Gaea to Unreal 5.1 - Texturing with Masks Tutorial

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hello and welcome to another tutorial it's been a few weeks um this one is By Request of my good friend Carlos from Venezuela and um it is about bringing in your Landscapes um from software such as Gaia or World machine or whatever it is that you're using and um and being able to distribute your materials um through the use of the different types of maps that uh Gaia is using so I'm going to just demonstrate this here with the snow map but um you could also you know use um flow maps all right let me just apply this here so um so these Maps can be used to um distribute your materials uh inside Unreal Engine and there is a lot of them there's a lot of different options so you know you have uh um uh you know height and and a rock map and growth and all kinds of like potential maps that you can put on there uh to to you know put your you put your vegetation on there put your rocks on there uh you know use no obviously and so forth so I'll demons demo this with just the snowfall today but ultimately um you'll see how it works in you know in the end it's it's all going to be the same so I've already marked those two right here for export so this is a very you know simple build right here I've started with a mountain I added uh a canyon just to you know put a break into it I combined those two uh I then added a crater and combine that um I did then also some Mountain I'm sorry some some Canyon a wider Canyon here uh and some rocket terrain combined that in shattered that and then added a bunch of erosion to the combination uh of this and um this is essentially the finished terrain right here with the exception that when you do add snowfall what it will do it it will start to kind of like add a softer area where where there's no fault license obviously you can adjust that snowfall as you please write in here so uh for our export then right click and uh uh Mark for export and then uh in our build section I'm exporting snowfall and I've exported the flow as well I'm not going to use this in the tutorial but um one of the things so in in you know one one of the things we do have different options here you might want to consider uh raw raw 16 uh or even Photoshop I believe it works in Unreal Engine um Regular PNG seem to be also 16 bits so they do work for me um I'm just gonna leave it at that but you're welcome uh to choose you know even a higher resolution file as long as it works with the engine um right in here I have chosen the uh the build for unreal engines so if you do have your your other builds right here and obviously uh uh a regular 4K build would be 1496 but if you go to the Unreal Engine documentation it explains it very nicely why you want to use 4033 in Unreal Engine because it's just going to uh add more processing uh to your your you know two-year engine unnecessarily so um you know it's going to double up on um on uncertain uh areas and so this is not necessary okay so um so at that point I'm just gonna go start build um I've already done this so I'm not not gonna need to do this now and at that point then we're going to bring this into the engine so I'm just gonna close out of um close out of this year and we have here a brand new uh startup for you know in the engine and this is now 5.11 and um now I'm just gonna go into landscape and um I'm going to import uh this from files so we're gonna stay right here and manage we're gonna go import and in the height map I'm just going to select this and as I said it's already saved in this case um on this this barely visible right very soft looking one that's the one we do want to use for our height map so this is our snowfall right here and I'm gonna open that up and this is going to generate our height map oh hopefully as you can see right here what is acceptable PNG R16 raw raw they're all good all right what's going on here oh all right it's already it is coming in it looks like hmm okay all right um so one of the things that does happen when you import your landscape so there's two things that happen number one it's I mean you can see the deformation right here but it's usually never enough so um I found that one good um scale is to kind of like come up here and if you're doing 4K uh just type in 500 in the C scale and that will probably be about right the other thing that it's gonna do is and it always does that and um you know in the various fellowships I have heard like a lot of people ask about this I've never gotten an answer to it or I don't recall ever having gotten a a reasonable answer to it when you're putting in a landscape with a height map or it's going to displace that Terrain away from your zero zero Mark um now if you if you then put that terrain to zero it will do the same thing that it does on on this plane right there actually I'm sure if it does that let me see um no it doesn't what it will actually do is it will put it on a corner so it will put the zero on one of the corners rather than putting it in the middle so if you want this terrain to be center right here uh you're just gonna have to do it manually and it you know it takes a little bit I'm not going to bother with it now but there are you know it makes sense to kind of like move it so if this is a a build where uh you know I'm working more on it I do kind of like try and bring it up uh into this area uh I found that it works better with fog and you know with this guy's fear and these kind of things okay so um yeah so then then we can leave all of this by default it should clock in correctly and we're just going to click import and hopefully we've got our volcano here and here it is so here's our volcano and it's looking pretty good looking pretty detailed uh now this is very big so let me caught up this year so this is very big obviously right now so you might want to move your camera speeds you know all the way to eight two fly around in here okay so um we've got that done this would you know be a good moment to save everything to just do this regularly save all you never know when it crashes um all right and now we're going to have to create a material for this and we're gonna do this the same way than we would when we're just painting the material so the first thing is I'm gonna do a uh um underscore landscape so that right there tells me it's our landscape materials um you can also