BEST Clothing System In Unreal Engine 5.4 (Chaos Cloth Asset)

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how's it going everybody welcome back to the channel in this video we are going to talk about what to me is one of the best features of 5.4 is an await feature for me because it now allow us to clothe fully clothe a met AUM so you can have as many outfits as you want and add simulation so your outfits are no longer going to just be like this stating gamey looking thing they're going to have pretty cool simulation as you can see this is running within the engine and it's performing pretty well so let's see how this is done so for this to work you're going to need Marvelous Designer this is the core of uh what we're going to explain today of course most of the things happen in unreal but if you don't have Marvelous Designer this kind of workflow is not going to work I'm going to explain another video how you can do it without Marvelous Designer so you can actually create clothes in zbrush and in blender and and use this workflow just with a a very small tweak let's see the actual workflow that epic wants us to do with Marvelous Designer unfortunately at the moment of recording this is not free I know this will be free I think in June I think there was a tweet by fortnite creative uh the official account of course that said that this was going to be free for a year for everybody for now this is not free you can however get a free trial for 14 days if you want to try this out if not I think this thing is like 40 bucks a month I'm not amazing at Marvelous Designer so if you want to actually know how to use marvelous designers there are tons of tutorials out there I don't think I'm the best person to explain how this software Works however the gist of it is you import an avatar this one is a the metahuman the same metahuman that I'm going to be using in the unreal project you can use the manic if you just export out the mannequin the way that I got this this is the combined mesh that you get from Quicks Bridge outside of Unreal Engine if you export it out to Maya I don't know any other way of getting this combined mesh that is not in Maya if you know of another way please leave it in the comment section below for everybody to see because if you go into unreal the metahuman split in two is just a head mesh and a body mesh and in here you need the whole thing if you want to simulate um something like a shirt or a top maybe if you're doing anything below the waist you don't need the head but you get what I'm saying so for this example I'm going to be using uh this metahuman if you want to add your avatar just go here add Avatar and browse through wherever you export it I recommend if you're trying this out for the first time you can use the the mannequins from the that come with the unreal every unreal project just use those they work pretty well so export it as as a fvx then load your avatar in here make sure is uh you pick the Das preset which is the one that's in centimeters otherwise it's going to be uh really really small for some reason now if you click here I can reposition this skirt to sort of what I wanted I think here is fine now one of the recommendations from documentation that I read was um to be mindful of your resolution your resolution going to be this little thing right here called particle distance uh this one's in millimeters cuz the Project's in millimeters uh but it can be in cenm so what we're going to do is um we're going to increase this a little bit I'm going to leave it at 15 and cuz 10 is is a very high resolution so the lower it is because it's particle distance the lower it is the lower the distance between particles the higher resolution it's going to be and the higher resolution the more laggy your s is going to be inside on real so you have to be careful of that so now that I think about it I'm actually going to leave this at 18 they recommend to do in 20 I think 18 it's it's worked for me so far so after done that I'm just going to simulate and you can see I have uh some problems here so let me push this back push this back as well and there it is so what I did is I press space bar you can see this icon changed and it's it's simulating and again it's pretty fast I I think it's pretty fast probably the resolution was 10 it would still be pretty fast more complex your outfit the slower as it's going to be so now that we have this skirt we can actually load something else so I can show you the full workflow of two items so let's load this big shirt it's going to look weird because this is like a generic shirt for any character so I'm just going to double click it I'm going to say add and I'm going to click okay and as you see it's just a giant shirt all right now I'm going to hit simulate but before I do that uh let's change the layer to something else so let's change this layer to layer one and let's simulate and pretty cool this thing is simulating on top of the skirt again pretty long shortt doesn't matter and we got a full on outfit okay we're not looking for form we're looking for function right now so we got two outfits let's check out the UV editor now here in the UV editor one of the things that they recommend is that you place your UVS in different slots like as if they were udims so udims are if you have different UV spaces so I'm just going to move these to the next space now what we're going to do is we're going to select these two like like that going to go to file we're going to go to export over here and we're going to click on USD all right this comes up uh let me change folder to metum USD and call this full outfit although this is as basic as it comes now when you have this window here um there's a couple of things that the documentation recommends by the way I'm going to leave the documentations down in the description if you want to read it um uncheck select all avatars click on thick uh unify coordinates and everything I just do the fuse map you could do every map every single map if you want I just don't care about them because again we're looking at close simulation we're not looking at the material so much we'll talk about that in another video The Very the most important checkbox from this is this little box right here where it says include garment simulation data one of the things that I was doing is I was just clicking okay