How to Convert Forms to Fillable PDFs with Adobe Acrobat Pro

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hi there, welcome to Teachers Tech my name is Jamie  and it's great to have you here today today I want   to show you how to use Adobe Acrobat Pro to create  a fillable form and this can be done really really   quickly so let me give an example now here is a  PDF and if I click in any of these spots you can   see it's not fillable I had to have to print out  fill it out by pen and that would work if that's   what you want but if you want to turn it into  this where I can click into a spot and type this   and then save it and then be able to send it to  somebody filled out with neat font and everything   whatever you choose I'm going to show you how to  do that and you can go through and be adding your   check marks very quickly customizing the colors  font size and more so you can actually even start   from a you can start from a PDF you can start from  an image you can even start from a Microsoft Word   file I'll show you all those today on how to  create a fillable form with Adobe Acrobat Pro   foreign so here are the three files that I'm  going to be working with today you can see I   have the PDF I have the word file and I have a  PNG file also that I'm going to be converting   into a fillable form so the first thing that  I'm going to do is actually just open up my   Adobe Acrobat Pro so if I go down I can search  for it if you don't have it pinned you can see   I've been using it so it's right there now I also  do have it set as my system viewer so if I just   go ahead and open up this PDF it's going to open  up automatically so if I just double click on my   PDF and there you go here is the form you can see  it's not fillable but in a few seconds I'm going   to change that with the newest version of Adobe  Acrobat Pro you're going to see all tools on the   left hand side if you're if you haven't updated  yours if you are using it you might see it on the   right hand side that's where it used to be but  again with the update this is where it is now   this is how quickly you can create a fillable form  if I go down with all tools all the way to just   prepare a form I can go ahead and click on this  and now at this point I can just click create a   form now I could also click this this document  requires the signatures I click that have it   but I'm not going to do that I'm not worried  about with this form so I'm just going to go   and create the form and you can see right now it  gives me spots to fill in now I can't really just   test it at this point if I look down in the bottom  corner here it says preview so if I go to preview   here it gives me an idea if I was once I'm done  and save it and sent it to someone what it would   look like so now if I click into it I can start  typing things out but maybe you want to go through   and make some changes so I can see right away if  I click here they don't have the check marks here   they just thought this was text so each time when  you open a form you're going to see that it will   change sometimes it will get everything that did  a pretty good job of selecting where everything   went and then other times I've done this and it  doesn't find everything but you can simply add it   it's very quick to add it so let's go through and  make some changes to this so we can get it just   the way we want I'm going to go back up to exit  preview here and the first thing that I want to   point out notice that each of these fields here  so you can see where its first name has I put my   first name here and this is called last name that  each of these has a name so we have undefined we   have address ZIP code email different things  like that now the reason why that we do that   is because each field has to have a individual  name can't be the same as anything everything   else or else if I filled out the one it would  fill out the other one with the if it had the   exact same name now to get to any of these fields  if I just go ahead and double click on them here   I get this the text Field properties open up and  you can see this is where I can change the names   to this so depending on what you want to call  them the main thing is that it has to be each   one has to be unique so if I didn't want that to  say last name and just have this one first name   I can quickly change this so I can also make some  changes with this so if I go through you can see   from appearance here I can with the borders  and cells right now I have no border around   but I can simply just click on this and choose to  have a border and then pick how thick I want this   line with the medium or thick now I'm going to  keep the borders off on this one and just turn   it off back like this now I do want to point out  you can choose your font size now if it's on auto   uh if you're if you keep typing if something got  larger it will shrink to kind of fit in the field   but you can set it to a certain size too so if you  wanted your font size to be 10 you could just set   it to 10 and that's what it would be so in this  case I'm going to just leave this as 10 text color   I'm going to leave it as black but you can change  your text color as well and your font that will   appear so if I'm going to go through these this  is just a position tab where the field is you can   adapt but we can also drag these around and I'll  give an example of this coming up here we have our   options we want it alignment left you can quickly  change that uh we can go through and select what   we want from check spelling scroll long length  when I get down to this address one I'm going to   show you the multi-line here that we can turn this  on this I know it's not going to be multi-line   here but you can go through and change any of  these ones we