Best FREE PDF Editor | PDFgear

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We're going to look at the best free PDF editor,  PDFgear. If you work with PDFs, this is the only   software you'll ever need. With it, you can edit  text and add new text, convert from PDF to many   different file formats like Microsoft Word. Sign.  Annotate. You can even ask AI questions about your   PDF. It works on Windows, Mac, iOS, and coming  soon, Android. Again, this is all free. No ads,   no watermarks, and you don't even have to  provide any personal information to sign up.   I partnered with PDFgear to show you how this  works, so let's check it out. To get PDFgear,   head to the following website. You can click  on the card in the top right-hand corner,   and I've also included a link down below in the  description. Once you land on this website, click   on the button that says "Free Download." Once  you finish installing and launch PDFgear, you'll   land in an interface that looks like this. Up at  the very top, you'll see some of the most common   actions that you might want to take with PDFs.  For example, you can convert a PDF to Microsoft   Word. Over here, you can compress a PDF file. That  way, it takes up less space. Right up on top, now   click on Merge and Split, and over here, you can  merge together two separate PDFs into one, or you   can take one PDF file and then split it out into  two. Right up on top, if we click into All Tools,   here you'll see all the different actions that you  could take with PDFs. Again, this is the only tool   you'll ever need when working with PDFs. Now, I  have an existing PDF file that I would like to   edit, so over on the left-hand side, I'll click on  Open File, and there's my file. I'll double-click   on that. This now opens up my PDF document, and  I'm currently writing the story of the Kevin   Cookie Company, and here I just got a draft back  from my publisher. Right up on top, you'll see all   these different menus, and when I click into  any one of them, you'll see all the different   associated tools, and we'll go through some of  the most common ones that you might want to use   with a PDF. Right here on the Home tab, we have  all sorts of different controls. Here, I could   adjust the fit of the document. Here, I could go  to the actual size, and here I could fit it to   the page. Right over here, one of my favorites,  you could turn on something called Auto Scroll,   and this will help you read your document. Here,  you'll see it's scrolling, and I could even adjust   the speed. Let's turn that off. You could also  turn on something called Slideshow Mode, which   I think makes it really easy to consume a PDF.  I'll press Escape to exit. One of my favorites,   you also have something called OCR. This will  allow you to select an area of your document,   and then you can extract the text from an image.  It's really impressive. Now, just looking at this,   this interface is really bright right now. In the  top right-hand corner, I'll click on this icon,   and right here, I could shift it into dark  mode. And look at that. That is so much easier   on the eyes. On second thought, I think I would  actually prefer it to be light. So, right up here,   I'll click back on that menu, and here I could  toggle back to the light theme. I think this   looks really good. Now, I need to start making  some revisions to this document before I send   it back to the publisher. So, let's take a quick  look here to see if there are any corrections that   I need to make. And here, I spotted one thing.  Here it says that we were founded in Oregon,   but it actually turns out that we were founded in  Washington. So, right up on top, I think I need   to make an annotation. I could click on this menu  right here, and this shows me all of my different   annotation tools. For example, you could highlight  text, you could underline, strike through,   you could highlight an area. You could even insert  all these different shapes or ink. And here,   I have a few more tools. Now, I want to highlight  the text Oregon. So, I'll click on highlight right   here, and down below, I can choose the highlight  color. Currently, it's set to yellow, and I   think that will work fine. That will really draw  attention. I'll select that, and then down below,   here I could highlight that text. And there, we  now see it highlighted in yellow. But I think I   also need to call out what it should be. So,  right up on top here, I could add a text box,   add text. Let me click on note. I think this will  work well. So, with note selected, here I could   click into my document, and that now adds a note.  And let's say, please change this to Washington.   Now that I've typed in my note, I could close out  of this, and here, I could position a note, so it   appears right on top of Oregon. Now, if someone  clicks on this icon, that exposes the note,   and the publisher will know what change to make  here. Now, I'll close out of this. As I'm working   through this document and making modifications,  I want it to be clear that this is a draft. So,   let's go all the way back up to the top. And  within annotation, over on the right-hand side,   I can even insert a stamp. When I click on this,  we have some preset stamps, and I could even make   my very own custom stamp. But for this, I think  a preset will work. I'll hover over preset,   and here, we see all the different stamps that I  can insert. Here, for example, there's one that   says draft, and that'll fit my needs perfectly.  I’ll click on that, and now I can put the stamp   anywhere I want on my document. I'll place it  right there, and over here, I can even adjust   the size. Let me make it a little larger, just so  it's really clear that this is a draft. Maybe I'll   put it right there in the center of the page, that  way, no one will miss it. Looking at the title,   I think this is a big missed opportunity. We say  an amazing success story, which this obviously is,   but I think it would be more fitting to say a  sweet success story. To edit the text that I see   here, I'll go up to edit up on top, and here we  see all the different edit tools. I want to edit   text, so over here, let's click on edit text. I  now see a rectangle around all of the different   text that I can edit in this PDF. Here, if we  scroll down, you can see that I can edit any text   throughout. Let's go back up here to the title,  and I want to change this to a sweet success   story. So over here, let me delete an amazing,  and in place of that, I'll type in a sweet. Now,   right up on top, here I could also adjust the  font. I can make a bold, italics. I could also   adjust the color, and here, I could also adjust  the size. But I think for now, this looks good, so   let's click on exit editing, and right over here,  let's save the changes. The title now looks good,   but here, looking at the logo, it turns out this  is our old logo. Here, I could simply select an   image file in my PDF, and over on the right-hand  side, I get this edit icon. When I click on that,   I have different options. You could do things  like rotate, or here, you could extract text from   an image. But this is outdated, so let's click  on delete, and that'll remove the image. I'll   click on yes, and now we have this blank space.  