ListingPro: Making Money with your new business directory.

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welcome to the overnight coder today we're going to talk about a few ways to make money with listing pro so um here we go uh i have a couple sites in uh development this one is looking pretty good it's definitely not finished as you can see i still have you know the default content in here just kind of switch some things up so you can see how it's going to look so this is the site and yeah let's talk about a few ways that we can make money now i know there's going to be plenty of topics and you know some other methods that you can make money here just a lot of the common ones that i'm seeing right now you know with designing over 50 sites now and thank you guys um i've seen a lot of a lot of promising ways that not only listing pro is suggesting but ways out of the box that are suggested as well um so let's talk about the first one you know the first and foremost is a lot of guys and not everybody is using this um and you sign up and you get a business plan so we all know you know we add a listing and uh it takes us over to an ad listing page where we can sign up for uh different types of plans now some of these plans are depending on your niche like i've seen you know i've seen some doctors lawyers uh therapists that are charging way more money than this and yes if you can get it go for it but again that's dependent to your niche you know if i'm a street vendor and you're doing street vendor foods um across the u.s um street vendors aren't going to pay you 69 a month it's just that they're not going to do it you know and until they see the and especially because a lot of these sites are new coming out of the gate they you know with no credibility i can't i can't i can't i don't know any street vendor or barbers you know i know some stylists might make money but you know an old school barber he doesn't have 69 dollars a month that he's going to pay um per se for a monthly plan um not to say that all barbers you're probably watching this you're like yeah man i'd pay for that's great you know i'm not saying everybody i'm just saying it's going to be dependent to your niche on how much you think you can charge um i have a kiteboarding shop or a kiteboarding uh directory and it's just in testing phases but of course for that i feel like i can charge a lot more because you know lessons are what three to five hundred dollars um you know one one lesson from the site uh you've generated enough to pay for a hundred dollar a month five months per plan so you know it only makes sense the basis per niche i will talk a little bit about pricing plans i know this is just one way to make money on all the sites that i build i always recommend a free plan and of course you can't make money off that but what you can do is you know it's limited um to the ability that they have and yes they can sign up for free or in this case 14.99 a month or 125 a year now both the 14.99 the monthly and the annual plans both have the same amount of things it's just you're saving a little bit money if you're if you'd like to go all in now i have to be set to auto reoccurring anyway so until they go in and manually remove that these should be auto recurring so you know it doesn't matter which one they choose i'm happy that they chose anything i'm happy they're on the site as far as a free plan some people like no you know i don't want to give my business out or anything for free when you're starting off especially if you're not scraping listings you have nothing on your site other than what you added so the benefit of adding something free is not only that people are going to help you fill out your site but you capture that email that email may be of a business owner or a high-ranking member of that business who is technically saying hey um you know i'd like to check this out and then from there what if they start getting leads and things like that yes they can upgrade into one of the other plans now with that being said a lot of times you know i'm looking at the word free and of course yeah i don't i don't like it but i do want that that email capture you know if i get your email i i technically win um and it's a case scenario like this i own a business i come to your website i check out the plans and you don't have a free business listing and i'm not really interested in paying today i was just checking you out i leave you have no clue i was there other than google analytics or some type of analytics or tracking software and that's all you get you know with the free plan even if they sign up for free you get something you know an email lead which you can then use later uh and and capitalize on that and we'll discuss that soon um another method is the claim you know so claiming uh leads if you decide to scrape your leads or you decide to self-add these you have this claim button and as long as it's turned on they can claim their business now ignore the images that are missing up here thank you with that being said the claim now does the same thing you can turn on some options in the back end that allow you to um do a paid claim and that's as simple as hey did you want the free listing did you want the per listing or did you want to you know sign up for the annual and of course those will show your different features there and they can go through with that so those are the two kind of you know out-of-the-box kind of solutions for listing pro now listing pro also on the back end i'm not sure why