EventPro For WordPress ListingPro | Build An Events Marketplace Full Tutorial

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[Music] all right so in this tutorial we're going to do a full build of listing pro with the event pro add-on and basically we do this on top of a standard listing pro directory build event pro add-on allows you to set up an event management website so users can do things like create groups events and sell tickets and as the site owner you can receive a commission on those ticket sales if you want to in this tutorial we're going to cover the install of listing pro with event pro some of the theme options and the basic customizations you can do how to add and join groups how to add a new event and the purchasing process and also the ticket verification so let's get into it and look at the installation process [Music] alrighty so let's kick this off the first thing we need to do to use event pro is actually purchase and install the listing pro directory theme i will put a link in the description if you don't already have listing pro theme you can click that it'll bring you here and then you can purchase and install that we're not going to run through the full install of listing pro in this but there'll be a link just above to a video i did a couple of months ago it will take you step by step through the listing pro directory install so with that said the next step you would need to do after you've done the install of the listing pro directory is install the event pro plugin so if you don't already have the listing pro event pro plugin you can just go to the listing pro website look for the add-ons and you will see it here at the top of the page you can just purchase it here there's two options when you're purchasing you can get an annual license or you can get an infinite license it's up to you depends how long you're gonna use it for i think the uh the infinite one's a better option personally but anyway you do whatever works for you and once you've got it then we're ready to do the install okay so i'm just over here on my listing pro directory this is a out of the box install of the theme and just using the sample data so totally clean no customization so now we're ready to install the event pro plugin so we'll just go over to our admin go to plugins upload a plugin i'll just choose the file install now that's installed we're going to activate the plugin i'm going to choose elementor i will go with import content alrighty so we've got our plugin installed hopefully it's all gone well let's have a look at our site so everything's looking pretty good we've got the events pro plugin working on top of the listing pro base theme and the next step is we're going to customize this theme to to make it our own and then work through all the other processes to to show how it all works okay so now let's just take a quick look through the events pro site as it comes out of the box basically you've got this header area and the banner you've got the what and where search and the submit you've got experiences to explore and these are all customizable of course active events explore groups explore the world etc etc so we're going to go through and customize this page just in a few areas it might not be the coolest looking page when we're finished but you should have a good idea of how to modify and customize this so let's just run through a few of the basic customizations for starters so we'll go back over to our admin and if you go to theme options you'll see this item here event pro so just select event pro and we'll go to general i'm not planning on changing too much on this particular page except maybe the logo let's update that one we'll go with this one here save changes let's just take a quick look and make sure that did its thing yep so that's updated good oh all right next we're going to jump down to the banner and we will replace this banner image here so go to uploads and we'll see what we've got i might go with um say this one here just to give it a bit of color save changes okay so that's definitely um change that and you know maybe go into canva and you know design yourself your own color you can get something to blend in off to the edges but this is really just showing you where you can go to make these these changes so next we're going to update the text that's on the on the main banner page so we're just going to get rid of this and put say find the best events around the world and if you want to change the events color button that's on the the banner you can just head into here and we might just say lighten it off a little bit let's save changes there and we had what where and submit we might change this to to search save again we'll just go and do a refresh and see what that looks like so you can see this text now has changed we've lightened off this button color and we've also changed submit to search okay so now that we've made some customizations to the landing page area let's go down and take a look at the footer and we'll see if we can update this to to something else so head over to our admin we're on event pro here and if we go to footer you'll see there's really just a few limited options here so what i would do is actually disable this hit save changes and then go down and you'll see footer again in the main listing pro directory menu so we'll hit this here and we might select say this one here and then we'll update this to our details okay so we've updated our copyright our address theme author information and now we'll hit save changes and let's head over here and do a refresh and there we go so we can use the controls on the main directory theme to change our footer okay so next we're going to take a look at some of the sections on our home page of the events pro and we will add some other maybe destinations into here and change these around so let's jump back to our admin we'll go to pages and we'll edit the front page with elementor and now that we're in here we can just scroll down if we're going to add some more into our top destinations just click in here hit this little arrow and then maybe we'll pick a couple of other ones say california san francisco do we have london we'll go to london and hit update and back over here and we'll just do a refresh and top destination so there we go we've just brought those in so if we wanted to make some other changes here maybe we don't want to have this daily events and trips section we just head down here and simply get rid of it so we'll just hit update there do another refresh yeah so you can just modify this front page to to work for however you want it to to work i think that's looking pretty good for basic changes across the the key elements there next we're going to jump over into commissions and payments