How to Create Amazing Cloth Simulations with Chaos Cloth in Unreal Engine 5

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when it comes to class simulations A lot of people think that you need other dccs like Cinema 4D or Houdini but I'm here to show you that you can do class simulations all within unroll engine what up what up when was here and today I want to show you guys how we could do everything inside of Unreal Engine 5.2 no third-party applications needed so without further Ado let's jump right into it so for this tutorial I'm using the latest version of Unreal Engine which is 5.2 and the first thing I'm going to do is come up here to where we see edit I'm going to come down here the plugins and then I'm just going to make this full screen so we can see it better and inside the search bar I'm just going to type in modeling and right here where it says modeling tools editor it's in beta but we're just going to click this on it's going to come up with this disclaimer I'm just going to click yes and then I'm going to hit restart I'm going to save selected and we're just going to wait for this to restart now the reason I'm using the modeling tools is because I'm going to make a plane which is going to be our clock and we can do a always a number engine we don't need to go to like Cinema 4D or blender or anything like that just to bring in a simple plane we're going to do it all within Unreal Engine now with our scene reset it we're going to come over here to where it says selection mode we're going to come down here to modeling and now we can see we have some basic shapes here on the left hand side so I'm just going to click on this one this is rect that's for rectangle and if you drag it into your scene you can see we have a small rectangle here and under here under modeling this is where we're going to have some of our attributes so like for our width and our depth let's say maybe 500 by 500 if you bring it back in here you can actually see what's going on here so if you just actually left click on there you can see it now it's brought into our scene but we have to click accept for this to accept it so we can still come in here and we can change some stuff as we need it but let's just say for right now we'll do 500 by 500 and then for my subdivisions I'm just going to actually drag them all the way up so 100 by 100 because we want a lot of subdivisions for our class simulation then everything else I'm just going to leave at default so down here I'm going to click accept and now we have a plane inside of our viewport here so I'm going to come back up here come over to selection and if I scroll down you can see that we just have a plane in here inside of our scene now let me come down here to content drawer and I'm actually going to dock this in here because we want to take this plane and we want to make this our cloth but the one caveat is we're going to have to export this out as a fbx and then re-import it just so we can have some attributes to be able to make this a cloud and I'll show you exactly how we can do that now so down here under a Content browser it made a new folder and it was called generated so if I double click on this you can see that we actually have a rectangle file down here and this is static mesh now if I right click on this and come over here to where it says asset actions we can actually export this out and we're just going to put it here on our desktop now I already made a cloth here before but let me actually just make this one cloth number two just to show you guys the steps that we're going to go through so once I hit save you can see right here fbx exporter I'm just going to do 2020 and down here under Collision actually just going to turn this off I mean you can leave it on if you want but we don't need this for the export and then everything else I'm just going to leave as is then I'm going to click export and now if I look at my desktop you can see that we actually have an fbx here for our cloth now I'm just going to take the cloth I made before I mean they're both the same but I'm just going to click and drag it into my content browser and down here you have these fbx import options in which we want to click this top one this is skeletal mesh so you want to click on that one right there and then everything else should be good so if you scroll down it doesn't look like we need to change anything out just going to click Import off and wait for this to import now it's going to bring up our message log and just clear everything out and exit this out but if you look down here inside of a Content browser now you see that we have a cloth there's a skeletal mesh we have the physics asset and we also have the skeleton now what I'm going to do is take this original rectangle that we made I'm just going to delete this out of the scene and then I'm going to left click this one that's pink down here this is cloth I'm just going to left click and drag this into my scene then I could come over here in my location actually zero everything out and then I'm going to double click on this and this is going to bring up a new window now when you open up the new window this is exactly what it's going to look like so we have our plane down here and then we have a couple of tabs over here now what you want to do is actually come over here to window and then you want to come down here to clothing then we can actually close these other two out we don't need these at all we just need our clothing here so what we want to do right click on our plane right here create clothing data from section then down here in the lower right we're just going to click create and now you can see that we have our clothing right here now the next step we want to do from here is actually come up here where it says activate close plane and once you do that you can actually see now we have like this pinkish greenish gradient going on if you actually just left click and start dragging everything that's white is going to be actually cloth reactive so if you leave something that's in like this pinkish or greenish in here that means that stuff is just going to be static and everything else will be dynamic but for this example I'm going to make the whole thing in a cloth and make it Dynamic so you want to make sure everything is white and gray just like so and then the next thing you want to do is come up here deactivate cloth paint and now it's going to take a couple moments for the scanning weights to happen and you can see nothing is happening and are seen yet because we have to right click come down here to apply clothing data and then right here under available assets left click on this and now this is going to pop up one more time and now you can see our cloth actually went out of the scene and that's because it's fully Dynamic but you can still see that it is right here and the one thing that you might want to do is right here where it says None for max distance if you click this off this is actually going to come up here the weight scanning again but what it's going to do it's going to keep falling through the floor here and it's not going to stop so I'm going to come up here click on Save and then I'm just going to actually minimize this and put this onto my second screen for right now because inside of here I'm actually going to move this up a little bit now we're going to add in a simple shape like come over here come down to shapes maybe just a sphere just going to bring it into the center here maybe move it up a little bit scale it up just a tad bit like so if we come over here you want to click on these three dots and you want to click down here to simulate this is going to start simulation and as you can see the cloth went right through it it didn't Collide at all and that's because we still need to tell this cloth that it needs to collide with stuff inside the world so I'm going to select my cloth