we're not logged in here let's do it like this oh i love it but listing pro also says that you know they got a spot for google ads so i want to show you um we're going to go to [Music] not payment listing we're gonna go down here to google adsense now i don't personally recommend google adsense especially out the gate the reason why is and so i'm not anti-google adsense google adsense i want to tell you in 2016 i made 40 uh over 40 000 with google adsense just putting ads on a website that was getting tons of traffic but it was a news site but wasn't a shop and the reason i say that is i am not going to take 30 cents or some of you guys who know google ads a dollar twenty or four dollars for somebody to leave my site when technically i can make more than and usually let's say a high traffic volume site let's say it's a 30 ad click for 30 cents i don't want you leaving my site so the fact that this has google adsense in here um i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not recommending google adsense for this type of business you know or and i mentioned shop if i have a shop that sells products i'm definitely not putting google adsense on it you know i don't want you to leave my site um for some ad and get directed somewhere else like i i'd rather you buy a product you know so that's that's my sense a lot of you guys coming out of the gate will have no traffic putting that on there for your 10 bucks a month or 20 bucks a month just isn't gonna be be worth it in my eyes but again do as you see fit now what i do um recommend is affiliate ads that will help your clients find something now of course you can always have these open up in a secondary tab but a key example of this is let me just show you where these show up i've got a code over here i'm just going to go and throw in my affiliate code which isn't really affiliate code it's just going to be a banner that you guys can see where these are showing up and what you can do with these so of course you can also add affiliate ads you know if you're building this out with wp baker or elementary you can always throw an html block in there or a picture and a link in there and put your ads anywhere on your home page as well as sidebars you know with widgets or anything like that but let me just show you where these two slots come up at the first spot comes up on your archive search page no matter what your archive search page looks like here's the ad that i just added you know and of course it wouldn't be this i'd do something related to the mobile bumper guy you know or maybe it hits his personal website and he shows up on the top of everything the second spot so that's your archive pages your second spot is the actual listing detail page when you go into any listing detail page you'll see that advertisement here now some people are doing rotating ads that just means you throw in a code in here that can rotate you know whether you're using a plug-in for add rotate or add sanity or something like that and you plug in the code here that way you can have those rotating ads where you'd like them you also have ad spaces in the sidebar you can do that under appearance widgets and you can add anything you want to the detail based sidebar and so on but that's where those are going in now i do want to share with you you know there are some great affiliate companies out there i'll tell you for my overnight coder um just my page alone i offer siteground uh web hosting and of course i've got their banner ads on my web page and those pay me fifty dollars for somebody to sign up with my hosting there's no gimmick it's not charging them anymore but a 50 you know compared to 30 cents means a lot to me you know it's it's those add up i think my last check was last month for a little bit over 600 bucks you know so i it was definitely helping and because it's in the same niche people are going to my website to check out tutorials for web design they do need a great web host now in this case i'm not sure you know what type of affiliate links i would use but what about anything like your luxury travel places your any anything where you're traveling or you're looking for a luxurious spot i'll tell you i was doing a little bit of research and all you have to do is go to google and uh type in something affiliate so you know i typed in travel affiliates and i found many different affiliates that i could uh i could do and give you an example cheap flights you know this is going to have some banners that i can put on my site that offer cheap flights when i'm looking to check out those luxurious destinations if that if that fits my my credentials or my criteria so again you can always google you know and just google and put the word affiliates after whatever your search is so if i want to do like um bahamas bahamas and then affiliates and just see what there is for um uh you know affiliate programs in the bahamas or affiliate you know programs in reno or affiliate programs in flying or in luxury hotels and uh just just kind of base it off that you know always can find a great niche that that people could use now another idea is paid advertisement so yes you do have the advertising spots here um you could incorporate it in your business plans but um you know some of these what we're doing is you're adding an advertisement page which this one isn't done yet but i will show you i got a page for advertising you know and at the bottom of this page or in the middle of this page it's going to tell you all the ways that you can advertise from with us so