Professional Blender Arch-vis Tutorial | Moody Room | iMeshh

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hello and welcome to this imesh tutorial video and today i'm going to make a arc viz room and i've already actually done this render and i decided i wasn't happy with it so i'm going to record the tutorial again so so this so let's just jump straight in so i'm going to be using this little um like mood board program is it's called pureref p-u-r-e-r-e-f and if you go onto google you can find it it's free they do ask for a donation but you can i mean it depends how generous you're feeling but you can give them zero dollars if you really want to um but there but this program is really cool so what you can do is just go on to google find any images that you like and drop them in and press ctrl v and you can do all sort of things such as organize your images and save this canvas and you can make a really cool mood board and i'd highly recommend you use you use mood boards if you're going to make any kind of image because all professionals will use move boards at some point to try and get some ideas because you're you'll never be able to make an image which is absolutely perfect normally without them because it you know you want to be inspired you want to find some images which really make you happy and you know and you can find kind of lighting modes all sorts of things so colors lighting and everything to find something you like so yeah use use references if you're gonna make an image and i've gone and made a collection so i'm gonna be making like a dining room set so it's basically it could be like four chairs a table some lamps and and a nice scene i'm actually going to make something similar to this because i think this looks really really cool and i like how the light is kind of shining through and there's kind of a suggestion of something through here so i'm going to try to incorporate that into my image as well as these lamps which i love they're by a brand called libroom so i'm going to drop those in and i also love this panels here and just generally the kind of lighting feel that then that is that these images have so they're kind of a soft light with almost no sunlight so i think this is the only one with sunlight coming in but then all the others kind of just have this nice shadow on every on all of their legs um so i'm going to try to do something like that and i'm going to be using quite an interesting lighting technique which i'll come to a little bit later but i think in the end of the day if your images look good it doesn't really matter what lighting you're using so that is something i'll explain a little bit later but first we might as well just make the scene so i'm just going to grab a box and bring this up just make it go a little bit above the the floor there we go and then i'm going to go into edit mode and bring this up to maybe two and a half meters tall that seems about right and then just stretch it all out and try to make an interesting room so normally you would have floor plans but i'm just going to make this up some and we'll just see what happens so well i'm not making this completely up because i've already done this so i'm going to try to make something similar to what i've already made so yeah something like this and yeah let's go i'm going to add a camera now so i can kind of see how this is going to start looking so i'm just going to add a camera oh there's already a camera in the scene isn't there so i'm going to press 0 and then oh so i'm using shift f and that is a key that i'm you that i have assigned that allows me to do fly navigation or walk navigation and to do that basically go to view view navigation try again and navigation and walk navigate how many times i'm gonna say navigation and you and i right clicked on it basically and clicked assign shortcut and i did shift f and that was basically the shortcut that was for 2.79 which they for some reason removed but i love it so it's back there we go so i'm just going to fly it into the room you basically use the wasd keys and you can fly around so something like this and a rule of thumb if you're going to be doing arc fears you always want your camera to be at 90 degrees well most of the time obviously like if you're just doing a standard shot um you can deviate a little bit but generally if you look at most arc vis renders they are have straight lines they they really want to keep straight lines everywhere so all the all the walls will be going directly 90 degrees and if the camera just feels like it's a little bit off it can sometimes just not look as professional and even photographers when they're photographing a scene they set the they'll set often the camera up and shoot it at 90 degrees i think that's just a general rule it's obviously not like completely set in stone but if you do that for your renders to start with at least then you'll be that's like the first step to making some good images and then you can deviate from that when you want to experiment a little bit so i think that's fine i'm going to go to the camera and set this to field of view um because i i don't know i find that easier to think about and then i'm going to set this to something like i mean it really depends on the room if you're if you're doing an image which is you really want to get as much as possible in you want to probably go to about 70. but for me that i think i think that is often too high but it really depends on the size of the room um and it's also good actually if you're doing a shot for some people who want to sell their property and they want the property to look as big as possible then 70 is quite cool but for more artistic shots you want to go quite low i think for this one i'm actually going to go really really low probably something like this and then that gives a more orthographic feel and that basically is almost removing the perspective the further you go down to zero and everything will look more flat which is also something that that these have so everything like this one for example kind of feels like it's got an orthographic feel to me you know imagine you tilt this up and it's going to be on that grid this yeah nevermind i'm just going to do that so here we go now i'm going to add some windows i think the camera is i want to move it back so this is a little trick that you can do if you want to bring it through a wall there's this clipping so i'm going to hold down shift and drag it up slowly shift just means you could do it a little bit slower and i'm just going to do it just through the wall and then i'm just going to move it across something like this and actually i'm going to move it back even further okay there will be a point where clipping doesn't work for example if you move it too far back you're going to be clipping through the floor and the wall at the same time but i think that should be fine for now i'll probably move it a little bit later and then i'm going to go and add a loop cut with ctrl r and add a window here so control b and just do a oopsie just a really really quick window this is quick and dirty there we go and something like this i think i'm going to move this over because i i have already made this room and i want to find something which i had quite similar to before maybe something like this i think i'm going to make this a little bit shorter and i'm not going to move this wall back a little bit because i don't want to see this wall because if you move this wall off now the instantly the room feels a little bit bigger too so let's do something like this maybe something like that i want to cut this window off i don't want to see where this window finishes because they need to have to deal with all sorts of things like what's going on outside and everything but we don't worry about that in this particular shop um and okay so the next thing i want to do is add some skirting so i'm just going to grab these edges with uh control no sorry shift alt and click and click all of these and press shift d p separate and then click on it and then you press f3 convert to curve and now we have a curve and now we can add some skirting so i'm actually going to use the imis asset manager and this is available if you'd gone to google and type in imish asset manager however there are some bugs and we kind of put it on the back burner because we wanted to make the marketplace then we wanted to do the image exclusive and make loads and loads of products so we haven't really had much time to work on this much as much as we'd like um but feel free to download it for me it kind of works fine there are some categories which just don't work for some reason but generally it works for me fine and i'll be using this throughout the whole video and it should work there's one thing to remember though and that is the folder structure so you want to have this particular folder structure otherwise it definitely won't work and i will be trying to make an update for this to make it work if it if you don't do this particular structure but for now this is the one to remember so you want to have the main categories which will be these main categories and then you want to have the subcategories which will be these subcategories and then in each category so each sorry subcategory you want each product to be in its own folder like this so this is one chair another chair and another chair and then in this folder you can have the blend files and the image and then this will automatically link that particular image that blend file so there we go there's all the chairs and yeah just try to remember that particular folder structure and it should work for you um if you're using mac then i'm sorry but i don't know if that's working like properly but that will also be something we'll be trying to fix so yeah go wild download it if it works then that's perfect so i'm going to go to architectural and skirting and just i don't know click on one that i like this one and now we have these so i'm going to click on the oh where is it going oh there we go i've got it selected i'm going to click on these and also select these and just going to local mode and i'm going to find one which i like so i'm probably going to go for i don't know this one so i'm going to click on the curve that we created and and something is wrong one thing i have forgotten so if you go to the normals if you click on this one and click face orientation this is the wrong way so if i end up attaching this to this one this could be facing backwards okay it's not facing backwards so everything's fine but i do still want to turn this face orientation so i'm going to go into edit mode select everything with a and do shift n and then nothing has happened but what you can do is click this and flip it inside out so now the normals will be facing the correct way and i think this is the back of the skirting actually but yeah let's click on this one go into edit mode and just click on this ctrl l x and delete and now we have these which we don't want so i'm just going to move these actually to a new collection um to come out