How to Cook a Perfect Prime Rib | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends perfectly cooked prime rib i'm gonna show you exactly how to do it the only way to really cook a prime rib remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring that bell stay tuned we're gonna start right now well hello there friends let me show you how easy it is actually to cook a prime rib we're going to do it the most simple way everybody can do this i promise you we're going to do reverse c the technique is very simple sounds fancy but nothing fancy about cooking anyway it means we're going to seal it at the end instead of at the beginning so then we will have an even medium red ray all the way from one end to the next without having that gray sear line that we normally get and when you do a big piece of meat like that you need to do it this way it's really the only way to do it very simple what do we do first salt and pepper uh on the in on the outside everywhere rub salt and pepper put it in the fridge for about 24 hours if you have it if you don't have 24 hours at least three four hours please three four hours at least minimum 24 hours it allows the salt to penetrate dries out the surface creates even a better crust and now it's sold all the way through it's like a dry brine how do you buy a primary buy the one with the most marble you can find normally prime it is but prime is very difficult to get these these days matter of fact i went to three stall try to get a prime primary i couldn't get one so i got a nice choice prime will have a lot more marbling than this nice this is beautiful but prime is better if you can get it okay you want to also get it from the chuck end from the check end if you notice this is this side is a little smaller than this side right there the chuck end is much more tender much more flavorful okay so that's all we need to do salt and pepper put it in the fridge the next morning if you have time what else do we do not much i like to brush a little bit of clarified butter if you don't have clarified butter then brush a little bit of um uh avocado oil just a little bit because what i'm going to do is i'm going to brush a little bit of the provence on it on it i'm going to sprinkle a little bit of the provence and that'll make the hebrew province stay nice and not dry out so much you can't use fresh herb for this no no fresh air friends if you use fresh herb then they're gonna they're gonna burn completely makes no sense at all if you want to use a little bit of herbs you don't certainly don't have to help the provence you see i have him because remember i'm from provence so they say whenever you do a big roast first you really really have to do the reverse series there's no other way around to cook a um a big roast it doesn't matter if it's a prime rib or not a roast you gotta do the reverse here so then you have an even cook all the way around it you see beautiful right there let me dry my hands and now we're gonna do one more thing this is very simple i got my oven set at 250 degrees friends 250. yeah we're gonna cook it very slowly and this is a this is a seven pound with a bone i got three bones right here this is seven pound this is going to take three three and a half hours the secret is not really the time i mean it's important is the temperature we want to cook it to 120 remember i like my meat rare medium rare medium rare rare so if you're liking more cooked you'll cook it longer but we're going to cook it 220 degrees we're going to take it out of the oven when it's 120 degrees and we're going to let it rest 45 minutes to an hour we're going to let it rest when it's resting the juice will be redistributing and then we'll put it in the oven a good 10 minutes or 500 degrees to create a beautiful crust and i'll show you how to do that okay so believe it or not folks we're going to use a thermometer if you don't have a thermometer it's time to get one okay this i love that's the one i use for the turkey remember for the turkey we use that so i'm going to put it inside and it's going to warm me when it gets close to 120 i'm going to put my alarm at 116. okay we're going to go right in in the chuck end and we're going to go right there right in the middle of it and we're going to try to stay in the middle so i got to be about around here somewhere so let's look to see pick up the same hole and don't worry about losing the juices you got a lot of people said oh mama i'm going to lose the juice no you don't you'll see when i take it up this is this hole is going to be dry no juice is going to come out of there all right so we're going to put this in the fridge at 100 and we're going to get to 120 the oven is 250 degrees really simple my friends nothing special look put it in the oven get your thermometer wire out of there this is really a simple technique my friends get the thermometer right there plug it in it is the alarm is set up it's 250 degrees the alarm is set up to give it to me to give it to me to warn me when it's 117 degrees so i got a few minutes to set up to make sure i'm comfortable that's all there is to it folks put it in there when it did you see how beautiful it is when we cut it so i'll be back in about three and a half four hours for you it'll just be a few seconds and uh we're gonna cut we're gonna no we're gonna finish it first before we cut it all right so we'll be back as soon as it goes well hello there friends three and a half hours three hours and 45 minutes to be exact we have 120 internal temperature 120 so we're gonna unplug it check it out we're going to take our probe out so we know then we have the right temperature now i know 120 is not exactly cooked and that's okay that's okay some people like it very very rare we're gonna let this guy rest beautifully like this we're gonna let it rest for about um 45 minutes half hour 45 minutes just cover up you know i hate aluminum foil but it's not really touching it it's just keeping it warm a little bit and the beauty of it now all of the juices from the outside inside are going to slightly travel through a little bit of the outside so we won't have any of overcooked edges at all it's going to be nice and moist from the inside out beautiful but we're gonna let it rest and when we're ready to eat that's a beautiful thing you can finish all your vegetables and everything and when you're ready to eat turn the oven up at 500 degrees i'm gonna put some butter in there and then i'm gonna put it back in the oven just to get a beautiful golden brown so we get this beautiful color that's all we're gonna do so we'll be back in about 45 minutes after we give it time to rest because when we cut it we're not going to lose any juices all right so we'll be back in about 45 minutes well hello there friend 45 minutes went by nice and relaxed so i'm just going to put a little butter on there i just sew a little