Arabia | Spanish vs Huns | vs Hera

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Arabia woke you up this will be the last game a date Arabia random sip we have hair again Hunsinger Spanish like the second house right on the berries good house for camera can't agree with it and that's annoying this gap there else the woodland we've been super beautiful I've been gorgeous not sure what I want to do yet we have to scalp them up a little bit further before I make a final decision but typical Spanish metas usually select Scouts into chunks for example I'm not sure if I'm not sure how Kong's filled with a little bit off or not as they used to rather that was playing well today he was also trying really hard because he wanted to go to bed obviously we did some strategies that weren't optimal and that showed that's just a show match I'm sure I'll enjoy it as well I see a bore there which means we're probably fairly close Oh Gerard girardeau wife did release a male unit that can walk through woods then this game is suddenly changed a lot yeah well your strategy is something that you see in tournaments actually one player will sacrifice himself just a tower to dumb like slow down the other players while the other guy gets untouched full replay right so it's not actually that bad you looking at my stole my golden stone it's in the same spot so in theory we could defend both of both of those with the same like three towers would actually defend my whole economy well see maybe I just play Scouts in tonight's even I'll take stone so he thinks I'm going car honks but I could just go straight for only four nights are you going to open my arms no I don't think so man I was it's an options welder I have to scout his map you see what I think don't you think it would be better at Arrowhead gun towers in yoga imp no I'm playing as Spanish right now we could also go man alarms towers forward as well it's not impossible you want to scout is map a little bit and see what I think we ever done are sure Spanish trouble garin's yes not ants Bulgarians but they're Spanish we have actually I does no I didn't do it Bulgarians did us Spanish before one of a kind do you have discord could you send me a link on this Court yes it can be open right now yes yes there's a stone there that's a interesting thing regarding potentially power rushing or doing like men arms into terrorists I can find the second stone and it's fairly exposed I might do just that I need to find his [Music] it was looking for is Bohr think I might do some tower step there because the stones are really exposed I think we have decided our plan now will be something like that even tower fails I don't get too much damage in you can still transition out of it into something blew my arms in the towers I'm thinking he will play Scouts there's not something I will know right now except I should have made at my cabins on gold think I would have made more sense still think it's girls from him yep stable scouted my stone right now it might realize what's going on thing is we already have control over both his stones right now so I consider that a success so far [Music] okay I'll take that see that makes him cowardice I wish I didn't waste my Scout could still have been very useful to look around the map see what is I'm just kind of like tower creep really think he's doing kind of tourism only problem right now will be if he is he's already prepared like our Cho one of does his own the tower do I actually rush this I guess he doesn't have units I guess I can do that it does have units to take it back I'm not so sure about this Terrace anymore so he has access to stone now that's not ideal didn't want that why my sending a low HP guy in just make you sense my eco is a bit of a mess now that was definitely not a bad sequence of moves so to say for me but at least he is still making Scouts that's something like there is this just just did get a little bit out of hand now shouldn't have allowed that definitely a mistake on my end all my tears aren't really having much impact keeps making Scouts surprisingly it's not big problem for me to lose that so only thing we need to think about now is our transition I guess it's gonna be conks for us only things where that adds up at this point he wants to go Felice my focus has to be all about getting up you live in more woods and we're good left he wants to snipe this guy I survived yep ago let's see if our uptime is fast enough yes bloodlines but that's it so my concern now is my gold it's very exposed his couch is there or what was that was that nights okay I just didn't see what Ram pastor it's a big issue actually I did not see what render chairs couches I needed market and fast we have to get our castle up ASA hole oh look that it was a holder for SEC it was scary well we have constant you let go ghosts hello seems that we can get all those as well a lot of curvatures I did husband report fast so straight answer estrellas see up to TC sorry or not we have to go for the ultimate composition here manga nails and fonts can be our hope you rely on their we'll get to see how the Kong's feel been said and myself as well that comes for their friend so we'll find out with enough conks and manga knows we should be able to do a pretty good job there there's not like a space moment also our bloodlines you to fix that looks like it might have blood nice now or oh oh god that was absolutely terrible that should never have happened but it did it's really bad actually because usually as well the way conky's was a good is if you get a proper snowball now we just lost so many numbers it's gonna be hard to ever recuperate those yeah that was might even been gg just losing those three four counts that alone might be enough to even say that that might be game deciding I also don't have the second armor yet all right so now the follow-up plan here is you need to get enough manga news to snowball and we need to be able to do a castle drop in a space where it does enough damage that we actually win the game I need like four mega Nocera me anymore at least y'all ready for another cast erupto so the house right now not something we can afford [Music] a little bit of a payback still slacking control over dose resources this is actually real bad that my counts aren't there are counts this also interferes heavily with my idea of snowballing wanting to go forward there