local mode and move new collection and rubbish or trash depends where you're from and click ok and then that will just basically be a folder which i recommend you have in all of your projects would just be something which you just throw something in there which you might want later but may not necessarily want to delete it so you can hide that and make sure you also hide it from this so anything you don't want just press m and move to that folder so let's just move this down a little bit yeah there's the back the red piece okay something like here okay and now we would just want to add a floor so the thing i'm going to be using is called mesh archi pack and then floor so when you click here you may not forget the icons and to generate the icons what you need to do is go to file sorry edit preferences and then go to add-ons and type in archipack and then when you go to archipack there's this button here and if you click that it will generate all the thumbnails but it will take about 10-15 minutes it really takes quite a long time because it's generating basically all the thumbnails for all of the things so when i go here and go archipack and go floor you can then see everything here so i'm going to use this one and it will generate this but i can't see anything so i'm going to click here and click on wireframe now we can see what's going on so what i'm going to do is just go to this mode and click on a corner that i want actually first press shift and tab turn on snapping set that to vertex and then what i can do is just click and drag this one to where i want it to go and you can drag that into the corner so like this oopsie and this is a weird bug but it will go away in a minute i think so let's just drag this over and this one you know just roughly it doesn't really matter because we're not going to see it anyway just make sure it's cover the whole room and then that's a perfect floor so if i right click now that's finished and this thing is still here um that's just interesting okay i am going to restart and come back in a second okay so i'm back and it looks like the error has now gone so i'm actually just going to turn this face orientation off because i don't need it anymore and from this one too and then this floor actually i'm going to turn on wireframe so i can see the floor and then i'm just going to bring this all the way down so it just goes in line with the floor and just a little bit above there we go and then that's perfect what i am going to do though is add a slight little bevel level and set this to something very very low 0.005 just to give it a little edge like this and i can now turn off wireframe because you can now see because you can now see it and yeah now i want to unwrap the floor so what i'm going to do is go to this floor and you can see here that for some reason it unwraps them very strange so it almost makes each face take up the whole cube square but and i think that's actually if you want to have multiple materials like this and then then your wood material takes up the hole that's not what we want to do right now because i want to do something a little bit different so i'm just going to remove all of these materials and go here and press shift g and normal now it selects all the faces facing upwards now just press u and smart uv project and now it has unwrapped all of the faces all facing the correct direction so now if i was to go to n and i'm just going to add a wood you can use whichever wood you like but i'm going to add a material and wood and i'm going to do wood 43. because i think that's fine and now if i go to a material preview and now you can see all the wood is all facing the correct direction but the uv is a little bit too small so i'm going to go here and press sn3 and now the now the wood is going the correct way i am going to change the wood material a little bit because from because i wanted to make these parts a little bit more prominent than it currently is so if you go to the node setup you want to make sure the add-on node wrangler is turned on uh if you go on to google is oh i'll show you now it's way easier to explain so if you go to add-ons and just type in nodewrangler and it's this one here make sure it's always turned on because then what you can do is press shift and control and click and then it automatically shows you what each one looks like so this one's generally fine normally but i want to change it a little bit so i'm just going to go to uh color ramp and go to the material so like this and now i can make it so that certain parts of the wood which are lighter are glossy and other parts of the wood which are lighter to be darker for example so but i'm just going to get this and just slide it all the way up because i don't want it to be too glossy so because the whiter it is the more rough and the more black it is the less rough it is the glossier it is so now that should be fine that's fine um okay and oh sorry i want to plug that into roughness and then i want this one to go into the diffuse so we can just delete this if you want to but let's move this out of the way okay and next i want to add the material for the walls and now i'm going to use a material which is by a seller from imesh actually he's selling this for one dollar only so i'd highly recommend you check it out so if you go to imesh and search for stucco you'll then find it it's called plaster01 and it's an 8k texture so that's what i'm going to be using now so i'm going to go to this and press new and then let's just create the material so so i'm just going to drag the material into here this is the diffuse i'm going to drag in the normal i'm going to set this to non-colored data non-colored data and then go and add a normal map and plug that in here when it thinks about what it's doing okay and then i'm going to drop in the glossiness and because this is a glossiness but this works with roughness you want to make sure you add an invert because glossiness is basically the inverse of rough so let's plug that in here and click on non-color data as well so now i'm just going to go and solo this object just so we can see it and i'm going to press go to material preview okay and this looks beautiful look at this look at these unwrapped uvs so i'm going to unwrap this again so i know that from my camera i'm going to be looking this way i'm not going to see this wall well i won't do it in a minute when i move it out of the way so i'm only going to see this one this one and these ones here so i'm going to try to unwrap it accordingly so let's just delete this because that's a window and what i want to do is just add a couple of seams here mark seam and i'm probably going to unwrap the ceiling afterwards no actually i'm going to do this here so i'm going to add a marked seam and now i'm going to press 3 and just select these faces or press b and highlight them and now i think this should unwrap okay so let me just select these yeah and this one here so now if i press u and unwrap i'm gonna set this to conformal now if i go to the uv editor it's a little bit funky so i'm gonna press a to select everything and press n and go to uv squares and if you google this you'll be able to find this plugin and it is amazing because if you watch this i'm just going to make this everything go straight there we go everything's straight so now if i go here that will mean that now the corners will go around the corners perfectly and it should be unwrapped nicely i am going to go here and press s to scale it twice just to make these a little bit smaller and that should be fine we're not going to see this wall anyway but if you want to unwrap this you can just go to the face and unwrap it and same for this one here i might as well do this while i'm here and unwrap okay so that is now unwrapped so oh and the floor is not but that doesn't matter because there's a wood floor over the top so that's perfect i think i'm going to leave this to be glossy at this or just the material that it is actually i think that i'm just going to actually copy this material so this is called i call this one stucco or or stucco and go to here and call this and go and here and then press two and just duplicate it because i want it to be a similar material but i i don't really want the color so i just want to go to unplug this one and just have the normal map and let's see what this looks like actually and it's going to unwrap a little bit funny because it's still a curve so what i'm going to do is now because i'm okay with it actually what i'm going to do is duplicate sorry shift d enter and then move this one to the trash so we still have that one saved and then what i'm going to do is go to this one and press f3 and convert to first i'm going unwrap turn this off now i can press convert to mesh and then i can just unwrap these so i'm just gonna select this just these front faces and not the back ones yep actually let's go and wine frame so much work select everything and then just unselect the back faces now i can unwrap this and see if i can see anything okay that is unwrapped perfectly fine there so i'm just going to do the same for this face and you and unwrap so now they both should be unwrapped this one is a little bit smaller so sorry a little bit bigger than these ones so let me scale these down so about the same size and just scale this up a little bit it'll just create a little bit more variation but i think i want this to be a little bit more glossy so if you go to shade editor and just go to the preview okay so i don't want it to be this rough so i'm going to probably put this down like point one um but and the reason why i'm using reusing this is because it's already quite a nice roughness uh map that will kind of add a nice bit of variation but if i just make it a little bit smoother then it will just create just a nice little bit of an effect and make it make a bit more glossy just mix it in with this and then that should be fine i think they'll be good enough for now and go back to the world so now we have this i'm going to add another window in the back here so let's do this and just the quickest windows in the world that's a key mistake i always see people do and they make their walls super super thin so when they by the time they add the window the window is completely flush with the wall but that is never usually the case usually walls have some kind of thickness like 20 centimeters or something or 25 centimeters so i'm just going to do this and then when i add the window from about here you will then be able to um see a nice bit of frame so i'm going to now add some window sills which are super easy to make so i'm just going to press shift d bring this up i'm going to actually press p to separate it and just go here and this could be the most basic one ever but the detail should be just enough to just add a nice little bit of something to the image and then i just want to set these faces and just give it a little bit of an unwrap i'm not going to see that edge so it doesn't really matter so let's just unwrap it that's just something also if you're going to do arc