How to Model Realistic Bed in Blender 2.93 | Cloth simulation

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[Music] hey guys today uh we are going to see how you can create a high quality bait that you can use in in your office projects or in any kinds of your projects so i hope this will be a really good learning curve for you guys let's go to the tutorial on that so when we start the thread just select the slide and then press x and delete this one and then i'm going to activate this one so that you can see clearly right here so select this one go to the item let us give this box a dimension of the bed let me make the x to be 2.03 and the y uh i mean the y 1.83 1.83 and the z point uh 0.25 will be good let's make it point two we can adjust this one later so after that just go to the selection of the edit mode select the this edges right here and then press x and then faces as you can see and then after this i'm going to apply the skill press ctrl a and then apply the skip and i'm going to add a solidify modifier let me give the thickness 0.07 this is just the dimension that i have come up with for this tutorial and let me change the mode to complex as you can see this will give a more accurate solidify so after this let me apply a bevel modifier i'm going to give it a segment of 6 so that i can have as more smoother area and i'm going to change the limit angle to a weight as you can see when i do that the bevel has disappeared the reason for that is if i go to the edit mode let me go to edge selection mode and select uh this edges so if i increase the mean bevel rate as you can see now we can see the bevel so the reason for naming the the function of this weight is we can apply the bevel uh on different edges individually without affecting or without manipulating the others so i'm going to give this one to 0.25 and then again i'm going to select the bottom faces the bottom faces i'm going to give them 0.15 of bevel so after this what i'm going to do is i'm going to apply this once but to apply them you need to go to object mode so just apply them apply them so now we have this so after this we need to model the the the head part so to do that just press shift a and then rdq and let me make this a 2.85 the height of the the bait head and i'm going to scale it in the x axis and i'm going to make this one 1.83 divided by two since the width is 1.83 i'm going to divide it by two i'm going to press g i'm going to activate the snap better so that i can i can i can place this one easily press gx as you can see it's going to snap to this edge press gy it's going to snap to this edge after this just go to the side view press cheese it it's going to snap to this edge and then after this just go to the edit mode uh after we have gone to the edit mode but before that just in the object mode just let me rotate this one just a little bit now five degrees minus five degrees is enough so after this just go to the edit mode and then in the in the point selection on the vertex selection just activate before activate this extreme also that we can select also we can select this the background that the back points that that are not visible from this view so select this one press s z and then zero as you can see now this points all of these four points are are now on the same plane and then s is eight and then zero as you can see now this one is equal so after this what i'm going to do is just i'm going to select this one press gx i'm going to move it somewhere around here so that i have a variation of thickness i'm going to select this one and select this one press gx uh i think uh press gx just do what's what fits you i'm going to deactivate the snap button so that you know i think right around he'll be good so after this what i'm going to do is i'm going to apply a bevel modifier uh let us reactivate this x-ray so that we can see clearly but as you can see the bevel is not applied equally in all ages the reason for that is we do we did not apply the the skin so if i press ctrl a scale as you can see now the bevel is applied correctly let me decrease the the size of the bevel let me give it a segment of six i think right around he'll be good so after that just go to the edit mode let me give it subdivision and then again give it subdivision on the on the bottom part vertically and then again what i'm going to do is just go to it select up at this h selection i'm going to select this edge and this edge i mean sorry this h i'm going to press ctrl b and i'm going to bevel it and then if i scroll my middle mouse upward i can add edge loops right here so i think right around here will be good after that i can also manipulate the the distance in the segments right here that we designed the segment but i think i think i like where it is so after this i'm going to apply the bevel but apply the bevel to apply it just make sure that you have you are in the object mode so after this i'm going to give if i go to the side view i'm going to give this one a little bit of inflation right here just a curved shape something like this so to do that what i will do is just i'm going to select this two faces let me select the six spaces if i press ctrl numpad plus as you can see i can increase my selection i'm going to also select this ones so after i have selected them what i'll do is just go to the side view activate this proportionality and change this one to sphere if i press gx as you can see we have this little circle right here if i scroll my middle once upward upward and downward we can increase the influence of this this this move this movement so i'm just going to decrease make the circle smaller and i'm going to move it just a little bit you know just just source very slightly without disturbing the shape of i think right around you'll be good so after this i'm going to press ctrl in numpy