Create Amazing Cloth Simulations with Chaos Cloth in UE5.4 and Marvelous Designer // UE5 Tutorial

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that's so let's start what do we start let's say you bring in any character that you have either it's mixo or model that you've modeled or even it's if it's a zbrush character you bring it into unreal I'm going to use a mum and I will going to the blueprint there it is and here on the side I can see exactly what uh I need flip press on the body I can see uh the body shape if I double click on it it'll open up this I want to export this into Marvelous Designer then simulate clothing so let's do that so I'll select the body and I will do make static mesh and I will have it under characters okay I'll put it here and I will call it buddy and then I will change it I'll call it buddy save it's shoes double click on that I know I'll select them and I go to do make static mesh and I will have them on the characters and I will call it shoes and the face let's let's have my character's face double click on that ooh that's too much so what I'll do is I'll go into character going to bones and I will do none so we will not see the bones so we can see our friend's face select this but don't need the eyes so let's do make static mesh as well under characters and I'll call it Ed now this is the blueprint so I don't really need it here right now going to delete it and I will put all three in the scene and let's uh zero them out one the head head should be zeroed down as well and also the shoes so I can select them in the content browser and then it'll ask me hey what do you want to do with the asset action I'm going to do export and here I will create a folder and I will call it fbx this is what I call the folder that I will basically export all the fbxs objs whatever it is I'm going to call it buddy and then I'm going to just export and then it's going to prompt me again head Eng L export and of course the shoes export that's it we can now leave Unreal Engine okay so now we're in marvelous designor that's where I want to create the the fabric from or the cloth from and push here now there's a little caveat and I need to tell you about this but we'll do it when we export the foto or when we export the garments so what I'll do now is I will import our character in to our SP SPX and let's do buddy first and it asked me hey okay let's do automatically thing we don't need joints any Mission because we didn't put any joints we want to do it in centimet and we have our body let's add some more stuff so import add let's do fpx and we'll add the head same thing I'm just run skim through it okay we have the head and let's add the shoes we might need to use them because we're going to use pants right fbx let's add the shoes and stay yes no T pose no a pose that's all we have so we have our character in Marvelous Designer so now you can do you create your own garments or you can have stuff that comes with the software so I'm just going to use a t-shirt for this example just going to put it right here and then I'll select the whole thing and I'll just drop it down a little bit that maybe that it's a little bit too big so I'm just going to double click on here and with shift I'm going to scale it a bit let's simulate this okay I can even scale it a little bit more seem like that looks okay yeah looks that looks good and let's give him some pants as well that will cloak head okay so we have our pants here oh they look big they look really big look where it starts like it needs to be something along the line of me somewhere here so I I'll do the same thing let's select them I don't know if you guys know how to use Marvelous Designer you probably know what to do next but if you don't um I can create a tutorial if you guys want it could be even smaller let's R it up a bit and let's simulate that so it will have our simulation seems like it's okay I'll just need to take the shirt out on and I we need to fix this okay do we like this not sure I kind of likeed when there's like bolds and this fine here like untuck his shirt make sure that it's ring back let's also give him some call it so this is these are the pants so let's give him gray that will give him the properties of what we want the the tabre to be so when I do this and I simulate it would move differently than what it was it wasn't it wouldn't be the same properties as before okay now this I will give him a different colar new light prey but no know it there I mean you can add textures on that and everything but for now this is this is good for us so we have close Lo on our character and we want to use that Enon real engine now if this is the shirt and uh I will check the costume the the physical property of the cloth I just want it to be um just cotton where we can check and see how it looks like which is fine with me let's go here and just let's select them right here let select be the patterns for the shirt and see it's the particle distance is 20 which is a little bit dense even though that's the default from Marvel's designer but if I go now go to display and then here I will go to environment I so show statistics you see the number the vertices 6519 6,519 which is good what you need to do you need to make sure to M make sure that you have the right performance in Unreal Engine it needs to be in the area of 11,000 then you'll have a proper performance right now the way it stands right now make sure that you're 11,000 or less don't make it too big because now don't make it too high cuz if I now take it let's say to 10 you can see that the number increased significantly and even now if I if I Sim at this you'll see that it's a little bit slower on the performance so make sure that you take it to 20 or even 30 but then it would lock it will not look as good in uh ined so take it to 20 and you have 6500 and this is what we need to do and I'll do the same thing with the pants if I do 50 you see that it dropped significantly but you can also see that it's lacking uh in inform it's lacking faces so keep it on 20 and in general all you have here in the scene is 6500 and brute golden when you export this you have to do one thing because that these are two different materials we have fabric a which is a cotton cotton canvas fabric B which is our pants I actually knit cotton uh Jersey so it's two different properties to different uh physical properties and if you want to maintain that and that's a beauty of 5.4 now and all