Interior Design Trends That Need To Go!

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hi guys it's nick welcome or welcome back to my channel today we're going to be talking about the interior design trends that i think need to go okay so if you guys are familiar with my channel you know that i tend not to say that i like hate something or that um i think something's really ugly i tend to say things like that's not my style and the reason i do that is because i think it's a healthier attitude towards art or design to say that something is just not for you you know like it's not for me but it's for somebody else i may not like it but that doesn't mean that somebody else doesn't love it and i think that's just a healthier philosophy around art in general and just having that appreciation for art and design just to say you know what it's not for me but that's okay it's for somebody else so i want you to keep in mind that i'm doing a video where i'm saying these are the trends that i don't personally love that i think should probably go away so let's keep it light and funny and not take it all too seriously let's get going okay so the first trend that i'm seeing more and more of that i'm not personally a big fan of is double kitchen islands so if you guys have seen these i see them all the time in like architectural digest or different interior design blogs and whatever where people are putting in two separate islands in their kitchen and here's why they do it so apparently people now need two islands one for prep work and one for socializing or for people to sit at so here's why i don't like it i feel like it breaks up the space so it just kind of gives it this symmetry that i personally am not a big fan of i like the idea of having one larger kitchen island that better fits the space that you can use for prep work and for socializing you put some bar stools there to me that's a much cleaner look it looks a lot more simple because here's the thing um i don't understand the function of having someone chopping vegetables or preparing a meal over on one island and then having people sitting at the other island or socializing like why not just make one larger island that's maybe a little bit wider and better fits the space in the kitchen rather than having two separate like you're not an applebee's you don't need like a kitchen like you're an industrial restaurant it's like it's almost also the reason it bugs me i think is that it's just ostentatious and grand to the point of um being a little bit silly like it's like oh you have one island well i have two complete separate islands like it's it's trying to make the kitchen bigger than it even needs to be to me it's not particularly functional because i don't want to be sitting there chopping veggies while my friends are oversitting having a party at the other island it breaks up the space i just i don't really like this trend and in the end people are having smaller families and people are trying to make do with less and i just feel like having a second kitchen is superfluous it's too much it's too grand it's too big it's too busy it breaks up the kitchen i don't care for it okay my second trend that i'm not a big fan of is everything being open shelving all open shelving all the time so open shelving can be great to show off some like beautiful ceramic plates that you bought or just a little bit of open shelving just to kind of maybe kind of show off some knickknacks or again some like ceramics or something that can be kind of cool that can be fun and i quite like that look but i don't think this is a great place to show off some of the more practical things that you might have in your kitchen like maybe you know your kids cups or their plastic server wear for your toddler so the thing i think that i object to the most here is when it's like too much when you have too much open shelving i think there's a place for it but i think i have seen some kitchens that are literally just a wall of open shelving that looks busy it looks dusty it does not look functional like where's this person's drunk drawer gonna be like where are you putting your tin foil and all the crap that you want to hide if you just have everything being open shelving it's not particularly functional i think to have that much open shelving because the reality is is like 80 to 90 percent of the stuff in your kitchen you probably want to hide so personally i just think doing all open shelving is not a good idea i think it's just a it's just going to catch a bunch of dust you're going to be up there all the time cleaning all your stuff i don't have time for that i don't have the patience for it and i don't think you do either so a little bit of open shelving great but i think a lot of open shelving is just kind of riding that trend a little bit too hard okay my third trend i guess it's not really a trend so much as it is just a design thing that we need to leave like way in the past it's just really like puffy clunky furniture so particularly i want to talk about chairs i want to talk about sofas you don't need a big like giant lever recliner for your chair you don't need plastic cupholders built into your chair you don't need like your sofa to have those like really big fluffy poofy uh chunky armrests and backrests like i get that it seems like it's functional but there are good quality sofas and sectionals that are beautiful and just as functional and they will just fit your space a lot more and yes i'm all for function but there are limits and i just think some of this stuff is just incredibly ugly so i just think we need to leave some of that stuff in the past and in my opinion move forward with something that's a higher quality material that's going to have lots of beautiful padding and it's going to be very comfortable and it's going to be functional for your space but it's also going to be aesthetically pleasing so i'm personally really sick of these marshmallow sofas can we please get rid of them and move on and here's the thing you're probably only going to have maybe one maybe two sofas in your space and there are so many gorgeous sofas just look at my channel i'd recommend like a new one every week or 10 a week like i have so many sofas i want to buy and not enough space to put them why put a marshmallow sofa in a space for a focal point when you have an opportunity to do something really really cool there's so many amazing sofas that i featured on my channel that are out there focus on those ones and