minus as you can see the selection is now decreased one loop with one loop so after this just press gx again so just repeat repeat this process by just clicking ctrl numpad minus then just ctrl number minus and then press g x and then again control numpad minus and then press gx and then just so as you can see i finished creating this this this shape this curved shape so after this we need to give this one uh we need to uv unwrap this one and give give them stitches so to do that what i'm going to do is just make sure that you're in in each selection mode press alt click and then shift alt click the next one and then press alt i mean ctrl alt and shift and click this edge as you can see it will fill the the the selection and repeat this one also right here shift that click shift alt click and then ctrl alt and then shift click so this will this will loop out the selection i mean fill out the selection after this just go to face selection mode press shift d it will duplicate this one then press p and then selection what this will do is if you go if you get out of the edit mode it will make the selection at a duplicate object so after this what i'm going to do is i'm going to give it a solidify modifier i'm going to give it a little bit of thickness but after this let me give it a bevel i mean sorry let me give it a subdivision surface i'm going to make the view the level of viewport 2 2 i mean the sub division two two and then let me i just decrease the thickness i think uh minus point zero three will be good we can since this one is non-destructive we can we can change this one and later depending on our need so by this we're going to give this one also now oh sorry we have uh forgot to uv wrap this one so what i will do is just let me hide this one for now and then press go to h selection mode first press alt click and then shift i'll click this one and the right click and then mark c i think we need to we um yeah i think this this place is good also select this one and select this one just repeat this process select this one and also uh select this one just right click under markzy so after we have done that what we need to do is just press a and then u and then unwrap so if you go to uv editor you can see we have our uv map so for this one just go to the edit mode press ctrl r and let us add uh subdivisions vertically so i'm going to select this one and click let me yeah and then this one you know the the ones the the lines that are in the middle so after this what i'm going to do is just activate this proportionality go to the side view press s as you can see it's giving a curved curved shape that's that's what i'm looking for so if i press s as you can see we can see this inflamed circle so if i press s scroll my middle mouse up and down as you can see we can we can influence we can decrease and increase the influence area but in this case i want this to affect everything so i think right around you'll be good so if i also go to this face as you can see it has affected in every axis but if i go to the top view as you can see this one is a little bit uh the curve is a little bit affected so what i'm going to do is just select everything deactivate this one press s x and then 0 and then also select this one as x and then zero now we have a straight line so after this we need to uv unwrap this one so let us place uv seams first so i'm going to place alt click shift timing alt click mark marxim and then again let me place uv seams right here right click maxi so we will have a uv synth right here and then again we'll lead in the middle right here right click maxi and i'm going to place also here in the middle and also here in the middle but if i go to view the the top view as you can see the it's kind of rotated so what i'm going to do is just select activate this x-ray mode select this one select this one also press sx and then zero so when i do that as you can see it's not a straight line so after this just just right click and then mark scene we have the sim so and the next uh in the deactivate is extreme mode and i'm going to place a uv scene where it's not visible so i'm going to place some right here just right click and then mark c and also we i'm going to place uh right here and right here also since they are not going to be visible so i think uh i think we have placed the uv seams in the proper places so after this just press a then you then unwrap so this is our uv map just if you go to the object mode just make sure that the scale is applied before you have uv unwrapped it so that you will have a proper uv uv maps uv aligned eye lens so after this we need to place the uv light industries the things that we have done if i press alt 8 to unhide it we need to do this for this one also so what i'm going to do is just press alt click this one and then also shift alt click just let me select the so after i have selected it what i'm going to do is i'm going to press ctrl b i'm going to bevel it so after i have beveled it i'm going to press shift d to duplicate it and then press p and then selection so what this will lose is going to it's going to duplicate this one as you can see it's going to give me a duplicated part and then after this just i'm going to give it a solidify modifier to give it the thickness and then after this i'm going to give it a subdivision surface and with two level of viewport and then select this one right click and then shade smooth and then in the in the normals i mean in the object data properties in the normal activate auto smooth so that the shading will be corrected so i'm going to select this one also right click and then shade smooth so now everything is looking good so just select this one also and then press shift d and then duplicate this one press gui and then duplicate it so now we have the base shape of our the base shape of