engine 5.4 you will export from Marvel's designer and it will export everything including the physical properties of the material of the Garment and you want to maintain that if you don't you can do it manually and it's fine as well but in order to do that what I would do I would say this as a project the best project or in fbx and I will create a new folder and I will call it MD call it full clothes to human save it and what I do now is I'm going to select the patterns off the pen and I'll delete them and I will save it as a different project I just like to have the options so here I will call it Shar only human Z for undo and I'm just doing the same thing while selecting the shirt get rid of the shirt and I will X save as project and I will call it Pence only metahuman what I'll do now is I'll basically export this and this is what you need to know um how to export the from Marvelous Designer to Unreal Engine so you can press on the USD export USD and here you go into your USD a and we're in fbx MD projects let's go into fbx create a new folder control shift n and I will call it up but these are the pens and it will sa it as Pence USDA file save once it view prompt it prompts you with this so you have the mesh the material select old patterns which are those patters right here also selal avatars we don't need that and you have thin or thick let's like thick and then here unified UV coordinates all I need is the diffuse map and the noral maps you're probably going to have the rest turned on I will just take the diffuse map and the normal maps and you can see how the upu looks like and also check this include garment simulation data because that's what we want we want the data from the middle uh from Marvel's designer to be exported into Unreal Engine and can use the data or we can use the physic simulation of the Garment in Unreal Engine and I will transpress okay it might take a few seconds so um be patient nice so now what I'll do is I'll open up the shirt shirt only right here so I'll open up shirt only do open not add and we'll do okay p and I will do the same thing export USD make sure that you change it to USDA which is the second one in line now we call it shirt if now we'll do the exact same thing I'll uncheck the avatars I going to do here just to diffuse map and normal map and make sure that include garments simulation data n okay done so now make sure when you installed the software I downloaded the um the the latest version which should be 202 24.01 173 because that is the version that came out so that we can do the usd2 Unreal Engine so make sure that you have that if you don't I'll show you what happens let me open up this project in an older version of Marvelous Designer this is an older version and if I want to export this as a the as Le I still have the option to use usdaa and here I will call it members and sh USD save so now here I will have mesh material all the same without avatars and here we have this now fingle object or multiple object we can use the multiple object the test of Wheeling matter and that's St sick and that's scroll down diffuse map and normal maps and you can see that here I don't have the option to have the maintain the physical data from Marble CER which is okay we can do it manually afterwards and let's export that and we're back in iral engine oh let's create a new folder and we'll call it MD gloss and let's start so let's create let's right click go into physics or and choose cloth asset and I'll call it Shri get a human clo you can also right click in sa clo and I'm know engine will populate what you maybe meant and that's what I meant and I'll call it Pence and I a human cloth because we we bring in two separate USS remember that the cloth uh the shirt has different properties than the pants and I want to maintain that otherwise if you bring in both the shirt and the pants as one unit as one USD file it'll give both of them the same attributes and probably you don't want that so let's start with this this is what it opens now it says cloth asset terminal invalid lod1 zero is invalid now we see all this this is pretty scary pretty frightening but don't don't be alarmed now I'll show you what happens when you try to import from the from uh an older version of marvelous designers so if you go into the first node USD import and here it says USD file so I'll press on the three dots here to where I want which we have the shirt the pants and the oldo version shirt USD if I press on this and I'll bring it in I have an error that is appearing here and you will see that there's nothing shown right here and that's a problem that's that's what happens uh in the this version uh an older version of the marbus designer it will not bring it in there's a way to do it but you lose the data from M we're going to use the US days proper so I'm going to select this and I'm going to do shirt because this is the shirt cloth shirt matum um to open and once you do that you will see that here is our these are our patterns you can see it at 3D as well and this is our shirt from met from Marvel's designer which is nice I'll save that another thing that I could do I can actually basically now go to the pants here pants and I will make sure that the it Imports the USD that I want which is PS USDA open it in the pants will be populated here to the Sim that's change to three so we can see how the pant look like it's cool we see them here as well they to go to the shirt let's zoom out till we can see the shirt in 3D for you nice if I go into preview I can basically select poor boy uh and I think it is M short underweight body so we have it we don't have the head which is fine I don't really need the head right now now the thing is if I put animation on it nothing will happen cuz we do need to do some extra stuff and also if I press and do body walk you'll see that I can play the animation but the shirt doesn't really move with our character so let's do that so now let's go not one by one but uh let's see what we can do um in unal engine with our cloth so here we have transferal skin weights and it's asking me to give skin weights a he can copy from the actual skeletal mesh to our shirt or to a um muus designer object so here the source mesh I will basically look for uh our character which is M sort underweight we'll do accept now if I give it the animation you'll see that the shirt gets the same weight skin weight as our character which is amazing which is really nice now