How to Create Amazing Cloth Simulations with Chaos Cloth in Unreal Engine 5 PART 01 // UE5 Tutorial

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to Goblin nation and now I wanted to continue our project with Erica who is a mixo character but we created um metahuman head and we have our her body from mixo so we'll continue because now I want to add a cloth to her so we will have the hoodie will basically have a little bit of animation and it will react to whatever Erica is doing H subscribe we'll do it with the hood and we'll do it with that belt now if you remember we have imported into unreal two different things if I go into models then we'll go into pera's body you remember we have the rig there it is and what we did in Maya we gave the part of the belt and her hoodie and even her face and the hair we gave it a Shader and when we imported it back into unreal what we did we gave that Shader a transparent Shader and what will happen is that once we hide the the mesh you'll see that we don't see the hoodie because it's there but we don't see it because it is transparent you can see that when I select the fbx uh we can see or every cl's body you see that the outline indicates that there is the hood there but we don't see it because it is transparent same thing is with her belt if you if I scroll if I zoom in you can see that you can see an orange outline of the match T is there but we can see it because it's transparent but now we also have a separate object which if we go to the Clos section here and with the book Converse we see that we do have that everything that we want to add as a cloth object with animation we have that separated so I basically export it from Maya just the parts that I want to have animated in unreal and those are the exactly the parts that are pden with the Shader in un whe okay so before we do anything really we don't really need to show this I just wanted to see how she looks and to present to you how Erica looks in a f Glory but now we need to make sure that we have chaos cloth installed in unreal and to do so you have to go to edit and go to plugins and here we'll check for Closs and when you see cloths we need to activate chaos cloth asset experimental and Chaos cloth asset editor and you can see there they are experimental so that means that there might be some bugs or M functions and my anre engine might crash or fail so I'm going to highlight that and I'm going to say yes to that and I want to do the same thing with this just hold it prove it and the next thing we going to do we're going to restart and I'll come back to you after restart and when it's all installed so now that we're back we have the cloth installed what I want to do is maybe hide or even get rid of this cuz we know where to get it from so I'm just going to get rid of that in the um outliner so it gets rid of it in our stage but for now what we're going to do let's go into models we'll go into Hero's body and into claw and here I want to create a new folder and I'll call it chaos FL I'll go into it and now after we installed chaos I'm going to right click and I'm going to write CLA and we can see that we have CLA asset now that we have installed the plugin so I'm going to click on that and I'm going to call it verica La that's set let's go back into it and now we need to we have three options so the first thing you need to do is press on the create new data flow and here we're going to need to tell it where do you want to save it and we'll save it to the same spot which is under models cloth chaos cloth and we'll call it ericon new CLA data flow we'll save it and we will have something that looks like this let's double click on AER cloth asset and this is what opens up for us so now we have to do a bunch of things don't get scared just follow me step by step and we'll make it uh simple enough for you to um repeat it whenever you need now all not all things are very self-explanatory but if you follow this rub a a snap a picture of it till you'll know exactly all the steps you can make it work every single time I want to right click on here and here I'm going to create static mesh and we're going to check static mesh import that is the first node that we're going to need to have now on the right side you can see that there's static match and it says None So if I go into it and I want to see if I could have her cloth because we know what we called it and we do have the Erica cloth fbx2 rig mesh so I'm going to click on that now we can see that something populated here and that is basically pretty much it almost seems look the UV of that cloth and here we'll change it to 3D sin and you can see that we have Let's uh get rid of the um wireframe on shaded and you can see this is our uh mesh or our era's cloth which is awesome that's really what we need now if I drag this to the right and I'm going to type in transfer and he says transfer skin weights so what does that mean transfer skin weights is very simple it will take weights from other objects and it will basically give the same pain weights or the same weights to this object right here so with this does not and that's why we do not import into unreal this object with uh bones it's not a skeletal mesh it's just a noral mesh and that's all we need so here we we're going to check Erica fpx to rig and I can see by the um the little of representation I can see that that's the one that we want cuz I can see that the little Hood if I zoom in is uh White which means that's the one that we made transparen so I'm going to select this then what that will do it'll give us um the same paint weights on this like we have on er's body what else do we need to do I don't want the whole thing to be basically a cloth I just want some edges some rims maybe to be and of course the little belt here on the right side here I can see preview and here I want to make sure that I choose Heron is zoom out we can see her and here this is the animation that which we can look at and I think we do have Erica iel although we have her animation and once we put this on top we will see how it looks like so that spine will stop this so now we want to start painting weights on the cloth because we want to make sure that we have uh right edges that will move around like a cloth so if I do I've go to mat paint here and they see that everything turned black here it added another node well we'll get to it later and we