have an action so we have a trigger   you can play with all these different items to  see what how you want things to look and act when   you hover over different parts of it we have our  format so you can see we can have if it's going   to be a number percentage date we can change the  format that we want in here and this one it's not   set up I don't think any of these ones will have  to change that and we can have a validate field   value is not validated this is not connect this  won't matter to anything that we select on here   and we can also do a calculation but again I won't  have to do it on this form here this is a pretty   simple straight forward so again any of these ones  we can change on this by just double clicking any   of them and you can see how they each have their  on their names now I'm going to make a change here   right away uh to this one here so if I double  click on this and then go over to my options   this is already selected so it knew it's probably  saw the larger box it's on Multi multi-line right   now so it'll be able to I'll be able to fill it  if it was longer than the box I'll be able to   kind of arrow down as I go through and have some  more you can see the different options on it if   I go back to the appearance it's on auto so if I  kept typing a lot the text font would get smaller   and smaller and smaller to fit into the field  but maybe I just want this let's say on the 12   or 10 you can pick whatever you want there so some  other changes that I'm going to make remember this   was not a check check box so if I click on this I  can just go ahead and I'm going to hit delete on   my keyboard now and I'm going to get just kind of  delete these ones because I know they put them in   as a text box and I didn't want that here so I'm  going to go over to the left and select what do   I want here so this is where I'm going to put the  check box so if I go ahead and click on this I can   place a check box when I hover over where I want  and you can see there it is it pops in now I'm   just going to go and zoom up here a bit so we can  see this a little bit better and it's all aligned   I'm only going to put one I could go through each  one but what I'm going to do is actually set the   settings that I want and then I can copy paste and  you can do this the same with anything too so I'm   just going to go back just the text here let's  uh just test this out here let's just go preview   and if I preview it you can see I can click on and  off it defaults on black the Border isn't quite it   doesn't quite fit around so if I go exit preview  I can make this larger I can drag this around so   notice I can drag this around and I can place it  wherever I would like so if I decide I can just   drag the corner here make it larger and it might  not be perfect as I do this if I was spending more   time I would make sure that I get it exactly the  way I want so I get this one text box like this   double click on it you can see the different check  box properties that I can change so if I wanted   a different color color border or the check mark  let's say we'll make it red I can do those things   very quickly we still have our actions and options  as well through here so let's say I get this all   done and I can just hit close I can copy paste  anything that I want so if I go I'm just going   to go ahead and hit Ctrl C now I'm going to  hit Ctrl V and notice it placed it up here but   maybe the size if it was all perfect and I spent  time on that now I don't have to change the size   now the problem is now when I copy pasted the  names date exactly the same take a look at this   my preview if I click this it fills out this  one because it has a The Identical name to it so   remember what I said before they each have to have  a unique name same thing would work if I had these   two named the same thing first name if I filled in  this one my name would also be filled in this one   so I'm just going to go ahead and exit the preview  so I would have to go through if I double click on   this one I could quickly change it maybe I put a 2  there so I would have to go through I'm just going   to paste a few more so Ctrl V I'll go through and  then I'll just paste one more and I'll place them   when you're moving them you can move you can just  click the middle you can see and I can click and   hold and move it around to get it where I want so  then I would have to go through and then this is   going to be number three go to this one and then  this can be number four very important that you   change all these names here so in this would be  number five like this all right so if I go ahead   and preview it now we we have this form where  I can check individually they're not connected   I can turn them on and off and I just want to  bring attention to this one now so if I just type   um something in and I'm going to just copy and  paste this so you'll be able to see here I'm   just going to go Ctrl C just to fill this out I'm  just going to paste this a few times you can get   an idea how it goes in and look I have the scroll  right here so it automatically added this so I can   add a place where if a person needs to type a lot  more that's available through them right through   there so I haven't finished all these ones yet  these I would just continue on if it is going   to be the check boxes I would do the same thing  with any of these now I do want to point out you   have all this all these different things in here  so I'm just going to close this so you can see a   little bit more now I can still add add things to  this so I could delete different parts I could I   go through and add more so for an example let's  say I wanted to have a drop down list for one   of these or make a new one so if I click drop  down I could go ahead and let's say