Unreal5 Applying Cloth Physics (In 2 Minutes!!)

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so you want to add cloth physics to your game not a problem shout outs to everyone who helped me solve this problem online and big shout outs to user R6 nr3 L y4u really appreciate you taking the time to explain the entire process it really helped man thank you so for starters if you're in blender you need an Armature with at least a single bone click your mesh shift click your Armature contrl p with automatic weight and this will give your mesh weight painting data then click your mesh crol a apply all transformations and make sure that your first bone is named root and Export your usual way with an fbx if you're in Maya you do the exact same thing change the name of the root bone click the cloth shift click the bone find skin so it has weight painting data and Export as usual now once you're in unreal import your fbx and make sure you include the geometry and skin data the skeleton should be set to none double click on your rig right click create clothing data right click again apply clothing data go to the windows Tab and open the clothing tab then activate the cloth paint and click on your data to start painting now under your brush you can control the size of the radius over here and the paint value controls the strength of the brush 100 means whatever you paint will completely be controlled by the physics engine likewise 50 means whatever you paint is only halfway affected by the physics engine but an easy way to do this is just to paint the bottom and then under tool change it to smooth and then fill in between automatically when you're done deactivate the painter and it should be working but you probably want to check the collider here you can see that our collider is kind of out ofun angle which means the cloth might look a bit weird so just adjust it however you see fit if your clothing is not interacting with the collider it probably means your mesh has no weight paint data or you forgot to apply all transformations before exporting regardless when you're done save and now you can add it to any character you want for example if I go to the default third person character blueprint I can add a skeletal mesh and on the right we can use the cape we just created you're done now we have cloth physics now if you are not happy with the way it's moving you can go back into your rig and under cloth data config chaos cloth config and environmental properties you can change the dampening and local dampening dampening controls how loose the clothing is so if we set it really high this is what happens and local dampening controls how floaty it is so if we set that high then this is what happens I will personally usually do something like 0 2 and 02 but you can obviously pick whatever value works best for you anyway I hope that helps and as always hope you have a fantastic day and I'll see you around w
Channel: Royal Skies
Views: 11,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: royal, 3d, model, tutorial, unreal, unreal 5, unreal5, video, unreal5 ui, menu, unreal tutorial, game, control, animation, animation button, static, mesh, skeletal, skeletal mesh, unreal animation, unreal5 animation, blueprint animation tutorial, ue5 animation, ue5 blueprint animation, ui animation, dev, unreal5 cloth, unreal5 clothing, ue5 cloth, ue5 clothing, cloth, cloth physics, clothing physics, apply cloth, apply clothing, chaos cloth, ue5 chaos, cape, scarf, hair, physics, skirt, gravity
Id: eMUD297S6zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 33sec (153 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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