Why ListingPro is the Best WordPress Theme to Help Make a Directory Website? - Webinar #04

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all right guys thank you so much for joining today's webinar i really appreciate it so today's goal is to actually make sure uh you know listing pro is the right fit for you we are going to cover a lot of features today and let's let's get started so on this call it's going to be me by the way i'm the product manager for listing pro we also have a special guest a speaker tim from overnight coder these are some of our customers who have created awesome websites one great example that we have check it out local first and then so this is another one rememberingplaces.com and another amazing directory website built with listing pro check out firstcoast.life another blog and a directory website so there are quite a few you can check out our blog actually we we we are adding a lot of amazing inspirational websites for you guys to just you know learn from what others have built and you can you know um definitely this is another good one we get discover and book dog friendly venues and stuff so yeah you just check out our blog posts you'll find some really good great examples so without wasting too much time let me jump on this one so here i just wanted to kind of give you an idea like you know there are so many directory websites out there from yelp to my google my places sockdock zumato these are all directory websites but normally when you look at them you look at them as like multi-million dollar companies but at their core they are just directory website directory or listing websites especially the ones that are mentioned here on the screen and then there are uh there are other um websites like airbnb meetups zillow tripadvisors craigslist these are again not necessarily directory but at the core listing websites with the slightly different features so the reason why i'm showing you all these different uh brands is to sort of think out of the box when you're trying to create a directory or a listing website you can look at these examples and learn from them and maybe i mean most of the features i would say you'll find uh in in these directories um you will have that in listing pro but there will be certain specific niche features that you will have to customize or use one of our premium add-ons for very small percentage of audience that we have uh created some customized add-ons but most of the stuff that you want from a directory website particularly you will be able to create uh with listing pro or at least you will be able to create like 70 or 80 of the website and then you you can customize it based on your niche industry so that said i want to talk about why directories are so important uh especially uh when uh you are when you're talking about google's perspective how does google look at a directory website compared to other kind of other kind of website like a blog or a or a just a business website so i'm going to give show you some of the tests i have done um starting with this example which is when i mean you can do this on your you know search engine google or whatever search engine views i mean i'm specifically talking about google right now but this might be true for other search engines as well i haven't tested it but you can try it out so for example uh when you search for best dentist in your area i can bet that 10 out of you know seven results will give you directories some will be local directories some will be nationwide directories in this particular example when i search for best dentist in san francisco google gives you 14 search results uh 4 out of 14 are google's own my business directory 4 out of 14 is google's own directory um my places and there are two from yelp buy from different uh other local and nationwide directories some are big some are small so just wanted to point that out that google gives really high importance when it's uh when it's trying to share the search uh present the searches all based on the available data so even blogs and magazines are very lower priority or individual businesses uh landing pages or individual business websites unless you know that website has been around for a very very very long time and you know you know it will be easier for you to rank a directory website than an individual website that's what i'm trying to uh tell you this a particular example i'm going to show you best therapist in sacramento so again very similar results most of them most of these are nationwide or local directories a specific one i'm going to mention here is sac wellness this is uh coming on first page of google when i type in a therapist in sacramento and this directory was created for um sacramento therapist in california and this was this is created by listing press you might have noticed and not that it's um uh you know as soon as you create your directory website with listing pro it's gonna show up on the first page now that's not what i'm trying to say i'm just trying to say directory is very important when it comes to um google's uh perspective and of course this guy has spent a lot of time creating a lot of blogs adding a lot of businesses a therapist rather and you know optimizing all that stuff all the good stuff you have to do with any website but i just wanted to um show you that this is possible if you if you are building a niche directory you can come on on the first page of google so that said let me keep moving um but why listing pro that's the question right you can you can obviously um there are so many different options available there are directory themes out there there there are directory plugins there are uh directory software's out there you know uh like brilliant directories or you know all those big big names um that are not non non wordpress directory softwares that are out there why why listing pro so the reason why listing pro is it's a product market fit we spent a lot of time before we uh created the product and before launching the product you know we spent a lot of time understanding the target audience and their underserved needs basically the market we understood the market what was you know what gaps were there so there is a world free listing pro and post listing pro so uh pre-listing pro every even like post listing where you'll see the similar pattern that most of the team available you will have to purchase like dozens of add-ons to create a simple directory website um so and all these different add-ons will be from different vendors a lot of time or those add-ons we're not really meant to create a directory website but they kind of used it i'm going to show you a specific example so uh just remember that this the the main difference between other directory themes and plugins versus listing pro is that we created from ground ground up to build a directory website and we added all the core features that users needed to create a directory or listening website within the team without needing to purchase additional plugins there are certain cases uh that you might have to purchase add-ons that we uh we built uh there are very few uh you know premium add-ons that we built to accommodate a few different user base but most of the 90 95 of the time um you won't need a plug-in and um tim might be able to vouch for that because he has done of course i'm a product manager but i haven't built really any directory website myself i've just spent my time building the product uh right but uh tim has built several websites for his clients i guess for himself so he can talk about so here's a quick comparison between listing pro and other directory themes um there are core there are certain core features that makes a good directory product number one is a front-end submission form that allows to submit uh business listings for a business owner so we have a built-in front-end form builder uh within a listing pro whereas most of the other uh competitors what they use is a plug-in like wp job manager and there might be few that might have a built-in feature but most of them that have checked the the most popular ones they do use wp job manager or something else and then uh there is a very uh important feature custom form fields that allows you to create all sort of different types of form field text uh radios uh on and off switch and stuff like that that you'll need in your form um to display different type of data that feature is a core feature for a great good uh directory and that is built into listening pro whereas other directories use acf advanced custom field plugin and cmb2 and few others available out there and then of course similarly search filter and pricing plan these are all built into listing pro so and most of the other available themes again like i mentioned use third party and uh the last one i want to mention listing pro has its own uh checkout