How To Create A Digital Download Website With Wordpress 2020 - Sell Digital Products!

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hey everyone my name is Darrell and today you're going to learn how to create your own digital download website where users can come to your website and purchase a digital download or product so here for example we're offering icons or ebooks or cooking passes you can offer any sort of digital download you want on your websites and you don't have any sort of experience with WordPress everything this video is for beginner so if you're brand new to WordPress and you want to go ahead and setup your digital download websites today this video I'm gonna show you how you can set that up now let me just kind of give you a tour of the website and show you what you'll be learning today in this video so first off we'll be using a free theme with a one demo importer which will import the entire website for you and make all the pages you have to spend all the time setting everything up from scratch now I'm gonna go to my shop page right here just to kind of give you an example of what you can do on this site so here we are offering different products so right here you can offer an e-book or cooking instructions or icons or even pieces of software so if you want to offer a template services or you want to sell plug-ins you can do that with this websites now also be talking about the different type of digital downloads you can offer on your websites so here we have a product now this is actually a subscription product so if you want to offer products where people can come to your sites and pay you every single month or every single week or every single year you can do that in this video also if you want to have something where people purchase something on a one-time fee such as icons and you can set the price to whatever you want I'll show you how you can set that up into this video and the great part about this video is that I really like this interface you know it's very user friendly in fact your users will have their own personal dashboard where they can go ahead and download any product they wants they can see their purchase history they can also change their account information as well and they can even update their payment method on their personal dashboard as well so right here for instance you know let's say they've downloaded something in the past they can click on view details and download and right here they'll always have access to their digital download product so you can see right there the foul has downloaded now we'll be using again a free theme and this is really easy to set up so you want to learn how to create your own digital download websites today in this video I'll be showing you step-by-step on how to do that so if you're ready let's go ahead and get started all right let's get this tutorial started so the first thing we'll do is purchase our domain and hosting so for example your website comm after that we are going to install WordPress on to our domain and WordPress power is more than one third of the internet so it is by far the most popular platform for making websites after that we're going to install a free theme and import our website for us with a one let's in demo importer and lastly I'll be showing you how you can set up your website and start selling digital products and I'll also be recommending different services at the end such as pro features or something else that you really want to kind of add more functionality or websites I'll be introducing you to those features as well now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page that looks just like this right here and this is sycron com now you might be wondering why am I using sycron com well I actually tested out site ground against what was this 15 different other hosting companies and sycron came up as number one as the most fastest animals reliable with the best uptime and the best customer support in fact bb-baby Hostgator they be GoDaddy they are fast that's why in all my videos I always recommend psych rom-com for hosting now right here you can see yeah you know I recommend them you know their grades now when we scroll down right here it will have three plans now not to worry if those of you who are on a budget not to worry about it because this company offers 24-hour customer support and a 30-day money-back guarantee so that is pretty cool now in all my tutorials guys all my tutorials I always recommend the grow big option because with the grow big option you get to host unlimited websites rather than just a single one so that is a pretty big difference so for those of you who are new here you'd probably want to go with grow big you don't need to go geek that's too big but starting out the grow big is perfect so right here I will click on order now this is your domain so this is going to be the one that you type in on the dress up here so make sure it's something that you want so I'm gonna put my digital download website see if that is available hopefully it is there it's available alright congratulations now you brought to this page right here and this page obviously you're gonna enter in your email your password you're going to basically create an account with psy chrome here you'll enter in your client information and your social security number I'm just kidding that is a joke everyone I do I make that joke in all my videos they don't ask for your social nobody asks for your social here you'll enter in your card information and everything else and then right here we have purchased information and I'll go ahead and talk about this right now so I recommend the 12 months option because you already get the discount using my link and you actually get a larger discounts and the months a month it's more expensive she's got to pay a $25 fee which is just not worth it so I recommend the twelve months and also for the extra services I highly recommend the domain privacy protection and this is gonna say to you from spam because I'm telling you guys you don't if you don't have this check you're gonna get emails from people from all around the country trying to sell you sex pills and and and all sorts of weird services so just make sure you get the domain privacy protection you'll really thank me later trust me and after that you'll click on this check box and you'll read through their Terms of Service and I know everyone out here reads all this stuff so you'll have to you know yeah yeah you have fun doing that yeah you have fun doing that so you read the Terms of Service privacy policy and once you are done you'll hook on pay now now I'm actually going to purchase an account with you and I will go ahead and meet you on the very next page all right so I purchased my hosting accounts and I am all ready to go so once you are ready you'll click on proceed to customer area now right here they're just basically trying to get you to set up your website so right here I'll just say okay I'll sort our new websites and I want to use WordPress and right now they're trying to get you to set up your your admin email so make sure you enter in something that you'll remember so I'm gonna return my email right here so it is Daryl digital download at I'm gonna setup this right here patty-whack 99 9 and then I'll enter in my password make sure you remember this stuff and you can always change this later so don't worry about it but make sure you write this down so you don't want to forget it oops looks like my passwords didn't match and see right here did I enter that there we go you know and passwords always weird see right here I'll do this right here try it one more time there we go all right cool so here I'll click on confirm and right now I'll click on save sure and then I have this all set up and I'm just going to say I don't want to offer this service or I don't want the service so I'll skip that I have read and click on complete setup so what's icons doing for us now it's actually installing WordPress automatically for us on our account so we don't have to go through the process of handling it to our cPanel but you know I'll show you also how you can install WordPress as well on to your cPanel just in case you know it's your first time you want to install it by yourself you don't want to use the setup wizard I'll be showing you you can also setup WordPress through your accounts so right here it says proceed to customer area and this is it guys so this is our account so whenever you have a problem with something you can always give us icon a call they have 24-hour customer service you can call them any time of the day and they also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee so you know if the video just wasn't for you and you have problems with it's not to worry about it you can always go ahead and give them a phone call or you know talk about whatever you want to talk about so right here is our website and we can actually access it by clicking on go to admin cPanel now I'm just going to quickly show you how you can install WordPress the manual way just in case you want to you know do it yourself so I'll click on go to cPanel and Access cPanel securely and right here you just simply click on WordPress and click on Install Now and then simply just go ahead and select your websites you'll go ahead and put in all your information actually right