Full Guide on HOW TO create and use OVERLAYS on CONSOLE for your TWITCH STREAMS WITHOUT OBS

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DandyDoesGaming 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thanks, I’ll check this out

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/undrgrndsqrdncrs 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Use overlay expert! It's free and really easy

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Salt_Rimmed_Steve 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hey buddy I’m trying to do it but I’m finding it really hard any chance you can help me out ??

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sammmmyp 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys i'm jake uh or racket88 i'm here to show you how to use overlay expert to hopefully uh make your streams stand out uh from the rest um now overlay expo is a free tool that hooks directly into twitch and complements any console based streams where the streamer like myself and it doesn't have access to streamlabs obs or anything like that so an elgato capture card and because we don't all have the money to start off with i myself a very very small streamer and so i found this tool really helpful um i've only screened for a month but the difference this tools made to my channel and the feedback i've been getting it's been super positive so i really recommend using it and so in this video i want to cover how to create a standard overlay how to add some text how to add some uh images some background images using alerts time-based alerts having a chat window on screen adding sounds and pop-ups and even having interactive interactive chat um messages so you know your users your your members your viewers can post comments in the chats and make things happen to make your stream that look a bit more interactive and it's a load of fun and as i was saying throughout the whole video just play with it explore and i assure you um your stream will be will be better for it and you'll feel more professional whilst you're streaming and so again thank you for watching the video i i hope you enjoy it and if you do like it literally like it and possibly join me subscribe and um please remember to follow me on twitter at records88 gaming you'll be on the screen right now and uh definitely follow me on twitch at wreckers88 uh thank you guys and i hope you enjoy the video so the first thing you want to do is go to your twitch page now cam here click top right go to the creator dashboard click on extensions and okay search for overlay expert as you can see i've already installed it so click this here to install it go to my extensions and it'll go here on the left you want to select it as overlay one because obviously you want it to be the main overlay for your twitch feed if you click on the cog here you would then get this extension configuration window as you can see i've already got an overlay here that already exists um we won't go on that right now there are some ones like templates that are already offered and they are free um that you can use as you can see there's some here so you can actually select one of these right now if we get started like straight away um you can click one of these and click choose and then basically from minute one you'll have an overlay for your stream and we're gonna do that you're going to create a brand new one so you click create overlay the builder will appear so you get presented with an option to have a new user walkthrough and we're not going to do that but i recommend that um when you do create this for yourself you run through it it can give you some tips on naming overlays uh resizing uh setting backgrounds etc a lot of what you want to cover myself anyway but um yeah give it a whirl it's uh it is good fun that's how i picked up a few things uh but in the meantime i'm pressing down so after clicking no you're presented with a blank canvas effectively and on the right you've got donate to p resolution uh which is all live stream from the ps4 so i'll keep it at that for now which automatically sets the resolution here which you can't change you want to give yourself a new title so i'm going to call it um destiny 2 overlay and game destiny i'm not bothering the description right now but you can do one um the idea is if you stream different games or you want to go from games to music for example or from just chatting for example uh you can set different overlays and you can choose them from the previous screen here choose and it'll make that overly active for that game or that content that you're streaming but right now destiny 2 overlay and destiny 2. um and if i say this now i should get an error because there's no content on this um overlay yep there we go so what we need to do is start adding some content that's where the layers come into play so i'm going to add a layer here you know what just done there i just added a layer it's just so i can save it okay i saved so now if i chose this let's refresh the previous screen should now see my destiny 2 overlay there it is if i click choose and i start stream right now that new content item overlay will appear on stream um for the wider audience but we don't want to do that the reason why to quickly show you this i want to quickly show you my uh current one so if i come to this recording channel overlay and click edit um i'll close this um walk through quickly i'm gonna show you the mod layers that you can have um as far as where it's unlimited so you can have layers upon layers upon layers upon layers and each individual layer has a specific role to play uh which is what i'll get into now so i'm looking to cover um the stream border some text animating text as you can see the scrolling