Create a PDF Form in Adobe Acrobat

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Hi Everyone! This is Sharon, and today I'm going  to show you how to create interactive fillable   PDF forms in Adobe Acrobat. We'll cover how  to create a new PDF form in Adobe Acrobat from   scratch, or from a Word document. Then we'll  add PDF fillable form Fields like text boxes,   drop-down lists and check boxes. Then we're going  to cover some more advanced fillable form making   techniques in Adobe Acrobat Pro like setting up  calculating form fields and using action buttons   to reset your form. You can use these same methods  on both Mac and PC let's take a look.  First let's open Adobe Acrobat. I have a license to use  Adobe Acrobat Pro through my Creative Cloud   account so I have the acrobat desktop app  downloaded to my computer. Click on tools and   if you want to create your form from scratch  click here on Prepare Form. Select Create New   and click Start. The Prepare Form toolbar will  appear and you can hover over each icon to see a   description. You can start adding your form fields  to create your form here from scratch. Now you   may be more familiar with Word or Google Docs so  you can create your form template there and then   bring it into Acrobat to make it into a PDF form.  Acrobat can intuitively place form fields into the   document automatically when you upload, saving  you a lot of time. Let's pull up our Ford form   and in our example today we're using a job offer  approval form. Let's save our Word form as a PDF.   Go up to file, click Save as Adobe PDF. Choose  a file name and location and then click Save.  Our form gets saved as a PDF that  we can then upload in Acrobat.  Notice that it opened up a new tab with our PDF  out here. Let's go ahead and close these two tabs and go back to Tools and click Prepare Form.   This time we're going to leave Single File selected and click on Select a file.   Navigate where you saved your PDF form,  select it and click Open. In a few minutes   your document will load here and notice that the  form field auto-detection is ON. Let's click Start.   I'm going to zoom out so you can see the form  fields. Now we can see that the form field   auto-detection did a pretty good job of placing  our form fields for us but it placed the form   fields as Text Box type fields, so now we want  to make a few edits to include checkboxes and   drop-down lists. Notice that each form field  is also named automatically. Let's add   checkboxes to the FLSA Status area. Click on the  checkboxes icon in the Prepare Form toolbar.   A highlighted box appears on your mouse  cursor and you can move your mouse where   you want to place the checkbox and click to  place it. The checkbox properties window will   open and you can name your checkbox. We'll  name this ExemptCheck. Click on all properties   and notice that you can also add a Tooltip as  well as set the Common Properties to Required,   and also check the appearance and make any  updates to the style of the border, color fill,   line thickness, or style that you like. These  options are available on all the form fields.   When you're done making your edits, click Close.  One important thing to note about PDF fillable   form fields is the field I added now displays at  the end of this list on the right side panel. We   want to move this field up under Job Grade so that  a user who's tabbing through the form fields will   be able to tab through the fields in the correct  order. We arrange that order over here. Simply   click hold and drag the field up and release  where you want to place it in the right order. Now let's place another checkbox over here  for the non-exempt item. We'll click on the   checkbox icon, move our cursor down and place  our check box. We'll name this NonexemptCheck. Click on all properties, make any adjustments that  we want and click Close. Now let's select our form   field over here and use our arrow buttons to  place it exactly where we want it to display   in the form. Now let's align our form Fields. I can  click my mouse drag and select both fields then go   over to the right hand panel at the top where we  can align, center, match size, or distribute. We're   going to click on Align Horizontally. Notice  that the checkboxes are now evenly placed.   Let's delete this extra FLSA status checkbox  that was automatically placed into the PDF.   All we have to do is click it and hit Delete. Now let's say we want to create   a drop-down list for the Department.  Let's delete the current text field   by selecting and hitting Delete and then go  up to the Prepare Form toolbar and select the   drop-down list icon. Click on it and then bring  your mouse down where we want to place the field   and click. We'll name this Department  DropDown and then click on all properties. On the Tooltip let's type Select Department. Now  let's click on the Appearance tab and make any   desired updates to your field then click on the  Options tab and this is where we'll enter the  drop-down list items. I'm going to type the department  names in the item field and click Add for each one. In the item list area you can delete  a list item, or move it up or down. You also have some enhanced features to  consider like allowing spell check, allowing   users to enter custom text, or even selecting  a default item. When you're done click Close. Let's drag our field out to extend it and  then let's align it and make it the same   size as our other fields. I'm going to click  and drag my mouse to select the field below   it and then I'm going to come over and click on  Match Size this will match the width and height.   