viz just don't spend time doing things that you don't need to do so now these share the materials so i'm going to add this add a bevel to this let's just turn it all the way down 0.01 0.001 and maybe give it a couple more okay 0.0025 i think that should be fine now i can do smooth shading and i'm actually going to add a thing here and do control b and then you can see the shading there you want it to be nice and tight so i'm just going to pull this all the way across like this maybe do one here as well and that should be fine i think that'll be a nice detail and because we've just made this i'm now going to duplicate it oops i'm going to set the origin to the center of the mask so now if i rotate it it rotates around there so i'll just bring over here r minus 90 and just see how this looks i think i want this actually to come through a little bit like i've got it here so i'm going to do the same here because that happens sometimes with window frames they make a little bit of an overlap and i think that's also a nice little detail so now i'm going to add some windows so i'm going to go to architectural and go to windows and you know this is actually a little bit of a side comment now so i'm going to be using some assets from now on to make this room basically for the rest of the scene apart from a few little pieces and i've heard a lot of comments from people saying that if you don't make all the objects in the scene then you're cheating and that is just simply not true if you go to any studio that does architectural visualization i guarantee that all of them use assets and because time is money basically and in a studio setting they don't have time to make every single piece of furniture in their scene but of course it's a good skill to have and i think that everyone should have that skill to be able to make whatever furniture they need to just in case because often if you're working with an interior designer they will request furniture which simply does not exist in the 3d world so to be able to build that furniture is obviously a very good skill and i highly recommend everyone does that but once you know how to make let's say any chair or a window you know there's no point in building a window every single time you want to have an asset for that and you can also build the asset yourself so you've got a library yourself but when you're dealing with when you've made i know 100 interior images and they all use the same window and then suddenly there's a new variation like it's just quicker to go online and just search that window and see if there's a 3d model and and use that and like and a clear example would be for something like let's say you hire a interior photographer and he would take a nice beautiful photo and you will say wow that photo looks really good but you're not going to complain that he didn't make every single piece of furniture in that shot like he didn't go make the sofa and make the chair because that's not the art the art in ark viz is more to do with the lighting the composition and basically as a photographer you're basically a photographer in the 3d world so you want to be able to make some really beautiful images and and yeah that's basically it okay so let's continue where we were so i'm going to add in some windows so i'm just going to add a basic one here import object and let's just move this over here and oops let's just press the dot on the number pad so it focuses on this object and then just move this over i'm actually going to scale this down so the frames a little bit smaller i'm just going to go into edit mode and just bring this up so it covers the whole frame oh why am i still selecting this that was weird let's try again just so it overlaps just a little bit and because this window we won't be seeing it in this shot i'm actually just going to remove everything apart from the pieces which i want to see so let's just try this ctrl i and then delete everything else because it will just make the room a little bit darker and i just want to have the suggestion that there's a little window here and actually before i before i delete that thing i'm going to duplicate it so i can actually use it over here and now i'm going to do the same here so let's go back in and delete these okay so now i can add the window here and this frame that i've built is just a little bit smaller so i'll just make the window a little bit smaller there we go oops edit mode and the last one oh that should be the correct it's already done over there so okay that's perfect one thing i am going to quickly change is the glass and the one problem i have with the blender glass is that it's basically just the worst glass in the whole wide world i can show you a quick example actually of why it's so bad um so okay so this is a glass window so i'm going to add a sun sun and just make this go through the window so let's try with no window let's do render preview so you can see there's a nice sunlight there now let's drag this window back down and the sunlight has disappeared why why why is it why is this the case it's so it's so bad because i use v-ray and corona on a daily basis actually in 3d studio max but don't tell anyone and um you know you just set the object to be glass and then it acts like glass um in corona they actually have a button which is thin glass which basically means that it doesn't have any refractive properties but it does have a reflection and that's it because on architecture for windows you don't really want it to be fully refractive you just want it to have a nice look of a glass so just the reflection and everything else isn't important because it'll just slow down the render time so anyway so we can make that glass pretty simple here so just go to shade editor and i'm going to do render preview while we're here so i'm going to do mix shader so if you're finding that your viewport takes quite a long time to um render what you can do is go to here and go to simplify simplify and you can set uh viewport and texture limit to 1k and then if i press render preview now it should be quicker it should okay i think that was a little bit quicker we'll pretend that that is quicker but that is also actually something you can do if you're constantly running out of ram if you have a lower ram computer what you can do is set your render limit to something smaller because the one thing that i find that takes up the most ram is often the images if you have a if you have a 6k image i think that uses about um 300 megabytes of ram or something so yeah try use these if you're ever having problems i i end up using this quite a lot actually so anyway mix shader and then add a light path node then add a math and go uh shadow and diffuse and a trans transparent into here so now what it's saying is any shadow or diffuse will be set to be transparent so it's not going to be casting any shadow which it shouldn't be generally anyway not especially for not window glass like that in here and hopefully there we go we have some glass with a sunlight so that is cool i'm just gonna leave turn that back off now and now i'm gonna start adding some extra details so one thing i like from this reference is the is this little window here which i think looks really cool i love how it disperses the light coming through here so we're going to make something like this and then i'm going to make also a wall like this and yeah it's another example that's quite nice too just like a little bit of a wobble um yeah okay so i'm going to make this glass here so one thing i actually noticed with this is also a really nice detail which is almost hidden but you know these are kind of things which can really add to your scene just these kind of things so i'm going to i'm going to add that here so i'm going to add a loop cut and bring this across whoa come on there we go and then i press three and go here and just bring this part up and then i'm going to duplicate this and bring this down and then separate it okay so now this is its own part and now i can just add some more loop cuts something like this actually i'm gonna add a couple more yep and then go it's like this one this one and yeah i think that should be fine let's bring this up i'm gonna go into local mode actually and just remove these edges um no i'm not i'm gonna i'm gonna just like this you know these people are never gonna see this part of the image of the object anyway so let's just whatever bring this up but that might will mess around with the bevel actually so i'm just going to move these edges and then i should be able to add a bevel i believe let's try okay that's fine okay so 0.01 and that should be fine literally so that's just a nice detail if i go to my camera view now there's just this extra detail going along here which will be holding the window door thing so that is cool okay so now let's add the window door thing so let's go to the front view and add a cube let's scale this down actually scale this up so it fills the whole space and just about the size i want i'm going to then apply the scale and go in here and make this thinner as thin as i want it the window to be something like this now press these two and press i to inset and f3 and bridge there we go we have a window frame so now i want to add the little wobbly bit inside a nice little detail actually might be if i make the window go inside an edge so i'm going to add a loop cut here do control b come on and then press e and then alt s and now that's a nice little edge oh okay so it's only scaled up so let's scale it across on the what i access it as well there we go so now i can add the little wobbly window so i'm gonna just add one little plain let's scale this down and i'm going to go into edit mode and add a bunch of loop cuts i know maybe like nine and then do control minus what that happened to me before i swear before that's where always if i do loop cuts i can then do control minus wait did i just do it then you could do control minus and it basically brings you into the middle one but that's annoying me ctrl minus okay let me try this again ctrl minus no okay never mind so i'm going to click on the middle face and do o and go to sphere and do g and x and just use the middle mouse wheel to scroll that in to make a basically something like this and then i can just bring this down hmm i'm going to make this a little bit smaller then bring this down i'm going to do shift and tab to to lock it in and click this here and just make sure that this is going to go into the slot that i want it to and bring this down okay and bring this over right and now what i can do is add an array array and hooray and make some window that's wobbly there we go and glass does generally have some thickness so i'm going to add some thickness a solidify and how thick is that going to be let's apply the scale and okay that's too thick so let's bring this down something like this this probably could be a bit too wobbly but we'll see when we get to the window we might just use the scale and scale it in but i think that's fine i'm then gonna shade smooth but now it's gone really weird