here the site settings you can always change this later so don't worry the admin username so make sure you put in your admin username and password put an email and then right here you just click on install now I already have WordPress installed so it's just gonna say that it's already installed so for those of you who don't have an installation of WordPress that's basically how you do it so right here I'll go to my accounts and right here under we can see that our site is it's installed WordPress as a WordPress icon you'll click on go to admin panel and basically this is where we're going to set up our websites alright so go ahead and enter in the information I told you to write down so mine was a the patty-whack 999 and then I'll go ahead and enter my password now if you forgot your password just click on lost your password and it's gonna ask your email and it'll basically send you the information to your email okay so right here I'll click on login now right here we have a setup wizard now I'm actually going to skip all this so I'm gonna click on exit right here and I actually want to disable this plug-in so really quickly I know this might be a little jumping the gun but I want you to go over here to plugins and go to installed plugins and I want to disable this WordPress starter that's something that's that comes with a site crown I wouldn't really need that alright so that's basically why we do that now if you want to see your website right now it's actually live on the Internet so I'm go over here to visit site right here and this is our website it's live on the Internet now we're using a default theme and it doesn't really look good so I'll be I'll be you know I'll give you a site or don't worry we'll get there we'll get there now over here on our dashboard now I want to do two things before we start this video I want to show you about the permalinks so right here we go to settings and go to permalinks and right here we have these different options now you'll change this to post name the reason why we do this is because when we make our website we want to go to our website - about us right Knots 2:09 do you know all this weird stuff so doing this it's good for SEO and it makes your site looks a lot cleaner also one other thing I want to note is that right here under users you click on your profile now right here you have different color schemes and everything else so I'm gonna set mine now whatever you want to change your password or your email this is where you're going to do it at so right here you can change the email and also right here you can generate a new password and then you can also put in whatever password you want so that's just a way on how you can update your security information okay so right here I'll click on update and now if you want to go ahead and kind of just browse around you know all this stuff right here it's you know this right here will make a page this right here can make a blog post appearance and themes these are basically the the themes that you can use so there's you know there's a lot of free themes out there you know there's a lot of different themes and it's basically the structure of how your website looks so you can kind of browse around and just you know just kind of get comfortable and say oh these are cool you know etc but we'll be using a free theme on another website now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a website to purchase I'm sorry to to download your free theme so this is the theme that we'll be using and again there is a link below to download this free theme doesn't cost you anything at all so once you are here you'll click on download down and then right here we'll go ahead and enter in our first name and last name so I'm going to my first name my last name I'm gonna give them my email address and I'll click on download now all right so it's making us a free account okay cool so right here you can see digital download we can go ahead and download our WordPress theme so right here you just click on download and there you go so now you can see that the file has downloaded and now we're gonna go ahead and upload this to our website so let's go back to our website right here now we have there's various themes of course now right here you'll click on upload theme and we're going to upload this theme right here so I'm click on choose the file and I'm gonna go ahead and download or upload that theme right there so the theme that I use right here is right here so digital download and I'll click on open and click on install now all right cool our theme has been successfully installed now right here you click on activates now right here it's saying this theme recommends the following plugins now we're going to install all these plugins and for those of you who don't know what plugins are they're basically like applications for your website they're kind of like additional features so you know you know when you're on your iPhone there's something for a chase application or there's a video game or this helps you record better or something like that that's exactly what plugins are they're just apps for your website and a lot of them are free in fact all these plugins right here are free so right here you click on begin installing plugins and right here you'll click on this and you'll click on install so we want to install them all at the same time let's click on apply alright and now right here it says return to required plug-in installer and now we want to activate them all so right here who click on activate all right cool and then right here click on return to dashboard all right now our site might have changed a little bit so let's go ahead and take a look at our website right here so right here and click on visit sites and you can see our site looks a little different now and that's because of the theme that we're using and this theme has a customizer page builder so I'll show you that in just a little bit so we're gonna go ahead now and upload I'm sorry and download our demo that we want to use so over here actually there is another link in the description below and it'll take you to a page that you can actually download the demo importer so again the link is in the description below and you're gonna go ahead and download this file right here now what this file is and why you're uploading it to your website is this is the file that uploads all of the demo content and sets up all of the pages and everything so we don't have to build everything from scratch so after you upload this file you're going to have a fully functional website that can literally take payments and it'll even upload demo products for you so right here you'll click on 'theme demo right here it says click here to download the demo file you go ahead and download that and once you do that we're going to upload that onto our website so let's go back to our website right here we're gonna go to dashboard now we're gonna go down to appearance and you see it says rora demo import we're gonna click that now if you don't have that option that means that the plugin that you installed didn't install correctly so it's going to be this one right here the whare one click demo import in fact you can even find this plug-in on the WordPress repository for plugins so if you just search for that plug-in you'll be able to find it that's it right there 20,000 active installs wow that is that is a lot of active installed and realize had that many active installs so go to appearance and go to rar at demo import and right here click on demo import upload demo file and now you're going to upload that file and I'm telling you it's gonna change our website into a fully different website so I'm gonna go ahead and upload that file I believe it is and see right here my name my downloads you guys help me find it I have so many files I believe it's right here so the digital download demo content and gonna open and click on install now now right now it's just saying import demo now so how's everyone today you guys doing good let me know in the comments below you know I I had a really good day I I was I don't know why I just went hiking today and I feel great after that you know just it was a good day you know some days you wake up it's a bad day and today I just I woke up I yeah that's kind of a good day today you know I kind of I don't know it's felt good I played some video games I won you know and you know that goes so the skin guys this might take like a minute or two there you go it's done so alright alright so it has successfully installed click on check the front page now and voila look at that look at our website it's all done for us this is a fully functional website and this is live on the Internet here we have a blog so if you like to talk law and blog and tell people about your feelings and you know today I went to the store and all that good stuff you can talk about it right here on your blog downloads these are basically the downloads that we have and also our shop and these are basically just showing us the pages so it's created like in case someone failed a transaction a purchase confirmation a purchase history it's basically created all the pages for us so your users will never have to be lost and it'll always redirect them to the correct place pretty amazing right so I've shown you all how to oh sorry one more thing I'm gonna back up