How to create a landscape in Gaea and import into UE5 - Unreal engine 5 Tutorial

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hello guys how you doing I hope you're having a wonderful day in this video I'm going to show you how you can create a Terrain in Gaia like this one then export it and import into Unreal Engine 5 like this one so if you like this video please hit the like button and subscribe so you don't lose any new content and that helps me a lot so let's start doing this landscape Gaia is a software where you can make Landscapes using procedural nodes so when you open GA this is what we got we have here the templates to select from we have Landscapes Mountain Water Snow Hill a lot of them to select if you left click on this icon next to the template you can select another template within the same type so for Landscapes we have a lot of them here here you can hover the mouse to see the preview of this template to see what we got so for this one I'm actually going to start with a blank template just a blank one so here in the view part if you selected as you can see if I left click on this you can see the this orange borders here that means that this is selected if you select this and click the middle Mouse button you can pin around the camera if you hold out then left click and drag you can rotate the camera and with the scroll you can zoom in and out in this view here down here we have the graph this is where we're going to put all the nodes that we need to create the Landscapes and these nodes we can find here in the left so here is all of them all the noes that you can use in different categories like Primitives Geo Primitives warps adjustments profile filters erosion we have all here in this right side we have the properties so when you select a node here in the graph the properties of the of that node will show up and you can change them up here we have the preview resolution um so you have 1K 2K 4K now is in the 0.5k but I will change this to 1K because I'm using the free version of this software and this version only lets you export textures up to 1K if you want to export 2K or 4K you need a paid version but I'm using the free one here and it's fine so let's start creating in the landscape so for this one I'm actually going to start with a pearling you can choose here and drag to the graph like this and the terrain will already update or you can right click on the graph and start typing the name of the node like Berling and there you go we have the the node here so as you can see if you if you select this you can see the property here and change them for this one I'm going to put the pearling scale to 65 I think it's good and that's all that we're going to do with this node so actually I'm going to add another node to this so let's let's right click and type Rocky let's type these and as you can can see if I select a node here the preview of that node will show up here in the terrain so if I select pearling we are seeing the pearling version if you select the rocky we seeing the rocky but I want to actually put these two together so for this we can use a combined node let's add a combined node but this in the first one then the rock in the second one then if you SE if you select the combined note you can see these two nodes are combined into one as you can see the rocky will have this shapes here the pearling will have this one and then in the combine we have a blend of both in the combine node here in the method you can change from blend to add multiply or other things here but I'm going to leave this in blend with a ratio of 65 if you put this more to the left will be more to the first one that you put here if you put the ratio more to the to the right side you have more of the the second node here so for this one I'm going to put 65 here okay now I want to add a mountain here in somewhere in the middle so for that we already have a node let's type Mountain there you go we have a mountain here so if you select this in the properties you can change the scale of this let's bump up so you can see there you go we have a more pronounced Mountain if you put this less you have have a more soft one let's put these mountains in 22 there you go we have of course the height of this mountain if you want a more small Mountain you can just put the height a little bit down as you can see but for this I'm going to put 100 and you can change the seed to make different mountains if you change this just a little bit you can see that we have a different Mountain so we can play around with this actually I'm going to use this and put a little bit down the height little bit [Music] more let's put like this let me select different [Music] one let's bump a little bit the height there you go I'm going to stay with this one now I want to add this mountain into this results here so let's add another combined node add these two together and this time I want to add the mountain into this terrain so in the combine here in the method I'm going to change from blend to add so we have the mount here okay so now I'm going to add a fractal to raise node Mo nope fractal fractal to race node just put the results here into the input of the fractal and as you can see this node add this these edges here into the terrain as you can see if you go to the details of the fractal to the race you can change the spacing here you can put a space bigger but I want to leave this as the 10 you can bub the intensity to make it more pronounced as you can see more sharp in the edge but I want to put 80 here actually there you go I think it's nice and finally I want to add an erosion here so so let's right click and typee erosion let's put these results into the input here there you go as you can see we have some erosion in the [Music] terrain and for this one I'm going to bump up the dur the duration of this erosion to 10 let's put 10 then you have to apply the Chang if you make some changes is here in the erosion node you have to apply changes down here there you go now we have a landscape a basic one keep in mind that the software you can do a pretty complex Landscapes but for now I think that's all we need so let me show you how you can export this as a height map to use in Unreal Engine so first you need to tell Gaia what node to export so for this I'm going to pick