um adding images alerts chats overlays etc so let's get into it so close this right now go back to my previous one so i had an overlay but i didn't really show you clearly how did that so let's just quickly play this okay so i come here and click add a new layer a new panel will appear let's call this my background openly okay i have a click tick background overlay it's saved as a layer close button now it will save this okay so we've got a new content item which we've called background overlay so we need to do is add our overlay now you can go to google right now and how to google uh free um overlays before but there are many sites um that offer them basically in png format that's where i found my current one and which i'll import right now so what you can do is click on your new content item that i've added and it'll open up the background overlay settings screen okay it's here and what i want to do is add a background so if i click select please uh don't mind my um emotes that i've got on my screen right now uh avoidance for that um i've got a stream background image here which you can just quite simply uh import and again there's my lovely face from my stream earlier um you can select your stream border and it'll upload to this panel click the tick as you can see it's squeezed into this little box that got here which obviously is not good enough right and this is a full hd png file which should cover all edges of the window so all i have to do is come up here and kid fit click this pink dot down here click and drag and as you can see it will fill the window so if i was to say this now and again choose this on the previous screen as an active window and then start streaming this would appear on the stream which is pretty cool and so from mini one you've got a nice overlay but as you can see it's messy um there's no funky uh graphics or anything so let's start adding them but first of all um even though out of the background there is some rogue text here called new content item want to get rid of that so on the right screen i minimize the background um size position by the way 10 80 top 0 0 make it you know accurate um you can change that there um i want to come to this content section here and in content there is this thing called new content item if i click that this is where that text is coming from okay so i delete that and leave it blank because i do not want anything on this layer i just want my overlay this is the bottom layer because everything else will go on top of this as you saw on the previous screen okay okay and there we go background overlay the layer is added that is now the the foundation for the remainder of my stream so what i'm going to do now is add a what should we go for what should we go for sugar with some scrolling text let's get some scrolling text up here so let's add a new layer now i don't want a background i want this to be transparent because i want to move this text on top of this layer here okay so just change a few settings so i want to go on background certain position will manually change ourselves alerts we won't get into that right now but again we want to go into content so click content again and we want this to be text free form we want that we want to do a twitch chat widget yet to do that later and we don't want to url widget so text free form and that's for text i like open sounds it's nice and simple when i select the open sun's definitely font make it white okay and add some weight to it make it out in bold very simple stuff and let's put this over here as you can see a bit too big let's go with 30. that almost fits quite nicely isn't it let's make it 25 so there we go so now again i'll just save this and go live you'd see the overlay instead of text here left corner now you could leave it static and as i said before just scroll down this new content item we can name this to be you know follow me on twitter at records8 gaming now so happened there because the text got too big for the window it made it start to shrink scroll sorry make it bigger it won't scrub so i'll spoil all of that for you um so now if i make this smaller over here and over here that'll automatically scroll to the left that i currently have on stream right now i have um the top left to be kind of like an information area so it has my social media handles on there for facebook and twitter um i think you think it says go follow me on discord and also has like some helpful text to find the donations page and in the about section for example um it's a really nice neat trick so you know you have a lay here with the side scroller i recommend really using this quite a lot because it's kind of um slick to have this animated on your stream and that's it very simple add some text get some size drawing going on um as text free form which is pretty cool but what's even cooler is you can really go to town on these text form fields and add way more information so let's do that right now so one thing i could do but one thing i forgot to do is name this let's call this side scroll info okay one thing i could do if i like the font i like what it's doing i can clone this layer so rather than to add a new layer and set the same settings again i can just clone the layer and retain everything so let's give it a go let's look at the clip side scroll in for glue and now i want to call this subscribers check the channel okay so click that i'm gonna click on it again and i'm gonna move it down here okay and let's make it a bit bigger so now subscribe to the channel obviously you can see where is this going to pick the information from it is still text free form okay what we're going to hook into this time it is here so where you say a new content item i think it said i would change it to be