Cooking with Bill: Easiest Standing Rib Roast ever.

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[Music] welcome back to cooking with bill we're going to give you a really quick lesson on how to do a standing rib roast i've posted it on facebook in a couple things but i haven't ever done a video so i thought i'd do one for you right now now what i have is about a three bone piece of meat now this is what a lot of people consider prime rib once they cut the ribs off but we want the ribs on these we're going to take these three ribs you look at how much weight this is about eight pounds and that's important to know because of the first part of this process now stick with me it really does work we're gonna put oil on the meat or put seasoning on the meat we're gonna put it in a roasting pan and we're gonna stick it in the oven at 500 degrees for about 20 minutes per four pounds so since we're close to eight pounds on this we're going to have it at 500 degrees for 40 minutes and then i'm going to turn off the oven and i'm going to leave it and i'm not going to touch it and we're going to leave it for about two and a half three hours at that point i'll have probes in the meat as deep as i can have it and i'm looking for an internal temperature of about 130 135 degrees i like medium rare if it's not there at the time i want to bring it out of the oven turn your oven on to about 3 25 let that meat come up to temperature shut off your oven we're going to take the meat out we're going to let it rest on the counter for about 20 minutes and that way all of the juices go back up into all the fiber into all the meat so that you have a really really luscious piece of meat otherwise if you cut it too early you're going to have blood all over your plate all the juices are going to spill out of the meat and they're going to end up with a gray piece of expensive meat now when you're looking at the price of these things i got this at costco and it ran me about 82 for this three bone roast now that would sound like a lot of money and compared to ground chuck it is but if you're buying steak or if you're buying brisket some of those this isn't too bad a deal because you're going to end up eating probably at least five to six portions off of here and maybe even more depending on how much you eat so let's get started okay first thing we're going to do unwrap it now i've had it out on this counter getting it up to room temperature because that's important you don't want to just pull it out of the refrigerator and stick it in the oven we'll put a little bit of oil on it doesn't have to be a lot mainly just to have a seasoning be able to stay on and i use the montreal steak seasoning like i do for a lot of things i think it's a good blend now again you want to be fairly liberal because this is eight pounds of meat now one of the things that you'll see is i'm putting it on the bone side as well because you don't want it just to be on the meat side now we do have some fat on the back of this you could trim that if you want i'm not going to trim it off unless it was excessive if you have a decent butcher or in this case i was just fortunate that costco had a decent cut i didn't take any of that off now some people would prefer to just use kosher salt put a lot of salt on it first and then they would do their others but i'm just using this blend it's a nice blend we're going to take it and put fat back up top so your bones are on the bottom in the roasting pan okay that's it into the oven we'll see in a number of hours okay so 500 degrees you do five minutes per pound we add about eight pounds so that's 40 minutes at 500 degrees turn the oven off let it rest for about two two and a half hours if you get it before it's been too long you can actually just take it out of the oven let it rest on the counter for about 20 minutes so all the juices get back up into the meat and cut it ours we left a little bit long so we turned up the oven to about three and a quarter let the temperature rise back up took it out again let it sit on the counter as you can see it's a beautiful piece of meat we're going to now carve this and show you what it looks like came out a perfect medium rare about hundred and 120 degrees if you let it go to about 120 you're at rare so i like a little bit more done than that we're gonna serve this with a little bit of broccoli and having a wonderful meal i hope you've enjoyed this if you do please like us subscribe on youtube tell your friends leave us comments and as again we'll see you back in the kitchen [Music]
Channel: Cooking with Bill Bowman (ASL)
Views: 24,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cz_MRjIRjVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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