Acrobat Pro DC Tutorial

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hello everyone my name is dave casuto instructor for learn it and welcome to our acrobat pro dc class i am very excited to show you all the cool things that acrobat has to offer the new and improved interface of acrobat pro makes it so much easier than ever to accomplish so much with your pdf documents so what are we going to cover in this class we're going to learn how to convert non-pdf documents to the pdf format we're also going to cover how to combine different file formats to pdfs including how to make portfolios we then do a nice deep dive into the editing toolbar to modify text images and layout adding headers and footers and creating all kinds of different types of hyperlinks we also learned how to personalize the toolbar and interface of acrobat to make it easier for you to navigate we then cover the important sections on all the commenting and accessibility tools and also how to create forms security and so much more now this course is designed to be an interactive hands-on course so occasionally you'll hear me say pause the video and practice on your own so make sure you download the class files from the link below to do so this will ensure you get the most out of the course and learn the program in a more experiential hands-on manner i'm looking forward to teaching you all the cool things that acrobat has to offer so stay tuned and get ready to learn if you're enjoying these videos please like and subscribe if you want to earn certificates and digital badges please become a member of our patreon the link is in our video description if you have any questions you want answered by one of our instructors please join our off-site community the link is in the description as well and as i mentioned this course does have exercise files and you'll find them in the video description below welcome welcome everyone your eyes do not deceive you yes this is a microsoft word document and i know that this is an acrobat pro class so why are we in this microsoft word environment because a lot of you are going to be in this environment a lot of you are going to be working in a word document and you want to convert it into a pdf so let's now talk about the process and how we do it and of course we're going to talk about the whys of what we're going to do now you'll see this particular document has a number of different elements on it it's got some images it's got some styles on there it's also got some comments you'll also notice that it's got some links and all that good stuff in there and we're gonna see if word and acrobat can work together to make all these things then get churned out in a very effective and fluid way all right now there's a number of different ways for us to export our documents to pdf and we're going to explore a few of them so let's now go over here to our file menu and you're going to see there's this option for export when i click on that you're going to see very simple is this option to create an adobe pdf fantastic and it tells me here convert pdf using acrobat and you can see blah blah pretty much like bragging about the virtues of what a pdf can do okay so yeah definitely for security hey it's going to be printable and viewable in most formats pdf in case you don't know stands for portable document format so that makes it so it can be available pretty much on most computers these days all right now when you are working in word you'll see if you have the acrobat plug-in like i do you're going to see it's going to look like this if you don't you will have something like this and this is going to be the microsoft version of that okay so i'm going to be just using this one and you'll see when i click on that it's going to pop up give me the option to now just save it and it's going to be a pdf okay now while i'm doing this you'll notice a few options here now i can name it of course and i can also view the results afterwards i can also restrict editing if i want to i want to choose that it's going to ask me to put in a password all that good stuff i'm going to cancel that you'll also notice that there's more options for me to work with and i can play around with these as well okay so we're going to be exploring these in a different context but i want you to just notice that when you are saving to not ignore these extra options like to restrict editing if you want a password to protect and when you go to options taking a look at some of the other things all right so i'm going to cancel this i'm going to hit the back button and this time i'm going to go in a little different route for when i am saving my word document into a pdf and i'm going to go over here to this guy right up there where it should say acrobat most of you if you have acrobat pro on your computer it should automatically come up with this extension for microsoft word so i click on that you're going to see that there's a lot a lot a lot of different options here okay you can see i can just create my pdf right here i can set up my preferences and then notice here's the group to create and share there's mail merge review and comments right acrobat comments right all these things we're going to ignore pretty much all of these for right now just for this introductory part but i'm going to go to over here to my preferences first before i create my pdf because this is going to be a one-stop shop and i think a little bit easier to access so when i click on that you're going to see this adobe acrobat pdf maker dialog box pops up give me a whole bunch of options for how i want to ultimately export this document okay so you can see here's my conversion settings and this is pretty much just going to be sort of a preset for a number of different things as far as our resolution what format what version you want to do it in right all kinds of different things that you can choose from here in terms of your high quality print maybe you want to be making it the smallest file size these are essentially just like presets so as you choose these a lot of your options will then be compliant with what you have chosen within those settings but let's now just keep it at standard for right now and i'm just going to go just choose some of these things that may work for me so do i want to view the pdf afterwards yes or no okay sure fine do you want to prompt for adobe pdf file name sure absolutely like relatively easy stuff there okay now we're going to skip over this advanced button because it's actually not necessary to go there and i've seen that there's a lot of kind of little bugs with it to be perfectly honest with you so we're going to skip over that and then over here for a pdf and then a which stands for archive compliance that's when you're working with an older version sometimes it'll ask you to be compliant in that way if you want to embed your fonts and it's not working for you so you can choose some of these older options as it comes up if you want to now you'll also see here's my application settings do you want to create bookmarks you know based off of bookmarks you have inside of word you can absolutely do that add your links absolutely if you're working with accessibility absolutely choose whatever you like right as you're doing this okay so it's totally up to you for security remember we saw that earlier with our dialog box now we can see it in all one window so do you want to require a password to open the document certainly yes and then you put in the password whatever you want but i'm not going to make that the case so here is also the option to restrict editing and printing of the document okay so if you don't want people to be able to print it or edit it or anything like that but they can open it then you would put a password onto it okay so you can say here different parameters if you want people to print they can only print low resolution maybe you're trying to control that within your within your company however you want to do that but just know what your options are here and it's just good to know that you do have that kind of control i'm going to turn that off before i forget all right and then again you'll see some other options once that is on do you want to enable copying of text or not okay if you're trying to protect your content that's where this whole area is about all right now let's go over to here to the word section you'll see here are some word features that are available and do we want to bring those over into our pdf so convert displayed comments to notes in adobe pdf yes absolutely have those there so those are going to be converted and then convert footnotes and endnote links if you want to do that if you have those there they will convert them as well and the same thing with signatures now you'll also see here that i have my comments great you can see bam there it is that's who's made the comments and then you can say do you want to include these or not and then you can also change the color of the comments very simply just by clicking clicking clicking all right bam and that is how they're going to come in okay pretty neat so you just have that kind of control how you want to do that and it's going to convert it nicely now if we go to here to bookmarks do you want to convert word headings to bookmarks earlier i mentioned how we have these little headings across the board you can convert these into bookmarks when you bring them into your pdf document obviously we have not talked about bookmarks yet we're going to get into those but we'll see what one looks like in just a few moments right now you could also choose any of these if you have any styles on there convert those into bookmarks okay and if you have word bookmarks that are actual bookmarks maybe you want to convert those too all right so if you're not comfortable with bookmarks but you are comfortable with headings and styles you'll still ultimately get bookmarks which is pretty neat okay so i'm pretty much good with that now i'm ready to create my pdf it's going to take me back to the same dialog box i go over to here all right and then i'm just going to just put in some content here okay so word converts excellent now i'm going to say save and make sure i have view results i click on that and little engine is running very happy look at that going crazy and now it opens up to acrobat and i'll be able to see everything okay including all my images there all my text all right very good and then i look at that there's a little comment that shows up there lovely wonderful oh my links got transferred over love that came in pretty smoothly all right now earlier we talked about bookmarks so let's go ahead and go over to here to our bookmarks and look at that all my headings are now bookmarked so i can simply click on those and that takes me directly to that section where those bookmarks are which in fact before were just heading styles so very smart very efficient and very effective all right so you have this document to work with and maybe another document you want to work with please practice that up and then also give it a shot with your excel documents and also powerpoint if you like see you in the next lesson now that we have a document ready to go let's use this as an opportunity to explore the acrobat pro interface there is a lot to explore here and there's actually a lot to customize so it's pretty exciting they've done quite a bit to make it a very user friendly experience some things can be a little bit hidden so we'll be exploring that but much of it can be very personalized to your liking so we're just going to do a kind of a broad stroke overview and then we're going to get in a little bit deeper in the next exercise of how we can actually do some customization of our toolbar so let's just first of all explore kind of what's what and what's where on the left hand side you're going to see a number of different icons here right move your mouse over it it'll tell you what they are bookmarks page thumbnails attachments etc but you know what though i can't really see everything so when i click on it then i'm able to see oh great wonderful what about this and we saw that earlier right we were working at the bookmarks wonderful okay do i have any attachments on this no i don't and this is the order you want to be working with in terms of the tab structure in case you are doing this for accessibility purposes so you can see this is going to be the tab order which we're going to be talking about in future lessons but currently just understanding that these are all accessible just by clicking on them and you can collapse them very easily just by clicking over here this little little arrow and then that goes away so it gives you even more screen real estate click on it again a little bit more access and then bam you click on these icons and you can see everything there now a lot of these little panels will have little sub panels inside of here right so you can see that within my thumbnails i have a number of different options to explore different things depending on what i want to do so if i want to trash this page look at that very easily i can delete that page if i wanted to insert new pages i can do that if i wanted to rotate my pages i can do that so lots and lots of options that we're going to explore in future lessons again we're just looking at the interface so you know you're you could be a little more demystified about what's what and how to get to certain things all right now if i go to my bookmarks you'll see again a very similar type of sort of sub navigation right so very cool go back to that and i'm going to click over here and then i'm going to collapse that now on the top toolbar you're going to see a number of different options available to you now some of you may see different options than me but we're going to be able to customize this in future lessons to be able to make it so it looks exactly how you want it to look all right now a lot of these may look familiar to you like a little save icon you see his little print icon okay you can see i can also go from page to page okay very nice all right so relatively straightforward okay so and you'll see over here some different options here for selecting items there you can see you can do that okay maybe you want to put a comment on that okay so pretty neat you can see here you can pan around the document like going up and down if you like to and then of course zooming in and zooming out and to the right of that you're going to see well maybe i want to zoom in at a very specific pacific zoom level i can do that go back to 100 very cool all right and then these guys here you will see when you click on that how do you want to fit the page in so you'll see here do you want to fit to the with scrolling look at that if it's a nice and big and then i want to fit in one page just like that so then i can see kind of the entire page all at once or go into read mode and you can see how that gets nice and big for me so it's kind of like a presentation i'm gonna hit escape to get out of that and i'm gonna come right back to my full one page just like that all right now this option move page control out of toolbar what what does that even mean oh all of these are my page controls maybe i don't actually want this here so this is going to be our first little precursor to how we can control things so if i click on this now you're going to see how then it appears down below maybe you just kind of want this there all the time kind of floating but i can very easily move that back and then it comes right back to the top toolbar click on it come back over to here and then just notice how when i scroll up and down i'm able to still see those toolbars there right i have to really worry about it if i kind of mouse over bam just pops right up again and i can just move and click that back over there all right now some of these other options again you may or may not have we're going to learn how we can customize this just adding on some of your favorite items there so you have easy access to them now let's go over here to the right hand side and this is where you'll be spending quite a bit of your time and this is where all of your tools live now if for whatever reason you don't see your tools if i click on this guy right here just like how we do on the left hand side right over here if you're missing that you will see it might be collapsed and it's going to look like this if just the icons but no words but if i want to see the words i like to read stuff i know what it is i can now expand that out now you can see what each individual command actually is available to me oh pretty cool so i can very easily say hey i want to create a pdf and click on that cool fantastic right so i can go to these very very easily anytime i want and that's what we're going to do all throughout this class and then the last thing we're going to show you here is very similar to what we're looking at here is this tools option way over here in the upper left and you're going to see that's going to take me to kind of the mother lode of all my tools all right i'm going to go back to my document now and you'll see how i can very easily toggle back and forth between my document itself on this tab and also go back to tools very easily okay and we're going to be exploring all these in due time i just want you to understand the interface all right so you'll also notice that next tools is also home and that's going to take you back to potentially a good helpful place where maybe you want to access some of your files right you want to go through your files that are either recent files that's going to be available you can see you can go through your document cloud if you want to back onto your computer if you like and then a few other kind of nice shortcut tips and tools that you can go through just from here if you like all right but very easily i can go back to my document anytime i want and there i am all right so in a little bit we're going to come back we're going to show you how we can kind of make the toolbar our own but of course that will change in due time for you as you start to learn more and more tools so feel free to experiment and really get to know the interface for right now get comfortable with it before we move on to the next lesson in our last lesson we looked at the general overview of the workspace now we're going to take some ownership over the workspace by controlling what toolbars can show up there and how we can tweak certain parts of it move some things around and really kind of build things up from the ground up and make it so it's personalized for us by us so as we mentioned earlier acrobat gives us a number of different preset tools up on top here on also on the right hand side we have all of our tools now how do we access more tools if we want them if you simply right click up on your top toolbar here you're going to see that there's a number of really wonderful options that appear here do you want to show file tools edit tools page navigation tools wow amazing so i can actually make it so these guys are going to show up or not show up so guess what i have this show file tools and a lot of these things that i already have already checked meaning that they're already showing up here on my top toolbar so for example let's say i don't use the adobe document cloud sorry adobe i click on that and then notice that little cloud icon goes away we right click again you'll see okay great what about now i don't really use my start files that goes away okay just really trying to simplify it right click what about some of my edit tools oh yeah i use undo a lot i definitely want to check spelling so very easily i can just add these on so let's add on check spelling that comes up there and right click over here this time why not so i can be closer to it and then undo definitely want that there right click maybe try to go to another one now page navigation do i really use this actually you know what i kind of don't so it's starting to get a little crowded so i can really remove these very easily do you want to know the page number so i am going to keep that there and then just just you're going to control however you want now you will see that at the bottom we have the option to say hey show me all of the page navigation tools you'll see here same thing show me all of the edit tools okay so if you just want to kind of do them in all fell swoop you can absolutely do that or of course you can reset it just the same all right now you'll want to play around with these whatever's going to be the best for you but i'm just going to go ahead and just bring in certain things and then you can decide what's going to work for you the best so what i'd like to do is i'm going to bring up this actual size i love that because then i can see all right what's that going to look like as far as my images right is it going to look kind of compressed and kind of grainy i just need to know so let's bring up that so i can very easily choose that let's take a look at some other ones maybe do i want to bring in my marquee zoom tool sure why not okay so when i choose that i'll be able to just like zoom in on a certain area very cool and then i can then go right back to this so these guys are kind of counterparts to each other so very neat so right clicking goes a long way for you to be able to just really control what you want okay now let's go ahead and just check out some other things we're going to skip over these for right now and let's bring up our properties bar and notice there's a nice shortcut key for it click on that and you can see based off of what you have selected it's going to show me different properties for that okay so i might want to know little bits of information about that thing here so okay now let's go ahead and check out some of these other options like the menu bar notice how that's checked and then no notice it goes away let's bring it back right pops right back up again menu bar do you want that or do you not want that depending on your screen real estate you might not want that there or you might want it let's check out our toolbars right that all goes away entirely and uh oh what do i do how do i bring it back well it's a good thing i still have my menu up because i just go over here to view and you're gonna see here's my show hide options and then i'm just going to choose my toolbar items and then say show toolbars and it comes right back so in case that ever happens to you you know that you have kind of a get out of jail free card all right so a lot of customization just really looking at just this very simple right click can bring up a lot of options for you okay now let's take a look at this customized quick tools all right i'm going to click on that and this is going to take me to a whole new dialog box where this can be incredibly powerful because i might want to really really start customizing things in a way that's going to be comfortable for me because a lot of things that i saw up there it's kind of missing things and especially as you get more and more advanced with this program you might want to have more options that they're going to offer you so just notice here how it's all created by different categories giving me different options based on different things i might want to do like creating pdfs sure i do that all the time and wow look at all these options here that i can now make a toolbar out of this okay so you'll see again that there's all these different categories of what i can bring in but where's it gonna go it's gonna go up to here so you notice how it says tools to show in the toolbar and then notice what's currently up here so i would then be bringing whatever i use very often into this toolbar that's going to show up over here notice these four are the same as what i have up on top and over here they're compatible with each other so what are some things that you use a lot you really want to ask yourself that question so you can really customize your quick access to those tools okay so for example like comment i do that a lot right so i actually work with let's just say i think i already have some of these up here already so let's just go over here to text boxes right i do that a lot so very simply i can just select the tool that i want that's going to end up over there and on the far right hand side you're going to see this little guy right there basically whispering to me hey move this up there with the rest of these guys i click on that and then cool done and done pretty neat maybe you're using some shapes okay use those a lot and then wow look at that it's just gonna go right there where i want it and of course this is going to be something that you will be changing all throughout in your career with acrobat pro so you'll be exploring all these things is okay so i would delete things all the time okay cool and then i changed my mind later on i can always go back to it so let me click save and now you can see there's my toolbar wonderful oh you know what i want to actually add in some more stuff i right click on there i'm going to go over to here to customize quick tools and then i can go back and i can very easily add some more stuff on there okay so if i want to prepare forms okay cool i'm doing that all the time i go up there but guess what let's say i change my mind maybe there's certain things i don't want in here anymore okay so i'm actually not using the arrow keys anymore so very simply i choose it and then i can click on this little trash can and it's going to go away but now let's say i like these guys here but i want to change the order of them so i can very easily just use these little arrows here so i trash things all the time i just bump that over to the far left i want to be able to see that okay so this one i do forms yeah moderately so let's bring