system as well as its own uh pricing plan and promote listing so anything that has to do with payment is all built into listing pro you don't need a third-party plug-in like woocommerce woocommerce is designed to build e-commerce websites not really a directory website it's very heavy it's a great plug-in woocommerce is the best ecommerce plugin out there but it's not meant to create a directory website so like job manager also job manager was designed to create a jobs website not really a directory website where people sort of mold it to work with a directory website yeah so that said let's keep moving um yeah we have um free built-in demos and there are a few additional free demos that we recently launched for different niches these are free classic places restaurant that are built in when you install you'll get it out of the box there are a few additional free one that finder pro black pro are already built in uh sorry add-ons free add-ons available and there are uh premium add-ons for wedding pro lawyers for these are just skins mainly for different niches but um mainly you will have all the features available within listing pro but these are some new elements and design with with those additional uh event pro is coming soon uh hopefully uh we will have the webinar next week you can um if you are interested in uh creating an advanced event website like meetup.com and even sell so the great news that um we just uh decided to add uh last minute uh that will include um ticketing system so uh users will be there will be a digital wallet like we also have that in medical pro we'll have uh that with events pro so users can sell tickets and make commission uh selling the ticket so that's not available with listing pro listing pro has a simple event option you can create events you can list events on the listing but uh event sports a whole different game again medical pro is for people who are trying to create sites like sockdoc and you know webmd directory or whatnot it also has built-in appointment booking system and uh it allows you to uh what you call make commission per booking uh here's a quick uh sneak peek of our earning commission and that's pretty much i'm going to wrap up with last slide this is basically when you are creating a directory you want to remember there are three types of personas i think in most scenarios one is the admin i'm gonna call it adam bob as the business owner uh victoria as the visitor the end user basically so so i'm gonna hand over to tim from here and he'll cover most of our features in detail so tim it's all yours buddy no problem chime in if i mess up and so uh can you guys hear me yeah everybody everybody's good perfect thumbs up uh lenny i want to thank you for joining um i'm going to be speaking to everybody that just goes out live too lenny again we appreciate you coming but i know that this will be sent out um to many new new members so with that being said my name is tim a lot of people know me as the overnight coder i'm not affiliated with listing pro i've talked to sam and the tara netera uh multiple times um just about the wonderful product they had i i will mention that my first message to him two years ago i wasn't i wasn't super excited like i was like hey i can't get this to work what do i do as we come along and as you start to learn the theme it's super easy super easy and like sam said everything is out of the box ready to go it's just my understanding and to give you a little background i'm a web designer i coded normal web designs for many years except two years ago i created my first i'm gonna share screen um i created my first listing pro video and uh the idea of the video was just to help anybody out who had any type of issues with listing pro you know because it wasn't your normal theme right normal theme being in my world was like hey we have some theme options here and you can set the home page you can set some colors but listening pro was so advanced that it took a little bit of knowledge just to know where these things were once you knew where they were it had a lot it's not again it's not like when you're building an e-commerce store it wasn't like your normal theme and i have over 80 themes i used to purchase back in the day for every single client so how did it get started overnight coder was started just to give people an example i think january 7th i created a free video that was an hour nine minutes long wasn't looking to monetize or do anything with it that almost has 30 000 views awesome keep in mind since that time i've been building nothing but directory websites because the the market is so lucrative not that people are double dipping and i'm not getting people with the same categories like for example we heard somebody's gonna do something in their state um i've got people all over the world maybe it's a kiteboarding niche maybe it's uh their bowling team airstrips for different people around the world we've got you know just different things baja um you know new zealand and then not only are they different locations they're different niches as well so it's not like oh everybody's building a directory how do i compete um so that's kind of a little bit about me to this date i call myself the directory guy i probably built over 60 70 directories which is super awesome most of them using the listing pro theme i found listing pro i wanted to find the the best theme for what i was trying to do and out of the box after testing five or six themes in one month then yes i was paying for all of them uh listening pro hit the charts that's when i came out with the video and i was like hey this is how you do it i only got better from there you'll see the comment base and everything there um so we're doing really well again i'm not affiliated with listing pro just support an awesome product so let's go over a couple of slides that um that we kind of have to prepare you know what is the fps front-end submission um definitely just being able to submit listings from the front end the theme is designed to convert and i can vouch for that you know it's already got a method of converting so a lot of people in web design or even if you're not a web designer you'll start to put an awesome site together but you don't think about how it can best convert like is it add a business button in the top right hand corner you know if you don't if you don't announce these type of things people don't even know they can add to these type of things so it is designed to convert and they've got the drag and drop form builder not only do i have the drag and drop form builder i know i'm a developer but i know many people who have built their whole site you don't need any coding of course a little bit of css might help but again it's not needed you know we're just changing some things or just not displaying things so even you know your non-coders you can pick up a theme and easily jump in there and start to drag and drop what you want they do use two page builders this wp bakery in elementor i won't tell you which one i prefer but they're both the same you know they allow you to drag in a feature change colors in the future and again there's no coding necessary it comes with the form builder it's got advanced custom fields the advanced custom fields are a little bit more in depth than this just because there's a lot of things that you can do additional but the main things out of the box are you know when you create an additional field it's uh different types of of custom fields so you've got text checkbox radio you know you've got drop down multi-check on one of my sites we had to add licenses for um it's the mls or selling houses so we were able to add that custom field just as text and now people can search by that or they can actually look that up so really cool there associate the category and obviously to display those items in the filter is big you want to be able to display these items and being able to search so you know in one of them i read a kiteboarding directory i won't show you but in the guideboarding directory can you search by jetski you know yes you can can you search by and we'll go into i know i've got a slide here for you know what you can search by um but it's really easy just to add those custom fields and and make them searchable tags are searchable that type of thing so finding the right listing when you're on a listing pro site uh many ways as we just discovered um or talked about is search you know you can filter it down by clicking one of those custom post types or if you decide to add additional features or form fields you can also limit it by that too so a big one for me is you know opening up the listing and then in laney's perspective we were talking about a little bit before the meeting started you know you you can have something but because we just had the pandemic in covid could you have a feature