our our bed now let us model the mattress and put some bed sheets on it using the saving and cloth simulation so just press shifty and add a cube go to the top view i'm going to scale it in the y axis just sy and then s x to scale it in the x axis i think right around here be good the s y again i'm going to scale it and then s x as x and g x yeah yeah somewhere around here will be good and then again process that scale it in the z direction and then ssh scale it in the z direction i think uh i think right around here will be good for this case press ctrl a in the scale to apply the skill and then add a bevel modifier give it a segment of four and then i'm going to change the amount i think right around here be good after this what i'm going to do is i'm going to apply this bevel modifier again i'm going to add another uh cube sorry i have a plane i'm going to add a cube another cube uh i'm going to place it right here and i'm going to scale it in the z direction i'm going to activate this extreme so that i can see clearly yep somewhere around here this is going to be the mattress that's the close simulation would be applied and soi yeah this has to be a square then after this what i'm going to do is i'm going to select that sorry select this one select this box and i'm going to move them upwards so that we can see clearly and i'm going to select this one go to the edit mode but i'm going to apply the scale first as you can see the scale is changed i'm going to apply the skin go to the edit mode i'm going to give it subdivision like this and then again subdivision somewhere like this yep this will be good so after this just go to the this phase go to the x-ray activate the extreme in the face selection we'll select this face press x and then only faces as you can see now and then also uh select this one i'm going to move it in the same direction i'm going to scale it in the z direction i mean just scale it and i'm going to select this one press g z and i'm going to scale it just a little bit and then i'm going to scale this one also somewhere around he'll be good so what we are going to do is just let us reactivate this extreme mode select this one uh in the physics tab give it a collision and let me just keep let me deactivate but let me keep this this one for now and click this one give it a close modifier and i'm going to give everything as it is and i'm going to activate ceiling and give the swing force three i'm going to give a quality of five and decrease the the distance but i'm going to keep it as it is for now and i'm going to activate soft collision and make it as minimum as possible so after this what i'm going to do is i'm going to hit play as you can see my mic load is simulating but it does not have in enough number of subdivisions for the clause to be to be accurate so what i'm going to do is i'm going to give it a subdivision and place it in front of and place it in front and then again i'm going to duplicate this one and i'm going to place it after the closed simulation so after this i'm going to let it simulate so as you can see this is simulating so as you can see by using the ceiling we can just place bait sheet but if i just shade it you can see that the simulation is not that much perfect so what i'm going to do is just uh go to the closed simulation again i'm going to give it a in the in the in the shape i'm going to decrease the shrink water factor so that i can have uh a lot of shrinks more shrinking so i have million minus 0.08 so just go to the first frame and then let it calculate again so as you can see we are having what we are looking for but if you if in your case this is falling through the in the mattress what you need to do is just click the mattress and disable this single sided this might fix the problem and also you can increase the thickness outer if if this closes falling through through the to the mattress the next thing that we need to do is if everything is looking good just we need to crank up the quality steps i'm just going to make this one 50 and then also i'm going to make the collision to 50 so that you know i will have a good collisions since sometimes blenders close english you might not give you the best results so by by cranking up cranking up this numbers we might get something closer to realistic so i think everything is looking good just what i need to do is let me decrease the distance i i'm just going to keep this as it is just i'm just going to bake it again this might take a while so as you can see everything is really looking good we have really good quality of wrinkles but what i need to do is i'm going to animate this i'm going to animate the speed so that you know it will let me show you what i'm just going to do in action in action so i'm just going to select this one and then go to the first frame go to the first frame and then i'm going to give it a keyframe press n right click insert keyframe right click insert keyframe i'm going to parent this one just select this one and this one press ctrl and i'm going to select everything and i'm going to parent it to this one press ctrl p and then object transfer so i'm going to give this one a collision as you can see i've already given it a collision and and i've i have decreased the thickness outer two minus and the the minimum point possible and i've disabled this single sided bed i mean single sided so after this i'm going to go to the tens frame i mean the oh yeah the things frame and then i'm going to move it in the z axis go to this face press gz i think somewhere around he'll be good so i want this also to to to be a part of this close simulation you know that's what i'm doing right click and then insert keyframe right click insert keyframe you may not need to insert the keyframe for the rotation since this object does not have any partition so just go to