Prime Rib Roast

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hi i'm chef frank this is proto cooks and today we're making a prime rib roast just a small one i want to take a minute and talk about what prime rib is right so this is basically a rib eye on the bone so it's on the ribs prime is its grade so when we talk about prime beef it's the highest level of beef you can get the best cut so it goes prime choice and then select most supermarket meat is choice and select so that's why you pay so much money for a prime piece of meat how do you select a piece of prime meat basically what i'm looking for is fat i want to see a lot of fat inside the muscles a lot of fat inside the muscles this piece of meat has a nice amount of intramuscular fat you can see all this streakiness and that's what i'm looking for okay it's got a really nice tight muscle structure it's not kind of like spongy at all so this is a really nice piece of meat there's a couple of things i need to do before i get this rib roast in the oven and the first thing i'm going to do is get my pan ready i'm going to put some vegetables or aromatics and some herbs in the bottom of the pan to keep this off of the bottom so it doesn't kind of sit and stew in its own juice i'm also going to put it there because i'm going to make a joue or a sauce with the drippings at the end one of the first things you have to do when you make a roast is choose a roasting pan now i am not one for traditional roasting pans i find that you really can't use them for a lot of different things so i have my my really nice cast iron enamel the kind of dutch oven it's a large dutch oven and this fits a really big roast and it kind of does the same function as a roasting pan but i can use it for a ton of other things so this is what i defer to when i do big roasts i'm going to put my aromatics in the pan as a base for my roast so i'm going to take my time and just throw it in there it can go in the bottom it doesn't need to be on top i have a head of garlic and i'm not gonna really do anything to the garlic except cut it right in half it gets thrown right in i have some mushrooms and i'm gonna cut most of this stuff fairly large because this roast is gonna cook for about two hours maybe a little more and i don't really want these to be small because for the most part they'll burn uh and i want to kind of give up the flavor but i don't want them to burn so i have a bunch of carrots too and we're just going to whack them up i'm not too worried about uh how they look because these are basically get strained out but i do want them to be fairly large because i just don't want to burn there's some onions and i'm just going to take my onions and throw them in there in half so like i said this is going to keep our roast off the bottom of the pan because there's going to be a lot of juices collecting in the bottom of the pan and we don't want the roast sitting in those juices we also want to get some air circulation underneath the roast so this is going to give us like that effect of having a roasting rack underneath it so that's all i'm going to do with that i'm going to take a little bit of vegetable oil on the bottom here just a little bit of salt because i do want to season these up a little and i'm gonna get the roast and put it on top of this there's a few things i do before i put my roast in the oven first thing i did is i turned my oven on i put my oven about 400 and i'm gonna leave it on for about a half hour before i put this in the oven the other thing i did was i took this roast out about an hour before i planned on roasting it i don't really like putting ice cold meat in the oven and an hour is not going to get us sick if we leave this out on the counter so i leave it on the counter for about an hour just to get it a little more room temperature before i throw it in the oven another thing i'm going to do is i'm going to tie it with a little butcher twine i'm just going to tie it in between the ribs just to try and hold the meat a little tighter so it roasts a little more evenly right now it's super firm because it's it's fairly cold but once it starts to heat up it's going to kind of like it'll start to move around a little and i'm going to tie it up so that it holds the meat nice and firm sometimes you'll see these roasts have the bones at the top frenched off and frenching the bones is basically where you're taking any of the meat or any of the tissue off of the bones i don't necessarily like to do this with this cut of meat a lot of people like make think it makes it look a little bit better and i think it does make it look better but for me the whole idea of frenching the bone is so that you can actually pick the bun up with your hand and even though you might be tempted to pick this up with your hand you're not going to pick up a huge piece of rib eye with your hand so i kind of stay away from frenching the bones for this let's tie this roast up i have some butcher twine uh this is like fine butcher twine but you can get like heavier gauge stuff uh this is um like i said it's finer so i'm gonna double it up and i want to take my butcher twine i'm gonna go around my roast so i get around the bone and i'm not really gonna go super tight i'm just gonna tie it tight enough so that it holds the meat together and then i'm gonna do basically put three pieces of twine on this just gonna go underneath right in between the bone tie it nice and tight okay this will just help it roast a little more evenly if it starts to kind of like shrink up a little keep it nice and tight okay the roast is tied let's get it into the pot