1v1 Arena | Spanish vs Persians | vs Fat_Pig

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not sure what to pick we have arena I'm not sure what to pick Turks Vikings comer Malay business means the finance mayor let's go random this is arena you guys are suggesting some of different things anyway new Burmese Burmese aren't that good I aren't that new random let's go random whatever you guys can't pick up your minds so therefore I have to go random we got Spanish think'll thing is living here and we got Spanish while he's playing as Persians we are being as favourites if we like this new or lame in map in the center all that stuff so father's good to me only weird part is to score being there because I don't have the chest for me is just empty blackness my blackness darkness empty space to the bottom right but I can get used to that I don't want to leave all this you guys can go to play yeah I mean Kong's would make sense right we'll see I have not made up my mind yet team score well playing solo I don't know but it's just something I guess it's too much work to take out of there I know I cannot explain it don't think it matters much something anyone cares King Kong's long I want to try the conchs now the muscle has been fixed apparently and all that stuff so see how it works now should be easier to micro conk dunks maybe the dunks will be added goes on so where to go not go to the bottom right put a mini map anymore I prefer this this is how we always played a Buble with the mini map centered one of the main things I was wanted sure than this way before not sure why I didn't do it or I knew the option was there for a weeks already never lucky calm submission errors we shall see I'll do conks at least and we'll see from there I think I have a safe base tears will make a house or a world aired and I can delete the rest of that area I'm gonna try to go there I'm pretty much assuming that that it is how I think it is my map [Music] I was wrong okay maybe I can do like this then it's closed I really hope so also I've just read an open my whole base for me enemy if I click outside now okay I was right no worries anymore yeah good no disasterpiece you take the back guys this was all calculated I probably have to Rena what happen what I coulda shoulda [Music] feelsbadman my Scout boring without a scout you can't do anything sit there and do economy like wants to do that it's a bug you can kill what is it is it was an unintentional change by them but they said they were open to keeping it so wouldn't surprise me if they do keep it because I mean it makes sense right even if you kill with a military unit doesn't mean that food everything disappears right so I think they should keep it honestly sure it makes it easier but would I help cares [Music] did you win against AI I unfortunately had to call it I did not win but a little bit late someone is gonna do something shouldn't be just a bloom because any machine is up some will be faster what can Spanish do against trash pose alt f4 festivals make versions I don't want to say the best in the game but I don't want to say they're not either oh did not mean to swim in this is too far just where I have to play with now I think this is like the assume we used to have but this is too far slightly too far I play around with the zoom more if 60% now I might lower that a little bit to find a good middle ground yeah thatwill masterpiece he will do siege tower masterpiece you're gonna do crossbows later anyway alright so might as well it's just habit to keep fingers moving and such sorry if it's annoying that I like to keep clicking the town center I haven't played on Google in forever refused to win I would say right now its de only [Music] not when he's up to not sure exactly where his basis in space I wanna make sure there are no relics and the rights that are being taken by him [Music] a lot [Music] and surprise me if you got that one as well we had them conversions so he's doing stable and monks himself so I guess is good for me will you go back to twitch never know what the future holds oh no you were the chosen one what he lives but the accuracy of this man is non-existent Wow keep runnin keep runnin to be a bit a bit thank you what is this pot never know what let's go what's the accuracy of these things that feels different that does not feel like it was used to be shoot kill shoot to kill Oh overkill sick yeah are you kidding me come on we hit it good good good McCain hello Hillary what's up there's not a relic would of course like to have it so I guess he got one relic because this one why are you guys idle yeah we'll just get more idle these days after since the news patch so something has definitely gone wrong there ain't no question bout that versus those that 4x4 us can't complain unless there's one here that I have might not have noticed shouldn't be though could do a second castle now when I get someone control his score is very high what why is it score so high that's scary man it's not like I've done a bad job or anything I wish Persians man big fat person what make sense so this is why is high score because he's been booming work back your camel if you want it is not up since maybe that's why the score was so high cause in mass-producing camels not impossible [Music] [Music] mind after mixing helps faster and anticipate it because I'm gonna cameras he had well I do have a feeling he might not be up yet I will have a time window here where I can push the little the wait for it's gonna say we'll wait for I don't even know what I want to say no rain not work oh he's Derek's laugh I'm actually just gonna clean up whatever is outside because I want the inside I will push in no matter what I should just clear clean up whatever's outside oh I shouldn't have left my ram store that's quite stupid that was a bad decision by me what how did among the day is empty one point for camels [Music] let's do like this instance it's like that he has a very much larger army than us what shoot why did not