this is also a common error that i see all the time is the shading and this is wrong because it shouldn't have a gradient like this if you have an object which is completely flat and it has a gradient going like this it's something really simple just add ctrl r loop cut do ctrl b and you can see this be tightening right up so that's how it should be so let's bring this all the way all the way up just to the top and then we're going to hide the top in the frame anyway so let's bring this up ah i also want to merge the array there we go so let's bring this up and we can add a bevel to this as well and i'm just gonna okay that's maybe 0.202 okay and we're just going to add a very quick unwrap because this is also a smaller detail which won't be seen too much from the camera so if i just do a really quick unwrap so now if i add a map maybe a little bit later it will then add some roughness and things so if you ever have any surface try to always add some sort of roughness map or at least some normal map i find that roughness um is a little bit more obvious than normal especially when things are a little bit more of a distance and normal is pretty good when it's more close up because you can see the details but try to make sure you add at least one or both at least so yeah that is this done so let's go into here and see if it fits okay i'm just going to go into edit mode and bring them both up just so it's touching my amazing thing at the top because they don't need to know that there's nothing going off in here they just think that this frame like if i go to my reference this also just stops they don't know what's going on up here so you can presume that there's gonna be some runners but this could be hidden so which that doesn't matter but one thing i might add is some sort of wheel or something at the bottom so let's just go down to the bottom and see what's going on here so let's just add do shift and right click and then i can just add a sphere cylinder sorry let's bring this down and press the dot the point and the number pad to zoom in and rotate this 90 degrees and make this a little bit bigger but scale this up because then we can just presume that this okay it's a little bit too big is is going through this frame and the underside but you don't need to see that anyway so let's just do that and just add a little bit of detail i e i e there we go it's amazing wheel so now i'm just gonna add a little bit of a bevel as well there's already a bevel here so i'm just going to do control l and apply modifiers but that didn't work is there something over overlapping nope oh apply the scale there we go now i can just change smooth and set this to angle and let's make it a little bit lower okay that's fine i think that's a good detail that no one will ever see anyway so let's just select this select the whole thing and then do shift d and bring it on the y something like this and then do shift r r and then it duplicates the whole thing along so now basically there is a window which will be i'm just trying to think i want this to look like it's coming out of this wall so i'm probably going to hide this edge so it'll look like this comes out here so let's just bring this whole thing okay that didn't work set the whole thing okay and then just bring this into the wall here and they can't see what's actually going on here so whoopsie so let's just uh let's just check that it isn't right on the edge okay they will now presume that there's something going on there but there isn't and no one needs to know so let's just think about what we're doing now i'm probably going to copy this glass material from this one so let's just go on here and it's called i mesh glass so i'm glass and i'm going to because i want to be seeing through this glass in the viewport i'm just going to go to this point and go to viewport display and just set it to bounds because now i can see what's going on behind it okay i think that's cool and yeah why not let's do a test render oh i've only got one sunlight okay so but we can see what what this glass is doing and that should have quite nice effect i'm going to do control b just to focus in on this just to see how this is looking and yeah that's fun if fun is the right word i don't know okay so now i'm gonna start adding some oh some runners some some board some frame whatever they're called and this could be a similar thing it's gonna be super simple add mesh cube and that's fine just gonna press the point on numpad to focus in and i'm going to unwrap it while it's smaller so let's just do a quick unwrap so i'm only going to unwrap the parts which we will see so that's fine and mark seam um no point unwrapping it just actually let's just do this and shift tab and go to the bottom shift tab so shift tab to turn the snapping on and just go to the top so that is fine i'm going to make it a little bit smaller and bring this closer to the wall a little bit and that is fine i'm now going to add an array is this array still turned on on this one because then i could just copy that modifier oopsie okay so i might as well just added the array by now i think i i'm too used to just reusing everything let's just do another one array hooray okay i'm not going to get that out of my head now okay so we'll add the hooray all the way across quickly how quick can i press the button okay so that is fine and this skirting is a little bit funky so let's just go into here and just select these and bring this on the x-axis i'm gonna turn off snapping and there we go and that is cool okay so now i want to add a wood material to this so let's go into local mode and let's apply a wood which will be uh materials wood and i think i used wood 53 it's like a dark one okay and we can just apply that import material and that is not the preview but it's a good try so shader editor let's just check which one actually just okay that's definitely words let's go to material preview and it's going to look really strange because we haven't unwrapped it just yet and obviously my simplifier has gone to work very well okay so i want to unwrap this now but because there's only one piece if i unwrap this one they're all going to copy it so i want to apply the array and press u and unwrap and then what i want to go is just go to the uv editor and just check that all go in the correct direction so these ones actually going a different direction so let's just select these and our r90 oh i've still got a proportional editing turned on so let's turn that off is that the correct have i applied the scale let's try again i had not applied the scale so now it should be a bit better and just oh make sure everything's facing the correct direction and they're all facing the wrong direction so let's do here and rotate 90 degrees so because you want the wood grain to go down like this i'm just going to kind of scale it five times just so you can see the grain going across and i think that's nice and then i might just de-saturate it a little bit so shader editor hue saturation and set this to something like 0.8 okay so now i want to go back into this mode click i want to add i want to make this back wall what do you do oh okay so it's material preview i wish there was a way to escape because previously like in past blender if you accidentally hit render for example because this pie menu makes you do these this accidentally all the time you could just quickly press dead and you'll exit it so that would be nice if that was still a thing so let's just add a plane because i want this back wall to be basically uh darker as well which is something that i didn't do in the previous example if you saw that on my facebook post so you i didn't like the stripes because basically dark white dark white but this one i just want it to be normal so here we go let's just apply the scale and then unwrap it and apply the same material as this one and let's just go into here and material preview just to check okay the this one is facing the wrong direction so let's just go to here and 90 degrees and there we go you won't even see this one in the back anyway but that's fine that is fine so now i think this normal map's gonna be a little bit too strong so let's turn that down as well on the on the plaster so i think that's cool i think we should be ready to start adding some assets so the first thing i'm going to do is add in i'm just going to copy and paste from this other project because it's already done some libroom lamps wow that was quick uh so it's basically these ones and they're super easy to make and they basically to emit their light what i've done is added a light material and i've got a generated uv i've unwrapped it so it's just the circle takes up the whole uv map and then i've got it set to spherical and for some reason the circle for the generated um uh gradient was just off the off the object so you couldn't see anything so i had to i can just show you actually let's go into here and just go to rendered that if this was set to zero it would just be the gradient is no longer there i don't know i might i don't know if i did something wrong but if i set this both to minus one then it's dead center so i know keep that in mind and this is a material from imesh and i think that's gonna be a little bit too rough uh we'll see i'll see how it looks in the final render but i don't think they'll be actually not noticeable but with that is actually part of the default materials so if you go to imesh and i think if you search for default materials actually it should be in a free category if you look on the left hand side of the shop there should be a thing called free materials and then it should all be there so you can then download these and this one is actually called metal marked gold metal marked and then and then what i did was i applied just a color ramp to give it some color and set that to the mission so i'm going to set that something like 4 so we can actually see the gradient and that is a perfect lamp so let's just move this here i think these lamps are stunning so i think that should be fine and now what i want to do is add a table so i'm just going to go to tables and these are all of course part of i mesh the image exclusive which is 99 and you'll just get everything you'll get the whole library which is pretty much insane and it probably makes each product worth about 14 cents which is in insect wanted to say incense but ins incense is a smelly thing it's insane um and basically if you sign up um you'll get all access to all new products and we'll be releasing about 30 new products per month as well so you get access to all of those as well as long as you stay subscribed so so it's basically a subscription so you pay for a full year and as long as you stay subscribed for that year um then you'll get all access to all new products as well you can of course cancel any time um but before you cancel just make sure you download all the products first otherwise that download button will no longer work but yeah so i'll be using all imesh assets from now on and you'll be able to follow along if you also have this subscription