How to Create a Twitch Overlay for Your Stream | Photoshop Tutorial [Download Link Included]

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hello everyone welcome to another tutorial video where today we're gonna be taking a look at creating a twitch overlay from scratch so let's jump right in it and let's see what we can create so to start this off we've done if we made a document this 1920 by 1080 8 size and I'm just adding some color swatches here so we can sample them as we're going through the design so first off what you want to do is create a nice rectangle pretty nice rectangle that's 1280 by 720 pixels in size and one thing you want to make sure of is that this option is unchecked otherwise won't be able to key in the correct values that you want and we're gonna get rid of the film we're gonna get the stroke and we're gonna sample like go easier and we're gonna make it 30 pixels I think that looks good to me alright just control a to select everything and Center this up and we're gonna press ctrl R to bring out our rulers and get our centre lines in one thing you can do is right-click on your rulers here again percent so you know where the center is it'll snap to the center anyway but it's nice to know yeah by just holding down alt and using the scroll wheel to go in event and grab my lasso tool first off you might want to rest to raise the lid so we can edit it and then go in here and start cutting out some of the areas that we want by holding the shift button and clicking our way around and after we go to my selection like that kinda what we're gonna do is just delete the rest of the object we don't need it anymore using the guides here just after everything and then we're gonna alt and click to flip this is holding alt and drag in to make a copy of them control team transform and flip vertically get it to snap to over there and one thing I want to do is well like to have a nice area just gonna cover on this layer here and copy that back over and actually I'm gonna do the same this won't be you I'm gonna make this one just a little bit bigger and I'm gonna have it come down a bit as well I can I feel that with the color by just pressing alt backspace with the color selected and I gotta copy that over altered dragon again horizontally I select everything bite it's like the top layer I'll take that shift table and then Leah edge layers and just to make sure this is in line ribbons drag your selection box around there and just delete that so there we have a nice piece so next up we're gonna get some nice lighting effects in these areas yeah so zooming in again we're gonna drag in a selection to get a solid color solid color underneath the frame there pinkish cement right click on it blending options purples I got a little bit later you sleep a string actually I'm gonna make this bit brighter zoom into it again like the blending options in a glue just trying to give it a bit of an edge to it that was good see what it looks like that darker later yeah pretty that shows up quite nicely I just increase that effect a little bit by kind of blending options again there we go always nice to add a little bit of noise as well just seal as the effect grab our first light alt and drag to transform in please yeah using the arrow keys to move it where you want it troll T again holding down shift and dragging it press Enter and we'll do the same again the right layer selected alt and drag control team T there and holding shift as well to snap it to the angles to enter firmer wanted moving it up with the arrow keys again and I'm gonna bring this in shift select all of these and the way I'm selecting all of these is just by holding down alt and shift and then right-clicking the layers that I want so I'll shift right-click right-click right-click I second I select everything that you got do you have recover we can alt and drag that press ctrl T horizontally and and then we have a so next up we're gonna add a little bit of an effect to this if you stand a little bit more so I'm gonna alter it click on it to select it right-click on that blending options and we can add it makes a little bevel emboss and make sure we go in a battle selected hard and make sure have the selected because you minute let's just we can see maybe tobacco darker again planning options you can see just making the edges just for a standout just a little bit more now you can see my problem we have here is that there's like bleeding out into the outside so we can fix this is we can slang to all of our light layers and hitting ctrl T group together yeah we can add a layer mask grab the selection tool select a box around the in tire frame making sure to state just with the end of the frame control pressing control shift anti and then filling the layer with black making sure black is the main color you select it and then pressing alt and backspace to fill the layer and then that gets rid of the year after like bleed for us and we rename this to just let me know what's in there so next up to create the palm tree right here so to do that we are just going to get another selection box we can bring back up our herbalism the next round so I can snap to the edges keep it all nice and neat I'm gonna bring one that I'm gonna try got another selection make a nice little box and put it down below offering and I want to do is gonna copy the pass down to this layer there's Bates time on to this yeah so we got the simpler kind of effect going on there get rid of our rulers and we're gonna add the hints nice little areas here for something like top donation and most recent follower gonna grab the lasso to move again trying to get a nice include exclusive weekend yeah you just want to kill it that's what a bit darker copy this over often dragon again flip out was amply yeah looks like that's exactly released me add a nice little bevel effect this is what we're gonna do is we click on the layer blending options to be a little boss dr. bevel just