again I'm going to come over here inside of my details panel and if I scroll down here to where it says clothing right here the one thing we want to turn on is collide with environment so we're going to turn this on and then right here where it says Force Collision update we're also going to turn this on and now if I simulate it again you can see now it's actually colliding with our sphere there so that's how easy we can actually add cloth to our scene though so it's just that simple but let's actually go back into the attributes panel for our class to look at a couple of settings in there so I'm back inside of my cloth settings here if you come over here and you click back on cloth let's come down here to where it says cloth configs select this down and then right here where it says chaos cost sharing Sim config click this down as well clicked on simulation and down here is where you can add like more subdivisions and more iterations as well I looked at a document if you want to see more in detail what these do exactly but I mean it's pretty clear more subdivisions it's going to add more subdivisions to our cloth there and then more iterations basically means it's going to be more CPU intensive but it's going to actually give you better Collision on your object but again this might not be something that you want to do during runtime you might want to use this only for cinematic so if I turn up my iteration to maybe like four click on Save here exit this out let me play simulation again we're getting a little bit better Dynamics here and that's because each one of the points here on our sphere is actually colliding a lot better with our cloth here now there are a few caveats in here right now this isn't beta this is chaos cloth inside of Unreal Engine 5. so things I've tried to do before like add in a mega skins acid which had a lot of vertices in there it didn't work with that at all because the only collageable objects with a certain amount of vertices I believe it sit around 32 so if you have something really complex in there it might not work but it's worth experimenting with now there's a lot of stuff that you can actually do with cloth but a good thing to go check out is this example inside of the Unreal Engine epic games launcher so if you come here under samples and you come down here to where it says content examples it actually has a lot of cloth simulation examples in here in which let me open up the project file and show you what I mean so this is that project file opened up so this is going to have all the content examples if you come down here under Maps under your content browser you can actually see we have a lot of different examples not only for cloth but for chaos for like the diffraction stuff for the destruction scroll down a little bit more you can actually see Landscaping stuff decals lighting there's a lot of stuff in here so I would suggest coming through here if you ever just want a backward engineer stuff and see how stuff is made but I'm going to click on cloth here and actually come over here I'm going to click the play button because if I come through my scene now you can actually see it has all the examples inside of here working in real time and this is the one that I really want to show you guys because it has chaos clothing properties in which if you look down here it tells you the different properties for like burlap silk Rubber and heavy leather like I like using the silk one but it gives you all the attributes to give these different properties here so this is a great place to just come and try to check out and see how everything is made scroll over here it's over to the right a little bit you can see more examples here with the Collision move over here a little bit more more examples there so this is really good they just come through and just see how everything is made you can see self-collision right here where they're turned off with it turned on this is actually pretty cool here as well but let's actually go into some of the attributes so you can see where some of this stuff is at so I'm going to come back over here maybe let's click on this one right here and I'm gonna come down here double click on the cloth and that's going to bring us back to this attributes window which is what we saw before so if I click on this and then right here under cloth config if I turn this down these are where all the properties are set so right here where it says Mass properties you could change the density and everything down here material properties this is where you're going to come through and work with the stiffness and this is where I actually got all my attributes for my example so I just came through and kind of copied a lot of these attributes here same thing for long-range attachments there's the tether stiffness and everything in there Collision properties now this is where you're going to be able to tell it the self Collide which is right here so if you have several different objects that are cloth you can actually have them self Collide there which is another neat property environmental properties this is where you're going to actually come through and change out your gravity skill if you want and then animation properties down here we have some more attributes down here but I go through the documentation to see exactly what everything does in here but again there's a example file is a wealth of knowledge and it has all the different examples down here now let's open up where the examples I showed you guys at the top this is something that I was working on but I want to show you guys some caveats that I ran into when working with the clock and trying to render it out now this is my classic sample scene here now you notice if I click play we just have everything moving in here but not the class simulation up top now the one caveat is see right here under the play button I still do have the simulation so the way I had to go about it is make sure you're at your starter sequence right here click play on the simulation click play down here inside of the sequencer and then I was able to get everything to play but then it kind of got weird there a little bit too so the one thing that I had to do was actually just come through and just render everything out it doesn't take too long to render stuff out but trying to go back and forth and click Play Between the simulation and the sequencer just became monotonous and so the best solution I found was actually just rendering everything out and once you do render everything out the simulation plays with the sequencer all at once but that's just something I wanted to show you guys just in case you were trying to use the sequencer with a simulation and you were having issues that might be something that somebody out there knows how to get around but for me it is what it is but hopefully this helped you guys out hopefully you guys go through play with some of the class simulations put some together yourself and have a lot of fun with it if you're new to the channel as always make sure you subscribe give me a big thumbs up helps with the algorithm and until next time stay fresh keep creating and I'll catch you guys in the next video I'll see you soon take care
Channel: WINBUSH
Views: 63,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion graphics, winbush, tutorial, immersive, school of motion, mograph, unreal engine, ue4, ue5, looking glass, cinema 4d, c4d, motion, after effects, adobe, artist, epic megagrant, megagrant recipient, unreal engine 5 in 5 days, unreal engine 5, Unreal Engine 5, UE5, gameplay, next-gen, real-time, PlayStation 5, fluid simulations, Nanite, Lumen, Chaos physics, audio advancements, 3d, chaos cloth, cloth simulation, chaos cloth guide, unreal engine cloth, unreal engine chaos cloth, cloth
Id: un6ZNdcxQIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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