the first frame and then later simulate so now we will have the combination of both the c wing and the the bait that's uh that's connecting with or i mean i don't know that we're just simulating with the with the wrinkles as you can see yep that's that is what i'm looking for yeah something like that so if i hit pause and i'm going to step the simulation for now so as you can see uh this part the the base part of the bait is also interacting with with that the simulation so that's the function i'm going to let me select this one and decrease the object distance to the minimum so that we know we will have we'll have the minimum distance between between things between the the bed and the cloth so if i hit pause and and then as you can see we have what we are looking for yep that's what we are looking for so after we are satisfied with the result as you can see i am really satisfied with the result that i'm getting what i need to do is just go to the modifier and i'm going to apply everything as you can see i'm going to apply the cloth if i go to yup i can give it a more subdivision so that you know you know we'll have those details clearly so i'm just going to make this one two two and i'm going to apply it after this the next thing that we need to do is as you can see in the on in the edges there's some kind of inflation so we need to fix that and so we're going to do this by hand uh using sculpting so just select this one and go to this club mode and you can see uh yeah a lot of brushes so we're going to use this clothes brush later but to smooth out this this inflation what you what you can do just hold on shift and if you click on the places as you can see it's smoothing out the details so that's the function of folding down shift on any brush and the clicking you can smooth out any any details and also you can adjust the strings for this case i'm going to make this one 2.35 and i'm going to hold down shift and i'm going to click on the places that i want the this the the inflation to disappear so just do this on the places that that needs this operation i think somewhere around he'll be good you can see the mattress that's behind the behind the sheet you can delete that later so you don't have to worry about that just make sure that the shape of this is close to realistic and you can spend a lot of time on this and you can make it really perfect but for the purpose of this tutorial i'm not going to spend that time on this one i'm just going to show you the way how you can do it so i'm just going to uh do that i think i think i think right around he'll be good yeah i think right around you'll be good so after you have fixed this one let us go to the object mode let's select the mattress i'm going to delete this mattress i'm not going to need it then after this we need to give this the age a detail some kind of fingers so to do that just select this one go to the script mode again go to the close uh the closed brush and change the deformation to a pinch perpendicular and make sure that the stroke on the stroke make sure that the stroke method is is on a space and after this you can adjust the radius and the strings let us try this one as as as it is you can see the the the settings right here so i'm going to click this one and i'm going to drag it to the top as you can see we are having something so just uh experiment with this one and just land with the the wrinkle that that suits you or that that satisfies you so i think i think i think i like what i got i'm not going to spend a lot of time on this one so as you can see this is how you can you fix on your ages since this are not going to be visible i'm not going to spend a lot of time on this ones but you can clearly do the same process for this one also just you can hold down shift and you can click on the places that needs to be fixed and also right here then after this you can give give it a wrinkle as you can see just you can use a you can use a combination of different brushes but i think pinch perpendicular is is working uh working really good for this for this case so i think we have finished this one so the next thing that we need to do is we need uh just go to the direction we need to model the the bait sheet that's that will be covering the entire bed and the the the cushions so to model the bed cover what you need to do is just shift right click on this face to snap the cursor screw to add in the mesh and then add a plane and then let us adjust the dimensions so just move it somewhere around here i'm going to scale it in the x-axis i think somewhere around should be good as x yep and i'm going to make the y uh somewhere around 2.3 will be good so for this i'm going to give it a solid defined modifier since we this need to have a thickness i'm going to give it minus 0.03 i think that will be good press g z i'm going to move it in the z axis so after this i'm going to apply the skip process ctrl a and then skip and then next then i need to uh i need to apply the the solidify modifier the press controller i'm going to add four subdivisions and i'm going to right click and mark mark them as a sharp so after this we need to give this a subdivision so press ctrl r and type 12 i'm going to give it subdivision obtain in the heat skip press ctrl type 12 enter and then skip repeat the same process so after we have placed those those subdivisions what we need to do is i'll click selected to select a continuous edge or an edge loop so make sure that you have selected every every age then press s z and then i'm going to scale it in the z axis as you can see or you can use this proportionality editing and you can influence uh if i scroll my middle mode as you can see i'm influencing a larger area so i'm just going to influence it somewhere around here be good after this so next i'll click this edge i'll click this edge