Unreal Engine 5.3.2 Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course 2023 #unrealengine5 #megascans #cgi

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Hello friends welcome back this is omit from magnet and today we are going to create this awesome environment scene inside anal engine 5.3 so first take a look what we are going to create [Music] [Music] today [Music] [Music] so before we start if you are new to this channel I recommend you to check my videos and if you find those videos useful please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on and here I like to shout out for all those people who has already joined me as a member so if you really want to support me you can also join me as a member so let get started so I open my Unreal Engine then I choose this games option here and also choose this third person template and here I click on the starter content then I name my project as tutorial and hit on this create and after that I go to this file then go to this new level and I choose this empty level click on this create and now we're going to quickly set up our lighting so for this we go to this window then we go to the environment light mixer and we click on this create Skylight create atmospheric light create Sky atmosphere create volumetric cloud and create height fog and then we go down here and click on this volumetric fog to enable this volumetric fog here and then we close this window and now we're going to create our landscape so for this we go to the select mode button here then go to this landscape and we don't need to change anything here just click on this create so here is our landscape so we go back to our selection mode and now we're going to put a landscape material over this so for the landscape material I'm using a free landscape material from unreal seni and I'll show you that how we can get that material so many thanks to the unreal seni who actually build this material and also gave it as a free so if you want to get this material you have to go to this site and and I also give this link in the description down below and after that you have to put your name and your email address over here and then just click on this get it now in that way you will get a download link in your email address just go through that link and you can easily download this Auto material and from your mail you will get this link to download this asset just click over here to download and once you download the assets you will get this file so first you're going to extract this file then we open this folder and under this u5 landscape folder you will find this project file but we don't need to open this project file just go to this content and we're going to copy these three folders which is example landscape and this Mega scans so we select all of these three folders and then we just copy this one and we going to paste those folders into our actual project directory and here is our project directory then we go to the content folder and here we're going to paste those files so here it is and you will find those folders over here into your content drawer so if you not find those folders over here just restart your engine and you will find those folders over here so now we're going to apply this landscape material over our landscape so in order to find the landscape material we first go to this example folder then we go to this materials and here you will find this kind of three types of materials but we're going to use this one the second one which is the nanite version because if you're going to use this one we're going to enable our n displacement over our landscape and in order to apply this uh material we going to select our landscape then we come to this details panel over here and here is the landscape material slot and we going to just drag and drop this landscape material over here and you probably see that your landscape looks something like this so we go to the landscape mode again then we go to the paint and here you will see all these materials over here first we go to this Auto material slot and then we go to this plus sign and we just click on this W Blended layer and you have to save this material so just save it over here and then do the same things to all of these so now you can also paint other layers also so if we go to this B layer and maybe we can go to decrease our brush size little bit down so maybe just like that and if you click and drag your mouse you can see that you can easily paint the other layers also and likewise if we go over here and then we can easily paint when you uh look from the top it look nice but when you come down to the Horizon you can see that this is uh something flat uh but we have to use the N displacement features in 5.3 so for this we have to use some additional files to its project settings so I will show you that how you get those additional files so if you go to this landscape material so here it is so if you go to the example and then go to this materials and here it is if you double click to open this material and then go to this hierarchy and just click over here and if you go over here the down here you will find this command so we going to copy this commands from from here and paste it into a specific place so in order to copy this just go over here and just double click and you will select this commands and just copy it so just right click and copy then we go to our project directory so in order to get this project directory first to go to open our epic game launcher here so here is our actual project which is called tutorial just right click and go to the sh in folder and then we go to this config folder and also go to this default engine folder and here you will find this commands so we go to this last commands which is start with r then we press enter and here we have to paste the additional commands just contrl B to paste here and then we just close this one and also save this and then we also close this material click on this save but you can still see that uh we didn't get this desolations or the displacement because we have to restart our engine first and also we save our progresses here and then also we save our level so maybe we name this as a tutorial and just save so when we open our engine again we go to open our level also so here it is so now as you can see we still not get the displacement here so first we go to our landscape material here so here it is the landscape material just click over here to find this material and then we going to double click to open this material instance here and maybe we can make it over here so this material is placed on the c section so here it is and when we go to the C first we go to this option that is the C material displacement and make sure that turn this on over here and when this turn this on then we minimize this one and we select our landscape and also go to this outliner and make sure that you select your landscape then we go to its details panel and then we go down here and under after this Advance you will find this nanite option just click on this enable nanite Okay just like that and also click on this reveal data and then you will finally get this nice tations over here okay so as you can see that this look really amazing and if we change our light position you can also get nice shadow which is created by this landscape itself and maybe we can also use additional painting So if we go to this landscape and then we go to this paint again and maybe we can use this one or maybe this one here and as you can see that it can make the real displacement over our landscape so this is very nice so this is for the landscape for now and now we going to put uh some additional assets so first we're going to put a nice Warehouse over here and I'm downloading this Warehouse from the sketch P so I'll show you that how I get those Warehouse so for the warehouse I'm using this model and here is the actual Creator so many thanks to the Creator who make this model and make it as free and in order to download this model just go to the download 3D model over here and if you use this model you have to copy this credit and paste it in your video description and we're going to use this obj format just click over this download So once you download you will find this folder just extract it and then we're going to open this file and here is the source and we have to extract this file also and inside this folder here we'll find this obj file here okay but one thing we can see that if we just uh import this obj file into our so let's see how it works so first we go to this content folder and then we going to create a new folder and maybe we name these as 3D models and then we open this one and we go over here to drag this file so maybe we place it over here and we select all of these files and then we just drag it over here and just click on this import and it will take little time to import this obj file over here so here is this file so it's just going to to bring it over here and as you can see this is very small so maybe we're going to increase it scale so press R and then we going to increase its scale so like this and you can see that it's not aligned properly so we're going to rotate it also so like this it will look something like this and maybe there is some extra portions that we don't need here so we going to Omit uh some of these extra portions from this model or as you can see that we have to clean this model according to our need okay so for the cleaning purpose I using blender so maybe we going to open blender so it's not a