that kind of somewhere in the middle okay so very easy just to kind of change the ordering of things and also add them and also delete them but there's going to be some times when you want to be a little bit more structured with these so you might want to have a little divider depending on what individual things that you're working on here so for example i might want to have a little divider between these right so i'm going to move this over here a little bit this is going to be my commenting stuff and then this is going to be over here just for my trash it's going to be separated out just like that maybe there's going to be another one for your signatures for your forms whatever it's going to be so then i'll add on another one cool now they're all structured and organized for me in a really nice easy to read format so let's check it out i click save and now you can see nicely structured and organized for me and i can see them all very subtly you can see the little line there and i'm pretty happy with that because then i have all my favorite tools easily accessible to me all right next thing we're going to do is talk about how we can customize this set of tools over here on the right hand side so you have a lot a lot of tools to explore we're going to be getting through many many of these in this class but when you want to access them it's as simple as simply clicking on them but when you right click on them you'll notice that there's many options including of course opening them removing these as shortcuts moving them up and down if you want to as well and of course you can learn more about these individual tools so if i'm commenting all the time i right click i can say move up and it's not the most fluid way of doing things would be nice if you can click and drag but you can't do it so you can try it maybe they'll get that in the next version but and if i don't want to have something on here but that i don't use a lot then i can very easily remove it so if i right click on request signatures i can remove the shortcut and it goes away all right now let's go over here to more tools and we'll be able to see oh well here's kind of the mother lode of all the tools that i work with so let's say for example i'm using stamps all the time i can very easily now i can click and drag this to go over here okay and guess what while i'm here now i can click and drag this okay so there is kind of a backup for you while you're in this window but not on the front window okay so just keep that in mind okay the dragging thing does work while you're in this window but not on the front end so it does give you a little bit of functionality and of course while we're here you'll notice here's a little x so i can very easily get rid of these if i want to so i'm going to go ahead and just click on that for send to comments get rid of that and maybe bring in accessibility very important and then that's there okay amazing amazing amazing amazing okay then i'll go back to my document and i'll see there's all my tools all set up ready to go customized by me for me all right so go ahead and pause the video get your workspace really customized knowing the things that you may want to do having those tools accessible for you and then of course knowing that they may change and it's no big deal to make those modifications when it comes up for you okay practice up and we'll see you in the next lesson in this lesson we are going to cover how to create a pdf from multiple documents from multiple files so sometimes you're going to have different types of files like a word document an excel document an image a pdf and you want to bring them into one pdf document okay and that's going to be the case for a lot of you many many times where it's going to be just sort of like a hodgepodge of things but ultimately you want it to culminate into one pdf document and acrobat makes it very easy to do so right now i don't have any documents open here but i can see all my tools available notice i'm in my tools panel also notice over here on the right hand side is my create pdf so either way i can click on create pdf here or i can click on create pdf here and that's what i'm going to do so i click on that and notice this very friendly dialog box pops up create a pdf from any format pretty cool so i can then just convert something that's just one document and then just make into pdf earlier we saw how we could do it directly from word from excel right so from any of these other office programs you can do some of you may not have that extension on there this gives you another way you can do it directly from acrobat pro if you want to now what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to create one from multiple files and i'm going to combine the file so create a single pdf from multiple files notice you also have the option to create multiple pdfs if you want to so convert multiple files into pdfs at the same time okay maybe you want to do that or you can create pdf portfolios which we're going to explore in just a little bit okay so for right now let's just go ahead and just say combine files i'm going to click on next and then very simply go into this little wizard just going to add in the files so i click on add files and it's going to ask me okay so what are the files that i want to work with now you'll see here i have a number of different file types that i'm going to bring in i have two images i've got a word file i got a few pdfs i got an excel document i got powerpoint whoa one big happy family all coming together so i'm just going to kind of marquee over all of these or you could just do commander control a to select them all click on open and then look at that pops right in all ready to go for me to create my one pdf document with several different files in them right now let's just say i love this but i want to change the order of things a little bit so let's just play around with the order first of all so i want to have my pdfs first so guess what just simply click and drag click and drag be a little more forceful with it there you go and then i want to have my images last just drag that okay all right cool love that good to go now let's take a look at some other kind of view options that we might want to be working with so if we look up on top you'll notice that i have these options here to switch to list view or to keep it into this thumbnail view if i click on this notice i get some pretty good options here because not only does it give me the full name of the document but it's showing me the size of the document showing me when it was modified you know all that good stuff so i know okay is this what i'm looking at this is maybe why my file is too big etc so pretty neat and then when i change this view notice it gives me another way to then move them up and down in their order very easily so i'm going to go back to my thumbnail view and love that very good now let's take a look at some of our other options that we have here and guess what if i don't want this cuba picture anymore i can delete it right so i just click on remove there we go if i want to add in more documents of any kind i can go ahead and add in another file i can add in a whole folder i can do it from a scanner from a web page from an email right it's very very scalable what we can add on there all right so of course you'll want to experiment with that all right now let's just go ahead and take a look at some of our other view options notice i can go ahead and just zoom in a little bit and then okay pretty cool now i can actually see my document a little bit better all right yep that's pretty helpful i like that now i can actually see what i'm looking at it's just the right thing but now if that's not good enough and you wanted to actually kind of go into these themselves you'll notice that some of these documents are actually multi-pages and you'll know that as well so if i go over to here and i double click on this notice how it kind of spills out to show me two of those pages let me double click on this cool two pages there what about this one all right good and that was just two pages is a blank page what about that one okay also good two sheets there okay so if you double click on it again double click on it again double click on it again and then it then collapses to its original state all right so if you really wanted to see them again just go ahead and double click on them to see what's inside of them all right so pretty neat lots of good stuff you can do here all right now the last thing i'm going to show you is under these options so when you click on options you will see the first choice you're going to get is about file size because when we're working with these big big documents that we're bringing in if it's going to have images and multi-page pdfs etc you may want to make it not so big because maybe you're going to post it onto a website maybe you're going to email it so acrobat does give you the choice to then actually make it so it's going to be a little bit smaller so it'll optimize those images of course you'll want to make sure that when you do publish it that you didn't degrade any of the quality of the images so just make sure to check that out all right it's because there's only really three choices so they don't really give you a ton of kind of nuance around that okay and then you have some other options here literally other options okay always enable accessibility and reflow all right so we're going to talk about accessibility later on but accessibility when you enable that that's going to allow people who have screen reader devices to be able to access all of your your contents right and also tab through all of your content and most of what we're going to discuss is going to be about having like what we call alt tags on there all text on your images but also making the reflow go in terms of how when people hit tab with their screen reader it'll just go in the right order all right so your documents will need to be set up ahead of time to be able to make that go effectively okay so just keep that in mind if that's a concern for you all right always add bookmarks to the pdf right if you have some bookmarks certainly continue combining if an error occurs right that'll really be up to you we're going to be talking about pdf portfolios in the next lesson so don't worry about that right now and then always delete source files after combining i don't want to do that but just know the option is there if i like so i'm going to click ok and then finally i'm ready to combine all of these files into one pdf magically i click on that and you're going to see it's giving me a nice little status one by one it's converting things it's bringing them all together notice on the bottom i got my little green bar to tell me exactly what it's doing one by one very cool the magic is all happening and you'll see also it's going to open up the actual program itself to borrow from it to then do the conversion and this might take a little while just depending on your files and your file size and everything now amazingly i currently have one file that has 20 pages in it amazing amazing amazing and then if i scroll down i'll be able to see everything here great and okay pdf pdf there's a word document okay look at that there's an excel document okay all right cool love that all right and then wait for it and last but not least there are my beautiful images okay and if i go over here to my pages panel which we're going to be exploring in more detail later on but we'll just see a lot of the things that we should remember from when we brought them in and i'm super happy with that now one thing to note is that when you create a pdf from multiple documents it's going to give it this generic name of binder1 so we will want to save it so we'll say save as and then where do i want to save that it's up to you okay i'll just say combine landon docs all right and then i am good to go and now i have a pdf that is now mine created from several different file formats all right so they make it very very easy for you to do so pause the video practice that and we'll see you in the next lesson where we're going to learn how to create portfolios and in fact what a portfolio even is and welcome back everyone hopefully that was successful for you creating a pdf based off of multiple files and different file types in this lesson we're going to learn about portfolios creating a pdf portfolio now in the last lesson we learned how we can bring in different file types into one and it became one giant pdf all smashed together as one big happy family but let's say you want to bring in individual documents but kind of keep them separate so you might want to have like one separate pdf from another or maybe a photoshop file separate from all the other ones but still create the sort of container and have that container of a pdf portfolio that kind of houses all of those individual documents and it's going to give you all kinds of different control over them in terms of pagination in terms of editing and all kinds of good stuff all right so let's just take a look at what the process looks like and then ultimately what the outcome looks like so similar process is what we did in the last lesson i'm going to click on create pdf and come over to here to multiple files but this time i'm going to choose create pdf portfolio and you can see it gives me a nice little description aggregate and organize multiple types of files into a pdf package intriguing so when i click on next you'll see a slightly different kind of dialog box pops up and i will be able to now just simply add files if i want to or i can add in a whole folder you can do it from a scanner if you want to you can also add them in from a web page now if i choose add files you'll see it's going to be very similar to what i saw before and i can simply just select them all and i'm good to go now if i choose add folder kind of nice is that i can just simply choose the folder right there and then it just comes in just like that so all the contents that are in there so it actually might be a little bit more streamlined for you to do this process okay so very nice you can see i have pdf i have powerpoints i have psds illustrator files right word docs okay wow pretty awesome all coming together but now these are all going to be together but separate from each other now you'll see that some of this stuff is you know relatively similar right where i'll be able to just you know move these around so bam there my photoshop file is first and let's go ahead and bring this one over here right after it okay very cool now you'll also notice that when i move my mouse over and i'm going to get some options here like to delete okay so if i go to this one i'll be able to delete it but i can also kind of expand it doesn't really do much be able to just kind of see it just like that maybe i want to read a little bit better but then if i want to kind of go inside of it notice it says expand six pages i can very easily do that to be able to see what's inside of that powerpoint and if i want to bring it back again i can click on that one more time and as we saw in the last lesson i could also just double click it okay so either way you got lots of control there now just like how we saw when we created our combined pdfs i have different options for viewing so notice i'm in my thumbnail view i can click over to here to my list view and then this will tell me again kind of different sizes for me and then again i can remove something i can move them up and down okay great see when they're modified lots of good stuff here i'm going to go back to my thumbnail view and i'm pretty happy all right but just know before i click on create i can then also say hey let's just add on some more files or i forgot about one i can very easily do that so just keep that in mind you're not stuck so i am good to go i'm very happy with this i'm going to click on create and we'll watch it and amazingly you will see something a little bit different number one my document name is no longer a binder it is a portfolio and then you'll also see something a little bit different notice all of my individual files they stay individual doesn't look like pages here so if i go over here to this pdf and i double click on it notice how it opens up to its own little separate file right there okay let's just try another one how about this powerpoint go to that all right and i'll have to actually preview this because this is from another there you go another file format altogether but okay fantastic great i can go back to that and then i can very easily go back to where i just was all right so you'll be able to do the same thing with all the rest of these so when you send this out everybody will have all of these things packaged together in one document but have several different documents and file formats inside of it okay so pretty neat okay so some of you who are you know working on literally like portfolios like you are actually wanting to show a portfolio and you want to kind of present it and send it out and collaborate in a more kind of streamlined way rather than sending out several individual files portfolios are the way to go all right so practice that have fun and we'll see you in the next lesson and welcome back everybody in this next lesson we're going to get into organizing organizing our documents large or small acrobat makes it nice and easy to insert pages to move around pages to delete crop extract all kinds of good stuff so we're going to start off with our little side panel expanded out where i can actually see my page thumbnails earlier we showed you how to get to that you can see pretty easy to do now we're going to see how we can organize by both using our page thumbnails but also by using our organize pages panel over here and you're going to see there's a lot of overlap so they're very generous with giving you more than one way to do something but not having to go back to both back and forth because they share and overlap some of that capacity all right so just want to say first of all that right-clicking goes a long way in this program so if you right-click a lot of options just pop up here wow insert pages extract oh my god look at that cut copy paste wow so many cool things but also notice if i click on this guy right up here you're going to see that a lot of the same options appear there so maybe you're not a right clicker maybe your computer doesn't have right click don't worry about it you're going to have a lot of the same options available to you okay now you'll also see that other options are available to you just kind of like by default like to delete the pages to insert pages and also check it out you can also rotate the pages if you want to as well so let me just go ahead and first just delete this page i click on that it's going to ask me hey are you sure you wanted to lose a page i'm going to say okay and it goes away pretty cool right and that's gone so maybe i didn't need that anymore it's gone don't need it and i'm good to go now let's see what other things we can do if i right click you can see here i can insert pages and guess what i can insert from a file that already exists from my clipboard that maybe i've copied or maybe even just a blank page so let's go back to one of our documents in one of our folders that we worked with before from file and let me just go ahead and now bring in my wisdom testimonials okay where do i want to put this in i'm going to put this in after page 2 i click ok and look at that that pops right in love that amazing i'm so happy that was so easy four pages brought in no problem okay let's try out a few other things that we can do let's see about extracting a page what does that mean let's say i want to extract this page out actually let's let's do two pages i want both of these pages extracted out into another document so i click on extract pages you can see extract which ones it's the one that i've already selected so that makes it pretty easy and what would you like to do do you want to delete pages after extracting node i do not do you want to extract pages at separate files well what they're asking me here is do i want each of these to be two separate files which i do not so i'm going to click ok and now guess what i now have two pages with both of these guys in there that i just extracted out one and two and the other one remains intact very cool right so very easily you can do that you like something and you want to just export it someplace else just right click does the trick okay so you can see also some other options here is replace the page so if i decide listen i don't want this page anymore i can right click and just replace the page with something else if i want to right so let's bring this up here and then which one i want to do okay i click ok and then are you sure you want to replace them and say yes okay great and then just replace it with all of the pages that were part of that document nice super easy okay so just think about that think about that kind of functionality that you have and also just see how easy it is just by simply right clicking and then following suit deleting pages notice how this is like a dot dot dot this is going to give me the option to potentially not only just do a selected one but i might want to do a range right so let's just now do page three four and five so this time i'm gonna get rid of all the ones that i just brought in i'm gonna click ok and i'm gonna say yes and now those are gone as soon as they came as easy as they go all right no issues at all thank you very much all very happy with that all right let's continue on with some of our other organization options here crop pages what does that mean click on that and like whoa this is interesting maybe you want to crop certain parts of your page out like it's going to allow you to literally like choose which parts that you may or may not want okay so if i now go ahead and just expand this i want you to notice a little box comes in a little box comes out just like that notice how it's going up and down up and down how about from the bottom notice that that's coming in so let's just say this little area there i don't want that anymore i can crop that out and same thing left alright let's bring that in all right pretty cool so all right i'm on my way and now just for right now i'm just going to keep it as is click ok and now look at that no longer do i see that area anymore okay very easily just to crop something out you know and this was this isn't an image so to speak this is actual like a page with some text and everything like that i'm able to just kind of crop that to only show what i want might be a lot more work if you don't know photoshop or indesign to be able to do that so pretty cool to be able to do that very easily but now if you go back to crop pages you can also bring it back okay so if i change my mind just know that i can bring this back down again and all that stuff is going to reappear again so i'm now going to just cancel that because i like what i just did there excellent let's now continue on with some of our organization options and let's go over to here to rotate pages okay so i don't really see too much what i would rotate but you never know basically you're making it go from portrait in this case to landscape all right so let me just go to here and earlier we saw how we can do it this way no problem but if i right click and say rotate pages here notice i'm going to be able to get a lot of those same options and i can also choose a range of pages that i want to rotate okay i'm going to cancel this but i just want you to know if there is a case where you're going to have a range of things that you want to rotate a range of pages you want to rotate you're going to see it's going to be relatively easy to do just by right-clicking and also using our little icons here all right let's just try out some other things here page transition so i'm going to go ahead and highlight everything in this case i'm just going to go ahead and just do controller command a right click and then i'm going to choose page transitions and what we're talking about here is when you're looking at something in slideshow mode you may actually want it to transition to make it kind of just fade in or fade out into something and just by simply choosing one of these transitions so when i choose for example fade right what is the speed do i want it to be i'll just say medium okay very cool and then i don't think i needed to auto flip after some seconds basically if you have people just maybe it's going at you're in a trade show and you want to just go and go and go you may want it to automatically just progress on its own and you can say all right good 10 seconds that's people's attention span let it go and go and go right and then the page range all pages in the document pages selected in the pages panel totally up to you right i selected everything so it's going to be the same thing both this choice and this choice and i click ok all right now later on we're going to be looking at what it's going to look like when we present it in slideshow mode but now that is actually built in to the document to be able to then transition in such a way all right so hold tight on that we'll get to it momentarily all right so now i'm going to deselect everything let's take a look at some of our other options all right let's come over to here to our page label and you'll see here about page numbering mostly okay so i'm just going to go and get rid of some of the stuff that was pre-built from before and it's asking me okay so what's the page numbering that you want on your entire page um document right or selected pages within your document right so you can do that and you can also do a range of pages however you