bit of extra fat right there i'm just going to remove it to make it look pretty that's all that's all there is nothing esther can do with it we're not going to touch anything the butcher removed a little too much fat for me but that's okay i'm just going to pour a little bit of soft butter in there friends and it's still warm so it's going to be very easy to just apply it everywhere you see i got myself a brush in case i needed to but i don't think i'm going to need it and now what we're going to do the oven is going to be a 500 so the butter is just going to get golden brown and we don't want the butter to be too soft because we want it to stay on long enough to get golden brown you see and um you certainly don't need to put the butter some people add mustard and things it's up to you really i i like you know i love butter what i'm gonna tell you i love butter at this point you could put a little more of the provence if you want to but certainly don't need to this is good right there and we're just gonna pop it in the oven the oven very important 500 friends and um 500 degrees and that's all we're gonna do we're just gonna pour it in here even the dish is uh is warm it's not uh not hot gonna go right in there and give it to me right there and we're gonna put a timer for 10 10 15 minutes now if you like it more cooked than that don't take it out at 120 take it out of 125 130 and then do the same thing and then it'll cook 135 140 but that's like getting to the medium medium well so be careful how you want to like how you want to cook if you want to reheat it it's going to be very well done if you don't have a cookie sheet with a rock like i do do it on a roasting pan and then a roasting pan just put leeks carrot celery and onion just put it on there and then you can use those vegetables to make your own but we made a no shoe we got the video on there and and also the horseradish sauces they if they're not released they're going to be released in the next couple of days so you'll have both of them in the sauces all right we're going to come back in 10 minutes when it's beautiful golden brown and we're going to cut it all right we'll be back in a few minutes all right friends 10 minutes 15 at the most okay 10 minutes here it is look at this look at this friends i don't know if you can hear but let me tell you who look a beauty look at this beauty look at this beauty it's wonderful let me turn this off let me turn it off so i don't forget because i always forget now at this point the beautiful thing about doing it the way we're doing it friends we do not need to let it rest it already rested this is just to get it nice and hot so let's take it out of there let me grab something so i don't have to put my hands on it because it's quite hot at this point and right there my friends what we're going to do is we're going to take it out okay so here we have it now at this point you could also get away with some of that extra fat right there then which a lot of it is a butter and deglaze that to put in your ojoo if you didn't make the old shoe the way i showed you how to make this i got a beautiful recipe on that so now friends we're going to take it out and it's very simple all we got to do now is we got to take the bone out because unless you want to give somebody a a uh two pound pieces you want to take the bone out it's a lot easier so to take the bone out my friends what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the knife and we're going to rub it against the bone so we're going to go right there we're going to cut the knife is on the bone all i'm doing friends i'm following the bone really really simple whoop we grab it with a towel yeah i didn't go out with very good we grab it with the top because it's quite hot and i'm following the bone friends and that's all i'm doing and i got caught right there and right there there you go all right we're following the bone so now we'll take it out now it's not much meat on the bone but a lot of people like to chew on the bone friends they like to chew on that bone and uh so the meat on the bone is quite tender at this point okay so we'll take it out and now we're going to cut into it all right so this is a little rare in a bone but it always is like that but you know remember i like it rare medium rare so this is how we're gonna get it we're gonna go in there right there and we're gonna cut this to show a perfect beautiful medium rare all the way through you see there's no gray area there's no gray it's very hot there's no gray area overcooked from the sea this is medium rare from here to here all the way through and look at this look at this this is absolutely gorgeous my friends so cut it as big or as little as you want i like to cut them about three quarter of an inch thick to an inch thick depends how you want it depends how you want to cut it or half an inch depends how you want to cut it there's no right or wrong here my friends look at this look how gorgeous that is look how beautiful that is you see this is absolutely gorgeous friends this is going to be like butter cut it however you want it but let me tell you this is like absolutely beautiful i love it love it love it so we're going to put it on the platter and we can certainly i got to test it look at this this is absolutely gorgeous my friends i gotta test it so let me get myself a fork it's beautiful it's gonna be like so tender it's gonna be absolutely beautiful look at this this is my piece right here friends look at this this is gorgeous oh it's wonderful bro um absolutely wonderful my friend so we're serving it with the um horseradish sauces and the ojou that i made and uh a little bit of oh joe right there on top of it let me tell you something this is going to be a beautiful roast beef now remember now you want to more cook but you're cooking more but no matter how i cook it some people are going to think it's undercooked some people are going to think it's overcooked cook it the way you like it that's all there is to it i hope you enjoyed the video my friends remember thumbs up if you liked the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell we'll see you soon for another fantastic video thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 2,258,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prime Rib Recipe, Perfect roast Beef, how to make prime rib, best prime rib recipe, prime rib roast, how to cook prime rib, easy prime rib recipe, how to cook prime rib in the oven, easy prime rib, prime rib roast recipe, rib roast, perfect prime rib, how to roast the perfect prime rib, bone in rib roast recipe, standing rib roast, standing rib roast recipe, how to make roast beef, how to perfectly cook rib roast, roasting prime rib recipe, cooking prime rib roast
Id: _cgtAw21MM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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