very heavy task I will show you that how you can do this cleaning process very easily inside blender so we're going to close our Unreal Engine and also save our progresses here so here we are in blender so we going to delete all of these presets here and then we're going to import our model here so first go go to this file then go to this import and because our file is in obj format so we select this wfront obj so here is this obj format and you can also see this MLT but we just select this obj format here and then we just click on this import obj so here it is and in order to navigate inside blender it is very different than anal engine so we going to click over our middle Mouse button here and then if we move our Mouse you can orbit around your model here and if you want to move your model just press and hold the shift key and then press the middle Mouse button here and you can move your object here and also you can wheel uh up and down to zoom in and zoom out throughout your model so this is how you can easily move your model here okay just like that so now we going to delete this unwanted part so first we're going to select our model just click over our model here then we go to this option here that is called this object mode we go to the drop- down list and we select this edit mode and when you select this edit mode your model looks something like this and then we going to select this unwanted part to delete but first we go to this Warframe mode here so we just select this Warframe mode and then we going to select so there is multiple ways to select our model so maybe first we go to the top view so if we just click over here or if you click on this Zed you will get this top view and maybe we going to first delete this uh area so just click over here and then drag your mouse just select this so in that way we can select this area and then we just click delete on the keyboard and you will find this delete option just select this vertices to delete all these vertices from this area just like that and you can see that you can easily delete all this unwanted part from this area Okay so likewise we can select this area so if we just go over here and select this area and we press delete and just click on this vertices and you can see that we can easily delete this area also so also do the same thing so I press and hold the shift key and just click on this middle Mouse button and just drag my mouse to move this model over here and then maybe we can just uh click over here and we select this area press delete and vertices and then we're going to do the same things over here also so we select this part here press delete and vertices so now if we click the middle Mouse button to see that how our model looks something like this from this view okay so as you can see that and there are some of this tree so now we going to use the other selection method so maybe we can place our model over here then we go to the selection mode and if we just click on this little arrow button of this option and not release your click just drag your mouse to this select lasso tools here so now we can just click anywhere here and you can easily select this uh tree over here okay and then we just delete this one and you can see that you can nicely delete this unwanted part okay so do the same things over here also so maybe we can zoom it little bit or also move our model over here and then we going to select this so like this we can easily select and then just delete okay so very easy but it is a time consuming process so if you put more time here you can nicely clean your model here so as you can see here is some of this unwanted part so again we can select from here here and also maybe we can leave it as it is because we're going to put other assets over here so this area will hide by some other assets and also here you can see this uh things so maybe we can also erase this one okay so now you can understand that how we can easily delete this unwanted parts from our model so this is look nice now and if we go to our object mode here again and then if we go to the shedding tab so now you can see that this is our new model look like okay so this is very usable now so when you satisfy with the cleaning you have to export this model but in this time maybe we going to use uh this model as a fbx model so we going to export it as fbx so we go to this file then go to this export and then we go to this fbx option here and here from you can easily choose the pathway where you want to export your model here so maybe we name this as and just click on this export so here is this ABX file that you just export and now we're going to reopen our Unreal Engine project and then we going to reopen our level so we just go to this content then we open our tutorial level so this is our old house model and now we're going to reimport our new house model after the edit so again we go to this 3D models folder here and we going to import our new model also over here so this is the new model just bring it over here and because it's ABX model so we get this kind of popup window here and you you can also make it as a nanite so you just click over this build and nanite data and then click on this import all okay and we get some of this error message here but just close this one and here it is okay and you can see that it also comes with its own material so we just bring it over here and you can see that it's also aligned properly and with a nice size here so now if we just bring it down you can see that this looks something like this and we cannot identify the actual size reference here so we going to put a mannequin model to get our actual size reference so for this we go to this characters folder then we go to this mannequins go to this mesh and here is the mannequin model so we just bring it over here so as you can see that if we look it from the top you can see that this is really nice and clean here because you we clean this model and this is the old one so we're going to delete this one over here and we bring our warehouse model here and also we rotate this to 180° over here okay just like that so this is how you can make this nice process okay so maybe we can put it little higher here and as you can see that if you see some of this portion which is not visible from this side so we have to do one thing that we can select our model here and then we go to its material and maybe we click on this search option to get this actual position of this material and then we double click to open this material and after select this material we go to its in details option here and then if we go down you can find this option call this two-sided just enable this one apply like this and you can see that you can nicely block this area and also save this one okay and now you can see that this look much better with this block lighted area okay maybe we can place it over here okay and also you can do one thing that you can see that our specular highlighted of this house is look uh something like that that is look like plastic here so we we go over here to its material okay so you can see that we only have this base color and this normal map here but the metallic specular roughness have and doesn't have any values here so maybe we just click over this metallic right click and click on this promote to parameter okay and the default value is zero so we maybe left it as zero but we go to this roughness again right click click on this promote to parameter here and maybe we can put some value to the roughness so maybe we can put the value to maybe one here and then if we apply this value now you can see that it is look more rough here so it's not look like it's made with plastic because it's not that glossy anymore so this is how you can nicely set up uh the material of this house also okay so now we going to close this one here okay so this is the basic work and now we going to do some of this landscape scarting to make things look nicer okay so maybe first we going to put our uh this Warehouse little bit higher from the ground maybe here and now we going to put our landscape little bit higher here to match this level so we go to our landscape mode then we go to the sculpting and make sure that you select this scar tool here and we going to elevate our landscape little bit higher here okay and then we go to this flatten tool here and we going to Flat our landscape so maybe we can flat from this side so we select this side and now we going to just move our Mouse to make a nice flat area over here and then also we go to the smooth tool here and you can also smooth uh this age area here okay so this is very simple to do okay and also we go to our selection mode then we go to our house warehouse and you can just put it little bit uh uh down to the ground here okay and maybe we can go to landscape mode again and then you go to this flatten tool here maybe we go to this side and start flattening so you can also get nice carve edges over here okay so now you can understand that what I'm going to trying to do here and then also we going to do some landscape painting over this area so for this we go to this landscape then we go to this paint option here and maybe we use this one or this one here which is present in the D slot and then we just go over here and start painting here okay okay so this look nice and now we're going to put a road over here so we going to need a road material but as you can see that there is no Road material over here so we're going to download a road material from the mega scan and then also I show you that how