and yeah here we go import object let's just bring this over and bring this here and now i just want to add a one thing i remember actually from this is that this was a little bit too saturated for this shot so what i'm going to do is desaturate this wood on top so set this to 0.5.8 maybe and i'm going to save before i lose everything and now i want to add some chairs and i have already pre-selected these chairs so i'm going to know exactly which one i want and it's this one which is a beautiful chair and just bring it here and do alt d because what alt d means is that it's duplicating the the object and its data so when you click render it doesn't need to calculate this and this it's already calculated for both so select both of these alt d and r 90 there we go instantly around the table so i'm just going to go into actually make sure they're not floating just a little bit like this and let's go to the front view to see how that looks a little bit spaced too far apart so let's just bring them in i think we can do this origins okay not origins i think it's a locations yes okay so now i can move everything together whoa okay that's cool okay so let's turn this back off rotate this about 45 degrees and okay i think that's fine um one thing to remember also in 3d is that you never want any lines to be exactly matching so you don't want this frame to be exactly over this frame you don't want this part to be like something in part in the way of this piece and this it might actually be a problem and i think actually in my last render it was a little bit of a problem that you couldn't quite see this wire because it's almost exactly in line with this piece which can make it a bit hard to read the image and we have another example down here so whenever you do these images just try to make sure to try to move things around so you can kind of see everything as easily as possible it doesn't help that this chair is naturally just quite hard to read in general so let's just try to make it like this so nothing is kind of overlapping and i should move this one over here maybe i think that should be fine okay um i mean there are a lot of legs going on there so actually maybe i'll rotate it a little bit i don't think any angle with this chair is going to make it any better so that is fine i'm now going to add some dining sets and this is a sneak preview of some upcoming amish assets so i'm going to go to dining and dinnerware and we are going to release all of these beautiful assets so because i find that in i'm always adding some kind of dining sets but i can never find a full set that's just instantly done for me and i think in my last one i actually did this one but i'm going to try another one um probably this one import object and then let's just make move it up to the table and they're all parented around this one piece so you only need to move this one and then it should be fine okay i think that just a little bit further i think that should be good should be golden let's move these up a little bit okay and are these okay maybe i need to move the whole thing up just a little bit more okay i'm gonna move these because i didn't want these i wanted these ones because these have a nice golden edge so i'm just gonna delete all of this and these are parented but i can just do alt p and clear and keep transformation and now these are independent now i can move these up and go to top view and let's just move this up and now we have a set so let's just grab this whole thing and the yeah okay there we go and now what i'm going to do is just do the same thing so alt d rotate it 180 degrees rotate it 180 rotate it 180 okay there we go and now select these again and then we want to do is do alt and d and rotate it 90 degrees and that should cover the whole table there are going to be some things overlapping so i might have to remove some stuff so okay there's quite a lot going on here so let's just remove these because that is unnecessary and i can then remove some cups as well let's just see what's going on here so i probably want to keep that one delete that one and yeah no one needs to know that actually i'm gonna swap these around i want to have this one over here maybe and then have this one over here okay so a little bit more random and actually in my previous image i didn't do this but i'm going to add a little plant so let's go to plants and let's go and select i want maybe this one okay just a little plant here bring this down just on the table and maybe something like this and i might duplicate it so alt d and y and then rotate it now maybe scale this one down because then you know no one will know that it's the same one yeah i think that's fine and now i'm going to add some books to this side which is also something which i saw in a reference was just some books on a window frame and actually this window frame was my inspiration for this part which i think looks quite nice so let's go and add some books so one thing i like about the books that we have created and magazines is that they are not completely square they're not just square boxes we've tried to add a little bit more detail where am i going decorations and for example our magazines are all a little bit bent because you never find a completely square magazine but um yeah i'm gonna add this book so import object and go in and scale this down and move this over so okay bring this here okay i can delete this one and then let's move these up against the wall and i do actually know that i wanted another book to be at the front because this is this will be quite a dark scene and i know that this book at the back is actually a dark book so that fits a bit better so let's just move this actually here and and there we go i actually made these books and these book covers and it took forever and i've i've got some of them there's some jokes written on some of these uh book covers um i think i made a book called inspirational cats or something so if you download these books try to keep an eye out and yeah let's just uh move these i'm going to make these books at the back a little bit bigger because i accidentally clicked material preview but i very rarely want that okay let's make this like this why is it lagging here okay and let's bring this out okay these books are massive now and this one's quite small so let's bring this up oh cool i set the origin point there nice so that is looking pretty funky i'm now going to add a um a day bed in the back and this is also a preview of a model not yet released so let's just do that because this is going to be a glass wobbly window and that's really fun to say glass wobbly window and then i'm going to add um a something in the back you won't be able to see quite know what it you won't quite know what it is but there'll be something and i want to kind of see the edge here and yeah let's do that now so i'm gonna i don't think it's in my collection just yet so i'm just gonna okay so this is a day bed and i can rotate this 90 degrees just make sure it's coming out of the floor and if you want to just see what this looks like oh i think is there an environment light okay there is so it's basically just one of these it's kind of like a nice leather with some different wood i quite like it this will be released i think within a month or so so um yeah check it out okay so i do know this is going to be the wobbly window and i kind of want to see a little bit detail here so let's so let's just move this over here and i think that is fine for now i'm going to start working on some lighting i want to add something close to the camera here which is also always a really nice thing to do is to add some kind of blurry thing to the foreground that's kind of like a cool trick to do is try to concentrate on the foreground mid-ground and background you kind of want to have three steps and this will kind of be the background and this will be the foreground and the mid ground yeah basically so actually i'm going to add a little bit of bevel to this so let's just add a bit because otherwise you'll cut your fingers just touching the wall so let's go to bevel bring it all the way down and just add a few and maybe maybe a little bit less 0.02 okay i think that should be fine just a little bit of a bevel and we also have a normal map too which will also break this up a little bit too so that is good um okay so we can do a test render you won't be able to see very much because there's not much going there's not much lighting going on so i'm going to start working on the lighting and yeah i did i mentioned this at the beginning i'm going to do a little bit of a strange technique and the kind of technique technique that i'm going to be going for is going to be more to do with a light a lighting studio so a photography studio so imagine like um a photographer is going to photograph some furniture scenes they will try to emulate like a sky or a skylight coming into a room but then they want to have as much control as possible they don't be relying on oh is the way they're going to be good outside today they want to maybe try and set up some lights so some area lights or some kind of some kind of light which will emulate a cloudy day because if you're ever going to use a hdr for interior try to concentrate on using some overcast skies because that's like nature's soft box and you will always get some really cool images if you use an overcast sky and then if you're feeling even more adventurous you can then add a sun um which will be emulating a sun so but that is not what we're going to be doing today i'm going to be using a sunlight and only a sunlight and that is something which i've been using quite a lot actually in v-ray um i sometimes go and work in a studio and i have found that this works really well i find i have so much control and it's basically like um adding an area light so let's say if you're in a studio and you want to add an area light so you'll be emulating a sky so where is the light okay area and area lights are definitely underrated and they are fast and they're really really cool but i've started to use uh sunlight and i find yeah i just find them a lot easier to use the difference is is that the sunlight is infinitely far away which means like if you have the the for example area light the light will be going out like this instantly from this point so that will create some sort of um what's the word parallax error or something where the shadow will be going off this way and then for this one the shadow might be going this way if the light is close to it but the benef benefit that you have in doing 3d is that you could just use a sunlight and this is this is effectively a light which is infinitely far away which you can't get in a lighting studio um i think i will actually do some tutorials another time with um using some hdrs and also do some using area lights because they're all valid options i would never kind of write any of these off because you know if at the end of the day you create an image which you're aiming for then that is that is that that is all that's important you know i