see more view of more and more room and the next after after we have done this what we need to do is just we need to animate our camera to do that just go to uh the solid view right here and drag this one to the left and this to the bottom and change this to 3d viewport and i'm going to press 0 to go to my camera view and then just i'm going to just use this one as a as a viewport so just activate the short release select this camera and then press g to move it change this to timeline so that will animate our camera based on our timeline and i'm going to uh this is my initial position just let me just uh i'm just gz let me make it where i want it to be i think i think right here is good let me activate this let me change this to render view right press alt h to unite everything so that you know and then just uh i think this place is good so just after that hide it then click the camera and in the item bar if this is not there's another print press n to appear to create to slide it out and then right click insert keyframe in the location and then right click again insert keyframe and under rotation so just drag the camera the timeline to 250 and then just press gy to move it and then again rotate it just press go right here and press v just adjust where you want your camera to see press gui i mean gy just move it where you want it to be by go to view navigation walk navigation you can just adjust it uh by that this is my shortcut for that just i'm going to adjust it where i want it now where i want my last view to be then after that hit right click insert keyframe right click insert keyframe so if i just go to the first frame and hit play or the spacebar my keyboard now as you can see my camera is animating so after that as you can see it's a little bit slower at the end you see if you can see in order to change that everything is selected but press a so to select everything press t and change the interpolation to linear what this will lose it's going to make the movement of cut the camera constant throughout the animation so guys define with my camera as you can see it's it's moving in the way that i want it to move so by using this you can animate your camera in the way that you wanted to animate but before you do that if you can see this thing it's looking a little bit more empty so when you do interestings you need to add some decoration into your items you need terms you need to add some frames right here floor lamps ceiling lamps spotlights in some decoration in the counter it can be foods or it can be anything you know when you do that it will give your scene more a realistic feeling so i have done that already oh sometimes you can add some lights around this below this counter also behind this cabinet and i have done that if i uh do that as you can see i have placed some lights right here place the spot lights place them frame right here and then a floor lamp uh some kind of fruit around the counter so i have already shown you how to import items from 3d or warehouse by using this you can just populate your scene and make it as realistic as much as you can so after that what you do is go to this output properties right here and then uh just you don't need to change this one just change this frame rate to 25 and then change the output folder to wherever you want it to be in my case i've already selected that and change the file format to probably yours is a png change this one to ffmpeg and change the encoding to click this right here and then make it h20164 in mp4 when you do that and slide out the encoding this will automatically be set up for you then just change the quality to high quality you can make it higher but sometimes even medium quality will give me better results i mean good results but i'll just make it high quality just in case after that just i'll what i have to do is just hit and then render it will render my animation in the folder that i have selected so guys this is all for today uh thank you for watching this video please don't forget to share and subscribe so that i will keep making these videos in the future thanks for watching you
Channel: Noel-3D
Views: 35,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Realistic renders, Blender Interior, Blender ArchViz, Blender Architecture, Blender realistic renders, Blender Eevee
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 15sec (3195 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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