here these links right here are actually from their websites so right here if I click on home it takes me to actually the demo on their website so we need to go ahead and change that really quickly okay so yeah that's kind of one thing and imported they should have imported so we need to change the home right there so we're gonna do is when take our URL right here and I'm gonna show you how to customize your menu so right here we can go to dashboard appearance and go to menus now right here it says home you see how has their URL right there well just go ahead and paste ours right there that's it and save the menu now in the future whenever you have a page you're just going to go ahead and just say okay I want to add this page to the menu add it to the menu and you see style guy was added to the main so a lot of these pages we're gonna go ahead and and delete they're just showing you an example of the pages so we don't really need these pages so they're just kind of giving you an example of what these pages are looking like for the demo you know just to kind of help you understand the theme and everything else so but for these pages right here we don't even need to offer this on our menu so just right here it's gonna remove everything we don't need any of those pages so all this right here the portfolio we're gonna go and remove all this right here all right post page category page and if you want to view these pages again you'd have to go to your menu just check them out but you know we don't really need to have these on our menu because they're already on our theme so we're not deleting the pages we're just deleting it on our menu we don't want to have this on our menu and of course you want to make a drop-down menu see how we can make a drop-down menu so that's basically a drop-down menu all right so our you'll click on save and now let's go ahead and take a look and you can see right here their menu is now fixed if I click on this it'll take you back to my original homepage all right now let's talk about editing this page so how do i adit this page you know you probably don't want to offer this same exact stuff right so let me show you how to do that so right here you'll click on customize at the top and these are the theme customizer options so this is basically where and how you edit your websites so right here they're talking about they have a pro version and again there is a link to the pro version but I'll talk more about that at the end of the video you don't have to get the pro version right hero demo documentation they can give you like the documentation link you have a problem with something right here site identity so this is your logo and if you have a logo you can go ahead and upload it right here and if you don't have a logo you guys can go to there is a link below to fiber comm you can go ahead and purchase a logo in fact I'll just kind of give you the example of it really quickly so fiber comm and I recommend fiber because you can get a logo for like five bucks guys it's really cheap so and they have really good ones in fact on my website I even got a logo from these guys they haven't really cheap you know you thought the right price you know we're on a budget here we can't afford hundred dollar logos guys that's too much money you know but here we go you know they'll make a logo for you for five dollars and they're very good you know they're pretty good so you can go ahead and get your logo here and once you get it you can go ahead and upload it to your websites and right here it said you know my blog we can change that to what's what's your what's your website name so we'll just call this patty-whack the downloads store the download store now you don't have to have that display in fact we can take that off and it'll disappear so it's just an option for you to decide to do that or not also for your favicon so right here you see how all these websites have these little icons you're gonna upload yours right there and now I con will display whenever you visit the websites appear in settings color so you can change the background color but it changes the border but I don't really recommend it's you know I think it's ugly you don't really need to have that and the background image as well you can add a big background image over its but I don't really think that's needed it's really old-school I mean slides back in the 90s used to do that and today it's like you know it's just really old and outdated a general sidebar layouts so this right here controls the layout of your pages so I'm going over here to my shop page or my my downloads page and you see here how we have this default layout right here so the sidebars on the rights the icons are in the middle we can go ahead and change that so I believe it is like this right here on the top not this one let's see it's is it this one right here or it's the post sidebar or is it the default sidebar layout it's the default I below sorry about that so the default sidebar layout controls the general sidebar for any page that you create so right here you can see that it controls our downloads page and it'll also control our shop page as well now on the blog page when we talk about blogging earlier this section right here controls the blog section so when you make a blog post right here you can see that's we have the sidebar to the right now I believe this is actually the the actual post so when you click on the post right here now we can control it so right here if I want the sidebar on the rights we can do that or we can change it to the picture picture bigger there's four different ways on how you can do it and this right here to change the position of the content etc and then the the general page table sidebar layouts but for most of us we'd probably just want to have the sidebar on the right that makes the most sense so that's just an example of what the sidebar layout is front page settings now this is probably the most important part of this video banner section so here we can have our banner section now here you can go ahead and upload a background image now if you do decide to use a background image you'll have to use it by this size because that size works the best for this theme or you can choose to hide the image or even disable this whole entire section buts you know you might not want to do that so I think it's welcoming if you want to change the title of something right here you can type it in right here so for products and now you can see that it's changed also right here this subtitle controls this section and you can actually just click on these little icons and the theme customizer will actually guide you on to where to edits so right here the banner link and then we have the second link so this first link where do you want to take them well you probably want to take them to your shop page right so let's go ahead and do that if you're gonna click on publish I'm gonna get the URL for my shop page I'm sorry it's the downloads page the Downloads is considered the shop page it's the same thing guys the shop is downloads in in this section we call it downloads but you can always change it to your shop page you can change the name of the change the page of the wait let me step back here change the name of the page you can always do that so we'll go click on our theme customizer here and we'll go to our front page settings and for our banner section I want the first one to take them to our shop page and then maybe this one could take us to our contact page so you just do the same thing and then just do the contact page write publish publish always means safe okay download section so this section right here controls this and of course you can change you know the best selling items all right and of course you can always you know the button link we can link them to you know any any page we wants etc so you can go on and kind of go through that and mess mess around these settings you know a number of downloads you want three you six you want nine you can go ahead and do that right there over here the feature section this section right here controls this section so if I click on this right here you can see that now we can edit it so right here we can change this something that we want we can change the icon so amazing screen sharing and we can always change or upload the image we can even upload our own image and we can even add a link right here so you can even how to read more so read more and then right here we can open it in the same tab or a new tab so probably just leave it like that I want to open up in a different tab so that's basically how you can edit this section you can also add widgets right here so this section this theme has different widgets that you can add so maybe a call to action you can add in a call to action by now and then description and then maybe put in a link right here does it store and then um you know you can basically add in whatever you want you can add on you can even Center this make a blue or change this to you know whatever you want to change it to button number one button link so you guys get it you know we can we can upload an image etc and see we can upload them on our library you know just something you know something oh that's way too ugly yeah see I don't like adding background image it's it never works good so I would just use the icon text the icon techs