guarantee that these some of these images for example if this is a render which i think it might be i guarantee that they won't be just using one hdr solution like they'll be doing using many different solutions and maybe highlighting lights and they'll be using a solution which works perfectly for this situation so yeah i'll be using just a sunlight and feel free to use area lights or whatever you want to do to that you think will create a better light for your scene feel free to use hdris but i haven't seen anyone use this technique so let's just go for it so let's add in a sun so let's just bring that here something like this and so the trick is so let's bring this down actually i'm just gonna i'm gonna just get a couple of objects in just to speed things up okay we can cancel this now okay so i'm just going to grab the this and this and maybe just a these two okay and now if i just preview this that is casting a very strong light oh i'm actually going to turn off the environment so let's just so we can see what's going on so um let's just disconnect okay so now this is effectively just a hdr sorry adjust the sunlight so what we can do here is create a softbox effect and that is using the angle and angle is basically the size of the sun so if i set this to something like 10 the edges get a little bit more blurry if i set this to 40 the edges get a little bit more blurry again and then if i set this to something like 70 it becomes a you know this is emulating basically a hdr um so the light coming through the window is casting a nice strong effect on the floor um and if you want something on the ceiling some light on sealing what you can do is just add a fake floor so just do something like this and now what will happen now is okay that hasn't done the effect that i'm looking for oh because i've not got that in the sorry let's do this again okay so now it's in local mode so now we should have some light going against the ceiling because it's bouncing off here and going up at the ceiling if you set this to maybe something like middle gray or something okay and now i have now i haven't got the sun selected so let's do this again okay so now we can see that there is some light on the ceiling so if i just move this out of the way again it's now darker and if you bring this back there's now some light going on the ceiling and i'll probably keep this here i think i think in my last tutorial i didn't do that but i don't know you can have a play but i'm going to increase the brightness and see sorry sound like and now you can see that this is creating that effect that you can see in the references that i've got so they've got a very strong contrast here and but it's nicely lit so that's almost like what's going on here so you can see a nice shadow but we now have so much control because we're using sunlight so you can rotate this round and have some coming out the back window and i'm probably going to do that actually something like this and now yeah that doesn't look wrong either because also the sun will be coming through here and that is good i think that's fine for now so what i might actually see what this looks like without this and then i'll show you another trick um i'll move it back for now i might put it back but another trick that they use in photography is also using a back i'm sorry a black backdrop so so for example in this shot here the back of the chair is so dark and also in here the back is so dark and it's creating so much contrast and one thing that you can do to create that is to in photography is put up a big black sheet behind and what that does is it absorbs all the light and means that there's nothing shining back so a lot of light is coming in reflecting off the back wall and coming back but we want this to be as contrasty as possible so what we can do here is add a plane and just make a black plane so let's bring this over new and set this to black we want it to be zero specular and 100 rough and scale this up and move this across okay this is also not going to be in local mode so let's just select everything here and do this again okay and we'll see if we can do a quick comparison image so let's just um select this so that is version one and now we just move this out of the way okay so now move that out the way so let's just see this so you can now see that this back edge is much lighter now than this one because there's now not a big black wall on the back of the wall um and you can see here that there's a big black reflection and that's something we can also fix quite easily because there's the benefit of doing this in 3d we're basically creating a lighting studio inside 3d but with all the benefits of 3d so um this is lighter here and i want to have it a bit more moody so i will do i'll bring this back so let's bring this back in i'm going to make this actually viewport display and set that to black so we can actually see it and let's bring this over something like this and then what we can do is just go to shader editor and go to object and move this over mix shader and add a light path and then add a principal and then this will be white again because that is the color of the wall so now we can just do is reflection ray and now it is white in the reflections actually something we actually can do here is also visibility so it's visible in the glossy but nothing else i think that should that would work too let's just turn this off we don't need to be visible anywhere else apart from actually no we do want it to be divisible and diffuse but not in the glossy aha okay that way around and not visible to the camera okay i think that's fine but it is ah is glossy ray sorry i think that's correct am i'm sorry let me just check this image i think i'm missing something here so let's just okay so that's there is maybe it's just so dark at the back of the room that is the effect isn't so visible is reflection ray okay yeah that is that is correct so that's how i want it to be in the back of the room just must just be quite dark already okay that that would be fine i'm just gonna leave that like that i'm gonna leave that like that for now okay so now i'm gonna go back and let's see how this room is looking as it is okay right off the bat i think that this is actually too close to the window so i'm probably gonna move it something like here i think and yeah let's just see how this is looking oh there's still that second sun turned on so let's turn that one off i wish that there was an off button is there an off button for lights because you know if let's say i've said this 150 but i want to try and see what it's like turned off so i set this to zero then i think oh what was my original strength again um maybe i guess you can move it to another collection but it would just be nice if there was just a button to say on or off so anyway let's just let's just see how this is looking for this window okay so another problem is that there's nothing coming through there's no light and that is because there's nothing there's no environment but we can fake that too so we can pretend that there is light coming through because there is but there's no environment light so what i'm gonna do is just remove this hdr and i'm gonna say i'm gonna i want zero for the background i might add some background later so this will just be if i set this to here set this to 10 this will now be contributing to the scene but i don't want it to be contributing to the scene just yet i want to maybe just make it visible through the transmission so let's say is transmission ray if it is a transmission ray then i want it to be strength 10. so let's put this here so now the glass is illuminated like crazy so let's have a look at our reference so it's quite bright but it wasn't that bright so let's try maybe something like three or maybe two just a little bit of highlight and i think that's cool and i think i would leave a little bit of environment coming in so maybe just an overall whiteness coming into the scene and i can already tell that the uh render time is very very good and that's a joke that is quite slow but never mind let's go to free viewport and so i think we can add portals actually but i think that only works with environment um so if you have an environment like such a hdr i don't think it affects the sunlight um feel free to try it but for just for this tutorial i'm just going to leave it off but um if you want to add in a portal just add an area light in the in the window and set it to portal which is a tick box tick box here but yeah i'm gonna leave that off for now so let's just do this um you might also notice that i'm doing a square frame and this is something that i try to do all the time is try to render things in square because then what you can do afterwards is crop it to another size later if you need to whereas if you just render it cropped here and then you think oh man i really would like to have a bit more of this lamp you then can't go back but if you if you um render the whole thing then you can change it later and and also with social media and everything like this having square frames you know it just depends on what you want to use it for but i'm going to go with square i'm going to make it a little bit brighter actually so maybe something like 30. okay i think this is starting to look pretty cool i think it's starting to get that effect that i was looking for in terms of the of the light coming in with the immediate shadow here and things like this and this is not too bright that's actually something that i had in a previous uh render was that the light coming through here was way too overblown which meant that you can no longer see the shadows coming through here and so that's also something to keep an eye on um what i'm going to do now is make this this frame probably the same material as the gold or maybe this material and it's always good to reuse materials as well because you know they'll be the same colors and keeping the same color schemes is always a good idea and then what i'm going to do is add something to the front of the camera and then maybe something in the back window and then i think we're probably good for now and then i'll move to some post processing and i won't actually be using photoshop and i'm sorry if you're not doing a photoshop um i'm sure you can do similar things in other free programs such as um but i use photoshop literally all the time so um that was what i'll be using um yeah so let's go let's go and do that now actually i want to see how this plant looks because i think this is looking really cool okay yeah that's basically a dried money plant nice okay so let's uh let's just add these extra things so what i want to do is add a plant and a pampas this one in particular and i'm going to import that object and move that to the camera so this is where we're going to run into some slight issues so let me actually let's just remove just this and just keep these so i want this to be really close to the camera and then i want it to be blurred um so that it's kind of blurry in the camera but because we're using clipping we can no