you can add the road material over this landscape material so first we going to download the material so we go to over our content drawer and then we go to this add quick cell content here and I have already downloaded a material for the road so I go to this local here and there is the material so I also give the link in the description down below so in know to download just go over here and here from you can change the quality and just click on this download button and then just click on this add button and we minimize this one so here is this material and the textures okay so now we're going to add those textures over here so we can paint this material over here okay so how we can do that so here is this landscape material so if you not find this material over here just go to our selection mode then we going to select our landscape and after that we go to its details panel and here from you can easily find this landscape material so just double click to open this material so here it is and now we going to replace any material with this road material so maybe we can replace this B material over here because you can see that we not barely using the B material because we only use this C material as well as as this D material so we're going to replace this B material over here okay so here is the B material so first we going to change this color map so here is this color map so we just drag and drop over here which is the albo map here and then we need this height map but as you can see that there is no height map over here but we have this o map so if you just open this or map here you can see that this or map consist of three different Maps so if we just uncheck those G and B this is our oclusion map and if we just select this G1 this is the roughness map and if we select this B1 this is the height map or displacement map so we're going to use this one only and when you choose the B map and if you want to make a nice result with this textures you can do one thing that you go to this compression settings over here then we just uh click on this drop- down list and select this HDR compressed okay just like that and then we just save this one then we go to our landscape material and then we just drag this texture over this height map okay and also we go to this normal map and we have our normal map over here so we just put it over here and we leave our roughness map as it is okay so just saved it from here and now if we go to our landscape mode again then we go to our paint mode here and now as you can see that our B layer is changed with this road textures okay so now if we just select our this B material over here and if we start painting as you can see that we can easily paint this new material over our landscape okay so this is that easy okay so as you can see that this look really amazing and you can also get this nice displacement but if you want to increase the displacement you can also do that so if we go our landscape material and double click to open this and then we go to its B material Channel and if we go down you can find this option that is the material displacement and if you have this displacement amount to 0.1 here and if we increase this to maybe one and you can get more displacement here but this is so much exaggerated so we not going to use that much value over here so we going to make it as 0.1 which is look decent okay so this is how you can also increase or decrease the displacement amount on this material okay so now this look nice okay so now we're going to put a barate over here or maybe as you can see that this area is not look right so maybe we can also paint uh with this grass material over here so now we going to put a barate over here so for the barricade I'm using a megaan assets also so I have already downloaded some so this is the barricade that I'm going to use here so here it is but before I use this one maybe I make this as a nanite mesh so I just right click over here then we go to this nanite and click on this enable nanite Okay and now we're going to put this assets put it over here just like that and then also I duplicate it okay and here in the outliner folder you can see that when we put so many assets this area is populated too much so we're going to organize those assets so maybe we can select all of these assets and put it in a folder to make things organized okay just like that and now inside this folder these are all these barricades so we select all of these barricades here and then we duplicate it so now as you can see that this looks something like that or maybe we can make this Gap over here so we going to select all of this and then we just move it here okay okay so this look nice for now and we're going to create a pond over here so for this we go to our landscape mode again and make sure that you select our sculpt tool here and now we going to make a pond over here so in order to make a pond we going to press and hold our shift key here and then we just click to make this cting to downwards okay just like that and when you get a nice uh down landscape here you can go to our flatten tool and then go to this downside and just click and then you can just start painting to maintain this down side okay and also go to our smooth tool here and maybe we going to smooth this area so as you can see that this look really amazing and now we going to put a different assets to our project file to make the further actions so I'm going to show you that which asset I'm going to use for this project so I'm using this ruler Australia pack for the river for the trees I'm using this Mega scan European black Elders for some ground asset I'm using this n de Coast Collections and for some ground asset I'm using this meas scan Forest path okay so when we add those assets you will get all these folders over here so first we going to put a river over here so we're going to put a water material but before we do that first we going to create a plane on which we can apply this water material so we go to this option and then we go to the shape and go to this plane so here it is and now we first going to increase it scale so we select this plane from here and then we go to its details panel and then we go to its scale we going to increase it scale to maybe 200 over here and then we going to put this plane little bit down here maybe here okay and then we're going to apply a water material on this so for the water material we go to our ruler Australia pack just double click to open then we go to this water folder here and here you can find this water material so I'm using this second one which is this water material instance just drag and drop over here and as you can see that we can easily apply this water metal on this surface okay so as you can see that this looks something like this uh and now maybe we going to make a camera for our scene so we go to the this box again then we go to the cinematics and create a cine camera actor okay and here is our camera so we just right click over this camera then we click on this snap object to view okay and then also we go to this perspective and we select our C camera actor and also we going to make a sequencer for our scene so we go to this box then you go to this at level sequence and maybe you also name this as a tutorial sequence and then just click on this save so here it is and now we going to bring our camera over this sequence so we go to our C camera actor and drag and drop over here okay and then we select our camera from here and we go to its details panel first we go to this film back we're going to change this preset to 16 is9 DSLR okay just like that and then also we come over here go to this uh current for focal length we're going to change it maybe 15 mm presets here okay so we can get a nice wide angle view over here and then also select our camera and we go to his details panel we go down under this lens option first we go to this Bloom option here we're going to change this method to standard to convol here and also we go to the exposure first we going to change this Ming mode uh to maybe manual here and also go to this exposure compensation maybe we change this to 10 for now and also we go down here there is this uh lens flare option here maybe we going to enable this lens player and also we going to decrease this value to maybe 0.1 and after that we go to the reflections option here and we go to this Lumen Reflections and here you will find this high quality translucent Reflections just activate this one and also enable this from here and now you can see that you can get a nice reflection over here so if you just turn this off you can get this kind of reflection but if you turn this on you can get nice reflection over this River area Okay so this look nice for now and maybe we going to change our light position here so now we're going to put the trees also so for the tree I'm using this meas scan black Elder assets so maybe we go over here this is the black Elder and then we're going to put a filter over here for the static mes and if you not have any filters here just go to this three line option then we go to this static mesh filter just enable this one and you will get all the static meshes over here okay so now we're going to put the trees here so maybe first we going to put a tree over here so let's see maybe we're going to use this one so just put it over here okay and you can see that this trees look amazing maybe we can increase it scale little bit more so maybe we can select it here and increase it scale little bit maybe we can put it over here and for the