are pretty good but I'm just showing you that you can kind of venture off and kind of you know adding your own widgets or social media or something like that to kind of you know add more style and decor for your websites let's go back over here newsletters section so this is actually due to the plugin now if you have MailChimp and you if you don't have MailChimp and you want to learn how to make use MailChimp I have a full tutorial on MailChimp or you can actually integrate MailChimp on your website all for free now I'm not gonna go over MailChimp in this video because I already made a forty minute video on MailChimp so I'm not going to cover the email marketing in this but I will provide you all with a digital resource on how you can integrate your website with MailChimp all right testimonial section and test medals are great and half of them are probably fake I mean they're all Fagan these people are just you know this is where you put you know we love the website and it was a beautiful website and here you could talk about testimonials and you know they have demo images that you can use and everyone's having a good time you know everyone's having a good time so right here the section controls this up here and then these four are the people below that and of course you can add in more testimonials if you choose to do so all right and you can always reorder these to change them to wherever you want to change so it's all drag-and-drop guys and then the call to action right here so right here you know get your free ebook now you might want to link them to a specific product so right here you know you'd put the the name I'm sorry the link right there so you put the link of the product and then you know get your free ebook etc and there you go alright so once you actually make downloads I'll show you than just the bits you can link them later to that download right there alright I'll click on publish and let's go ahead and go back so we have general settings as well so the header settings header settings is the this section up here so we can choose to hide the shopping cart or the header search if you want to do that so you see how the the magnifying glass is gone we can go ahead and activate that as well all right the dashboard page we already have the dashboard page set up for us so we don't need to do anything right there social media settings you can go ahead and link your social media follows and I believe they're on the bottom of the page right here so the right here going back over here we have SEO settings I have a full tutorial on Yoast SEO so I don't recommend actually they don't offer much but I have a full tutorial on SEO so if you want to learn how to optimize your site you can go ahead and check that video out as well the link is in the description below here we have the posts and pages settings so here you can kind of increase or you can change off certain sections so for example on the blog section right here we'll go ahead and go to the blog page so here we can actually hide the author section so you see how there's an author right there we can go ahead and hide that we can hide a related posts we can hide the category as well we can hide you know the post author we can even hide the the data was posted as well and again you'll need to go ahead and click on publish and then refresh it because some times and you change these settings they don't always work visually so you have to actually change it and then you have to kind of go and look at the page and it'll change so that's basically what this section is right here excerpt is the number of words so basically saying there is 55 words and now you can see it's shrinking so 55 and then 30 it'll just basically you know it just shows more words that's all the option really does okay going back over here we have menus of I've already shown you menus we have widgets and widgets are basically these little things right here on the right side so right here we have the sidebar and we have a search bar related posts see that archives which will probably delete categories won't need categories either meta will get rid of meta and then right here you know they have just various options like they have recent comments we can delete that as well featured widgets so it's just something to kind of look nice and add style right here they have the follow us which all the social media icons right there which is really cool and then they also have the post category slider as well and you guys can kind of mess around with this and you guys can kind of add in your own right here they have a client logo one so you can add on like a client logo or something like that to your site right there and that's the widget right there so you can kind of mess around with those and kind of have fun with those I don't wanna go too far much into that because I don't want to venture off and talk about widgets and everything else because they're very easy to understand now also one thing on the bottom of the page right here we have our footer now this section right here footer one controls this section and everything here is virtually just text so right here you can see we're passionate about blah blah blah they have the icon right there right here these are all text I'm sorry this regular category so these right here to show the categories of your content so I'll talk more about that a little bit later this right here is footer 3 so it's just recent posts so any blog posts you made it's just going to show up here as a feed and then also right here for the area for this is the email newsletter widget which I highly recommend to watch my MailChimp 2 toriel so you can edit that and then also right here this footer settings right here we can always change that as well but home page settings I want to talk about this right here so in the future whenever you have a home page or whenever you decide to make a new page you need to set your home page as your home page so what that means is basically saying when someone visits your websites what page do you want them to go to first well probably the home page right and for your post page when you make blogs you want them to go to your a blog page right that makes sense going back right here we're almost done guys we're almost done these are just the the basics well we'll get to the good stuff in a bit alright and then the footer settings of course right here is all this right here so this is basically how you can style it and you can just change this to anything that you want right there okay so in a nutshell guys that's basically how you would design the websites now let's talk about the options inside of Edie and everything else and yeah it's going to do that so let's go to our dashboard right here and right here we have downloads now downloads our products so when someone says downloads they mean products so downloads are products so here we have a bunch of demo content right here but I want to go ahead and delete all these products right here and I want to go ahead and make one from scratch so we're gonna make a product from scratch now also right here we have categories now I want to go and delete these all as well and we're gonna make our own categories so first let's make a category and what a category is is basically saying what kind of product is this is this like the is this the Nintendo instructions or is this the WordPress plug-in category so right here will type in images so images and then right here we'll do software so we have one category for images and one category for software right here under all downloads we'll click on add new and this is the name of your product so let's say for instance this is a Photoshop so right here we're gonna do girls Photoshop enter a subtitle here so a picture of girls for your website alright and let me go to my secrets all right here secret website alright and I'm gonna go ahead and grab this demo content alright so let's go back over here and this right here is just it's just content guy so whatever you want to talk about your product this is where you're going to talk about it right here okay so basically the title small description and this is where you want to go ahead and talk about it now right here we have pricing so how much does its product cost well I'm gonna say this product cost $10 all right and I'll talk more about payment gateways a little bit later but right now let's just create a product now right here we have product types is this a default or is this a bundle if this is a bundle we can go ahead and talk about our other downloads and we can bundle all of our downloads together if this is just a single product we can just go ahead and put it right here so right here I'll put girls photo and this is we're gonna enter in the URL so right here you'll click on upload a file and you'll upload the file right here so you can select the files and whatever file that you want to go ahead and basically put that's where you're going to go ahead and put it's right there okay but I'll just select one you know just for too-tall purposes I'll just put this right here and insert that so basically saying if someone decides to purchase this this is the product they're going to get they're going to get that picture of the girl alright and we can also add in a second one so you can also add in multiple ones right here so right here we can put in