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hey guys today we are going to see how you can create this scene that you see in the viewport with blender and i'm going to use the new blender version 3.2 and i'm going to use cycles for the rendering part so basically we are going to see three portions in this tutorial the first one is modeling which we are going to model the glass in the candles and the second one is texturing we are going to use uh three textures from in order to texture uh the the assets that you can see in the viewport and we are going to use also surface imperfection map to create imperfections on the glass that you can see and the third one is we are going to use hdri in order to light up the scene and also are going to use some kind of point light in order to create the effect that you have seen in the image so guys i hope this will be a really good learning curve when it comes to achieving photorealism in blender cycles but before i start the tutorial you can find this the finished project file in the in my pattern and also you can also find another project file that i have done from my previous tutorials not only that you can also find my personal uh project files and asset that i used for my intro visualization which will greatly help you in your interior visualization please uh if you want you can support me on my patreon so when we start the tutorial this is the project file that you'll find in the description below so as you can see i have the simple setup party i have some kind of cylinders and the floor and then a background which will be used for the modeling of the window and also i have a camera setup as you can see if i go to the properties of the camera i have a focal length of 107. since this one is a really you know close-up shot uh using a high focal length this will be beneficial we don't have any kind of distortion so that's why i use the high value of focal length so basically this is the scene you don't have to download it you can just model it yourself so when we start with the glass what i'm going to do is just select one of the glasses and the senders go to edit mode by pressing tab just go to the face selection mode and i'm going to select the top face press i to insert it i'm just going to insert somewhere around here which will be the thickness of the glass and after this just go to this face and activate this x-ray mode and then press e to extrude it and i'm going to extrude it somewhere around here and after this i'm going to press s and scale it just a little bit inwards so after i have done that after i have you know modeled the basic shape of the class what i'm going to do is could get out of the edit mode by pressing tab and go to the modifier properties and add a modifier of bevel as you can see and i'm going to give it a segment of 6 so that i will have you know a smooth shape and as you can see we can see somehow the h of this glass right as you can see we if even i just right click and shade smooth we can see you know that the shape of the the line the lines of the the cylinders since this one is a gloss uh close-up shot we need you know a high level of detail so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to add modifier and i'm going to add a subdivision surface i can give it a value of 2 you know so that i have a really smooth shape since this one is a really close-up shot so after this what i'm going to do is i'm just going to select this one and later select this one press ctrl l and select linked object data so if i go to the edit mode let's say as i select this h and if i press j as you can see any kind of editing that i made in the edit mode will be applied to this one but if i press s as you can see if i scale it outside of the edit mode it won't be applied right here but if i get inside the 18 mode press 8 select everything and press s to scale as you can see it will be scaled with this one also so anything that's any manipulation that's done in the edit mode will be applied to the other one so in order to apply the modifiers what i'm going to do is just select this one and select the one that's that has the modifiers later and press ctrl l and then go to copy modifiers as you can see what this will do is going to copy the modifier from this one and apply it to this one as you can see we have our glass so when we go to the texturing let's just start with the glass so i'm going to select this class and go to the material properties right here and press new we have the default principal b strip and i'm going to change this one to class b stiff so in order to see everything clearly what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to you know the render view and go to this render properties i'm going to use cycles and change this one to gpu if you have you know a gpu device which will make your rendering faster and i'm going to you know deactivate the scene order so that i can use the the built-in building hdri inside ev so i'm going to use this one and give it a strings of 0.5 so that it won't be you know over exposed the default value is probably one it will be over exposed so just use a value of 0.5 this will be a good value so to adjust our material uh properly let me change this one to shader editor as you can see i'm going to change this one to shader so this is the default value of the class i did the default property of the glass so i need to change the roughness to zero so that it will be you know uh it will look like a glass we don't have we don't need any kind of roughness so after this i'm going to adjust the ir value the value of atlas is 1.333 yes this is the proper value so this is you know the glass material that uh the default glass material but we are going to add some kind