that says hey we're open you know now or or we're practicing social distancing and you can actually limit that down so people can find what's best for them and their safety and health as well right not not all restaurants are doing that you know i walked into a restaurant the other day me and my family had to take off because they had people sitting on top of people and unfortunately i you know i won't get into the pandemic but we're still in it so you know how you sort and how you go through that's my uh skills coming to par with these slides sorry about that um how you sort filter and search definitely listing pro is on top of their game with that i'm just gonna slide right through these man um what can you search for something that uh you know i forgot to add to the list was you can definitely and it's kind of covered in keyword um but tags tags keywords you can search by category you can search by listing title and that's all just in the what field and there's actually ways you can manipulate that to even go above and beyond that you know from sentence search which is obviously keyword anyway but there's a bunch of different things that you can do with that and then they also have the where field let me see if i can pull up i'll give you an example this is one of the first sites we built it's baja live you've got your web bar here that allows you to search from anything category you can type in or start typing in um one of the listings which it's been a while since i've seen this site but it'll pop up you know and allow you to kind of search there the web field you can actually limit this down or you can make it as broad as you want some people prefer the location switch so you know if i were to hit this location bar even though i'm not in baja alive so for baja live this isn't going to work for me because i'm not in this area but it would show my location here i can search by that in the what field and in the wet field you can actually use anything from location to zip code to anything that you can kind of address i've actually used region in mind so i use a custom field for region searching which is i just cover the eight major regions you know north america south america europe those type of things and allow them to search by that as well so a lot of different things you can do there um and then you have the option like it says here to restrict it to an area so you can restrict it to a country um in my case uh some of them i display only what the admin wants so i could add my custom fields in there first and only allow them to select those as well so i know it says you know you can restrict to a country but technically you can restrict it to you know in a case where we're talking about earlier you could restrict it to georgia and pre-fill out you know the fields that you have there or maybe not even pre-film just you know as the listings are coming in allow those fields so really cool with the search features there we touched a little bit on filtering but the filtering does do the near me um i don't think uh let me just see here's another site we did which made um sam's first slide uh probably looks familiar oh i didn't know it was you did uh tim did you you did this one oh really wow i built the site but unfortunately i don't like to show other client sites unless i have permission and then not only that i pass the client sites onto them so you know with some things like i was really happy with the home page i'm not going to discredit the site at all but i pass it on to their developer who has done some things that i personally didn't do you know so i try not to show anything other than the work i did but yeah anoka county was one that we did he actually built a sister site to this really good site he eliminated the wear field because he's only covering anoka county but again um doesn't need that where filter you know and more importantly oh he doesn't have the wet bar i was going to show you on this one so i don't have a demo but i could explain it really well so the near me and distance radius is something where when you're in a listing page you can actually click hey it's near me and i think we have the demo here but none of these are in mine as well um but here's just the demo listing pro site if i were to click the near me obviously you have to allow the location it wouldn't normally i don't yeah yeah perfect it will work normally allow me to set the mile radius to whatever i want let's just say a thousand miles which is not correct but if this was a locational directory like i was doing all of florida you know orlando where i'm at this would allow me to find out which ones were closest and a lot of styles and settings will actually tell you how far they are so i know we can always use the map base and see that hey no not really in florida but if you were doing a local directory or something where things would be near you and you want to find out the distance i did a dropbox mattress website where they really utilize this they have thousands of dropbox mattress websites around the world and the near me distance radius finds the closest store and of course for me the closest store was like 16 miles away i could just drive and pick up my mattress some of the other features and these are out of the box features again we talked a little bit about how you can design your own but open now you know is the place open now if they put in their business hours you can find out this open now the price grouping you know whether it's uh one dollar sign or five dollar signs you can find that but there's just a lot of filtering options that you can do here and again you can create your own as well so really cool air of features and then we we talked about the the custom fields um sorting sorting is really cool for me you know to be able to sort of business by pretty much your main categories ascending descending by title date most viewed reviewed highest rated claimed and random when i'm first starting a directory i'm just going to give you my insight this is only for most of the directors not everybody right i might want to do it by title um if everybody's paying the same price but on open directory where i have like different business plans as long as the business plan is not paying an ad you know because we don't have that option here um i use random just to give equal business equal exposure you know and that's really helped me i know there will be times when a directory goes on most reviewed highest rated uh most viewed those are going to be really awesome awesome sorting features as well so again coming out the gate i normally start with random but the other ones are really enticing once once i get out the gate uh you wanna pause for it quick yeah yeah let's do it if you have any questions lainey uh please feel free to unmute yourself and shoot hey great oh well awesome job and and this really has been helpful so i know that you touched on the location um and um so i know i think one question i did have at the time of purchase um was looking at the the different location options so i know that um you said that it could you could actually search by zip code because i see that some of the locations they have the i guess the designated or the the predetermined areas for example you know if i'm interested in um maybe just uh the atlanta area for example a directory for the atlanta area i might want to only have like certain counties that could be options you know to be listed as far as the location but if i'm for example interested maybe in the southeast region um so is it is the location customizable like on the back end or could you explain that a little bit more in detail sure uh sammy i can cover this if you want yeah go ahead and then i'll i'll chime in uh if there's anything else uh if i feel it's missing yeah thank you i'm showing the screen on the back end here locations you can actually put in whatever you want so i know that these are like just physical locations right so um bad example here but this you could do you know country you could do uh state and then inside the state so let's just say if you were just going with your state i would do you know just the cities inside that state or maybe you do county and then as a subcity or a sub-location you could do you know your actual city inside there so for me it's central florida if i wanted to list that and then inside central florida i could do orlando cocoa beach if i didn't want to list out i could just go with orlando cocoa beach and list those physically in here now another thing i've seen people do is just put zip codes in here i'm not a fan of zip code i don't want to make anybody bias but the fact that i don't know any zip codes it's going to be really hard for me to search for anything other than my own like even the next city over i don't know what their zip code is so um but locations can