Within the edit menu, let's click on add image,   and over here is the new logo for the Kevin Cookie  Company. I'll click on that, and now I can insert   this directly into the PDF. Here, let's adjust the  size just a little bit, and here, I'll place it   right in the center. I think that looks really  good. Let's now go to the very end of the PDF.   I'll click on this icon, and this brings us all  the way to the bottom. Right here, I've included   a page with a thank you to all of our customers.  Without our customers, we wouldn't have been   able to build the company to where it is, but I'd  also like to include a signature. Also, on edit,   over on the right-hand side, we have the option  to insert a signature. When I click on this, here,   let's create a signature. This now opens up a  dialog, and you have a few different options.   Here, we can add a picture of your signature,  and over here, if you have a background, you   could remove the background, so it just keeps the  signature. That works very well. Over here, you   could also type in your signature, or if you have  a touchscreen, or if you want to try using your   mouse, you could also write it into this space.  I'm simply going to type in my signature. Here,   let's type in Kevin Stratvert, and of course,  that doesn't look very much like a signature,   so let's click on this font drop-down, and over  here, let's choose a font that looks a little bit   more like a signature. Maybe this one right here,  the script. That looks good. I'll click on OK, and   now I could place my signature into the document.  That looks great. Let's save the document so far.   I'll click on this icon, and over here, let's save  the PDF and flatten it. I think it would actually   make more sense to move this thank you to the very  beginning of the book instead of near the end. I   mean, I don't know how many people are going to  make it through this entire story. I don't know   if it's that exciting. So, up on top, let's click  on page, and here I have all sorts of different   options. You can extract or pull out pages from  your PDF. You could delete pages. You could also   insert new pages. You could insert another PDF,  a Word document, or even images. You could crop   pages, and you could even rotate pages. I just  want to adjust the position of a page. Here,   I see my thank you page at the very end.  I'll press and hold on that page, and I   can now place it in a new position. Let's put it  right after the title page. There, I'll release,   and it says, "Are you sure you want to reorder  the selected pages?" I am. I'll click on yes, and   there I now have the new order. That was so easy.  Before I send this book back to the publisher,   I would like to include a summary of the book  that we can include on the back cover. To do that,   let's click back on the Home tab, and over  on the right-hand side, let's see if maybe AI   can help with this. There's something called the  PDFgear Copilot. Now, if you don't see this pane,   let's say it were closed, right down in the bottom  right-hand corner, you should also see this icon.   If you click on that, that opens up this pane.  Let's see if this can help by clicking on chat   now. This now opens up some sample prompts that  I can use to converse with the AI. For example,   here, I can have it summarize this PDF file, and  in a moment, I'll click on this, but you could   also command the AI. For example, if you want to  add a password to your PDF file, you could simply   ask the AI to do that for you. Down below, you  could also type in prompts directly to the AI, so   let's say you want to ask questions about the PDF,  or maybe you want to command. You could do all of   that down below. I simply want a summary, so I'll  click on this, and let's see if it could summarize   this document. Look at that. I get it back almost  immediately. And the summary looks really solid.   I think I could use this, and I could send this to  the publisher. Now that I'm all done making edits   to this document, I'm ready to share it back with  my publisher. Although, they've requested that I   share it as a Word document. Luckily, that's no  problem. Right up on top, let's click on tools,   and here we have all these different tools. And  the first option is to convert this PDF. When I   click on this, you'll see all the different  file formats that you can convert your PDF   to. Chances are, if you need to convert it into  another format, you'll find it here. Now, right   at the very top, there's the option to convert a  PDF to Word. I'll click on that, and right here,   I see the option to convert it. Now, if I wanted  to say bulk convert multiple files, I could even   add more files here. But I just need to convert  this one file, and this range looks good. So down   below, I'll click on convert. And look at that.  The conversion was successful, and I now have a   Word document. That was great. I'll close out of  this. I would also like to save a copy of this   PDF for myself, but there are so many different  images in this file, and I think it takes up a lot   of space right now. So, I would like to compress  it to make it a little bit smaller. Up on top,   let's click into the tools menu. And over on the  left-hand side, we have the option for compress.   When I click on that, that opens up a dialog. And  here, I have the option to compress the file. And   here too, I could also add additional files if I  would like to bulk compress PDFs. I just need to   compress this one, and here I see it's selected.  I can now select the compression level. Let's go   with high compression. That way, I'll get the  smallest file size possible. Right down here,   I see the output path. That looks good. Let's now  click on compress. And just like that, look at   that. The file size was originally two megabytes,  and it got it all the way down to 1.26. That takes   up a lot less space. And especially if you have  lots of different PDFs, this is a quick way to   reduce the file size that they consume. In the  top right-hand corner, I’ll now close out of this   dialog, and I think this PDF is all set to go.  Keep an eye out for a new book on the Kevin Cookie   Company. And again, you get all of this entirely  for free. And on that point, you may be wondering   how could it be possible to offer all of this for  free. It costs a lot of money to hire a team and   also to develop software. In conversations with  the PDFgear team, offering the product for free   is a great way to grow the product. At some point  in the future, they plan on offering premium and   advanced functionality, and they'll charge for  that. For example, think of the AI chatbot.   However, the essential features like merging or  splitting or just the basic editing features will   always be kept free. They indicated that premium  features will cost significantly less than the   competition, and that they'll also communicate out  any premium features far in advance. To watch more   videos like this one, please consider subscribing  and have fun editing your PDFs, for free.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 203,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin stratvert, pdfgear, pdf gear, pdf editor, free pdf editor windows, free pdf editor ios, free pdf editor mac, free pdf editor android, free pdf editor, pdf editor for windows, best pdf editor, pdf editor free, pdf, edit pdf, free pdf, how to edit pdf, pdf reader, windows 11
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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