How To Create A Fillable Form In Microsoft Word (Create HR Template Forms) Part 1

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In this video I'm going to show you how easy it is  to create a fillable form in Microsoft Word first   we're going to take a look at a quick example  in this example is of a probationary evaluation   form that I created and as you'll notice I  have fillable fields in this form that you   can tab through or select with your mouse as you  type through the form so if I have the employees   name up here and then I can tab over to the date  and then I can also select with my mouse where I   want to go if I have a checkbox I click there  and it checks the box so this is an easy form   that you can tab through and I'm going to show  you exactly how you can make one of these forms   for yourself the form that we're gonna make is a  as an employee status change form and this is a   typical form it's also called a personnel action  form but it's a form that you use between HR and   payroll to make status changes for employees  and so here what we're gonna do is use legacy   tools to insert those text fields checkboxes and  even drop down form fields that you can create   in Microsoft Word so first we're gonna go up here  in our search area and we're going to type legacy   tools and legacy tools pops up over here and  as you'll notice you go over here and you have   these first three icons have the text form field  the check box form field and the drop down form   field that you can use and insert into your form  so first I'm going to go ahead and select the text   form field for the date and as soon as I enter  this in I can select it by highlighting it and   then I can change the formatting so if I want the  form to be filled in whoever is typing it in say   I want it to be a little bit bigger and italics so  it stands out different from the form itself that   I created with all the bold text so right there  I have formatted this to be italics and the font   size of 12 and if I copy and paste so I hit ctrl  C to copy that I can enter that in anywhere that   I want a form field and this is anywhere where  I want the person who's going to use this form   and fill in this form to type in text so all I  have to do is can hit control V and paste that   everywhere that I want that text field to go and  then when I get down to this area I want to have   a drop down form field so I'm going to go back  up here to my search area where I have legacy   tools and then I'm going to select the drop down  form field all right it looks exactly the same as   the text form field right but if you double click  on it it opens a window and lets you insert your   criteria that you want to put into your drop-down  so we're gonna say please select we're gonna add   that and maybe we're gonna say status is active  on leave or inactive and you can enter in as many   form fields as you want over here on the right if  you want to move these things up and down you can   do that with these little arrows and then you  just click OK and now when you lock your form   the person who's gonna use the form and fill it  in is gonna be able to make a selection in that   drop-down so we'll show you how to do that in just  a minute now say I want to use the exact same form   field all I have to do is select it copy and paste  over here and it's the same the same text field   now let's just say I did want to make sure that  that was formatted as font size 12 and italics so   it will match the rest of the form do that real  quickly over here all right so then we come down   and here's where we want to enter a checkbox so  we put our cursor where we want to put a checkbox   we go to insert legacy tools and insert the check  box it's as simple as that and then you can copy   your check box and paste it wherever you want  to put your check box so those are really quick   ways that you can enter your text form fields your  dropdowns and checkboxes to create a fillable form   now to make it active and select it what you do  is you go up to the review tab up here at the top   and then you're going to say restrict editing it's  going to bring up the restrict editing window over   here to the right you're gonna check box number  two and then drop down and select filling in   forms and then say yes start enforcing protection  and I'm not going to put in a password you if you   put in a password remember you're gonna have to  remember that password and write it down and not   forget it so I typically don't put in a password  but you can if you want to and then you would just   click OK and then now that you have the editing  and forced you can see that all the person can   do is toggle between those form fields so they  can't select anywhere else on the form and do   anything but they can go and make selections in  the form field and check the boxes and type into   the text box form fields so it's really easy and  then if you ever did need to make some changes   or edits remember just go back up to your review  tab click restrict editing again and click stop   protection and then that allows you to go and  edit your form if you need to make a change or   fix something it's really easy to do if you  have any questions leave me a comment below   be sure to subscribe to my channel and visit my  website Thanks for watching!
Channel: Sharon Smith
Views: 464,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create fillable forms in word, microsoft word legacy form fields, microsoft word legacy tools, stop protection word, create fillable form in word, personnel action form, probationary evaluation, evaluation form, employee status change form, hr templates word, insert text form field word, insert checkbox in word, insert drop down list in word, how to create a fillable form in word, make a form in word, how to add a check box in word, how to create a drop down list in word
Id: YktZ3B-tyqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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