follow me on twitter you can delete this and say um thank you to today's subscribers and you can click on this little icon here under the twitch header and what it will do is add recent subscribers after that sentence thank you today subscribers and there we go so it's already pulling in via an api all the recent subscribers to your channel you don't have to do anything manually to pull information in it's really top really slick and easy and if i delete this it'll refresh it again and you could put in whatever you want really uh recent follows um recent followers of followers you've got uh there your number of followers 119. until this text is quite confusing actually let's just tell you this there we go um there we go so it's pretty self-explanatory i don't think i need to go into it much more but however have a play with this so you can kind of pull these ones in if people are if you're keeping track of all the chairs that you're getting or the bits that are being donated um you can absolutely put the um old-time you know bits leader in there and people can just kind of see it's like a um a wall of fame kind of thing really cool and what's even better is that if you sync your um facebook or twitter to twitch uh an overlay expert allow access to overly expert you can pull information in straight away so i can add my twitch handle i can add my twitter handle see how cool is that and again if the text is bigger than the window then it will start scrolling automatically so let's add in text that's adding in the accounts again i really recommend just play with it it's all good um the more you play the more you'll learn so let's just save that okay that's saved cool so one thing i showed before very quickly um is the option to add in a chat window so let's do that so if you want your chat to appear on stream then you want to have the the option to show it right so create a new content item instead of text free form select twitch chat widget okay nice and big there you go so what this is doing is simulating chat as you can see that's way too big let's make it 20. there we go family again open sounds because it's beautiful there's some bold weight in there make it nice and thick and i always make it wide so it pops and you see there we go so now on stream the chat will appear on your stream um for yourself via the um the channel overlay what's it called now um it creates dashboard or downstream basically um one thing i would recommend though is adding a background color to this and just kind of changing the transparency a bit so it kind of pops it a bit more i think that's too big isn't it that's playing 15. there we go so rather than under content you go to background you can add a slider background and put an image in there you could do that if you want to but it might be quite noisy or you can just select a color let's go with a gray and set the opposite half so now what happened on stream as you can see very slightly it's an opaque gray it makes it pop a bit more on stream there's a little tip there but um that's background opacity i just chose the color you go that's the one okay so chat we got side scrolling text we've got a widget at the bottom showing our uh twitch handle on twitch which is kind of pointless but there you go um now one thing we can do is to add images if you wanted to it's kind of like the first bit adding the background overlay let's just quickly change this chat panel it's really important you name these assets because trust me they grow and they keep growing and they keep growing so let's call this jake beckers so what we're going to do now is add an image this content it's a i don't want any text on it okay so it comes the content the content item again and select all that and delete it come back to the background click select let's put my face in there [Music] so if you want to be really meme heavy stream you can actually put your face or your doggos or whatever you want to be as a background image um and yeah you can have it um be permanently on stream um or you can have some real fun with it which we're gonna do right now so there's my face let's put it over here now if that's permanently on stream that is gonna annoy people i mean it's annoying annoying me right now looking at it for me nice butter there you go um so what we're going to do we're going to animate this okay so i want this to let's say let's put in the middle of the screen middle of the screen i want this to pop in and out of my screen let's say every every second okay this chaos but i won't recommend this but you know you could do it so here is my image jade records background there we go what i want to do now is go to alerts and i can choose here to say it's always shown time based or event based you know what rather than do time based one thing we'll say about time based is if you want to show a message and then hide it um it's really straightforward you just choose the animation you want for it to appear in so vanishing vanish out i don't want to delay in between my face appearing for example and you can set this to 1000 milliseconds so my face will pop in and pop back out every second of the stream um that's time based okay so it's locked in it's down to the time that you set that's it okay but we all know and we all want to celebrate new followers we want to celebrate subscriptions um so let's do that you know let's turn this off because it's horrible no there we go three one event based okay so whenever whenever i get a new follower i want my face to pop in and go as in oh gets in so we're changing it system called event based okay so please resolve yours so what's gonna happen is when someone does a twitch follow or twitch sub or gifted or resub or a cheer host chat raid which whatever it's