of more signals to to get really accurate uh accurate uh glass so press shift a and i'm going to add a transparent psdf and i'm going to use this notes together press shift a and again searching mix shader and i'm going to place this one in the middle and i'm going to place the transparent in the second socket as you can see we have mixed them but the the result that we get is not that much good so what i'm going to do is just press shift a and add a live path and place it right here press shift t again and add add a math note and change this one to greater than and give it a threshold value obtained i'm going to plug the radius derivatives into the into this value and i'm going to use this one as the factor so after this what we need to do is we need to give this class some kind of imperfections so that it will look more realistic but before that what i'm going to do is just type slash in your numpad in order to isolate this class and after this leave me in the in the field let me deactivate activate this transparent so that i won't see you know the background of this hdri so after this i'm going to use a roughness map which i'll link in the description below this is a texture from so i'm just going to drag and drop the roughness map and what i'm going to do is i'm going to press ctrl t in order to add this mapping node if this does not pop out in your case what you have to do just go to edit and then preferences and in the add-on stop just type a node wrangler this will come and make sure that you have activated this one and after you just save preferences so after this if you press ctrl t this will pop out so i'm going to plug this one to the roughness so in order to see clearly i'm going to ctrl shift click this one so as you can see the description of the textures among the surface is not as i want it to be so what i'm going to do just go to the edit mode press a and then press u and then smart uv project you are going to usually unwrap this object and give it an aslan margin of 0.01 so after this after you finish that what i'm what you have to do is just change this one to generated when you do that the result that you get is not that much in appealing so what you have to do is right here change this one to box so when you do that we have a proper arrangement of this textures this is the proper arrangement of the textures along the surface and i'm going to give it a plane value of 0.2 so as as i did that as you can see we we won't have that that same that we have seen earlier so if i change this one to zero as it was as you can see we will see this uh scene right here so just give it a plain value of 0.2 so that it we won't see any kind of seams so after this what i'm going to do is just press ctrl shift click this one to see clearly just go to ev so as you can see we see the imperfections placed perfect so the next thing that we need to do is i'm going to select this one i'm going to press shift d and duplicate this one and click this folder icon and i'm going to give it a normal map and i'm going to open this one and press shift a again in type normal map and plug this one to the color and the normal to the normal make sure that this one is a non-colored data if you if it is for example discolored and as you can see the result we get is not that much occur so just make sure that you have used non-color data for anything other than the albedo and also for the roughness make sure that you are using non-color data so the next thing that we need to do in order to control this roughness press shift a and add a color ramp and place it in the middle so if i just ctrl shift click this one as you can see this is arm up so if i change this white value and bring it to the black folder as you can see the map will be more white more white means more roughness if i change this one to uh the black file as you can see the roughness map is almost disappearing so we will only have those roughness maps on the white portions so we can control the amount of roughness that's applied by using this you know color on panel so if i just ctrl shift click this one again to see everything clearly uh let me just make it right around here so if i just select this white part and place it right as you can see we can see those roughness are more uh intense than the previous one so we can control the amount of the roughness that will be applied right here so there's also another way that we can control the amount of the roughness i mean the amount of the imperfections that's applied on this glass without you know controlling the roughness so what is what we are going to do is i'm going to select everything without the surface imperfections so i'm going to select this and i'm going to press shift g and duplicate this one and i'm going to select this mix rgb and shift d and to duplicate it and place it right here and i'm going to plug this one at the at the bottom so what i'm going to do is i will have one glass setup without imperfection and i will have one without a surface imperfection i'm with surface imperfection and i'm going to mix both of them so if i change this one to one as you can see the glass will be 100 clear which will be using the second the second node which is that class without any surplus imperfections and if i make this one to one it will use this one with surface and perfection so by by using this method you know we can also control the amount of the imperfection that's applied so just uh you know use a value that's suitable for you i'm going to use 0.54 now we can adjust this uh later based on the lighting that we are going to use but for now i think the result that we got is is good let me just make it somewhere around here like this yeah so just press stop in order to unhide everything