How To Cook Competition St.Louis Ribs

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hi fans drew here with smokecraft barbecue and today i'm going to show you how to cook competition style ribs here in the backyard so we're going to start off with some st louis ribs we've got some really nice looking smithfield ribs here today and when i go out and i'm buying ribs for competition or ribs in general i want to get nice juicy ribs usually i'm looking for three to three and a half pound ribs that are nice and thick on the back you want your bones to try and be straight as straight as you can so if you're putting them in a box they're beautiful but i got two racks of really nice looking ribs today that's nice marbling on them so let's go ahead let's get them going so i'm going to start off i'm going to flip my ribs over and as i cut into them i'm going to cut from the back you want to cut from the back because you don't want to accidentally put a hole uh into your ribs so i'm just going to put that knife tip in as you see i'm just lifting it up and we're just going to cut along the side here get this thing open and how you do this you want to do this carefully you know as you lift this out so you can hold all the juices in that rib keep it into your rib bag and you're not getting those ribs out or that juice out onto your cutting board but either way they're still going to be a little bit wet so we take a paper towel just going to dab them down just a little bit you know wipe off your board i'm using a disposable cutting board today these are fantastic when we're out in competition trails or if you just don't want to worry about cleaning up later but this is really nice looking rack of ribs to start off with so we're going to go ahead we're going to start on our back side here and first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to remove the membrane and you can see here we've got a nice little overflap sometimes you know when you're looking at ribs uh you get the silver flap sometimes you don't really depends on the brand and how they how they're trimming it um smithfields usually have this a little bit more of this overlap here but we're gonna cut it right off because we don't we don't want that so we're gonna get rid of it and now i'm gonna go after this membrane on the back so best way to get a membrane off take a paper towel get your fingers under the edge begin to kind of pull it down don't worry if you don't get it all in one pole you know if you can fantastic but you get your hands on it you can see i got my handle on the membrane and i'm literally just going to use that paper towel pull it all the way off pull it all the way down i didn't get all this up here so i'm going to go back in get the top pull off much the membrane as possible same thing on the bottom just get it all the way off because the membrane eats tough so and uh we want to open it up let that smoke be able to get in there okay so we've got a nice looking back here so we're let's go ahead pull it over let's see what we got on the front all right so we got a nice looking front here so on the front this part here that's got all this gristle and fat that's just not going to cook down really well um so i'm going to go ahead slide a really nice sharp knife i use a soft six inch bony knife and i'm going to get underneath it carefully and sometimes you know you can bend uh bend your bones to get that under there and i'm going to take some of this off now i'm not going to get all of it off it's just naturally how it is so what i'm going to probably do here and i usually do is i kind of take after i get this part off i'm going to cut off this last bone that's kind of floppy anyway where we got this deep fat and i'm just going to feel where that is i'm going to get rid of it and competition i'm not going to use this last bone really anyway but this right here so much crystal i'm just going to cut right inside this bone here so one to two bones depending on how your how your ribs look take it off the end okay now on the far side see how it's kind of floppy there's no there's no bone there just go ahead square it up let's get rid of it right along that cartilage okay so we got a nice we're squaring it up now on the top side of this particular rack you can see we still have some bone up here you know from how they cut it so we don't want that part we want to get it right down just to the bones so what i'm going to do is i'm going to flip it back over i'm gonna take my knife i see where the top my bones are and i'm gonna go ahead cut down and i'm just gonna bring my knife straight across take this part off this is sometimes called your rib tips so you get that get it out of there but now i got a nice square rack here that i can work with you can cook this off and eat the meat if you want to but because we're just doing competition style ribs we'll need to do that today so again i like nice round edges and we'll go ahead and just again nice clean so we have nice clean looking rack ribs right here and i'm not going to worry too much about this battle name because most likely with competition box sticking up just a little bit if we can get it we'll get it but i'm not going to use that last bone in a box of competition so not too worried about it now when i say competition style ribs it's just how we prepare these ribs do it a little bit differently than you do every day at home or in the restaurant but it's going to be exploding with lots of great flavor so let's go ahead let's put our first rack of ribs aside here and let's go ahead and