going to be i want my face to appear on screen so if i go twitch follow and i said to vanish in and finish out preview so whenever someone follows me now and i click this tick and i click save my face is going to appear on stream going like that okay this is really cool again i really recommend you play with it i thought if people watching this video follow me on on twitch they would have seen me go live a couple times saying do not join the stream i'm doing overlay testing it's because i'm playing with this basically and now as you saw before i did delete the the text but i want to say thank you for that hello i don't like that it's scrolling too much because it's too small it's like you can actually do line spaces here i hope that makes sense thank you for the follow there we go um and again with the text that you select you can you know you can central line it i really recommend just getting your hand today with this and playing with it you know it's all about um exploration i'm still kind of learning a lot of this myself but having lots of fun thanks for the following vertical bottom definitely there we go and what's even better you know if you want to be really personal you can put this to be um where is it follow display name so what happened now is the follower display name will appear first followed by thank you for the volume so you can actually make it even more personal free person so latest cheer display name so someone cheers you you know let's just delete this oh it's doing the thing one thing you need to realize though guys is that the sec you started these in it does kind of lock this up a bit too if it does lock up don't panic just click the tick and then reopen it and you should be able to release stuff so say someone's cheered i'll do latest cheer display name you are awesome what happened is whoever's just cheered you your face will pop up or whatever it's going to be your doggo it'll pop up then they'll be automatically pulled in by the api and then it will follow with some text you're awesome okay so it makes it dead personal to them it makes the person do the cheering feel really good because they're getting the publicity for that cheer it's all good it's awesome again have a nice play with this these are really powerful okay so content background image is all sorted the text is all sorted and the alert event based when someone follows you this is what appears and i'll tell you what's awesome like really really cool is you can actually play sounds so one one of the really powerful things about this tool is it's almost like for like um you know streamlabs obs it's it's got so many cool gadgets you can you can hook into and it's all free man it's all free and i really recommend hooking into all the different um things you can do because it'll make the user experience during your stream just that much better that much personal and to choose a sound it's very very simple you literally choose a sound you can click upload it takes mp3 format 0mb any mp3s you want to play i would recommend avoiding the copyright infringements um but you can just quite simply select a sound file working board is the drifter from death welcome aboard the director from destiny 2 and when someone follows you back he says welcome board they hear it you hear it and hopefully bun go oh wow that's a drifter that's awesome because he is awesome so it's really powerful alerts are really powerful and like i say you've got follow subscribe gifted community gifted resubs cheers etc so really um get your hands dirty and have a play with this okay awesome so we've got alerts popping up we've got scrolling text we've got automatic field being populated we've got the chat on the screen it's all good right it's all good but one of the things i've had a challenge with is when you're streaming and you um you know major calls you need a break right well there's really cool commands that you can use to do this okay and these are the chat commands so what i'm going to do is create a brand new layer called me right back let's take in the center of the screen so we all know what to do go to content text free form we all know it open sounds there we go again wait old i'm gonna make this really big really big like 80 or something filthy big there we go we don't want it to scroll okay we want this to be on screen so we can go and take a break okay we all need it center center so b right back there we go once again let's make it white i can't do why what's going on i literally can't select it it's bugging out there we go so whatever's in the background um you want to make sure you've got a actual background to this so it pops a bit better so go back to background just set the color as i said it's a gray again to the opacity to five okay so if you're gonna go for a break this is what they'll see on screen the thing is though um if you look at the options here always showing time-based and event-based if you go to fanbase there's nothing to say here and whether you have a break so that's not actually helpful so what you need to actually do is go to time-based now when the stream starts i don't want this to be shown okay i just don't want it so i want this to be not showing so i'm gonna set the delay time to be like 36 36 million milliseconds what even is that 36 no seconds in minutes what is that what six minutes oh this is zero 600 minutes um i don't want to show basically from the start but when it does show i want to finish in about a show where his appears i want to show i wanted to show indefinitely as well okay so let's put that in there at the same time i want basically i want it to never show when the stream starts but when it is showing i want to show permanently until i turn off so basically the more time you