what else do we need now we need to add weight map and as you can see here our character our Shir is all black which means that nothing is basically getting the properties from the cloth so now what I can't do is if I SWR down I will do invert so everything will be white which means that everything is now affected by um by the cloth by the Marvel designer cloth so the presses accept in a will start the um the simul you'll see that that's what happened and that happens for number of reasons so let's take it back let's stop the simulation and take it back they play press on this again now it's everything is white but what I do want is I do want to maybe um not affect everything to to be moving with um with the cloth that maybe we do but we'll need to do some other things first so I will you keep keep on going by the arrows let's go here max distance okay we'll see what's in here that's fine thing was in stretch all that stuff it's all stuff that is that comes with um with the new chaos cloth it is it's all done you can of course do it manually here is the wind that we can add which we love so much but let's go into the Collision Sly solver config that's fine can you can fix this as well uh set physics now is asking for physics asset so for that I will check if I have the M sort underweight body physics which is our characters physics asset I'll press on that and now if I start the simulation we'll see what happens so you can see that you going play it you will see that we have cloth the shirt working pretty pretty good pretty good and it's got the properties that we asked to have from marus designer because we said that we checked that little box when you exported the file into unreal now we can see that there are some issues and some errors in the arm here in the shoulder um pain in the shoulder he and that is all a case of the um Collision death physic Collision that we have but we can fix this we could tweak it you can really spend a lot of time just fixing that stuff um in um you know in real engine so stop this no it's this is the physics asset Med double click on that and let's see what causes the problem so I can see here the problem was somewhere here you can see why now if I want I can see here I was do show all Bones on the left here but now if I go into character and I'll show the bones because it's very important all Hier key so I can see where the shoulder is and something here I think I need to add another another object okay so we have lower arm upper arm well I think that maybe I can add an object here yeah that's add here so I will right click on that and it will do head shape and let's add a sphere let's do the same thing with the other arm so let's do and it's this right click head shape beer nice let's save this and let's see what it looks like now there you go now I don't know if you like this I kind of do it looks OD but it's actually cute RJ let's stop this nonsense okay let's go back and let triix this so now I can select these and basically scale them together to the ship that I want now I know that the problem was more on the side so let me save this and see how we stand with it so if I dark the you can see that it's still very high so I can basically take them down a bit and then I could see what happens here it changes to world I'm pressing on control and Tilda and it changes from um object mode to World space now I might need to take them a little bit to the back that's where the proper was save gooll back and this to this oh it is still but you can see that it's way better than it was another thing that I can do and I'll probably do it is I'll give a little bit more distance um in the simulation cuz you can do that take it back stop the simulation and I do still think that it probably could maybe go a little bit back and even this sphere can take it a little back the little back it doesn't have to be so accurate but accurate enough and I'll save this we back and now that we have the Collision MDU Collision thickness let's change this to 1.3 so basically it will take the the Collision that we have and instead of doing it on one which is very close to VC you see that once I give it on three it is better there's still glimpses off you can see the skin underneath um but still it's uh way better so let's change this just to show you what it mean by that let's change this to one point what let's see what happens that's way way better now it could make the character maybe look a little bit puffier but if you are more accurate with uh building your um body physics asset like these guys then then it'll be nicer for you to experiment with that and see how it looks for you okay let's save this for now and you can see that he did everything for us automatically let's do the same thing with our pants so we have the traic skin Whits let's make sure that we give it our character you can see him here that's nice and we want into preview to accept let's give it body walk and a character should be let's make sure that we have invert and here I will Mally paint black the area on the top so let's go here paint we'll take the brush size it's maybe too big but we'll keep it for now attribute value we'll just take it to zero gain maybe strength I will take it a little bit less so you will see man B this area I don't want to be affected so it will stick to our character and this far tool basically have the paid weights off our character maybe even tough to hear and maybe here let's take it to smooth let's smooth it a lot you probably have a little bit more Dr old black area and that's accepted whoa do you guys know what happened do you know why this happens School and that is because we haven't given our cloth or our pants node the simulation or the the the Collision physic asset which is our character if I press on this you can see here that we don't have the physics asset oh let's do this and let's see where the physics asset is though if you go into content to humans go into common go to mail sort underweight I you can see that the physics asset is right here it says so here if zoan physics asset or animation blueprint if I double click on that you will see something that we are already familiar with what I'll do is I will select it once it it's still selected so what I'll do here I will just press on this and it should populate what I'm selecting in the content browser and now if I on this and I play it we'll see that this is what's happening now we can see that he's got seems like