and i'm going to kind of stand it and put my bones on the edge of the pot so it holds it up a little when i season this roast the first thing i'm going to do is put a little oil on it and the oil really isn't there to get any fat i just find that if you rub a little oil on this at this point it helps the salt and the pepper stick just a little bit better so i just give it a little coating of vegetable oil you can use whatever you want if you want to use butter use butter we're gonna season this up now and people are gonna probably give me a really hard time about this but when i get a piece of meat like this all i do is salt and pepper it's a beautiful cut of meat and it doesn't need much more we're gonna make a jew the jew i'm gonna flavor up with herbs and garlic and all that but for the most part whenever i cook a beautiful piece of meat like this i am a purist i stick with salt and pepper so always crack your own pepper i find that fresh cracked black pepper is the way to go get a little on the sides i don't go too crazy with the pepper but i do go fairly heavy with the salt you can see i'm doing a really heavy sprinkle of the salt i'm going to stand it up a little get my salt down the side as well season up the edges but i'm going to give this a really really nice coating of salt before it goes in the oven look at that isn't it beautiful we're all seasoned up let's go over to the oven okay we're going in oh yeah baby going in the oven now that the roast is in the oven there's a few things i want to talk about that are fairly important the first thing is what temperature i cook it at right and with big roasts like this i like to start them off really high or fairly high at about 400 425 just to kind of kick off the browning process once the outside and the fat starts to get brown i will lower it down to about 350 325 for the rest of the cooking time and i just like to kick off that browning process to get a nice crust on the outside the other thing i want to talk about is how long i'm going to cook it right and i'm going to cook it for probably about two and a half hours to three hours the rule of thumb is about 15 to like 17 minutes per pound mine's about 11 pounds so about two and a half to three hours depending on you know ovens because everyone's oven's a little different uh and depending on how it's calibrated or not your oven could go a lot faster a lot slower so you want to check on it about halfway through that time about an hour into cooking right my family likes it medium i'm going medium so that's about 140 degrees fahrenheit or 60 degrees celsius if you want to go rare it's going to be 120 degrees fahrenheit and about 49 degrees celsius if you want it well done you don't want it well done don't do it it's about 160 degrees fahrenheit and about 71 degrees celsius those temperatures might seem really low but what's going to happen is when they hit those temperatures we're going to take the whole thing out of the oven it's a really big piece of meat and it's going to continue to cook for about 20 25 minutes after we take it out of the oven so we want to start a little lower so it has time to come up to temperature another reason why we want to let it sit out is because we want it to rest if you slice a piece of meat when it first comes out of the pan or out of the oven it's going to bleed out it's going to be a lot of juice all the juices are going to spill out and you're going to have a dry piece of meat in front of me i have a couple of pieces of equipment that are extremely helpful when you're doing big roasts like this i have a thermometer here that is a probe thermometer that goes into the piece of meat and pretty much stays in the meat the whole cooking process it has magnets on the back so it'll stick to your oven and it has like a stainless steel wire so it doesn't burn um this is good it has an alarm on it when the internal temperature hits the temperature it beeps and it tells you that it's ready that's great i'm a little more interactive and i use a probe thermometer and i like the probe thermometer a little bit better is because when i tempt this meat i'm not just going to go into one spot i'm going to go into a couple of spots and give myself like almost like an average temperature because a lot of times if you stick it in the wrong place the temperature shoots up and you're like why is it so hot already so i tend to go into a few different places with the probe thermometer oh man look at that holy cow look at that so it's out of the oven uh it's been about two and a half hours um i went from about 400 degrees i lowered it down to about 350 uh 400 degrees for about 45 minutes and then lowered to 350 for the rest of the time i did add a little water to the bottom because my vegetables are getting a little dark it's done it's out let's temp it i'm going to stick to the temperature of the thermometer deep into the center of it i want to go right in the middle here and i move it in and out just until i get a good average so we're at about 120 right there it's definitely going to be kind of hotter around the edges we're at about 1 30 over there so i think we're good we're going to let it rest okay so what we'll do is take it out of the pan i have a rack and some foil and we'll put it on the rack cover with foil and let it rest okay so let's take it out of the pan and i have a pair of tongs and a spatula i'm gonna put on a rack i'm just going to tempt it with a little bit of foil i don't want this to steam so i'm just going to put this on here to keep it warm but i do want some of the steam to come out the roast is resting right and i have a