shoot someone explain to me why they know shoot because I know understand I got it at least Punk confirmed live a throw by me to about I shouldn't have some that that's okay figure it out I guess is gonna play for camel [Music] full camel possible to be my guests I wish I'd a way to keep his alive I don't think I do though I could try a snipe those in the traps yeah that works there's the crossbow switch that we don't like I will probably have to add skirmish as well it was there for relics so I would say it's still looking pretty good we're denying one of his gold mines as well with with our pressure comfortable position here I know a lot of people prefer the emblems over the icons I don't I prefer it like this I can't tell the difference otherwise still mnesarchus though shifting Norville's or loose discuss landowner at this point to just charge in there really I cannot allow I cannot lose this castle no ho ma can you want me good another one there definitely feeling the first game of the day still story life [Music] not the villagers man party pooper [Music] you still have three castles could be worse I need to get start making stables and what's their face SR probably be sure that's what they're called and I think I should experience I think house are at the moment just a way to go [Music] there are three castles it's a really good fight for us mixed in cd-roms scary scary yuck stopped micro doesn't work with constant you do not like responding like you would normally expect them to put stop micro it was strange [Music] again should get it though right yeah it's down so we're still happy with that [Music] [Music] hello channel one what zip we have to reactor you have to respond to this you have a lot of publishing you could still use [Music] that was probably loose death I guess it's fine you didn't need it anyway see stop Marco doesn't work when you stop them they take a while to shoot which is not how it should be it should be shooting right away as you stop them that's something we don't like [Music] how's the stream running away are we dropping frames don't think we gotten anything so it should be okay hopefully [Music] I wasn't mixing my own seed ramps [Music] [Music] love to get this term of this thank you very much yeah this supremum home villages are warriors religious warriors even though they asked for everlasting crossbows I still think that we should have a better army man but we should always take with fights we do have all our relics but we want on this planet as well so still feel comfortable maybe I should mix in some screams right now because skirmish would counter everything he's making [Music] actually it's time to take bath trades Oh No you I need to make some scams you see you shine will be enough we'll find out soon enough how long is it gonna repair that thing [Music] yes okay I need to max out again yeah I'm not trading well enough after all for him judge did I get him get him and again just oh there's like there's so much stuttering and you're not fighting you're not getting on top of the units like they're supposed to maybe lack of maybe the crossbows will be our downfall Indian after all we'll find out soon enough I'm also a Mitchell oh we should have way more power fire behind this contribute stronger in theory [Music] no if it gets excited oh boy I think the main key is still just getting crossbows out across four seed rooms two trips hospitals still got an efficient though [Music] [Music] that's the right way to siege up my traps at the moment I've done it's time to think maybe full skirmisher Oh No well full skirmish with Kong could be an option but yeah he was like I'm making headway maybe it the fact that for us come on you know we make it not see drums in lumber when I pull down there this is all due to the new centralized mini-map voice that's what I contribute our success to here you can add so you guys can see all my control groups right now you only see those already that interface one row you still don't only see one level that's weird supposed to be able to see more like I have control groups up to eight and nine now one row active only Gil doesn't show your rows some reason you can only see the five well that's global queue I'm stupid uh sorry yeah that's global qu @ q where is my where are my control groups setting like a game it's not game is it my blind can see it [Music] am i complete the blind guys or is there actually somewhere you can see that Hey I swear to Austin remember I do have two adjacent value you might be right not the trap it's arrived or repaired not [Music] I'm gonna look into that with the control groups cause right now I'm using one two three four five six seven seven control groups all right one two three wait yeah I'm using more than the ones are being shown which is what's the confusing part to me [Music] here's economy with tusks calls [Music] most cleaning as production like this production facilities out here and then I will move start pushing spacing and this is sort of thing [Music] [Music] nationalism ratings well let's go Camaro and get the relics it's about to micro my counts we're doing right now I don't think he's getting enough kills there yo SKS 89 to Slavia thing for a sub 10 games goes to the end it's apparent I just want to release the irrelevant [Music] please don't like yeah I'm missing our me do I have like units sitting around somewhere no shouldn't have everything should be here I feel my arm is small it's my monk that doesn't matter Gigi Kong so P that's really good I think four persons have a chance if he got got like two or three relics maybe would be a really good spot but is it as stable is the question yeah I'd rather we first of all contact them though to see if they can fix this before yeah I'm just saying before we go and buy more and spend more money on different things
Channel: TheViper
Views: 56,198
Rating: 4.8912387 out of 5
Id: VUmghkD_Bs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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