get the second one ready i always had competition when i'm competing i'm cooking four racks of ribs but today just for demonstration i'm only gonna cook two um but at competition i always am cooking four racks of ribs um it varies by team you know and personal preference how many racks of ribs you cook at competition um you know it's really up to you and how confident you are in your ability cook or or sometimes it has to do with space in your cooker you know sometimes you only can do you know three but i always recommend at least three racks of ribs that way you know you got two racks of ribs to choose from um or you know when you're trying to get your middle bones you want to make sure a competition we have to put at least six bones in the box and i've always found personally that i do better when i put eight to ten bones in the box so we want our best two out of three racks of ribs or two out of four racks of ribs that we can choose those bones from or we can pick and choose individual bones we have to so this rack this is really nice if you get in here look at this this rack of ribs you can see how much marbling it is without that much excess fat that marbling is just going to make this rib super super tender so this is a beautiful rack of ribs for competition right here and the back your bones are relatively straightened in line so that will work out well for us so let's do the same thing same process we're going to just trim off this extra piece of uh extra piece of meat right there on the back of this flat and let's go ahead and get the back get this membrane get our hand underneath it using that paper towel try and get get underneath it there again some guys are really good at this and doing a full full one pull i'm not as great as some but we will get it all so we got most of it let's go ahead let's pull it back get it off come back in here grab that other piece get it up the top get it down the back so it's all gone and just a little bit more on top yeah that's pretty good so now we got some of this excess fat just sitting here this fat's not going to eat very well sometimes you get fat between the bones and this one we didn't but you can use a spoon if you get a lot of interior fat to kind of scoop that out but this fat here since it's just a little gristly and stuff it's just sitting there we're just going to cut it off you don't need to eat a giant mouth full of fat nobody nobody wants that that's not exciting that's not good okay so front again end here there's no bone here this is flabby so we're going to come right inside that cartilage right there and we're just going to cut it off don't need it on this side here again we're going to slide in under with the knife try and cut some of that back without digging into my meat just try and get some of that silver skin because that silver skin means you're not going to be able to adhere your rub and it's just not going to eat well so we're going to take it back a little bit if you can you need a really nice sharp knife to get in there to do this and once again i'm going to cut off one bone here on the end uh just because i want to square it up and this one once again has that uh has the bones on top so i'm again once again just come down square it up cut off that cartilage at the top doing one nice fail swoop and now i've got myself a really beautiful nice rack of ribs now this here this is sometimes you get a nice piece of fat like this that's just sticking out that fat is not going to render too much so i'm just going to carefully just shave just a little bit of it off i don't want to get too crazy because i don't want to dig into my rib but we don't want to have too much thick fat because if you bite into that one thick piece of fat and the judge gets that they are not going to be very happy so so yeah so there we go so that's how we trim out our ribs so we got two racks ribs beautifully trimmed out here so now the next step is going ahead and seasoning them up and so i've got my tray here go ahead put them on my tray as i season and i season my ribs starting two hours before i put them on the smoker so i'm gonna start my ribs upside down you can see that these ribs are just about the same size which is perfect for what we're doing today so i season my ribs two hours before we go on the smoker and we're gonna start on the back side now i'm gonna use three rubs today i'm gonna start off with the heath riles everyday rub this is basically a little bit of salt pepper um some other basic stuff just a tint of garlic but i like this versus some of the other ap rubs because it doesn't have as much garlic and i find that if you put too much garlic on ribs it's gonna be too garlicky then i'm gonna do something savory i'm gonna use sugar's bbq clucking awesome this is a chicken rum but it's got lots of savory flavors and it's fantastic on pork so we're gonna go put this on as our second layer and then as our final layer i'm gonna use uh sugar's barbecue serious bowl this is actually beef rub and it's got a little bit of spice to it and so as i'm trying to get some savory and some spice on these ribs it's going to be a really nice finishing touch so let's start off with uh we're going to start off with our heath rouse everyday rub and we're hold it high get your nice even back and forth and we'll do one rack at a time and with this first rub i just go one way down and then go back the other way and that's it we don't want to go heavy on this rub at all really light this is just a nice base coat as you can see i'm just going nice easy up that's really all