like additional image and then we'll just basically say that if they you know if they purchases they get both images so there you go and then also right here we have our categories so I'm gonna say this goes in the image categories now we can also set tags as well so I'll put girls right here maybe you're selling pictures or something like that I don't know I mean I've built websites from Taric cards to pornography to business websites everyone out there has a whole different niche you know so that's basically what that means now right here we have file download limits so how many times can people download this if you want to unlimited just leave it blank and right here we need to set a download image so right here I'll probably set the download image and it looks like we are ready to go right here to stable the automatic output of the purchase button I'll just go ahead and leave that blank now if you ever want to take this product we can always add it as a shortcode later but well I don't think we need to do that because you know I don't I don't think that's necessary for this video it's just not you know it's basically taking a we can put that product anywhere now also right here you can see the sales their earnings and the download log for this product so we made the product let's go and take a look at its view the product and there you go so this is the photo and they'll go ahead and purchase it and they can go ahead and download it so right here purchase it goes into their carts here the click on checkout and voila now you can see the girls Photoshop job is right there and they can go ahead and put in their information and then they can go ahead and purchase it on the website pretty easy right very very easy that's it guys I mean that's that's the whole tutorial you know we're done see you later no I'm just kidding we have some other stuff to talk about before we talk about the end so we made a product now let's talk about different products let's talk about their Bell products so right here I'm gonna go to plus new and go to download all right so right here we'll talk about we'll make another products we'll talk about let's talk about a wordpress plugin wordpress plugin and then maybe this one here is called like maybe this one i don't know it does optimizes images so optimizes image plug-in and then right here you can go ahead and talk about something you know whatever you wanna talk about now right here I want to click on enable variable pricing so basically I want different options so maybe right here this is the basic plan so so we're here this is the basic and right here this one costs $9.99 but this right here is the pro version and maybe something like this right here we'll put like 10 websites and this one right here cost in 1999 and this right here is the ultimate one and this one right here cost $29.99 now right here it says default and what that means is saying which one you want on default so when they come to the product which price do you want on default well I'm gonna say the the Pro and right here we can choose the file right there now over here under bundle now right here you can see that the the amount of file so basically what the bundle is is that it'll go ahead and search through all your downloads and you can grab all your downloads together and offer one bundle product now you can also achieve the same results by just making them all from scratch but if you have a lot of downloads the bundle can just go ahead and search through all of them and it'll just basically go ahead and just grab all of your downloads so that's a difference between bundle and also the default so right here we'll go ahead and give this a name so plug in here I'll upload the file so maybe something you know let's let's grab one I'm gonna grab I'm gonna grab the bloom plugin by elegant themes it's a great plugin of course I'm not selling it guys it's just for too-tall purposes okay so don't ask me here I'll go and upload it and then price assignment so right here we can set this to the basic the pro or the ultimates all right so all the senate's - I'll just set it to the pro and again if you guys are ever confused on something you can always hover over the question marks so it's very pressing enabled you need to choose to allow certain pricing variations access to specific files etc so right here I'll just put all I'll just put all alright so let's go ahead and scroll down we have download notes excerpt and authors and also right here we can set the download image and you'd probably want to put an image of the plug-in so I will just put something that looks like this right here alright alright so we have the plug-in and we have everything set and we have the defaults right here enable multi option purchase mode allows multiple pricing options to be to your car at the same time that's probably never a good idea guys because if I select that that means the person can buy all three at the same time and that would be stupid and they would want a refund and you don't want deal free funds touched me you don't want to talk to people you don't deal people man their pain in the butt so here I'll just put plugins and I'll add this to the software category all right and we'll click on publish all right now it's taking a look at our download so you can see here is the plugin here's the description we can see the Pro is set to default and we have the basic the Pro and the ultimate and people can just click on purchase and they can go ahead and click on checkout and there you go so now you can see that's that product was also added to the cart as well pretty simple pretty easy guys right I mean that's pretty much it I mean that's a big part of the video is making these products now also right here under our under our shop page we have girls Photoshop and then we have our WordPress plugin as well now you can also set different categories on your menu as well so you know how we made images and we made plugins we can actually go to our menus and we can actually set categories on our menu that's why we have categories right so right here under settings I'm sorry under appearance and menus we'll go ahead and I already deleted all these pages that's why they draw on red remember we deleted all those we deleted all the all the products good and delete all these get them all you're getting get him out get him out get him out get him out okay so in order to get the categories onto our menus we actually need to go to the category page so to do that I'm gonna go to my one of my open tabs right here and I'm gonna go to my downloads now right here I'm just going to click on a product so here I'll just view now on the right side right here you see where it says categories and software so right here if I click on software I have this link right here now this is basically saying all the software products that I put in that category such as software will show up on this specific page so over here I want to go ahead and put in a custom link I want to put in that URL right there like that and then right here I will put plugins add that to the menu so what this is basically saying now you're gonna head and delete the the shop one we don't even know why we have this here this is going to get rid of the shop one two we don't need this right here these are all just they come with the theme you don't need these and a little money you need is the downloads so I'm gonna take the plugins right here and put it right below it like that so now if I click on save menu and I hover over downloads plugins will also show up in a subcategory so let me click on visit site to give you an example so here we have downloads and now we see plugins and if I click on plugins it's going to bring us to the download category of software and it's going to show all this categories so that's just a win how you can do it you can also decide to add it to the menu as well so let me just give you one more example before we go on to the next section so right here under our menu section we can just take this right here and just add it to the menu like that so now we don't even have to have a drop down so it'll just display right there plugins and then I'll just show all the plugins because downloads it's gonna show a mixed result of all your downloads so it's just a way on how you can categorize it you know to make it look a little bit more cleaner so not I've shown you all how to do that with the menu and everything else let me talk about the actual let me talk about the actual settings of this plugin so remember we're using the easy digital downloads plugin so right here under installed plugins this is the main plug-in that we're using right here you can also find it on the WordPress I think it's a repository or a depository I don't know which one it is what they call it so right here you can just type in easy digital downloads easy digital downloads and there it is so this is a plug-in that we're using and again you know you guys can venture off and you know they have a lot of add-ons for it like free link or they have different gateways and all sorts of really cool stuff for it but I just won't let you know that this is the primary plugging that we're using in order to you know do all this stuff and everything else so all right now right here just click on downloads and these are downloads here you can see the price the