to and isolate everything again and what i'm going to do is as you can see we have some kind of black portions right here the light path is not being calculated correctly so in order to fix that what you are going to do is go to this lighting set the render properties and in the uh in the live path where is the light pass right here give it a glossy value of 12. so when i do that as you can see as you can see those black portions are not gone and we have really accurate really good uh glass that's visible right here so for example if i give it a glossier value of one as you can see it's not been calculated that much in accuracy so just make sure that you have used the optimum value for example i can use this one as 32 and also i can make this one 12 but the result that we get is not that much you know different from each other so make sure that you are using the optimized value in order to decrease the render type for this case i'm going to use a glossy value of 12. so after this just select this glass mat here i'm in classmate here and go to the material properties and drag and drop this material right here so we have finished setting up the glass so for securing the plug what i'm going to do is i'm going to select the plan and press slash numpad in your keyboard to isolate it and i'm going to go to the modifier properties and let me just somehow increase the yup something like this i'm going to increase the modifier like this and the solidifier like this and i'm going to apply it so after this what i'm going to do just go to the edit mode in the h selection mode just select sharp h and then press right click and then mark c after this if you press enter keyboard it will slide out the stop and make sure that the scale is applied make sure that everything is one in order to make that happen press ctrl a in scale this will be one so after this what you have to do is uh press a go to the edit mode press a u and then unwrap this will unwrap it and if i go to the uv editor and to see the uv as you guys this is the uv map of this uh this plank since we have an array modifier as you can see uh we will we will only have the uv map of one of the that blank and this will this uv map will be applied for the rest of the repetition so this is the the first thing that we need to do and then second in the shader editor pressing in order to add a new principal psd and select this one and press ctrl shift t and it will pop out a folder so what you have to do is just select the material that you you need to apply so this is the material that i'm going to use planck 001 i'm going to link i'm going to place the link in the description so around i'm going to select the color the displacement the normal and i'm going to select the roughness so after this just select this principle texture setup so this will uh give you a a very simple texture setup after this as you can see the texture is almost the same in every plank so what you have to do is in the uv in the array in the uv just just change this one right here and make sure that you are creating a variation so as you can see we will we don't have that repetition that we used to have earlier so so the next thing that i'm going to do is press shift a and r rgb curves and i'm going to place this one in the middle of the color and you know in the middle of the color and the principal base dip and i'm going to use this rgb curve in order to control you know the texture so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make it a little bit dark and i'm going to use three points i'm going to add another point right here and i'm going to add another point right here so i'm going to use this point and i'm going to just you know uh find the place that that gives me a good result as you can see i'm just creating a version as you can see we have some kind of white part and we have red parts right here i'm just creating a texture variation by using only this rgb curve so by using it you can just create a feeling that this wood is really old so if i just select this one and press m to mute it as you can see this this does not aim that much old but if i press m as you can see it looks much older so this the lower part will control the overall lightness and darkness of you know the the texture and this as you can see i'm just going to go to the red and i think it's a little bit ripped so i'm just going to decrease the red value i can also use something like this as you can see i can just i can just really create a really weathered filling on the plank as you can see it looks like a plank where the there was a painting and the painting is you know fading away so by using this you can create the texture that you are going for so i'm just going to leave this one as it is and depending on the lighting that we are going to use we can adjust this later so if i just press so if i just press slash number in my keyboard and isolate everything and this is the result and i'm going to select this window right here and i'm going to go to the this properties and i'm going to press new in order to add a material and go to the edit mode and i'm going to select this this one perfect selection mode and press new again and i'm going to give this one the glass that we have used let me find the material right here material 0 0 3 and i'm going to rename it as glass glsss and select this one and change this one to glass so that they will have the the same material and i'm going to go to edit mode and make sure that you have assigned it as you can see after i have assigned it i can see through the window right now and i'm going to change this one to uh this material just i'm just going to change this one to planks and i'm going to select this one and change this one to blank