i want just a little bit of salt pepper a little bit of garlic some other seasonings that are in here and that's all i'm going to do with the heathrow literally all i'm going to do so if you don't have this at home you can just use some salt pepper and just do once over with salt and pepper now i'm gonna do about medium layer of this clucking awesome because it is awesome and same thing i'm just go up and down yeah i'm gonna do more medium layer here but remember we're putting three layers of rub so we don't want to get too crazy you don't want to cover it so you can't see the meat anymore i'll go up and down just once make sure i get a nice even coverage on the bottom you know again holding it up high i like i like these containers from sugars because they get the perfect holes to just be able to shake up and down you don't have to put in a shaker container all right so the up and down all right now i'm going to go ahead and do my last layer rub again the serious bowl from sugar's barbecue again this is going to have a little more spice a little more heat and so we got we got our savoriness first and now we're going to go ahead and you can see as i put this on now is when i should stop kind of seeing the meat i'm using this to go ahead get across the top and we're gonna stop seeing that meat because we're gonna have all this good stuff in here so again this is like a medium layer rub you know as you go up and down now remember competition barbecue is all about getting that explosive flavor so i am going to season these heavier than i might season them if i was just seasoning seasoning ribs at home uh just for everyday cooking all right so we're going to go ahead and what i'm going to do now we're two hours before we want to put them on the smoker i'm going to let this sit just like this for 30 minutes and 30 minutes that's going to give the back time to start absorbing all of our rubs then we're going to flip it and we'll do the top side so we'll be back in about 30 minutes to do the other side here all right guys it's been 30 minutes on our ribs so you can see that the rub is beginning to sit right into our meat so it's time to go ahead and flip these over um so what i'm going to do actually i'm going to take them off this tray they're on and i'm going to flip them over you can see it's not really dripping any rub because that rub is beginning to absorb in i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to put them on top of this rack and the reason i'm going to put them on top of this rack i'm going to lift this rack up and put this rack right back on top here but i'm actually going to keep it on this rack all the way through the cooking process at this point so let's go ahead and clean hand clean dirty hand dirty and you'll note that i didn't put any mustard down on these ribs and the reason i didn't put mustard down on these ribs um usually i would if i was cooking them in the backyard just using a single rub but i got so much flavor going on with these rubs here they're going to really absorb in so i don't really need that mustard to hold on to it so again we're going to start off with heathrows every day the salt pepper mix and we're just going to do light once over coat and again once over on this side too so once each way and that's it just a little bit more there all right and now i'm going to use again my clucking awesome from sugar's barbecue this is my savory rub go ahead and get that in there again good medium coat of it to get the savoriness and what's really great about these rubs the color they're going to bring out of these ribs these ribs are just they're going to be popping with color here so sugars oh that's so beautiful okay all right so that's with another little bit down there that's awesome and again third rub i'm going to use on these ribs sugars barbecue serious bowl again just got a little bit of heat you know so we're getting some nice little sweet heat and again as we go here you know now is really where we're going to stop seeing that meat because we have all this rub all the way over it so it's that last layer that really is going to bring it all together all right up and down get all of it make sure you get those corners now i'm not too worried about lifting it up and getting these edges because when i cook and at the end i'm gonna sauce my edges and the judge is not gonna eat from the end of the bone um they're gonna eat right in the middle of this rib so yeah so again they're seasoned pretty heavily here and that's it so we're gonna go ahead we're now gonna we already have uh upside down for a half hour so now we're gonna leave them an hour and a half with this and again we want to be bringing our our ribs to room temperature so today like today it's it's uh you know it's only like 70 degrees out today so it's a perfect day we can just leave them outside you can put them inside if you're in a trailer leave my trailer kitchen counter but we are bringing them slowly up to room temp so when they hit the smoke um they're going to be this to be nice and sweaty so you don't want to do this the night before really much more before two hours because the salts that are in your rubs can start to get uh too deep into your ribs and begin to get hammy and you don't want to get your ribs tasting too hammy so we just do it a couple hours ahead and uh so we'll see you in an hour and a half and then we'll go ahead and we'll put them in the smoker all right guys so it's been about an hour and a half since we seasoned the top of our ribs you can see that they've sweat they've sweated