sales the earnings etc and here are basically the options for it so we have the categories the tags the payment history the customers it'll show us all the customers once people start to purchase discount codes as well so here we'll go ahead and enter in a quick discount code so if you're looking to add new and this will be Patty and right here we can choose a percentage or a dollar amount so for example this right here will give $10 off whatever product would ever plug in that they use or purchase this right here gives 10% off any plugin so that's just basically an example so right here you'd say I want 10% off here we'll put actual the code sorry my bad here patty 10 so this is the name of the discount for you this is the actual code okay download requirements so which one's this which one is this used for if this is blank it can be used for any product do you want to exclude certain downloads from this coupon code you can go ahead and do that as well you can set a start date so maybe you want to just have you know you want to have it available for the week you know saying I want this coupon code only good for 28 days or for a week or something like that so minimum amount the minimum dollar that can be in the cart before this news cut this can be added so basically what that means is saying if let's say for instance you ever gone to like the store and saying if you spend $50 you get $10 off your purchase that's basically what this is saying right here okay so it basically says a minimum amount spent in order to use the coupon code max uses how many times can this specific coupon code be used before it's invalid so I'm going to say five and can this be used once per customer so you want to limit this one time per customer if you decide to do that then the same customer can only use it one time so that's basically what that means so patty ten and there is the code you guys want to test it out really quick it's going to test out really quick so let's go ahead and go over here I'm go ahead check out and right here how it says enter in a discount code we'll just go ahead and click on apply and it'll give us ten percent off our order whoo look at that we saved a few dollars all right so that is or working oh we're working going back over here under downloads so we were at just codes right now we have reports so whenever you make money it's going to show up right here all right let me go to tools really quick tools you probably won't ever need to use they're more for development and API and other stuff like that they'll also need this stuff for support if you have any problems you can go to their form and they should give you free support for the plugin also let's talk about the last section right here settings after this we'll talk about additional extensions so right here we have general which is basically saying that these are the pages that's they're going to use when something failed and by default they've done a pretty good job right here now right here you might want to put where your stores from let's say you have Save Changes you can also put the state as well and you can also allow EDD to track what you do in your store to help them improve their product currency so right here we have currency and you can set the the column the comma after the thousands I mean I don't know some kind I don't really know why they offer this I'm sure there's a reason why they offer this but you know when there's like a thousand dollars there's one comma zero zero zero you can change that here but it's good luck I don't know why anyone want to do that but yeah you can select your currency right here API we're not going to use any API because most of you don't use it right here we have test mode enabled now right here we have PayPal standard so we will be using PayPal standard and I want to kind of add in some icons here all right so here we will be using PayPal standard as our payment gateway right here PayPal standard so what you're going to do right here is basically just enter in your email address right here so an enter in my email address right here and then right here you're gonna enter in your company name so when someone goes to PayPal it actually checks out they're going to see your company logo on the PayPal screen and if you don't have a PayPal account you can simply goes to PayPal comm and you can make a free one so right here and go to sign up and you can do a personal or business accounts now when you do this right here it's saying enter the email address you used to sign in this email address is the one you're going to enter when you go and you put it in over here so once you actually have a PayPal account you'll go ahead and make your accounts go to the and then whenever someone purchases through PayPal you will receive money in your PayPal account and you can withdraw it to your bank accounts now I will also be giving you an additional way on how you can have people check out on your website with credit card as well instead of going through PayPal because you know you want to give them multiple options any people don't want to use PayPal and that's perfectly fine I'll talk about a feature on how you can implement that on your website but for now we'll just go ahead and you know use PayPal standard here we'll just put this in test mode just to give you an example a little bit later emails so right here you can mess with your emails such as purchase receipts and new sale notifications as well and I think by default they should have this set up for us so let me see you're here there we go yeah so there you go so that's basically what it looks like and then also new sell new sell notification I'm just curious as to why it doesn't show up there let's see here purchase receipt yeah so that's it looks like it's automated I'm not really sure why they're all blank sorry here I'll put I see how that works out preview yeah I'm really not sure that the content is there and usually there's a template so I would just leave it blank it looks like by default it's set up so the emails are set up so when someone purchases something you they will get a receipt and also you will get notified also when someone purchases something as well and you can always test this out in the Test section so we're actually gonna purchase something on our website in just a little bit Stiles right here we don't really need to do this because by default we're using the theme for our styles but this right here we control basically the colors of the buttons when people use like you know the forms or ever like default button or plain text etc taxes now in my state of California there are actually no taxes on digital goods however you may be in a state that requires taxes on digital products how can you find this out you can go to tax are calm and touch to our texture komm will notify you digital goods they actually have an article right here of what states actually charge sales tax right here so I think this little image right here is a good example see you right here states where digital tax are not taxable and then states where detailed taxes are taxable it's expensive as California is I'm actually pretty pretty amazed Cali hasn't charged for that I can I can easily see them charging for that in the future that ever happens I move into Nevada we can go gamble in Nevada that's where we're going we're all going to Nevada so yeah so right here tax rate if you are based in a you know you can add tax rates for specific regions so let's say for instance we're in Nevada right there we can go ahead and charge sales tax in Nevada right there so I'll just go ahead and put United States and then no no I'm sorry Nevada doesn't charge sales tax Washington does I think we'll just grab a random one you get the point you look at the image and then you know you go from there so oops my recording okay so anyways we'll go back over here and then we'll just say apply this to the whole country and what tax rate are they well you can go to tax are calm and you can check it out but I'll just put 5% so right here we are adding tax rates to specific areas okay so that's basically how that works out now I'm not a hundred percent sure on sales tax if you are based in a state that doesn't charge sales tax I know I think in California that since we are in a state that doesn't charge sales tax we don't charge sales tax on other states so you might want to go to tax Rome to read about that I can't give legal advice on taxes guys cuz I'm not an accountant but I believe that if I'm based in the states that doesn't have sales tax that I do not apply it to other states I'm not 100% sure you might want to ask tax or calm but this is just an example of how you can apply tax to specific areas probably if you're located in a state that charge of sales tax all right all right that's enough of that okay that's basically how to do that all right privacy so you wants to enable a privacy policy you can go ahead and do that as well you can go ahead and agree to you know you add in your privacy policy etc you could say your privacy policy here as well so you would make a page and then you would basically add that to the section right there okay so your privacy policy that's where you would add it as and of course I'll talk about that in just a second miscellaneous right here these are basically just you know check out there just various options