put in here i honestly put in like 24 hours worth of time the better okay what's going to make this appear and disappear is this awesome thing here called chat quick bubble so if you go into the twitch chat api here the first option you'll get some new options chat from broadcaster so basically if i put something in the chat i'll make this appear and disappear so what's going to happen is i'm going to do exponential mark brb that's so much so guys what's really cool is if i start the stream that will not appear okay that will not appear on my stream but if i need a break all right what's going on here that's pacquiao apologies guys i'm batman or something um if i then neato break all i need to do is go to the chat either here or in the um you know the the the dashboard the stream manager myself go in the chat window exclamation mark brb press enter bang this message will appear on screen when i'm back exclamation mark again back and it looks a bit really really cool um it has so many key abilities as well so one thing you can do is you want to have some fun with your um you know twitch viewers you can create like a layer you know so let's call this uh get wrecked you know get wrecked have some fun with it you know sticking a face in it again the transparency there oh dear sorry guys unless let's click them um let's check the transparency to one can i remove the color i'll really miss that one up overnight let's just quickly um let's remove that add a new layer and call this get it wrecked i don't want to have nested layer i don't know why i just did that apologies guys let's just get rid of that um okay right select my face put this in the middle past this finder one color behind it let's go to content let's change the text to get wrecked jake so what i can do now if i go to a quick chat toggle if any of my viewers annually in the chat for example types wrecked they're gonna see my face appear on screen and it could play music because like i said before you can go to content you can start some music and you'll really play with it so basically you can give a more interactive experience with your channel so when you see people without streamlabs obs and they've got you know people in the chat saying or hype and something music played and images show on screen you can do that this tool lets you do that and it's really really powerful and again i really recommend just play with it so that's basically it guys i mean what i'd say is this tool um is awesome it's free and it really enables your users to have a really interactive experience with you whilst you're streaming and again if i go back to my mic or one that i'm running right now i've got my twitch holders tomorrow corner follow me about like a ticker to show you some information recent followers recent shares recent subs and sometimes the api takes a while to pull the information through now this donations window over here this is like on a time based so i popped in and out every minute also for for things maximum of 20 seconds i believe it is and a stream timer um the torrent corner that's where my face appears i'm streaming i want to do brb um this the window goes black so you can't see me on camera a message comes on screen and basically saying i'll be right back and i even also that i also have the stream starting text stream starting soon for example with the same commands okay so um we got to overlay setup the one that we said before and we want this to be our live overlay so again let's make sure we save it and it has saved luckily automatically make sure you've saved it and you go back to the previous extension screen and let us refresh this page now you should see more up-to-date version of what we just created hopefully see my face on the screen we'll see um so this one up here destiny 2 overlay so as you can see it's already selected but imagine you hadn't done that okay so all you have to do is click choose and this makes the overlay active okay so if you close this window now again it is over here you have to activate it and set it as overlay one set as overlay one and that's it so when you stream next your overlay will kick in after about one minute or so after the stream started um it does take a few it does take a minute also it's kind of delayed a bit but it will appear on streams on non-mobile devices this does not work on mobile devices so on your laptop or your pc desktop pc um on your stream the overlay will appear uh it will look awesome because i know you'll spend a lot of time making it look awesome um but yeah i hope that's um helpful and if there's anything else you guys need or any help or tips or tricks or whatever give me a shout more than happy to help out um just just ping me on on twitter wreckers88 gaming that's wreckers88 gaming and um i'm more than happy to help out because i'm a small streamer myself i'm still finding my way i don't have an awesome pc or a capture card so um this is the alternative but i assure you it's very very good incentive it's very very powerful so um yeah have a play explore and i'm i'm certain you're going to enjoy using goalie expert all the best take care guys and uh see you soon and see you in the chats
Channel: Reckers
Views: 1,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Destiny, #Destiny2, #Playstation, #Playstation4, #FPS, #PS, #Gaming, #Gamer, #Games, #VideoGames, #Memes, #Core, #Stream, #Live, #Win, #PlayDestiny, #PlayDestiny2, #Twitch, #YouTubeGamer, #Streaming, #GameStream, #Reckers88, #Reckers88Gaming, #SeasonOfDawn, #Summoner, #TheSummoner, #Xur, #IronBanner, #Umbral, #UmbralEngrams, #Raid, #OverlaysOnConsole, #ConsoleStream, #StreamSupport
Id: MQMtTzBcxMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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