nicely and they have some really great deep red color here so these things are now ready to go ahead and get in the smoker so what i'm going to do because i'm cooking competition style ribs is i'm actually going to cook them on top of this rack you don't have to do this step but sometimes your racks can be a little bit dirty or sometimes your racks can get a little bit hot and you can sear the bottom of your ribs so by leaving on top of this rack we don't have to worry about that and it also gives us the ability to rotate them in the smoker halfway through the cook so what i am going to do before i put them in though is i am going to go ahead and push them together just a little bit make sure they're nice and tight and then we're going to go ahead and put them in our 270 smoker so we use a 270 kc model this is what we use for competition we've preheated this right now sitting about 325 so it's about 50 degrees higher than we want to be cooking our ribs about 275 that way when the ribs that are nice and cold go in it's going to settle in nicely and then we're going to be able to just let it sit here so let's go ahead and get our ribs in so i'm going to move this on top for just a moment all right come on over let's take a look all right so normally i'd have lots of different meaning here but we're just cooking ribs today so i'm going right in the middle and again i'm going to cook it right on this rack so i'm going to take my rack i'm just going to place it right on the middle of my shelf and again just keep it off of the grates in here keep really nice and clean but we'll go ahead and put them in like that just like that notice how i had a water pan in the bottom um in this particular smoker and really anytime i'm cooking a competition i like to have a water pan in because it's going to keep a little bit moisture more moisture inside my cooker as i'm cooking ribs especially now one other thing i'm going to do here as we get ready is i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to take out some squeezed butter you can use parquet um but i like to use a landlake soft butter it's a little creamier and not quite as liquidy so we're gonna go ahead this has been in the icebox so it's nice and cold i'm just gonna go ahead i'm gonna sit that right on top of my smoker right there just like that that way in about hours time when i need it it's gonna be soft and ready to uh work with so we're gonna let the smoker set in here at about 275 degrees i'm gonna put some cherry wood in um i've usually put in a couple chunks of cherry and one chunk of pecan when i'm competing but i really like the color and the flavor that cherry wood puts on the ribs so i'm gonna toss those in the back of the firebox here and then i'm gonna leave this alone at 275 for about an hour and then we'll check on them then all right guys drew here and it's been about an hour since we put in our competition ribs into our 270 smoker we've been holding perfectly right where we wanted to about 275 to 290 degrees uh this whole time we haven't looked at it at all so now an hour in we're going to take our next step and we're going to spritz our ribs to spritz our ribs you can do a couple different things some teams use liquid butter or squeeze butter like a parquet or the butter i showed you earlier that we hold it on for just a little bit later i personally like to use spray butter can't believe it's not butter spray this stuff is fantastic and we're going to use this because i like it because it covers our ribs just a little bit better than just putting the butter on back and forth so the whole purpose of this is to keep the top of our ribs moist through the cooking process and to make sure that when we cut them the the ribs don't just kind of flake apart so we're going to wait an hour to let the smoke get on them and sit on it and then we're going to go and uh spray them down so come on over let's go ahead and we're gonna go ahead and take a look first time looking oh yeah look at those ribs after an hour so they're looking absolutely fantastic so i'm gonna go ahead and i'm just gonna go spritz them yo this is gonna keep them nice and moist and you can see how i'm getting nice really good coverage by using a uh by using a spray versus using a um if i just put some parquet on top which would just melt and kind of come right off of them this way at least we get some nice good coverage all the way over them and your finger better be strong when you're gonna do this you can put this into a sprayer um and i've done that before i just didn't do it today but you can put into a sprayer so you can go a little bit faster but yeah we're gonna go ahead get all the way around again some great colors so what we're gonna do we're gonna leave these in here let's go ahead and close this back up leave this for about 45 more minutes and we'll check them in about 45 minutes uh and we're gonna be looking for the color on our ribs um we're not adding any more wood in there throughout the rest of the process so we're gonna take a look at our color in about 45 minutes 45 minutes to an hour and then we'll at that point we'll go ahead and wrap them so we'll see you in just a little bit all right guys it's been about another 45 minutes with our competition ribs in the smoker over cherry wood it's definitely now time to wrap we've got great color on them so we're going to go ahead and prep ourselves to wrap here so first thing we're going to do we're going to take some foil we're going to take some aluminum foil heavy duty aluminum foil and i'm going to double wrap these ribs