How To Make A Stinger Transition OBS - 100% Free With Alpha Channel

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chroma key is an absolute pain in the neck because when you designate the green color as transparent it leaves a little gray line around your head and shoulders and there's always this battle where you try to minimize that line and eventually what happens is you start eating into the shape of your head and shoulders and it looks funky and weird and it's always this battle but when it comes to developing animations like logo sting transitions for obs studio you can employ davinci resolve which is a hundred percent free to create what is called an alpha channel which means that the transparency is built right into the video so when you drop the video into obs the transparency is automatically there you don't have to designate any color and the edge is crispy clean it is absolutely perfect i'm going to show you how to do this in davinci resolve this is a game changing lesson because when you learn how to do this you can create overlays logos things animations and bring your live streams to the next level this is an absolute must learn lesson you are going to love this we are going to use the editor and not fusion fusion doesn't have a timeline so we're going to approach this lesson so that it is absolutely easy to learn and i'm going to show you how to export the videos so that there is a minimal of drop frames and so your cpu is not overworked i look forward to showing you let's get some [Music] electrify your online presence with live streaming if you want to learn obs studio or any hardware or software that makes your live stream super fun and cool for your viewers you have found the right channel subscribe and click the bell for new video notification okay here's what we're going to cover in this tutorial first and foremost we're going to touch on the project settings where to make changes to the size of the video and how many frames per second you're using then we're going to take all our graphics that are going to make up this sting transition and drop them into the program and from there we'll drop them into the timeline and begin to manipulate how they move over time we'll make our changes and then we're going to take the timeline and condense all the tracks into two tracks which is the video and the audio and that allows us to bring it into the delivery section of the program which that allows you to define the codex the alpha channel and all the settings that make the video perfect for obs in regards to low cpu usage and virtually no drop frames it's going to be a lot of fun i can't wait let's go okay i just opened up davinci resolve for the first time and this is the screen that is shown to you initially i'm going to click new project down here at the lower right hand corner and i'll name it okay i'll hit create so in order to make changes to the settings of your project click the gear in the lower right hand corner and we're presented with all these different options that we can adjust for our project the primary thing that you're going to want to adjust is the timeline resolution and in this case it's 1080p hd that's what i usually stick with you can of course go higher or lower the pixel aspect ratio is set to square we do not want to choose cinemascope square is what we want and for the timeline frame rate and playback frame rate i'm going to keep that at 30 because i don't think i want to go with 60 because i don't want any drop frames or any kind of lag in my live stream so i'll just stick with 30 that works for me you may say to yourself well scott how do i make the background color transparent well there's no setting for that you don't have to worry about it because the background is automatically set as transparent when you're creating your project for the first time so click save and now we're ready to drop in the media okay after making those settings you'll be presented with the cut screen we don't want to be here in davinci resolve click the icon to the right of it called edit and now let's drag in the assets i've got three here i've got a photo of myself the word stay strong and the circle i've highlighted them all and i'm going to drag all of them all in at once boom okay let's get this out of the way and now we'll drag each one of these elements into the timeline i'll make the timeline a little bit we'll pull back so we can see more of it and i'll drag in the circle myself track two and check three will be stay strong text okay the next step is to make the logo look like it should look instead of like this jumbled up bunch of shapes right and a lot of people say go into transform and make adjustments with the position via that method well that's crazy the easiest way is to move the stuff around with your mouse and you do that by clicking this little down arrow right here see it and the first selection is transform i wanted to chime in and just let you know that transform is the default selection but i just wanted to show you that there is a pull down and then there are other parameters that you can control like crop inside there and this is a toggle so when you click this thing and it turns white as you can see the layer is selected and i can move it with my mouse so i'll move this out of the way and make sure that my shape i'll click the second track here and i'll make sure it's positioned right here i look a little bit large so i'll drag the corner down just a tad and put myself right there that looks just about right i'm going to stay strong and move stay strong right over the top of my waist so that you can't see it and that looks just about right i think i'll make this stay strong a little smaller just to be safe on the edges and we're good okay this is a logo sting that will be used in the middle of a transition and i want