right away without going through this little box and when I got into unreal I got the LOD invalid problem that a lot of people were getting so somebody on Twitter pointed this out by the way you should follow me on Twitter because I post a lot of stuff there link is in the description uh so just make sure you tick this so once you do that you click okay this is going to take a little bit longer than your usual um fbx export from any DCC like blender one of the things that I figured out is if this thing takes no time exporting so if it's export really quickly that means you didn't take that box because after I take that bux it takes a little bit and by a little bit it I mean a minute or two so I'm going to wait for it to be done and I'll see you guys in unreal here in unreal and if you follow me on Twitter again you probably know about this cuz I po posted a video on Twitter about this metahuman this is the full metahuman blueprint as you can see I just added the close and if you click play it simulates that's the beauty of it and I love it okay let's start with the workflow one of the things you're going to need um is the mesh that you just used in Marvelous Designer uh that mesh has to be rigged and should has some Physics to it the metahumans already do this is the combined mesh of the metahuman all I did was go into Maya export it as any character that you would export into Maya and when I come here I give it the metahuman Bas skeleton of course I already had a metahuman imported into unreal to get that and the metahuman physics assets if you're using the metahuman that's all you need if you're using the Quinn or or the Manny which is uh the characters that come with unreal these two then all you have to do is use this because you use the same thing when uh simulating this uh clothing inside of Marvelous Designer so you should be using the same skeletal Mees that you're using Marvelous Designer otherwise bad things are going to happen all right now that we have that out of the way let's go to the important part go to settings go to plugins and over here you're going to type chaos and you're going to see the these two new things actually you you should have these in 5.3 as well but with these two new things we'll do is give you all the things that we're going to need to make this work so make sure you take those uh restart the engine and then come back here now after you've done that you right click you go to physics you go to cloth assets and it's going to create a cloth assets for you let's call it full outfit doesn't matter what you call it um once you go into it it will create this uh data flow as you can see there's a new data flow outfit over here it actually gave me that uh LOD invalid that's normal that's okay because you don't have anything here so that's part of the whole chain is just telling you hey I don't have this LD here I'm going crazy but it doesn't matter because there's nothing there now we're going to go here into the USD import and you click these three dots right here to get uh Windows Explorer and as you can see I'm in my Windows Explorer where I have my usds saved so you click on the USD file just the USD that you're going to use you don't need the texture folder the USD will pull the textures if you had any so we click on open it's going to evaluate some notes it takes a while depending on what you have and as you can see um various things that we need to take into account one of them is the fact that however you arrange the outfits in Marvelous Designer you're going to get it in this 2D Windows as you can see this is pretty much the same 2D window that I had in Marvelous Designer if we go into the 2D pattern window is exactly the same so I think that's pretty cool it brings in what you had in Marvelous Designer now if I go to 3D Sim you can see the outfit right here uh it has no smoothing group so that is why it kind of looks broken it's fine once it pops up in here which it already is we just need to move out you can see it over here and I'm guessing it has some sort of LED system CU as soon as I get closed the outfit it looks fine here you have uh transform positions uh we're going to talk about this note later with another problem that I have while using this but next in the chain uh as you can see this is amazingly commented so cudas whoever did this very easy to use for people like myself and anyone that's coming new into the system it's pretty much telling you what to do you have step one give it a USC step two give it a skle mesh step three do the weight painting and you have step four all the way over here so let's do step two which is setting up skle mesh and this is why I told you that we're going to need that same skle mesh that you used inside uh marel designer I don't recommend that you use a static mesh and Marvelous Designer because again you're going to be using exactly the same mesh it's better just to be sure so while I'm on this note you can see that you have this Source mesh right here I just click on my um sceletal mesh and click on this to add it now let's see how it looks here's where you can see the arms are going through the clothing which is not good and the reason for that is because this gets exactly the same position where the outfit was before it started simulating inside inside of Marvelous Designer so we're going to continue the whole workflow and then we'll talk about how to fix that so transfer weights you click on accept that is pretty much it if you just wanted a riged uh character so let's say you have skin tight clothes kind of like uh the bottle dweller jumpsuit something that's not loose or like a Sci-Fi suit a jacket that's very tight this will be it so I could right now add this skeletal mesh to the preview scene by the way you probably here um just click on the preview scene if you don't see the preview scene just go to window make sure you have the preview SC here and then just add the Met uh the scal mesh that you use now here it is and as you can see by the color we we see that this is not in the same place that it was in the simulation because if we look at the simulation the color is down here but when I started before I simulated the color was a little bit higher so again we're going to correct that in a second but if all you wanted was to get this rigged and this is the part where is the most impressive for