so i'm going to pull out two for each set of ribs i'm just going get taken care of before i even get the ribs out of the smoke all right i want to keep the shiny side up so we put the ribs on the inside and then your dull side is gonna be on the outside of your thing that's just how it pulls out of your foil container anyway usually so you're pretty good shape to start then i got all my ingredients here that we're going to need to wrap first off we've got the squeeze butter okay the landlakes butter soft butter spread now remember i put this earlier on top of the smoker to begin to soften it it got a little too soft so i put it back in some ice so it's now the perfect consistency then i've got something called mike's hot honey this has got some sweet heat to it which is fantastic we got some brown sugar but we're going to use a granulated brown sugar because it helps us control things better again we're going to put just a hint more of our serious bowl dry rub which is our spicy dry rub on and then we're going to spritz the whole thing down with just a little bit of apple juice i got a sprays bottle so let's go ahead and pull out these ribs we'll do them one at a time and show you how we do it oh my goodness these ribs have this amazing color so again i can grab that rack since i had them on the rack all right so you can see these ribs here and how beautiful they look they've got all the color we want we definitely don't want any more color than that and don't worry about them being a little dark because they are going to bounce back here in uh as we cook them okay so i'm gonna put my ribs here i'm gonna put them top side up first all right i'm gonna bring it towards me a little bit first thing i'm gonna do you see the bones beginning to come out just a little bit i'm gonna put my finger between those bones and just pull back on the meat when you pull back on the meat we're just breaking that membrane and making sure we get some nice pull back as this continues to cook okay first thing we're going to do i'm going to grab my my squeeze butter i'm just go up and down over that's it okay because we're gonna do this top and bottom we're gonna be putting a lot of liquid in here next thing mike's hot honey this is for sweet heat all right so we're going to just drizzle some hot honey across the top same thing just like that now i'm going to go ahead and put my brown elated sugar again this is just regular brown sugar but because it's granulated i can control how much i'm putting on a lot better than if it was just uh the regular soft sugar out of the packet so i really like this brownie related sugar for competition cooking now i'm just going to put there's a really light dusting of our rub on top just that's it and just for good measure i'm gonna spray it all with just a little bit of apple juice for some moisture and a little more sweetness now i'm gonna flip it over i'm gonna do the exact same thing man it's got some such great color on it so we're gonna zigzag back and forth with a little liquid butter our mike's hot honey some brown elated sugar just hit it with just a touch of our rub and again just spray it right on top so now i'm going to go ahead and wrap it up okay so i'm going to take our first piece foil i'm going to fold it in half fold it over the top and you want to hold these really nice and tight okay and place it in the center and then do it once again we want to keep all this moisture in notice how i left it bone or uh bone side up and i'm doing it i'm folding it so it's nice and tight so it doesn't steam too much as it cooks okay so put it right back on that rack that it came off of and i'm going to go ahead and do rack number two same thing i'm just going to kind of pull between those bones just a little bit sometimes it's easier to do it from the bottom but put your finger in between them you see what i'm doing just pulling it back pushing my finger in between it's going to help that bone bend alright so here we go a little a little bit of liquid butter or squeeze butter some mike's hot honey again that sweet heat a little bit brown elated or granulated brown sugar just a hint of our rub just again just a little more flavor there at the end and then spritz it with a little bit of apple juice [Music] again flip over repeat likes hot honey granulated sugar just a hint of rub and spritzing now same thing as before go ahead wrap it tight carefully you don't break your foil but this is why we double foil it get it in there hold it down tight and wrap it over so you don't have too much loose air in there so it doesn't steam too much [Applause] all right so again these are right back on my rack i'm back on my rack and it's really important now at this point in my mind even if you didn't put on a rack earlier to put on a rack now because we got so much sugar honey uh brown sugar if you put it on a rack and just make sure it doesn't burn onto your ribs when you put it back in the smoker so we're going to put it back in the smoker for about an hour and then we're going to check on it we're going for an internal temperature of our ribs about 207 degrees so we'll check them in an hour and just poke through and make sure that that meat feels like butter so back in we go into the smoker lock it back up we'll see in an hour all right guys it's been about an hour in the smoke since we wrapped uh our competition style ribs so now we're going to go ahead and check them um i start checking them at about an hour usually take between an hour an hour 15 minutes wrapped and we've been holding our temperature right