pla in case yep but as you can see th this is not using wrap so we're not seeing the the texturing correctly so what i'm going to do is just go to the edit mode by pressing that both a selection mode and uh go to select sharpies and then right click maxim so after this press any on your keyboard make sure that the scale is applied so after this go to daily mode press a and then you unwrap so when you do that as you can see the texture is being applied really correctly as you can see but the scale is not proper so what i'm going to do is i'm going to this one is selected already and i'm going to click this new material it's going to make this one as a part material and in the scale press shift a and i will add a value note and i'm going to place this one right here and i'm going to give it maybe a value of five you know so that i will have this i think this one is looking good and for the glass also i'm going to select the class i'm going to make it a different different material and i don't need any of this you know no extra notes and i need the clear glass since this will this glass will be out of focus i'm not going to need it that much so just control x this one and this is just the simple class material that i need we have almost finished setting up the scene so what i'm going to do is just go to this viewport shading and i'm going to select this one and we're going to mod it and you know texture the candle so just go to edit mode and i'm going to select this face press shift d to duplicate it and then press p and then selection and if i get out of the edit mode as you can see this will be as a part measure so i'm going to scale it just a little bit inward and after this what i'm going to do is just select it press tab to go to the edit mode just activate this extreme also to see through the glass press a and then e to extrude now i'm going to go to this view so that i can see what i'm doing i think right around here will be good let me activate this the bevel and subdivision for now and i'm going to press gz remove it right here in fact if the bevel let me decrease the amount 0.001 i think will be good yes and i don't think i need the subdivision but i'm going to keep it in case i need it later so this is the candle yeah i think i will need the subdivision so that you know i will have that perfect smoothness and after this go to the edit mode and i'm going to press i to insert it somewhere around here and i'm going to press i to insane it again press g8 i'm going to yeah move it somewhere around here and let me uh deactivate this bevel and subdivision for now to see clearly and then inside again and press g z to uh you know move it upward and then i to inject it again somewhere around here and e to exclude it and i'm going to extrude it downward and i'm going to press shift d and then p and then selection this will be used in order to uh to model you know the the part was where the light would be placed so i'm just going to activate everything right here as you can see so this is my lamp i mean uh sorry that that candle after this i'm going to select this one press uh the tab in order to go to the edit mode activate this extreme mode to see through the candle and press a and i'm going to press e to extrude it press controller add a number of subdivisions so after this just make sure that you have activated this proportional editing and i'll click this h right here so if when you are zooming if you have a clipping issue what you have to do is just press in in in the view in the clip start just make the minimum volume 2.001 it will solve the clipping uh problem so what i'm going to do is if i press g x as you can see it's going to move it so if i scroll my middle mode upward and downward it will increase the influence area so just i'm going to just you know make it somewhere around here so i'm just going to uh deactivate this bevel and i'm going to only keep the subdivision so after this what i'm going to do is this uh as you guys this has the same as the glass material so i'm going to delete this one and press new and i'm going to give it a candle material so for the candle it's just a simple material to see it clearly just hit the slash numpad and i'm going to go to this render view so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to give it a subdivision uh i mean subsurface value one this is just basically the the the material of the camera it's not that much complicated but what i want to do is i'm just going to i'll click this edge and i'm going i want to bevel it so that i will have you know higher bevel you're writing something like this will be good you have slash numpad in my keyboard again to unhide that one isolate everything so for this one what i'm going to do is let us set up the material for this one this one is also plus so i'm just going to delete this one so just hit slash number two isolated and press new i mean i took it to press new to create a new principal basically so what i'm going to do is i'm going to use a grand texture to set up the same so just press shift a and add a gradient texture and i'm going to place this one to the best color for now or i don't need it i'm just going to plug it sorry i'm just going to plug it right here and i'm going to press ctrl t in order to add a mapping node so if i just go to the render v2c clearly or i can go to ev i think that's better as you can see we have some kind of black portion right here so what i'm going to do is press shift a and add a color ramp and i'm going to place it right here so that we can control the black portions in the gradient as you can see you can control those part so what i'm going to do is i'm going to decrease the as you can see the gradient is not being applied properly so