adjust the colors and maybe we'll go for a landscape folder green this just makes it easier to find stuff all right now I'm going to double click on that and I'm gonna go and create a new material I'm gonna again call this m underscore landscape and I'm gonna right click this and create material instance and just hit enter and now I have those two created and I'm going to save all again okay so and now I'm going to start to build well actually first we're gonna have to download them uh some stuff I'm gonna need some rocks and I'm gonna need some snow so I'm going to go to my question Bridge and in this case it opened you know my other monitors so right here we're gonna go to surfaces and I want to have some snow typing all right and I'm gonna find myself something that's not too um he actually wanted kind of like flattish so this this here this is actually probably pretty good um so this you know I would I would try this here but because you know maybe this year looks good too because we're not you know I I have these already downloaded so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use those here so not to you know add additional time for us to or to do this and and you saw that this exports in nanite it doesn't necessarily you don't necessarily need it that high resolution right in a lower resolution is probably fine too um then we're gonna go rock now let's see what we all already have downloaded all right this looks pretty good so let's this yeah I think any of those will work so let's just try this here all right so this should be exporting let's take a look so we have right here now our so this created our Mega scans folder right in here automatically surfaces and we have our Rock and we have our Windswept snow good so now what we got to do though is we've got a out of those we have to create a new material so oh and this is just like creating a material that you can paint with it's really identical so uh I'm gonna open up my note graph right here and um I'll be bringing in okay I'm gonna have to reduce this here okay I'm very much used to doing this on a dual screen machine so this is always got a bit of a tendency bugging me here okay so um let's take a look we're gonna start with our Rock and I'm gonna grab these three textures I'm gonna control see this then I'm gonna control V and nothing comes in great so try it like this all right while I'm here I'm just going through the other one too okay let's bring our snow in here too all right so a right click find yourself a make material node where did you go make material right here and we're going to plug in our color we're gonna plug in our normal and then this right here is a packed material so it contains um our roughness our displacement and our ambient occlusion all in one uh in the different colors now I know for sure that green is meant to be our roughness I believe and you guys can correct me if I'm wrong because I may be wrong on this I believe that the red is meant to be the displacements uh which obviously is going from here now there's a way to get it back in but um or kinda there's there's another way to do the displacement um but but blue I believe is ambient occlusion uh but ultimately I think it's also you know I've tried to search this online and I haven't really found like a definitive um answer for it and I believe to some extent it's uh also you know whatever works for you it's like I mean if if you if it looks better to use the red channel for ambient occlusion then you know by all means uh use that I think um I think that's the thought process behind this okay so and then we're just gonna do the same thing here base color normal then green is going to be our roughness and we're gonna put this into amp and occlusion now one of the things that I'm gonna do and and obviously you know I do have another tutorial around on how to like build a lot more detail uh into this but one of the things that that to help is is uh to to because when when they go on what's gonna happen is that the normals are kind of overlap um so I'm just gonna add a uh multiply into a normal into the normal here and uh so this was M left click then s left click is going to be a perimeter and I'm gonna go call this snow underscore normal and just you know so you are aware if you like if you would just call this normal and you would also call you would do the same thing here and you'd also call this normal what's going to end up happening is that you only have one normal adjustment in there in in your instance for for both because you're not going to because of the naming convention so same thing here is if we may would make those parameters right now we'd have to give them all unique names if if you have any overlap and I see I see this happening by accident quite a bit um and then it happened to me then all of a sudden you know in your instance you don't have this available now one of the things we haven't done yet is our uh size rotation Etc so the the note I like the most for this is landscape layer coordinates so right here and in this case we we could patch this in in all of them but because I want to have individual control over those um I'm not gonna do that and so I'm just gonna leave this there and by default I'm gonna just put this this is going to be too big but by default I'm going to put it to 30 40 33 so that way you know I know it's big okay um and then I'm gonna take the same thing here and Patch this into here and right now I'm gonna leave it at the same scale okay and then now we need a layer blends material layer blend okay landscape player blend all right and in this case we have this right here and we have to go Plus and that's going to be Rock and you do have to give it a preview wait if you leave this at zero you're just not gonna see it so 0.5 and then we're going to go plus again because we have a second one right and we're going to call that snow and same thing here uh we're gonna go 0.5 and as you can see right here this was created and then we can just take our Rock plug it into the Rock and take our snow plug it into the snow and we're almost there so now this here has to be changed to use material attributes so we're going to click on that which is going to collapse this whole thing and we can just patch this in here so um now again what I'm not going to do is I'm not going to go into you know how to remove tiling and all this kind of stuff uh