actually be anything you know and just the fact that it's called locations again these could be regions so depending on how deep you want to go in your niche and what you want them to search by you can definitely do it okay thank you so i just want to add to that thanks tim um that was really helpful so there's two parts there is the manual portion where you add your own locations and you want to restrict to maybe one state or one city or you can have 10 cities and that's it as an admin you create those cities and that's it pretty much right but you can also have a google api enabled tim you can keep me honest with the google apis enable you you as an admin can restrict the listing submission for a country uh and then people can add any location from that specific country when they're searching the search will be limited to that particular country you won't see the admin added locations you will you know once the actually i think the api is not enabled so it might not work google api is not enabled so this way if the google api is enabled you can search by zip code you don't have to enter all the zip codes manually google will take care of all that for you and yeah so it's more of an automated process with google versus a manual process uh where you know you are going to decide which location which states or which cities uh yeah if if i missed anything tim you want to add no that's exactly right you know like i was just showing you the back end here it won't show you from the front end but you can you can enable that you know from admin only and then you can select like sam said or you know a fun one is auto locations by google and the auto locations allows you to do either with region or without region i don't think this comes in lane's case because you know your region is actually a state instead of a country but if you're doing united states directory you would put in your code here um for usa or u.s one or the other and it has the whole list of codes in here and then just say with region you know so what this allows you to do is only people posting in the usa are allowed to post your allow or will come through on your directory it'll actually fill things out when you're using the front end so it's really cool um just kind of auto filling and then utilizing those locations in your back end again not for everybody it is for a lot of people if you're doing a norway directory if you're doing a united states directory if you're doing more down in the niche where it doesn't have a specific region uh yeah go by you know look locations by admin and preset those locations so either way you want to handle it yeah if you want to check how the google version of the google api version works you can always go to topgoggle.com one of our customers and you can see how the search works you can type in the zip code or the location top google.com and yeah that yeah that's something perfect um yeah any other questions oh that was wonderful um thank you so much i don't have any other questions at this time thank you [Music] so jumping on to the last few slides i have here um review and rating um theme does an awesome job of the reviews i'm not sure i have an example i do on the demo site just where you can rate review um you know it's got emoji base rating multi-crew criteria rating they actually introduced this i think not with their first iteration so you know you go under listing pro cc you activate the multi-criteria rating which allows you to set like different ratings not like your normal rating systems where otherwise it's on so uh visualizer cc so what it allows you to do is set up your own rating criteria so let's just say i said i want to i want to rate food i want to rate my service i want to rate pricing it allows you to kind of rate those um instead of your normal rating where normally you just leave a name and your your review so really cool features there um but again they they really did a good job on everything in there again emoji based category base um you can attach images which is even with uh some type of page builder we were having problems with that you know so it's really cool to see this is all wrapped up in one theme um reviews reactions yeah so that's yeah that's so let me see what they have let's just add a new one so just if i wanted to add something in here and edit it so this is cleanliness just like i mentioned or we said food and we add that um and then maybe you know service we can add that um what it's going to allow us to do whoops i don't use this that often but pretty proficient with the syncro it's going to allow us to have those fields on the front end so if i had services that those actually fit in um and i were to go to one of the listings here and go into review again we should see some of those this is set up perfect sorry i probably didn't okay sam you're gonna have to edit that man yeah okay never mind uh let's uh let me fix that maybe the demo uh you know there's some issue with the demo i can skip that part yeah here's a disclaimer it works out of the box unfortunately a demo site they have a wonderful demo site not now that it was brought up that anybody can check out you know the demo site is right on their website it's got demo user demo pass so you can kind of check out the features and kind of add to your own but in this case just don't give out your demo log into the world because then you have some things that you run into saved um but yeah so um monetization hey this is a big one for me how can you make money with listing pro now these guys did not add everything in this this you know we just put in the basic features pricing plan yeah you can make money there ad campaign um ad campaigns are allowing people to create ads from the front end i'll just give you a quick preview of that real quick so if you have a listing you can go here to add campaigns and you know automatically without needing the admin to help you out with this you can sign up for some ads right i would select my listing i select the days that i want it i decide where i want to show it spotlight ad is going to be anywhere you dragged in the the feature like the home page usually top of search just like google it's going to show up right there at the top of the search and sidebar is anywhere they put it sky decided to do low priced ads but some of my guys were doing 49 a day and different types of ads that you got going on there so really cool feature there pricing plan we already know that when you go to submit a listing either you want them to sign up for free or you want some money right let's be honest um i there's there's multiple reasons to have free on a website i'm not trying to convince anybody but even with a free plan you benefit like you you get the owner's email or you can upsell them later now this top section here is custom but normally this section here is definitely the pricing plans that come out of the box and they look great you can see all the features you can buy it um they have the durations so that's what we're talking about here you can either buy a plan or you can jump in you know in some cases people are doing free plans as well and i think they're both win-win situations a paid claim paid claim is if you decide to add listings as an admin yourself or scrape listings and start your directory off with some type of content already can users go in there and claim their listing and it'll bring up the same pricing plans that you see here um sorry this guy needs a new host um but yeah as we go into this one you'll notice if you were to go into one of the listings which we'll do here um it's going to have that claim button if if you allow it you can turn this off as well but again it's it's something where if your listing was already added can you claim your listing sign up pick your plan sorry about the hosting here i don't host websites [Applause] i see sport phishing we've got the claim now button takes you right into that same pricing plan that you've seen they would pick a plan um or join for you know free if you have that option and of course that's monetization method as well um google ads so i'll talk a little bit about this just because my big thing is monetization yes you can put google ads on a directory right we have a spot right here in the back end super easy for you to jump in go to your theme options and add those add those um ads right where you want it and i believe they show up right here on a detail page um you know right above the content and then you have another one on your archive page if you know anything about google ads you can actually place this anywhere so in your sidebar anything like that so google ads are pretty friendly what i actually recommend and i hate to get in depth about this is uh try affiliate ads first this guy's in baja see if you can't find an affiliate ad i i long story short in 2016 i made over 