maybe it's three hundred dollars maybe you know maybe it's um a hundred dollars a month i'm gonna blast you on social media i'm gonna put you on our page i'm gonna write up a business article about you guys and put you in tips tricks and news um or i'm just going to show you on the sidebar i'm going to show you on the homepage that type of deal where you're offering set advertisement and then of course i'll have a big fat contact us button down here that they can contact me directly you know and i probably even mentioned yes you can do advertising within listing pro so keep that in mind once they do have a login and some type of uh back end here they can actually create their own ad campaigns you know ad campaigns show up around the site um they can pay i currently have mine set to one dollar one dollar one dollar or i have this client set to one dollar one dollar one dollar and they're set for pay per day so what that means is yes they can show up on the home page yes they can show up at the top of any search see that add button here and um yes they can also show up in the sidebar of the detailed page so those are uh here one two those are ads as well and uh again if they wanted all three of those spots they would select all three it's a dollar per day it's ninety dollars for the month um and of course you can you can pick your own prices you can you can pick to only have it on the home page at a dollar a day it's 30 bucks you know um and that's another way that listing pro has already said in there yes they can create their own ads if you've enabled it um here's another one that's really cool that's out of the box um a lot of people don't think about it um but when you or if you decide to input your own listings or if you decide to scrape listings a really cool feature is to turn that that um lead form on so let's go into one of these listings i know this is just dummy content sushi koshiba but you come here and somebody fills out this lead form well because it's not claimed and nobody added it other than myself so let's just say i scrape 50 000 listings and somebody uses this to contact me well perfect i get that lead as the admin i ignore my google maps i love it um but i get that lead and what can i do with that lead well you can do a bunch of different things with that lead i can either i can either give it to the company all right i can give it to sukashima and tell them hey look um i got a lead on my website you know this is the reason you guys should log in either add your listing or claim your listing um and pay for the lead forms you know i've got i got a plan right there you can actually um jump right in for 14.99 a month or or you can you could jump in for free i know we mentioned that as well so you tell them whatever you want to tell them um but you do have a lead for their business now do you have to give that that business to sushi koshiba no you don't you know it's your lead and you can do whatever you want sushi koshiba never got it so maybe i look up the closest bumper repair people in your area and i sell that lead to other business owners and maybe i sell it two or three different times you know and in this case i i sell it for anywhere from 20 to 40 bucks um i contact the business owner after doing a google search somebody in their area or the area that they you know would obviously be close to this if they were interested in this but needless to say i can now sell that lead to pretty much anybody i want you know i get on google i find three close bumper repair people close to you and uh yeah i contact them ask him if they want to buy a lead you know i already have this guy he contacted me today he needs bumper repair and now you can do this multiple different ways of course you could revert back to hey you're not on my website i did get this lead dude why don't you guys sign up you guys will be getting these leads instead of me getting them and selling them to you you sign up for free are you gonna sign up for 14.99 and you can go that route as well if you choose to sell the leads um somebody brought up well how do you know you know what happens if the company doesn't want to pay up front well that's a good question i i don't know if i'd sell leads and not get paid up front but even if i do let's say i call to google i call a google company and they want to buy the lead for 40 bucks but they want to make sure they get a sale i can actually do that there's no way to track it right they have to be honest and yes they take the 40 bucks the guy actually does purchase their service and when i call them hopefully they would be like yeah you know he did contact us uh where can we send your 40 check or where can we send your 40 you know online um what happens in the case if you have a bad business owner you know and and he of course he says no you know that guy never conned i can't remember i don't think he used our services well you already have the lead i follow up with the lead you know i follow up and be like hey how was the service you got from john's bumper repair and uh he's either gonna say two things uh they were too high you know i didn't want to go with them something like that or he's gonna say hey man that service was awesome that got me in and out in two days you know and at that point i take that right back over to john's bumper repair and be like look man uh the guy says you guys perform provided a great service uh you owe me 40 bucks where do you want to send that to and of course if they don't pay you that's fine you know you put them on