to keep it fairly short in time so let me zoom out on the timeline by clicking this minus sign here next to the slider and bring it out so i can see the whole thing in view here and i will highlight all the graphics and hold my cursor on the far right edge press and hold and drag it to about three and a half there's three and a half right there as you can see we're between the two second mark and the four second mark and three and a half is going to be right about there so let me just move it right there that looks perfect the next thing that we're going to talk about is crucially important because we're going to be defining a command that tells your specific shapes to move in position and or zoom in and out at a defined moment in the timeline it's called key framing and i'm going to show you how to apply them and how to use them effectively in the program here we go i don't know if you realized it but when we were adjusting the position of all our shapes in the three timelines the system added this little weird funky s icon in the lower right hand corner of each one of the tracks what this means is each track now is ready to accept keyframes to basically command those individual shapes to move to crop to change color to do whatever we want over time so let's isolate just the blue circle here because that's the one i want to manipulate to demonstrate what you can do with keyframing and you can turn off the other tracks by clicking this little icon here and it will turn off those two so when i scrub now i don't see the the stage strong text or myself now let's click the inspector in the upper right hand corner which will reveal the keyframing parameters that we can manipulate and i'm going to click the s icon in the lower right hand corner for the blue circle and it's going to clam shell open and reveal this blue line if i drag this blue line up you'll see that the circle gets larger in size also if you make it scroll down it goes away so what basically we're doing here is we're going to be assigning points in time so that the system makes it large and small automatically so let's put the cursor all the way to the left and i'm going to hit the little diamond next to the word zoom here and transform and it's going to put a little red dot in there can you see that now i'm going to move the play header forward a little bit and i'm going to hit the diamond again and what i'd like to do here is i'd like to have the blue circle zoom in from zero and come into the regular size where it should be so i'm going to move the cursor over to the keyframe on the left i'll hit it make it red and i'm going to drag it down in size then i'll put the playhead over on the white one select it and make sure that its size just fills the frame perfectly there it is now when you move the playhead all the way to the left and you hit the play it's very robotic and nasty and ugly and there's a way to make it tween tween means you're controlling the motion speed from one point to the next and we want to make it sort of start slow and come in and end quickly so if i click the one here the red one i'm going to click this little handle icon right here and you can see it puts one of those illustrator handles on there and now we can control the speed by which the circle comes into view watch it'll look much nicer now see how it slowed down real nice let's move the handle in a little bit better here like this and see if it looks even better oh yeah that's nice perfect now i made two keyframes one is zoom and the other one is position for the image of myself and i just wanted to show you that there's a little pull down here see how it says position x right here if there's if you click the down arrow you can turn on and off the different keyframe adjustment area so you can uncheck stuff and it all goes away if i hit the down arrow and check it off i can only see the zoom on the x-axis so you can pick and choose what you want to see and the other thing i want to tell you about is that you can delete a keyframe by just highlighting it it'll turn red and then you hit the delete key and it's gone now for the text i'm going to try something even more cool i'm going to apply a video transition so on the left under toolbox you'll see something called video transitions click that and i'm going to scroll down and just show you all the amazing transitions that this program has to offer there's some really good ones but the ones towards the bottom called fusion transitions are really cool and i'm going to select something called dropbox out of the whim let's just drop that in and see what it does oh yeah that is cool so we nailed how the graphic comes into view but when it leaves the screen we have to make sure that there is a color that covers the entire frame because when it does we're going to have obs switch from one scene to the next in the background and then it's going to disappear from view so i'm going to clap my hands and i'll show you the results of my work in regards to setting keyframes and zooming here we go three two one okay here's the results of my work let's hit play all right it's a little bit off in regards to position but for the most part i think we can stick with it okay let's add sound i just uploaded two waveforms from a fantastic website called i highly recommend that you sign up for it just make sure that when you're searching for the sounds at that website that you designate that you only want to see results that are commercial free because there's some stuff that's not commercial free that's mixed in with the results so just be aware of that okay i'm going to drop in the first waveform i want to let you know that when you're in the media pool and you've dropped in the waveforms you can cue them by just simply mousing on it and dragging your mouse watch that cool so okay i'm going to drop the