Arena | Cumans Feudal Age Rush against.. Cumans

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I know my name is Coomer but I have to go humans because I want to try my cumin push on arena again see if I can improve it I repeat I thought about that strategy during NAC 3 I was laying in bed in the morning thinking about ok what am I gonna pick today what's not gonna be my home map he's going to miss as well that feels bad man that actually will or maybe he did mirror yeah so I thought about this and then I improvised I improvised during the tournament obviously the whole build and everything but after playing it I have a better idea of how it should be done so therefore I want to try it again see if we can good boom boom boom let's walk through the walls actually true actually true I really hope they have fixed that fast because that's definitely game breaking bugs rush through his walls I'll try that maybe if we get I might okay so we can try something like just I'll try one game probably where I try to just abuse the hell out of the glitches like not in a bad way I just want to do it for fun sake and if I succeed and get the win I'll probably resign myself just I don't take points in the face we could do one game where we just go full witch abuse and see what we can do we could do like a forever rush and keep trying to teleport through the walls and things like that they would have to be able to sim that would be good for that so I'm not sure what she said it would be using for that in that case yeah what's going to work from there if Vietnamese are able to shut up will you have allow if they shut up I will allow bomba tower I yes yes anything to make them be more quiet we did not win the previous game now we try a little bit too hard to flex with villager micro and houses and stuff like that it kind of backfired you must say and using the human farm problem is like if I see a bonus like this c'mere farm bonus thing I will go to extreme lengths to use that bonus and it will just make everything so much worse but the bonus is actually super strong and it's it's gonna be super useful in a lot of situations so I imagine if I just try to use the bonus correctly chimera will actually be looking really way better than they do right now where I'm trying to fool around pretty much yeah this is fuel a play I'm going for the RAM terrorist crap that I didn't any see you should change the title of a stream to compare with c'mere c'mere thinking about it your free rein to troll after any c3 I don't want to go full troll I want to play like things that can work but just using specific bonuses and you know how to explain it I want to do things that can be legit but also that are experimental and fun I don't want to go way out like off limits when it comes like trolling a lot of people like to say a troll a lot but I don't like to call it trolling I like to call it experimental that is gonna marry getting married in a month I saw on Facebook they had like a engagement ceremony yes I'm not going enemy now mom dear I don't have time to fail I need to succeed and neither food we want to use all the glitches in the game all survivor I'm not a troll true ok one more dear you should be good I'll do 20 to pop things when two pups should be the right amount I think there's different ways of doing it as well so it's gonna be fun to experiment with the cumin masterpiece on arena mommy sees Cuba's as well so you might make it a little more awkward and chance of it being less successful probably I would say dinky clicked up this one maybe not it's not too sure yet wishes luck boys [Music] faster hopeless for the town sir and not for another reason [Music] clear out rolling okay sorry thank you rogon he sees the battery room Arthur Camry stuff and which always trying to hit my room there no mercy as we're going for I assume he's doing the TT boom and that's why do you think that was a tower I think he may have thought that was a tower it was not a tower it's gonna think this is a tower as well he has his own bedroom room now our own Sutra shop rather get rid of all the houses they'll probably have to give this up he's coming a lot in this except they're gonna pull back here gonna commit to this I love it though what with is Ustream and I think I'm streaming at 6500 right now but listen mister I think we destroy the tower that's successful in itself don't wanna make note are there I love it guys use love funny [Music] this might not be the best because I think he will get this tower up way faster online and obviously that is not ideal so I've lost a tower he's defending it well right now I need to find my next way of approach means he doesn't affection we do so now the next thing is placing archers inside our towers get our two teaser boom rolling Oh what I'm sure why he's doing this he doesn't have to do this don't know why he gave me some real Sarah we just gave me bills for free I obviously don't mind he was giving me two minutes for free he doesn't have to give me those bills there's giving me a lot of villager kills which he doesn't have to which is just a weird part right you will clean this tower but that's not the point see I thought you know we still listen to flexion so question now is how far behind are we Nikko in human is not the best sieve to do this against we don't give up like the score is boosting a lot now because it took out a lot of our stuff but she's also gave it