the last one of this chain and then you can right click here and set this a mark for export you can select and press F3 on the keyboard so this little yellow dot will appear indicating that this node is marked for export now we can go here into the build here in the close to the properties you can you have build and here you have the settings for the build so I'm going to change this name erosion to landscape and here in this three little uh little lines here I'm going to choose PNG 16bit then this message will show up just hit yes here and in as you can see in this node we have an output we have a wear output we have a deposit output and a flow output you can select what maps to export in here if you mark all all this will going to be exported and if you can select just one if you hit output you can deselect everything and then select the output and then we you will be exporting the main map app for this landscape but for now I'm going to export everything here if I want to use later so I'm just going to export it here in the definition in the method I'm going to leave as normal build the resolution I'm going to change because as I said before I'm using the free version of the software that only only lets you export up to 1K so let's pick 1K but I'm not going to pick the standard 1K because we already have a property for unreal here unreal has different resolutions so I'm going to use the unreal 109 resolution here which is 1K let's select this one the Carlo space I'm going to leave as srgb then the range I'm going to change from proportional to normalized and that's all we need to do now we can just go here in the build destination and change so you just select a folder where you're going to export the maps just selected now to start building you need to save the project so let's save this just hit save here then choose a destination I'm going to change this to I don't know maybe tutorial landscape then save now we can start the build so just hit start build so here in the CET I'm just going to hit no and build will start depending on how complex is your terrain this may take some time because it will build every node but there go we are done we have here the landscape this is the main map that we're going to use but we have the deposit map to the flow map and the Weir map now we just need to use this map mainly in unre to create the landscape so let's do that so here in unre I have here a third person template just a blank third person template with nothing special here now what I'm going to do I'm going to go to the third person folder then maps and create a new level here I'm going to call this landscape let's open this map save this one there go we have a blank level here let's add some lighting so for this I'm going to go here into the environment light mixer if you don't see this tab here just go to the window and then environment light mixer and open this one one here we're going to create a skylight create atmospheric light create Sky atmosphere create volumetric fog and create a height fog there you go this will put these lights and effects into the scene and then we have here all that we need now let's create the landscape to do that we're going to go here in the selection mode here we have selection all the modes here we are in the selection let's change this to landscape now we are ready to import landscape let me zoom out here a little bit so this green green grid here is where the landscape will be so you have the option to create a new one from scratch here and then scoop the landscape but we we're going to import from a file so just select import from file here then you can choose a height met file just clicking this three dots and select where you put your files so we have the landscape here that one that we exported from Gaia just select this one and hit open there you go we have some changes here but this is a little bit wrong let me show you if I import this now let me place this landscape a little bit up here so you can see this is not the same one that we created here in Gaia as you can see it's different why is that so let delete let's delete this one and let me show you why it's wrong so unre use different units than Gaia so here in the in the scale here we need to calculate the right scale for this one so how we going to do that first let's go to guia and see how big is this terrain so if you go here into the build tab then terrain definition you can see the height of the terrain and the scale so the scale is what we are interested in it's 5,000 so let's use 5,000 here in a real so to calculate this we need to pick this 100 pay attention in this is really important so you need to pick this 100 then you need to divide this by the resolution of this map in this case is 1,9 so let's divide by 1,9 then we need to multiply by this scale in Gaia that we find out that is 5,000 if you do that this will be applied to the Y to so X and Y you're going to do this in the Z see you can leave as 100 there you go we have this map now in the grid it seems wrong but it's actually right so if you import this now we have the right terrain let me go to the select here and then put this terrain a little bit up here so it's outside the fog there we go we have the terrain and the same one that we have in Gaia here as you can see we have these erosion erosion shapes here we already have this two in Gaia Gaia no real actually so there go we created the terrain if I hit play here you can see that this terrain is actually really huge it's really huge this terrain it will take too long for me to get in this mountain let me hit f8 here to show you it's really big and of course this is a landscaping a real so if you select it then go to Landscapes here you can use the normal tools here like scopt so let me increase a little bit the brushes here you can scoop on this terrain and make some additional changes to this terrain there you go this is how you can import a landscape in a real from Gaia so if you like this video please hit the like button and subscribe so you don't lose any new content as always keep learning keep creative and I see you later
Channel: NoWhere
Views: 843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HhTRStM5doc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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