longer see the plant so this would be a really cool feature if they invented a clipping but only for certain objects so you can include or exclude certain objects so we can't do that here so i'm just going to have to select these faces and just extrude it out which is also a trick which all archivis artists will know about cheating a scene because nobody will see anyway so let's just uh do this here and turn the clipping way down let's just turn it off okay and then let's move this to the camera okay oh these are still parented so let's do alt p and clear the parent there we go and let's just move this to where i kind of want it this is quite slow because it's actually a particle system um which i can probably go to the particle settings and reduce the particle count but never mind i like to torch myself let's just try to move this in here something like this to create a little bit of frame but i also want to still see this chair here so yeah something like this maybe this is too much let's just rotate this out a little bit and maybe bring this in a little bit more i think that's probably okay maybe a little bit more i just don't want to miss this but i think that's okay yeah okay now i'm going to add a plant and outdoor plant and i'll put this in the back window because i just want this to kind of break up the light that's coming in here i don't need to be completely white so let's just do something like this and then let's just see how that looks okay that is cool but i think it's gonna be a little bit too green for the scene so i'm just gonna maybe move this a little bit back a little bit i just want it to be a little bit less in the shot the reason why i think it's gonna be a bit too green is that i don't want too many colors in this scene i want it to be very even all the way through because there's also something else which i might just change here so because this these these uh glasses are really picking up the color of this table so what i'm going to do here is just go to this table and make the transmission color a little bit dark a little bit more um less colorful got my words it's getting quite late now so um okay so let's just move this over here and mix shader and add a principle and add a light puff so maybe this will work i'm not sure this is actually something okay that's cool okay so i'm going to add a hue saturation so what's coming through the glasses it's just going to be a more desaturated version of the actual color because i think it was too orange and whoa is it table oh damn it i said he made the table blue i think this was 0.5 right okay so now we can just set this to be um oh okay i'm completely getting this wrong let's plug this in here turn this off and set the saturation to be 0.5 and then we can plug that in here so we can still get a little bit of color coming through okay maybe a little bit more color okay i'm not entirely sure why this is white right now am i missing something because this is this is darker and then this is the same let me just make a new shoot and a a new hue hue saturation because this should be the same color if i if i i'm not incorrect yes and then plug this in here that should be the same okay and then set this one to be 0.5 0 0 is this not updating i think that's just not updating let me try again so this should be completely black now oh okay it's definitely getting late i'm not playing okay i'm really sorry let's just plug this in here so that now should be black coming through let's just set this to 0.5 and one okay that's that's nice so let's just do 0.4 okay that was enough of that let's see how this is looking and this light this plant is completely dark so that is another studio trick we're going to do now and that is having a spotlight or a little very little light just on this object which is another thing you should really try and do if there's parts of the object which you really want to be lit just put a light on it because that's what they would literally do in a studio too so let's just move this down move this over here and because the good thing this is right in the foreground this light is not going to affect anything else anyway um which which would be actually another really cool update for blender would be to add an include and exclude feature for a light so this light would only affect this but that is not a problem right now so we could do this that might be a bit too bright but no maybe not it looks like it's being lit from over there maybe it's a little bit too bright let's move it over okay maybe a little bit more okay and then one thing i might actually is illuminate this chair as well because i want that to be a little bit brighter because it is right next to that black wall so let's just move this over uh shift d and duplicate this one and go down and just put it on this light on this chair because the people looking at this image don't need to know that there's not a door here so this like well i mean that's way too bright so let's just turn that down uh to be maybe 1 or 0.25 i just want a really little highlight let's move this up point it downwards okay i think that should be enough i think that should be sufficient and i think that's it i think that's what i'm going to do for now i i hope that this tutorial has been cool um oh wait no sorry post production so what we need to do is render it so the feet the the what i have here is i have my pixel filter set to 0.15 i wouldn't go too low on that because what that does is it it does blur the edges ever so slightly so you don't get too bad anti-aliasing but i quite like it to be quite low anyway because it makes the images a little bit sharper i also have under color management i have it set to filmic and medium high contrast don't make the contrast too strong in here because then it'll be harder to edit it a bit a little bit later one thing i do want to do is actually set um the file format to tiff so when we edit so when we edit it if so i'm making myself laugh if we uh oh god i completely lost my thought um when we edit it in photoshop it will mean that we're not going to be clipping the colors too bright too quickly so all the brighter parts we can bring down much much lower and all the darker bits we can bring it much more higher without running out of color space basically so set it to 16-bit um tiff and rgba which is alpha and yeah that's that's pretty good and under render settings so i was having some real big problems with this scene for some reason last time i did it i usually do adaptive sampling and i usually have it set to 0.001 and that is usually makes a nice amount of noise i just seen a mistake so there is the plane that i added is not actually through the wall yet let's just make that plain because it's i'm getting them stripes which i didn't like in the past image so let's turn them off and then i'll continue where i was did i add that did i i swear i added a plane here which was made out of wood but how much wood would chuck chuck it would is it this piece it is this piece maybe it's just not showing through yet okay let's bring this okay i think it's just outside the room so this should be darker now and while i'm here maybe i'll make these wires white because they will be harder to see oh and i also forgot this okay so i need to make this frame the same color so i've already got this as gold marked i think that should be good enough for now and you know you can go into more detail make sure that this is going to be showing up effectively this is really showing up as a as a dark black wall when i try to turn that off so i thought that was darker um the back wall okay so okay so is it reflecting a white wall maybe it's just gonna take some time to denoise okay i think that's actually gonna be fine i think it was just blender trying to calculate that black wall okay that's fine um and where was i i'm gonna make these wires white and you can see this is actually going through the ceiling but nobody will know so don't tell anyone i'm going to set this to be white maybe that'll be easier to see then okay that is definitely easier to see against that black wall okay cool i think that's nice um yeah so back to render settings so i've got it yet cycles and oh yes so i set this and for some reason i wasn't getting the threshold noise level that i was looking for so maybe i can try 0.0003 let me quickly look at the blender suggestion yeah that was that that was their recommendation 0.000.001 but for some reason my scene was coming out really noisy i don't know if i was having a bug or something but i ended up setting this to about 1 500 to 2000 samples and it took about 45 minutes to render yeah i think that's good i'm then going to go to render passes i'm going to turn on denoising data so let's just um see what oh no god i've got something else i'm really sorry i'm god it is getting late so let's click on the camera and i want to turn on depth of field so i'm going to click on the focus object to be the table i can then click on limits just to check that it's going to the right place i'm also actually i'm going to turn that off i'm going to make this go to the front of the table so there it is and just make it go something like this ah yeah okay something like something like this and i'm gonna make it about six and now that'll make this thing extra blurry and then the stuff going into the background a bit blurry too um okay so i don't think i've got anything else uh you can also play with these it will make some extra render passes so you'll just get like the direct indirect that is also pretty cool to do so when you render you can then change things later in post-processing but just for the purpose of this tutorial that is going to be fine i'm going to go to compositing and with the um denoising data you want to turn on this denoiser and make sure you plug in these like this and then you want to add a mix shader plug in the image here plug in this one here and then you have the ability to change the denoise level a little bit later so i know i'm going to put it to 79.5 i'd only be too denoised because this does make it really soft um a little bit too soft so i i try to rely more on the samples i want it to be as deep or as denoised as possible before you before you use this because i think if i'm correct this uses ai and it is perfect does a really good job and it cleans up all the edges but people rely on this way too much they they do renders and they they put the sample account way too low and they think that that their image is finished but you'll really run into some problems where some edges will just not be perfect enough and they'll just be maybe a little bit blurred with where the um where the ai is trying to think that there is something there when there isn't um so try to try to make sure you have as much samples as possible but let's also rely on your computer if your computer can't handle too much then you know then this is also really really good this is really really good i'm not saying it's not but just um do that i don't have um denoising turned on here because that is destructive and what that does