Free Stream Deck For OBS - UNLIMITED BUTTONS - And Amazing Control

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good to see you creator we're gonna review a free stream deck for obs this software is off the hook it is so powerful and when you get your head wrapped around what it can do for you you are gonna love this program let's get some well back in 2019 i created a tutorial about how to use hid macros to assign obs hotkeys to a keyboard and it was a great tutorial the problem is this takes up a lot of room it's 20 bucks but this takes up room on your desk and you have to work on gluing the icons on your keys and it's got so that makes it this keyboard is kind of disposable in a way if you lose the hid macro data you have to start all over again and rebuild the buttons that's a major pain in the butt but the new solution that i have is called lioreon board by a pro by a person called liorin this guy is an amazing programmer what he's done with this software is mind blowing because you can have unlimited buttons you can create multiple button screens that you can swipe through to see another set of buttons i want to get this thing off the ground i want you to get your head sort of wrapped around how this thing works by helping you install the websocket plugin that helps the software communicate to obs studio create a couple buttons so that you can wrap your head around what to do with the software and if i can get that done if i can get that accomplished right now i have succeeded for today let's get started in installing the websocket software that helps the orion board communicate with obs let's go okay here we are at it's the blue website that keeps you guessing click the forum button in the upper right hand corner and let's click the word search right below it there and we're going to type in the word obs space web socket and hit search and you'll know you're at the right place when you see the gray tee we'll click that link it'll take us to the download page there's the white download button click that it takes us to uh the github gip yeah gib git website scroll on down and we have some choices here i highly recommend if you're a windows user to download the installer.exe file if you have a mac machine you can give it a go as well by installing the pkg although the websocket plug-in does function for mac users unfortunately the laorian board does not function for mac users please do not attack scott and let him know that you hate him because of this fact thank you let's click that and save it and i have it already saved to my computer so let's go in there now here it is here i'll double click it gives me the license information i'll hit next you may or may not know where obs is installed on your computer nine times out of ten it's going to be installed in the program files folder versus the program files x86 folder if you want to know for sure where it's located all you have to do is go to your obs icon in the taskbar at the bottom right click on it and then right click again on the obs icon that shows up again and you'll get a properties button here click it and it opens up the properties window for that program and as you can see the target path is in program file so if you want to confirm where your program is located that's how you do it okay so the uh websocket installation software has assumed it is in the correct place so i'll hit next hello creator what's happening i'm gonna have to ask you to go ahead and turn off obs studio okay we've got a problem with the software i don't know if you got the memo but it won't reflect the updates while the software is running okay thanks a bunch creator and then for some reason we get this weird prompt that says folder exists blah blah blah just hit yes to that and we will hit next and then install and finish now to confirm that the software is properly running in obs we're going to open it up i'm going to get it up and running here and then we will go to tools subchoice there it is websocket server settings that confirms it's up and running notice that the enable websocket server is checked off that means the websocket will start to run when obs has opened up okay we're good okay now we're going to install the orion board again this is a standalone program it can reside anywhere on your computer because all you have to do is click the exe files and it works okay you don't have to put this inside of obs we're back at the forums i'll click search and i'm going to type in liorean board which is spelled l i o r a n b o a r d okay and i'll hit search and i'll click the first thing that comes up and i'll scroll all the way up to the top of the screen i'm gonna hit go to download and it will download the zip file automatically which is fantastic i've already done it so i don't have to hit save and you can install it anywhere you want in my situation i've created a folder in my downloads folder called leorian board here so if i open this thing up and take a look at the contents i see a couple folders that should draw your attention one folder is called the liorean board receiver the exe file that's inside of there let me show it to you is responsible for connecting to obs okay so it can grab the the scenes that you've created and all the information that it needs and uh once it grabs that information then you can begin to create buttons so for example you could create a button that would go to a scene so instead of you having to type in the scene the receiver goes out and grabs that data from obs and allows you to choose from the available scenes that you've created see that's why the software has to connect to obs so it's important that your obs web socket is running properly before you get this thing running before you click that let's go back to the contents again and we'll look at the stream decks the stream decks are what you actually use to click the buttons it's the software where you click the button and the command is sent to obs and it does what you instruct that does not occur on the receiver's program that only occurs on the on the two deck programs