want to do that now we're talking about our pagination so if we look here they give us pretty much like all different styles of pagination that you might want to do sometimes you're going to have just sort of like an introduction page like a like a preface that might be like the first two or three pages and that's going to be separate so that range that you would choose would only apply just to that like two or three pages you've chosen so then you might want to say hey there's my prefix and then bam you're good to go right and it's going to start with whatever pages you've chosen but maybe you don't want that at all maybe you want to have no page numbers on there so you would choose something different there so let's take a look at what that might look like i'm going to go over to here to page 3 4 and 5. i'm going to right click on it go over here to my page labels and then from here it's just going to be the pages that i've selected i'm going to say begin new section and then from here it's going to start okay at page one because these other ones don't really matter right for me because they're covers so i click ok and now you can see how it actually starts one two three just like that and then these guys right click page labels all right and then this is gonna be just for the selected all right i'm going to say none for these guys click ok and you can see very cool right so it doesn't actually show as individual pages there okay for me just starts with that all right so pretty neat giving you all the control in the world however you'd like to show your pagination all right let's continue on so many more options here what pages you want to print just print that page great you can go ahead and do that it's going to pop right up giving you of course the option to print all your document pages right there just the current one and all kinds of options within printing and also note that the file print also goes a long way for you pretty much literally the same thing if you like to do that but what's nice about this is that because i right clicked on this particular page i can then just choose that page and it's going to be automatically set up just to do that particular page right so kind of nice check out some other options here and this i'm looking over here where we have this reduce page thumbnail right just really it's going to make it a little bit smaller so we can see oh now i can see everything here all right let's now expand that enlarge cool maybe i want to get even bigger okay kind of nice let me make this a little bit wider maybe it's going to get even bigger right so lots of options for us to work with here okay so really really pretty neat okay and then finally on this section let's go over here to page properties and you'll see this is gonna be about your tab order okay so we're gonna talk a little bit more about this when we get to accessibility but that's what we're talking about you'll notice here choose one of the above options to set the tab order for tabbing through items on a page so typically that tab order has to do with people who are visually impaired who are using screen readers and they need to tab through each individual part to read through it so the screen reader reads to them that's what the tab orders are all all about so you may come back to this later on when you're working with the accessibility functionality okay so just keep that in mind for later on now let's just do a few things inside of our organize pages panel so go over to here and we're gonna see maybe this is a little bit better way for us to work potentially right but notice we do have a lot of the same options here's extract okay here's insert replace okay we'll talk about splitting in just a second but you also know that i can move my mouse over these things and i get oh that's pretty neat right i can rotate i can delete and guess what all these other options appear for me to work with wow so many things to choose from but now i decide you know what i kind of want to reorder these you know this one actually should be first well that's easy just drag and drop oh man this maybe it's a little bit better of a way for certain things including moving some pages around now you'll see in the lower right i'm going to have the option to make my pages bigger and smaller which is also making it easier for me to work with right and compared to what i just did inside of my page thumbnails to enlarge the thumbnails to have to right click and do that a little tedious but here i'm able to actually expand that out okay very cool or make it smaller and likewise and the last thing we're going to talk about is this split now using the split option is very similar to working with extract but it's maybe a little bit more kind of a batch type of operation meaning we'll be able to do lots more a little bit faster so let's say for example i have all of these pages here and i want to just split them up right by basically saying all of you guys are going to go into a separate document potentially so when i choose split you're going to see that it gives me a number of different choices here how am i splitting them up by number of pages by file size right by top level bookmarks right my guess is that you're either going to do it by number of pages or by top level bookmarks we haven't spoken about bookmarks yet but maybe that's how your document is organized and then you want to split it up that way but i want to make all of these just go into one two three four of eight different split documents right essentially it's just going to put it out someplace else eight different times eight different files right based off of these eight pages now if you go over to here your output options you're gonna see it's gonna ask us okay first of all where do you want me to output this where do you want me to split this i can put onto a folder on my computer or the same folder selected at start okay so let me just go ahead and just do a folder on my computer alright i'll put that on my desktop new folder okay i'll just say split me all right i'm going to say select folder good there it is that's where it's going to end up and then file name you can see okay so what would you like to actually label as your file so you'll see you can add label and numbering before the original name if you want to do that so the original name of this is hp catalog or you can use a label and then put whatever you want in there okay so i'll just call this split and then you can see here use separator between original name and label that's great i'm not going to overwrite anything and then i click ok and now i'm ready to split all these so when i click on split you're going to see the document has been successfully split into eight documents okay i click ok and now very simply i'm gonna go over here to split me and you can see oh look at that and there it is split one two three four five seven eight cool and if i were to look at my preview there it is just one page and then here's my next one one page so again it's like an extract but maybe a little more of a batch operation all right so let me close this out come back to here you'll see organizing your content is very very simple and organizing can mean so many so many different things okay whether we are inserting pages replacing pages extracting out pages putting on different page labels so many different things and it's so great that you can do it directly inside of your page thumbnails if you want to and you can also go over here to your organize pages panel all right so i encourage you please practice that get comfortable with it and we'll see you in the next video many times you're going to be scanning a document and the document is full of images and text and acrobat can't read it and no other program can read it so what we need to do is use a technology called ocr optical character recognition to be able to make the text that's been scanned as an image into readable text and also make the images that you see here also selectable deletable all that stuff essentially we're going to be breaking the document apart there's now one static image with just one layer of content into several different boxes and layers to make it so it's more more kind of malleable for us okay so there's a few different ways to do that now if you look on the right hand side you're going to see that there's this option for scan and ocr right that's the term that we just learned about so let's go ahead and just check that out if we go over here to scan and ocr we're going to see that a number of options appear on top you're going to see there's this recognized text and there's also enhanced my experience i've seen them work comparable to each other i feel like enhance might go the next level if recognized text does not work we can check this out and snooze it says scan document and you can see recognizes the text and you can click enhance if you go to recognize text in this file notice it also says recognize text right now you're going to see a little bit of difference in terms of your settings here so you can see this is going to allow you to do this current page what language is going to be what is the output for searchable image searchable text and image okay great good good lots of options there if we go back to enhance you'll see scan documents what are our settings here and this goes a little bit deeper into what we can do with our images okay so you might want to say hey listen i want the images to be as high quality as possible and then notice it's also going to recognize the text i click ok and then i'm ready to do enhance okay so for both of these options you're going to see pretty much the same output so i'm just going to click on enhance because i'm concerned about my images all right staying within the enhanced tool here okay so watch what happens now i'm going to click on enhance and down on the bottom you see it's optimizing optimizing it's using its ocr technology and now not a whole lot happens and that's essentially what we want to have happen but when i try to select my type here see that it is now selectable and if i just do like let's say control f to look up let's just say center notice it is now searchable all right so i'm going to go ahead and just close this out without saving say no go back here okay and i just want you to again notice that this is not selectable this is not searchable i'm going to show you a slightly different way to do this in case you don't want to go in this direction here so if i just go to the simple edit pdf tool which we're going to spend quite a bit of time in the next few exercises you're going to see that i'm also going to have the ability to do some similar things okay as soon as i click on that wow it changes for me pretty amazing into a series of check boxes without having to really do too much at all okay why is that happening because if you look over here in the lower right we have this recognize text option already checked when i click on settings you can see it's very similar to that now it didn't do the best job because you'll see that my font is kind of all over the place right i've decided that it was this comic sans font you know all that good stuff there so know what your options are as you're doing this and just kind of test out what the best output's going to be so i'm going to go ahead and just close this one more time i'm going to go back to land and scan again all right and then i'm going to go over here to my scanner ocr and then let's just give recognize text a shot go back over here to my settings current page that's great so i'm going to say edible text and image click ok and then recognize text finally let's see what that does this time comparatively and i think it's a little bit better all right and now you'll see i'm able to select all these and i'm pretty much good to go all right so we're going to be using a little bit of this document and a few other documents moving forward to learn about what we can do and with our editing tool okay so try this out with other documents that you have that have been scanned they are images and you want to be able to make them searchable movable and editable essentially all right so pause the video practice that and we'll see you in the next lesson in the last exercise we worked on scanning a document to make it so it has searchable and editable text and i can verify that again just by highlighting my text i couldn't do that before okay you can see here this is also highlightable okay that's great all right some of these other elements we're going to see in a little bit we can also select them move them around etc certain things we can do certain things we cannot do because we're not in the right tool right so we haven't really talked a lot about what tools are available for us now we're going to get into a little more sophistication of what our tools are available so i'm going to close out of the tool that i'm currently in which is my ocr and scan and i'm going to jump over here to my edit pdf tool here and you're going to see that this is the mother lode so many so many different options with an edit pdf i click on that and you're going to see immediately i get this lovely toolbar that appears up on top with lots and lots of options even some options that are hidden and you'll also notice that a lot of my objects here now have these little bounding boxes around them and i can definitely definitely edit them and you know select them and do all kinds of good stuff here right now you'll notice that when i select something i have a new toolbar over here that should look familiar to some of you that's going to show me my font my font size and all kinds of other font formatting options okay including bulleting alignment my line spacing right my horizontal scaling different things over here okay so this is going to be an incredible incredible tool for you once you actually do your scanning or if you just have another document that you want to make changes to you can very very easily do that so just on the most basic levels let's just say i want to just change this just the basic text of it so i'll come over to here it's okay listen we're now in 23 countries so i change that 20 to a 3 and bam super easy that's great all right maybe i changed our phone number maybe we changed the website all of this now is selectable and editable pretty amazing now one thing you might notice is that when i click on it i'm not really getting like a real font right notice over here in my little context pane on the right hand side i'm not seeing like a real font i'm getting this aerial world 5829 it's adobe really doing its best to kind of match us halfway with our system fonts so you may have to actually go in inside and select it and then make a change to the font that you want it to be so just to keep it simple i am just going to choose arial and i'm going to do the same thing for here i'm just going to select select in the box and just choose control a right and then going to choose arial and you'll see me just do this a few times all right this whole box here you can see there that is all right and then just notice i can also do a r and notice that just comes right i just type that in that's going to save you some time as well all right i'll just do a couple more so you can see i click on the box ar and it takes me right to arial pretty neat okay and then come over to here again ar ar not shift r there we go all right so now you can see this is ariel ariel not ariel you can make those changes on your own and certainly change to a different font if you want to right so pretty nice okay and all of this stuff too by the way has its own line spacing and all this good stuff too if you want to play around with that you have that kind of control now okay i mean it's amazing to think that at some point just a few minutes ago this was a static image and now with the miracle of ocr technology i can now edit it using my editing toolbar and all the amazing features built into it okay so let's just take a look at some of our other options here notice i can select this image i can select this group of images here that's how it came in and then you'll notice maybe on other pages i don't have any other images but if i did it would show it there okay so we're going to take a look at images in just a little bit but i want you to see the very basics of how we can edit our text okay because you know this stuff we've done before in other programs but it might be slightly different for you okay so i'm going to pause the video and the lesson just on that for right now maybe some of you need to practice a little bit more and then we'll see you in the next lesson we're now working in a different document called london p1 and we're going to use this document to explore how our images work now that we have this scanned in or maybe yours already was made from scratch with our images we can see what kind of features we have working with images so let me just go ahead and zoom in a little bit just a tad so you can see i have some images here some images there and notice i'm when i'm not in my editing toolbar i cannot actually select them the way that i want to so i need to go to edit pdf and now automatically i start seeing these bounding boxes and i can very easily select these each individually including my text of course and i'll notice all of these are all selectable now what are some things i might want to do here if you select them i can certainly resize these right notice what that's going to do okay and of course i might need to get rid of whatever's behind it right i can very easily do that i'm going to undo that just control or command z notice i can also rotate this as well note if i want to do that no problem there okay and then of course if i hit delete i can go ahead and delete these and delete that as well okay so if you don't want them there and if you want to move them someplace else they're all now movable okay so very cool you have the option now to really control this document like you would in any other program like word or powerpoint or whatever programs you're working in even photoshop now as i've said in earlier lessons right clicking goes kind of a long way with this so if i right click on these you're going to see i have lots of options here some familiar ones like cut copy delete okay and there is select all right notice that selects everything i don't want that and then also notice here is create link we're going to talk about links in a little bit but let's just talk about more image centric types of things like cropping if i wanted to crop this for example i can very easily crop it so if i move my mouse right over here and i just kind of swa slide over like that notice i've now just cropped that out okay so let's say i want to crop out something down here for example i'm going to just right click go to crop and let's say i just don't want this clock very easily just swipe over like that and now that's gone okay and i can always bring that back to just know that when you're cropping something you can always bring it back as well okay it's not permanently gone okay now let's take a look at some other options if i right click again i'm gonna go over here now to replace image okay because i want to have a new image in here but i want to have it be replaced with a new image but then also fit inside the same exact box in the same exact place so if i right click now let me get out of this i right click now and i just say replace image i'm just going to replace it with this london crossroads i double click wait for it and bam it just fits right in there okay pretty neat so a lot of great options let's just check out a few more some of these are going to be very similar what we did but a little more kind of automated let you want to flip something cool maybe get a whole different look there let's go back to it again nice you can go ahead and flip that maybe i want to flip it vertically okay pretty neat you can do things very very quickly all right let's do that one more time and there we are okay now let's check out some of the other options just notice here also that you can edit these in real time so if you are working with photoshop or you're working with microsoft paint if i were to click on that that's also going to just open right up and you'll be able to edit it save it and then you'll be able to see the real editing output show up here inside of your document okay and then finally this arrange will allow you to actually change the stacking order of it if you have them one on top of the other and you want to change the stacking order of it you can very easily change those okay so you'll see even though we are working with adobe acrobat pro and not photoshop or powerpoint or word you see that we do have quite a bit of functionality once we sort of break it free from being just a static image and if you want to bring in your own images you'll see that it's quite easy to do okay now that said let's see very quickly how we can add in our own images because now we are just very simply editing images that already exist now let's just take a look at a part of the toolbar that we have not explored yet we're going to be going through all these in just a moment but let's now just click on add image all right and let's just say i'm going to bring this image in and bam there it is and now i can treat that just like anything else and move it around do whatever i want and then maybe i'm going to replace the map with this image here okay that's great and then maybe i get rid of this and do whatever i want to do with it okay so just know you have a lot of options here just like how we would with any other program people that add images right we can do to a certain extent we can edit our images we can rotate them resize them remove them crop them do all kinds of great things all right so pause the video please practice that with whatever kind of files whatever kind of images you got and we'll see you in the next lesson in our last lesson we looked at the add image option within our editing toolbar now we're going to learn about how we can just add in basic text okay that's going to be something you'll be doing quite a bit this particular document obviously had a bunch of text but there's this big old blank spot up here that i need to fill in with my own text so how do i do that again just simply go over to here to add text and it's going to give me this nice little kind of hovering mouse with an a on it and a little eye bar and i could just simply click and drag to make some space for it and i could start typing in right so i'll just say news letter let me go to the next line hit enter 20 21 actually you know what let me go back up here i'm going to say this is going to be fall 2021 okay pretty cool just like anything else but now if i want to make this a little bit bigger i just highlight it i'm going to come over to here to my format pane on the right side and simply just add up my text there okay pretty cool all right make that a little bit bigger my font size okay cool but you know what i'm not a big fan of that font so i can very easily change that to whatever i want so i'm going to choose maybe gill sans okay i like that nice and blocky and let's make this also bigger all right and i'm also going to make that gill sands remember i could just type out gi and then bam that comes up i like that and this one's not going to be quite as big very cool now all of these of course you can change the colors of them so i'm just going to click on my little color box right there and then notice all the colors i have options for and i can make that white pretty cool let's do that same thing here make that white and then for this one maybe i want to make this a slightly different color so i click on that and you'll notice how there's this option for other color and this can pretty much take me to any color you could think of okay so these are my basic colors here but i can also change my rgb value if you know what that's going to be and then you can also just change whatever colors you want so right so i'll make this kind of a nice little bright yellow so you can really see it okay and there you go all right so there's a lot a lot a lot we can do just with our basic levels of things now let's see what we can do with some of these other things here so earlier we discussed how yeah we can put bullets in there if we want to we're not going to do that so let's undo that we can also do numbering if we want to do that i'm going to undo that okay and then of course i can use my alignment here right alignment left alignment center etc bring that back okay then i also have here is my line spacing so if i click on that now notice how that makes the line spacing a little bit bigger i'll bring this down that makes it a little bit tighter okay bring it down even more even more tight okay so you really do have that kind of control you can even put in whatever your kind of decimals in if you want to if you just want to make it very very precise you can just do 1.1 and notice how that just ratcheted up a tiny tiny bit right now um you also may have some things like your paragraph spacing after okay so like you have your paragraph spacing after for something like this inside of us now in order for me to leave where i just was right now i need to actually go out of this add text option and come over to here right to where i want to edit right or wherever i want to edit and then execute so you kind of have to leave the tool so to speak right because before i was adding text which is fine right it was kind of just live and active at that moment but if i want to go and edit something else then i have to again sort of leave and go to the correct tool okay so now if i have this highlighted here let's just see what we can do i might want to change