can see the representation or the way how thick it's going to be you can see that once I paint it it goes really really nuts so I'm going to undo it and here I'm going to make sure that the brass size it's going to be a little bit smaller and value and also the strength the strength should be a little bit uh lower than that this is too much so we can see that there's a little bit of a difference so I can go back into it and then it even smaller there some really really small but that's okay and also what else can we choose and see it's on paint and here we this is important as well but we're going to talk about it once I stop I finish um uh painting so I'm just going to paint it to here maybe will paint it of course this is something that you can go back to and tweak uh later on this is just for for now just to see a little bit of a movement okay and let's do the belt section here and maybe this section here okay now if you pross fold you can see that there's paint and they're smooth so if I press on this it will smooth out um as much as it could go and let's smooth this section here and let's hit accept so now we have um the paint weights painted which is good let's move on let's continue before that that is good we can see ARA in it make weit and here this is the one thing that I want to make sure that you understand type in max distance and we're going to add another node later and it will make sense why we had to write this down so now that we have this let's move on to um the the next load that we need to attach it's still cutas then let's type in simulation and I'm going to look for simulation default sold you can type in default config that's the one that we need put it like this and here this is basically the um the preferences or the options that we give that cloth and you can see that there's a density here and also down here there's some options that you can tweak and we'll see how that works okay now next thing we need to check for simulation max distance config and now that we have this you can zoom out a little bit you have to do something here here we need to choose something or we need to connect something from the name to the max distance and if you remember if I go into this you can see that there's something here that is very very similar to what we just did let me just make sure that we have all of it we see here the node ma or the name Max distance right and that is exactly the name that we gave this one the next distance so from here we need to connect the name to the maxent weight map so now they're connected which is great that's exactly what we need now we're going to continue on with our node base and it's not going to take too long we're almost done now I'm going to write in simulation Collision config great this is for Collision stuff and now we're going to go to set is X asset is kind of important because we need to tell uh unreal what is the physics asset so if IES would have to look for the right object that the par would have um as as a collision effect or something that will um have physics on it so now of course you can choose anything that you want like if I choose this you can always change it as well and now before we finish let's add another node CL it claw passet terminal there you go but I will see that something changed here now as you can see because of the um Collision this is what we get so if I press play you can see that because of the the the Dynamics that we have princial we can see that the cloth actually moves with her skin with her skin bind the part H what will happen I'll show you what happens if we change the cloth physics AET so if we change it to something else Let's uh do it to let's say this one then you can see that something is changed for example if we take this and we'll with this one you can see we just I just changed from Erica it's fine we're going to fix it all but you can see that there is actual uh cloth simulation here it does move there's a little bit of wind there's a little bit of physics happening let's see the play yeah it's it is moving and you can see that it does get the skin weights from era well let's um bring back era here let's see if we have a different object with Hera without to face maybe no so we'll use this that seems not B at all actually he actually seems like it's working so want to have this so that's all we have for now we I mean we could always go back to it let's just make sure that we save this I can see that there was an asterisk on there so but we had the static mesh import then we added the transfer skin mesh and we wanted to make sure that the skin mesh was going to come from uh from Erica's FDX rig which is our Erica and then we add weight map so we can chain or we can paint the maps where we want the weights to happen when we want it to start moving the white is going to be the one that is affected by their Dynamics and then we did the simulation default config and here we can quck it so if I change this to let's say uh 0.5 did you can see already that there was a little bit more movement here if I change this to 20 you see that it does does respond so it was 0.35 which is the default if I make it 0.2 and 0.1 you can already see that it's changing so it's a little bit lighter if I do zero if I do 500 it's stiffer you can see that it's a little bit more dense a little bit more stiff you see that it does change the density of the cloth which is okay and you can scroll down it can really play with uh what you want the damp thing um so it can move differently according to what wind you have or whatever it is that you have but we needed to make sure that in the add weight math remember we named it uh max distance which is basically what we needed right here max distance it has to be the same name and make sure that the Pink Arrow is connected name to max distance weight map break then we had to add the simulation Collision config again you can the some more options here that you can play around with put them some numbers and check what works for you then it's set physics asset and then this is where you need to either add uh Erica right now this is working if you have your character and it gives you this because what happens is if I open up Erica's physics which is right here we can see what causes this to happen these physics stes which is the head basically you can tweak them around if you scale them down these all these objects are