shift click shift alt click to select multiple edge loops let us deactivate this proportional editing and let us activate this auto merge vertices and press s z and then zero so what this will do is going to merge the the vertex that occupied the same place so after this you need to use me and wrap this this uh the spade curves i'm going to alt click or let let us try just go to edge and then select select sharp edge this will select all the sharpies in the c just right click and then mark c so after this what we need to do is press a and then you and then unwrap so if i go to the uv editor so this is now my uv map as you can see uh so the next thing after this is just as i have said earlier go to the top view press c and then go to select the tool face and then uh after this just uh go to material properties press new this will this will represent all of the material and then uh create another material and then press new and let me rename this one let me make this one uh uh bottom bottom face and then this one top face top uh face i need the bishop to have two faces so that's why i'm creating these two materials so after i've done that what i will do is just this the top piece is already selected so just select this one and press assign so to uh press assign so this this material has now two two materials so after this let us give us give this one a modifier so first let us give a subdivision surface and let me make this one simple and the render also what and as next let me give it a close close a close a close simulation or a close modifier then after this let me duplicate this one and let me move it above and after the clue so that it will smooth out the closed simulation and you will have a really good details so after this what we need to do is uh go to the close simulation let us change things just click this one make this one silk depending on your ring you can change them you can select anything that you want and let us let us activate the self collision and let me decrease the distance and also let me decrease the distance of this this object collision as much possible so after this first let us deactivate this the subdivision so that the simulation will be faster so i'm going to hit play and let me see the simulation so as you can see it's simulating so somewhere around frame 50 as you can see this this is this has fully touched or fully landed on the bed so what i'm going to do is go to close simulation on frame 50 i'm going to activate the the pressure at zero now and jump one frame later i'm going to make that pressure to uh one point let me make it three and i'm going to give it a keyframe so if i go to the first frame and hit play as you can see uh we will get a simulation or an inflation after frame 16 as you can see the the the rpg is inflating after after frame 50. so this is the this is what we're looking for so what we need to do is we need to adjust things so we need this the speed sheet and bed cover to be folded so what to do that just go to the edit mode go to this face deactivate this uh this extreme i'm in this this auto merge vertices activate extreme mode now i'm going to select this h i'm going to press g and i'm going to rotate it and then press g to move it and rotate it and i think somewhere around he'll be good yep and then after this we need to we need to give this one a final final values so what i'm going to do is i'm going to give it quality step of 10 and i'm going to give it a pressure uh in frame let me go to frame 16 i'm going to make give it a pressure of 6.5 let me deactivate this one and then reactivate it again so that it would it will update the the number the value of the pressure and i'm going to give it a quality step of 10 for the collision also so after i have done that i'm going to activate this this this this subdivision surface and also i'm just going to move it just a little bit just a little bit in the x axis somewhere around you'll be good and then in the close ignition i've forgotten one thing a longer time than the previous one since we have made the settings a lot higher so as you can see uh the simulation has finished so depending on as i have said earlier depending on your hardware this could be a slow and fast process so just select the frame that that suits you i think somehow uh frame 32 is frame 32 is is good so what i need to do is after i have selected the the the the frame that i want i want this the simulation to be applied just make sure you are on that frame just go to the modifiers and then apply apply one by one be starting from the top after we have applied the modifiers what we need to do is just uh as you can see in this part of the the the bed cover it's kind of flat we need to inflate them in just a little bit and also somewhere around here so to do that just go to uh the disclot mode and then go to the the close modifier the close brush and if you change this one to right here you can see a lot of properties for in this case just change the deformation to uh to inflate since we want to inflate it and in the in the stroke meter make sure the stroke method as line so after this you can adjust the strings and that radius so i'm just going to keep it like this so if i just drag a line right here as you can see it's going to inflate it so based on the place that i i want to inflate i'm going to draw this line so somewhere around he'll be good somewhere around here and also here if i don't like the amount i can always end the process and i can adjust strings and the radius let me make the radius 150 and i can do it again so make sure you do this and make sure that you are placing the the inflations on places that are necessary and relevant or that can be visible from a camera view so i'm just going to do that so as you can see i have placed the inflation on places that that i needed to place so