first one in here and put it at the beginning i'm going to hit the b key and cut out the first part of it because i want the wind to hit to happen right away so i'm going to clip it and then i'll hit the a key and highlight that clip that i want to go away and what i want you to remember is when deleting clips do not hit the delete key for now i'm going to hit the back key and hit the a key again for select and drag that over to the beginning then i'm going to drag it in a second time because this animation has like a double motion in the beginning and then i'll drop in this different sound effect towards the end about right there and i will again hit the b crop it hit a highlight and hit the back key to delete it all right let's listen to this thing and see how it sounds here we go perfect now let me show you what i mean again by what happens when you hit the delete key after selecting a track i'll select a for select and i'll make sure that these two are red and now i'll hit delete watch what happens to the timeline on the left watch boom did you see it shrink and so if you hit that delete key thinking that you're going to delete a part of a track after breaking it up with the blade you're going to destroy the length of the entire timeline and you're going to go absolutely nuts wondering why your timeline doesn't do what you thought it would after making that edit so always hit the back key when the leading part of a track okay okay we're getting close now we have to sort of congeal all the tracks into two one audio track and one video track before we move it in to export to the necessary codec so in your computer just take your mouse and highlight all the tracks or click control a or click command a to select everything then right click on the tracks and select new compound clip it's going to compound them into one i guess is why they call it compound clip hit create and now you have your two tracks see that now we click the little rocket here and here is the selectors and parameters that you need to make a decision on in order to create the video with alpha channel so here are the settings and if you want more details on why i'm what about to tell you you can click this video right here and it'll explain everything because i conducted tests and this is absolutely the best settings for this first you name it the stinger then you define the location i'll make it the downloads folder for now okay save and then you select individual clips don't forget format quicktime codec is going to be gopro cineform type rgb16 check off alpha export alpha the resolution should be 1920 by 1080 because we've already defined that in the project settings alpha mode should be straight quality should be best advanced settings square should be checked off data level should be full click add to render queue it puts the job on the right hand side click render and it's done it's only what three and a half seconds it won't take long for it to chug through the video and create it for you all right homie let's pop over to obs real quick and let's see if this sucker works i will go over to my downloads folder and drag the file over will it work here we go come on people yes look at the clarity of that thing now you didn't hear sound because when you drop in a video with sound the system defaults to not letting you hear it all you have to do is click the cog go into advanced audio properties find the video here it is stinger click monitor and output close it turn down the volume a little bit and let's go back in perfect okay now let's add this graphic as a transition in obs studio so under scene transitions click the drop down here and select add stinger do we see it here where is it there it is and we'll name it anything you want i'll just name it i'll name it scott's stinger hit okay takes you to this screen we click the browse next to the video file here and i'll select the location of the file which is in my downloads folder i'll hit open and it says transition point type in other words it's asking what do you want to use time or frame as a way to denote when the frame switches from a to b or from one scene to the next so i'm going to select frame because it's more accurate and then it says here transition point frame so they want to know what frame to actually switch it so let's go back into davinci and as you can see there's no real number here that designates what the frame is based on the cursor here but it does show you the time so there's a little down arrow if you click that and you select source frame it'll show you the frame where the playhead resides so if i move the playhead to the right here and you can see the color fills the entire frame that's what we want to use it's frame number 58 we'll go back into obs studio and in the transition point type frame here we'll put 5 8 and let's try and see what happens when we hit the preview a goes full screen comes back to b perfect now i didn't hear any sound so we need to make sure that audio monitoring is set to monitor and output we'll hit ok and here we are in blue swirl let's see if it works when i select the next scene yes now i have something completely cool that's the next video we're going to dig into luma wipes and how you can make your own yes you can go in and tweak and make your own luma wipes and how obs controls the motion of the wipe is absolutely fascinating because it all works from variants of grayscale it is so wicked cool i can't wait to show you check it out the video will be where am i pointing over here all right i'll catch you over there best wishes stay strong and keep fighting [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Scott Fichter
Views: 21,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BOi94puTH3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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