for you you know you can just read them you know immediate redirect after someone add something to a cart etc you can go ahead and go through these options and just read through them now right here on our pages now if you ever want to make a page I'm sure we probably can cover that you just go to add new page and this right here probably your privacy policy and then right here you can you know we'll do the demo content again so this right here I know the demo con where's the secret website a secret website here we go there we go so this right here to be your privacy policy page so you know whatever you want to talk about just you know hey you know this is privacy policy now I will be making a full video on its tutorial on this specific builder it's just basically the default WordPress builder so you know we can add images and all sorts of stuff so this is the same way on how to make blog post as well so you know I'll have a full video on this one as well but I don't want to cover Guttenberg in this because you know it's something that I just don't want to cover because this is not about Guttenberg but this is basically how you make pages pretty simple right and here you click on view page and then there's the page very simple stuff right so we added in the text the image etc so you'd probably set your privacy policy to whatever page you'd want right now let's talk about post really quickly so posts we have all posts right here and these are all the posts and guys making posts is the same way just click on add new it's the same exact thing so like 10 things girls love and then here you just put money money money money money and then money or something like that whatever whatever you know whatever there you go so you just basically put that in like that it's a joke guys I'm not seeing girls love money I mean at least the girls not and I mean maybe the girls in Beverly Hills do cuz I mean I used to go to bars and I'm telling you man some of those girls in Beverly Hills do they just they're just crazy like they're sick they're just they're just like you know I won't even date a guy unless he makes like a minimum of ten or fifty thousand dollars I'm like what do you have to offer like why are you so good you know what do you bring it to the plate you know and they're like oh I have followers on Instagram like I don't care you know I could get out of here so our here we would click on publish and this is your post and your posts actually will need to put in am over here in a document a featured image always put a featured image guys on your stuff featured image that's basically the picture that shows up when they see the article so right here visit sites the blog section and right here ten things girls and then you know the content the image etc so that's basically how you make a blog post guys it's very simple you know you can talk about whatever you wants and here's other various blog posts you can always go ahead and go to your post page and delete whatever you'd want by clicking on this move to trash and there you go alright so we've talked about blog post we talked about all the settings I pretty much covered everything also right here at our portfolios I don't even recommend doing this these are just basically categories they're just they're basically blog posts in disguise I don't know why we use portfolios but I don't really want to use portfolios at all so I'm just gonna go ahead and delete all those I don't really want to use portfolios because we already have the blog page we have you know we don't need portfolios it's you can have it and it's just basically like portfolios for something that you want to talk about or whatever but I don't know I I just I just feel that I don't really need to use this we already have blog posts we have digital downloads why do we need portfolios but that's just another category all right so let's go ahead now and test out their products right here so we'll go over here to checkouts and right here we'll go ahead and put in an email address here we have our logos they'll be added logos here we'll click on purchase all right now what it's doing right here is it's basically taking us to PayPal and once someone he purchases something through PayPal it's then going to redirect it and it's going to take it take us back to our websites here it says transaction failed Slyke cancelled but if you if it was successful they'll be brought to their dashboard page right here where they can go ahead and download one of their products now let's talk about other ways on how you can have people purchase your products so PayPal by default is not the best way you might want to have someone purchase something on your website right and I'm gonna show you how to do that and I'm also going to show you how you can set up recurring payments as well such as memberships on your website so we'll go to Darrell Wilson Darrell listen comm - e DD there is also a link in the description of this video it'll take you to this page right here and it's going it's going it's my affiliate link so if you guys do decide to purchase something I make like 10% it's a very small amount whoa look at these prices now these are some of the packages that easy digital download offers now I'm gonna talk about why this is good and talk about why it's not expensive now the reason why is because you actually get a lot of different plugins for this price so I actually have an all-access pass I really do in fact if I go to my downloads account you guys will actually or go to my account right here I'm an update profile you guys will actually see that I actually have you may go over here there we go so I actually have this account guys so right here you can see I do have it so I I'm not just saying that I'm actually building a theme company and we're using this same platforms no joke guys we're using the same thing so over here I'm gonna I want to recommend the extended pass for you all you don't need anything else now we'll commerce the other platforms they charge $150 per plugin this right here you get the entire lots so you get like like I think like 20 different plugins for a hundred and eighty nine dollars and it's not that bad guys I mean I've got to be honest a plugins can cost anywhere between especially with commerce products they can cost anywhere between $50 to $200 and that's per plugin with this you're getting an entire package for $200 and this gives you the ability to add stripe which I'm going to show you how to use right now and also recurring payments as well and those are the two most important ones that you're going to use in this video so go ahead and purchase it right here purchase pass and once you guys purchase it I'll meet you on the next page and in fact they're using the same platform guys so in fact it's gonna look just like this right here so right here credit card PayPal PayPal info or credit card info etc and they can just sign up for everything and that's it so I know it can be a little expensive but I remember this company also gives a 30 day money back and you do get a lot I mean you get a lot for this price and it's definitely worth it and you make one sale I mean the one item for the entire year it's definitely worth it so let's go ahead now and add these plugins so once you actually once you actually purchase this you'll go in your account right here and you'll actually see it all in your profile so right here under downloads we have the msre subscriptions we have the all-access pass so right here I'm gonna click on view invoice I believe that's where it is view invoice right you invoice and let's see right here the all-access pass I believe it can actually download this from their dashboard there we go alright so this is my downloads page I click on the product now these are all the plugins that I have now under my package what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna go ahead and show you all the ones that were going to use now I highly recommend the stripe because with the stripe again people can use their credit card on your website and you won't have to redirect them to PayPal in fact it's it's pretty much pretty much recommended and I'll show you how to set it up stripes of free service is really easy to set up so we're gonna go to page 4 and we're going to download the stripe account the stripe payment gateway this one right here and we're also going to download the recurring payments so you'll have to click on download now and it's going to download the plug-in and the download the stripe payment gateway as well all right so first we're gonna do is I'm gonna show you how you can set it up with stripe now if you're skeptical and you're still not sure on it just keep watching this video because you're gonna see that the stripe and the recurring really add a lot to your site and I was just two plugins but they're really good so right here I'm gonna go to plugins and go to add new go to upload plug-in click on choose the file and I'm going to go ahead and select this the EDD plugin a titty stripe install now and activate now over here I'm gonna go to stripe comm this is a stripe comm just like that and you're gonna make a free account and again it's free doesn't cost you anything so go ahead and pause the video right here you're gonna see sign in I already have a dashboard and this will actually link directly to our websites