some of these options here so let's just see oh look at that i was able to control look at that the space after this paragraph okay so if it's not coming in perfect which a lot of times it may not why because you've scanned it or somebody else worked on it i have all that control in the world and i can be very consistent across the board with all my stuff by knowing these kind of metrics as well okay so some other options might be your horizontal scaling right so let's just maybe make 2021 a little bit wider if you will kind of give it some kind of beefiness make it look a little bit different let's try fall let's make that a little beefier okay okay that's interesting possibly if i do it with newsletter see what happens ah we have a problem but guess what i can always resize this and then i make the text box fit and i also move this over here and then move that up okay pretty nice very good that looks a lot better a little more interesting for me to work with okay so a lot of these things you're going to see are relatively straightforward right if you've worked in any other type of desktop publishing program before you see this really not much difference there okay so really you know you want to play around with these okay now one thing i'm going to tell you just at the end a little bit we're going to see this potentially in some other aspects of the program is working with alignment okay so if these are not perfectly aligned which they kind of are but i might want to make them aligned so if i were to just bring this down a little bit and i'm going to hold down my shift key select both of these hiding inside of my format options is this little alignment options here what i want to do is align the top and then bam that makes it a perfect fit okay so when you're working with all these things here notice how this and this are not perfectly aligned i might want to say hey listen let's align this so okay that's so much better i don't want to have to eyeball that i want to have acrobat do all the work for me okay so a lot a lot of really neat options within acrobat and hopefully not that foreign or unfamiliar or challenging for you okay so pause the video practice that and we'll see you in the next lesson let's now talk about how we can add on headers and footers now this is a continuation of the conversation we were having with our edit pdf toolbar so let's go ahead and bring that up so we can see what our options are including the ability to add a header and footer so you can see there it is sandwiched in between all these other options here and if i want to add on a header and footer if i want to edit a header and footer if i want to do all kinds of different modifications to my header and footer it's going to be right here so just understand what a header and footer is going to allow us to do and allow us to add on page numbers maybe a date maybe just a running bit of text that we want to continue on from one page to another to another right but we also have the ability to do it from the top of the document which is the header and the bottom of the document which is going to be the footer so let's see what we can do to accomplish these goals so notice when i click on that you're going to see here's an option to add my header and footer here's the option to update it if it already exists or i can simply remove it all together so let's see we can do let's click on add and you'll notice this dialog box pops up quite busy but also very intuitive and very logical you'll see over here i have this whole section here all for my header stuff and you'll see another section down below all for my footer stuff and we have left center and right so let's go ahead and see what we can do to put some things in here so i'm just going to say now summer 2021 actually and notice it says fall so i can very easily change that to fall 2021. not too bad all right and then in the center here i'm going to put in the date so i click on that i'm going to say insert today's date and we're going to see that that's going to kind of backfire on us a little bit and you're going to see what i'm going to mean in just a second now you're going to see in the lower right i'm going to choose insert page number so i click on that and now i'm going to click down below to see everything that i've done you can see bam there i am fall 2021 and then you can see there it is 6 18. but i don't really like that date format so i'm going to have a bit of a problem here because if you look over here i have this page number and date format watch what happens now when i click on that and i make the change to let's just say a different date format i click ok does it change down below no it doesn't so you want to actually choose your format before you actually bring in the date so now i'm going to choose this i'm going to go over here to my date format and let's just say all right bam i'm going to do that one a little bit longer and then notice while i'm here i also have my page number format so i can choose some of these things here choose some of these things here let me go and just click ok for right now say insert date now i can see what i'm looking at all right is that what i want no it's not what i want because that's very european even though we are landon we're not london so let's change that to uh let's go to month month date date okay click ok and then i insert my date and okay very good that's exactly how i wanted to read we'll change the size in just a little bit now i also want to have my page number set up so again good idea change the format first to what you want it to be then insert the page number okay a little bit quirky of the design and engineering from adobe side but we know how to work around that now so i click on that and i decide what is the page formatting that i want do i want it to have the word page in there do i not want it to have the word page in there do i want it to show page one of three of five or whatever it is you can make it do that so that's what i'm gonna do right here i'm gonna actually say page one of n all right and it's gonna start page number one okay that's excellent click ok and now i'm going to put that right there on the right hand side insert page number and now it shows up and you can see there it is down the bottom bit of a problem i'm going to fix that momentarily but you can see all right we're on our way now let's see we can do to now customize our header and footer a little bit more and also control the layout and spacing and all that good stuff so up on top here you will see all my options for font and size so i'm going to click on that and then let's just choose arial bold okay let's make that a little bit bigger okay very nice i can see that there not too bad of course i can change the color if i want now what i'm going to do next is i'm going to play around with the margins a little bit especially with this bottom one because notice how close it is to all of my letterhead stuff so guess what happens now when i go up or down you'll notice how that changes up or down so let's go ahead and make that a little bit further away from the edge and also going to make that go a little bit further out to the right so it's aligned with the edge of my letterhead and i'll do the same thing with the left so bam that's going to go over there so all the control you have there is really really nice and it keeps things nice and consistent because all of the font choices i chose and applied are now going to go according to what i see down below right now let's see what other options we can do here now that i i love this i'm very happy with it i can actually save this header and footer for future documents if i want to pretty neat so when i say save settings now i'm going to click on that and just say okay header and footer news letter okay i click ok and now you'll see here i have these save settings right and there that is and i'm doing that so i can reuse this over and over and over again for future documents okay so let's go ahead and click ok and now you can see there it is bam it's right up on top okay what about at the bottom and you can see okay page one of two and then notice great it repeats and then i go to the bottom that says okay page two of two wonderful it's great but now let's see that applied in another document all together so let's open up to a file that we worked with in a previous exercise i'm going to go over here to my london p1 and then there this is that's great and i'd like to save some time and apply that same header and footer that i did on this last document with my landin hotel onto this i want to save a little bit of time so notice that my edit pdf toolbar is not activated so i have to activate that and then very simply i go back to header and footer it's going to say add and then there it is save settings and in my drop down i should see look at that header and footer newsletter and look at that everything pops right in and if i wanted to i can control all the variables here because maybe this is going to be a slightly different one maybe i want to put this over here on the far right just cutting and pasting that maybe this is going to go in the center okay and for these of course i might need to adjust my margins a little bit and then for this one it might be a little bit more okay so i can play around with that okay cool but it did still save me a little bit of time and i am keeping things consistent and branded all right so i'm pretty much good to go there i click okay and wow amazing love that so you can go back and forth between documents and saving and sharing your headers and footers so you'll see pretty easy to apply pretty easy to manipulate and also to share with other documents right so go ahead and pause the video practice this on these files and also your own and we will see you in the next lesson have fun in this lesson we're going to talk about how to work with links web links and email links and you can see that acrobat actually works quite well with applying the links but also looking for things that are urls on the page and making them automatically links so just like we've been working with in previous exercises you're going to see that the links option are going to be inside of our edit pdf little panel here so i have that closed i'm going to open that up and you're going to see that here is the option for link right there in the middle and you'll see that there's a lot of options in there add or edit web or document link so if i would want to add something in i can very easily do that we'll do that in just a little bit you can auto create web links oh it's going to find links that are in there and it's going to say hey you know i noticed that it has a www in there a dot com or something like that whatever's on there you can also remove them if you want to and then you can also it's going to find all the links that are on the page and you'll be able to append them one by one and then here you just want to look at all the links that you have you can do that as well so all your options for links are going to be right here now in an earlier lesson i talked to you about how we can make things into links right directly on the page as well so let's just start off with that so i have an image here and if i right click on that you'll notice there's an option for me to create a link just based on that the selection that's pretty great so i click on that and it's going to take me to this create link dialog box so very clearly it asked me well will my link type do you want to have a visible rectangle around it how much do you want to communicate to your viewers and to your audience that this is in fact something special so notice i can say visible rectangle and then my line style can be dashed underlined or whatever and then of course i can change the color of that if i like as well but i'm going to say invisible triangle notice that gets grayed out and then my highlight style you'll be able to see when somebody mouses over it do you want it to kind of like communicate back to them all right and then again there's my line thickness if i am choosing my link type all right now when i'm ready to actually make this tool link it's going to ask me well what is going to be the action that you want to have happen so you will see that there's actually quite a bit that you can do not just a regular old web link but you can go to a page if you want to go directly to a page within your document you can open up to a file if you want to so click on this to view our employee orientation click on this to learn more about x y and z to open up a glossary something like that but it's going to open up to another document altogether and then of course we have the good old reliable open to web page so that's what we're going to do right now and i'm going to click on that click on next and it's going to ask me okay well what is the url so i'm just going to type out www let's say and then i click ok and then when we publish that it's going to be ready to go so you'll see that once i click close and i'm out of here we'll see that this is going to be a link now certain things you won't be able to necessarily click on or let's just say you want to have to like a group a whole group of things become a link that's when you might actually do kind of like a marquee over a whole thing and that's going to be this add edit web or document link so notice as soon as i click on that first choice i'm going to get this little crosshair and i'm able to then just kind of draw over this kind of box over the whole area of what i want to be linked so pretty neat seeing the process is going to be more or less the same right in terms of our visibility of our rectangle or not in terms of the line style all that good stuff and also my link action if i want to as well all right so this i'm going to say go to a webpage and we'll go over here to oxford online say might have to also do http s colon forward slash forward slash because a lot of websites require that now and the browsers will require that so just keep that in mind in case it's not working so go over here to oxford online that's great and you can see there it is this time with my little border around there now if i want to change that if i right click on that you're going to see i have the option to say properties and it's going to take me right back to where i was okay you can see here i can change that to visible or invisible i click ok and then let me go ahead and close this and i'll see okay bam it is no longer there all right now you'll see now when i click when i move my mouse over it you will see that it's now becoming a little hand right bam look at that and i can click on this and it will in fact give me a little warning right are you sure about this are you cool with this i'm going to say allow yes i am cool with this and it's going to take me to oxford online okay is this website for real we don't know for sure so it's just telling me it's not safe so just be aware of that we want to make sure that we are linking to a site that we know about all right if i scroll down a little bit let's come over to here also this is clickable right not clickable clickable i click on that and then this website we know is legit we love these guys all right and then i'm going to come right back here okay so pretty straightforward dealing with that way let's take a look at some other options i'm going to go over here to edit pdf and now i'm going to click on link and let's see what happens if i click on this auto create web links from urls the operation cannot be undone do you wish to proceed i'm like yep okay no problem automatically generate web links on which pages i want everything so again what is it doing it's looking for things that it could be a web link to then make it into a web link for me so i don't have to do that so i click ok and it's scanning it found one web link cool where might that be let's scan that oh there's one right there i think that was it okay very nice because i don't think that was actually clickable before and now it made it as such so let's come back to that all right and now you can see i'm going to right click on that and let's just see the deal here edit link there it is cool very good and then there's my action notice how it automatically put that in there for me okay that's something we haven't explored yet when we go into the link properties now we're going to be able to see an action associated with that if i want to get rid of that action i can very easily delete that or i can edit this right and i can make it so you know what this is going to be a different website altogether maybe i forgot my s i can always add that in there and then i'm good to go okay now let's do something a little bit more manual so let's just say for example i wanted to have a link to an email i want people to be able to email me directly from my document so what i'm going to do next is i'm going to put out some basic text here so within my edit toolbar i can just click on add text put in some text in there okay and then dave at oxford on line dot com all right and i'm going to make this into a link so people can actually email me directly from here so just simply come inside there right click it create link and instead of saying open a web page this time when i click this i'm going to have to type out mail2 and then i'm going to say dave and i probably could have copied and pasted that but i'm just going to type it out so we can see oxford online dot com all right now that's a very important part there because notice earlier the prefix was www or http but when you want somebody to mail you you just say mail to and it's going to open up to their default email program so i click ok ok and now we'll see now that this is live and it is emailable let's go ahead and click on it and let's just see what happens it's going to open up look at that goes to my email program so pretty neat you see there how there's the difference between www and doing mail to colon and then putting in there and just notice also there's no spaces there so if i ever want to change that again you can right click on it and i can then edit the link but also to notice i have all kinds of other options in here as well so i want to change that go back to my actions same thing as we did before and i can make my changes accordingly whatever i need to do here bam nice and easy no problems okay now let's go back up to this link option and let's just take a look at this view web links so in case you wanted to see what links were on each individual page you can then go ahead and take a look at those right and just kind of have it aggregated and then go through all of these and let's just say i want to check out the properties for each of these individually i can do that so you can see bam there it is and i can click on properties and oh that's pretty neat and i can change this if i want to but you'll notice that learn it is not on there because guess what that happened on another page so when i go to this page and i go to link and i say view web links you see oh there's learn it okay and i click on that and i go to properties cool all right there it is and you know what i forgot to do the http s okay just notice how i can change that very very easily okay done and done all right so pretty cool stuff right just making your documents nice and interactive as necessary okay starting from the beginning letting it do with things automatically right clicking on certain objects adding it to a link but then sometimes you need to draw out your whole link box to the marquee over what you want to actually make into a link right and then doing even email if you like to all right so go ahead and pause the video practice that have fun with it and we'll see you in the next lesson now there are going to be some times when you want to create and apply a watermark on your documents to protect it so people don't share it people don't print it and they basically don't take credit for the work that you've done so you can put a watermark very very easily on your pdf documents so we are still inside of this edit pdf tool right here so i'm going to go ahead and click on that and you'll see over here is my option to add on a watermark so i click on that i'm going to say add you'll see it comes up with this pretty complex dialog box but pretty easy to understand we're going to see over here on the left hand side we have our source and we can either put in text or we can actually bring in our own files maybe you're bringing in your logo your own insignia something like that so let's just go through these one by one so i'm just going to click inside of the text area i'm just going to type out the word copy copy write okay awesome that comes in and guess what i can change the size of that to maybe be a little bit bigger and you'll notice over here on the right hand side i can see there it is copyright maybe you want to change the color to be somewhat different maybe it could stand out a little bit all right and maybe of course you want to change the font to be something else entirely totally totally up to you i'm going to keep it relatively simple right now you also have some options to adjust the rotation because maybe you wanted to make it kind of just spread across like it was a big stamp so i can change 45 degree angle and wow there it is pretty neat okay but you might be thinking well yeah that looks pretty good but i want people to be able to read what's on there so what you can do is you can adjust the opacity of it so making it a little bit more sort of see-through so i bring that about halfway down and you'll be able to see okay nice and faint so it's there but it's not there there all right now if you wanted to have some really nice control over it you can adjust the positioning so down below you have all these options to position the vertical distance and the horizontal distance so you can see it's going to go up that way it's going up that way because maybe in fact is covering up something really important you want people to read it you just kind of put it up there or down there or right and left right so totally up to you okay now what if you have an image you want to bring in so i'm going to click on file and notice all my text goes away and this time i'm going to bring in an image and you'll see that some of these same principles and procedures are going to be relatively similar so i'm going to click on browse and i'm going to bring in now this learnit logo now what i want you to understand first of all is that only certain file formats are supported so you can see here's pdf and then we have bitmaps and we have jpeg so notice no gifs no pngs hey no tiffs i believe okay so just keep that in mind okay so i'm going to choose this jpeg that i have there and then bam it comes right in and it even remembers some of the settings that i had earlier so notice i can change that or say none just like that okay pretty cool but maybe it's too big so in this case what i can do is adjust the absolute scale maybe we can come down down down a little bit just like that okay or maybe i want to make it so it's just going to be slightly askew all right and again process is very similar in terms of my opacity and all my positioning and everything all right so pretty neat pretty slick and i'm happy with that so i'm going to click ok wait for it to render and there you have it and you can see there it is on every single page now very very cool and hopefully pretty straightforward and easy for you to apply all right so practice that you can certainly use this learned logo if you want to bring in your own images or just do text all right and we'll see you in the next lesson welcome back welcome back all right well up until this point we've spoken a little bit about how to link within our documents we've also spoken a little bit about working with bookmarks okay so each of these things allows us to click on something and then go someplace else now when we talked about bookmarks earlier we had actually had it been created by word in our first lesson where we had our headings converted to bookmarks so if you recall our bookmarks are going to be hiding over here in this left side pane and you're going to see it's going to look like that like an old-fashioned bookmark and you'll see this document currently has no bookmarks okay it does have pages let's just see here wow lots and lots of pages so what i'd like to do is actually create some bookmarks so my user can go from section to section to section very easily just by opening up this little bookmarks panel and then just clicking click and clicking and then bam there they are okay making it very easy for people to be able to find things and then navigate throughout my document so how do i do it first thing i want to do is i'd like to actually go to the page of where my bookmarking is going to be right so let's just say for example i have this introduction right i want that to be a bookmark i want people to be able to actually go there very very easily so what i'm going to do is very simply click on this little guy over there with my little bookmark and the plus sign and click and what's happening now is that acrobat is paying attention to where i am right now and it knows to bookmark right to that place so when somebody clicks on that bookmark it knows to go to this page so i'm just going to say introduction okay wonderful that's great now let's try something a little bit different now let's go to the next section and this time i'm going to highlight the content that i want to be in my bookmark so watch how smart acrobat can be so i highlight everything and this time i'm going to click on my ad bookmark and then looky looky looky it just takes the text that i've highlighted and i'm done amazing so let's test it out now that we've gone