decoration purpose we can also put additional Roots here so we have the this ruler Australia pack for this so if we go to this ruler Australia and also enable this static mesh filter you can get nice Roots also here so maybe if we go down here you can see this kind of roots so maybe we can put those roots over here and also we can increase its scale so you can get nice Roots also okay so as you can see that this also blend with this tree so maybe we can duplicate it one more time and maybe we can rotate this and as you can see that this look amazing okay and now maybe we're going to put other trees over here so maybe use the same tree so maybe we can put it over here maybe we can increase its scale little bit and then also we use different trees over here and also we can increase it scale so as you can see that when we put those trees you can see that this area looks really amazing okay and maybe we can change our light position over here okay just like that and then we going to put the tree here also so it will take a little time but I just manually put the tree but if you want you can use the F section but I think my PC is not uh that good so I'm just manually put few trees over here to fill this area okay so as you can see that uh this look nice maybe we can also make uh some other elevations over this area so we go to our landscape mode then we go to this scalp tool here and maybe we can Elevate this area little bit up so maybe we can just sculpting from here here and also go to the smooth tool and start smoothing over here okay just like that and then we going to put the trees over here so again go back to our selection mode and then we going to duplicate and now we going to paint our Landscapes also so we go to our landscape mode again then we go to our paint option here and here from we can maybe use this material over here and then we're going to start [Music] painting okay and now if you see that uh we didn't get this displacement as I can see earlier you can just go to our selection mode then we select our landscape then we go to its nanite option here here it is just click on this rebuild data and you can get this kind of nice landscape over here and also if we can go to our water material maybe we can change here okay just like that maybe we can put this little higher here maybe over here and also maybe we can make a nice gradual slope over here so we go to our landscape then we go to our sculpt mode here then we go to this flatten tool here and maybe we can start flattening okay just like that and then also we go to the smooth tool here okay then we go again our selection mode okay so this look amazing or maybe we can go to our landscape mode then go to the paint maybe we going to use this one over here so we just start [Music] painting okay and also we select this plane and maybe we can disable all the snapping here and then we just put it little down here okay so now you can see that our scene look little bit better now uh but one thing that if we close to here you can see that if any assets intersect our landscape you can see that there is a very sharp transition here okay and this look like that this is very fake here but if we make something that this texture gradually disappear over this as it will look nice so this is a process called the runtime virtual texturing and if we enable this runtime virtual texturing for every assets you can easily make this texture gradually disappear over this assets and it will look nicer okay so let's make the runtime virtual texturing so how we can do that so before we do anything first we go to edit then we go to this project settings and in the search bar first we type for virtual texture and you can see that virtual textures and underneath you will see that enable virtual texture support okay just enable this one and then we have to restart our engine so just click on this restart now and also you have to save our progresses and after restart we close this one and then also we going to open our level so here is the tutorial level then also we open our sequencer here and also we select our camera okay and then we going to create virtual textures so first we create a folder for this so we go over our content drawer here then right click and create a folder and then we name this as virtual texture okay so here it is then we're going to open this folder just double click to open and here we're going to create the textures so we're going to create two textures one for the height and one for this material so first we going to right click then we go to this texture and here you will find this runtime virtual textures okay so we're going to rename this first so maybe we right click and rename this as BT score height okay and then also we make a duplicate copy of this so we press control C and contrl V here then we going to also right click to rename this one and we're going to name this as VT material okay so we have these two textures so these are our virtual textures so first we open this virtual texture height just double click to open and then we go to this option called this virtual texture content and in this drop- down menu we select World height okay because this virtual texture represent the heights okay and also open this one but we not going to change anything here just leave it as it is okay so then we just close this okay and then we're going to create a virtual texture volume so we go to this option here here then you go to this volume and at the end you will find this runtime virtual texture volume so we just open this volume here so as you can see there is this runtime virtual texture then we go to its details panel so here is the details panel and here you will find these virtual textures so first we going to apply one virtual texture over here so maybe we make this runtime virtual texture volume for this height okay so we just drag and drop this height over here that is the virtual texture and then we go up and here you have to specify this landscape here so this virtual texture work on this landscape so we're going to pick our landscape here so this option called this bounce align actor we select this pier here just select our landscape okay and as you can see that now this option changed to landscape here and after you set the landscape you have to set this bounds just click over here that is a set bounds okay and then also we do one thing that if we go here you can see that this is the boundary for our virtual texture volume maybe if you can see this yellow line here but you can see that uh it's completely cover our landscape but not completely cover our Heights here so we're going to increase the height of this volume so we select this runtime virtual texture volume then we go to this scale here and we go to this axis maybe we going to increase this value so if we go over here and maybe put 10 here and now you can see that this is little bit higher here so it can now totally cover our landscape here and after that we go to this runtime virtual texture again and we duplicate this one so just contrl D to duplicate and here is this another runtime virtual texture volume and after selecting this runtime virtual texture volume we go to to it details panel and here you also get this virtual texture slot and here we're going to put this one that is the material okay that is the virtual texture material we just drag and drop over here okay so this is all done over here but you can see that it's not working now because we have to tail this landscape material to capture those textures also so this is a very lengthy process so I go through very slowly here so you can understand okay so then we select our landscape here so as you can see that we select our landscape and here also you can see the landscape is selected and after select we go to his details panel then we go down and you will find this virtual texture option here so we're going to put this virtual textures over here also so in order to put those virtual texture we click on this plus sign twice okay and then we going to put those virtual textures over here so first you're going to put this height over here and then also put this material over here okay so just like that so now we all set here but we have to enable the virtual texture for each and every asset here you can see that this asset is not enable this virtual texture so we see the Sim hereare so in order to enable the virtual texture for this asset we have to do one thing that we select this asset here then we go to its material so in this details panel we have this material for this assets so just double click to open this material here then we go down and you will find this parent material also so if we open this parent material so you can see that this is the material node so we have to put a function over here to enable the virtual texture and the function for this virtual texture also comes with this landscape material so if we go to our landscape folder which hold this landscape material and inside this materials folder we have this functions folder just double click to open and here you will find if we make a room here here you can find this MF virtual texture ground blend okay just drag and drop this functions over here so here you can see that this looks something like that and then we going to make this functions in between these two notes so just drag this note here and also output this note to this material attributes okay so this is all done here now we're going to apply this and also save this okay so now close this and again we didn't see this virtual texture in