and take a look how that works okay so taking a look at the payments for event pro we just go down to the payment section and there is the general section here we're not going to cover too much of this today but the important one is your currency make sure you send into the currency you want to take payment on i'm going to put this to australian dollars the rest of it is pretty straightforward there's more details on the original listing pro tutorial i did the link was back at the start and it'll also be in the description if you want to take a look we'll now take a quick look at paypal so with paypal it's the same as the main listing pro setup so if we enable it you need a paypal account and you can get your api and your api signature details in there there is more details in in the previous video the same for stripe if we enable it you just get your secret key and your publish key and away you go so it's all very straightforward don't see any issues here in in getting that set up the bit that really is interesting and cool as part of event pro is this commission so we'll enable that and what this means is that when someone sets up an event and they have say a hundred tickets at a hundred dollars a ticket we're going to set this to 20 percent that means we get 20 percent of all ticket sales and the way that works with listing pro is that the money will transfer to your paypal or your to your stripe stripe account and then when a user requests the the funds from their ticket sales they make a submission and you'll pay that we can go through that in a little bit more detail later in the tutorial uh once we've set up an event we'll cover that that whole process but now we have our payments set up and we have our commission set up as well okay i've got a quick pro tip for you we're going to quickly design a new landing page image so today i'm going to use canva if you've never used canva before it's a really easy online app to use grab yourself a copy there's a link in the description that'll actually give you a 30 day free trial of canva pro but you don't actually need canva pro for everything because the canva is also free and there's a heap of functionality with free but today we're just going to quickly create a new image for our background so i'm going to use a banner template so now we've got our banner template i'm just going to grab an image then i'm going to remove the background of this image so we just want to be left with the donuts so to do that we'll hit edit image and then i'm just going to hit background remover canva does its magic and there you go the background is now gone we've just got our donuts so now i'm going to give the background a new color we're going to go with a color like say this it's a bit out there but hey we're just going to prove the point and now we're going to go with the glow effect it's really popular on youtube and other channels at the moment so to do that we're just going to go to edit image and then we're going to scroll down and you'll see this glow so just click glow and then within there you'll see three little controllers so if we click this again we've got control over our glow effect so with size let's just go to 15. with the color here let's just go white transparency let's knock that up to 100 and the blur we might go with say 9. so now we've got these really cool donuts they're standing out maybe our event site is all about foods so this would fit in really nicely and of course to finish off this you did want to see what it would look like when we put it back on our site so there is our canva pro design using remove background and glow effect really easy give it a go okay just before we move on to the next section i just wanted to run through the event pro users so we're all on the same page because it can get a little bit confusing so basically we've got three types of users you've got a site admin you've got an event owner and you've got an attendee now there could be some variations on this but let's just stick with this for now so with a site admin you can basically do everything you can update the site you can add groups you can add events locations categories you can accept the payments you get the commissions and you can pay out event owners when they request their funds in addition to that you can create groups and events on the admin panel but you also can create them on the front end of the site as well if we look at the event owner they can add groups they can add events they can update their events they can request payouts they can see the attendee list they can verify ticket status and they can do a few other things the attendee is basically just coming on there and purchasing a ticket they get their confirmation they can get updates on the events and as a just a regular signed in user they can also add or join a group so if it gets a bit confusing just come back here okay so we're just back on our main page here and we're just in the explore group section so we're going to add a group now and see if we can add a new one in here so there are two ways of doing it but as the site admin we can actually do this on the admin panel so we just scroll down here to events and we'll go to all groups and we're just going to hit add new we'll give it a title we might call it melbourne events and we will put this in the category maybe arts and entertainment and under images we will select this one here let's set that as our featured image add some more text in here then we'll hit publish and then if we go over here and refresh we should see our new group melbourne events melbourne events group so there you go it's pretty straightforward to add a new group and also users can do this when they're signed in through the front end so just to demonstrate how a signed up user can explore groups and join so for example this melbourne events group we just created if i click on that i'm not signed in as the admin now i'm signed in as just a regular user and i can hit join there you go successfully joined the group all right so now it's time to add an event let's go ahead and do it i'm going to do it via the admin panel if you'd like to see it the other way in the beta release video i did we did it through the front end via you know this ad events but today we'll do it over here so as the admin you can head down to events and we'll just go to add new event and we'll give it a name we'll get a description then we head down here and we will add it to a group make sense well donut lovers we'll do this one in person now i have connected up the google maps here so if i type in say buckingham palace we're better to have a donut competition and we might do this in november maybe it's a 24 hour event pretty exclusive we'll just have 100 tickets but they're going to