this far let's click on introduction takes me right to introduction go to there okay very cool right love that love that let's scroll down a little bit more and let's do things maybe a slightly different way this time i'm going to zoom in a little bit because there's a lot of wasted space right here that when people come there i want them to be able to go right to a certain part of the page so now that i'm here i'm going to highlight all my content again and all again did was just do a little triple click to get to that and now i'm going to create my bookmark so i click on that and i'm going to say nothing at all look at that and it puts it in there for me so let's just see how the difference is between this particular page and our introduction and in the compass so you could do that it's like hmm okay it's okay but because i'm zoomed in i don't see everything about this one okay i mean it's going to the page which i'm happy about but i've been a little spoiled because when i go to here ah very nice it goes directly to that part there that i suggested that i asked it to go so let's say i want to fix introduction and in the compass to actually make it do what i haven't done for flowers on the wall so let's now go over to tier and then i'm going to just zoom in to where i'd like it to be but this time i wanted to update with how this currently looks so if i go over here to introduction i right click you'll notice here's an option to set destination okay are you sure you want to set the destination of the selected bookmark to the current location yes let's try the same thing for this guy here so i go right to where i want it right click set destination yes i certainly do now let's test it out flowers on the wall in the compass nice okay so really really slick stuff now let's just check out some other things we can possibly do with our bookmarks just notice if you right click yes i can go to the bookmark i can print certain pages print the section all that kind of stuff here but what i'm looking at here is just all my stuff around bookmarks okay so i can delete my bookmarks okay i can rename it if i want to right maybe i'll just say chapter one okay there we go and that's very easily done so i go over to here right click i can rename that same deal i don't even know what chapter that is so i have to go right to it and look how easy that is to get to it so i see that that in fact is chapter two so i'm going to rename that cool all right now certain things you may want to do for example if i make this a little more narrow you're going to see that certain things may happen to my bookmarks you see what it does there kind of goes over the next line why is it doing that because i have this option for wrap long bookmarks so if i turn that off notice what it does so you have the option to turn that on or turn that off totally up to you there's no right or wrong but just know that that's what wrapping your long bookmark is going to do okay now let's just check out a couple other things here let me now just right click again i'm going to go here to my properties and we'll see okay so what is the style going to be just how you want it to look as far as your folding right okay cool all right maybe i want it to be a different color make it stand out a little bit more okay absolutely i can do that i click ok and then go back to this one you'll notice how that one looks a little bit different so you have that kind of control in case you want that to look slightly different than other documents so i'm just going to just hit undo and get out of that right now a few other things you might want to do in terms of your kind of heading and subheading if you will right to kind of really organize your content is that you can actually start to structure your bookmarks in a way that's going to make it a little bit easier for your audience to understand so for example let's go back to the beginning of my document and i'm here and i have the name of the cover of my book here right and i want to have everything that's inside of that to be part of a sort of a parent-child relationship so it looks like this is inside of that for you it could be you know here is our introduction bam and everything that's inside of the introduction might be here's everything about our mission okay here's everything about our vacation policy bam everything lives inside of that so you're creating kind of a sectioning for people to understand that there's headings and subheadings so let me now create a new bookmark out of this right that's going to come up there and then oops didn't go where i want it to go i'm going to fix that and then of course i can fix all my type there no problem there but let's say i want to have this go up i can very easily just drag that up let's just very there you go and excellent there that is but now i want all three of these to live inside of there again to make it appear to the reader that this lives inside of this like this is the main heading and then all my chapters are the subheadings within that so if i click and drag and go kind of up and in right notice where i am right there so i'm going to go up and in just like that nice i go up and in just like that up and in just like that cool now i can see i have a heading and a subheading and i can also collapse and expand that and it's still interactive right still works no problem at all and now you can see i have that kind of structure for me to work with and again for my readers to be able to understand that structure and then engage and interact with that structure so as you can see pretty pretty cool stuff pretty easy to execute but more importantly you see how valuable this is because you really want to make it so it's easy for your reader to navigate throughout your document understand the structure the hierarchy of your document and be able to just you know not be confused and be able to get all the information that you want to share very quickly and easily and bookmarks are really a great tool to accomplish that all right so go ahead and pause the video practice that and we'll see you in the next lesson in this next set of lessons we're going to talk about the commenting tab so with commenting there is a lot a lot you can do so we're going to break this up into a series of different lessons that are going to really kind of break apart all of the different types of commenting you can do whether it's visual whether it's going to be kind of basic proofing adding in little stamps highlighting there's really quite a bit you can do to really kind of give and receive feedback to people so let's just first open up our comment tab here and we'll see up on top we will notice a whole a whole bunch of options here so if you move your mouse over you can see what they are you can see add a sticky note you can see what you can do here highlight text you can underline strikethrough notice some other ones here add note to replace text all these things here pretty pretty extraordinary all the different things you can do so you'll also notice that when i open up my toolbar here on the right hand side i have this whole section here for where my comments are going to live so i'll be able to actually see those comments as i create them and also be able to see other people's comments when i receive them in another document so let's just take a look at what we can do so i'm going to first just click on this one here just to add on a sticky note alright and you'll notice that when i click on that it has a color inside of it already you'll also notice that there's another color right here that i could certainly change whatever that sticky note is going to be so i'm just going to make mine just a nice pretty yellow color and i want to just kind of draw people's attention to okay wait a second you know what we are now in 27 different countries so i click on that and you'll notice oh that pops up and it doesn't actually look like this it looks like a star and we're going to see how we can actually change that in a second but okay so what does that mean i have now just put this little star here that i can now move around okay and i can also add in a comment to that okay so i'm going to double click on it and then add in a comment here i could say please change to 27 and then i post that okay and then bam there that is now when i click away i'm just going to use this little arrow tool here just to kind of go to a neutral space you'll notice okay great but i can always come back to this and then highlight it move it around and then just do whatever i like to do to it okay and then bam there that is now each of these little objects that you bring in have these sort of hidden properties associated with them so you can really really customize them so if i right click on this you're gonna see i have this option for my properties right here so when i click on that you're going to see some pretty extraordinary properties and they give you a lot of functionality a lot of creativity here so notice here's my color here's all my different icons i can use as well so let's just say for example i have kind of a different comment all throughout like oh this is going to be kind of like a maybe a more kind of urgent one i really want to kind of like draw some people's attention to that okay hey you know that's wrong and i'm going to make this red so i can really kind of draw people's attention into that fantastic that's great that's exactly what i want to see so people like yeah i really need to change that but just take a look at some of the other ones here just a simple check mark text note right what are you wanting people to make changes to what are you sort of trying to get people's attention by so i click ok and now bam there that is okay now let's go ahead and just try a different one so i'm going to use the same same tool here so i'm going to go over to here and i'm just going to say add sticky note this time let's try a different one okay so i'm going to go over to this guy here and then notice it remembers kind of the last one that i did but i want to change that so again i'm going to right click on it i'm going to come down here to properties and this time i'm just going to do a nice little friendly comment box just like that and here you'll see i can actually adjust the opacity if i want to make that a little more see-through i can do that as well just like we did in previous exercises but i want you to notice here if you're using something quite a bit you can make it the default okay so whatever you're doing here you might want that to always be the case so i actually kind of like this little comment box here i'm going to use that all the time and i also want to keep that color i can very easily do that now so i'm going to click ok and then i'm going to double click put in some text here okay now it is now it's in the mission district okay and i post that all right and there you go all right now ready to do the next one let's go ahead and click and then click and lo and behold there it is and it's the same exact look so that's going to save me a lot of time moving forward into the future okay so that's going to be the first part of how we're going to do this now let's take a look at some other options here so very basic things like highlighting so let's just say for example i wanted to actually highlight mr land in there so i click on that very simply i just click and drag and there it is wonderful and then notice even though it's just a highlight i can put a comment on this as well okay i'll just say mrs landon okay is now the soul owner please update okay very good wonderful and of course i can change the color of that right click on that and i'm going to say properties and same deal i can change the color to a different color and notice i see it in real time great love that but then again notice right click again i can say make current property default so the same thing that i saw earlier inside my properties down here i can do it here just the same so i click on that and now when i'm ready to do a different one let's just go ahead and come to a different section here let's just highlight latin quarter and wow cool love that awesome makes it super super easy to navigate through no problem really really slick all right so i'm going to pause the video we'll go on to a next section but really kind of get familiar with these i want you just to kind of just go through some of the basics check out under the hood look at the properties check out some of these cool little icons you can do change the color make the default and then we'll come back and then we'll just slowly steadily go through some of these other commenting tools this next lesson is going to be more about this section right here where we're going to be talking more about sort of like proofing and feedback and a few other things around that when we're actually looking at our documents we just want to kind of give some feedback and some editing tips and things like that to our co-workers or our collaborators whoever it's going to be so again if you move your mouse over you'll see this will underline text this will do a strikethrough this is going to add a note to replace text so you're basically just saying hey can you please do that so you're going to be giving that sort of feedback through the actual like visual iconography that's going to say hey replace this text you move your mouse over this one you're going to see here it's going to insert text at the cursors you're basically telling your co-worker whatever to do that as well and you'll see here this is just adding on a text comment just just going to be kind of floating there individually and then you can see this just adding on a text box so let's just go ahead and explore what these are most of them pretty straightforward click on that and then i'm just going to highlight mr landon again and then look at that it gets underlined now it's not just an underline as far as like formatting you'll see over here it ends up inside of my comments panel over here as an underline so i can make a comment here if i like and just start to type it out and then just say remember to change to misses okay whatever you want to say there all right fantastic let's continue on let's now just do a strikethrough so we're no longer saying something about 400 neighborhoods okay great and then we get that all right now again pretty straightforward and again same thing where it goes over here into our comments panel let's check out this one here you'll see this one's gonna be a little bit different add note to replace the text so let's now choose this one and we'll just talk about this one right there and you'll see okay what is that note going to be we'll just say this is going to be misses okay and then if you're familiar with how proofing goes you will know that that's what our little icon there is going to tell us okay so if i go back over to here i go back over to here again this is all interactive and it tells me it replace text this one's going to say something a little different it says highlight text okay so you know you want to let people know that you're working with what these things actually mean if they're not familiar with it and of course also to pay attention to what the comments panel is also communicating okay so let's go back to our next one here this is going to be insert text at cursor okay so we can just say i don't know we're talking about poor mr landon you can see he died at home with his family okay so you'll notice here saying okay we're insert text at this part here so we're communicating this hopefully very clearly what we want to have done through our comments panel so it doesn't take up all the space on the actual document on the page all that much except for our little icons here but we need to take a look at our comments panel to see what in fact we are communicating all right so you know slightly different than these other ones but you know still valuable nonetheless okay and now this one here let's just do just a very simple simple add text comment so i click on that and i'll just say bam like there okay let's change this font a bit make make it bigger etc okay cool all right and then that's done all right so i'll just come back to that and that is settled there okay now my font and my everything is all just right there so i can just see that i don't necessarily need to be using the comments panel here all right now this part you'll see this adds on a little bit more kind of flavor if you will adding on a text box so we choose that and then i'm just going to just just click and now you'll see as soon as i click on that you're going to see okay do we need a header here okay and now you'll see that i have a little more kind of like functionality here to be able to work with this little text box to change the font let's just go to courier let's make that a little bit bigger okay and then let's go ahead and make that black actually let's make it red make it stand out a little bit okay kind of like that okay excellent now you'll also notice when i click away and then come back to it i can then select the box itself because maybe sometimes we didn't make it big enough or whatever it is okay and we'll also be able to move this around so it gives us a little bit more kind of functionality and if you right click on it guess what we can go over here to properties just like we've seen with some of our other tools here and you can see okay well let's make our box a little bit thicker fill color maybe i don't want any fill color at all because maybe i want to kind of float on top of it my border color let's make that black okay so i click ok and again if i move this over here now you can see i can kind of move it on top of other things because the fill color is in fact clear now okay now moving along in our toolbar here you can see very simply here is just the ability to draw let's wait for it let's click away come back over there and it's trying it is going to give us the ability to draw so let me just go ahead and click on that and maybe it's going to come up maybe it's not i can show you it will do it can be a little finicky so if i'm just wanting to just sort of draw some attention to something let's come back over to here and i'll just kind of just draw something around this image here i can just go like that and so you know that is not just something that i drew on i now actually have a comment on here okay to say hey is this an old pic so i've had i've now added on a little more kind of functionality to be you know like it's a piece of paper right it's a little bit different i mean it's a little more kind of human if you will to be able to play around with that now again if i right click you're going to see i have this option here to go to my properties and then maybe i want to change the color to something else you know maybe not so garish i can do that i can make it a little bit thicker if i want to okay pretty neat and likewise if i want to get rid of something let's say for example i don't want this anymore right next to my little drawing tool is the ability to erase it there we go erase drawing and then i could just simply click on it or i can click and drag on it you can see it gets it gets it you got to be very precise on there and then go for it and steady hand steady hand and done and now it's gone okay so you might want to do all those things there just to kind of keep it again very very interactive okay so um just a good good overview of all the things that we can do in terms of star proofing our feedback and everything in the next lesson we're going to learn how to use this little stamp tool um you're going to see that's pretty valuable um for you know just saying that something is approved something is copyrighted something has been completed whatever it is but we're also going to learn how to do custom stamps as well and then a few other of these options here as well so stay tuned and please practice this and we'll see you in the next lesson for this lesson we're going to learn how to apply stamps okay and the stamps also exist inside of the commenting toolbar here so we have that up but we are going to work with a little bit of a different document this time we're going to go back to that bookmarks document because i've just chosen to have something a little bit more clean for us to work on now how do i get to my stamp you're going to see there it is my stamp looks like a little rubber stamp and you've probably seen that before you know where you just you stamp something in real life and you say hey this has been received okay this is the final copy hey this is the draft something like that now there's a lot a lot you can do with stamps so let's just explore what our options are so when you click on that you're going to see there might be something maybe the last thing you've used or something that expects you to use so i can just bam click on approved and then you'll see a little approved stamp will appear there pretty neat you can see here's also something dynamic what does that mean you can see this is going to give you like approved for example but it gives you the person's name who's actually the owner of the document at that time and then the time and the date look at that pretty amazing so you can actually see when this effect is being recorded so pretty neat and you'll also see we have like all these little things that you can put in there it's almost like a sticker you might see in real life so just giving people the indication hey please go ahead and sign here so it makes it nice and interactive nice and visual makes it nice and clear for people to you know follow your commands then you also have this and this is probably where you're going to be spending a good part of your time um applying things so let's just check out what options are here we have approved not approved draft final confidential rights wow so many great things here so let's just say for example i sent this out and i don't want anybody to see it i'm just saying confidential and when i put this on here there's going to be a stamp on there and if somebody tries to print it it's going to show right there so we'll know that someone's violated our confidentiality agreement so i click on that and then to add it on here just simply click and it comes on there that's fantastic you'll notice here i have my comments tab it comes up here so i can make a comment on that and i can also resize it so you'll notice i have my little bounding boxes on the side here and i also have this thing in the middle it's going to help me rotate it so i'm just going to make that nice and big and then i'm going to go over here to the center and then rotate perfect love that okay good size and everything but i still want people to be able to read it so if i right click i'm going to go over here to properties you'll notice here's the ability to adjust my opacity to make it a little bit more see-through okay so kind of nice right so i like that that looks pretty good and i click ok and there you have it pretty cool okay now you will have to put this on every single page just so you know that so it is not automatically on every page like we saw with the watermark so just be aware of that you might need to put it on every single page okay so let's just take a look at some of the other ones we might want to work with so let's come back over to here and i'm going to go to my stamp and this time let's actually do dynamic so we can see all right this has been reviewed i just click on that cool good enough right you already saw how to resize it and rotate it i'm pretty happy with that but again notice what comes up okay it shows me the date and the time and the person who's actually reviewing it let's go over here to this next one and let's take a look at this uh sign here just we can just see all right we want people to sign there great and then that's all that's going to be right so you're just kind of giving people's uh eyeballs attention to where you want them to sign okay so it's not actually interactive where people are going to click on it and then like a signature thing is going to come up it's just a way for people to identify the location of different elements on your page to know like oh yeah i need to sign there okay great fantastic all right let's just check out some other things here this time we're going to go over here to custom stamps now custom stamps are going to be created by people who want to bring in their own stamps that are going to be beyond anything that acrobat actually gives us right any of these so we want to bring in our own stamps so i'm going to click on custom stamps and then create and you'll see here i got nothing i need to actually bring in my custom stamp right i need to actually bring it in so acrobat wants it to be could be a pdf could be a jpeg right so you want to make sure that you actually you know have those available to you all ready to go as your own separate files so i click on browse and i'm going to go into here and here and let's see okay there's my stamp double click on that and then okay very good there it is i click ok and now at this point i can start even categorizing it because i might have a whole slew of different ones that i'm working with okay so i'm just going to call this hp review okay that's just one category you may start to have more and more and more for whatever reason it is right maybe it's with hr maybe it's with management it's finance right for whatever reason you just want to stay organized with it for whatever purpose this stamp has okay and i'm just going to name this okay so hp internal review okay great and then do you want to downsample the stamp to reduce the file size sure maybe maybe not depending on the quality of it depending on what you want to sort of convey in terms of you know the