Now our box will look even and be visually  pleasing to our users. Remember to drag the   fields that we created up on the list  and place them in the correct order. Now let's update the Properties on our  Date form field at the top. Double-click   to open the Date form field properties  window and click on the Format tab.   Drop-down the Select Format category and  select Date. Select your desired date format,   and then click Close. Now let's scroll down. We have  a field down here called Other and we want to make   this a multi-line in case users have more data to  type into this field. Let's double-click to open   the properties window, click on the Options tab and  select the Multi-line checkbox then click Close. Now we can even create calculating form fields.  Let's say we want users to enter the annual salary,   and then have the hourly rate field auto-calculate.  First we need to update the properties on both so   that we can rename them so there are no spaces in  the name and then we will select Number type for   both. So let's double-click and open Base Annual  Salary, go to the General tab and we'll rename   this AnnualSalary with no spaces. Then we're  going to go to the Format tab, select Number. We can use two decimal places, and then  select the dollar sign as our currency symbol,   then click Close. Now for the hourly rate let's  go ahead and select the Number and the currency symbol will default automatically.  Now let's go ahead on to Calculate since this   is the field we want to set for calculation.  We're going to click Simplified Field Notation   and click Edit. We're going to type the syntax of  our formula here. It's going to be open parentheses,   AnnualSalary which is the name of our other field  that we want to calculate / divided by 2080, so it's   the annual salary divided by 2080 to derive the  hourly rate and close parentheses, and click OK. Now we're going to click Close. Now let's  add a Clear Form or Reset button at the   bottom of our form so we can reuse the  form quickly. I'm going to scroll down and then I'm going to come up here to the  Prepare Form toolbar and click the Button icon.  We're going to move our mouse and  click where we want to place the Button. We'll name this ResetForm. Click on all properties. We can put a Tooltip here, check our appearance,  positioning, options, and here's where we want to   put our label: Reset Form. And now we're going to  click on Actions. The trigger will be Mouse up and the Select Action scroll  down and select Reset a Form. Click Add, and here on the Select  Fields to Reset we can select only   certain fields to clear and reset or  leave all selected and then click OK. When you're done click Close. Now let's Preview our form and test it  out! Come up here to Preview and click.   Let's scroll up and if we put a date in here, and hit tab, it'll give us a warning that  this is an invalid format type and it'll   warn users to put the correct formatting.  We'll click OK and re-enter our date. Then we can logically tab through each  of our form fields in the correct order.   We can select our drop-down. And let's test our calculation.  here we'll put in a base salary, hit tab, and hit tab again, and it will display  in the correct format. Now we can scroll down, we can choose the multi-line and see that the  scroll bars appear, and we can click on Reset Form   and it clears the form out. This looks  pretty good! Let's go ahead and click on Edit, and now we can go ahead and  save our form. Go to File   Save As, select a location, name your file, and click  Save. Now your form is ready to send out. Be sure   to thoroughly test your form before posting  or sending it out to ensure that it works as desired.  If you like this video be sure and give  it a thumbs up and share it! To see more helpful   videos be sure and Subscribe to my Channel and  click the Bell to receive a notification whenever   I post a new video. You can visit my website and don't forget to check   out my YouTube Community post page. Thank you  so much for watching, and I'll see you next time.
Channel: Sharon Smith
Views: 119,426
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Keywords: fillable pdf, fillable pdf form, how to make a fillable pdf, how to make a pdf fillable with adobe acrobat pro, fillable pdf form tutorial, how to create a fillable pdf form, how to make a pdf fillable form, how to make a pdf fillable, create a fillable pdf, adobe acrobat pro dc, fillable form, how to make fillable pdf forms, how to create a fillable pdf, how to create a fillable form, how to make a fillable form, creating a pdf form, fillable pdf form from word
Id: -W9uFiKLXaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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