80 000 with google ads so it's a great monetization method but just because the theme options say google ads you can actually put any type of ad in there so don't feel like you're limited to google ads which might pay you 30 cents a click if you can put in so i'm a web designer what happens if i did a whole directory on web design and people who do online marketing i actually get paid 50 bucks if somebody signs up to my hosting and 50 bucks to leave my site is worth a lot more than 30 cents so keep in mind even though it says google ads you can you can use any ad company that you want matter of fact we're doing a lot of paid ads now right so paid ads somebody pays me 199 bucks will i put your ad on every listing in the directory uh can i rotate them out so google ads is open ending um it's any ad company that you want so definitely cool there uh sponsored oops sponsored hero ads uh that one is the uh if you're not familiar with him i just wanna add it if you go to top google you can actually see in the hero header banner um by the way i got the rating system working yeah so that one it's a manual process but it's there it's like like off offline sort of payment you need to get from the nice pre lifestyles did that too but right now they're down for maintenance i mean i'd love to show that site but right now they do an awesome job um with a slider at the top and then they even say hey you want this spot advertised here but unfortunately right now they're mainland um tennis tourists has it too we actually did a whole advertising section where down on the bottom of the footer and these are just more ways to make money down the bottom the footer we actually have um like you know what let me find it just because i have an image on my facebook overnight coder um hey i just want to say uh hey flip so welcome flip thank you for joining the webinar uh we covered a lot of stuff but that's okay we still have a lot to cover and um we will be recording the session hopefully you know we can send it out to you uh later but if you have any questions please feel free to ask we will take a break or maybe like a few slides and then you can ask any questions or just drop your question in the comments yeah so one of the things we actually did with listing pro was the same thing that we created for or pre-lifestyles had created was we actually built a page that showed them about their advertising you know so on the right you have all the listing pro features that we just covered these were the ad features and you know if you wanted to advertise there all you had to do was you know find it from your ad campaigns and the dashboard would work really well just for letting them know that we did have additional advertising the stuff that we started adding on the left was just additional ways you can make money right for 199 you can click this buy now button and it takes you straight to somewhere where you can add a link and an infographic so again the monetization with listing pro inside the box is great right we talked about these here but there are so many different ways i'll mention one more before i jump on and i actually did a whole video on ways you can monetize um one more and this isn't going to work for everybody but i had a latoya attorney slash lawyer and he scraped 72 000 listings for his directory and i said look man are these people i mean are they going to claim it are you going to do any advertising well he started getting instant traffic because he's all over google with these listings and what he's doing and i'm not saying this is for everybody especially if you're like doing a closed site like the bahamas you don't want to be that guy but what he's doing is when he gets a lead for that company he will he'll contact the company and be like hey look you can sign up to my website for free you can do the plan i got a lead for you and give it to him if that person is not interested he actually turns around and sells that lead to three different companies in that area looking for a lawyer or an attorney in their business and i was like dude now how much are you getting he's getting like 120 bucks 40 dollars a pop for a lead that somebody didn't even own again i'm not i'm not saying that's that's great advice if i had a closed niche i don't want to be the guy reselling leads but again there were so many topics that you could make money and again you don't have to sell it go to those three other companies and be like hey look i got a lead for this company but you guys should sign up i'm getting leads for your exact service today so again they have some out of the box stuff and then they have some additional things you just think about there's so many ways you can make money with listing bro uh and i'm pretty big on that pricing plans um they got single or package credits you know you can you can create one listing or you can create multiple free plans we talked about i'm a big one for free plan the reason why is if i come to your site i'm not ready to purchase now but i see you have a free plan if i leave your site i'm only a statistic right you have i'm one on google analytics from florida you don't know any more information with free you get my email you get a little bit about my business and i can upsell you later so free i'm big on i do like paid plans as well um paid plans is really big for me uh whether it's annually or monthly or you know recurring i do recurring on everything but you don't have to um oh that just covered all three i love it and then category based plans um you can do as well you know you can set it up so different categories have different base plans and you can also give coupons somewhere where that comes in handy with a category based plan is somebody like who's doing a national director all the united states all businesses which let's not talk about why you're not going to be the next yelp but if you were to do let's just say we're doing florida i want to be the florida director that that's a great idea category based a barber can't pay as much as a real estate you know broker so let's just be honest having the same plan sometimes can hurt you if your plans aren't strategically priced right so you know my local barber who only does guy cuts can't really maybe he can but i doubt paid 99 a month for a plan meanwhile there are some businesses out there especially in the kiteboarding industry where i'm working i'm charging 99 a month all day and i'm getting it you know but that's again that they're different niches one lead brings three to 500 bucks um so know your niche based on that pricing plan and then also um utilize this as kind of like a guideline you know do that will they have multiple packages or multiple listings so definitely cool there ad campaigns i know we talked about it a little bit but here's the slider for it you can promote the listing self-service you got the pay-per-click and pay-per-day if you guys aren't familiar with that pay-per-click is how many times it got clicked paper day is just setting it per day 30 days let it run it doesn't need the admin at all so like we discussed when we were looking at the page you don't you don't need anything there and it's randomly uh randomly distributed so there's no you know weight on anything so let's just say somebody signs up or 10 people sign up and get the ads type of search is great because if you go into that category specific ad and location uh their ad will be on the top right if you only have one or two from the category and yes you can break into it and get three four ads on top but that's going to be a great one but what about the home page where you only show three slots if you have 10 users it's going to rotate out on the home page which i think is a great feature everybody gets equal exposure on that home page or in sidebar listings and again you can break into the code not that sam wants to hear that and expand it past three on the top of search listing so our expanded past two so you know i've got one site where we show seven but again in most most situations you won't need that because you'll have a few from each category and each location and it just files in out of the box it works perfectly so really cool there um with being random and distributed like that i just want to attempt i want to add the ads are randomly distributed but they are targeted at so uh it won't show random categories and random location it will be more of a specific category and specific location that people are searching for so just want to just want to mention that yeah sorry if that wasn't that wasn't clear but that's exactly right so the demo here has your general search will be random right general search is just going to show the two at the top because it's just an open search on everything in this situation you've got two ads there the more you break it down so this one's arts and entertainment