but that looks like I'm gonna be tonight you should have better equal illness so in theory our snowball is looking rough we can't feel different now as we like to say I think it should be on the way to imp as well they do feel different in some way it's going for the night's gonna have to go back they're still looking for rough doubt about that you might have to do our second cast defensively oh I wanted to I really pushed like delayed it in order to do it offensively might not be an option and I'm pretty sure he will be on the with him you should be anyway should have a waiver equalness saw something down there yes we did have to do our tests defensively I'm surprised he's not injured roaming around [Music] starting to rate Joss is a good indicator that he is on the way to him it was time to spend his resources in other ways mail awesome nice yeah but he was already at a point where he had such a good equal that adding those nights isn't really that much of a cost to him that makes sense think about what it helps here so just moving in I'm gonna do a second caster there I'm actually gonna get to imp with healthy pop though and that can never be a bad thing so he's sending us couches back to be with my I'm gonna do supremacy right away cuz I don't want to be exposed to raiding and supremacy is the best way to limit the amount of dead villagers I think it's better around to make sure my [Music] should make sure yes control a little relics is my swish into a late-game I guess I have to go for [Music] or English words hanging halberdiers right we're good to see how we have time to transition to observe so primitive ills are certainly gonna help for that but there should still be a socialist advantage already that doesn't shouldn't really matter only one way to find out and you ballistics and I'm proof against waiting pretty much or saving is waiting safer against waiting they not get that second all right it's not population is climbing can't be bad [Music] now the next issue is getting to do counter damage anywhere really anywhere this welcome kind of damage they saw that immediately temple it counts [Music] set of Castille mlstrm [Music] kind of wanna buy wood enough wood [Music] hoardings is the name you just picked up a relic oh there's no yes it's as well thing our castles are pretty well placed all things considered because not really any aware that it's obvious for him always he actually taking that oh nothing this what's going on over there maybe I need my own house I really don't have enough Paris right now good need to stop wasting my units but even even with a castle there don't think so though [Music] oh just love that ville since some of you soon calvache is there [Music] until her below let's say 150 pop and come instantly losing like that I will continue to play if I can retake this gold so mr. cow mr. as well it's bad that is bad news for me now it's looking closer and closer to a justifiable Gigi and our population is doing I should maybe add a hustler myself in hindsight just a little more mobile meatshield it's pushing really hard they're doing a relic there as well I think this cast is a goner at all you can't hold that we don't have the favored host the thing is repaired hosta we could probably do a better job at sniping see trams right and also now he's mixing in sperms and fray the ship as always so doesn't have too many cower just left though what they change is too much it's a fifty five farmers tell is strange for us villages are military let's go yeah we're dumb relics as well think if I made a little bit more of a fast transition to a different meat shield I think how was still correct but I could also look at my food bank there is resources there for how as well or enough out for a cavalry so I'm just thinking we could have potentially also justified going for Lightcap whorehouse are rather trying to snipe is is cat watches with our castles after falling back have to buy a hundred stone Turcotte Trapster I would have been that just one tribe would have been enough to take out my whole castle pretty much mmm population climbing again one thing it means much [Music] just a trebuchet is missing [Music] this cast is probably gone and I cannot say that this case I stay in life is so freakin long Kong still feel powerful I think that's safe to say I'm sure we're approaching top score but like I said again this doesn't mean anything else than that he's throwing units into us and we're not able to and we're killing it always surviving it's the same I don't know if you guys watched me against the ER yesterday similar situation he's just throwing unit after unit and I'm killing a lot of his units but it doesn't mean I think that's in the broader aspect of the game he still got a huge lead once he starts writing this part again we also don't have much food control so I was just like we could justify this calling Gigi here as well unless we get the craziest of raids right now oh that was a stable don't call it please like I don't want to call it obviously but I'm afraid it's not really too much logic intent on we don't have wood anymore there are 57 farmers with cutting is our issue yeah big time has come don't have wouldn't come anymore mine bill just there it was too vulnerable now we don't have a wood anymore Judy we needed a snowball with the Kong's to do more if that I mean considering how this game went we were still able to put up a fight considering how poorly our fuel age and castle age went think if we did a little bit more damage in with our conks and caste age like the count Manganiello snowball and I think we could have done really good but it wasn't to be II it was not to be with a stone I would control at the moment no wood in the back corner is this rare there's no wood at all here that could have been a saving grace if we just had a smooth wood income which everyone would not a sieve I had a sticks for Mayans and he had Vietnamese yes pretty good not to worry I would twenty thousand behind coal as well very far behind I think we did a good job holding on though it was just behind since here well even since here yeah Judy
Channel: TheViper
Views: 49,040
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Id: 630Ckw4LEOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 24sec (2724 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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