simply because I have you know if you look at my channel there are other tutorials that that go much deeper into this um I'll also probably soon do something on texture bombing which is you know another option of doing this but if you go if you look in those are in the 4.27 uh tutorials if you look in those um I do have a you know uh uh tutorials on painting uh Landscapes and if you look at those you will find a whole bunch of uh additions that you can do right here to uh make your you know your text is not not uh you're you're tiling not show up so badly so um all right so I'm gonna go save all and now I can close out of this and we should have our material in here now okay so now uh we go back to our landscape the first thing we're gonna go is We're Not Gonna paint it but we have to go in here um because hopefully well yeah I didn't drop it on yet so now we gotta drop it on let me selecting the landscape take my instance dump it on here all right and that's normal and now we're gonna go back to our landscape paint and this is what we want to see so we have to add you know we have to make this weight Blended so and I tend to save this into my landscape material folder they're kind of like I know where it is so I'm going to click save when this is done we are going to do the same thing what's the next one all right so as I said this texture is too big right we because we we created it 4033 but you know we can always adjust this and I'm gonna do the snow now and also click save Okay so let's take a look at our texture scale right here so I'm gonna go back in here and that's our Rock scale I'm just gonna I don't know we'll try 500. click apply okay obviously it's tiled but you know unless you are really close are really far away may not even show up one of the things one of the things that's also nice in here is because you know you have your rotation as well so right there it is so we can maybe go 90 rotate this around a little bit okay all right make it a bit smaller even good so I'm just gonna call this this for now and um so now we have our snow layer and in order to put that on using our mask we're going to go back into landscape and we are not going to go into pains we're going to go into manage and we're going to go into import and we're going to pull down here we have our layers we have our Rock it always adds this landscape layer but what really matters here is our snow layer I'm going to click on this I'm going to open this up and um so it it created this here from the snowfall for our pipe map to build the landscape but it's also uh done this snowfall and snowfall hard and you you might want to compare which one you like better I'm just going to go with the normal one right now but heart may actually be uh better for you this is you know again this is totally up to you um note I also saved out the flow ones which would be good for you know kind of like rocks or whatnot but so I'm just going to select this here now and I'm going to click open and then I'm going to click import and with any luck it's going to put oh snow on here well it puts some okay there it there it went all right so um now one of the things that is happening is that if we look around here now so we are positioned correctly this is good uh we are getting the we're getting the the um the the normals through from our Rock which we don't want and that's why I put this this thing in here so if I take this here and put this up to let's say 10. and I hit apply then this should override what's underneath and here it is okay so and that's it I mean you know uh deal done and you can see this is like way better than painting it and you can also see that now the tiling uh from before you know off the Rocks is is kind of like a non-issue right um now there's one thing and you're gonna run into this and I'm not 100 sure if this is a bug uh it may be I'm sorry it's like this just bothers me it's like every time this window here it's like this is this came in with five hmm I don't care there I came in with five that it always collapses like this and it's it's rather in the wing um I know I'm not the only one um so so there's one thing that's that's potentially gonna happen um and that is if you if you end up um if I'm closing this down if I'm saving and then I want to import let's say another one or or I I uh or it crashes and it didn't it didn't um uh it didn't save this what's gonna happen is when I click on this here and I select my map which you can see right there is 4033 as it's supposed to be it will tell me upon you know upon clicking selecting it a window is going to pop up and it's going to tell me it's the wrong size and even if you go like you know it it essentially asks you if you want to continue with the wrong size and even if it's like that it will do nothing it's so it's it's kind of it's just kind of like disabling this so I found in those situations what you do have to do is you have to re-import your height map file the moment you click on this which should be automatically directed to the height map we imported anyway the moment you click on this and you uh and you do that you should no longer get that you know size warning so you should be good at that point um I'm not sure if this is a bug or if there's a logic behind it quite frankly um but it's it's something that's uh that's a little on the wing so now since we just built the landscape um it doesn't you know we don't have to do it but because the moment we are the moment I'm shutting this down and then reopening it I'm going to have to do it and you can see right here now I could put in with the flow map put in another texture you know where put in maybe a different type of snow uh or maybe some rocks that are rolling down here um you know and and then you know this is totally up to you but you can see that this is a really really nice way of getting very very good looking terrain a very very good looking material distribution uh and yeah I hope you you got something out of the tutorial and you know in in the comments um uh uh you know maybe maybe you share your your work that that would be great um like And subscribe it would be nice too um and yeah until next time so have a good one bye-bye
Channel: cinemyscope
Views: 32,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0P5kEZm83mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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