here just under 300 degrees in our 270 smoker so let's go ahead let's pull them out oh so good all right so let's pull them out right here now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and check each one of them um i'm going to go ahead and open them up i like to open them up and check it gives me that way i don't worry about pushing foil through i'm going to use my thermal pen not only just check the temperature but also check the overall uh feel of the ribs i want my pen to go in just like butter if they're not done we'll go ahead and we'll put them right back in okay but we're gonna go ahead open them up come take a look how good these look oh look at that great pullback great color let's go ahead put our pen in alright see how we're about 207 degrees they're just it's just beginning to go in right there these are done so we're gonna check their second rack here we're gonna go ahead and keep them wrapped up and we're gonna let these ribs rest for about an hour before we actually cut into them and before we sauce them but we'll go ahead and close them up right now and then put them put them uh into a hot box to hold but let's check this other rack here we want to make sure both racks are done just because one's done doesn't mean that the other one is necessarily done [Applause] so let's go and take a look oh those have some great pullback also let's take a look oh yes those are definitely uh they're perfectly tender right between the ribs see how just going in just like butter you know dropping it on its own with its own weight falling right in that's perfect indication that these things are done so we're going to go ahead if they get a little bit too done instead of folding them back up like this like i am because i'm going to put them to rest you could leave them open for a minute and just let them cool we're just letting them rest before we put it back in i try to rest um for at least 30 minutes at competition if not an hour depending how tight i am on time just to let the juices reabsorb and we're going to go ahead as we rest these we're going to put them into our cambro and then we're going to come back to them in probably about 45 minutes to an hour since we're doing this at home today we're not on our timeline we're probably gonna leave it closer to an hour and then we're gonna uh paint them with uh some sauce put them back in the smoker and then finish up and eat them so we'll see you again probably in about 45 minutes all right guys so our ribs have been resting for just about an hour so it's time to go ahead and get the sauce up and glazed and ready to get to the judges so uh when i'm at competition normally i'm gonna have my sauce nice and hot uh just holding it ahead of time uh but we're gonna make some quick sauce here today today for our sauce for our glaze we're gonna use sugar's barbecue rodeo candy um as our base sauce and we're gonna thin it out with just a little bit of apple juice so we're gonna go ahead and what i'm gonna do i'm not actually gonna need that much sauce uh for this so i'm gonna take uh one cup of sugar's barbecue sauce and i just turned on my pot below i'm gonna take one cup of sugar sauce that's it see that pan gets hot and we don't want to burn sauce really important you don't want to burn sauce so that's why i pulled it off immediately we're just trying to warm it up so sugar sauce here and then i'm going to take a quarter cup just to thin it out of apple juice i'm trying to heat way down because again i'm not you don't want to boil your sauce because you're going to burn the sugars so again i'm just thinning it out with that apple juice that's all we're doing and it adds a nice little sweetness to it so we're going to go ahead just stir this up mix that together you can see it's already beginning to steam really important we don't burn it but we know because we're putting it on this and we don't have that much in there that this would be nice warm and perfectly thin to put onto our ribs here so all right you just we're gonna let it sit for just half a second here and when those edges begin to bubble we know that we're gonna be all set okay so while that does that we're gonna go ahead and get our ribs out let's go ahead and get this out of our way and i'm gonna go ahead and pull our ribs out of the wrap and i'm gonna put them uh flat here the first time we've seen our ribs obviously see we're just beginning to bubble so we're good to go i'm gonna turn the heat off and just move this whole thing to the side all right great all right so this is the first time we've seen our ribs uh since we cooked them and since we wrapped them up so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna because i'm gonna handle them hot i'm gonna take some white gloves and again if i haven't told you this trick in this video this is a really great pit master trick you just get some white cotton gloves put them underneath your uh your nitrile latex gloves and that way you can handle hot food without any issues so let's go ahead let's open up these ribs let's take a look all right oh these just look awesome so the first time we've seen them all right so we're going to take them out and we're going to leave them right now just space side down and we're going to save this juice that's in here so we're just going to hold this to the side for just a minute i'll show you why at the end here's rack number two beautiful okay so we'll save that juice just hold it tight for just a moment put it aside so i'm gonna take my sauce which is now nice and hot and i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna glaze the back of these ribs first okay just put some nice sauce on them and this sauce being a nice light sauce you know we're not gonna go heavy just get a little bit of flavor back these ribs okay and i'm going to do the same on the front all right just sauce them you can see i'm not really going heavy just a little bit of nice little glaze all right so now what i'm going to do is again i'm just i'm saving this juices that are inside these foil things i'm just going to move to the side for just a moment and what i'm going to do and take this pan here and as i flip it over i'm going to put the ribs back on that wire rack again because i don't want the sugar from the ribs to uh caramelize too much so i'm putting my ribs oh man those ribs look good flip them over oh man these ribs are fantastic so you can see the redness in these ribs and how beautiful they are so we're going to go ahead and paint them with our sauce and again you just you don't get too heavy with your sauce and we're just going to because what we're going to do is once we paint these we're going to put them back into our smoker just to let the sauce set for about 10 minutes there's absolutely gorgeous i mean the color on these is fantastic i know it's getting a little dark outside but i hope you can see how red in that deep red mahogany color that's really what we're searching for we're able you know this rub combination is really able to put that on there and we're able to hold it so all right so we got our edges all looking good we don't have any flex uh you know spot sometimes you're going to get spots in your on top of your ribs from stuff dripping down on your smoker you want to pull those off before you put them in but these look great so let's go ahead and put them right back in our smoker and our smoker's been holding steady at about 300 degrees so we're going to put them back in with nothing in above them so nothing there's no problem of anything dripping oh those are gorgeous and we're just going to put those you can see the color how great those look right there and we're going to put those back in for about 10 minutes and then we're going to go ahead and take them out and we'll slice them and go ahead and get them onto the judges all right so it's been about 10 minutes we're going to go ahead and take our ribs out of the smoker now the sauce should be nice and set oh these things are beautiful oh man oh man oh the color is just great so okay so what we're going to do when we do competition ribs first thing i'm gonna do i'm gonna put a little bit of sauce on the same sauce onto my board the reason i'm putting sauce on my board is because i'm gonna be sliding these ribs all over the place and i wanna make sure i don't mess up any of that uh sauce now that it's all set so we're gonna put sauce there and you can also see that this board this is a disposable cutting board it has a perfect kcbs 9x9 shape so i know exactly what i can fit into a box so i'm going to transfer my ribs and i'm going to transfer them over to me and what i'm going to do is i'm going to move them around you can see i'm already going to move them around i am going to take this beautiful wusthof uh scalloped slicing knife um this thing is fantastic for cutting ribs and when i'm looking for ribs for competition i'm looking in the middle of my racks i want to get four to five bones out of each one of these racks of ribs for a perfect turn-in so i know that some of the bones towards the end are not going to work well well for a turn-in so that's how i'm going to test out how we cooked our ribs today so when i cut my ribs i'm going to kind of reach my fingers around to touch the bone on the back side of every rib and that way when i know where that bone is i can slice my knife right in between the bones without worrying about it so i'm going to start off here on the end because i know we cannot use these end pieces so we're going to slice right through and let's take a look at this first rib you can see how juicy it is how much moisture is coming out of it so let's go ahead let's take a bite let's see what our flavor looks like oh that's perfect so you see that's a perfect bite how i bit right to the bone but still holding the bone and not just falling off that means that these are cooked perfectly i can tell you what i wish you could taste them because they taste fantastic so i'm gonna go ahead put that to the side because i know right now that this rack ribs is good to go so now i'm gonna take my other rack ribs same thing want to be looking down the middle and i know over here i can see where this bone is and we'll cut in the exact same spot because i can't use this section to turn it i can't turn in the end oh man look at the juice coming out of this one see how juicy it is let's take a bite let's take a look again just perfectly cooked coming through right to the bone not coming off oh man that's excellent okay so now we know that we have good ribs and we got two perfect racks of ribs i'm gonna go ahead and slice them up again i'm looking to get five perfect bones in an ideal world out of each so i put ten into my box so just looking at these ribs from a presentation perspective this rack of ribs has it has the pieces of uh or has the bones sticking out where this one the bones didn't come out quite as much so that says me this is gonna be my top rack my presentation rack and this would be my bottom rack so let's go ahead we're gonna slice the rhythm and we slice every single rib as we go and we want to make sure that you get between