be cheap a dollar each over here we'll set it to london events and parties and we will give it a featured image maybe this one here actually we'll go with this one here all right now down here you'll see external url if you want to sell your tickets via another platform you can do this but otherwise if i turn it off the tickets will be purchased within event pro so let's go ahead and publish this all right that's published so now we're going to update our site if we scroll down here a bit we can see we do have this global donut lovers group which is what we attached it to but we will just explore event events and maybe we'll just pick say london and there is the world's best donut event so if we click on here we can get some more details it tells us that there's a countdown on it'll be starting in six days time if we look at our map got buckingham palace you know this is just some of the other attributes of of the event now interestingly enough we actually can change this layout we haven't run through that yet so quickly i'm going to jump back over to the admin and just show the other layout so if we go to theme options event pro i think it's event detail see we've got two choices here so currently we're on this one here if i change it over to this one hit save changes let's just do a refresh here we should get a different layout yeah there you go so this is just a different option anyway let's buy a ticket and then that will update so i'm going to put it back to this one i prefer this one here so we'll save changes take this all right so i'm going to get tickets i'm quickly just going to cut over to another user login and then we can do that alrighty so if log back in as a different user now and i'm going to try to purchase a ticket to our event so get tickets and i am just going to select one ticket and i'm going to pay with stripe that looks pretty good proceed to the next section okay i'm just going to put my details in and see if this goes through okay so i've successfully put that transaction through and purchased a ticket if we want to see that that's all gone through okay we just head back over to the admin panel and we can head down to tickets and invoices and you can see here that the event name the seller that's me the customer it was my test account we went through stripe one ticket at one dollar and also the commission we set earlier at 20 there's a 20 commission so you will see here there is an available balance of a dollar and the earnings is rounded but the earnings is probably 80 cents and if the event organizer wanted to get that payout they could request a payout of 80 cents and that actually comes into here and it would be shown here in withdrawals but there's none there because i haven't processed one and i'm not going to do that today now we'll go and check the event listing and see that everything is updated correctly so just head over to the site and we will find it in london so i'll search it go down here here's the event and a couple of things you can notice that there are now only 99 tickets available and the number of attendees is now two so the organizer is considered an attendee and also the test purchase that i put through is now showing so that all seems to have worked pretty good if you've got any other questions or comments on how this works just drop us a comment in the description alrighty here's another pro tip if you're going to set up your listing pro site with event pro you're going to need hosting to host your wordpress and get yourself up and running so you've got a couple of choices really at the high level you go with wordpress.org or wordpress.com if you go with wordpress.org you're going to need hosting for your wordpress site wordpress.org on their official site only lists three recommended hosting services and one of them is siteground that's our preferred hosting service if we jump over to siteground we can check them out so with siteground you can select from a number of plans for the wordpress hosting and they're very portable and they also have servers that are very fast which is why they're recommended by wordpress so quickly we'll just take a look at a couple of the plans under wordpress so the one that i would typically go for is the grow big plan it's only you know nine dollars a month and you can have unlimited websites 20 gigabytes of space unmeter traffic gets the free wordpress installation and also you get your free ssl certificates backups content delivery network and the other bit that is really cool is your free email so every month you know included in your hosting fee you also get professional email addresses with your domain at no extra charge so yeah you can read all this for yourself check it out if you're looking to get set up with listing pro on wordpress.org i've got a link in the description for siteground get access to the 70 off you've got any questions on it let me know i am planning on doing a video on siteground with wordpress and listing pro and installing event pro on it so you can see the process from start to end so just jump over to our channel and take a look and you'll find it there so basically event pro is designed to help you build a marketplace for users to create online groups that host in-person and virtual events people with similar interests it's going to enable users to host unlimited events and allows promoting them to interested members as i've shown the website admin can earn commission on each ticket sold by the event organizer which is really powerful and it is key to this add-on if it's your first time using listing pro theme i would highly recommend that you watch the first video i did on listing pro 2.6 full build as much of the functionality and navigating this add-on is very similar for example the full build video covers the google console setup which is required for maps how to set up a contact page how to change the site-wide colors and typography all that is covered in the full bill video if you got value from this video please give us a like and subscribe to the channel if you've got any questions just drop us a comment you
Channel: Nxsys
Views: 321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eventpro tutorial, Listingpro eventpro, Listingpro eventpro setup, Listingpro eventpro tutorial, directory theme, event management website templates, eventpro, how to create business directory website, how to make a directory website with wordpress, how to make a listing website, how to make a listing website with wordpress, listingpro, listingpro 2.6, listingpro theme, listingpro tutorial, listingpro wordpress, listingproeventpro, wordpress listingpro theme, events marketplace
Id: DKsFmskmTDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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