oh oops arts and uh arts and entertainment you only have that specific ad so exactly right i love it um and then again and it also works off location too so if this was only in washington and i decided to type in a different location this ad is not going to pull up so really targeted there works out great lead inbox custom leads form is super awesome we talked about it a little bit custom leads forms is going to go right on their page where users can interact directly with the business owner so super awesome there you can actually create your own i won't go into it on the demo site but i will show you that the front end lead form um right here in listing pro cc you're actually able to go in and kind of scrap it up the way you want so you have a couple different lead forms we talked a little bit about the multi-criteria rating this is the front-end submission form builder and then your lead form right here where you can add some additional fields like hey what's your wedding date um things like that that can definitely help you out internal messaging it's got an internal messaging system whoops um where users kind of can communicate it actually does two things so when you fill out the lead form it will go to their email and let them know that hey you got an email from here and it will share that message but they can actually go to their dashboard which i encourage and talk directly with that user which makes it super intuitive for them to log in you know jump on that dashboard and interact and then once they're in the dashboard you got them hooked right they've got all these different features that they're going to have in their dashboard that they can start taking a look at so really really cool there i'm not sure what the demo dashboard has um but yeah so you've got a bunch of different features here they can just dive into and they should be actively using this checking out their user reviews you know these actually go in really more a lot more depth um and your messaging system is definitely in here as well an inbox yeah right this is an interesting place i love it or they can send messages back and forth the super cool features there the others uh some menu management allows you to create menus something i didn't know for a while was you could actually change the menu i always thought menu was just for food but you can actually change that so whether it's a nail salon you can actually put your whole menu and pricing in there it takes a little bit of you know just time decking it out like any menu would just putting the price the description you know and obviously the title um but same thing so it's got a lot of additional features the appointment booking and calendar based system i haven't used a lot i know that it's definitely there and i know that they integrate with integrate uh with reserve and timekit i just i i personally with all my designs i'm not using that as often but maybe sam can give us a little bit more information about this um yeah so we do have a built-in appointment uh system it's a very basic appointment system it doesn't uh the built-in version doesn't allow to um get commission on appointments or any of that any of that simple very easy to set up but you also have the advanced appointment with the medical pro that is i mean i think uh tim i think you created a video on medical pro i guess people can definitely i shared the link for one of his um other videos and people can check out tim's youtube channel overnight quarter and he got awesome videos on listening pro so um yeah he he he's got a lot of detailed videos even on medical pro which has a commission based booking and yeah very advanced features i'll leave it there yeah medical pro is really awesome i actually have a client now who wants the medical pro and we just kind of been working with just the styling on it it's coming out really nice there's so many different things you could do with medical pro and uh just like you said i don't know that i have it set up yet oh gosh and the logo still in a dark background sorry but it does have um you gotta check out the video and i think sam has some awesome screenshots that are gonna look a lot better than this but the whole thing is they have a digital wallet on your site super cool features i won't get in all the features there but super cool the way they can make money withdraw those through different payment options and uh and as the admin if you wanted to you can take a commission i've actually utilized that to not take a commission and just give it as a freebie and an incentive for you to join the site but you can take any percentage that you want whether it's 10 20 um you know right off the top and make more money with that so super awesome as sam mentioned overnight coders the channel you can find a bunch of videos just on listing pro medical pro um and yeah super awesome free information um i actually have an awesome video sam i don't think you've seen it because i put it on i have to send it to you it's how i created a listing pro site in an hour and 40 minutes from start to finish and that was with lego translate and everything well i had clients saying oh i've been working on this for months and i can't you know get it launched and i so i created out with this um i think i put it on private so you have to have the link but i'll send it to you super hour and 40 minutes from start to finish listing pro site completed um so others insights uh insights we've seen this a bunch but the admin has a dashboard and a user has a dashboard got dynamic content i'll give you a sneak peek just on the demo oops on the demo website here just so you're kind of knowing what you're looking at normally if i was just a regular user i don't see a lot of this stuff right i'm not going to see reviews i'm not going to see ad campaigns packages invoices listings um so what it does is dynamically serve you something if you have listings then you get to see all this wonderful stuff depending on what the admins turn on and off if you're just the user there's still some things that you want to see like reviews you want to see you know what you saved um there's also a few other things that you can kind of go in there and kind of turn off saved reviews um i think that's almost it um so there is two it's not two different dashboards but it is the two different login systems right yeah tim i just want to add that there's the admin the listing pro cc i was talking about the command center uh that's the other dashboard that as a directory admin uh users can um you know get in detail insights on what's going on their website that's the other dash where i was actually talking one and the one that you're showing so okay yeah oh that's awesome so back end is really cool for um the users you know especially like oops uh i'm just gonna go to dashboard it doesn't matter medical pro or not to show you kind of your in-depth leads for the business owner and then as sam was saying you actually have the dashboard which i spend a lot of time in i mean i know i get the notification emails but if something comes through it comes here first so if it's a pending listing i utilize this screen a lot so i can log in check the screen and then just click whatever i need to click on to kind of go to it right so this is a good um just a good statistical board that kind of shows a list of everything going on right the leads is great um awesome views but yeah perfect um what's required wordpress wordpress hosting a domain sometimes i guess if you're a developer you might not get away with the hosting and domain when you start but let's be honest most users you're going to need you know the domain the the title that you pick the hosting solution that you have listing pro can use a specialized hosting that i'm sure you can find um on their site for the requirements you definitely want to make sure you cover those don't don't go off and buy 99 cent hosting from your buddy that's not going to work right this is going to be an awesome site that makes you a lot of money so spend time on picking picking out the perfect solution which again listing pro will suggest um wordpress knowledge i'll be honest they've got a tutorial they've got a facebook group with a lot of members so you don't really need to be a wordpress guru i mean i think anybody just jumping into wordpress is it's a good thing to learn on everything's in your face um and something that i learned about wordpress i don't want to go in depth but everything is the same right so i'm just going to show you posts you got a list of posts you got to add a new button look this is listing pros features you got listings you got a list of listings you got an add new button so once you learn one of these sections wordpress is super easy to learn so don't be courage uh discourage like hey you know i don't really know wordpress super easy it's a