me so what this tool does is it actually transfer the weights from your skeletal mesh into your clothing item you do the same on DCC apps in like Maya I don't know how to do in blender to be honest and I don't know how to do it anywhere else but in Maya you click on transfer weights and you pretty much just rig your clothing however I've never seen the Maya tool do it as good as this does here because if I were to look for an animation let's look for walk all the way down let's look for this walk we click play you can see that yes there are some issues but but it is working it is rigged and we're going to correct this issues but this thing it's already working and If This Were uh a skin tight suit you will have a rick clothing item which is the other workflow that I'm going to show in another uh video tutorial where we're going to get the clothing from somewhere else that is not Marvelous Designer that's one way to do it I'm going to take this off and I'm going to continue the workflow the normal workflow you should follow that I'm real recommends when using this so I'm just going to click on this and you're going to see the outfit in 3D you can go to the outfit in 2D so you can paint the outfit in 2D or 3D I do it usually in 3D for some reason sometimes the 2D doesn't work sometimes it does work like right now it actually works it is better to paint here in 2D mind you uh honestly I I like painting here a lot better than I do painting in the 3D but for some reason I don't know if it's a bug it this doesn't always work so just to describe what you need here is this is a paintbrush if you use chaos cloth before you'll be very familiar with this if not then once you're in here you're going to have your outfit laid out like Marvelous Designer and you have uh several things you need to pay attention to right now you have the brush there's the fill you can just you can fill with white and then paint with black if you have a big outfit and that's an easier way I just rather paint with my brush uh then you have brush mode you have paint and smooth we're going to use smooth in a little bit you have the brush size as everything in unreal you have attribute value that means white is one and um black is is zero if you want to do like an in between if you want to smooth it out yourself you can choose a value in between however I have not use that I just do smooth and it works fine the strength is very um self-explanatory is the strength of the brush so again you can just um fill everything with one color and that'll take care of it however let's just paint here we're going to paint the skirt and once I'm done painting the skirt I'm going to go let me make this a little bit bigger going to go here to brush size you can also reduce the brush size with the brackets on your keyboards uh just like if you wear in any other application and let's just switch this to smooth you can smooth that out I think this is too high let's go into the 3D View yeah that's a little bit too high so I'm just going to go back to 2D and I'm going to paint black so let's switch to paint let's switch the attribute value to zero and let's just reduce this just a little bit uh we're still going to smooth this out so there's going to be some paint around here and we're also going to be doing the the shirt in or the t-shirt in a second now let's just smoth this out and you can see that it kind of does a gradient you can also load gradients but from what I read that's that's not fully working right now so I'm just going to stick with this which I think is fine now when you're painting you can see that if you do uh too low of a resolution then your Collision would probably not be great so just keep that in mind now let's paint the shirt now let's paint the bottom part of the shirt okay once you're done with this you click accept and that weight map is applied but we're not done yet for the simulation to work you need to go through uh step four step four is set a physics asset any Scandal mesh that you have in a real has a physics assets you don't have to create it is usually uh created automatically however probably the automatic is not the best one that's why I'm using the metahuman and that's why I recommend Quinn now if you want to know where your physics asset is just go into your skeletal mesh scroll down and your physics asset should be here so just navigate to where it is and I'm going to throw it in here all right physics assets are there and all we have to do is add our mesh so I'm just going to go into where my metum located we're going to add it here as you can see that was a little bit of simulation right there let's pick a walk cycle let's do this one let me make this a little bit bigger so you guys can see okay and if I hit play we have skirt simulating these parts are simulating not that well but the skirt is working pretty good now there are some problems here which again we're going to try to correct in a bit but I just wanted to show you that that is the whole workload that is everything you need to do to make this going we're going to talk about how to add this to the metahuman blueprint in a second let me just talk about how to fix these issues first I'm just going to undo all these and to be honest I'm going to take away the um physics from the top CU I don't think they look okay back to the issue that we talked about before we can see that here in our transfer weight node where our outfit is going through our metahuman what I need is to bring this down a little bit so the easy way that I found how to figure out what's how to fix this is just to bring your metahuman a little bit up let's do 1.3 1.5 okay let's leave it at 1.5 I think 1.5 is The Sweet Spot and we're going to cancel that and what we're going to do is in here we're going to click on this note the reason for this note if you read the documentation is to fix scale so sometimes the scale from marvelous uh designer is not the ideal one for onreal and you don't have to worry about getting the right scale over there because you can always use this no that's already in here for uh this purpose so what we're going to do is we're going to transform all these we need to check them and every time you check them this evaluates all the nodes so uh make sure you are careful when doing this because it may crash it happened to me already and now that I said it