so many bills to stop this I didn't lose any villas forces he has had two TC spat for longer than us and all that stuff so there's still a big chance he has quite a substantial village lead do the best we have to especially now [Music] and now I have that feel about this I can still use archers to keep that busy ringing Rams score obvious doesn't look pretty but I don't feel like we're that far behind the score indicates but I could be completely wrong there they're probably boosters towers well I think it realizes we have a village in repairing this that feeling he might be on the way to Castle age that towel wound down good stuff [Music] yeah I think he's up - Cassidy wants to drop a casting off so I think we have unless he was further ahead than I anticipated caster drop oh boy how do we do this need to go up a sub and fast you look andon I feel it earlier - it's got some lowest people astern Mangan ella no okay I'm really really curious about what the village of difference is right now really really curious about that alright so how do we do this step Lancers I guess mr. way only outcome or farmers score looks so good I'm not sure if it am I really this far behind still don't feel like I'm supposed to be this far behind maybe I am Keithley will been lost this much it was just because all my investments were so expensive hope so anyway can't wait to check the timeline afterwards has 64 bills I can't believe he has way more than that he lost a lot of images as well I feel like I'm so far behind it I feel like I shouldn't be it's very confusing to me see the power of steppe lancers still exist what she was casted earlier but question is how long was the second Town Center working before mine should have it should be quite a bit as well but something keeps track it's a great unit though so let's see my crazy was still thinking we're not that far behind I guess we probably are but just feels like we shouldn't be I don't know real ability rose you see the timeline after this score is so big I must be far behind yeah we haven't lost that much I wanted to commit more so I can kind of trapped in a little bit [Music] [Music] it's been tough brother I see at least two rows that we can grab this something thinking he might be on the way to him the score is not really changing or it's lower than they were anticipated to be this hananim also grab the relic I'm sure if I can fight that [Music] there's no for this what I realized I don't have a second building to go in actually millions are fixed time as we'll probably have for relics how was enough ideal circumstances no I was too much second to about that another one that's extra migrate snipe is imp [Music] you disgust me I'm gonna have to let him have that brother don't think I can get it [Music] so he's taking a Kip check my looks of it and Lightcap need to buy time for this Casta to up actually got two perverts yes elite kipchak as well I need to get my upgrades first a Shogun up faster probably I mean if I had my building would have talked a lot earlier grams I think we can just swipe that [Music] see if step dances are good or not still a la vie / - yah - involved midwife a business by the tot right I do not understand thinking I have an idea what you're saying but I'm still not willing to share to do the armor actually gonna get maxed out who would have thought can't fight until have arm it'll be my only way to conscription didn't finish feels bad man - Anderson [Music] charge wishes luck voice it goes nothing good start we never took the relics okay finding on castles though not too sure about that [Music] [Music] hmm don't think we're getting enough done I need to start mixing in some light scale as well the seizure room delay we're out of gold now so in theory we are very much on a timer now as well the second goal there and actually take that gold [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] looks like a decent fight all things considered I still don't think we're trading well enough yeah it keeps trucks decent the hosts are a meat shield is our main problem you cannot kill enough what's a good try though Nance you're still don't just did seem pretty good he has too much control all that stuff not sorry for costing me a lot of problems can I max out one more time the market prices still but it was the good hey max has one more time to do the track they're ruined Lancers ruined our laughs hey yes so many keep stuck still last fight the last stand 100 HP a head full of this right yeah step they still seem like useful use it unit I think keep Chuck aren't good honestly of course when you have 60 of them like this they're probably pretty good but in general I would say I don't think keep check are great Patsy DRAM or there maybe yeah okay I'm curious about the timeline here timeline so here obviously is probably like a six seven village lead then it kind of stabilized this year but we have arches as well yeah I probably enters cast list with a 567 milliliter and then it of course gets bigger okay I did I was further behind and I thought and it was thing for another hundred numbers Archmage potter you think of a two month Arisa by the way sorry I missed you there I think the cumin rush does not work on humans that's the main thing
Channel: TheViper
Views: 38,401
Rating: 4.9250937 out of 5
Id: fdtzvj23CVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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