front end system cms system that they make it easy for anybody to learn so jump right in there and i think that's it on my slides yeah thanks uh tim we'll open for any further questions and if you can feel free to turn on your mic and ask so i'm gonna quickly uh you know while i'm new ted i'm gonna ask tim do you have any recommendations on hosting we do recommend view hosting on our website but you know based on your experience do you uh recommend um any particular hosting or any particular package can people work with shared hosting as well when they're getting started usually we don't recommend that but have you seen people working with shared hosting and getting away i'll be honest 70 directories and i've worked on a lot more than that just touching them up doing styling shared hosting is the worst thing they can do i've seen so many people on bluehost and i i don't want to mention any names so that's the last name i'll mention that's bad but bluehost was the worst of them i didn't care what plan they had it just seemed like it wasn't working right i don't pass out any affiliate links when i talk to anybody just because i want them to feel it's authentic as a web developer i've been to so many hosting companies if i'm starting a business solution i can pay 99 cents for a host and get away with it with viral traffic and pulling in queries and sometimes 10 20 listings with all the data i say go with go with what you can afford and i'm also the type that will tell you grow as you go so don't go out there and spend 50 on a hosting package cloud waves right now which is my number one recommendation i come from siteground siteground was great to me never had a problem but it was 29 i pay a lot more because i developed but the basic plan or the grow big plan was 29 a month when you renewed and i couldn't like why start off with that right now cloudways and they have been it's 10 to 12 bucks you know you start with that one button click to upgrade but most of my clients are jumping in that 10 to 12 a month jumping on that their own cloud specific software never have a problem never have to call the company so i mean it's just it's a great solution siteground was my number two but again the price with cloudways and the night and day speed that we've seen blew them out of the water i still stand by cloud or a siteground but cloudways right now is number one for me and all my clients thank you tim so i guess um no any questions in the comment yeah lenny i have a question regarding ads okay tim i'll just do a quick response if you want to cover that one as well simple answer is no the admin will have zero involvement when user try to promote their ads they can uh as an admin you can delete it or you can add new ads from backend but when a user pays for an ad i don't think there isn't even an option to moderate an ad you can moderate a listing but not a promoted listing when they're trying to promote over the organic results i i don't know if the time you want to add anything to that yeah that's that's exactly right but the good thing is ads aren't specifically anything different than their listing so what an ad is i'll show i'll show the screen real quick just so you can see and get a great visual on it you've already approved the listing right i recommend this so if you're not doing it i recommend this to all my clients that look you want you want to put these on pending right unless you just trust somebody but nowadays with all this spam and advertisement i can't trust when somebody adds a listing i put them all on pending so i respond to them i get the email that says hey you got a listing pending and i respond to it almost immediately because i do this for work you know i said about but if you say hey 24 to 48 hours we'll review your listing you've already approved the listing so the listing is something clean something that fits your site something that fits your location and you're good to go with it all an ad does is an ad specifies that listing so it's not like they can put anything bad into the ad it's their listing that you've already approved in most cases you know it's not like hey they can just put a biography for life you know get this here or you know anything like that so it's it's a really clean system that you shouldn't need to do anything if they want to pay you the money and show up at the top of the search i say let them let them there's nothing that you need to approve there if you approve listings there is a method of not approving listings you can turn that off again i personally don't recommend it only because yes people can add a listing they can pay the money and maybe they're not even a lawyer on a lawyer site maybe they do anti-lawyer and i'm just like well i mean you paid me the money but now i have to refund it because i don't want that on my site so that was perfectly perfectly induced um you know and a great question to ask you you shouldn't have to do anything there there's another question in there below that says can you have two types of listings in in the in the one site you know business listings and a deals listing and just to answer that yeah they can add as many listings as you want um on the ad listing page you can even allow them so there's some people that want to do per listing but you can also set these up per package and allow them to have two different listings um you know in one pricing or in my case here's a funny story that i tell people if they got two businesses let them pay twice but that's just my personal you know insight if i had a gas station would i want to add seven different gas stations um no but again you know as a web designer i'm like dude you've got seven gas stations make them pay seven times but just my personal insight so yes you can yes you can offer it in one deal or two deals and do it any way you see fit in the back end i'll show you just because i'm on the demo um this specific account has a few listings and you can see that here um they have well they paid for all of them are you sharing your screen tim well you're not seeing anything yeah i'm so sorry i'm so sorry perfect thanks it's good to have people like sam here that keeps me on point so right in the back end here this demo account on the demo site happens to have a few different listings and from these different listings they can still do everything if they had one listing you know they can upgrade plan they can remove they can edit so yes you can have more than one listing and again we covered yes they can pay for one or you can put in a package and say hey you can have 10. um just to add a little bit a little bit more clarity i guess is actually there is a lot of time people ask this like uh saying can they add different types of listings um you know like can they have um let's say a restaurant listing versus a real estate listing or maybe um i don't know yeah a real estate listing which looks totally different so we uh you know what i'm talking about him where you know the layout will be different from uh one listing compared to the other so that that's not possible you cannot create different types of listing what they're actually referring to is to different post types so you can't really create different post types um you can create different businesses you can create different categories and add to those categories we have a specific kind of uh default post types that are for listing post type events post type you can have uh there are two different one by default is the events post type and the listing proposed type uh um with with the medical pro you will have uh a doc like a hospital pro what you call post type and uh doctor's prototype but um just when you're talking about listing pro the default post type will be only listing and all the listings will be um will be same as per the design uh layout is concerned um uh and you can have different different post type uh created uh out of the box so i i don't know if tim you you want to add any more clarity to that or i just confused everybody i i you know just wanted to make sure no you're it's pretty much right you bought a theme uh you know what the detail post type or the page looks like that page does stay the same now based on your pricing plan you can say hey you can have three images versus five images but those images still show up in the same spot versus whether they're this type or they're the other type there is there's a work around i mean i don't want to get in depth but of course you can add different it's it's wordpress so you can add more post types to it but it just gets really confusing and definitely you want to have some coder skills so out of the box it's the same layout for everybody on the front end and they do a really good job of that can it be used for different things yeah i can i mean i have multiple directories that have uh let's just say the bahamas