brightness of it or something like that but leave it checked i click ok now i'm going to come back over here click on this and you will see now i have my category all sitting there waiting for me and bam i get a nice little preview of it and everything i click on that and click and voila amazing and i can resize this and again i can rotate it and i can right click on it go to my properties bring down the opacity pretty neat now i can see right through that okay so a lot a lot of really really cool features there with the stamp okay that makes it interactive communicative and you know mimicking kind of real life things that you might want to do all right so you have access to this file inside the course where if you want to use the ones that i've provided or use your own okay so please pause the video practice that and we'll see you in the next lesson have fun in this lesson we're going to continue on with our commenting portal here and we're going to work with this little guy right here which is adding on an attachment you might be thinking why do i want to add an attachment to a document you may be referring to an old document and you want people to have easy access to it right or you want people to be able to click on it and then say hey listen click on this little you know push pin there and then refer back to you know our glossary or something like that you just want to have people to have more interactivity than allows for the screen real estate to even provide for us now one thing i just want to say is that within your side panel here you do have this guy right there that also allows for similar functionality but in my opinion it's a little bit hidden so you can see here i can actually add on an attachment and you can do that right from here and it's going to allow me to do that and i'll just do that really quickly and that's going to be right there some people may miss that okay but i'm going to keep that there just so you know that it's there it's great but let's just see maybe a better way to do it so i'm going to go back over to here click on this little um what is that a paper clip okay and i'm going to say attach file and then you'll see that once i click on that my mouse turns into this little push pin so where do i want this located so let me just go down to here right i click on that and bam just like that something opens up to a place for me to install uh and attach a file so i click on this and then that's now going to be right there awesome amazing so it's very clear to people that oh if i click on that then oh something's going to come up so all right well what what is the way for you to communicate that could it be an attachment like this like a pin okay is it a graph right maybe that's where you're communicating is it a tag whatever it is right so you'll know what the right thing is to do so i'm going to go back to this attachment i'll change the color really make that stand out okay and then click ok and then people love the ability to then click on this open it up and then bam they'll have a new file accessible to them you'll also see over here on the right hand side way over here i have the indication that i have attached a file and what file that in fact is okay so pretty neat again we have the option here on the left hand side notice it actually comes in twice right to tell me that hey in fact this is here as well as me attaching it onto the side pane okay so it's a little bit redundant so just pick one versus the other but just know that they may miss it if you um you know if you if you only put it on the side pane all right up to you and up to your kind of company culture so try it out but just know that the functionality is there okay in the next lesson we're going to talk about shapes and then after that we're going to get into this a lovely lovely little commenting panel to see how we can actually make sense and sort of tame the beast that is becoming this this comments panel all right we'll see in the next video okay welcome back hope you are enjoying this lesson on commenting and uh you've got enough time to practice and you're feeling pretty good about it so let's move on now to this other component within our commenting options is working with shapes now there's a lot of shapes you can do and a lot of reasons for working with shapes so if you take a look at the drop down we have the ability to draw arrows and rectangles and ovals even like text callouts maybe a cloud okay so there's going to be many reasons for you to you know put these out there like doing arrow is a very common thing here so if i click and drag on that click and drag this way click and drag that way notice i can very easily just draw these things out okay you'll notice that when i let go i'm going to have some of my options right there to just very quickly change the color right click on this and very easily change my line thickness if i want to okay that's pretty neat and then you'll notice also potentially something new where we have this little gear icon and that's going to open up to my properties panel so you can probably guess i can get to the same thing just by simply right clicking on it and going to properties great and then i can see it there all right now you'll also notice that i have a bunch of options now because this in fact is a particular shape which is an arrow it's going to allow me to then just like play around with it in slightly different ways right okay what is the end going to look like okay great oh that's kind of nice so it's closed out it looks like more like an arrow you know that we may want to kind of be a little bit more of a kind of pronounced arrow okay what about my style so i choose like that okay slightly different do i want that no i can always go back to it right now my fill color maybe i want it to be filled in with a similar color is what it started with so i do that and then okay pretty cool all right but then let's say i want to do something slightly different with this so i'm going to click ok and i'm going to now just rotate this and this way and then just move it that way so i'm just going right to like the little points there in the end okay excellent very good okay and if i'm done with it i can just go ahead and just click away and i am good to go let's just check out some of the other ones and you're going to see it's going to be quite similar across the board so we'll just do a very simple rectangle so i'm just going to draw a rectangle around this and okay great wonderful that's awesome and if i right click on this now you're going to see i'm going to have similar options here right but of course it's not an arrow so we're not going to have the kind of beginning and end of it but i might want to do something a little bit different like a little bit of a dashed line right for whatever reason you want to kind of draw people's attention to it or maybe even just doing it for visual interest on something like you're actually doing something creative you might want to do that okay for whatever reasons okay but maybe you're doing like a little kind of a thought bubbly thing kind of something a little more fun you can 100 experiment with these right now there's also some other pretty neat ones here like this text call out but choose that one let me just go ahead and just click and drag right and then notice what it's doing as i click and drag on it okay so when i let go of that i can now just start putting some text inside of there so i just double clicked okay and i'll just say now now on the east and and then bam it does that for me okay and i'll come to the edge here make that a little bit wider make it a little bit taller and of course you guessed it if i right click on it go over here to properties i can then make all kinds of different changes to it let's make that a little more bubbly a little more fun and let's make that not so fun by making it black and i click away and cool there you have it so just another way to comment really because remember where we're at we're here about commenting and keeping things communicative and collaborative with all of our co-workers and collaborators all right so practice that lots of good stuff to work with there for many many different reasons and you'll see that it's pretty intuitive once you kind of get under the hood all right so we come back we're going to close up our discussion on comments by sort of making sense of this comments panel being able to sort of tame that and make it a lot easier to use for us see in a bit now since we started this segment on commenting you probably noticed that our little comments pane on the right hand side has gotten more and more crowded you know which is a good thing because we want to have all kinds of different comments on there to be able to give feedback to make comments be able to make changes and you know what have you now you'll see that there's a lot going on on this comments pane this is going to allow us to really kind of tame things a little bit filter some things out by different elements and really just kind of be organized with our comments so if you look over here on the right hand side it tells me number one i have 15 comments and i have a little magnifying glass for searching and then my little a to z maybe a little filter icon there these all have their own individual purposes you'll also notice this is saying oh this is page one okay and how many comments are on there okay we're going to see this is going to change a little bit based on what we have as our sort of element that we're now not filtering necessarily but we're creating as different individual sections we're going to see how that's going to change in a bit now each of these comments has a little icon next to it right you can see there's a little t right there's a little t in a box okay there's a little highlighter there's a t with an underline okay so that is acrobat's way of telling us hey you have done something then this is what you have done it also tells us here this is text common this is a text box this is highlight text okay cool really helpful okay but let's go a step further to see we can do to actually be a little more organized and a little speedier in our way to be able to access certain comments at certain times so let's just start off with our little magnifying glass i'm going to click on that to search my comments i'm just going to type out landon oh pretty cool right so every comment that i have in there that has landon in there will now appear pretty cool you're just looking for where is that okay cool i click on that and then all right awesome it shows me right there and it actually will show me the content of it itself i can now reply to it if i want to i can actually accept that like okay cool yes all right i'll make a change to that i've communicated that i'm good to go close that out now let's see what this a to z does notice here it's going to say sort comments okay this is sorting this is filtering so what does that mean if i click on that you're going to see i can sort things by different properties right so either my pages which it currently is right now or maybe by author right i'm the only author in this case i'm going to show you another example for another document just a second or maybe by type so when i do that notice how it groups together all the different types right notice all my highlighters are grouped together all my replace and insert text right are all there together my line my rectangle my sticky notes are all together in one okay they are sorted together i click on this now you'll see how about my check mark status okay cool so you can see this is the only one that's been checked the one i just did a second ago so that shows up at the top and all these are unchecked so i know okay great these are ones that i need to go through right this is now on my list of to do's so i need to go through all these okay and then of course you'll explore all the rest of these on your own but let's go over to here to this one where we have a number of different people on here commenting so when i click a to z you're going to see now i can sort together there's all bob stuff there's all anthony's gary anthony stuff there's pat smith okay awesome good it's all grouped together and for some of you that's going to be the best way because you really only want to see your boss's stuff or your clients stuff right so it's going to be a nice fast way to be able to group them now let's take a look at this little filter comments option and you can see okay well i only want to show certain things i only want to show sticky notes okay i click on apply and then bam get rid of everything else right it's getting way too busy so now i obtained that beast click on that let's say i actually want to do that and i want to see my file attachments cool now i have them both all right okay cool now i can just see only what i want but just notice all the control you have pretty pretty great so i'm going to click on clear all and then finally let's go over to here to this section where you can actually control what you are seeing in terms of expanding and collapsing all so if i say collapse all notice they're totally getting the way i don't want to see them great i can just collapse them or i can expand them so they're all going to be there and just keep in mind again that this is all still organized by what we've said it to be organized by right so i go back to page notice when i do that it's going to show me everything on this particular page and then when i say collapse all notice how it goes page 1 page 2 right as opposed to before when things were by check mark status so you also have the option to do some pretty great things like printing with the comment summary okay you can even create a comment summary so it's just going to be a separate file that's going to give you a summary of all of your comments right pretty great i'll let you experiment with that outside of the scope of this but go ahead and just click on that and you'll see how easy it is to do okay and then maybe some of you want to export everything into word so you'll be able to take a look at it in another document and then also share it in another document so that'll be just nice and organized for you okay and then finally we go to our commenting preferences okay we have not touched on preferences when i click on that you're going to see this is going to take me to the mother lode of all different commenting preferences here as well as all these other preferences here okay towards the end we're going to do a nice little overview on some of these things to explore but you'll see that there are a ton of stuff right in terms of the font and the font size of how you want your comments to be shown here okay when you're doing pop-ups how big of the opacity do you want it to be that's percentage okay and then do you want to print the notes right just go through all of these things here to be able to say what do you want what don't you want okay so totally up to you but i want you to know where you go to be able to make these changes so i'm going to get out of this and just know also if you want to get to them a different way you can go to edit and then preferences and then commenting is the first choice right there if you're on a mac you just click on acrobat in the upper left and then choose preferences and it'll take you right there okay so lots of lots of great options here with commenting in general so we've covered quite a bit i encourage you to really just explore these things and you know work with your co-workers to find out what's going to be the most important and the most effective way for you to be able to give and receive feedback and commenting so you have the best documents you could think of and ultimately creating the best product okay so pause the video please practice this get it all sealed in and we look forward to seeing you in the next lesson in this exercise we're going to learn about redacting so redacting is basically when you want to blot out certain bits of information and make it permanent so essentially if you just imagine a black marker going over some words where you just don't want them visible anymore that is what redacting is so it's good for you know security purposes and essentially just keeping things confidential so no one will ever see it so how do we get to the redacting options you notice on the right hand side there is no redacting option for me here by default so what i need to do is go over here to my more tools and then also how we talked about earlier is that you know what we have a lot of tools here sometimes it's going to be a little bit easier instead of going up and down looking for all your different tools you can go over here to the upper left and now just do a quick search for let's just say redact and bam there it is okay and again also notice that i could drag this over here to my tools or i can just click on add and then bam there is redact and very simply i can come right back to my file so i want to redact certain things from this document so i'm going to click on redact and you'll see okay very good little wizards going to come up select the areas in the document you want to redact permanently click on next and then once you are done marking redactions hit apply to redact the content permanently okay very good thank you very much so you click on this drop down you're going to see there's a little message here redact an entire page if you want to or find text and redact okay it's okay pretty cool but guess what i could also do i could just go over to here now that this is highlighted i can then say hey listen we are going to redact this bit of information and you'll see a red box appears around the content that i'm going to redact doesn't actually get redacted yet they're just letting me know that okay this is about to get redacted okay pretty cool let's just find something else let me just redact bernal heights okay great that's helpful i see that there and now for this one i'm going to come down to this whole page click on this drop down and just say redact page you'll notice here is mark page range mark current page for redaction or you can do an entire page range if you wanted to so if you had a a consecutive set of pages it would be one hyphen three or if it was ones that were not consecutive with each other you do one comma three comma five something like that i'm just going to choose mark current page for redaction i click ok and you'll see okay there we go and now it gets all black telling me that it's been redacted and now finally the last thing i'm going to do is i'm actually going to do a kind of a search right it's going to be a find and search and redact so you've all probably seen find and replace before now we're going to do this based off of words it's going to find it so i'm going to go over here to find text and redact it says documents can contain images or line art that may appear as text but are not searchable so if you have text let's just say like a nice fancy title that you brought in as a jpeg or something like that it would not see that as text so they're just warning you about that so i'm going to click ok and now it's going to ask me okay well what word would you like to search for okay great and is that word going to be case sensitive because that's very important for you and also where would you like to search okay so check it out where would you like to search in the current document and look at that all pdf documents in a particular folder pretty nice and then search for the single word or phrase multiple words or phrase patterns so many great options for you so i'm just going to do a single word or phrase and i'm just going to type out landon okay and then click on this button at the bottom here search and remove text it's doing a nice little find there and then it shows me all the results okay so before i do this it's asking me hey are you sure this is cool you want to do all of these and like yeah you know what we don't want to show that at all okay for whatever reason bam it's down 51 instances very quickly but instead of having to go through these one by one by one i can very easily say check all okay very good and then finally you'll see on the bottom this button down here kind of hiding in plain sight mark check results for redaction i click on that and then bam there you are i can close this box out and now we have these red boxes going around each of the words that are going to be redacted and then finally i am ready ready ready to redact so i click on apply and then again it tells me a little warning this will permanently remove the redacted information from this document once you save the document you won't be able to retrieve the redacted information your document might contain hidden data or metadata do you wish to remove them too so sanitize and remove hidden information and we have a nice little information bit here in case that's not clear what that is metadata embedded content and attached files etc there might be some hidden things in the background like you know certain keywords author names things like that that you might want to redact because maybe mr landon was the author or landon was the key word so we want to actually sanitize some of that stuff that's behind the scenes what we're looking at here so i'm going to make sure that that's checked i click ok and then i have to save it so i'm just going to say redacted complete and now just like that magic cool very cool and then look at that entire page redacted all right so super super valuable and relatively easy probably the hardest part for you is going into the tools panel to find your redaction tools all right so once you're there you're home free okay so practice that have a good lesson and i will see you soon let's now talk about the important topic of accessibility so accessibility implies a user that is currently using a screen reader technology that allows them to go through a document and have that screen reading technology read back to them so screen reader technology depends on certain types of elements to be present for the user to have an equal experience so one example is putting on what we call alternative text on an image okay so images cannot be read by the screen reader so therefore we need to put text on those images so the screen reader can describe what those images are also having the tab order because screen reader users will hit tab on their keyboard to go through a document so we need to make sure that the document has a proper flow to it okay and we're going to see a number of other examples as well but now one thing i want to say is that many of you may be required to have accessible documents particularly people who are working with government organizations or have any kind of relationship with the federal government even if you're getting some kind of financial aid if you're getting a loan if you have any kind of contracts if you are audited there could be consequences so you want to make sure that you are also having your documents be accessible okay also we want to be considerate to make sure that everybody has a similar and equal experience when you looking at your documents okay so we're going to go through a few different steps on how to do this all right first of all i'm going to bring up my accessibility toolbar here and if yours isn't there you can always go to tools and you can find it there and you'll be able to scroll up or down depending on how you have your things organized or again as i showed you earlier you can go ahead and just search for accessibility mine is currently right here i'm going to click on that and you're going to see a number of different options here let me just scroll up to the top and one thing you may want to start off with here is just your accessibility check just to see well what elements should i be looking for so when i click on that you're going to see this is going to pop up with a lot a lot of different things here so it's going to give me a little report to tell me hey this has been reported on you know things these are things are missing these things need to be worked on halfway or these things are done okay we're all good right then do you want to actually have this report attached to the document etc and then down here you have all kinds of different options as far as right what things do you want it to show right so like what types of things are we actually looking to check for now i'm not going to do it this way i'm going to do things in a little bit more sort of like automated way we're going to kind of run through a little engine but you might want to study these as you're creating your documents to know okay well you know what my document needs to have a title okay our bookmarks present okay so we need to make sure that these things do exist as we're creating our document so this is just a good checklist so i'm going to cancel this and close this out i'm going to show you a really great way to do things in a much more kind of automated fashion and that is using the action wizard so i don't see my action wizard here so you guessed it i can go over here to tools and then i can't find my action wizard so i just type out action and then bam there that is okay use guided actions to standardize routine pdf tasks so there's a lot of actions we can do we're just going to be looking at the accessibility set of actions so i'm going to click on add just to have that there go back to my document and then i'm going to simply find action wizard down in the lower right click on that and you're going to see there's a lot of options here right so archive documents publish sensitive information optimize things for the web like in terms of your images and things like that so you'll want to check those out but why are we here we're here to make our document