those bones some people have different tricks to do this i've seen teams put toothpicks i've seen people use injection needles to try and make sure that they don't hit but you want to try and get through right between the bones oh what a perfect cut and one thing that's really nice about this knife is i felt there i hit just an edge of that bone but it went right through so we're okay okay so this end here i can see that this is not gonna be a good bone to turn in so i have my best five bones probably right here in the middle this bone here is kind of sticking out a little bit so those are me my five bones off of this rack of ribs so we're gonna move those to the side for just a moment all right i'm gonna take my second rack here and this is my presentation rack so i got to be really careful um as i go through it i'm actually going to wipe my blade off as we get ready to go here for our second rack of ribs all right so here we go again just trying to follow your bones up i caught my bone there but i'm not going to stop because i was able to go straight through it same thing there so we gotta adjust just slightly perfect sometimes teams can use electric knives to help with this but if you got a really sharp blade you can cut perfectly without doing that okay great so i know i have my presentation bones i know which ones those are now you're probably wondering what was i doing before when i held on to the sauce the butter sauce here now that we're getting ready to present these ribs i know here that my best five bones let's see one two three four we're gonna again we're gonna use our middle five bones right here in the middle so we'll pull those aside so these are my five presentation bones so now that i've cut them i have all this really amazing juice and flavor from when i cook these earlier so now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take i'm gonna go ahead and i'm going to run take a look at every single bone and i'm going to run my uh this leftover jew right across it you can see i got a little bit of bone here but again i'm not going to fret about it too much nothing i can do about it you know you just got to try and cut them the best you can the judge is going to eat around it so but what we're doing when we're painting these ribs is by painting them is this is going to hold in our moisture into the ribs as they're waiting to go to the judges so we're going to just paint them on the side and this also just puts a little more flavor in on those edges we're gonna just paint them like that i know that this is my presentation rack this is my bottom rack so let's do the same thing we're just gonna paint the sides paint the sides yeah get all that flavor on there hold that juice in as best we can paint the sides all right and we're just being careful also not to mess up any of our uh any of our uh sauce work on top because you don't want sauce work to look gloppy that's something you can get knocked down for so painting the sides painting the sides all right perfect all right so today because we're at home and we're not working with a kcbs box i'm going to go ahead and just present them on a really nice platter normally you're going into a 9x9 box but now i'm going to go ahead take those gloves off because i've got all kinds of sauce all over them i'm going to change my gloves because i'm moving into my box and if you check out if you look at our youtube channel we show you how to make a perfect box uh really easily and then you can take a look at that and figure out how to get your ribs in but again we know let's just say that this is my box right here i'm going to go ahead i want to put presentation ribs i'm going to go ahead and take these first five ribs here and i'm going to put them together nice and tight we want them to hold together okay and i'm going to use a spatula just like this to put them into my box and you know sometimes we see here you know our ribs they are turning just a little bit but i want them to look flat in the box so i'm gonna since these are my bottom ribs i'm gonna put them right here and i'm not too worried about cleaning them up because you're not gonna see those bones here in just a second but i want my top to look straight and flat and now i'm gonna take my presentation ribs and i want these to be on the top i want the bones facing up now sometimes if you really wanted to you could cut the ends off the bottom of the ribs here on the very end and straighten this line i don't necessarily see the need to do that but i know people who do it and hey nothing wrong with it if it's gonna get you that extra presentation point and it's really crooked or sometimes if you've had to take bones from different racks you may need to do that to get to fit but what i'm going to do i'm going to lay these bones literally right on top just like that and now you can see with my gloves and my hands that i got a little bit messy so we're going to take some paper towel and wipe off our board just like we'd wipe off our box but right there those that would be my turn in right there folks again could have done a little couple i mean again looking at these ribs maybe i should have caught them in a little bit of angle but i say what you know we're backyard right now they're looking pretty darn fantastic to me you know keep them keep them pressed tight and ladies and gentlemen i give you competition rips you
Channel: Smokecraft BBQ
Views: 481,132
Rating: 4.7042074 out of 5
Id: 8KUun2gPJqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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