directory and he has everything from pool cleaning to real estate to car rental uh yes the style still looks the same but you can add as many of those categories as you want it it works uh and just to add that you can restrict you can even create pricing plan based on different categories as well uh you know some categories you can just completely make it free and the others you can make it premium you know based on however you want to create the site as well as there's of course i think you mentioned about the monthly and the annual recurring and all that stuff but so look can you embed a code in business page and can you have a button with a link to another page and a business page um yeah technically when you submit a listing it's got the what you see is what you get editor or the wizig but yes you can add custom code in there you're going to have to be a developer or know the custom code matter of fact you don't have to be a developer if you get that custom code from somewhere else you can definitely paste that code in there i've actually done button layouts as well so i'll like copy the button and tell them hey copy this and put your link in here for the user on the front end for the back end oh you can do anything you edit the listing you can put whatever you want in that description box and make it work the way you want an example for this is when we did an import for that mls site for that real estate site we took their mls code and actually displayed a button for everybody we imported automatically so it was really fun i'm just having a little bit of knowledge of what a button should look like having to style it up but yes you can do that again when you go outside the box and do things like this embedding code or creating buttons you're going to want a little bit of knowledge right and google's there for you how do i create a button in html with css you know so super easy there and again they have a great community that will help you out with things like this and facebook yeah uh to the second part i just want to mention that yes you can add button uh as an admin of course you can add whatever you want from backend right but as a business owner listing owner where you want to give control to users there's an announcements feature where there will be like a sort of a uh info box with a call to action that's one way a business owner can um add a call to action on on their listing there is other option like menu management or i usually call it inventory management you can list any inventory or it could be services and link individual items um to external link uh you know um you you can have an ecommerce site on woocommerce on the subdomain or on the same domain if that's how you want it and then you can link the products but but the business owner cannot basically create products directly uh with with listing for there's no option they can add items like an inventory or catalog but they cannot add products and start selling it on their listing uh i i think uh yeah i just wanted to clarify that i don't know if uh tim i think you did cover earlier about that but if there's anything else you wanna now selling individual products on your website is super hard i've had a lot of people ask for it it's uh it's only super hard because how do you do the payments you know you taking payments are you paying them so it gets really confusing but as you mentioned in the listening pro dashboard out of the box there is an events deals coupon button and it doesn't have to be for events deals or coupon it's just a call to action that they put a title they put a description some of them allow you to add an image and it's a button with a link on it and it looks really good so a link back over to their woocommerce site or their product site definitely works and a really cool feature out of the box i forgot all about it love it can bookings be restricted to certain categories sam you're gonna have to answer that one um if you're referring to appointment booking um no you cannot restrict as unless you're going to have it through payment i think you can through pricing plan where you can only enable booking feature uh for a specific plan and that plan is associated to a certain category or restricted to a certain category i think i believe you can do that if through pricing plan yes but i will have to double check on that okay you're right if you were to do the category plan booking you can definitely do it that way i mean but that i mean it's a whole nother step right you have to do all your categories for the categories that you just want and have a specific plan for that and then add it to that plan you are 100. okay uh phillips thanks for joining take care if you haven't left already so i guess that's pretty much it unless there are any more questions um we can we have like four minutes so natora do you have any questions no uh not tonight i don't have any questions okay uh yes so right now uh we do have um what you call android app available um i meant um yeah we just have uh android and ios is still under beta we are testing it right now and hopefully next by end of next month maybe it will be i don't want to don't quote me on this but yeah it's work in progress but the android version is out we also have a built-in uh mobile x sort of advanced responsive feature it kind of looks like an app on in your browser but it's not really it's not a what do you call the um am i forgotten the word awp or whatever um that w uh and i forgot whatever uh web app um [Music] yeah so yeah we do have the android version as of now it's actually ionic yeah they made it look really good for mobile so i mean you can switch to in your theme options you can switch to a v1 app youtube or responsive a lot of times when you're using app view one which gives me the same features in an app the only thing i don't have is you don't go to the store you don't click on the app and you know i have some people were like well you know my clients just like to click an icon it's like that's great just save it to your bookmarks and click it on your bookmarks the cool thing about the app is everything is already integrated and you don't have to pay like with ios you got to pay 100 bucks i think android might be free but it's 100 bucks to put your app in the store um it takes a little bit for it to get approved but then you can start looking at those additional features and i think that's all that's app view is missing doesn't have like the push to talk notifications doesn't have things like that but it is built like an app because it's still got the three symbols at the bottom and it looks just like an app so i think for now it definitely works until the ios version is released and again the android is out try it out all right um i guess uh if you don't have any more questions we can we can wrap up and um hopefully you guys you know you can join everybody uh who's on the session and the next uh people who are gonna watch it on youtube hopefully you know uh join our events pro webinar that's coming up next week it's i think up to next uh i believe it's uh next wednesday or thursday i forgot now it's probably next thursday but we'll have more details in the description uh so yeah and we'll have of course if you missed this webinar we will have another one we'll try to have every wednesday so please join uh if you have if you want to ask any questions all right thank you so much uh last time if you have any more questions uh lina or philip if you're still there i'll uh go ahead uh shoot we you're here okay i guess we're not getting anything but do check it uh check out uh overnight coder uh youtube channel awesome videos um i've been really excited with your product i i know that you know not being affiliated but i have seven licenses i bought the medical pro you know i've i'm i stand by you guys all the way and i appreciate you having me today thank you so much uh tim really appreciate your time thanks everyone thanks elena thanks for that um we'll see you guys around if you think if you have any questions uh just send us a message all right take care bye bye bye tim thanks tim talk to you later
Channel: ListingProWP
Views: 572
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Keywords: directory software, business directory, best wordpress theme, directory, directory website, how to make a directory website, how to make money online, brilliant directories, directory theme, business directory wordpress theme, directory wordpress theme, wordpress listing website, wordpress directory plugin, how to make a listing website, create directory website, how to create membership website, how to create listing website, website directory theme
Id: 8o_YDkCMk3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 26sec (4046 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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