accessible not just learn about whether it's accessible or not and not just check for accessibility but to make it accessible okay so these actions are actually not just going to give us information but it's going to change things for us so i'm going to click on make accessible and very quickly and easily you're going to see i have this little kind of wizard that's about to appear here for me okay so you'll see it's checking my document right which is called check right there and then you can see it breaks it down into a number of different categories so we're just going to click on start and go through each individual category and we'll see what it shows for us what kind of actions we need to take so i'm going to click on start and it's going to pop up and tell me oh wait a second there's no title there's no subject there's no authors no keyword hmm okay good idea to have those there so let's go ahead and all right i'm just going to say okay this is in the compass okay subject okay i'll just say book from 1942 and the compass okay author is daniel silversmith okay and i'll just say american literature fiction and in the compass okay so very good so this is going to make it more searchable so when you put this on the web it's going to make it more searchable okay and if the person who has the screen reading technology wants to know one for more information this is called metadata so this metadata will come up within their search so i'm going to click ok great now we're going on to the next thing all right so we've just went from one section to the other and this should be familiar to those of you who watched the earlier part of my lessons on ocr technology right here's this r right recognizable right optical character recognition okay so it's basically going to look for anything that might need to be scanned and turned into searchable text because again screen readers cannot read that type of image so it needs to be made into readable text okay so bam you can see that maybe i want to say editable text and images just kind of go for it all the way okay is this document intended to be used as fillable forms it is not okay but you need to understand that if it is we need to make sure that the form fields are in fact detectable so again people can have equal experience so i'm just going to say no skip the step it's great and what's my reading language yeah yes it is english i'm going to click ok it's just running through this wizard it's pretty remarkable acrobat will detect all figures in this document and display any figures with missing alternate text okay so this comes back to what we were talking about before where our images need to have text associated with them so they can be read by the screen reader so i click ok and now there you go first image all right so i'm going to say line drawing of primrose flower okay now see what i just did there i didn't just say image you know i was actually very specific i didn't even say just just primrose right i was very specific about what it was so we want to try to be as detailed and descriptive as possible for people just imagine that you are describing this to somebody or how you'd want it to be described to you okay so i'm going to click on save and close okay and then bam very good and then we can see it's going to check it for us one more time we're back to where we were before click on start checking and now i'll be able to go through here and i'll be able to see okay well how do we do pass pass pass okay that's great all right everything looks pretty good uh what's going on here what happened with this one all right so i need to find where this one is and then put some alternative text on that so you'll notice again that it didn't get it so what i do is very simply right click on it i'm going to say fix so there i am over there on the figure alternate text it's failed so i click on fix it missed it so now i can go over to here and say this is a line drawing of an and then me okay save and close all right very good pass pass pass i'm super happy this is awesome this is ready to go okay so and if you know anybody with screen readers of course you'll want to test this out okay you want to make sure that this is as you know clean as possible and at the experience is as fluid and helpful as possible for people okay we just want to make sure that it is pretty airtight all right but you'll see that acrobat has a really really nice set of features to make it so you're checking everything and you're fixing everything in relatively good speed okay so practice this make sure that you get this down understand again that we go through the accessibility option but then also we can go through actions as well okay we'll see you in the next lesson in this lesson we're going to talk about creating editing and modifying forms so this particular document that you're looking at here looks very much like a form okay but can i fill it out i don't think so right if i try to click in here and i try to type in there can't do anything okay if i were to print it out certainly in order to give that to somebody they can write into it so certainly from the naked eye it looks like it is workable but you know what that's not very good for my users i want to make it so i can send this to people and they fill it out and then they have all the little boxes in there and they could just fill it out accordingly and then they can also send it to me right or they can clear the form i'm going to give them lots and lots of options to be able to do what i want them to do and what they want them to do essentially okay so typically if you are going to be creating a form such as this it's a good idea to either create it in word or potentially create it in acrobat with these kind of like pseudo form fields ready because we're going to do something called the form wizard and it's going to just basically run this through a process to find these little lines and boxes and things and even some of these check boxes and everything like that and potentially some of these little buttons here but not as powerful as what we're going to do but you want to kind of give it a head start so when it is doing that scan it's looking for these individual lines and boxes to say hey you know what i bet that he or she wants to make that into a form field okay so what we're going to do is we're going to use this thing called the form wizard that's going to run through it and then we don't have to do a lot of the work all right so if you are more comfortable in word you can just make these little lines come up you can do it in a table a lot of people do that and just make sure all your labels are already there it's going to save you a lot of time in the future if your labels are already there especially if you're not as comfortable with acrobat and you're more comfortable with word okay and if you're in word you want to save it as a pdf then you run the scan okay so hopefully that makes sense so you might start off with word but ultimately you want to make it into a pdf so then we can run the scan to be able to do that so i'm going to find my forms option oops do i see it here let me see don't see it don't see it don't see it okay well guess what i can go here to more tools and let's clear this out i'm going to type out form okay and here it is prepare form okay great quickly convert microsoft word and excel or scan forms into pdf forms so i'm just going to go ahead and just this time just drag it there that's fun i click on that and this is going to take me right away to begin select a file scan a document or start from scratch okay now i currently have this document open so that's made it nice and easy for me okay great and then i would just actually start it sometimes you actually need to go finding the file right you can if i snow document was open you can go ahead and find the file on your computer and then just bring it in if you like right now it's asking me this document requires signatures at this point it does not but we're going to talk about that in a little bit all right and then here's also your create new if you wanted to do that okay and if you have something on a scanner then you can run through that process just the same if your scanner is connected to your computer that is okay and then you have this very very important part here form field action detection is on okay so mining currently is on but if i click on change it's going to take me over here to my preferences which we've seen a couple of times and then here is a category called forms and you want to make sure to turn that on inside of the checkbox all right so i'm good to go so let's just watch when i click on start amazing bam so quickly it's done so it found all of these little options here and not only did it put in these little individual tech box text boxes but it also took the labeling from those text boxes okay and then it put them in there put them in there put them in there okay that's great and then sometimes it might not get it right so you want to just check it out now if you're ever exporting it and you're saving all these things as like a csv file these names are going to be very important because the label will in fact come with it okay and then they'll actually have that those taggings on there all right now you'll see okay great lots of good information here good and notice how they're not all the same we don't want to say price row price row price row or address and address because acrobat will see that as repeating so you want to keep that in mind could be an easy thing to overlook that you want to actually have them have unique identifying names all right and then this special request that's another really good one okay great and then card number okay good and then oh look at this one only one box came in so we'll have to fix that all right and then this one also okay great but so far so good all right so i'm going to stop this lesson right here just so you can see bam how easy it is just to use the form wizard to create a form based off of something you already created okay so practice that and come back in the next lesson and we'll continue talking about forms now that we have a form more or less created for us with form fields and text boxes and everything let's get a little tour of what we're seeing here now that we're inside of the forms panel so you'll notice over here on the top i have a whole bunch of options here for different types of form fields i can bring in whether it's type a check box or radio button even though things for date pickers things like that asking for a signature you can move your mouse over all these and they'll tell you exactly what they do and you'll also notice on the right hand side i have a whole bunch of options that pertain to the object that i've selected notice here this says full name this is address one when i click on it all right and then you'll also notice that when i right click on this wow lots and lots of options appear here okay the one you'll spend the most time in is properties but you'll also see there's some other things like tab order oh right right we've probably been on the internet before where we tab tab tab and then maybe it goes the right way maybe it doesn't but we want people to have an intuitive flow when they hit tab so you'll be able to actually change all that stuff here is renaming the field do you want this to be required okay absolutely that's a great thing maybe you want to add on a new field altogether we can do the same thing from here cut copy paste alignment all kinds of great things here and then come way down here to show tab numbers you can see to change the tab order first sort by tab order manually then you can drag and drop fields where you want them within the field panel to modify the tab order so when i click ok you can see okay well good is that making sense we're gonna have to come back to that because that does not look right okay it's like hmm interesting okay so we're gonna come back to that in a little bit because notice how this goes one to two and then it jumps over to three to four to five oh i see what it's doing it's just kind of reading it from left to right going across and then down back again so it's going to be a little work for us but it's going to be totally worth it in the long run so i'm just going to go right click i'm going to turn that off so we're not distracted by that all right now let's go a little bit deeper into this let's go into our properties i'm going to click on that and you're going to see we have a lot of different properties we can be working with for example we have general and it's basically telling us okay what is the name of it and you want to have a tool tip when somebody mouses over it great fantastic okay form field it is in fact going to be visible right we want people to be able to see it or maybe you don't right so you can actually make it hidden if you like appearance okay do you want to have a border in there okay totally up to you it's great yes or no you want to make it a little bit more obvious a little bit more visible you can absolutely do that maybe you can change the fill color however you want to do that right if you again want to make it as obvious as necessary okay and then the text so when somebody fills this out what do you want the text to look like okay so you can make it so it's going to be that particular size and that particular font totally up to you that particular color totally up to you hopefully pretty intuitive but just know that you can change that and it's all manageable for you okay let's take a look at these other things here just in terms of position where is it going to live right in case you want to be very precise with things you can always say that everything's going to start off bam right at that part of the left margin okay excellent now we go over here to other options right so we have our alignments right how is the text going to come in when somebody writes in as left right center whatever you want it to be you can also put in a default value there sometimes that's good just to kind of give people a little bit of a hint or maybe just want to keep it simple for people like everybody lives in the state of california so that is going to be your default value okay and you can see bam there's a state of california's west state and you might want to say it's always going to be the state of california but maybe it is maybe it isn't but it's going to be most of the time all right and then we've got some other things maybe this is going to be a password field okay that's something that you can explore as well you want to check spelling make sure that they're coming in properly when they're spelling things um so it'll check for them and then the heroes like multi-line so like special requests that might might be multi-line first name last name address probably won't be but if something is like a lot of text right people might write like a few sentences you might want to put in multi-line right then you also have the ability to scroll long text what does that mean essentially if they go beyond the end of the text box a little scroll bar is going to pop up okay and then if you want to allow rich text formatting which is going to allow for more formatting right if they have that ability to do that on their computer they'll allow them to to bold it and do all that other stuff right so totally up to you you experiment with that and then again here are some limitations if you want to work with limitations of people write too much just limit it okay because it keeps going off the form and you can't necessarily see it when you print it right again totally up to you all right and then we're going to skip over these actions right now because for this particular field it doesn't really matter okay and then there's nothing happening for this particular format but just notice at some point i might want to come over here like to make this a number format i might want to make this a date format etc okay and then validate right there's nothing to be validated here and also calculate we're gonna be looking at calculate in just a little bit okay so i'm pretty much good to go i didn't really change anything here we're just getting a nice little tour of this so i'm gonna click on close and great i'm pretty happy with that all right now let's take a look at this one right here right i'm just going to maybe just do one or two of them so we can see this is a price so i right click on that i'm going to go over here to properties and i'm going to go over here to format and then make it so this is going to be a number all right great and it's also going to have dollars all right wonderful i love that so that's all set up ready to go so i know for example that is always going to have that format for me i don't have to worry about that or my user doesn't have to worry about it when they type it in it's all good to go okay great lovely so i click close do that one more time right click properties go over here to number and dollar sign look at that it remembers me fantastic click close and i'm going to do it again for this bottom because this is going to be a total right click properties and then this again is going to be a number bama remembers me but guess what i'm going to do something a little different for this one and this is going to be a calculate so you can see i want to calculate everything that's above it to then make it go right feed right into that with the sum so you can see value is the sum of the following fields huh okay wait what what field oh there's a pick button here i click on that and i can see it's going to be the sum of price row one through five so bam bam look at that super intuitive right that makes sense none of these other ones no i don't think that's going to really matter for me so when i click ok i click close and notice it automatically pops up with a zero okay and maybe if that's too big don't forget like that's coming in super big you can come over to here to your let's see where was that again format okay and then nope sorry maybe get confused sometimes there it is under text okay and then font size and then you have um everything that you want to change that right because this is saying it's going to be auto and then see notice i just made that smaller it made it smaller as well okay that's a pretty good size all right very good okay so that's the beginning of what we can work with our properties let's take a look at one other option where we can actually play around with our properties for sure and that's going to be working with our dates okay so i'm going to right click on our expiration date and then go over to here to properties and again this time i'm going to go to format this time i'm going to choose date oh great that's nice and now you'll see i have a whole bunch of date format options so what do you want it to look like right when people choose it so i'm just going to do kind of the old standard i'll just do um it's going to look like this right so it's going to be two characters for the month two characters for the date and then two characters for the year all right and then pretty much good to go right there and then when i preview it in just a little bit you're going to see that that is going to be a drop down menu to choose the date okay so let me preview it and then we're going to pause the video have you catch up and practice this so you'll notice over here in the upper right is my ability to preview what i just did i click on that and okay pretty nice right form field okay so john smith okay i hit tab and it's ready to go and i just go ahead and start typing it out let's click here come down hey look at that and it is now calculated wow look at that i created some math pretty amazing let's try this one expiration date and just like that oh awesome so when do that's coming in okay great expiration date that is going to be blah and blah and i'm noticing here that my expiration date is for a credit card so i can actually change that so it's not going to be with a day right so it actually just needs to be the month of the year so i'll be able to edit that now so when i click back over here on edit okay i'll be able to just come right back exactly where i was right click on it go to properties come over to here and then all i need is really just the month in the year okay yes that's what a credit card has oh that was an easy change okay so very good so practice that and we'll come back and we'll work with some other form fields as well in this next lesson on forms we're going to learn about how to create a drop down menu alright so so far we've been looking at some just basic text fields also working with some basic number fields created with dollars and also making it so we can do calculations and we also did date dropdowns all right now let's just see very quickly how we can work with just basic dropdowns we're going to put in the choices so for example here i have this choice for a city and people only live in one of three cities for my group here so i want to be able to make it easier for them so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to remove this city field and i'm going to bring in my own drop down menu option for them so as you recall earlier we have all of our options right over here and if you move your mouse over you'll see what is this one here this one is add a list of choices add list options from the properties view what's this one add a drop down list add menu options from the properties oh i think i kind of like that one so i click on it once and then my mouse kind of floats like that and then i can just simply click again and then it appears just like that giving me the option to now click and drag and move that over likewise all right now right now it's a drop down menu however there is really nothing in there so what i need to do is just add in my options so when i right click i go over here to properties and i'm going to go over here to options and very simply because this is a drop down right i'm going to get several different options now to add in what items i want to be in that drop down menu so i'm just going to just say san fran cisco add oakland and san jose okay great wonderful i'm super happy with that but am i really you know let's actually alphabetize this so i'm gonna move this up bam okay pretty cool and that's about right yeah okay good i like that or i could have actually hit sort and that would have done the same exact thing right a lot faster if you got a lot of things and it's going to sort it alphabetically maybe sometimes you are going to allow users to edit their own custom text because you know what maybe there's more people than i realize right there are people in berkeley also okay there are people in san mateo okay great you know what so maybe i should allow for that this is what's known as text validation so you actually may want to have your data validated it's only going to be that or you're going to be a little bit more flexible okay and then when i come over here to general i'm going to rename this to city okay and then city all right great love that good to go and i click close and now let's test it out go here to preview and bam there that is click on that and i love that so cool okay so easy all right now let's go ahead and go back to edit this all right and then i actually like to change what's going to be inside of that top menu so i'm going to click on properties and a nice little tip is what you might want to do is have for your first choice up there just say choose city from drop down okay and then i say add and now that's going to be there so people aren't confused so now let me click on close go to preview bam there that is okay and then i'll still see all the same options right there but you just might want to make it a little bit easier for people okay so let me close that out i'm going to pause the video have you practiced that really really important super valuable tool and hopefully for you relatively straightforward on how to execute in this lesson we're going to learn how to work with radio buttons so there's going to be times where you want people to select certain items but you only want them to select one of the series so this credit card set of options is going to be a very good example where they can only choose one of these four or whatever and if they choose one the other one gets deselected okay so you can see that acrobat did its best to try to give me some things like hey i think i saw something there do you want that like no thanks so i click on that get rid of it and what i'm going to do now is insert a radio button so you can see here is this little circle it says add radio buttons to enable selections from mutually exclusive options it's exactly what i was just describing if you choose one it excludes the other so they cannot actually be all selected together so you do it just by simply clicking on the button and then go down here and then click and now notice this is inside of group two great that's fine and i'm gonna name this mc good i'm gonna do another one bam and bam notice again still group two that's very important okay i'll just do v for visa am okay again still group two and finally discover let's type out d and again group two okay now i'm also going to align these okay and the best way to align them is to come over here to our fields group and i'm going to choose group two so you'll notice there's a whole grouping over here with all the ones that i just created i click on group two and they're all selected and i'm gonna line their top so if i go over to here you'll notice okay very good now they're all aligned i don't have to worry about any of my kind of sloppy work there good very good i'm super happy with that and then i'm going to go over to here to preview and you can see very nice