leave the marshmallow behind okay my next trend and this one's controversial i know i'm gonna hear about this one let's talk about the all gray and all white everything now okay i personally think because i have a video on neutral so i understand that neutrals are timeless generally um i've got some controversy on that as well but i do believe that neutrals do tend to um not go out of date the same way that a lot of colors can tend to kind of ebb and flow depending on the trends of the moment um but i do think the all-white kitchen and the all-gray kitchen just i'm not saying they're bad and i'm not saying if you have one you need to get rid of them i'm saying they are quite beautiful and they can be really classic but i love the idea that we're moving forward with new colors being introduced as well so there was a point where just every kitchen was all white every living room was just gray gray gray and i'm not saying that if you that gray living room is necessarily bad i'm not saying a white kitchen is necessarily bad but i am saying it's nice to see some variety so this is not a trend that i want to see like completely die but i'm loving the trend of introducing a little bit more color and just more variety let's just mix it up like it doesn't have to be i feel like every designer in the last five years just walked into the kitchen was like yeah i'm thinking chantilly lace and white cabinets and some baby carrera marble let's do this and it's like well you know that has a place but maybe let's kind of explore some other things as well so um i'm hoping to see that in the future a little bit more so we can leave behind this all white all gray everything okay next trend i hope that we kind of leave behind is i'm gonna call it farmhouse kitsch now so farmhouse people don't come after me um i don't actually really like hate on farmhouse i know it's kind of popular to just hate on farmhouse all the time but i call this farmhouse kitsch because to me there is a certain um leaning in to the farmhouse look that is a little bit in my opinion kind of maybe tacky so i'm thinking like you've got a big farmhouse sign that says bless this mess or uh live laugh love or whatever just because it's rhymes or it's an alliteration does not make it okay um and to me these are just a little bit corny a little bit cheesy and like just um yeah i know you can grab them at ross or winners or home sense or wherever you are but uh i just don't think that they're really um yeah if you love farmhouse explore leaning into some of the more traditional or some of the more um functional and beautiful aspects of farmhouse i'm thinking like a farmhouse sink or you can do um what else do i like about farmhouse so yeah apron sync butcher block countertops these things are cool like great awesome like that looks like a farmhouse but when you need the word kitchen over top of your kitchen and you live in an 800 square foot condo or an apartment um maybe you don't need a sign to direct what rooms you're in when you're in them like no like so you don't need kind of all those like old-fashioned milk bottles everywhere to show like scream this is a farmhouse you don't need some of those old like barn architectural details that serve absolutely no functional purpose in your space they're just there to look like you've got these sort of little details that are around uh all your beams or whatever it's just a little bit it's too much like just you know get rid of some of that stuff and just kind of let a farmhouse be a farmhouse if that's your aesthetic i really think this farmhouse is going through a change here um i think it's either going to go a little bit more rustic or it's going to go a little bit more contemporary but i think the whole farmhouse kitsch thing is just a little bit over a time to move past it okay another trend that i hope to see the end of is like marble laminate so like the fake marble stuff so you guys know if you've seen my video on timeless design i tend to favor things that are more natural because i think they're more likely to stand the test of time than sort of fake things that are designed to replicate a natural material so marble is very expensive right like let's get that out of the way and so what people will do is they'll put in things like a laminate that look like marble so i have a couple of exceptions one would be quartz another one would be something like a really high quality luxury vinyl plank that are designed to replicate um a real wood or a real marble product but they have some durability advantages and some cost advantages and they look so good that they're really really good at faking the real thing but things like laminate that is being made to look like marble is not gonna fool anyone so um i just think it's better off that if you can get the real stuff go for it no i'm not such a snob that's like oh you don't have marble like you can't afford it no if you can't afford it fine then get something that is going to be cheaper that is going to be within your budget but is still going to look what it's meant to look like right so get laminate if you can afford laminate but don't think you're fooling anybody by faking marble no one's going to think you have marble countertops when it's made out of a veneer or a wood product i'm sorry it's just not happening get something like butcher box butcher block is beautiful you know you can totally rock that look and it's going to be a hell of a lot cheaper than marble and it's not trying to fake or be something that it's not i hope we all kind of had a little bit of fun today and don't take anything too seriously i'm sorry if you disagree with my opinions please don't be offended and if you liked this video you might like the trends that i really do like for 2021 i'm gonna link that video right here and i will see you all in the next video thanks bye
Channel: Nick Lewis
Views: 1,473,267
Rating: 4.9218812 out of 5
Keywords: Interior design trends that need to go, interior design trends that need to die, interior design trends that need to die in 2021, interior design 2021 trends, interior design trends I hate, interior design 2021 trends I hate, bad interior design trends, 2021 interior design trends that need to go, design trends 2021, interior decorating trends, interior decorating trends that need to go, interior decorating trends that need to die, interior design
Id: owtTGH6vjtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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