he's got some iPhones in his pocket we can definitely address that in the physics asset which is here you can see why it is happening it's because of these if I scale them down so it would have a nice shape of course you can make the physics asset to look the way you want it to look and it will be so much better you can have better um shapes maybe just cylinders that Go properly I'm just going to shape that that would probably have actually um a shape from the whole upper leg and then same thing with the lower leg just one not for every joint for every bone we can we can actually do that but for now for what I'm showing you you I think that you get the point to you all smart people and uh you will get the point so let me just scale this because I I know that the shoes or sorry the pants actually we need them cuz we need the interaction man let's scale that on Zed save this and see what happens it's this will basically go back to the first like restart the the simulation and see the shapes as if he's got stuff in his pocket and the knee isn't a little bit of an issue but it's something that we can actually fix and you can really take your time and and make it as accurate as you can let's do friction let's add some friction there's got to be some friction between the collision and the actual cloth the actual fabric that you can see that the Garment is really moving it's pretty cool let's give it one we'll do the same thing with let's unwind it restart the simulation I will add some damping here's 0.01 let's do 0.1 which is a lot I hand the highest it's do 0.5 we could move a littleit more realistic and it will not be as fluffy save this for now let's go back to our shirt and do the same thing so here I'll zoom out can go out all the way up here cuz that's where this thing is it's here let's change this to four let's make it seven let's play it you see the def play ticket too low this is what happens but let's new seven seems like it's working okay for the shirt what about the pens let's do this eight no let's go back and paint a little bit more off the skin weights so I uh I kind of like the shape of it here so I would probably I would probably make this a little bit darker the thing is with the pant we could have probably exported it a little bit uh more with more vertices so vertices so you will not have the way it looks uh without the painting no we do smooth it is stronger it will smooth out really just trying to find a better visuals for that okay this off of tweaking a little bit just a little bit the the Collision object and collision shapes we can play with it you can always play with it and see where it where it gets you but now that we're done let's save this I just want to maybe see what we can do here so it's not as Loose as it is right now so let's see the Collision sickness is 1.4 friction two eight let's do it one stimulate the handed C hey new 0.2 just to check o you can see it already we nice let's give it to 1.5 for the friction yeah that's better that's actually very nice nice it's new to before we continue on okay okay so now that we're here let's create cinematic let's create level sequence you all know how to do it let's call it Marvelous Designer metahuman cloth let's go in and in here I want to maybe go into our met humans Budd a boy and let's put him in our scene and that's zero remote and close up on him let's add the actor there he is we don't really need the control rig right now you'll remember this from previous video go to the details and in add put this up add let's add chaos I'm just tapping chaos and then I want to cloth and I'll call it shirt cuz if you remember guys we separated the two objects because each one of them is uh has got different properties from Marvel's designer so now what I'll do here is I'll go and to where I see the cloth which is right here and I'll check the shirt cloths and you will see that it's is populated on our metahuman and now I will add another one so listen to this and start start typing cloths or chaos and then there it is and we'll call it pants the ti M and he doesn't need to be under this so what I'll do is just drag it under buddy and the shirt should be under budy as well it's so for the pants let's go here and cloth asset open this and G pets and the pant are also populated nice now what we can do instead of uh aing the simulation what I can do is just um check the simulating editor and it will basically create the simulation for us and for the pencil do the same thing I'll check this now we don't have animation so we'll should add animation but let's to walk boy walk and we can see that the the simulation already started the play there you go you can see that we have the shirt reacting if I pause it you can see that it does have an effect which is pretty cool now let's add time D dilation time dilation of track and we'll make it 0.6 we will be a little bit slower so we can evaluate then see cloth moving that's pretty cool and that's uh that's pretty much it I kind of wanted to show you uh how this works and again you feel free to go in and play with it it's I'm really cool that this is available right now and he it's it just gives a little bit of subtlety to your animation and a little bit more believability I think when you have nice cloth animation added to your scene to your game or to your and he made it short or whatever it is that you're working on I'm still going to continue and investigate this and see what else could be done with this but as far as I can see this is really cool now in the comments below please let me know if you want to see something more regarding this and uh I whenever I have something new I will post it for you guys and again thank you guys for being here uh please hit the like And subscribe if you haven't done sub and uh until the next time guys coolly Nation [Music]
Channel: Goblination
Views: 3,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, immersive, unreal engine, ue4, ue5, looking glass, cinema 4d, motion, adobe, artist, epic megagrant, unreal engine 5, gameplay, next-gen, real-time, fluid simulations, nanite, lumen, chaos physics, 3d, chaos cloth, cloth simulation, chaos cloth guide, unreal engine cloth, unreal engine chaos cloth, cloth, Marvelous Designer, Cloth Simulation in UE5, Marvelous to ChaosCloth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 52sec (2572 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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