it's probably going to crash let's see what happens oh it didn't crash so you can see what's going on because if you just check one then nothing's going to happen you actually need to check these two the Sim and the render because in the end is doing the seam and the render at the same time so make sure you check these two and we have a scale rotation and translation in Translation what I did is bring the Avatar one step up so what we're going to do is um we need to bring the outfit actually the same amount is just we need to bring it down so what I'm going to do is go into translation the last one is z or Z which is up and down and I'm going to do minus 1.5 on all of them now you actually don't need this one I just realized sorry I just make wanted to make this correction you actually don't need the 2D position symbol one that is not required so once you've done that and you come back to transfer weight you're going to see that magically the outfit is exactly where I need it and I no longer have the clipping problem on the back that I had before okay so make sure you do that and again if you created your outfit from scratch Marvelous Designer this is probably a step that you're not going to need so we go all the way all right I think everything is fine and dandy right now I'm just going to add my metahuman boom there she is as you can see no problems there are no clipping problems back here Everything Is Awesome and we're going to add a walk animation and there you go we got cool skirt simulation it's going a little bit through this so maybe if I were to increase the resolution of the shirt and carefully Sim the bottom part this will probably take care of that problem but as you can see we now have an outfit that works on a metahuman that is doing simulation it's actually doing it at a very uh nice frames per second so this would be pretty cool for a cinematic this will probably look awesome in ufn for NPCs cuz I I don't think epic is wanting us to do player characters just yet but this would look very cool for NPCs and cinematic and UF and once I figured how to do that then there will be a video on that one of the things you see here is the higher your resolution the more simulation you're going to get and if you go through some of these comments you can actually fine-tune how much movement you get from this kind of clothing item but for now that is the usual workflow that is all you need to do it kind of looks daunting at the beginning but it's actually pretty easy I'm surprised uh how easy the workflow is once you figure out uh how to do it okay we made our clothes now how do we get it on our metahuman we go to you need a metahuman for this or you can do it to Quinn uh or Manny if you're using the mannequins or just use whatever character you want I'm actually going to duplicate this going to double click here and I have metahuman here with no clothes what I need to do is here on the body I'm going to click on ADD and on ADD we're going to look for chaos and you can see that we have a chaos cloth component we're going to add this chaos cloth component and you see that it's now a child of the body you make it a child of body you click on compile you see that it's working fine now with this chaos closed component needs is a chaos cloth asset that we just spent a little bit creating on this tutorial so we're going to go back to clothing and see where I have my metahuman outfit the full outfit here remember is this one right here that has the clothing icon not the data flow I'm just going to throw it right here and there you go it works fine and dandy we're going to save this all right so as you can see she is in editor we're just going to rotate her and if I go into let's create a sequence let let's add a little sequence I add this metahuman and if we go into control rig you can see that close is rigged perfectly because yes this is perfect we grab all these controllers yes close is rigged perfectly we grab the feet and you have a character with clothes rig so again it's super easy and I'm going to show in another video how to do it if you don't want to use The Marvelous Designer workflow there are other ways to do this right here all right now one of the things I did was I got rid of control brick and I just add an animation so if you add an animation here nothing is going to happened of course but if you have just click this three dots to put in simulate don't play the game if you click simulate it will simulate now as you can see performance is pretty good even though this skirt is simulating and as you can see the skirt is actually not going through the leg it's going a little bit through the shirt but we already talked about um how that could be fixed this is the important part you can see how the shirt is being I'm sorry how the skirt is being simulated this one's being simulated as well but it's awesome now you're probably wondering how would I use this on a cinematic well remember that whenever you hit render with the movie render que it activates the engine and it activates all the physics that's why you need to warm up frames and this will just play out like if you're simulating the game so it will it just works like Howard says and again it it just works the thing is this one actually works and Fallout doesn't work all the time time but there you go and that is how you make this happen now if you have or if you think of another testing scenario that I should try with this just let me know and I'll try to make a video on that make sure you leave all those questions down in the comments and thanks everybody for watching there's a patreon if you want to help out the Channel all my patrons are on screen right now the level two patreons received this video a little bit earlier than everyone else if you can do the patreon then living a live and leave a comment for the YouTube algorithm goes a long way that makes YouTube notice me a bit more there's a Twitter if you want to follow me there there the Discord and um I'll see you in the next one
Channel: MR3D-Dev
Views: 14,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue5.4, unreal engine new feature, chaos clothing, panel clothing, chaos clothing workflow, clothing tutorial in unreal, unreal engine cloth sim
Id: WT1IyWEfdM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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