Motion 5 Tutorial: How to Make Switch Mask Titles

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hello and hey thanks for coming to check this out so today this is for those of you are just beginners with motion just getting started this is a switch mask build my word for it is switch mask I'm not exactly sure the exact correct way to explain it as far as motion goes but in my mind is a switch mask because there's a mask which is switching out the titles all in the same space um so when I'm looking for the good looking After Effects titles to do the reproduction guides for I see the settlement everywhere it's in so many motion designers portfolio presentations it's and the After Effects title packs that Premiere Pro title taxes everywhere but it's too small a thing to do for reproduction thing for but I wanted to take the time and show anyone who's interested how you can do this in motion fine it's really quick and easy so I'll jump into this other project that's waiting first and we'll start with just some text in this group the font size is 200 the font i'm using this Gotham Avenue bold is good font any chunky font I think is good for this the text is aligned to the center of the canvas and so the first thing we want to do is give it an give it a mask so I'm going to grab this rectangle and I'm dragging the rectangle out over the titles there and I'll select titles choose add image mask and drop the rectangle here that's our source our blend mode is set to add so if I grab our mask source and move it it's going to hide the title as if I move it back it's going to reveal so to do the switch mask I'm going to grab the titles the text element then duplicate it so now we have a duplicate mask that is using the same source as the original mask so we've got two minutes to image masks sharing the same source so I'll come into this second text here in the inspector I'll select that second tips the duplicate text I'll come into the inspector and change the word to something else or from motion to switch and you can see that both text elements are keeping the same space here and we can see them both but if I come and grab this one and grab the image mask and change the blend mode from AB to subtract well now it's hiding the text so if I grab the mask source that the point of sharing this mask is sharing the same sources this mask this mask is revealing the text and this mask was hiding the text so if I move the mask sauce is going to reveal one and hide the other one and then when I come back it'll do the same thing so that cell switch mask setup so now we want to animate so usually there's a line detail alone flourish alone element so let's add that grabbed my line tool and draw a line into the canvas around here I'll just come into the geometry and even that up I'll give it 100 minus 100 I'll come into this style panel and change the color and give it some thickness maybe 30 right so we are going to animate the line and we want the mask source to follow the line wherever it goes there's a couple of choices we've got we can use the align to behavior but I'm not going to go for that option I'm going to use the link parameter behavior I've got the rectangle selected I'm coming to properties come to the exposition drop down the menu here and choose a parameter behavior link and I'll drop the line and there is the sauce it's not quite where we want it to be so I'll come down here to the X offset and drag that down so now when we move our line the mask sauce will follow and that's creating that effect that we want so let's start animating the first thing we want though is in the beginning we don't want to see this word we want to have this word revealed later so I'm going to bring my playhead forward to 15 frames and select this text I'll just rename it so we can see what it is I've got it selected I'll hip I on the keyboard to trim it there so now it's not the very beginning so I'll grab the line element and I'll set a keyframe with the playhead at the start I'll set a keyframe for the exposition and then bring my playing here for 15 frames and drag the line over the other way so now we have this effect which is what we want and I want the line to stay still for five frames and then come back so I'll just move the playhead forward five frames to the twentieth frame grab the line add another keyframe and then bring the playhead forward another 15 frames so - one second and five frames and going to drag drag it back so now we have this effect and now I'm going to have the line sit again another five frames I bring a four to one second and ten frames and grab the line add another keyframe to the exposition so this time when the mask shifts back again it's going to hide this word switch but we wanted to reveal another word so I'm going to grab the original text element I'm going to select it and hit o on the keyboard to trim it to finish at one second and ten frames now I'm going to go command D to duplicate it and on my keyboard with the duplicate selected I'm going to hold down shift and left bracket at the same time to move the endpoint of this copy forward to one second ten frames so now this guy begins where this guy finishes and we can come down and change the word to something else and this anime being line over the other way against I've got the line selected and over 15 frames I wanted to move back to the other side so I'll come to one second there 25 frames to right here okay so the last thing we want is for the line to come back and erase everything that's really easy to do I'm we're just going to have it sit still again for another five frame so I'll bring the playhead for to one second two seconds and hit another keyframe sit another keyframe there but when the line comes back this title is still there and it would be revealed so we need to make sure that it doesn't reveal again so with it select it I'm just going to hit o on the keyboard and now it will be gone actually yep that's right there's not another thought I forgot a step but I didn't write then so I'll grab the line come forward to two seconds and 15 frames and bring the line back and they were here so from here there's so many things that you can do well first of all we can come down and plane with these curves to make the motion of the line a lot smoother that's the next thing that I would do if we come back to what I had going on before we can usually when I see this element the I'll just turn that one off and this one on the line is usually animated in the beginning to animate in something like that before all the action happens so that's something else that you can do and of course this build works for the masks to go up and down instead of horizontally what am i doing okay it's turned this one on so it works well the other way and I think there's so many use cases for this one example is where is it alright ok so something like this where two pieces of information are relevant to the same topic something like that so there you go that is a switch mask build if you're just getting to motion and learning how to do titles I hope that's useful for you and thanks again for watching
Channel: rowie409
Views: 5,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motion 5 Tutorials, Motion 5 Titles, How to Mask Titles in Motion 5, Motion 5 for Beginners, Motion 5 Titles Tutorials
Id: gzmCCMWvQpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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