that are available here as you can see one is here that can be used on a android device i'm going to walmart after this video i'm going to go out and buy a android tablet and i'm going to install it on that so that i can give you the next video that will show you how to get that running i look forward to it but in this tutorial i'm going to run the streamdeck.exe which is just running on my computer luckily i have two screens so i can have one screen showing all the buttons and then the other screen can be the obs so what we're going to do right now let's go in and double click the receiver now i want to let you know if you click this thing and nothing happens or it gets funky or something goes sideways nine times out of ten it is your virus protection so i'm going to refer to if you have that problem i'm going to refer you to this video right here it's leorian talking about it he talks about it and provides some solutions so if you click this exe file and you don't see what you're about to see right now here we go there it is there's the program if you don't see this when you click it go right here okay i have made no setting alterations to the obs websocket or obs i'm just going to click connect cross my fingers and let's see if this thing connects oh there we go the prompts at the bottom bottom left confirm that it actually reached out and grabbed data from obs so we have successfully connected the next part of the video is where we start creating some buttons and showing you the power of this thing it is off the hook here we go okay so let's make sure that you have the right things open you should have obs open you should have the receiver open it looks like this right here and i want you to go to where you unzipped the leorian files go into that folder on my system i made a folder called lioreon board and i want you to click the lyrian board stream deck for pc open that up and double click the exe file inside there okay and it loads this screen and do not click allow click sound don't modify the stream they select the deck don't modify your port or your ip address okay it should look like that what you see is what you should use and i'm going to click connect and this is what it looks like this is the actual operating buttons that control obs and it says it's connected to the receivers that's a good sign so just to give you a review here these arrows in the upper right hand corner will take you to the next menu i just made this menu here contains all the sound effects that i want to use okay and if i hit a button i can click the kill sound button which click just stops the sound from playing and it doesn't do it abruptly it kills the sound in about 500 milliseconds which is really great and you can make buttons that take you to the next custom menu that you have so in this button here i've set up some scene switching buttons so if i open up obs right next to it and i click these screens it'll switch automatically to the scenes that i've created which is really great if i hit the next button it takes me to the next menu and this gives you a demonstration of the power of this thing it actually can control the volume of songs being played and actually the playback speed i mean this is all done with code so hit this i can slow the speed down i mean that is that is some serious coding power right there with this software like i said this is special software and here gives you a brief sort of demonstration of the flexibility of the size of the buttons that you can create and you can add png files as imagery to the buttons and you have full control over the stroke of the buttons that's what you see here so let's go in i'm going to show you how to make a menu real quick so i'm going to close this out and i'm going to go into the receiver it looks like a little chalkboard icon down in the task manager if i click it i'm going to click add new deck and there it is there i'll click it and this is the editing screen and as you can see there is a grid width and grid height designation now that basically gives you a freedom to basically make any size button that you want so i would recommend that you go around the 8 by 8 or even higher so like for example if i went 10 by 10 it would give me a grid of 10 by 10 which is 100 and if i right click in here and make a blank button okay and i'll name it test real quick and change the color to something i don't know blue hit done for the color hit create it creates a button in the square and as you can see the word test is kind of i don't know it doesn't look that great there's not much air around it so there's these little drag buttons here there's one to the right there's one at the bottom into the corner if i drag this you can make it bigger and it will snap to the designated grid size that you've created so in this instance it is a hundred squares that you can modify so i could technically make one menu with one button in it if i wanted to okay pretty cut and dry if i went in here to the grid width and i made it 50 by 50 now i have more flexibility to change the size of all these buttons so you see what i'm saying so the more grids that you have the more squares you have the larger the grid width and height the more flexibility you have to change the button size that's all that is and you could technically make tiny buttons in here but it wouldn't be practical because you wouldn't be able to read it but you get the picture now if i was to go in here and click a button and play audio and click the play audio button and it's wanting to designate the sound file and the sound file can be anywhere on your computer the sound files do not have to be placed into obs studio to work that's a good thing i think because it makes all that clutter you don't have to put sources with with sound files in obs you don't have to deal with that it's just it just makes obs a little bit cleaner all the sound is being run from the urine board which is really great and if you click the little folder here it's going to open up this window and the clincher is that it will only play og files why why why