a blacklist and and uh yeah you no longer do business with them but at least it's an easy way to either pay up and get paid up front or get paid in the end or a way for you to contact a business and say hey you should definitely sign up at my website i'm getting leads in your in your area and you could be getting those leads which is prominent too even if they sign up for free you got the business email so a lot of it kind of works hand in hand and hopefully that helps um i know it's a little bit a little bit weird there um but it kind of explains how you can use that lead form especially when you're scraping listings most sites that i'm sending off now have two to five thousand listings when you first start and uh utilize those man use use all those um next is selling a service so here we have mobile bumper guy and uh you know i haven't talked to him about this but um he can sell a service you can do a full car package you know if you wanted this on your let's say on your home page he could offer a service for you know customized solution and i'd put that right here at the top and what is a customized solution well depending on your niche you can offer the full plan you know not only do you need bumper repair you're going to need to get it painted you know just repairing a bumper that looks like this um it's still gonna look like this you know so getting it painted you know um and then maybe even throwing in the detail package you know getting everything detailed who knows but offering a service like that there are some businesses out there like uh wedding packages you know or wedding sites wedding sites you you can offer a package not just looking for a dj or um somewhere to have your wedding or a wedding planner but what about throwing that all together and offering a package that that you can set up for them so you know in this case maybe the package is 375 dollars and i have to do my research on how much the bumper repair was going to cost how much the detailing or the painting was going to cost but i throw together these mini packages that yes if you contact me and want you know the the bumper repaired and painted i can i already have some estimates in my head because this is my niche i can find somebody in your area that wants to do this you know and i do all the leg work i do the calling for the bumper repair i do the calling for the painting um maybe it's it's a company that does both but i would do all the leg work in that so you know that that pretty much offering thing about a package where i'm going to make some extra money too if you think about weddings and things like that wedding ah a bride would love to pay you three four thousand dollars and you just have everything set up right and of course she chooses the best thing she chooses the best flowers she chooses the so she's still involved but you put her in contact with those best companies that you know of now of course you don't want to you don't want to have any sheisty customers are businesses in there to doing your own research you know making your own calls trying to figure out who offers that five star service on google um you know that way it represents your brand now as well you're not just a directory you're providing a a type of service and that's another way and of course depending on your niche it could be everything it could be travel you know you could pay for the hotel you could put all that into a package figure out pricing and shoot you know uh reaching out to free business owners um and upselling um that's an obvious one you know once you have a bunch of free listings and paid listings um always reach back out hey did you want to upgrade you know did you want to do anything there well i'll show you real quick under pricing plans on the left you'll see coupons and you can add a coupon grab the code and then you'll email everybody that is um currently you know in the free plan and say hey you know you're seeing a lot of traffic um you know this and that uh maybe you've gotten some leads you ever think about upgrading and just contacting them with a professional email you know and hey it's it's time to sign up so you know just you got those emails for a reason let's use them um and you know what that's that's all i have for you today now i know that uh sorry i'm reading down this long list of texts and i'm trying to see what i had in my notes so those are just some of the ways i know there are other ways that i'm probably forgetting i probably didn't write down but those are some easy ways really valuable and uh some of you guys already might be using them some of the things might not have opened up but if you have any other ideas or how you're making money and you want to share those please put them in the comments below if you're not already in our facebook group oh i love it go ahead and join that as well it's facebook theme we do a lot of questions and answers there i will show you this one here listing pro theme looks like this uh i love it a lot of good stuff in here we're keeping you updated plus i'm gonna launch the uh the video to the group first and then i'm sure you know i'm sure youtube will get a hold of it um but yeah so uh definitely help us out post anything you have in the comments below and uh thanks for watching bye
Channel: Overnight Coder
Views: 5,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 57UXAr61nvg
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Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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