action so we again reopen this material here and then if we go down here you will find this new Option called this virtual textures okay so now if you enable this one and also we have to activate this one and after enable this we have to assign our virtual texture that we created earlier have to assign over here okay so we have to activate those slot and then we go to our virtual texture folder so if we go down there is the virtual texture folder and those are the virtual texture height and the virtual texture material that we created earlier just assign those over here so as you can see that it's called this rvt placeholder material so we have to put this material over here okay and as you can see it's represent the height slot so we going to place our height texture over here okay so just like that and then if we see here you can see that it's now functioning but we have to save this again okay so now if we go over here so if we just go to activate those options and if you just increase you can see that it look something like that that some of this green texture also appeared over here but this look not right so we have to go over this option here called the remove sides activate this and also deactivate from here and now you can see that our this assets look totally green here so we have to decrease this blending length here and now you can see that this is nicely blend with our ground here so as you can see that if we go little down here and now you can see that this virtual Textures in action okay so and now you can also enable this process to other assets also so if we go over here so maybe we can enable this features for this root here so we can also do that so if we select this root here maybe we can minimize this if we select this root over here then we go to its material inside this details panel just double click to open this okay so here it is then we go to its parent material so here is this parent material just double click to open and now you can see that this looks something like that so we have to put this material functions over here so again we go to this landscape folder here then we go to this materials then also go to this functions and then we go to its virtual texture functions just put it over here and also so we link with this okay just like that okay then we save this one and then we go to its material and here from you can also get these virtual texture options here just enable this and also we put our runtime textures over here so we activate those and then we go to our virtual texture folder and here is those two textures so we first put this material over here and then we put this height over here and now you can see that it also functions with this virtual texture but as you can see we deactivate this remove side option here and then you can see it can fully functional with this virtual texture okay so if we go over here you can see this is green and you can also customize this process so if we go to this virtual texture fall of length you can decrease this followup and also you can increase the height if we increase this also decrease this okay so this is all uh depends on you that how much blending you need here and you can also do one thing that if you go to this noise texture so if we just enable this noise textures here and you can you can see that there is no sharp blending it have this kind of noisy blending over here okay so as you can see you can see that there is little bit of noise and you can also change this noise styling so if you increase or decrease this noise styling you can get this kind of noise over here so I don't think that YouTube compression let us to visualize this but when you do that you can understand that what noise textures do here okay so this is how you can activate or deactivate this uh virtual texture but when you enable this virtual texture it will look really amazing okay so this is a lot process to enable the virtual texture for each and every assets but when you do you can get a nice result here so we close this one okay so this is how you can uh enable the virtual texture and now we going to put uh some assets over here so as you you can see that our tiling is not look right here for this roof so I'm going to download a tile model and also put those tiles over here and I'm using the sketch F to download the tile model here so this is the tiles model that I'm going to use so many thanks to this Creator who actually build this assets and in order to download just go to here and I'm downloading this ABX version just click over this download and then I open this folder go to the source and here is the FX file so I'm going to import this one and I also import this file into this 3D models folder that we created for this Warehouse model just double click to open and then we going to import this one also and also we click on this build nanite and import all and we also need to import the textures also so again we go to this texture folder here here it is and we also going to drag it here then we going to prepare that material so we open this default material which is for this roof model here so just open this one and then first we going to delete this default texture here and we going to drag this alido map over here and connect it with this base color here then we go to this normal map and also connect with this normal channel here then also put this roughness map over here and put it on this roughness okay and then we're going to apply this [Music] one and minimize this so here is our roof so we going to drag it over here and also we're going to scale this up so we go to the scale switch here okay and then we're going to increase its scale little bit not much and then we going to reposition it okay and then we going to duplicate it to this entire area Okay so we're going to duplicate it and then we going to select all of this and also we can also select it from here also so just like that and then we going to organize this so we put it into a folder again so here it is maybe we can also name this folder so go to this edit and name to roof [Music] tile okay then we going to easily select all of this by just right clicking over this roof T folder here then go to the select and click on this all descendant just like that and then we going to duplicate it all together okay just like that and also we put it over here okay then we can also minutely adjust all of this so we going to select it and maybe place it over here okay so I roughly designed this but if you put more times to adjust this you can get a nice result and also maybe we can duplicate this one here to fill this area also and now you can see that uh this looks some sometimes very repetitive so maybe we can just select randomly tiles over here then we go to this transform and go to this mirror X and then you can just change it positions so it will not look that it is repetive okay so just randomly select any of these Styles over here and just change this to mirror x axis so go to the transform mirror X okay so in that way you it will look little different okay so now you can see that this look much better and if we reposition our sun and you can get this kind of nice shadow over this roof here okay so and also one thing we can do that we can increase our sun size also so we go to this search bar here and and type for directional light and here is our sun so we're going to increase our source angle size okay so this look better now okay so now I can see that from here the roof also look nice okay and then we going to create a ramp over here okay so for the ramp I'm using a mega scan assets so let's download the assets and I'm using this W assets here so I'm going to download this one so here is the assets so first we go over here then I'm going to put this log over here just like that maybe going to put it over here and then we going to rotate this also you want to increase it scale little bit okay and then maybe we going to place it over here okay and then we're going to duplicate this for multiple times to make the ramp here and then also we going to make a little bit of rotation here random rotation to make a look little bit of different here just like that okay so this look nice for now and now we're going to make some of the side rails also so we're going to duplicate this one so maybe we can if we select this one and duplicate this to make it 90° over here then we going to place it over here okay so this is how you can make this kind of nice ramp and we can also do one thing that maybe we can deep it down little bit to look little bit of different and also select this one and we also rotate it to look little bit of different here okay so now you can see that you can nicely make this kind of ramp over here okay okay and now we going to put the virtual textures also over here so how we can do that so here is this material for all these assets just double click to open this material and then we go to its parent material over here just double click to open and then we're going to put this virtual texture functions over here so as we say that virtual texture function is present inside this landscape folder so if we go to this landscape folder here then we go to this materials then go this functions and here is this function so just bring it over here then we just connect it with this okay just like that and then we save this or apply this one and then we going to reopen our material for this locks so we select this locks go to it details panel and here is the material just double click to open then we come down over here so here is