is it denoises as it renders which means that you can't go back afterwards whereas this you can so i'm gonna set this yeah maybe a little bit lower again and i'm gonna because i can get adaptive to work i'm gonna say minimum samples 2000 and set this to 2000 because it wasn't working for me last time so maybe it will work for you and oh i might as well tell you what this does so what this does is basically um it adapts the sample rate depending on the object that it is so for example a pure white wall will get denoised much much quicker than something like this this may require far more samples to get to the required some noise level than a white wall so it will just render this super quick go that's really quick it's really quick and then concentrate all of its time on the parts which matter and you can save like 30 40 on render time just by using that if it works but it didn't for me so never mind um anything else anything else yeah i'm gonna hit render now and then we'll move to post processing and yeah i guess i'll see you in a minute okay so it is now the next day i actually um let it render overnight so i'm sorry if my my voice is a bit croaky but it is now morning and this is how it's turned out so i'm quite happy with how it is um i can actually show you my previous version um let's try this one so this is how it was before oh oh yeah this one had a bit of an error as well but we can try to just compare so this was having the sun with a little bit less of an angle on it so you can see now it's like much larger i also didn't have anything on the table and you can see what i was trying to do with the glass um in this tutorial here it come it comes very very brown whereas i didn't really want that so this is much better this feels much more natural to me um i also didn't have the plant and you can see these lines which are a little bit distracting whereas now we've got a white line here and this is just one color wall which i think is an improvement so i hope that you think so also um you can also see the texture of the wall a bit better in this one than that than you could in the past previous one i don't know why they didn't show up very much there but uh yeah i think that's i think that's pretty cool so what i'm going to do now is just do a bit of post processing and show you what i do so this is just to be really quick um just a really quick method i could actually do another tutorial another time to talk you through all of all of these to tell you what they do but for now i'm just going to use the camera raw filter so if i click this now this is basically like a lightroom essentially inside of photoshop and i mainly use the curve and also a few of these but only these very lightly because these are basically do the same thing as the curve and i find the curve a little bit more intuitive for some reason but you can just have a play so i click on auto to see what it suggests but i always think that it looks a little bit too warm because i like to keep the whites to be white um so maybe just plus one i think that's fine and then you can compare the two which there's not very much difference never mind so now i'm going to maybe increase the brightness and then yeah i'm just going to skip this for now i'm just going to go down to curve to see what i can do because curve will also increase the contrast and so here you can see if i turn up the highlights this is only affecting the highlights which is really cool and then this is affecting the kind of overall brightness of the room and same with dark and because there's lots of dark things in this room actually so this probably can affect it more than most because you can see this is where the curve is starting um and this is shadow so this is the very very dark parts of the image that you can pull down so i'm just going to use play with this just try and get a bit more contrast i'm going to turn these these down the white the highlights down just a little bit because i don't want the highlights to be shining up too much and because i saved it as a tiff we should have a bit more color space to be able to play with okay i think that's cool i'm gonna might make the brightness a little bit darker and we can just compare so you can see now it's already making it pop so now i'm gonna zoom in just a little bit and what i can do now is uh go to detail and turn up some sharpening you don't want to turn up too much because it's going to look really crazy but you can just turn up a little bit just just to make these edges a little bit sharper but i can also see that it's also making the noise a little bit crazy so you can just add a little bit of noise reduction too to soften these edges okay and we can just see how that is looking and yeah i think that's looking quite cool and what another thing i like to add is a bit of film grain but this has already got quite a lot of grain on it already because most photographs have just a little bit of grain so maybe just something like this and yeah now let's have a play with this contrast just to see if contrast will just add a little bit more okay and then i might just turn down the vibrance just a little bit so vibrance is almost like saturation but it's um softer i don't know how to describe so saturation is like the overall color so this is going to be completely black and white this is going to be completely colorful whereas vibrance if we turn down vibrance all the way if there is something with um well there's not much color in my scene already so this does you can't really tell the difference but um but it kind of flattens the imp flattens the color brightness so if you had loads of loads of things in the scene which are very very bright this will kind of bring all of the saturation of all those colors down to trying to be on the same level and but because there's not many colors in the scene this is just going to go black and white but i want to turn this down just a little bit because i just don't want too much color okay i think that's kind of fine i think just for the purposes of this video and what you can also do here is go to uh profiles at the top here and then you can have some like some color lookups essentially and see which one you like i think that one's pretty cool this one does add a little bit of color to it so i'm just gonna this will makes it a little bit more yellow but i don't want that so i'm just going to click this and just turn it down a little bit and then what you can do if you think that it is a little bit too yellow you can play with this or what you can also do is one thing i love and that is actually where is it gone this is a new photoshop there we go so you can also turn down the yellows here and turn down the oranges and stuff like this so yeah i think that's kind of fine let's click okay so now because we saved it as a smart object did i do that in the tutorial well if you didn't make sure you save it as a smart object before you do that because now it saves it as a layer so you can turn it on and off now you can compare how it looks or you can change it later um and then also what you can do then is that if you have another render so let's say you have another render and you bring it into photoshop and you can delete the smart filters right you have another render what you can do then is press alt and click and drag this to your next render so then all of your render will keep the same settings so that is just something to remember so let's delete this yeah i think that's cool i think this is looking really cool and i also like on the light you can see a little bit of a gradient here whereas in the previous render um you couldn't really it was really over bright and i think i like my my glass window a bit better here i think that's creating a better effect and yeah you can see my details i think that's nice and you can kind of see what i mean that i didn't spend too long on these parts because you know you can't really see it anyway and because i added a um i i just unwrapped this and added a a marked metal already you can see the metals being you know that that's creating the variation that we needed to make it look a bit more realistic we need to go in and add tons and tons of detail because yeah it's just they'll just be a waste of time for that particular item um oh yeah one thing i did actually do was i actually rotated these 45 degrees because i realized the plates were not actually facing the chairs um so that's just something to to keep an eye on um actually this thing okay this thing is just annoying me here so well while i'm seeing it so let's just um this is okay this is really noisy i think that if i'm going to render this again i'll render it a little bit with more samples but that doesn't matter um so i'm just gonna this book is just not white enough for me this page is looking gray when most books are kind of white so let's just put this i'm going to use a levels so try to stay away from brightness because brightness is really flat how it how it makes the image brighter so you want to use levels as much as possible because levels does a better job of of affecting the overall colors so brightness so i think something like this i think that's i think that'll be good because now that's how it should be i think it's actually really dark isn't it i'm going to turn this brightness a little bit up i think you might be able to tell now that i i'm never fully happy with the images that i create okay and now i've turned this brightness up i'm just gonna make the highlights a little bit less okay i'm just gonna stop now because i'm just gonna end up doing this forever so yeah i hope you like that tutorial and if you'd like another one then please let me know and i will do it for you i might actually put this scene on imesh for the exclusive members to grab and play with if they want to um yeah uh i'll i'll put it in the description if i do that so yeah thank you and i'll talk to you again soon okay so i have i have continued to play with this a little bit more so what i've done now is i've used a brush so i've clicked on this brush and what you can do is then click um set the exposure higher and then you can just click in places of the image that you want to be a little bit brighter because there were parts that i wanted to be brighter so i wanted there to be a highlight on this plant and i added some vignette which is under um here so you can do this so i brought this down and then i highlighted these areas with this brush also added a few little highlights around the scene just to highlight a few areas which i wanted to be a bit brighter and that is where where i'm 100 gonna leave it now so thank you
Channel: iMeshh
Views: 41,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, model, modeling, tutorial, guide, 2.8, chair, extreme, complex, beginner, intermediate, class, series, learning, how to, arch-vis, architectural visualisation, arch, vis
Id: VvQW5we8GkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 50sec (5990 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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