what i'm going to do is i'm going to decrease the value of you know the white yep i think somewhere around you'll be good as you can see up i think i think the positive value gives me a good result and then next what i'm going to do is i'm going to duplicate this one shift d and i'm going to mix two textures so press shift a and add a color ramp i'm in a mix shader and i'm going to place it right here i mean place it this one right here place this one at the first and we're going to use this one as that as the mask so the first one will be white and the second one i mean the first one and the second one will be black so i'm just going to select this one and i'm going to make it black so as you can see this will be the the burn part of the candle as you guys this will be the burner part so the next thing that i want to do is i want to texture the flame part of the canvas what i'm going to do is i'm going to use i'm going to select this one and press shift little duplicated and i'm going to select this one again i'm going to duplicate it and place it right here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to invert this one as you can invert the black in the white part somewhere around here and i'm going to use this one as the factor and press shift a8 add an emission shader and i'm going to use this one for the second part let me make this one the first yep so this is the setup that i'm going to use so as you can see this is the result that i am getting as you can see this part is the emission so if i just change this one to somehow red yep i think this is what is going to be i think something like this i can increase the the emission strings like this so i can control also uh the gradient of this white part i mean the dimension part as you can see if i just drag this one up and downward i can control it so the next thing that we need to give this is a little bit too smooth so i'm going to give it a displacement texture so just go to right here i have uh just let me delete this one i was working earlier so just press new and i'm going to use uh a cloud texture and i'm going to decrease the the scale somewhere around here will be good in in the this bar in the setup in the modifier part just add at this place right here as you can see when i do that it's it's going all over the place so what i have to do is just change this one to uh i think this one is also i mean change this one select this one select the texture that you have created and i'm going to change this one to uv so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to decrease the strings zero one so when i do that i have some things just point zero zero maybe make this one two zero five as you can see i have you know some displacement just make sure that you have added i mean uh place the proper value let me insert the value of nine so i think this one is looking good right i think this one looks perfect so this is how you can model it just press ctrl s to save everything and here's the slash numpad so as you can see this is the result that you have got i think it's looking good so if i go to the cycles to see cleveland you can see it looks really good so if i go to the edit mode i mean the camera mod i think it looks really really really good so the next and most important step that we need to do is the lighting so for the lighting what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go to the solid view i'm the v4 shading and if i press update to unite everything as you can see i have finished the house just make sure that the light is only coming through the window and anything other than that will be have to be closed so uh that's what i did as you can see and the next thing that you have to do just go to the camera view and if i go to the render as you can see uh it's using the built-in hdri so in order to change that i'm going to activate the scene audit when i do that as you can see we are not seeing anything the reason for that is there is no lighting in the scene so to to give it an hdr i'm going to use an item called easyhd array so just you can install it it's a free addon you can watch a tutorial on how to install this add-on just a really simple auto so what i'm going to do is i'm going to uh select the folder where my hdrs are placed in this case i've already selected that what i'm going to do just select this fixed wallet notes in your case if you are using it for the first time it will be create world and notes so i'm just going to click this one so as you can see with without even doing anything this is the default lighting that we are going to get so i have downloaded a bunch of hdrs but i'm going to link that is i'm going to link this in the description which i'm going to use for this tutorial so as you can see you can select between different hdrs which will give you you know different results so whenever you change the hdr you will get different lighting in this case i'm going to use this first hdri and the next is the thing that you need to adjust this in the in the rendering part in the viewport make sure that you have activated the scene so that you know you can see your renders that your preview clearly and in that color management i'm using filmic color management which is a default in blender 3.0 and i'm using the look of medium high contrast you can just change this one to you know high contrast it just basically it will depend on on the on your visualization or on your mate so after i added the hdr right the next thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the viewport display and go to the top view select this house let me activate this extra i mean show overlays and i'm going to press h to hide it and i'm going to select this one select this candle later press shift