i have these all there and then watch what happens i'm a mastercard oh no no i'm not i'm a visa yeah cool oh no i'm an amex right you can see that how when you select one it deselects the other automatically okay so let's go ahead and close out of that and i'm going to open up back to my forms options again and you know what i don't really like how this is just called group 2 so i can very easily now change that by right-clicking here going over here to properties and i'm just going to change where it says group name name to credit cards nice and organized right doesn't affect anything else right and then bam there i am ready to go okay so in the next lesson we're going to learn about working with these little signature fields and then we're going to learn about tab order and then we're going to learn about how to submit our buttons so stay tuned pause the video and please practice there's going to be some times when you're creating fields that you want to make it very easy for people to sign and that's where this little digital signature request field comes from so if you move your mouse over to here you're going to be able to see that there's a add a digital signature field right so this one automatically popped in there right it's ready to go so when i click on preview you're going to see this is already ready to go and i want to click on it's going to ask me sign with a digital signature with the digital id okay this is me and as a result if i were to click on continue i would be able to now sign with my digital signature we're going to learn about that in subsequent lessons how to actually create these but you want to make it very very easy for people to actually use a digital signature right and that actually like bonifies it stamps it encrypts it and also makes the document final as a result okay but how do we actually do that on our own so i'm just going to just get rid of that because sometimes it doesn't exist so very simply click here where we have add a digital signature and just simply click again and make that as wide as you need it to be and as tall as you need it to be make sure we can see the line underneath it all right and then again you can right click and you can check out some of the properties just call it whatever you like okay and then again check change the properties and the appearance and all that good stuff if you want to and notice that there is also a new tab here when somebody does sign it what do you want to have happen nothing happens do you want it to mark as read only right so nobody can mess with it afterwards okay so you do have that kind of control once you put this in because it is a very special field it's a signature field so therefore is the assumption that it is done right so nobody can mess with it anymore so totally up to you you want to play around with that talk to your team a bit about that okay so i'll click close and get out of that and pause the video have you practice it and then we're going to talk about our tab order in this lesson we're going to talk about tab order so it sounds like exactly what it is when you hit the tab key on your keyboard what order do you want these form fields to flow so let me just show you a problem so i'm going to click on preview and you'll see here i'm going to just put in a name right whatever i hit tab put in something else i hit tab and then oop look what it does over there it goes over there i go to the next one and then it pops back over to there and then it goes back over to here it is all over the place right so let me just get rid of all this good stuff here don't need that don't need that and i'm going to go ahead and fix the tab order so when people tab they're going to go full name they're going to address address and then down down down down down then they go back over to here and the next one and the next one okay i'm just going to show you kind of like just the first maybe you know several of them and then you can figure it out from there because there's just a couple of weird nuances and a few tricks so i click on edit i'm back to here and if you recall from an earlier lesson when i right clicked on any one of these form fields you'll see an option to show tab numbers i'm going to click ok and you're going to see ah there's a rhyming reason to this one two three four five six seven eight nine oh my and then this is 23. oh man okay that's that's a little bit crazy right so i don't i don't want that obviously so there's a couple of ways to fix that all right one as you can probably guess is a right click so if i right click on this number four that's a really easy one because it just needs to be bumped up to three so when i right click on there you're gonna see there's gonna be an option to move up in tab order so i click on that and that very simply chooses from four two three bam that's applied love that but man i got a lot of these to go and this is not really a lot like i want to do that do i how many is i can be 20 times for this number 23 so guess what if we go way over here on the right hand side into these little field options and i click and drag down i'm going to see all of my fields right here this is where the labeling really comes in because i can find city for example and i'll see it's way down here guess what that's the 23rd item in the list so if i simply click and drag this up up up and we'll look for address two and then bring that down below address two watch what happens it is now number four okay let's go over here to uh state and let's move that right below right what do i want it to be right below city that makes sense and look at that that is 5 and then we'll do the same thing for zip which is going to be right after state okay so you can see the process right of course you don't want to watch me do every single one of these but we want to make it easier for all of our users to be able to just like tab tab tab go through all this stuff here so it just has an intuitive flow that is not bopping all around can't even tell you how many times i've taken these forms and it's like wait how do why am i all the way over here all of a sudden okay so let's test this out now let's see if this is in fact going to work i'm going to type out my name okay bam and then address okay good it goes over there and let's hopefully see this go and then look at that it went down there as expected and now let's just see my drop down that's pretty cool i click on that and then san francisco and then let's hit tab again nice okay hit tab again oh man love that love that love that all right so let me just clear all this out for now and encourage you now to pause the video practice that and see you in the next video in this last lesson on working with forms we are going to learn how to submit a form we're going to learn how to create a button to be able to submit it now this button is going to take you to a place that's going to give you lots and lots of different actions that you can use to execute certain outcomes so you'll notice over here i'm still in my prepare form tab and you'll notice over here way up on top is my little ok button little ok button so that is the ability to pretty much bring in any kind of button so i click on that and this little thing flies out and i'm just going to just simply click and now i have basically just sort of like a generic placeholder for a button now i'm not going to type anything in right now but what i am going to do is i'm going to go over here to all properties so i want to be able to see what my options are here okay so very similar to what i saw before okay i'm going to name this submit okay and then maybe you want to put a little tool tip in there submit form okay bam all right and then all these other things here but now the only part that's going to really be different is going to be this option here where we're going to have an action because remember what this is this is a button so that implies some type of action when somebody clicks on it what do you want to have happen so if you click on this drop down notice there are a lot of options a lot of actions you can actually have it go to do now this is going to inform you for other things not just for forms because maybe you just want to create a button to go to a certain page right to open up to a file to play a sound right to play media all kinds of different things maybe you want to give people the option to reset the form okay so you have all those options there what we want to do is we want to submit a form okay and once that's there i choose add and now it's going to ask me very simply okay so what is the url for this link could be slightly deceiving because i'm not doing any url right i actually want people to mail it to me so if you just type out mail to all one word and then a colon all one word with no spaces and then you put in the email address of whoever you wanted to send to then you're good to go and i actually like to make it so it's just the pdf of what they're going to export pretty great good to go and now i click ok i'm going to click ok again i'm actually going to click close all right now now i have this button here now i can make this button look however i want it to look on this particular document we happen to have just some you know generic sort of shape underneath there which is going to make it easier for me so i don't have to do that with an acrobat which could be slightly limited but we have seen what some of the appearances options are but what i'm going to do is i'm going to make this invisible but it's still going to be a button and appear like a button because of what's underneath it but the actions will then in fact be what's on this so how do i do that i right click go over here to properties and then for my appearance i'm going to say my fill color is not going to be gray it's going to have no color all right that's great and then for my name let me just go ahead and remove that all right and that's not going to show there and then let's just see i think everything else should be a okay and now i click close all right and then now let's see it in action so i'm going to now choose preview and then i'll just put some content in there and then when i'm ready to submit this watch this this is now a button okay and then notice how submit is no longer there but do note that my little tool tip does appear when i move my mouse over it and watch what happens now when i click on it it's going to open up to my default email application with the form already attached and there is my email address how awesome is that okay and you created that right using a very simple button and then applying a very simple set of actions on there all right so please practice that have fun you see all the really amazing amazing tools that acrobat has to offer as far as creating forms we'll see in the next lesson let's just quickly talk about working with signatures because there's a number of different times that you're going to have to sign things in a number of different ways so let's just first talk about this option for fill and sign okay so when i click on that you're going to see the one that i'm going to be using more than anything and probably you as well is this sign yourself so when i click on that notice this is already built in with my signature if yours is not there already you can go ahead and just click on the plus sign it's going to ask you just run through a little tiny wizard to be able to do that but you're going to see something similar now when i add in my initials so when i click on that you're going to see this is going to pop up and i can do any number of different things i can type it i can draw it or maybe i actually have an image of what i've already done i've scanned in my signature on a piece of paper and i brought it in so i want to keep that nice and authentic so i can just also come back here i'm going to do my typing i'm going to go over to here or maybe i want to change the style to something a little bit different okay i can do that let me get rid of that let's see what happens if i draw it okay i can do this with my mouse right kind of okay cool or i can clear that or i'm going to use a stylus i'm actually using this on my screen okay pretty neat so i have that option to do that just the same okay so my handwriting is atrocious so i'm going to get rid of that go back to typing and i'm just going to say capital d capital c and i'm pretty much good to go with that i'll click on apply and now later on if i'm ready to sign it or i'm asked to put my initials i'm ready to go with both of these now so when i click on this now to bring in my full signature there it is okay and then i can also increase and decrease the size i can delete it if i want to and then guess what i can do that one more time bring it back out and then let's just see what we have here this is going to give me the option to just put an x in there right you have all kinds of ways to just kind of like toggle back and forth between some of these other different options that it may just require you to do right so totally up to you whatever your options are okay whatever you'd like to do so i'm going to keep mine as just a very simple bam just like that okay pretty easy right let me go ahead and just delete that and let's just talk about a slightly different way that you might be working with signatures now you saw this in our earlier lesson on working with the form wizard where we were requesting a digital signature okay which seems in my opinion a little more kind of authentic all right so let's just go a little bit under the hood over to our preferences and go to edit preferences if you're on the mac click on acrobat and then preferences and we're going to see here is this option for signatures way down here all right now if you do not have a digital signature this is where you're going to go to create your digital signature okay so what i'm going to do first is i'm going to go over here to this identities and trust certificates click on that and we're going to see bam this is where all of my signatures live okay so let me go directly to this one so you can see oh that's interesting nice this is all my information this is my business name okay bam i verified that okay now if you want to create a new one on your own you're going to go over here to where we have digital ids click on this little icon there with a plus sign to create your new one click on that and then very simply you're going to say i want to create a new digital id i click on next and you're going to say you want a new digital id file click on next and it should sync up to whatever information is built in to your acubat program already and then you just run through the process i've already got one so i don't need to do this again but then once you do that you are good to go to then digitally sign okay so let me get out of this let me get out of this and let's see how i can now apply a digital signature to this document earlier we saw there was one way to do it when somebody is asking you for it okay where there's going to be like a little box for you to click on and then okay then it pops right up and that makes it very easy for you but most of the time that's not going to be the case we have to depend on the wisdom of others to be able to do that so if i want to sign this right now with this digital signature i've got to go pretty deep into my tools to get to my options right so go to my tools and you're going to see there's this option here strangely named certificate okay certificate all right so i'm just going to go ahead and just choose that now and it's going to pop up nothing really looks different except for the fact now i have this option to digitally sign so when i click on that it's going to say hey using your mouse click and drag to draw the area where you'd like the signature to appear once you finish dragging out the desired area you'll be taken to the next step of the signing process okay pretty cool so bam that is going to be my signature and hey is that you yep sure is right cool i can put in my password if i can remember it right now it's going to ask me to sign it so i'm gonna say signed and now there it is amazing okay so but remember it's not super super linear okay we need to actually create this first then we got to go over to where our extra options are you know built in to our tools to be able to find the certificate option and then digitally sign from there it's not always the most intuitive but look how slick that is and look how official that is okay so i click on it okay this signature is valid all right good i'm pretty proud of that and that's it so keep that in mind whenever someone asks you to sign something and you want to actually make it pretty bonafide okay so go ahead and pause the video practice that and get your digital signature all set up and we'll see in the next lesson let's now just talk about some final steps where we're looking at our document properties and some of these document properties could be how you want your document to be viewed when somebody opens it up could be basic security things could be some of your meta tags and data so let's just see where all that stuff is going to live very simply if i go over here to file i'm going to come way down over here to properties and we're going to see we have this relatively nice looking dialog box not too fancy not too confusing and it's asking okay well what's the description of this document we may have seen this earlier when we were looking at some of our metadata for accessibility if you don't have anything here you can certainly put it in manually rather than going through the accessibility wizard so i can just put everything here okay what's the title am i the author what's the subject keywords it's going to make it so it's searchable and then maybe that's how you want things to show up on the web or on your computer or otherwise okay so i can easily type all that stuff in there now i'm just going to go ahead and jump over here to my initial view and this is actually kind of a nice one because it's going to give you some control of how you want your document to be viewed by people when they open it up okay because a lot of times it could be some confusion where certain things might be lost when somebody opens up your documents like meaning that it's kind of buried in there it's like off the page or maybe you want them to open it up you know with two pages side by side one page side by side you know depending on the view that you want etc so if you can see here do you want your navigation tab to be open yes or no oh wow that's a good one yes absolutely i want that to be open that's very important here's my page layout do you want your single page actually you know what i actually want two up facing each other yeah that's actually really important okay and then your magnification you can see here you know what i think i'd really like to have this at 75 all right very good then you can explore some of these other options like your window options resize the window to the initial page right oh okay or center the window so you can play around with all those different things here maybe you want to be in full screen mode when somebody opens it up really lots of great options hiding the menus and toolbars again you have all kinds of great options here to play around with okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to say okay save this right and then come back and open it again all right and then we're going to finish off in a little bit just so you know on working with security but just notice everything that i've done here okay that's great i've saved this all right now i'm going to close this out and close this out and then open up to check and let's just see what that does amazing look at that bookmarks is open just like that and it's open up with two sides two pages side by side and then bam 75 okay so you can see that's there my bookmarks are here okay and you can see it's actually two pages side by side i controlled all that so again file document properties down below here and you can see okay great what do you want to have there or not okay so really experiment with other things that you may or may not want to do okay i'm going to get out of this for right now so you can see it and there you go all right so really just it's about having control over your content or over your visibility how you want things displayed all right so pause the video we'll come back and we're going to talk about document security to password protect your documents okay welcome back as promised let's talk about security what does that mean we might want to password protect our document so when somebody opens it up they need a password to get into it maybe when they want to print it or do other kinds of things we want to be able to password protect that all right so you've got lots of precious information here so you want to make sure that not anybody can get to it so let's go back over here to file let's go back over here to our properties options and you'll see here there is a tab called security okay so you'll see here there are some options here for document security the document security method restricts what can be done to the document to remove security restrictions set the security method to no security and by default yours may be that maybe you've inherited somebody else's document and it actually has says something else so we're just going to work with just password security for right now and this opens up to a different dialog box and this part is i think relatively intuitive we're going to focus on just this set of options right here where very simply require a password to open the document or restrict editing and printing of the document a password will be required in order to change these permission settings okay very good and notice everything is grayed out right now why because i didn't click on the box and now i can put in my password okay bam it's a weak password okay but i like it strong to me because i will remember it okay very good then here's another one restrict editing and printing of the document so maybe okay you are not going to require people to open it right anybody can open it but you don't want people to mess with it okay so is there printing allowed okay only for low resolution maybe people in your company keep printing stuff out and you're getting bankrupt on whatever you know ink you're using great so totally up to you or you just say no printing allowed what kind of changes can be allowed insert deleting rotating filling in form fields oh actually yes i probably want that so if you are filling in form fields and or your your clients are your audiences but you don't want them to mess with the form itself you would say just filling in form fields or maybe just for commenting okay any except for extracting pages you'll know what the time is for what you're trying to do okay and then you can also see here is enable copying of text images and other content so maybe you don't want them to do any of these other things but you are going to allow them to just like highlight and then copy and then move it someplace else but again totally up to you because maybe that's the point of why you're even putting these security restrictions on to begin with that you do want to protect your content all right and then this comes back to our accessibility question yes do i want to enable text access for screen reader devices for the visually impaired okay so again if you want to have everybody to have an equal experience you want to make sure that this is checked if you are getting complaints from people saying like hey it's not working for me i don't know why somebody may have turned that off okay so totally up to you just know what your options are there okay i'm going to keep this as is you'll be able to practice with this one since you'll have access to this file and we're good to go so congratulations on that so hopefully this was super helpful for you in terms of security getting under the hood looking at all your document properties pause the video please practice and we'll see you soon well thank you for watching everyone this concludes our acrobat pro dc class congratulations you made it well we covered quite a bit in this class starting from the basics we learned how to customize our acrobat pro toolbars we learned how to convert all different types of file formats into a pdf including creating portfolios we also covered how to make real edits to not only our text documents but also to scan documents we spent a good deal of time mastering the number of commenting tools we also learned how to create and modify forms make our documents accessible more secure and so much more hope you enjoyed it as much as i did thank you again and hope to see you in the next class thanks for watching don't forget we also offer live classes and office applications professional development and private training visit for more details please remember to like and subscribe and let us know your thoughts in the comments thank you for choosing learn it [Music] you
Channel: Learnit Training
Views: 79,172
Rating: 4.8913045 out of 5
Keywords: acrobat pro dc, tips and tricks, adobe acrobat, acrobat pro dc tips and tricks, learn, learn it, learn it anytime, learn acrobat pro dc, acrobat pro dc tutorial, tutorial, guide, learnit, adobe, creative cloud, converting scanned images acrobat pro dc, editing text acrobat pro dc, redacting acrobat pro dc, forms acrobat pro dc, signatures acrobat pro dc, document security, PDF signatures, acrobat, pdf, coverting to PDF, documents, word to pdf, combining PDFs, submit button acrobat
Id: 77GKGa-I-FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 3sec (12663 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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