bunch of vegetables and a lot of the juice that caramelized to the bottom here what i'm gonna do is strain off some of the fat to start there's a lot of fat in there and i'm going to keep it and i'm going to strain off it until i start seeing some juices coming out so i have some really nice beef fat there and i'm going to use this later on as a side dish for this maybe in another video to make beef fat potatoes i strained the fat off the vegetables and now i'm just going to deglaze with some water to get all those nice beef juices off i have about four cups of water and i'm just making the juice here you can use stock but for the most part i'm just using water because it's going to have a nice strong flavor just from what's in the pan and i want it to be kind of a light juice okay so i'm just gonna get in there and scrape off all the bits on the bottom the vegetables are really nice and caramelized oh look at that you can see it has a really nice deep brown color i'm gonna let this come to a boil season it and then i'm going to strain it so this came to a simmer i scraped off all the edges i'm going to season it up really well [Music] salt and black pepper this is a super simple sauce we're using basically all the drippings and a little bit of water but the veggies get nice and caramelized the mushrooms add a ton of flavor to this so that's why i didn't use stock it's just a really nice you and a jew is just clear right we're not going to thicken this at all it's just going to be kind of a nice clear thin sauce that is going to just accent the flavor of the beet let me taste with my star wars spoon that i got in a cereal box just a little more salt oh good a little more pepper okay i'm gonna give it a stir and we're going to strain this out now that the juice is done we're going to strain it the veggies are basically going to go into compost and basically if the veggies have done their job they've flavored the sauce and they really don't have much flavor left in them i try not to push this through i just kind of move the veggies around to try and get a little liquid to go through i don't really want any of that veggie matter to go into my sauce i want it to be nice and thin but i guess if you want you could actually puree some of the vegetables up to thicken your sauce which would be a nice way to thicken it okay give it a couple of taps now this is even better the next day too because the next day uh it'll form uh like the fat will form the skin on top and you can peel all the fat off so it'll be like a nice fat free zoo okay let's put this aside and let's carve our prime rib the juice is done we have that set aside the prime rib roast has rested look at that isn't she beautiful uh the first thing i'm going to do is take off the butcher twine take the twine off we don't want to serve anyone any twine but look at that noodle nugget i'm gonna eat that nugget oh my god it's so good i know i'm a savage what can i say we got a beautiful crust of salt on it i have a lot of juices on my uh on my tray underneath here okay i'm gonna save those and i'm gonna put in my juice but for now i'm just gonna take this whole big thing and put it on my carving board now in order to carve this easily right i could easily just cut this into four big stakes but i'm going to cut it a little thinner than that so i'm going to take it off the bone now the bones don't go to waste right there's plenty of good meat i just follow the bone until i get to the bottom oh my gosh i'm just going to take it off the bone here i'm going to struggle a little but oh my goodness these bones are delicious you do not throw them away you eat them so we're just going to slice those right down and then they get these for someone to gnaw on right okay i'm just going to keep tasting as i go and put these aside for now okay and then i'm going to start slicing oh my gosh oh so it's a little more done here but i'd expected that because the roast will be a little uh it was a little smaller but we have a nice pink center look at that prime rib nice and medium ta-da look at that beautiful let's plate it up and give it a taste so we got our piece of prime rib sliced i'm going to put a little bit of my juice on there this reminds me of my days back in catering i'm going to give this a taste let's see delicious it's buttery it's rich it's got some really nice mineral flavor from the beef some sweetness from the onions absolutely delicious you should make this for your family it's a really nice cut of meat it's absolutely delicious and what's great about it too is that if you don't eat it all it's really wonderful for leftovers you can make roast beef hash you can make sandwiches out of it like you know take the beef and put it on a roll or an onion roll and dip it all in the juice absolutely delicious uh or steak and eggs the next morning so it's great for leftovers as well i hope you enjoyed this video if you did give us a thumbs up like and subscribe hit the little bell to get notifications when we have new videos uh we have need salt merchandise down below i'd like to thank all my patrons for supporting us on patreon thank you guys thank you thank you we have an address below if you want to contact us that way and that's it i hope you enjoyed it prime rib roast i'm chef frank this is proto cooks have a good one [Music] you
Channel: ProtoCooks with Chef Frank
Views: 42,351
Rating: 4.9499278 out of 5
Keywords: #primerib, #ribroast, #roast, #ribeye, #roasting101, #cheffrank, #chefdaddy, #needssalt
Id: CDvJRvkgC0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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