and everything's just gonna show up like that really beautiful really easy so over here we have stripe enabled are we uploaded the the stripe accurate we're gonna upload it right now so right here plugins upload plugins choose the file that I uploaded I think I did upload it did I just am I losing my mind yeah it's already installed why don't you guys tell me is making me do all this hard work so right here we have the stripe payment gateway enabled now to find this you'll go over here to downloads and go to settings alright now right here we have payment gateways and we're going to enable stripe right there and click on save and I want the default one to be stripe actually lets out all the credit cards make it all beautiful there we go now right here you notice that we have stripe and now it does say connect with stripe but I have used this and I have had issues with it so I'm gonna recommend doing this manually and it's very very easy to do this manually so right here we have the test key publishable key guys we're simply just going to go ahead and copy and paste so right here I'm a click on view test data developers API so right here I'll do my publishable key copy this and then test right here cuz I want to test this out and then here I want to grab my secret key and I'll go ahead and put it in that right there now if you want to do live you would simply just click on this you normally go to developers really quick and click on view test data and there's the API keys so now this is for live websites so you simply just copy and paste those right there and that'll work and it's it's connected directly to your stripe account so whenever you make money it's going to show up right here in fact we're going to do a live sale to show you that this actually works so let's go ahead and go down and go to Save Changes now the other options right here like an able stripe check out and then upload a logo so we're gonna go and do that really quick this actually adds a lot of design and you'll kind of see it so right here I'll put this icon right there and then click on Save Changes alright so now that now that it's working let's go ahead now and test it out so right now this is in test mode but again remember we can always put this in live mode at any single time all right so visit sites downloads you want to go ahead or actually I have some of my my page right there so here we have credit card or PayPal and right here I put credit card we have our information right there and here I'll click on purchase here we're going to gnarrk our credit card information it's not real here you can see our logo we have our company name ten twenty twenty two and one two three and then we'll go ahead and pay the amounts and this is the exact process that your customers are going to experience on the website and then there you go so now you can see that they have the products right there they have all their stuff they have the receipts and when they go to their dashboard right here they're going to go ahead and see all of their information and they can always go ahead and download it anytime they want to go ahead and download it so it's a very fast way for people to check out on your websites and I highly recommend stripe okay so not I've shown you guys how to basically add in a faster payment gateway let's do the last part and talk about how you can add recurring payments to your websites now really quickly if I go over here and i refresh the page let's see right here refresh it it's under test data you can see now that the information that it accepted the payment right there so you can see that's the amount of dollar went up because we're using our test data and that basically shows people that our sites working and then of course you can just take this break back to your bank account it's that easy guy so just make the accounts go through the process set up a stripe account and connect it with your websites and you can taking payments right away on your website pretty cool right pretty amazing now again we're gonna do the last part and we're going to install a plugin that will basically give us the ability to create recurring products so right here we're going to download the recurring product and now when we make products we have the option to basically add recurring products so right here under downloads I'll click on add new and this right here will be maybe WordPress theme and then we'll call this like Zenith and then here you would go ahead and put in some description about your product so this is the best theme ever now right here you can see that we have our product and now you can see over here this has changed a little bit's so now we can add the recurring feature so I'm gonna say that this is $59 for the year or you can say that this is a monthly service so right here we can do it as many times as we want so monthly we can send it up to a $59 recurring every month one time and then right here is there a sign-up fee so how much does it cost to sign up so that's basically how you can set that up you can also enable this with a free trial so we'll give you a seven day free trial as well so again that's like this from the from the beginning $59 recurring one time a month and then right here you can see that's this is basically the signup fee I believe that the times is actually how many times in total I believe that's how it goes I'm almost certain so let me I might not I might want to check that out but I'm almost positive that the times is basically saying the maximum amount of times so I believe that's what it is if it's indefinite you would leave it as zero but if you want to select like a certain amount of time you can do that here you can also select Corti quarterly yearly semi-annually et cetera so right there you can see that we're talking to the nine dollars yes I believe it is monthly I believe it's its monthly and I believe the times is just how many times in total do you want to charge before it's cancelled but we can just leave it as zero for indefinite until they cancel it all right and then right here of course we'll just put product so amazing theme here you upload all your hard work here we'll put in the put the bloom plugin again we got bloom in there again and then right here is to the download image so this right here is our theme yeah that's our theme under software and there you go alright so will view the download here's the download we'll go ahead and purchase it well check out and now you can see that this is billed monthly until cancelled yeah that's guy had it right I had it right guys so the time is how many times total it would charge them so just leave it zero and you know let them cancel or let them contact you et cetera and then right here it's canceled with a 7 day free trial so here you can see that it is charging them zero dollars and they can pay with credit card etc and then another thing to pay with PayPal now the reason why there's no credit card there is because we disabled we're it's in test mode right now so that's basically it I'm sorry it is place here but the reason why I'm answering it like this like all these random numbers is because this is in test mode so once this is out of test mode guys then it'll basically start appearing in your stripe accounts under your real accounts so there we go we entered in our information it says please wait and there you go so right here you can see x build its until cancelled and right now they're not being billed because it's a trial trialing is that i really say it trialing i'm just curious as to if that's the real way on how to do it so basically we set up a subscription product guys congratulations so that's basically a quick rundown of how to set up your your website i think this video covered most of it now there are other products on here like membership websites and multi vendor website says you can add to your sites but you guys can kind of venture off and do your own things I can talk about this for another four or five hours but you I've showed you basically how you can set up products I've shown you how you can set up stripe I've shown you how you can upload products everything I think this tutorial is complete guys so again congratulations on your website's let me know in the comments below you know how your site went if you had problems make sure to give this video a big thumbs up I spent a lot of time researching and making it make sure to share it make sure to comment and let everyone know it's amazing alright and let me know your favorite beer in the comments below alright so until then guys I will see you all later take care have a great website see you later
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 93,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a digital download website, digital download website, sell digital products on wordpress, sell digital products, digital downloads, easy digital downloads, digital download, how to sell digital products, selling digital products online, digital products, sell digital products online, how to sell digital products online, how to sell digital products on wordpress, sell digital downloads, easy digital downloads tutorial, darrel wilson
Id: I0GFOiJug7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 27sec (4287 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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