hard just select it down and everything else just fine I'm gonna copy that layer style paste it into there okay so the next thing we're gonna do is I'd have a logo in and I didn't if you were the icons so I've got my logo here and illustrator gonna copy that and paste them in make sure he's above everything T to transform and just drop them in the middle they're sent to him up and try and match the purple year so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab my purple color go up the value of it I'm gonna double click on my vector layer and I select the green and paste in that value and then I'm gonna save the document and then I'll update you know main work area here and to make you stand a little more erect click the blending options and add a nice little drop shadow it's bit too harshly pull it back just a little bit there we have that let's get another two icons in so open in the illustrator as well so we'll get out donation icon to copy and paste it in a nice follow icon we're gonna add a nice little glow effect I'm so gonna copy the layer styles of our lights ever alt and right click into select the layer right click on it copy layer style click on this way again to select it paste layer style and I can see we need to bring that back just a little Vicks is a bit too much I think it's in a clothes effecting take the glow off the cloak down just a little bit and we'll copy that layer style select a donation icon and just paste it up to him like so so next up is to add some finishing touches to it add a bit of shading just brighten it up everything a little bit so to do that best way to do it his first we're gonna add some more light in these two boxes beer so I'm gonna select both these and I'm gonna rest ERISA and play the layer mask to them and I gotta boot up together before we do that I'm gonna get rid of a copy the layer styles and then they gonna clear the label layers dance this is just so when I merge them we can paste the layer styles back in we can select layer style later on so I'm gonna control click and I'm gonna create a new layer and I'm gonna use what we've just selected it as a mask I got a paint inside of this land a big secure them down just a smidge I'm gonna get a nice point brush look painting and I still highly liked it then do then do it well he's have a nice people I liked in there as well just sort of start to bring it out a little bit so one thing we can do as well all right click on this layer and we can do the same again with this so we can create a new layer but you can control click to select our main frame use that as a mask briefing a broad brush again and we can add a nice little highlight artwork so a little highlight that just sort of makes it pop a little bit and brings it out and next up we do is add a bit of shadowing under here I think I'm gonna do as well is just make these a little bit and I'm gonna do the same thing for you we're doing so I've got a rasterizes layer first and I play the layer mask click create new layer which is a mask pretty dark laser still a nice not sure I want to get everything there clip satellite layer and this one too that sort of slowly come together now so next time you do we just add some finishing little details to it I main thing you want to do is shut off these corners here just to make it a bit more visually interesting anything on this side make sure you got the layer selected Alt + right click just like the lid and we might want to do this a few as well Alt + right click Shaco sighs Eddie's and I Rico just makes it a bit more visually interesting to look at now one thing I do want to do is make these a little bit thin X a little bit too thick for me a bit too distracting in just a little bit three dashes of the hierarchy and the finally finish up which can add some nicer corner pieces yeah so grab a nuclear hold down shift shapes here solid color grab the effect from this copy layer style piss them off shift ctrl T to transform place the arrow keys get as close as you can I'm gonna come out the glow effect these because you don't want to go to metropolitan it's a little finishing touch we're gonna do is to just add some nice a little bit the highlights to get the same thing selected something quicker so too again drag another glare to make it people I'm gonna sleep with these ladies and I'm gonna do is make this pickle a little bit brighter just to add some just file to hanging that right click on I've got a blending options and gradient overlay and it's gonna make this different gray agree to a nice want and let's change the blend mode to hopefully give us a nice little Sheen effect there we go she's starting nice little look to it now and I will take both these layers and just CQ experimentation to copy the layer style and put it on to our till that wonderful and that looks right so technically as copy them over ctrl T to transform flip horizontally nice 20 there make sure he looks that looks good and just an add another layer here added some more highlights didn't have a solid color people let's piece that here celebrate one thing I'm going to do is just change the angle of this gradient and copy it over the same thing transform Anthony's and I think I'll probably change the angle of this gradient as well and there we have it a nice fairly simple to do twitch overlay now one thing I'm gonna do is leave a link for this in the comment section below and in the description so if you want to just for yourself all you have to do is just change the logo and you could use it on your own stream so thank you listening I feel like where you watched and hit subscribe and I'll see you for the next video
Channel: MonoMonster
Views: 7,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, twitch overlay, obs, webcam overlay, cam overlay, transition, stream help, stream transitions, twitch streaming
Id: kMwIdIEnKLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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