d and i'm going to place this one somewhere around here anything right here will be good and after this as you can see i have two candles and i'm going to make this one uh with the no light and i'm going to make this one with a light so what i'm going to do is just shift right click right here and go to edit and preferences in the add-ons just type images planes and make sure that we have activated this arrow so after this press shift a in add image and images planes and i'm going to select a texture that i downloaded from i will place the link in the description below i'm going to place this one right here so to see it clearly i'm going to change this one to texture so when i do that as you can see the texture in the viewport so after this what i'm going to do is as you can see we have a portion that we don't need so just go to the edit mode press ctrl r and place it somewhere around here so after this just select the bottom face press x and then faces and after this just go to ev viewport shading and in the materials up as you can see this is the material that the blender has set up so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to plug the color to the alpha so that i will have uh i will have the result that i'm looking for let's move it until the shaders are compiled as you can see we have a really good looking uh flame as you can see and after this what i'm going to do is i'm going to press shift d to duplicate it and press rz and then 90 you know so that it will it won't be flat from another angles so if i press slash numpad again twice isolate this as you can see it's it's not the result that you are going for so what i'm going to do is press shift a8 add and uh add animation shader in mission shader and place this one at the top and then press shift add again add an add shader so i'm going to add both of these shaders and plug this one right here so now we have an emission so we can control the emission of this texture if i make it 5 as you can see it will it will emit a lot of light so if i press slash numpy in my keyboard to see what i have done so as you can see this is the result that i did and i think we have somehow you know finished the things that we need to do for the glasses but as you can see the scene is looking kind of empty so we need some kind of background and some kind of foreground so for the background i'm going to use a lot of canvas that will place at the back so as you can see i have added a background and for the foreground as you can see i have used some kind of you know dry leaves which you'll find in the project file so as you can see by using this kind of metals you can fill your scene and also i'm going to use some kind of lighting outside of the window so as you can see to to give our scenes further detail what i have used is i have used point lamps which are behind the glass so that you know we will have some kind of lighting effect that's coming outside of the window so if i just go to if i navigate and go to the solid v and activate the shower list as you can see these are the point lights that i have used so the last and most important thing that we have to do is we have to add some kind of smoke right here so we are not going to use any kind of smoke simulation we are going to use alpha texture that i have downloaded from i'm going to place the link in the description below so what i'm going to do is just put the solid view right here again and then uh let me select this part press point in order to uh snap right here press shift click right here and press shift a add images please so after this what i'm going to do is just go to downloads and i'm going to select the texture that i'm going to use i think i'm going to select i think you can select let me select this one and i'm going to import as image as planes so after this as you can see i have imported it and i'm going to scale it until it fits the scene press gz and then let me just place it i think somewhere around here would be good and after this i'm just going to scale it and change this one to 3d cursor so that it will scale it along with the 3d cursor so after this press 0 on your keyboard and press rj i'm going to rotate it uh so that it will face the camera and press s to scale it i think somewhere around here will be good so after this if i go to the render view to see clearly and i'm going to hit tab in my keyboard to isolate everything and what i'm going to do is just uh as i have done earlier for for the for the bulb for the flame part press shift a8 add an emission shader and i'm going to place the ignition right here press shift d again press add shader and just i'm going to mix this one with this one and place this one right here and i'm going to use this one for the color input and i'm going to use the color for the alpha i'm sorry for the color for the alpha and let me just so if i press slash numpad in my keyboard when i solid everything so this is the smoke that we are getting but the smoke is a little bit too bright so what what you can do is i can you can adjust the the strings right here i think something like this will be good um so guys this is all for today i hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and please if you have enjoyed it please don't forget to like and subscribe so that i can keep making videos like this in the future see you in the next video
Channel: Noel-3D
Views: 39,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photorealism, Realistic renders, Blender Photorealism, Blender realistic renders, CGI photorealism, Blender CGI, Cycles
Id: LPz42U54Wqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 32sec (2012 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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