the virtual textures just activate this from here and then also we going to bring all these virtual textures uh to here so for the virtual texture that we created earlier which is present inside this virtual texture folder so here is this virtual textures so first we go to put this material over here but before we do that we going to activate those and then we just bring it over here okay and I can see that here is the virtual texture is appearing but again we go to this remove sides option here and deactivate this okay and now you can see that the virtual texture is working nicely here and you can also decrease or increase the blending okay just like that okay so save this one and we can also do one thing that if we go over here you can see that those locks are connected with the water so it is probably that some of these areas are weight due to the water so we can also do that because we have another material function for this so as you remember that we have downloaded Nordic Coast collections for our scene so if we go to this Mega scan folder then if we go to this 3D assets and you can get so many Nordic Coast collection Clips here because we have already downloaded so if you go to this folder and here if we go to this material and if we open this material and if we want to go the material node so we go to this hierarchy then we click on this option here and here you can find this material functions named this sh winess okay so we're going to just copy this material function so just right click over here and then just copy this one okay and then we minimize this and we select any of this assets here then we go to its material so here is the material just double click to open and then again we go to its parent material over here just double click to open so here it is and then here we can also paste this function here so we just contrl V to paste this weight functions over here and again we're going to connect it here and then we're going to reconnect it over here okay and then if we apply this we can get this kind kind of nice wet look over here so as you can see that after this functions wet functions you will get this kind of look here and this look nice okay so now we come over here and now we're going to put some of this concrete log over here so for this I'm going to use this concrete beam here so going to download this one so here is this place it over here and also going to rotate this to 180° here then we going to place it over here okay and then we going to put a stair over here and here is the stair model here so here is the ster case so we're going to download this one so here is a ster model so we going to bring it over here and first we're going to rotate this and as you can see that uh this is our landscape so we're going to uh resculpt our landscape again so we go to our landscape mode then we go to the sculpt tool here and maybe we decrease the brush size here and then we press shift and hold the shift key and just deat down our landscape here okay and also go to the smooth tool here and we going to start smoothing here also and also we going to go to our selection mode then we duplicate our stair also over here okay just like that maybe we go to our landscape mode then we go to this flatten tool here maybe we start flatting here a little bit and then again we go to the smooth tool here and we going to start smoothing here okay and also maybe we want to select these stairs and also duplicate it over here okay just like that and now you can see that this look nice so we have now nice stair also over here and one thing we can also do that we can also enable the virtual texture for this assets also so now we're going to put some other assets uh maybe we can put some of the trees to here also because you can see that this area looks little empty so we're going to fill it with some trees here so maybe we can duplicate those trees okay so far so good and now you can see that we are getting here and we almost get our view here but we have to design our scene nicely so for the designing purpose uh I'm going to use some of the mega scan assets as well as the epic game Marketplace assets and all assets are free first I'm going to show you the marketplace assets that which asset I'm going to use for the designing purpose so I'm going to use this old waste just click on this ad and also I'm using this assets also from this old west and also this one and once you download the assets you will find this old W folder here into your content drawer just double click to open and then if you turn on this static mesh filter you will get all these assets over here so we're going to use those assets to design this Warehouse area so maybe I'll will show you uh this part for design and then maybe you can easily do this into the rest of this area also so as you can see there we have so many shelves here so if we go over here we can get this kind of shelves here so maybe we can use those so maybe we can put it over here just like we have another one so maybe we can use this one so this all depends on you so don't just copy uh that what I'm am doing here you can also use your imagination to design this area okay and as you can see that uh this floor is not looking right so maybe we can use another assets so maybe if we go to this Mega scan folder so here is the Mega SC folder and if you enable the static mesh filter and then if we go down at the end you will find this s Rocky Forest path assets okay so maybe we can use this one so maybe we can just put it over here so it is not concrete like but it can also fit over here so you can use it also so again we go to this old west folder and maybe we can put some of these barrels over here also so here you can also see some of these nice rocks here so instead of using this you can also use those rocks over here so if we put the Rocks you can get also a nice result in your scene so maybe we can delete those assets this rack sales here also so maybe if we go over here you can also put those shes here okay so this is uh all for this area so you can easily design the rest of this area by using this same technique here so maybe we can go over here now okay so this is how you and do that and one thing uh that I also do in my actual video is that if you go to this pillar here or any pillars here you will get that uh this pillar doesn't have so much details so if you get a nice closeup shot this pillar is not look right because you can see that this is very flat here so we can also do one thing but this is a very time consuming that we can manually put the single bricks over these pillars also so I'll show you that how you can do this very quickly so we have to download a brick model from the mega scan and here from you can download This Old Brick model here so here it is and also we download some of these assets from here also so maybe we can use this modular concrete U model also and some of this bench model and then also maybe some of this wooden locks here and so many other branches here and maybe this one and and also this and also you can use some of these uh pin sheets here this bulk backs here and also this railing will be very useful and this uh Roots model also and maybe this one and once we add those assets we go to this meas scan folder here and then if we go to this static M filter you will get all these assets over here okay so maybe we can put uh this garbage bag over here so maybe if we put this over here okay just like that and now I'm going to show you that how you can put some details over this pillars here okay so as you can see we have downloaded a brick model so let's find the brick model here so here it is so maybe we go over here but as I can say this is a very time consuming process so keep your patience and just do it so you have to manually put this bricks over these pillars okay so it will take a little time uh but at the end it will make a nice result to your scene okay so maybe we can also duplicate it over here but one thing we have to do that when we put those bricks we also put it into a folder because there will be so many bricks so this area will be populated by those assets so we going to put it into a folder here and maybe also we name this folder as a if we go to this edit and rename this so we name this as a brick pillar or bricks okay so now if we go at the Top If we go to this folder you will get all this brick model inside this folder okay so maybe we can also go over here and then we place it over here maybe our bricks a little bit bigger than this pillar so we also make these pillars a little bit bigger here okay and then again we duplicate this or we can also enable this snapping here or maybe snapping degre to 5° here and then we going to press e to get this rotation Gizmo and also press and hold the ALT key and duplicate this to 90° here and then we going to place it over here okay and then again we duplicate one more time and do the same thing here [Music] also and now we're going to put in another line over this line so maybe we can duplicate this and place it over here so as you can see that how the bricks are arranged so we can also rotate this to 90° here okay so as you can see that we made this two lines of this brick and then we going to select all of these bricks so select this brick here then maybe we go to this folder then right click go to this select and select all descendant okay just like that and then we going to duplicate this just like that so you can do these things very quickly okay so just duplicate okay and maybe you can see that this area is not look that