basically aligned with um era's joints so you can really play around with it you can then you can move them around and make sure that you have the right size that you want the physics to work with her cloths so if I scaled it down I can move it heill it a little bit higher you can really make a difference like this you can really uh shape the way you want as the moment what I just checked works pretty well so if I scale it down even further just do the size of her head maybe let's uh rotate it because we just need this area to be affected I'm just going to put something that looks kind of like where the face is which is fine with me and this part which is her body I will scale it down and maybe move it a little bit down so it doesn't really interfere with our our cloth make sure that what happens here is doing the same thing so this is the thigh so I can scale it down because we want the belt to also um be affected properly so you take your time and scale down those physics shapes so that the cloth would behave and act the way you want it to that's another PE kind of this something really fast just to make sure that maybe the physic objects are a little bit more acceptable to what we need put this here so it doesn't go into her body and that's good so let's save this and let's go back to our cloths okay so now that we are back let's change it back to Erica's physics acid which is the one that we just manipulated and we can see that we don't have that weird we don't have that weird thing that was all blown up in the front let's see in the back we can see that there is a nice uh a nicer representation of that back which is great that's what we need so now let's go and see what we do in the scene so I'm going to save this and I'm going to close this and if we go back to Neo cuz that's where we headed those notes don't forget these aren't the notes and now we need to make sure that we had Erica with the cloths so how do we do that that's not a problem at all if I select our Erica right here and if I scroll down here now we need to make sure that we add the cloth that we just created so to do that we don't need to add or we don't need to drop into the scene anything all we have to do is go into the details of our ER press on the head and here I'm going to type in cloth and look at this chaos cloth component so I'm going to press on that and I could call it ER loss or I press on enter if I select best I'm going to scroll down and look for the cloth asset so once I press on this there we go this is our cloth asset going to add that and we have AR's cloth on her the same way that we wanted to be and because remember because we have made the Shader transparent we don't see that white representation that we saw earlier in order to watch this play all you have to do is if I press on if I go here it's going to be selected viewport which is which means it's going to play the animation but what we need to do we need to make sure remember press on this we need to make sure that we are on simulate and that when we're going to see the cloth in motion if I press play you will see that it is working in the scene I'm going to press on F10 so we can see the whole thing and you can see that uh the cloth is moving forward is actually it drops down with side Dynamics and of course you can also change your Dynamics you can make sure that the gravity is a little bit different if I move around but let's give her animation and see what happens when we do give her a little bit of Animation so we do have a sequencer and we have a we have her muted right now so if I do a animation I have an idol so I will right CLI it and I'm going to make it active so we can see that she immediately went into the idle mode and now if I simulate again the CLA would have her moving on her when she's posed here you go so we do have a cloth now it could work if her head moves now we can see that there are some issues with penetration of the jaw into uh the the cloth the hood right here and it is something that you can always go and change and even when you're done you can also change a little bit of the the animation according to what you really need and of course once I stop it she's still doing the the animation but the the the cloth is moving with the skin weights of her rig but the animation poity the cloth is not being simulated as so now if I want to F this section I want to make sure that this section also gets uh weight but so we make sure that burden pain we can change the uh the radius of our paint brush and now I will just make sure that it's something one that will just paint what I need for it to do and that will change it to smooth so smooth it out a little bit more maybe take it strength take it a little bit lower so it's not as dominant accept it and see what happen as you can see down that I have painted the weight and it's very very strong here of course you can tweak it you can go ahey go ahead and tweak the way you want make it to liit maybe less dominant you can do it with the strength and of course with the opacity and of course with the smoothness you can always fight with that but don't forget to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's see how it looks in the scene let's save this and here let's play our animation we did simulate now I'll play the animation I'm hitting shift and shift and space far and we have our idle animation playing the wind is blowing and you can see that uh we have the cloth moving to whether we like it or not this is something that you can tweak according to your scene or according to your project but as long as you know where to go to then what to tweak and you can go ahead and play around with the numbers or whatever it is that you need hope you really enjoyed it and you learn something and you will Implement all those things in your project and now see when the next you guys and really until the next time [Music] a
Channel: Goblination
Views: 13,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, immersive, unreal engine, ue4, ue5, looking glass, cinema 4d, motion, adobe, artist, epic megagrant, unreal engine 5, gameplay, next-gen, real-time, fluid simulations, nanite, lumen, chaos physics, 3d, chaos cloth, cloth simulation, chaos cloth guide, unreal engine cloth, unreal engine chaos cloth, cloth
Id: 4-hWwAfTrZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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