we'll put   it right here this is just an example and now  to make any changes to this just like before I   can double click on it and you're going to see  when it opens up I have all my different tabs   up here where I can you know change the colors and  different things like I showed you before but what   I want here is be able to have the options here  so I need to add different items so I'm going to   keep this pretty simple I'm just going to say item  item one oops not two one and add so now I have   one I'm going to put in two add and I'm going to  put in three and add so now what this does so if   I I go ahead and close this again I can make all  those changes to how things look but if I preview   it now I have a drop down here where I can choose  that so if there's a part on this if you know the   drop down is is going to be important where they  just choose maybe to want them to fill something   out you can quickly add those so take a look at  the different things that you can add over here   and make sure you double click on them and then  look at the different properties of each one if   you're all done you need to save this so if I go  up to here and save this you can see I'll just   do an example here I'm going to put it on my  desktop here and we'll just I'm going to add a   number three after this just so it's a different  name on it to make sure it's on my desktop and   save so here is the file that I just saved to my  desktop here and to open this I'm just going to go   for this example I'm going to use Chrome so I have  Chrome here I can just drag this into the window   and here is the form I can see it's fillable but  take a look all the information that I saved the   form with is still there so if I would send  it out and I just saved and wrote things into   test you'd want to make sure you delete that  information before you save it and send it out   to people unless it was an example but they can  still if I was going to go ahead and change you   know the person could fill out over and put their  new name and fill out all this information and   then they can go through using like something  like Chrome here download with your changes so   then it would be the updated one that they could  send back to you so that's how you go ahead and   you can create a fillable form with Adobe Acrobat  Pro here pretty quick and you can adjust make all   those changes and you can do a lot of other things  with Adobe Acrobat I have a different video also   that I can show you all the amazing things that  you can do with it but let's move on to the one   thing I mentioned at the very beginning is what  can you do with a word file and an image and how   to turn those into a form so maybe you don't  have a PDF you have a word file or a picture   so take a look at this this is Microsoft Word and  I have this form created in Microsoft form now I   could create I could share it like this but let's  say if you wanted to turn to into a PDF fillable   form watch how easy this is I'm going to close  this down I'm going to take this word file and   I could go file open like you can usually do the  programs but I'm just going to drag over and I can   see that it's converting it at this moment I have  the little hourglass there or the watch happening   so it doesn't take very long it's a very short  one and boom just like that this becomes a PDF   and now I can go ahead and prepare the form create  the form I need to save it first so I'm just going   to go ahead and save it overwrite that and now you  can see I have all the spots if I preview it here   to go ahead and start filling in the information  and making the changes like I showed you before   so I'll exit that preview the other thing you can  do is so with a picture if I just double click on   this one you can see this is just an image here so  here's an image of a medical form so if you took a   picture of something and then just drag it into  Adobe Adobe Acrobat can turn pictures into PDFs   as well so I'm just going to hit OK on a few of  these it goes through I'm just going to confirm   some of this stuff and now I can go ahead and  prepare the form the exact same way that I showed   you before and save it and it's going to go ahead  and open this up just like that so now notice it   missed a couple spots with the check marks and  here's some line but I can quickly go through   at this point if I needed a text field I can go  through and add those text fields to any of those   spots I can go ahead and add check boxes like I  showed you before and make all those changes so   that's how you can work create a fillable form  using Adobe Acrobat Pro and whether you're using   a Microsoft Word file or an image all these you  can do very quickly so I hope this gave you a good   understanding on how to use Adobe Acrobat Pro to  create a fillable form let me know what else you   were interested in learning about Adobe Acrobat  Pro I have a different video if you're a complete   beginner to it and seeing all the great things  that I can do I'll put the link down below thanks   for watching this time on teachers Tech I'll see  you next time with more Tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 88,486
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Keywords: how to create a fillable pdf form, how to make a fillable pdf, adobe acrobat pro dc, Acrobat Pro fillable forms, Converting paper forms to digital, Creating interactive PDF forms, Acrobat Pro form design, Fillable PDF tutorial, Digital form conversion, PDF form customization, teacher's tech, jamie keet, Convert forms to digital with Acrobat Pro, PDF form creator tutorial, fillable pdf, create a fillable pdf, fillable pdf form
Id: xyZgA5yu2ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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