good so maybe we can also bring those bricks little bit inside or maybe we can also make it a little bit shorter here or maybe not that much and do the same thing for this [Music] also okay and also you can see that there is some of these reputations here so if you just right click over here then we go to this transform and maybe you can also mirror this so you can see that it not look uh repetitive here so just okay so as you can see that we totally done this area and also you can do the same thing to make things randomly just go to this transform change those to something different sides here and it will look different so if you done one pillar here then rest of the things you just have to duplicate those bricks so you go to this bricks folder and right click and click on this all descendant and then maybe we can do one thing that we can make it a group so just just right click and click on this group here okay so in that way you will make a nice group here so now if we just move this group so if we just duplicate this group here you can duplicate all these bricks together here okay so now you can see that these things you can do very quickly here okay so this is how you can make those pillars more detailed here and if you want to make some changes because when you make it as a group you cannot change any bricks here so you have to ungroup this again so again we just write click and go to this groups and click on this ungroup and then you can easily change those individual bricks here okay just like that so this is very handy so in that way you can make those pillars look nice okay and then also we going to put some other assets so if we go over here so here as you can see that this our ramp looks something like that so maybe we can do one thing that we can duplicate this uh PSE here so maybe we duplicate this here like this and then maybe we can put it little down here so as you can see if we move our light here so here is this so maybe we can place it over here okay and then also we duplicate this to this side also and also we have another assets so if we go over here we can get some of these railings here [Music] so so here you can get this kind of railings so you can also put those railings so put it over here just like that so now you can get nice result also so this is how you can nicely designed this area and now again we have some of these pillars also so maybe we can put this pillars over here and I also like to put another asset so this is one which is this s mossi Forest route so I'm going to put it over here so as you can see that this assets look really amazing so if we go to close here maybe we can use this assets here like this okay so maybe we can duplicate it multiple times here and maybe we can also put uh this asset so if we go down here and we'll get this wooden assets here so you can also put it here in there to make a random design okay and also we have some of these falling branches here so you can also put the sh in there so maybe put it here and then also we have these nice locks here [Music] so okay just like that so now you can see that with this uh ground assets it will look more amazing and also you can do the same things over this side also so I'm not doing it to this whole area but you will get the idea okay so now you can see that with this ground assets it really look amazing maybe we can also duplicate it here a little down here okay just like that so this is how you can put nice small details to make your scene look stunning okay so this is how you can do that and also in my actual video I'm using some iron fence over here here also so I'm also show you that how I get those iron fence so I'm downloading those iron fence from the sketch F so for the fence I'm using this model here so here is this actual Creator so many thanks to the Creator so here it is and you also get all these textures here so we're going to select both of these assets and these textures and then we go to the 3D models folder here and here we going to create another folder and inside this folder we're going to bring this then we minimize this and import all and then we close this one okay so here it is and now we first we go to open the material here so here is the material open this one and then we going to change this default material with its own material okay so maybe we go to the top to this textures folder and here is all this textures so maybe we use this uh r one so we put this over here and then just connect it with this base color then it's a height map so we don't need that one but we need this metallic one so use that and also connected to this metallic Channel then go to this normal map connect with this normal and also use this roughness map connect with this roughness okay then we apply this and save this okay now we minimize this and so you can see all these assets over here so we going to select all of this because it's a all different parts so we select all of these parts and we bring it all together over here so you can see this fence over here and there is all this component of this fence so again we going to organize this so we put it into a folder here so here it is so we name this as a fence so now if we go to this fence folder then right click go to the select and select all descendant here maybe we can make it as a group so we right click and click on this group here and now it will be a group of models so maybe we can put it over here okay so now you can see that we really make things nicer here so maybe if we put our sun to this side maybe you can get this kind of nice lighting also maybe we put our sun maybe here so we can get nice lens flares also and maybe we can go go to the search bar and type for fog and maybe we can decrease the fog density little bit down to make our SC little bit of clearer here okay just like that and also increase the fog fall off here okay just like that and now you can get nice result also and now finally we going to put uh some of the grass over our landscape so it will get our final details to our scene so for this grass again I'm going to download some assets from the mega scan so I go to this quickel content so I'm going to use this grass model which is called the grass clumps so I'm going to download this so here is this grasses so we select all of these three types of grass and right click and make it as a nanite okay and then I go to the poage section here and as you can see all these three grasses also added over here so we select all of these three grasses then we select those grasses and maybe we can also decrease our brass size here maybe 50 or so and then we going to start painting so let's see how it look like so as you can see that the density is not that enough so we're going to increase the density so we're going to increase the density from here so maybe we can delete those and in order to delete just press and hold the shift key and just paint you can easily delete so here you can get the density so there is a paint density so maybe we increase it to all the way one and here also we increase the density to maybe 500 here okay so now if we paint you can get nice dense grasses here okay so now you can just use those grasses here and also we have another ground assets from this Forest to folder so if you go to this Forest St so we have already added those assets and then if you go to the static mesh you can get some of these nice assets here like this Falling Leaves some of these grasses here and also falling sticks so again we go to our F section then we go over here to this assets and maybe we can make those assets as a nanite so we select all of these assets then right click go to the nanite click on this enable nanite for 31 meses and then maybe we can select this falling lips here and put this over here and then we only select those falling leaves so we deselect those grasses and only select those falling leaves and maybe if we start painting here and you can see some of these grasses here so maybe we can deselect those grasses so we only select those grasses here and we delete those grasses for now and also we go over here to the areas density and we can erase those grasses only then we only select this two here and now we start [Music] painting okay as you can see that there is also small grasses here so and maybe we can go to settings and make it as a high settings here so we can move nicely okay and you can see that there is small grasses too but we going to delete this grass so we also unck this one and only select this falling lips maybe we can increase its density to maybe 200 here and also do one thing that we go to this placement option and deselect this align normal option here okay so now if we start painting you can get nice falling leaves here and there also okay just like that and now also we're going to put some falling sticks here so again here is so many sticks model here so we're going to select all of this and then we're going to bring it over here okay and then again we going to deselect this falling leaves here and only select those falling sticks and then we're going to come over here maybe we decrease the density to uh 50 here okay and now if we start [Music] painting you can get nice falling sticks here also okay so now you can see that with this small details this look really amazing okay so again go back to our selection mode maybe we go back to our apic mode again and so you can get nice water reflection here and everything turns on and you can see that this look really amazing okay but there is lot things to do if you see my actual video you