why why that's kind of a bummer in my opinion i wish it played mp3s but i can only assume that leorian didn't want to use mp3 because of legal issues or whatever which is fine i think ogg is open source so i'm going to briefly talk about the best software that you can use to convert wave or mp3 into og using a batch method it's going to take about 60 seconds let's do it right now just go to video soft dev that's and go into the products and select audio converter and this is it it's called the vsdc free audio converter so download it by clicking the download audio converter button right here install it it's not rocket science the icon looks like this it will install into your desktop here it is here and double click it it opens up this little program here you can designate the output folder in this case it's going to download the og files into or should say save the og files into the downloads folder then what you do is you add the files by clicking add files right and select your mp3s okay hit open drops them right in and then you select the output format so in this case it's 2 ogg click that and then just click convert files and look at that look how fast it goes conversion is complete batch conversion boom you're good to go okay let's create a new deck we're going to create a sound button we're going to switch a scene with a scene switch button and then we're going to create a button that will take you to the next menu so that you can have as many menus as you want we're going to go into the receiver program and we're going to click add new deck okay upon that it'll automatically create the deck for us let's click the deck and let's make it 10 by 10 just so that we have some flexibility i don't want to make it too small oop 10 by 50 no 10 by 10. there we go and we're going to name this demo deck and all you have to do is click in one of these squares and it opens up this menu and we're going to add a sound playing button so we'll hit play audio and it's going to want to ask us where that sound resides now we've already converted our mp3s into augs so i'm going to click this little yellow folder it's going to prompt me to go look for the the file and let's see here all sounds is where i put them here we go and i'll put in this giggle track and i'll test it sounds good i'm going to call it giggle up here i have the option to change the buttons color to blue but i think what i'm going to do this time is i will add an image so i'm going to click the image and i'm going to go into a ping file that i saved called stars and by the way you can't use motion pigs unfortunately not yet at least it would be nice if we could have motion buttons in there but for now static pings only hit open and we're going to create it and there it is now the next button we're going to create is to switch scenes so i'll click the switch scene button here and we're going to call this scene 2 and then we select the scene name and as you can see it's propagated it with the scenes in the obs program because it's reached out and grabbed the necessary information from obs studio automatically so this scene selector matches the actual scenes that were built in obs i'm going to select scene 2 alright and let's change the color to something different here here we go that looks good hit done and hit create and there's the next button okay and we'll hit done and let's go back in and now the next thing i want to do is i want to create a button that will take us to the next menu deck so i'll click the square and i will select switch deck and we'll call this deck number two and let's let's take it to the sound deck sound menu all right and let's see here we go sounds is what i named that sound menu it's got all my other sounds on it i'll change that button to [Music] like a green color hit done and hit create and make that a little bit bigger so i can see it and then we'll hit done and then we'll go into the lyrium board folder that i used to install the program which is right here and i'm going to go into the stream deck for pc so i'll open that up and click the exe file here hit open let it load do not click allow click sound that will add a click sound when you click the buttons that's not what you want trust me hit connect and if i go here we go here's the menu there's that right whoops and if i click scene two let's see if it switches it yes it does beautifully and the sound menu takes me to the sound menu now i have even more sounds [Music] and as you can see i programmed a kill sound button here in the lower right hand corner so this gives you just a general idea literally i could spend an hour to two hours explaining the functionality and the power of the programming you can add hotkeys and by that i mean you can assign keystrokes to the from your keyboard you can do stuff like random select buttons that one click to do different things you click it a second time it does something else you can click a button and it changes the button's color you can click a button and the button moves literally the options are unlimited but i just wanted you to get sort of a taste of what's going on i'm getting psyched i'm going to go out and buy myself a droid tablet so that i can help you guys understand how to hook up a droid tablet to this thing i'll catch you on the flip side stay strong and keep fighting remember don't give up stay strong keep on posting and you will win [Music] foreign [Music] you
Channel: Scott Fichter
Views: 18,921
Rating: 4.9492755 out of 5
Keywords: free stream deck for obs, free stream deck, free stream deck app, stream deck alternative, stream deck alternatives, stream deck app, stream deck guide, digital stream deck, elgato stream deck, elgato stream deck tutorial, how to use stream deck with obs, lioranboard stream deck, lioranboard stream deck/animator, obs studio tutorial, scott fichter obs, streamlabs obs, touch portal obs, gaming, lioran board, streamlabs tutorial, touch portal, touch portal app, tutorial
Id: W5tOhry4uw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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