after this what i'm going to do is just go to the edit mode and i'm going to select uh by alt click i'm going to select the one the h in the middle if you don't have any edge in diameter just press ctrl r in your keyboard and just press ctrl r it will add an edge loop on the place that you want so i'm going to select the edge loops in the middle so i have selected all of the edge loops so the next thing that i will do is just press ctrl b to bevel the edge and i think i can just click it and i can adjust the value later i think this will be a lot easier you can hold on shift to to make the the the difference uh to move slower i think point zero two let me try with value i think point zero one five will be good so after this what i'm going to do is just change this to a face selection and next just press alt h to scale it or i'm just going to use the extrude along normals so after i click that i can see as you can see i can extrude it inwards or outwards so i'm just going to select somewhere around here and i can adjust the extrusion later so i can make the extrusion outwards if i just disable the short release and letting me deactivate this my auto merge vertices as you can see i can make it go outward so i think somewhere [Music] i think a little bit like this will be good just a little bit outward and let me copy this value and also you can just you know make it inwards sorry since this is a high poly it it's making my my pc a little bit slower so you can also you know go for it for for this look just a little bit inwards so depending on your need you can you can do both both of them but in this case i'm just going to give it a as this one since i like this one so after this we need to apply uh some wrinkles on this spreadsheet as you can see it's a little bit flat so to do that we're going to use custom wrinkles that you can find in the description below so just change this one to us club mode and change but before that in the edit mode what you need to do is as you can see just alt click this sharp edge make sure that you're on each selection mode i'll click on the sharp edge and then shift i'll click this one also then shift i'll click this one just right click and then mark c this would be useful later in the scripture mode and then go to club mode go to the first one and if you go to the texture if you press new and click this one you can go to the texture tab and press open and select the texture that you have downloaded this this these are the files that you can find after this if you just keep this the texture tab you can go to two to see the properties of the brush just change the map into area plane make sure that the spunk the stroke is anchored so after this just if you just click this one so in and without letting off the the left click as you can see you can control the scale the rotation and the size of the brush so you can just place it and after that you can see the wrinkles and wrinkles are happening and you can also uh adjust the strings the radius of of of the of the brush so just uh place them on places that are unnecessary and you know reasonable and also depending on the type of uh the type of this uh puffy uh bed cover that you're going for the the amount of in the strings of this wrinkles may matter may may differ and also you can press this new button and then press open and click open and you can also insert another texture and you can select between two textures and you can work with both of them so as you can see uh make the strings to 0.25 so just place uh those rings on places that that are appealing and you know as i've said earlier necessary and also the points that are visible from the camera since this this is the function of this is to be rendered if you place the wrinkles on places that are unnecessary just you it's just the wastage of time so i'm just going to place those wrinkles and also let's say uh go to face seats and initial efficiencies by uv seams so as you can see we have face it's so if you go to uh sorry advanced and activate these faces now you can only apply uh the wrinkle on one of the faces that you have selected but in the previous version if i deactivate these facets i think you think the wrinkle is going to be applied on all of the faces at once but if you activate this one and assuming that you have placed uv seams and you have initialized the faces by uv seams you can only place those wrinkles on one of the faces that you have selected this will be useful for many cases so just place those wrinkles in places that that you want so as you can see i have finished placing those wrinkles you can deactivate the strawberry list to see everything clearly so next we need to model the cushions to do that just shift right click in the place that you want to import your object so just add or to add your object just go to add object i'm in mesh and the cube and i'm going to scale it in the x and then i'm going to scale it just as it is and then and then i'm going to scale it in the axis after this let me somewhere around here and press s to scale it i think s y squared and that would just adjust adjust this in a way that's uh that's that's suitable for you so i'm just going to scale it index i think somewhere around here will be good after that just press ctrl a in the skill to apply the skill the next what you need to do is just select uh select the the edges the edge faces as you can see i've selected them so after this what i will lose uh press uh right click and extrude along normal so i'm going to extrude it along the normals i think somewhere around you will be uh good so after this what i will do is just i'm going to add edge loops press ctrl r in your keyboard and you scroll your middle note upward i think somewhere around he'll be good like 28 subdivisions and also vertically i'm going to add somewhere around here