can see that I put so many other details over here so you can also do that okay so if we go to this ruler Australia pack then we go to the static mes filter and here from you can also get nice assets here so maybe some of this wooden poles here so you can just put some po here and there and it will look nice and then also we have some of these uh falling tree here so if we just put some of these Dee tree models over here and there it also look nice okay just like that and then also we have some of this nice root model as we just use it here and then so on and so forth okay then also you have some of these falling sticks from here also so you can also use this but you can see this is very small to see okay and then also we have uh other old wte assets so if we go to the static mesh and you can get some of these nice assets from here also so you will get this kind of nice benches if you want to put over here and then also we have have some of these boxes here so you can also put some boxes here and there to make things nice looking okay and also we have some of these so those are some of the sacks so you can also put some sacks over here and there okay maybe you can put some of these scans here and there it is not necessary but if you want you can also do that okay so this is it for now and now we're going to create a nice camera animation to our Sim okay so for this we go to the sequencer maybe we going to create a 10 seconds long video so maybe we change our frame length here and if your video is 24 frame per second then you have to put 240 frames here to make a nice 10 seconds long video maybe we can also get some extra frames here okay so here it is and now this is our 24 frames timeline here and also we can extend our camera cut here a little bit to make some of this warm up frames okay just like that then we come over here and now we're going to make a camera animation like that someone just walking here and at the same time he is filming so how we can make those animations so first we go to this camera and then go to this transform here and make a key frame at the beginning but make sure that the key frame will be linear interpolation so we just right click over this key frame and then select this linear option here okay and also we go to this option that is the key frame option we set it default to this linear here and also we check on this auto key frame and then we go to this very last frame here so how we do that just click over here to go to this end frame here and then we just move our camera over here okay so just like that and as we enable this auto key frame so you can see that there is a automatic key frame generated here so now you can see that you can make this camera animation here but we have to make some camera Shake also so for this camera Shake we have to make a blueprint for camera shake so we go to our content drawer again and also disable this static mes filter also we go to our content folder here and here we're going to make the blueprint for the camera shake so we just right click then we go to this blueprint class and here in all classes in the search bar we type for shake okay and you will find this camera Shake base okay select this one and click on this select so we rename it as shake and then we open this and first we go to this root Shake pattern we change this to parallel noise camera Shake pattern here and then we go to it drop down and then go to this timing and first we go to the duration and we make this as zero okay and then finally we go to our sequencer again and then we go to this camera component here and go to this plus sign then we go to this camera shake and we select our blueprint here okay and we also extend this blueprint over here okay just like that and now we going to this looping option here just activate this and we play our video here okay so now we going to change some settings for this shake so first we go to this rotation here maybe we put some value to maybe one here and you can see that it is shaking a little bit maybe we can go here maybe we can go here and then then we go to this leite option and unle is so now you can see some smooth animation here okay and but we want to make something like that someone is walking so maybe our camera moves or shake up and down here so for this we go to this pitch option and go to this amplitude maybe we change this to maybe two here and also we increase the frequency or maybe we change this to amplitude to 5 and now you can see that some of our camera is shaking up and down maybe we change the frequency to maybe two here but you can see that the up and down Shake is too much so maybe we going to decrease this value to maybe two here so this looks something that someone is working maybe we compile this settings and we then we go to here and we go to our lead mode here and now if we play and maybe you can see that um it like that they working very fast here so we have to slow the movement so maybe we can narrow our animation area here okay so now if you see but you can see that the shake is little too much so again we go to this camera shake and then maybe we go to this frequency we increase it to maybe 1.5 okay and now it look something right okay so now as you can see okay and now one thing we can also do that first we maybe start from the ground here and then some frames forward maybe we can look to up or maybe look it to this side okay so as you can see that look at to this side and then maybe sometime we maintain this side okay and then finally few frames we can look to here and then finally also we come down here and then finally here and also we select all of these key frames here then right click and also make it as a cubic interpolation okay so now as you can see okay or maybe we can just delete this key frame here so now as you can see okay so this is how you can make this kind of camera animation okay so this is how you can do that and also you can do some of the visual effects uh to put in so maybe if we go our content drawer then maybe if we go to the ruler Australia pack here and and then we go to the effects folder and here you can get some of these falling lips effects so maybe we can put some of this falling lips effects over here also so here maybe and you can get nice falling lips effects here and then also maybe we can put some of it over here okay so as you can see that you can get some of this nice falling lips so in order to render it into high quality I'm using the movie render queue but if we go to the window and go to the Cinematic there is no movie render queue here so we have to enable this plugin so we go to this edit then we go to this plugins and here I search for movie render [Music] que and here is the movie render que plugin just enable this one as well as this movie render que additional render passes and then uh I have to restart my engine and also open our sequencer here and then we go to this perspective and select our camera okay so now everything look nice maybe you can do one thing that you can also change uh the light position maybe if we go to press contrl and L and then maybe we and put our sun over here okay and then we go to the window go to the cinematics and go to this movie render queue and then we go to this render and we have to select our actual sequence so in this case this is the tutorial sequence and then we go to the settings uh inside the unip config and first we going to delete this jpex sequence because we don't want to render our video into a jpex sequence so we go to the settings first you go to antialiasing and we change the sample count to maybe 32 here and also click on this override antialiasing and also we click on this render warm-up frames because we leave some frames for this warmup settings and then also go to the settings go to this camera and I select this Frame close and then again go to the settings and go to the high resolution here and select the subsurface scattering again you go to the settings and go to the G override okay and don't don't need to change anything here again we go to the settings and we select this exr sequence and finally go to the output and here from you can easily uh change the output directory where you want to save your renders and everything look nice just click on this accept and you click on this render local so in order to render this sequence okay so this is how you can actually make this kind of scene so this is it and this is how you can render this video but make sure that you delete this mannequin before you render so I put all this information in this video so you can easily make this kind of scene and I hope that you really enjoy this because it's a very long tutorial so this is for today and we will see in my next video so till then take care and [Music] [Music] bye-bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Magnet VFX
Views: 85,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5.1, UE5.1, Game development, Game engine, Real-time rendering, 3D modeling, Level design, Computer graphics, Game design, Cinematic production, Animation, Blueprint programming, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 sequencer, unreal engine tutorial, unreal engine cinematics, unreal engine 5 cinematics, game developer, tutorial, ue5 sequencer, lumen, nanite, unreal engine 5 beginner, unreal engine 5 tutorial film, unreal engine 5 tutorial landscape, magnetvfx
Id: 5k8iZXosT2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 31sec (6691 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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