classic history will be good after this what i will do is just i'm going to select this edge by pressing alt click and shift alt click to select multiple h edge loops and i think after it's subdivided it's not selecting the edge loops uh completely so we have to do it repeatedly yep after this what i would lose i would activate this auto merger vertices after this i'm going to press s x and then zero and also after this i'm just going to select this h loop i'm going to press s x and this time i'm not going to press 0 just somewhere around here i think will be good so after this what i will lose just i'm going to give it a subdivision modifier subdivision surface and again i'm going to give it a closed modifier and then again i'm going to duplicate this one i'm going to place it after the collision after the close modifier so in the close let's just go to the physics properties right here this is the property of the close i'm going to change this one to uh i'm going to yeah let me make it uh silk for now you can just did the different uh presets and then i'm going to uh for now activate deactivate the the gravity i don't want this to fall i'm going to give it a pressure so that it will inflate and give us the cushion shape i'm going to give it five amount so after this i'm going to hit play to see our simulation as you can see it's it's simulating really good duplicate this one let's say press shift d to duplicate it and then the y axis and for this one i'm going to just change something some some presets let's make the pressure for for example 4.5 i think that that will be good and let me make the quality steps thing for both of them so that we have a better quality but i think five will also be good let me make this one seven you know so that you have uh we have some kind of variations i know it won't be too much but we can also stop the simulation for uh for for both of them at different places so that you will have variations so i think i think i have what i want so so as you can see everything is looking good so you can stop it on whatever you want but before you can increase the quality step as i've said earlier you can change things you can increase the pressure you can also apply gravity on it but before that what you need to do just go to the first frame and you need to uv unwrap this object before anything since we're going to apply a material on it so to do that just go to h selection mode i'm just going to alt click the h as you can see and just right click and mark sim and also uh this sharp page is not visible but ctrl alt and then click it will select what i need is the sharp edge so just i'm just going to select the sharp beads i don't need those edges so to select those sharp a since there are they are sharp they are going to define the uv scene i mean the the uv map so just marks him after this and also i think i need to give this one also a scene right here yep just right click and the marks in so after this what you need to do is uh press a and then u and then unwrap so if you go to the uv [Music] and if you go to the uv editor as you can see we have our uv mop so the mattress in this this part as you can see they have different uvs that's what i want but before anything just go to the object mode include that the scale is applied to have a proper uv map if the scale is not applied the uv map might not be that much accurate so just make sure you have done that so after this just go to the timeline hit play and you can apply it on the place that that has a good inflation or the place that satisfies you so for example i think frame uh yeah frame 34 is is good for me so what i will do just i'm just going to apply apply them i'm just going to keep the last one and also this you can also change the frame for this one since they are simulated differently you can yeah somewhere 35 will be good just right click and then click this one and then apply then right click and shade smooth to shade it to smooth right click select it and click shade smooth so after that just place it place it in the proper place so as you can see i've placed them in the proper place so after this what you can do is you can also add another kinds of uh other kinds of cushions depending on your need i've just done that so i think we have finished modeling the couch guys this is all for today about about the modeling part and if you want to add material materials you can just found them in and in different websites you can find free and paid ones but you know it's just simple material setup that you can see as you can see the base color in the best color i have added some other gb curves so that you know you can control the color in the roughness as you can see the normal on the normal and the displacement on the on the displacement so this is just a basic material setup that that you can easily do you can watch different tutorials for this it's very simple so after this you can what you can do is you can just place this in a very uh good environment and you can render this out you can light it and you know you can do a lot of things with it you can adjust the camera and you can render this also for this case i have let me show you what i have done i've just done something like this as you can see this is just a basic eevee setup i have a tutorial on how you can how you can create realistic eevee lighting in blender so this is all for today i hope this was very helpful when it comes to you know modeling close close related objects in blender so see you in the next tutorial
Channel: Noel-3D
Views: 4,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Modelling, Bedroom, Modelling realistic Bed, Bedsheet
Id: 1px_WvhmSXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 4sec (2944 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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